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iPhone 7 plus depth effect. Everything you need to know about the Depth feature on the new iPhones. How to remove portrait effects

A new application from Google for easy travel planning anywhere in the world. knows everything about interesting places, hotels, restaurants, transport and other important things that you may need while traveling. Choose the route you like and follow it yourself without any guides - integration with Google maps will prevent you from getting lost.

Aloha Browser

A secure browser with a built-in unlimited VPN, which is quite relevant nowadays. In addition to anonymity on the network, it allows you to protect the privacy of your surfing - you can set a password for each tab or block it using TouchID. In addition, the browser has a download manager that supports exporting files to compatible applications.

Cardboard Camera

And another new product from Google, designed to simplify the creation of VR content. With its help, you can shoot three-dimensional panoramas using your smartphone instead of expensive cameras. The process is almost the same as shooting regular panoramas, but the result looks completely different - by placing objects at different distances, the effect of depth is created.


With Loop you can also create your own content, but not VR, but GIFs. The main feature of the application is its very fast operating mechanism; everything takes just a few seconds. You can also apply various effects and use special grid templates.

Swift Playgrounds

A new application from Apple, which the company announced at iPhone presentations 7. Swift Playgrounds takes an innovative approach to learning programming and allows you to do it right on your iOS device. It's much more interesting and clearer than learning Swift from a book.

Leaf for Twitter

A powerful Twitter client created by fellow jailbreakers Surenix and iPlop. By appearance The application is similar to Tweetbot, but even surpasses it in capabilities. There is support for multiple accounts, internal notifications, a convenient tweet editor, as well as lists, statistics and much more.


A real find for fans of the series. Couchy makes keeping track of upcoming episodes and finding new TV shows incredibly easy. The application can synchronize with the calendar, allows you to collect all your TV shows into a single collection, and also displays a lot of information and integrates with Spotlight and iMessage.


Quicky is a very simple app for iPhone owners with 3D Touch. It provides quick access to your favorite apps from a pop-up menu when you tap on an icon. Of course, the list of shortcuts can be customized.


And one more application for GIFs in this collection. Odio allows you to record or import interesting moments from your gallery and turn them into GIFs. If desired, you can add various effects and even sound to them. The resulting videos are invited to be shared in the built-in social network, but this is not at all necessary; export to other services is also present.

Surely many of you are more attracted to the iPhone 7 Plus than the iPhone 7, and not because of the screen size, but because of the capabilities of the camera, which also allows you to shoot . Alas, the software effect will not be available to owners of any iPhone except the iPhone 7 Plus. However, you can already take photos with the effect of depth, even if you have an iPhone 6s, iPhone 5s, or even an Android smartphone.

Mode portrait photography allows owners to artificially blur the background in portrait photos. The result is a photo similar to the photo from SLR camera if you have a portrait lens. Why does Apple require software processing for this? The problem is the aperture and sensor size of the iPhone camera. They will never be the same as in a DSLR camera.

The wider the aperture, the more blurred the background will be in your photos. On DSLR cameras you can adjust this setting, but not on a smartphone. The iPhone 7 camera aperture is f/1.8, which is very good, but still not enough. A camera with such an aperture could blur the background much more.

The problem lies in the fact that iPhone camera keeps everything in focus. The reason is the sensor size. The larger the sensor, the stronger the sense of depth. Compact cameras smartphones in this parameter cannot compete with professional cameras. This is why Apple has to use artificial background blur.

But you can still take a photo with a completely natural depth effect, even if you don't have the latest iPhone. To do this, you just need to focus the camera on an object that will be very close. In this case, all objects that should appear in the background must be far enough away. This way you won't be able to take portraits, but you have every chance of making a good shot.

Based on materials from 9to5Mac

Apple's improved dual-camera system, which allows you to take portrait photos and adjust the level of background blur, appeared first on and.

The two main cameras allow you to take photos that are focused on the subject, with the background blurred. iPhone 7, 8 and X models only have basic function blur, and the new iPhone XS/XR provide a beautiful bokeh effect.

Function « Depth»

New smartphones also support the Depth feature. Here's how Apple describes it:

Improved portrait segmentation allows you to take better-quality portraits with professional bokeh blur. The new Depth feature allows you to adjust the level of background blur both in real time and in finished images. Portrait mode with Depth function is also available for the front cameraTrueDepth.


To use the new features you need:

  • iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR and later.
  • Standard Camera application.
  • "Portrait" mode in the Camera.

It will be possible to adjust background blur in real time only in iOS 12.1.

Preview V real time

In iOS 12.1, it will be possible to adjust image depth in real time directly in the Camera.

You can choose the level of background blur and only then take a photo. For now, the Camera app has an "f" icon in the top right corner to adjust the aperture level.

Even if you choose the amount of blur before you take the photo, you can adjust it later on the finished photo. In addition, you can remove the blur effect altogether.

