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The person I want to be like. Open class hour "people I would like to be like" Project who I want to be like

Litra Kiselev Alexander

Composition on the topic "The person you want to be like"

Such essays used to be often written at school. Now less often.

I wonder who your old Russian peers wanted to be like? Who was their example? This we do not know. But we know who must was to become an example for them, an ideal hero. Works describing the ideal hero were called hagiographies, or hagiographies. Lives - biographies of the righteous who have reached spiritual perfection and canonized by the Church as saints. First in Ancient Rus' the lives of saints legitimized by the Greek (Byzantine) church were distributed. But then, when the Russian Orthodox Church became stronger, it began to create its own, purely Russian list of saints, canonize (canonize) compatriots who became famous for their righteous life, firmness in faith, love for one's neighbor, and patriotism. These writings were intended not only for churchmen, but also for ordinary people.

Usually the lives were built according to the canon - that is, according to a certain plan. The author of the life began with an apology: “Forgive me, good people,” he said, “that I, so unworthy, sinful and stupid, undertook to describe to you the life of such a great man. My hands should be torn off!” But then he calmed down and moved on to the story. The plan was something like this: a family - the birth and childhood of the future saint - a craving for the church and a righteous life - leaving for a monastery - spiritual exploits and miracles - death - posthumous evidence of holiness. The saint's parents were righteous people, true believers, and raised the child in the same spirit. The future saint grew up as an unusual child: he did not like to play with other children, he did not steal turnips, he did not chase girls. On the other hand, he went to church as if on a holiday, prayed with all his might, and from the age of ten he kept trying to go to a monastery. But his parents held him back. “It’s still early for you,” they said, “wait until we die.” If they left an inheritance, then ... No, you won’t believe it: he distributed everything to the poor and finally became a monk. But even this was not enough for him. The saint also wanted to suffer and “kill the flesh” - that is, by hunger and labor to bring himself to the point that no nonsense would enter his head. To do this, he retired to the desert (a secluded place), took a vow of silence, walked in cold torn clothes in any frost, drank only water and ate bread crusts - and he had a lot of that. And for this he was happy: he had a wonderful gift. He could, for example, heal the sick and foresee the future, stop enemies at the walls of the monastery, or call rain with a prayer in a drought. He also foresaw his death, and before he died, he called other monks to him and made a speech. And when he was dying, joy was written on his face: finally! The life was concluded with a description of posthumous miracles, because miracles are a sign of holiness. Incorruption was considered the simplest miracle, that is, the body of the saint did not decompose even after many years, on the contrary, a fragrance emanated from him. But usually posthumous miracles were much more miraculous: the saint could appear at the right time and help the monastery, or even disperse the enemy army.

This is how ironically a person can perceive life in our disheveled time. But Ancient Rus' lived according to its own laws, and no matter how bad a person was, he still felt himself a part of the Church. He recognized her moral authority, believed in miracles, and the saint was really a saint for him.

It is clear that real lives were not written in carbon copy and could differ greatly from each other. For example, in the life of Stefaniy of Perm, the number of miracles was reduced to zero. Saints lived different lives, and lives came out dissimilar.

But what if the saint was not a monk, but a prince? After all, the prince in Ancient Rus' is, first of all, a warrior. And Christian holiness and war, weapons, murder are incompatible things. How did the author act in such cases, who was instructed to compose a story about the holy life of the prince?

In the 13th century, the life of Prince Alexander Nevsky was written. We know him as a talented commander. A brave warrior who won brilliant victories, a skilled diplomat who knew how to negotiate with the Mongol khans, and a firm Christian in faith who defended his religious beliefs in a dispute with the envoys of the Pope, the Prince of Novgorod appears. The author constantly emphasizes: with a sword in his hand, Alexander defended Russian Orthodoxy from "Roman", "wrong" Christianity, the independence of the Russian Church - from the messengers of the Pope. It is not very important whether Alexander really was like that. After all, the author's goal is to create an ideal image, an example for other princes and all people, to show that it is possible to live a righteous life not only within the walls of a monastery, but also in the world.

Drawing a convincing image of the ideal, or positive, hero is still one of the most difficult tasks for a writer. Ideal heroes usually turn out to be not very lively, on the contrary, they often come out boring, sketchy. Therefore, the most talented authors of lives tried to humanize their heroes, to bring them closer to readers. The most famous ancient Russian life is dedicated to the spiritual feat of Sergius of Radonezh, the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. If his contemporary Prince Dmitry Donskoy managed to unite the political and military forces of the Russian principalities for the decisive battle with the Tatar-Mongols - Kulikovo (1380), then Sergius became the spiritual unifier of Rus', it was he who blessed Dmitry and the entire Russian army for this battle. The life of Sergius was written by Epiphanius, who was called the Wise. He very delicately complements the story about the saint with everyday details and life situations that enliven, but do not reduce the image of Sergius. It turns out that in childhood the saint had problems with his studies, and it was difficult for him to read and write. And when Sergius retired to the desert, a bear got into the habit of visiting him, with whom the saint shared his meager food. The scene becomes almost humorous when a certain person who came to see the famous old man does not believe that the old man dressed in beggarly clothes with a shovel in the garden is the famous Sergius from Radonezh. Early choice by God for religious activity, love for people, tireless physical and spiritual work, modesty, almost poverty in everyday life, the ability to work miracles as evidence of the strength of faith - these are the features of the Russian saint.

