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How to create a memory on iphone 6s. Let Apple create some memories for you. New animation album

iOS 10 comes with a neat new feature for compiling photographs into short films or slide shows called memory, The photos included in these short films are added based on the time and place they are posted. Users can set the mood for accompanying music and speed up or slow down the transition of photos. If you're using iOS 10 (beta), visit the Photos app and navigate to the newly added Memories tab. You can see the first few movies that were automatically created. Chances are you're summing up the photos you took in the last year, and maybe two or three more were created using photos that were taken in the same place or over a period of time. However, memories are not all automatically generated. Users have the right to choose which photos should be used in memory and how they should be named. Here is your complete guide for creating, editing, viewing, sharing, and exporting Memories in iOS 10.

Making memories

To create memories, open the Photos app and go to the Albums tab. Click the plus button in the top left corner and create a new album. Name the album you want to name the memory for. The album name and date of the photos included in the memory become the initial name of the memory.

When you create a new album, you will be asked to add photos to it. Select the photos you want to include in the memory. You can add/remove them later if you like, so don't worry if you missed a few or added too many.

Open the album you just created and tap the date range shown for photos. You will see a thumbnail of one of the photos in the album with an image on it. Click it to create a memory from all the photos in the current album. It will only take a few seconds. If you don't click the thumbnail, no memory is created.

iOS 10 will not automatically generate storage for albums unless you specifically tell it to. This is done in order to avoid unnecessary space. Scroll down to the very bottom of the album and click Add to Memories.

Editing memories

With the created memory, you can change the length, music and photos included in the album. You can access memories from the album they were created for, or from the dedicated Memories tab in the Photos app. Select a memory and play it. Stop it immediately to start editing.

To change the length, use the "short", "medium" and "long" options. If there are too few photos in the album, you may not see the "Medium" and "Long" options. If you want to set the memory length to a few seconds, click the settings button in the lower right corner. Click "Duration" and set the length of the memory.

For music editing, you have three options. You can use one of the music included in the Memories feature, you can use the music in your music library, or remove the music altogether. The music tracks that come with Memories are all "mood" like "Dreamy" and "Sentimental". Swipe on the mood screen to change the music.

To add music from your music library, click the settings button in the bottom right corner. Inside you will see options to access your "Music Library". If you want to delete all music/sound from the memory, choose No.

To add or remove photos from memory, tap the settings button in the lower right corner and tap Photos & Videos. Use the plus button in the bottom left corner to add photos and the delete button in the bottom right corner to delete them.

Viewing and sharing memories

Memory export

To export memory as a video, click the share button in the lower left corner and select the Save Video option. The memory will be saved in the Videos album as a MOV file.

The Photos app in iOS 10 has a new Memories tab that allows you to automatic mode you can get vivid slideshows from the available images and videos. In this article, we will talk about the intricacies of manually creating memories using the built-in editing tools.

In the "Memories" tab, you will find automatically created slide shows. They are collected depending on the time, geolocation, people, the intensity of the appearance of content on a given day.

Open any Memory. The presentation itself will be displayed at the top, and the main photos and videos added to the slide show will be located below. By clicking the "Show All" button, you will open the entire list of media files.

Please note that if you click on the "Select" button in the upper right corner, mark the images and videos that you do not want to see in the presentation and click the "Delete" button, then the files will disappear not only from this memory, but also from all albums in your library (including iCloud Photo Stream).

To remove certain photos and videos only from Memories, without affecting the originals in the library, see the chapter "Advanced editing of Memories" (we will discuss this below).

Easy editing of "Memories"

Open any slideshow. After a short scan and linking, it will start playing. Tap once on the display anywhere and press pause. You found yourself in the menu for simple editing of "Memories".

Here you can configure:

  • melody: ranging from calm “dreams” and “feelings” to energetic ones like “club” or “extreme”;
  • duration: short (20-30 seconds), medium (30 seconds - a minute) and long (more than one minute). The time interval is approximate and very much depends on the amount of media content in the collection.

Advanced Memories Editing

On the opposite side of the sharing button, there is an icon responsible for detailed editing of "Memories".

