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Internet project ideas from scratch. Ideas for business on the World Wide Web. If he could, then why am I worse

Sergey Ivanisov is back in touch. I greet you with pleasure, my friends. Our topic today is as eternal as the world, as interesting as the best Google search results, and endless as the Internet itself. Let's talk about online business again. You know, no matter how many posts I write on this topic, I suspect that I am only touching on its top. How many opportunities to start your own business online exist now, and how many more will appear in the foreseeable future! Modern views business on the Internet make it possible not just to exist comfortably - but to live to the fullest!

Having organized and promoted your own online business, get ready for the fact that those apartments, cars and resorts that yesterday seemed unattainable to you will be acquired and mastered with ease. But also be prepared for the fact that your business is your unplowed field, where you need to work hard, and not someone else.

And, following my habit, I am obliged to warn you so that you do not confuse the business on the Internet - although these are similar things, in reality they are completely different.

1. Profitable business on the Internet: how to find, how to do?

What to advise here? Seek with your heart. A little, of course, be guided by demand, but more - by the inner voice and your own preferences. Profitable business on the Internet - any one that you will be able to promote. But how are you going to promote the theme of horticulture, for example, if you can’t stand this business since childhood? If you've been sick of him ever since your parents sent you to your grandmother's village every summer to help spud potatoes and collect the Colorado potato beetle on it. Yes, the days of parental dependence are over, but the sediment remains. Now you will not spud anything, but you will have to write about it!

Therefore, choose a niche in which work will bring real pleasure, and not sad memories. Business requires a lot of work, sometimes even without days off, sometimes even for 12 hours, but if work brings pleasure and income, then who will count this time?

Before you figure out how to do business on the Internet, let me give you some examples - high-profile and very famous examples. Notice how it all started.

2. Profitable business on the Internet: the beginning of the game

Do you think that Mark Zuckerberg, inventing his Facebook, slept and saw how the resource brings him millions of dollars in income? Nothing like this. It is as a toy, entertainment for friends. And look what a monster he has grown into now. Social networks are very profitable business in the Internet. Now you are sitting and thinking: why didn’t I think of creating such a social network 15 years ago ... Now I would also be a millionaire ...

In the same way, the creator of VK Pavel Durov, the creator of the dating site Markus Frind did not think about not only multimillion-dollar turnovers, but about none at all. This guy, Markus, had absolutely no idea that you could make money on the Internet - he developed his site as a non-commercial project, independently, long and hard, using the information that he drew here - on the Internet.

What am I leading to? Again, do not focus only on earnings, otherwise dollars will appear in your eyes, like Uncle Scrooge. Invest your soul in your project, then the financial return will be stunning.

Another example: having created his own online store, the founder of the now very popular eBay auction, Pierre Omidyar, presented us with the first lot for sale, a broken (!) laser pointer. Nothing to say here - the developer was immediately focused on income. But he, apparently, himself did not expect that the broken little thing would be bought, and even so quickly. The shocked seller, having made a purchase, could not help but wonder why the buyer had a broken pointer. The answer was simple: "I collect these things." Hence the second conclusion: for every product there is a buyer.

As you can see, all successful Internet businessmen started their business easily, like a game, and as a result received millions of dollars in income from projects.

3. Online business options

If a person feels the strength and desire to start his own business online, the first obstacle on his way may be such a banal obstacle as a lack of understanding of what kind of business to do on the Internet.

“Everything, it seems, is already taken, and if you come up with something new, then it’s not a fact that the idea will be in demand.” - It was I who gave a standard example of stereotypical thinking, which always interferes with development, and the fear that most failed millionaires use to justify their inaction. But each of us is a potential millionaire. And everyone can become real. You just need to want and start acting.

Just watch this video clip, and then I think you will be surprised how easy it is sometimes to become a millionaire:

Under no circumstances be afraid to try at least all the business options on the Internet: nothing that someone is already doing this, nothing that there are a lot of similar proposals and ideas. In any case, you will bring something of your own to a not new hackneyed idea, and it will become author's, recognizable, original.

Which ideas are popular and work great now (they also brought profit to their owners a year and five years ago, and will continue to bring in the future).