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The person you want to be like ... Usually, at our age, they choose their idols from movie or television stars. We learn about these people from newspapers and TV shows. And it is unlikely that we will ever get to know them personally. And is it necessary? After all, it may turn out that in real life these people are not at all the same as we are used to seeing them on the screen. Do I want to be like them? I cannot answer unambiguously. Probably, they have a very interesting, eventful life. But, on the other hand, the profession obliges them to constantly be in front of everyone, give interviews, attend events, smile, take pictures with fans, even if they this moment don't want this at all. I don't think that's what I would want: close attention to my private life. It seems to me that the entourage, rather than the personality, attracts more here. After all, the person you would like to be like should evoke some kind of warm response in your soul.

I learned a lot about him. But it was after personal communication with Sergei Lvovich that I took a different look at my life. I tried to imagine myself in his place. At the age of 16, he lost his parents. The father was shot as an enemy of the people, the mother was sent into exile, where she died. The young man had a dream - to enter Moscow State University. But this was not destined to come true, because the children of enemies of the people have no place in such a prestigious university. Slandered, like many of his friends, on a false denunciation, Sergei ended up in exile, first in Dudinka, and then in Norilsk. He was only 20 years old. It would seem that life has failed, and nothing good lies ahead. But he never lost heart, and this faith in the highest justice helped him to endure. He was constantly engaged in literary creativity, published in the camp newspaper, wrote poetry, essays, club reviews. After his release, in 1946, he remained in Norilsk, graduated from the Correspondence Polytechnic Institute, and already worked as an engineer at the construction of the Norilsk Combine. And all this time he wrote. In his own words, throughout his life he was pursued by a passion, a passion for literary creativity. Sergey Lvovich devoted almost half a century to journalism, published thousands of essays, correspondence, reports, stories, poems in magazines and collections. As a literary pseudonym, he chose a definition dear to him - Norilsk. After rehabilitation, in 1961, Sergei Lvovich moved to Tula, but did not lose contact with Norilsk. His essays are published in Zapolyarnaya Pravda, Tula News, he continues to work on a new book, and also works on a voluntary basis as chairman of the board of the Tula regional branch of the Memorial society. But he is already 92 years old! But, as it turned out, his name is almost unknown in Norilsk. We can easily list the line-ups of popular bands or name infamous celebrities. And we do not know the people who built the city in which we live. In this city passed them best years, they were also young, they also wanted happiness and love. And they found this happiness - in work, creativity, among friends. No denunciations and exiles could break them, break their love for life. I often think - could we do the same as they did? .. I'm not sure.

This man left an indelible mark on my life. I see history differently now. I'm beginning to realize that these are not dry facts. Behind them are people, their destinies, their lives, their feelings. It is impossible to convey what a charge of optimism the conversation with Sergey Lvovich on the phone left in my soul when we called Memorial in Tula. We did not expect to find him there, after all, the man is already in old age. And he was there, and he talked with us with joy and interest, answered our questions, and said hello to the Talnakh Museum. Nikolai Sakhno is right, “nature almost did not preserve such people.” But we can still keep the memory of them, because, as you know, there is no future without the past.

In childhood, many children want to be like mom and dad. They often adopt the parental manner of talking and moving. Facial expression. Gestures.

The teenager is already striving to imitate his idols or stars. There is a copy of clothes, gait. Sometimes he is so carried away that he can no longer distinguish where he manifests himself and what belongs to the idol.

And where does the desire to be like someone come from?

Basically we try to imitate someone we like. Or we believe that it is more successful and realized. There is another reason why we strive to be like someone else. When we don't like ourselves.

What can psychology explain about the causes of such behavior?

Understanding the causes is the first step towards fixing it.

Books on self-improvement and self-development can bring positive results if they allow us to develop our abilities in the right direction.

And what to do when the special literature does not bring effective results?

Because we do not distinguish either ourselves or the people around us by their mental properties. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives an understanding of the inner essence of the processes that occur with a person.

What we copy from other people, whether it is clothes or the way we move, dress, is not always our essence. The training comes to understand why this is happening.