The following settings are configured:

  • headline: agree, “The best of the past week. September 8-17" is not the most impressive title for "Remembrance". Heading style is also selected here;

  • music: instead of standard know-name melodies, it is proposed to choose an interesting track both from the Apple Music service itself and from your own offline media library;

  • duration: fine-tune the duration of the presentation (down to a second);

  • photo and video: the most interesting section. By scrolling through the timeline at the bottom of the display, you can immediately delete images and videos from that particular Memories.

At the same time, the originals themselves will not be deleted from the media library to the trash. Right there, by clicking on the plus sign in the lower left corner, you can add those media files that you think are missing.

According to yablyk

I just can't keep up with the pace at which I shoot photos. I rarely review and delete bad or redundant photos. Even more rarely, I find time to create a trip or event album. I have long since crossed the limit where it was still possible to create some kind of organization in my photo library.

I think you, dear reader, are in a similar predicament. Because we can't trust ourselves to keep our photo libraries tidy, Apple is taking it upon itself to bring some structure to our sprawling photo collections.

How memories work.

In macOS Sierra (and iOS 10), the updated Photos app has a new tab called Memories. It serves several auto generated albums each day based on location, people or time period. So far, my memories have been grouped based on a specific location, a vacation that spanned multiple locations, and based on themed places ("On the Lake" and "In the Mountains"). People-based albums chose one person, and an album called "Together" showed photos of my family. Time-based albums contained photos from one day or a whole year ("Best of 2015").

When you open an album in the Memories tab, you'll see an uneven grid of eye-catching photos where Apple identifies highlights. You can click on the "Show All" link to see all the photos that Apple has included in the album. You can also click the play button at the top of the photo window to play a Memories slideshow, also in any other album, with an animation theme (Ken Burns, Origami, etc.) and music (either a theme from the Photos app or a song from your iTunes library).

What's in the memories?

If you scroll to the bottom of the Memories album, you'll see the people included in the memory, a map of where the pictures (and videos) were taken. At the very bottom there are two buttons: Add to Favorite Memories and Delete Memories.

Linked Memories is useful because here you'll find albums that you won't necessarily see on the main page of the Memories tab. That is, the Photos app stores more memories than it shows. And you can create your own album of your favorite memories by clicking on the "Add to Favorite Memories" button at the bottom of any "Memories" album; You'll find an album of favorite memories on the Albums screen in the Photos app.

If you like the layout of the Memories album with its photo titles, fancy layout, people identification and geo information, you can turn any album into a Memories. While viewing an album you've created, click the "Show as Memory" button in the top right corner. When viewing an album in the memory layout, scroll down and click the "Add to Favorites" button to add it to your home page Memories tab. You can then go to the album again and click on the "Add to Favorite Memories" button to add it to your Favorite Memories album.

Synchronization with iCloud Photo Library.

If you've turned on iCloud Photo Library on your Mac and iOS devices, you may see the same memories on all of them.

On a Mac, open the Photos app, go to Photos > Options, and click the iCloud tab. Check the iCloud Photo Library checkbox to upload the library to iCloud (this may take a while, so if you have a large library, it's better to run this procedure overnight).

On an iOS device, go to Settings > iCloud > Photos and toggle the iCloud Photo Library toggle switch.

A new tab has appeared ”, thanks to which you can automatically get vivid slideshows from existing images and videos. In this article, we will talk about the intricacies of manually creating memories using the built-in editing tools.

In the tab " » you will find automatically generated slide shows. They are collected depending on the time, geolocation, people, the intensity of the appearance of content on a given day.

Open any Memory". The presentation itself will be displayed at the top, and the main photos and videos added to the slide show will be located below. By pressing the button " Show all» you will open the entire list of media files.

Please note that if you click on the " Choose" in the upper right corner, mark the images and videos that you do not want to see in the presentation and click the " Delete”, then the files will disappear not only from this memory, but also from all albums in the library (including from the photo stream).

To delete certain photos and videos only from " memories” without affecting the originals in the media library, see the chapter “ Advanced Memories Editing(more on this below).