Here is a simple navigator for Internet business niches for you, choose your own path:

3.1. Classics of Internet earnings - creation and promotion of sites

It would seem that everything has already been said a thousand times about this type of business, and there is nothing new to add. But if you have chosen this particular type of business, then it will not be superfluous to repeat the common truths of successful webmasters a few more times: you see that the Internet is no longer just a means of communication, it is turning into an ideal tool for generating income. Moreover, your own website is a great way , or almost from scratch - at the stage of creation, the resource requires a little investment.

Near-site options remain popular types of business: design, banner creation, site optimization and promotion, content filling.

By the way, content (articles and photos) is considered by many to be income, not business, since most copywriters and photographers “sit” on stock exchanges and work cheaply. To turn copywriting into a real business, I advise you to organize a posting agency: recruit a staff of several authors remotely or in a standard way, create (again!) your own website with a list of services and prices, and serve webmasters.

3.2. Internet shops

Well, who doesn’t know them, who hasn’t used the services of online sellers at least once? This type of business is so widespread and popular that it makes sense to talk about how expedient it is to open your own business now (in a crisis!) outlet online.

I should note that the most successful projects are born precisely in times of crisis - financial difficulties force sellers to be creative, simply to "spin", retaining customers, and if you're lucky, then attracting new ones.

But, before you show "merchant agility" and invent new marketing moves, think about the main thing: what will you trade. In times of crisis, people noticeably reduce the number of banknotes, and they begin to save, so immediately discard the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrading luxury goods, focus on essential goods (clothes, children's goods) and food.

Stock online is one of the most popular and enduring ideas: you buy high-quality imported clothes on the stock in kilograms, and sell them by the piece via the Internet.

Organic Food - Become the go-between for non-GMO food fans and the average organic farmer who doesn't have time to figure out the ins and outs of online trading. Either buy batches of products from him, package them beautifully and resell, or refer buyers to him for a commission.

Similarly, you can conclude a franchise agreement not with a little-known manufacturer, but with famous brand and promote his product in your region through your . Internet business franchises, like offline ones, involve the use of a trademark, but not ownership.

3.3. Trading

One of the new and still undeveloped areas of Internet business, which consists in trading exchange assets. Now on hearing earnings on binary options, in particular on . And although most ordinary people perceive this type of earnings as a “lucky or not lucky” lottery, or even an outright scam, people who know how to analyze a combination of factors (economic, political, international) and draw objective conclusions based on this that do not allow acting at random, earn on options regularly and a lot.

But in order to become one of the successful traders, you need to carefully study all the subtleties of this business. It's not easy, but the result is worth the effort.

3.4. infobusiness

Only the lazy do not know about this type of business. But, nevertheless, for the vast majority it remains a mystery how you can earn big money with one of your skills. I'll tell you, perhaps repeating myself for the umpteenth time.

The information business on the Internet is based on the unique way of one person to quickly and effectively solve some problems that most people have. For example, you write texts quickly and competently and earn solid money on this. At the same time, you have your own personal way of how to write and not get tired, not to repeat hackneyed phrases, quickly find customers and reach a higher level of payment for your work.

Tens of thousands of potential or real, but less successful copywriters want to know this. Share your experience with them - create an inexpensive book or course - people will buy. You will earn.

There are still a very large number of types of business and ideas for business on the Internet. I already said this at the beginning. But what if you still want to know about even more options?

  • First, let me remind you that my blog is far from the only source with such information;
  • Secondly, you can pay attention to the heading: “catalog of my ideas for business on the Internet” (coming soon) - here I list the most interesting and promising options that I found or that came to my mind.

4. Benefits of Internet business

There is an opinion (and it is not unreasonable) that the Internet business is the business of the future. More and more experienced businessmen are moving their business online, significantly increasing client bases and profits. Newcomers to business also strive here - many of them start very successfully.

But it’s not worth thinking about the future, let’s talk about what advantages the Internet business provides today and now, and why it is so relevant among beginners who sometimes don’t have even a penny in their soul.