The person I want to be like - German topic

Ein Lehrer… Wie viel Liebe, Gefuhl wird ihm verschenkt. Man hort auf ihn, man glaubt auf ihn. Alle Kinder traumen den besten Lehrer zu haben. In diem Sinne habe ich Gluck. In der Schule hatte ich begabte und phantasievolle Lehrer. Das Lernen brachte mir nur Spa?, alle Facher fielen mir sehr leicht. Aber in der Schule uber alles gern hatte ich Russischstunde. Mein Lehrer spielte dabei nicht zuletzte Rolle. Ich bin auch zukunftige Lehrerin und mochte meinem Lieblingslehrer aus der Schulzeit ahnlich sein. Er ist ein Lehrer vom Gott, er spurte uns sehr gut. Man kann eindeutig sagen, er hatte die Menschen sehr gern und meinte es gut mit uns, egal, was wir so alles unternommen hatten. Wir konnten immer ganz offen mit ihm uber verschiedene Probleme sprechen und waren sicher, dass sie Verstandnis dafur aufbringt. Also, jetzt mochte ich ganz gerne uber diesen Lehrer erzahlen. Er hei?t Stepan Prohorowitsch. Zurzeit ist er 47 Jahre alt. Er unterrichtet Russisch und Literatur in der Mittelschule meines Dorfes.

Er ist allgemein hoch gebildet und kennt sich in seinem Fach ganz gut aus, er gibt seine Kenntnisse den Kindernuber. In seiner Arbeit bedenkt Stepan Prohorowitsch immer, was der Schuler heute lernen mu?. Er vermittelt dem Schuler Kenntnisse, Fahigkeiten und Fertigkeiten, die den Schuler spater befahigen, selbststandig weiterzulernen, mit seinem Wissen zu operieren, es im Leben praktisch anwenden zu konnen.

Die meisten Lehrer geben den Schulern das Gefuhl allwissend zu sein. Aber dieser Lehrer ist anders. Der Unterricht ist bei ihm nicht zu streng, aber er macht deutlich, wo er Grenze setzt. Er hat sich gegenuber den Schulern eine gewisse Achtung erarbeitet. Das erlaubt ihm lockeren Unterricht zu fuhren. Sein Unterricht ist immer interessant, witzig, spannend und lustig einerseits, und andererseits sehr inhaltsreich und arbeitsvoll. Jede seine Stunde war fur mich eine Entdeckung in der Sprache selbst, in der Kultur, Tradition, Lebensweise und der Geschichte der Ru?en. Das war immer wieder interessant. Au?erdem erklart Stepan Prohorowitsch alles so einfach, dass jeder Schuler schon beim ersten Mal alles versteht und fuhrt immer Beispiele an. Dabei kann er ganz gut zensieren. Er hat gute Kenntnisse in Methodik und Didaktik. Er kann immer ein gutes Wort nicht nur fur begabte Kinder, sondern auch fur so genannte Problemkinder finden. Das ist sehr wichtig fur den Lehrer.

Stepan Prohorowitsch war fur uns immer ein bisschen Mutter und Vater, die ihre Kinder auf das Leben vorbereiten. Dazu muss man die Kinder lieben. Erversteht das.

Stepan Prohorowitsch wie auch andere Lehrer formt die Weltanschauung, den Charakter des Kindes. Deshalb stellt man an ihn immer hohe Forderungen. Stepan Prohorowitsch ist prinzipiell, feinfullig, geduldig, gutherzig, und aufmerksam, er hat immer eine gute Laune und lasst alle seine Probleme zu Hause. Naturlich hat Stepan Prohorowitsch nicht nur Vorteile, sondern auch einige Nachteile. Er kann sich nicht immer beherrschen. Aber zu den Charaktereigenschaften dieses Lehrers gehoren Liebe und Verstandnis zu den Kindern, Konsequenz und Risikobereitschaft in seinen Entscheidungen, Gute, Geduld, Ausdauer, Warmherzigkeit, Offenheit, Gro?zugigkeit. Stepan Prohorowitsch ist immer bereit, menschlich an sich zu arbeiten. Er besitzt Phantasie und hat etwas Besonderes in sich. Seine Stunden unterscheiden sich von allen anderen.

Stepan Prohorowitsch arbeitet im Dorf, deshalb steht er wie kaum ein anderer im Licht der Offentlichkeit, taglich wird er gepruft, wache Kinderaugen sind immer auf ihn gerichtet. Die Eltern, Groeltern, alle im Dorf gucken auf den Lehrer. Sie prufen, was er macht, wie er sich in bestimmten Situationen verhalt. Und Stepan Prohorowitsch wei? das, er wei?, dass er taglich beobachtet wird, dass sein eigenes leben wie unter der Lupe verlauft. Dieser Lehrer war und ist ein Vorbild fur seine Zoglinge. Dabei nicht nur in der Schule, sondern auch irgendwo auf der Straße, im Bus, im Geschaft.

Dieser Lehrer ist immer mit seiner Arbeit zufrieden, obwohl es im Leben des Lehrers immer mehr Schwierigkeiten gibt. Er ist der echte Lehrer vom Gott. Ich bin glucklich, dass ich seine Schulerin war. Naturlich konnte ich jetzt sagen, ich mochte Jullia Robberts oder Madonna ahnlich sein. Fur die meisten Madchen sind sie ideal. Mein Lehrer ist nicht so beruhmt, aber er ist ein guter Mensch und ein idealer Lehrer. Als Lehrerin und als Mensch mochte ich meinem Lehrer ahnlich sein.