Easy editing of "Memories"

Open any slideshow. After a short scan and linking, it will start playing. Tap once on the display anywhere and press pause. You find yourself in the simple editing menu " memories».

Here you can configure:

  • melody: ranging from calm “dreams” and “feelings” to energetic ones like “club” or “extreme”;
  • duration: short (20-30 seconds), medium (30 seconds - a minute) and long (more than one minute). The time interval is approximate and very much depends on the amount of media content in the collection.

Advanced Memories Editing

On the opposite side of the sharing button, there is an icon responsible for detailed editing of "Memories".

The following settings are configured:

  • title: agree The best of the past week. September 8-17" is not the most impressive name for " ". Heading style is also selected here;

  • music: instead of standard know-name melodies, it is proposed to choose an interesting track both from the Apple Music service itself and from your own offline media library;

  • duration: fine-tune the duration of the presentation (down to a second);

  • photo and video: the most interesting section. By scrolling through the timeline at the bottom of the display, you can immediately remove images and videos from that particular " ».

At the same time, the originals themselves will not be deleted from the media library to the trash. Right there, by clicking on the plus sign in the lower left corner, you can add those media files that you think are missing.

One of the major innovations in iOS 10 is face, object, and scene recognition in the stock Photos app. Another important innovation was Memories. A separate tab in the application that allows you to create excellent photo-video sketches.

What's New in Photos in iOS 10

IN Photo->Albums two new albums have been released: Places And People. The first time you open it, the entire media library is scanned. It may drag on. My places were scanned very quickly (well, it's not so difficult, because each photo contains metadata), but People still haven't.

There was a search for faces and objects in the Photo program. Well, Memories have the most important wow effect.

New Tab Memories. Now I will tell you in detail how it works.

The user enters the tab and sees a few memories that Apple's algorithms have chosen to make from your library. For example, “Last Weekend” or “Best of 2015” or “Around the World”… Memories are created based on some time interval.

If you go into Memory and scroll down the entire page, you can see three options there:

  • Similar Memories (here you can go to editing other Memories)
  • Add to Favorite Memories. In Albums, the first time you add a new album will appear - “Favorite Memories”. From here it will be more convenient to find and edit them.
  • Delete memory.

Let's watch the finished movie. It will contain both pictures and fragments from your videos. It's funny that the algorithms are pretty good at identifying interesting fragments. That is, they can isolate the key from the video, for example, a joke.

Naturally, the end result will not suit anyone. Therefore, Apple provided the ability to edit Memories.

Normal auto-tuning involves choosing a tempo, theme, and duration. But we'll look at finer tuning, because I'm sure it will be used in 99 percent of Reminiscences.

header- here both the name itself and its style change. There are several templates to choose from - it remains to choose the best one.

Music- Change the background music. There are both built-in songs divided by type, and the ability to select custom music. By default, the switch is in the Auto position. That is, the composition is selected automatically.

Duration - By default, Apple selects the duration based on the number of Photos and Video fragments. Every 20-30 media files is about 1 minute of memories. But the user can manually set the desired duration. In this case, the program will automatically show more videos or longer pictures.

Photo and video – here you can add/remove photos to your Memory. Moreover, the program will display a list of media files, focusing on the dates that it originally set. That is, the memory “Last weekend” for adding will display a photo just for that weekend.

The resulting Memories can be saved to the Library or immediately sent to Dropbox. Other options (for example, Yandex.Disk) will be available when application developers add such a feature. The memory is saved as an mp4 video file. The file size depends on the length of the video.

Here's an example of a memory I created using iOS 10 in 10 minutes on an iPad. In the video, footage from our last year's camper trip across Europe + a little rest in Sochi. I did not sit on this video for a long time, that is, I deleted frankly unsuccessful frames and added more photos and videos. It turned out what happened:

What to understand:

  • If you use iCloud to store Photos and Videos, then when editing and creating Memories, the media files necessary for them will be downloaded from iCloud. That is why the first creation or addition of files may take a little longer (depending on the speed of the Internet).
  • Memories will work exactly the same on macOS Sierra.

Good luck to all! :) Remember only the good.