  1. Some types of Internet activities do not involve financial investments at all. All you need is a computer and Internet access. By the way, I wrote more about these options in this article: ““;
  2. When doing business on the Internet, it is quite possible to earn decent money alone, without involving staff;
  3. A businessman working on the Internet is practically inaccessible to government agencies, and therefore independent. However, I note that you should not forget about paying taxes.

5. What kind of business am I in?

I want to say that if at the time of writing this article I had a capital of 100 million, or maybe 200 rubles, I would be engaged in many areas of business. But, I was lucky, fate ordered that I start completely from scratch.

I have created my website. Or, to be more precise, a blog. Why a blog?

  1. A blog can be created with minimal contributions (maximum 1000 rubles);
  2. A blog can be independently promoted without any investment;
  3. Super results can be achieved in 2-3 years (100-500 thousand rubles / month);
  4. And most importantly, I'm just delighted with this type of activity.

I talked in more detail about the benefits of blogging in this article: ““. Actually, that's what my friends are all about. I want each of you to successfully build your business on the Internet. I'm sure most will succeed. Good luck to you!

Sincerely, Sergey Ivanisov.

Money is where you need to think, not work

Like any business, it is better to build an Internet business on what you are best at, what your soul lies in. Make a list of 3-4 activities. You need to keep in mind that a business that is successful offline will not necessarily be as successful online. For this reason, each type of activity needs to be tested in search engines (Google, Yandex).

Your task is to analyze the number of real requests for each direction that potential customers are recruiting in search engines Oh. This information is collected in a database and is a mirror image of the market, i.e. those problems that potential customers were looking for solutions on the Internet.

To do this, you can use the Yandex Wordstat services or the Google keywords tool. For each direction, you need to select at least 1000 phrases and, according to subjective criteria, select the most interesting ones for business (about 20%).
By manually doing this work, you will begin to better understand which of your products or services are most often searched for by users.

You also need to select a list of competitors (for each direction) and briefly describe their proposals. Be sure to study the advertising of competitors on the network: types of goods (services), keywords, headlines.

After doing this work, you will find out which of your areas are more promising, and which products within each area should be offered.

The next step is to create a site and fill it with relevant text materials (you already know the topics and keywords).

A prerequisite is monitoring site statistics. You need to know how many visitors come to the site, for what key queries and what other information on the site they look at. At this stage, you can already offer some goods and services and offer to fill out a pre-registration or purchase form.

You need to understand that customers are primary, or rather, you should be interested in active actions customers, such as clicking the checkout button.

Goods can be quickly found if orders go, it is more important to understand what works and what does not. You do not incur any logistics costs yet, we always start with the formation of a flow of customers, and only then the products themselves. This can be done in parallel, but you should not start with the purchase of goods or production before you get the first customers.

So, you have determined which queries attract the most visitors and which ones are in real demand and are trying to buy them. Now on the site you can fasten a real online store of the relevant goods or services. To do this, modules for maintaining a catalog of goods, accepting orders and paying are added to the site.

After that, fill the online store with goods. We pay attention to the product cards, interesting descriptions, photos, videos and customer reviews. Photos must be of high quality and with the ability to look at the product from different angles. It is recommended that arrows indicate key details, such as the number of ports on a laptop. If possible, it is worth making a 3D view with the possibility of rotation.

The structure of the site must exactly match the initial sections that were created during the selection of keywords. We try to do it by sections and then subsections with more detailed requests.

For example:
Wash off paint - How to wash off acrylic paint
Wash off paint - How to wash off oil paint
Wash off paint - How to wash off graffiti
Wash off paint - How to wash off old paint

On the given pages we create interesting articles, which correspond to the requests that customers asked, and in these articles we introduce purchase blocks of the recommended product, with which you can solve the problem of the site visitor.

Analysis of user actions shows that people get to these pages directly, bypassing home page site from search engines and contextual advertising. Access to this structure is organized through the menu "Articles" or "Blog".

Separately, we create navigation for manufacturers, nomenclature and types of goods that open specific product cards for purchase. This navigation is already in the main menu. Usually in the left block on the site for a quick search by desired type goods.

In parallel with this, you need to find suppliers of goods, recruit staff for customer service and delivery service.