How works cameraiPhone

With the release of iOS 11 in September 2017, Apple began reading and storing image depth data along with portrait photos, which makes background blur possible.

The camera sensors of the new iPhones have been improved, bringing the bokeh effect to a new level with the release of iOS 12 and the new iPhone XS.

New iPhone models can capture much more depth detail in images thanks to faster camera sensors and the new A12 Bionic processor, as well as machine learning and a neural engine. This is why Apple managed such a beautiful bokeh effect in the pictures.

As a result, portrait photos look much better than before.

Shot segmentation allows you to interact with portraits in a new way because the subject is better separated from the background.

New portrait segmentation APIs will also allow developers to use it in their applications. Some third-party cameras, like Halide, already support new features.

Thanks to segmentation, the “Depth” function is also possible. With its help, you can make the bokeh effect more or less aggressive.

Portraits taken with the new iPhones will be more detailed thanks to computational photography algorithms. The system will better recognize the edges of hairstyles, accessories, etc.

How to use the Depth feature

After you take a portrait photo, go to the Photos app, select it and tap the button Depth bottom of the screen. Now you can adjust the degree of blur, i.e. intensity of the bokeh effect using the slider.

You can adjust the slider from f/1.4 to f/16. f/1.4 is maximum blur, and f/16 is no blur at all.

As you interact with the slider, you will notice how the background of the photo changes. To make the blur maximum, move the slider to the left, and vice versa.

In iOS 10.1 Apple company introduced a depth of field mode on . The depth of field effect or “bokeh” is an artistic blurring of the background that allows you to increase the emphasis on the main subject in the photo. Portrait mode uses both cameras in iPhone 7 Plus to process the background and foreground separately, creating depth-of-field effects without the need for special lenses.

iPhone 7 Plus saves both original 12-megapixel photos and edited versions by default. Thus, saving snapshots requires twice as much disk space. To save space, users can change the settings to save only one photo option.

1 . Go to "Settings" -> "Photo and Camera" on your iPhone. The device must be running iOS 10.1 or later.

2 . Select an option "Keep the original" located under the option "Portrait Mode", and set the toggle switch to the “ Off" Don't confuse this option with the similarly named option called HDR (High Dynamic Range) mode at the end of the menu.

That's all. Now only photos with depth of field (“bokeh”) effects will be saved on iPhone 7 Plus.

The Photos app automatically saves all photos taken in portrait mode in a folder called "Depth effect". In the upper left corner of all “modified” photos there is a corresponding label.

Updating to iOS 10.1 will allow iPhone 7 Plus smartphones to take full advantage of their dual-lens camera to create a sense of greater depth when shooting portraits.

The single highlight and standout among other features on the camera at launch was the dual optical zoom, which allows you to take closer shots than ever on iPhones. And while the official update software not scheduled until the end of October, the public beta is already online. To get iOS 10.1 now, you must participate in Apple's beta program, which you can sign up for at this link.

In the new Portrait mode, the camera uses a 12-megapixel wide-angle lens, the same as the regular iPhone 7, and a 12-megapixel telephoto lens that distinguishes between the background and the foreground. It is he who can keep the object sharp, blurring the background, to achieve the same bokeh effect that is usually achieved on much more expensive DSLR cameras.

The iPhone 7 Plus isn't the first phone to add this feature, but it's a new feature for longtime iPhone owners that's been promised for a long time.

What can you photograph?

Portrait mode isn't just for taking pictures of people. During our testing, we used it on pets, plants, and inanimate objects using the same basic principles.

Getting started with portrait mode.

Once you've updated to the iOS 10.1 beta, tap on the camera app and swipe down on the menu wheel until you see "Portrait." Fix on the subject and pay attention to the guides on the screen. Because you use a telephoto lens for the foreground, your subject will be closer than with a regular camera, so you may have to stand back further.

Once you've found the best angle, you'll see a yellow "depth effect" sign pop up. Now lock onto your chosen focus, adjust the brightness and press the shutter button when you're ready. Keep your phone level until it finishes shooting; processing in this mode takes a little longer.

Bokeh Basics.

The effect works in almost any scenario, but if you want a more dramatic blur, you'll need to increase the depth of field, meaning you'll have to leave more space between the subject and the background. The closer you can get to the subject, the greater the blur. And finally, pay attention to the lighting. Make sure the subject is well lit but avoid backlighting.

Final result.

Now go to your photos folder to check your masterpiece. As with HDR mode, the camera saves a copy with and without the depth effect, so you can see the difference as you scroll. Just click on the image and look for the "depth effect" label in the top left corner if you're having trouble figuring out which option is which.

The image will retain the effect even if you share it with other devices, and this is not just the iPhone 7 Plus.

Additional future possibilities for dual lens?

Future software updates could add even more features to the iPhone 7 Plus, such as 3D displays and augmented reality capabilities similar to those found in Google project Tango Project. But we may have to wait for this closer to the 10th anniversary of the iPhone next year.