It is advisable to immediately divide the whole process into weakly dependent areas: customer search (lead generation), salespeople (salec), those who take orders and know how to sell by phone, the department for working with existing customers (account management). This makes your business initially more stable and difficult to manage, since everyone is engaged in a narrow range of tasks and does not have all the necessary skills. Some time will have to be spent on writing instructions for staff (creating regulations). This is very important, because if you need to replace a person, you will have a list of tasks that the newly hired person should do. Consider it from this point of view - a quick replacement of the mechanism assembly.

Immediately, from the first profit, reserve from 10% to 40% for customer acquisition: search engine optimization, contextual advertising Yandex Direct, Google Adwords, banner ads, etc. (The choice of channel depends on the characteristics of your business).

Many businesses fail precisely because of the disproportionate use of resources.
Be sure to create project pages in in social networks that will promote your Internet resources. Present your business on them, attract potential customers, stimulate positive discussion, collect reviews, etc.

Video reviews of your products are an effective method of dealing with customer objections. Video hosting sites like youtube should offer "supportive" materials: video presentations of products, training videos for customers (for example, a set of exercises using a simulator that you sell).

Do not neglect placing links to the selling pages of your site on different resources. Such resources can be specialized forums, professional communities, hobby communities, etc. Communicate actively in them, become an expert, and the number of clicks on your links will increase.

Is your internet business working and bringing you profit? Don't relax. Competitors improve their offers, new business projects appear, consumer tastes change. Do not stop monitoring what is happening in your Internet business niche, analyze the statistics of your resource and develop it.

So typical step by step plan on creating an online business:

  1. The choice of several topics and directions to which there is a soul, i.e. interesting to do them. There should be several such topics (mandatory condition)
    We focus on:
    • What can you do
    • What do you have a talent for
    • What is the value for the client
  2. Market analysis - compiling a semantic core for each of the topics and identifying the main key queries from Yandex and oogle statistics
  3. Analysis of market occupancy on these topics. We make a list of competitors, their sites. We analyze what and how they sell.
  4. We analyze which of the competitors provides contextual advertising and set these areas as the highest priorities.
  5. We plan the structure of sites in these areas and start the process of filling them with relevant articles
  6. We collect primary statistics and, where the flow of visitors has gone, we fasten mechanisms for accepting orders and paying, i.e. We create online stores and fill their catalogs with goods.
  7. We are looking for suppliers of these goods and we are establishing a service for receiving orders and delivery.
  8. We are constantly working on site analytics and highlighting the most popular areas.
  9. We launch paid channels to attract customers.
  10. We launch related projects in social networks and video hosting for information support
  11. We are working on external link mass and other channels to attract customers.
  12. Gradually increase volume useful content and range of products sold.
  13. Repeat the process for other lower priority topics.

Create new projects and good luck with your sales!

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine "site"! In this article, we will talk about business on the Internet, various areas of online business, as well as how to start from scratch and what promotion methods it is advisable to use to develop your own business via the Internet.

The topic of Internet business is very relevant for the majority of the world's population. Leading economists argue that those enterprises that, through 5-10 years will not be present at global network, at all go out of business.

Since the market is a platform for interaction buyers And sellers, and the Internet is just the same and is a convenient platform for business, without geographical and communication restrictions.

From the article you will learn:

  • What factors should be considered before starting own business online;
  • A list of schemes that can be used at the initial stage of activity;
  • The most popular and relevant lines of business on the Internet without initial investment;
  • Methods of effective business promotion in the network.

After reviewing the information presented in the article, each novice entrepreneur will have the opportunity to choose the most suitable line of business for himself, and an experienced businessman, having read to the end, will provide himself with knowledge that will optimize efforts to increase income.

Where to start and what to look for when creating a business on the Internet + 12 online business ideas

Starting your own career in business implies the presence of a set of completely different qualities and attitudes of a person compared to employment.

In the minds of most people, the principles of work and providing money are laid down only on the basis of following the instructions of the authorities and constant, stable earnings.

What is important to know before starting an Internet business?

1. Goal setting in business

The most important point. In the absence of a goal, a novice entrepreneur will have no measure of success.

A dream and a goal allow you to overcome difficulties, solve emerging problems, find the best methods and ways to meet customer needs, while earning money.

2. Risk optimization

Especially at the initial stage, you should be very careful about financial investments and the use of borrowed funds. The best solution is to create a cost budget and strictly adhere to it.

Method number 2 - Work in popular groups

On freelance exchanges and specialized forums about making money online, you can find many vacancies for working on social networks.

For example, it is possible to get a job as an administrator in a popular community, which will allow you to perform the functions of a moderator: ensure content is filled with information and deal with advertising placement issues.

Method number 3 - Develop applications with subsequent sale

With special skills, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to develop special applications and earn on their sale. The owners of the most famous applications receive multimillion-dollar incomes and are constantly interested in acquiring promising programs.

The most popular areas for applications:

  • various variations of famous computer games;
  • applications that stimulate communication between people in social networks;
  • all kinds of questionnaires and tests;
  • programs for statistical and analytical processing of information;
  • programs that allow integrating an Internet resource into a social network.

Method number 4 - Create your own popular group

In order for this method to allow you to earn money, you must:

  • To create a group;
  • promote the public by collecting a large number of subscribers;
  • earn money by advertising in a group of other products and communities.

Creating a community will not be difficult for any registered user on a social network.

Initially, you need to decide on the thematic focus of the group and choose a suitable name that will attract the attention of a large number of social network users.

You should also pay attention to the design and filling of high-quality information.

To promote the group measures must be taken to attract as many subscribers as possible. This requires high-quality and interesting content, as well as constant replenishment of the public with new information.

The first subscribed users can be friends, acquaintances and relatives, and then you can use the services of specialized services that provide community promotion services. We wrote more about it in the last article, where we told how to create a group, how to promote them, and so on.

After overcoming the milestone of a thousand subscribers, you can use additional promotion methods:

  • coordinate mutual advertising with other communities;
  • post your community on third-party group walls;
  • conduct advertising activities of your group through various promotional sites;
  • use by posting high-quality video material with a link to the community.

After creating and successfully promoting a group on the network, you can try to earn money.

The most popular ways to generate income through communities are:

  • placement of advertising information in the community;
  • participation in affiliate programs;
  • using advertising exchanges to place advertising posts.

Method number 5 - Creating a group for further sale

This way of earning should be used by entrepreneurs with experience in successfully creating and promoting communities in social networks. The main factor determining potential incomechoosing the right topic.

The creator must have an idea about the demand for a particular topic, as well as navigate the totality of potential buyers.

A very promising direction is the creation, promotion and subsequent sale of communities advertising popular brands.

High-quality graphic and text design and maintenance of "brand" groups can lead to an offer to buy the community from the owners of these brands.

Idea 7. Correction of errors

As discussed above, there is a significant demand in the Internet community for writing quality texts. At the same time, site owners, when buying articles on stock exchanges, encounter typos, minor omissions. To accommodate quality articles on their own resources they are interested in proofreader services.

Making money editing can be a great way to make money for people with a deep knowledge of the Russian language. correct you can write texts on any topic, but when working on a highly specialized topic, you will need to study additional information.

Making money by correcting errors in articles is not very popular, but a large number of people with a philological education can provide themselves with a significant level of income.

Using these abilities, you can earn in other ways. For example, there are a large number of newcomers on the exchanges for the purchase / sale of articles, and the proofreader has the opportunity to earn through buying cheap texts and selling them for more money after adjusting.

Idea 8. Photography

A lot of people are into photography. On this hobby, in addition to personal satisfaction, you can earn good money.

There are many resources (photo stocks) on the web that provide intermediary services for the purchase / sale of photographic materials. The performer uploads his works on this site, where other users have the opportunity to purchase them.

Basically, sites - photo stocks work according to a certain scheme:

  • A photo in the highest possible quality is sold once at an extremely high price (at least 400 rubles) and then withdrawn from the auction,
  • An image in medium resolution is sold 10-30 times at a price of 15-35 rubles,
  • The photo is "rented" for a fixed number of views.

The main buyers of photographic materials are:

  • news media;
  • advertising agencies;
  • web designers;
  • internet magazines.

The most popular and demanded areas of photography are:

  • photos of thematic orientation ( cooking, repair, nature, building materials, etc.);
  • photo reports;
  • artistic photographic materials.

Idea 9. Translations from foreign languages

A very popular activity on the Internet. A person who knows foreign languages ​​at a good level has the opportunity to earn good money.

It is advisable to combine this work with the provision of copywriting services. There are a large number of orders for translation from a foreign language into Russian on various exchanges.

Knowledge of special terminology in certain areas will be a big plus. Earnings depend on the popularity of the language, the complexity of the text and can reach 1 000 rubles per thousand characters.

Idea 10. Web Design Services

It is also a very popular activity in the network. For successful work It is required to have a good command of popular programs for working with graphic files. In addition, have basic knowledge of the graph as a current one and its constituent elements.

Creativity, sense of style and artistic talents will also provide a significant income.

An important component of success is to establish proper communication with customers. Each client has his own idea of ​​the required design of the resource.

Respectively very important designer to be able to coordinate the project taking into account own capabilities and client preferences.

At the initial stages, a novice web designer should use specialized exchanges where you can perform work of any complexity and gain experience. There are a large number of them on the network, and the most popular of them ,,,, etc.

High-quality performance of tasks will allow you to gain on resources good reputation and provide an opportunity to earn more.

Idea 10. Outsourcing

The development of Internet technologies contributed to the creation of conditions for the development of business in the field of outsourcing. Many companies benefit do not use in your own state some employees, but to assign tasks for the performance of certain work to third-party specialists who will independently pay taxes and mandatory contributions for their services.

Work in this area is also beneficial for highly specialized specialists, as it allows you to cooperate with an unlimited number of clients and provide yourself with a high level of income.

1. Accounting outsourcing

The most popular destination. To provide services, a novice entrepreneur must have the appropriate education, successful work experience, and also know the legislation in the field of taxation, taking into account actual changes in it to do the job right.

Important aspect- Proficiency in special programs, for example, 1c accounting .

The most popular options for cooperation with clients are:

2. Legal outsourcing

It is also a very popular activity. The contractor must have the appropriate higher education And experience in law, as well as the fullest possible knowledge of economic and tax legislation.

Organizations are interested in legal advice in the preparation of well-formed documentation. At some points, an enterprise needs services for compiling statements of claim and a variety of contracts.

3. IT outsourcing

Works on maintenance local networks, website development, development software most enterprises prefer to transfer to third parties or entrepreneurs providing these services.

Idea 11. Network Marketing

Multi-level marketing (MLM) is an interaction between a manufacturer, an entrepreneur and a buyer.

The popularity of this type of business on the Internet is also high. The creation of a specific company with a popular product grid gives the founders the opportunity to make good money.

This means that you can organize a web studio on the Internet that will offer these services by finding the appropriate specialists in this field.

Schemes and ways to promote business on the Internet

4. Effective business promotion on the Internet - 6 best tools 🛠

Organizing your own business on the Internet, as a rule, does not cause great difficulties for entrepreneurs. The main difficulties arise in solving development issues and ensuring profit growth.

The idea and direction of activity can be very popular among consumers, but without the use of a set of measures aimed at promoting the business, it will be difficult to count on an increase in income.

Ways to promote your business online:

  1. Social media;
  2. Forums on the required topics;
  3. Use of video channels;
  4. Promotion through free advertising mailings;
  5. SEO optimization of your own resource or landing page;
  6. Use of free message boards.

Let's take a closer look at each of these promotion tools.

1) Social networks

The right decision is to actively use social networks to promote your business. Statistics show that more than 80% network users have their own pages in social networks and use them at least 2 hours a day.

The main ways to promote a business using social networks are:

  • Placement of high-quality information in the optimal quantity.Important Ingredients- uniqueness and captivating style of writing texts, as well as emotional transmission of information is desirable, without an obvious advertising orientation. Filling the page with new posts should be regular, depending on the direction of activity, it can be from 2-3 texts per day up to the same amount per week.
  • Using targeting. effective direction of advertising activity, focused on the target audience, selected on the basis of geographical location, socio-demographic component and interest in the offered goods and services.
  • Advertising in popular groups. The first direction is paid posting. The second is the acquisition of a repost. Efficiency (as well as the cost of services) depends on the level of popularity of the advertiser's community.
  • Promotion with the help of professional advertising exchanges. The network has a large number of exchanges specializing in the provision of services to promote business in social networks. On a paid basis, they can provide the group with quality content, as well as run all the required types of advertising.

Focusing on the optimal time for posting information on various social networks will allow entrepreneurs to increase the efficiency of their activities.

2) Forums on the required topics

There are a wide variety of forums on the web. It is necessary to find those that correspond to the direction of the entrepreneur's activity and have high attendance.

The next step is to register and keep in touch with the participants. When communicating, you should avoid the advertising orientation of posts (since it is possible to get a “ban” from the administration of the web resource), when establishing a good level and obtaining a sufficient rating, you should leave links to your Internet projects.

We present you a list of the 10 most popular business ideas that you can implement on the Internet, based on your own knowledge and skills. Without start-up capital.

The list is based on our business ideas. which have been published to date. Every day, according to the good old tradition of the site, we replenish our catalog of ideas with new, fresh and interesting material. Therefore, the relevance of this list is not in doubt, but there are still many new ideas that we have not counted. To keep abreast of all our new products - subscribe to our updates.


Landing pages are undoubtedly a phenomenon for the Internet. They brought site building to a new level. Attitude to sites has become simple and understandable. In skillful hands, a one-pager is a powerful and flexible tool for online marketing. Which allows all its owners to earn. And also to those who create these same Landing Pages.


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List of five simple, honest and real ways to earn money online. There is nothing to add to it. Yes, and there is nothing to take away from it either. Read, meet, try.


An online store is the basis of an online business. We present you a list of promising niches in which you can open your own online store and make great money.


Is it possible to make money on the Internet? Is there money there? Of course, a lot. What is not on the network is freebies. Alas, only a few, like Zuckerberg, are able to revolutionize online communication and earn billions on it. And not everyone has the necessary knowledge in the field information technologies for which there is a high demand. What to do for those who are not professionally connected with the Internet and seem to know nothing?

Hello dear reader. I am sure that you, like me, are a realist, and therefore, most likely, you are skeptical about business ideas without investments. The environment and your own experience have taught you that before you get a little, you need to invest a lot, and that is not the fact that the investment will be justified. All this is true, everyone lives like this, everyone cannot be lucky ...

Let me ask you: what other stereotypes are preventing you from living a normal life and successfully building your business? Analyze and discard them. Moreover, in defiance of all outdated stereotypes, there is one excellent and not risky way to organize your own business without investing anything, or by investing mere pennies - business via the Internet. Have you heard of this?

Now all progressive businessmen only earn money on the Internet. I'll tell you more: any enterprise, any service can be easily transferred to the Internet.

The advantages of such a transition are obvious:

  • increases many times the target audience, and, hence, the number of potential customers;
  • the number of staff is reduced by several times - one or two managers, an IT specialist and a specialist in SEO promotion are enough.

In addition, there is no need to rent a room and pay utilities. You only need to pay for the Internet.

Every student knows that a business on the Internet without investments can be easily organized. And he strives to occupy a certain online niche as early as possible - long before graduation and entering the institute. Look, every second one already has it, and do you know this is one of the most profitable options, if you need to start without investments.

So, what are you waiting for in this case ?! It is in your interest to open your own business as soon as possible, while the competitors have not grown up.

1. What kind of business to open on the Internet, options

I cannot guarantee that if you open an online store selling children's clothing (of which there are hundreds of thousands now), you will immediately find yourself in the “ladies” and start every day, just as I cannot deny it. It is up to you to decide which business to open on the Internet, I can only suggest options, guided by general statistics and real examples.

I repeat: any of your passion, service, knowledge, full-fledged enterprise can have a successful working display in the online space. Absolutely any, even unclaimed in the area where you live. I will give an example of a Polish high school student Mateusz Mach (after all, it was not in vain that I drew your attention to the abilities of modern schoolchildren a little higher).

So, this guy made money on a seemingly completely useless application - sign language. For offline communication, it is irrelevant, for older people it is incomprehensible. The experts even thought that few people would be interested in such an application.

But the popularity of "gestures" has broken all records - Mateusz's invention is enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of his peers, who consider the possession of "finger language" very cool and necessary. Also, busy people who simply do not have enough time to set full-fledged messages consisting of sentences do not refuse to communicate without words.

User gestures have been appreciated by both deaf and dumb people and people who do not speak foreign languages– the popularity of the app is skyrocketing on a global scale.

And you ask: how to start an online business? With ideas, friends! With the most incredible or the simplest, but it must be successful.

2. The best examples of business on the Internet without investments

And now, as promised, I will provide a list of the most popular ideas for organizing an online business:

And if we discard the question of the age of the resource, the question will not disappear: popular sites with high traffic are always of interest to the advertiser. Where there is advertising, there is money.

So from a little secret, gigabytes of information products of various directions are obtained: psychological, esoteric, medical and dietary, etc. By the way, information is the most demanded business on the Internet in 2016, which has been holding the first positions for many years now.

3. How to create your business on the Internet

We figured out what kind of business you can open on the Internet. It remains to find out how. Although many admire the newfangled formula that says: “If there is no money, create your own business; if there is no money at all, create it urgently,” we will not rush, so as not to mess things up.

Stage 2: Part of the money we earn is used to create a powerful advertising campaign the newly created community in the same place - VK. And in a short time we bring our project to the level of income (attention!) 100,000 rubles per month. In order not to bother with the administration of groups ourselves, we hire three administrators, having determined 40 thousand out of 100 for their salary. 60,000 is his net monthly income. Not bad, right? And not difficult.

Stage 3: We create and promote our own website. This is somewhat more difficult than promoting a group, but also much more profitable. Websites are an almost inexhaustible stream of clients for businesses, they are a platform for advertising: contextual, banner, and video, it is participation in affiliate programs, it is the placement of PR articles for third-party resources. Each of the methods brings good earnings. What if we use all of them?

3.2. Example 2: context site

Among the webmasters there are guys (and I know this firsthand) who earn 150,000 rubles a month from sites, devoting no more than one hour a day to their projects. Therefore, do not torture yourself with guesses on how to create your business on the Internet - just create a quality website.

Stage 1: We create a regular blog on WordPress, choose a popular topic. We fill the site and in six months this site will be visited by 500-1000 people a day. We insert advertising on the site and start to receive income from it.

Stage 2: We are not in a hurry to spend money, because we are interested in business, and business should be able to work on its own. We are hiring a copywriter and assistant. The first writes articles, the second draws up and publishes. Another year passes and now you can increase the staff for faster site growth or you can create several more similar projects.

Friends, of course, all these schemes look very simple from the outside. In practice, everything will be much more difficult. However, if you consider my personal example and this blog, then I can assure you that in fact all this is quite achievable. So, I am sure, with due desire, everything will work out for you.

4. Business via the Internet without investments and the role of site quality

Should focus your attention on the fact that the resource that you create for doing business must be of high quality, durable, recognizable and solid. Therefore, discard any versions of creating a site on a site builder.

  • Firstly, the project will look like a template and will be lost among its similar counterparts. Actually, how else should he look if they are all created there according to a template?
  • Secondly, advertisers will look with distrust at such a resource of "handicraft work", the situation may be aggravated by the fact that you place it on a free hosting. Few people take such resources seriously; even link selling services are reluctant to accept them into their ranks.
  • Thirdly, the functionality of sites created using free website builders is very limited. You can connect everything that is, but for an additional fee.

Therefore, it would be more expedient to find a friend who will create an original site for you for a bottle of juice (well, or agree to pay for the work after the site starts generating income), make the site yourself (without a designer), buy cheap. It will still be more profitable than ordering the creation of a resource in a web studio.

Now - about "without attachments". Even if you have to invest some pennies, then small money is not considered an investment. Do not feel sorry for them for a cause that can become the business of your whole life.
