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The best photos of the “Beauty of Nature” photo contest (28 photos). Stadler Form Company

Good afternoon, dear friends, photographers and sympathizers! As a result of the difficult work and sleepless nights of our jury members, we selected the winners of the photo competition. I remind you what's in common with travel company“Adventure Workshop” we held a photo competition “Landscape in the Frame”, the main prize in which will be a free trip to one of our tours - to Altai or Mongolia
On behalf of the entire jury and the sponsor of our competition, I would like to thank everyone for their participation! There were a lot of strong works, which is good news. For those who haven't seen photographs of all participants - .

Photo of competition participant Ivan Smelov smelov

Let me remind you about the prizes:
First place prize - one of the tours to Altai or Mongolia- provided to choose from by the competition organizer.

Let's move on to the winners!

So, we present to you 3rd place - and Sergey Strelnikov and his mega-foggy photo receive a 30% discount on any of the tours presented above!

Second place and a 50% discount on any of the tours presented above goes to Leonid Shtishevsky for desert graphics

Drum roll, fanfare, confetti and a glass of champagne! First place, as well as a free trip from the ones presented above! Ivan Smelov and his photo with an incredible spirit of adventure! Congratulations!!!

Our congratulations to all the winners!
We wish everyone not to stop there, move forward and win!

For prizes please write

Nikon Ambassador,

invites you to a creative duel

Magic light of the landscape

Dmitry Kupratsevich: educational video course “Landscape photography”

Landscape competitions in 2018

The portal begins a series of landscape competitions dedicated to various aspects this fascinating genre. Let's start with the main thing: with landscape lighting that nature gives us. The topics of subsequent landscape competitions will be no less interesting and important: the hero in the landscape, minimalism in the landscape, night landscape, cityscape, black and white landscape plus new offers. In addition to Daniil Korzhonov, the curators of our competitions will be the best young photographers in Russia who have made a name for themselves in major international photo competitions: Anton Agarkov, Dmitry Kupratsevich, Dmitry Shatrov and others. Join us, it will be very interesting!

Photo tours of the competition curators

Dmitry Kupratsevich- Lofoten Islands, Swan Lake, Rhododendrons of Big Thach, Lavender fields, Climbing Elbrus...

Dmitry Shatrov- Dead Sea, Nepal, Tibetan Kingdom, Italy. Dolomites, Ethiopia, Canada, Georgia...


Magazine "Consumer. Photo&Technique"

Competition partners

Stadler Form Company

Quite often, household helpers perform their function, but do not bring grace to the house, becoming “ugly ducklings” in the interior. Stadler Form fundamentally changes the concept of interaction with household appliances, developing truly unique and elegant devices to create a healthy and comfortable climate in the home.

Behind each new model are years of research and development, a painstaking combination of functional requirements and aesthetic intent. The result is the creation of a truly vibrant product that lives in harmony with the interior of the home. And of course, each Stadler Form device effectively performs its assigned tasks: be it humidification, cleaning, air aromatization or cooking.

Transcend Company

Transcend produces more than 2,000 different products to meet any digital storage need. In particular, the company produces memory modules, flash memory cards, USB flash drives, digital music players, card readers, external hard drives, solid-state drives and industrial-grade devices.

In addition to creating utilitarian products, we also participate in shaping new market trends by developing innovative peripherals that perfectly suit today's high-tech lifestyle. Transcend has everything you need to organize your digital life.

Online store "Fotogora"

The Photogor online store offers a wide range of amateur and professional equipment from the world's leading brands. You can buy almost everything for video and photography from us. The store’s specialists will help you optimally equip a professional photo studio based on your available budget. We are for reasonable prices and good service, because a successful purchase depends not only on the amount of money, but also on the ability to spend it wisely. We guarantee qualified advice!

And welcome to our blogs and YouTube video channel. We not only sell, but also educate. It's interesting with us!

From 2,604 images submitted by 481 photographers from different parts of our planet, the jury of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 competition selected the most breathtaking landscape photographs, which will be published in a special competition photo album. The 2015 International Landscape Photographer of the Year Grand Prize, with a prize fund of $5,000, went to Luke Austin for his fantastic series of black and white photographs. And the stunning black and white work by Luc Tszark was recognized as the best landscape photograph. Be sure to look at these photos, they will undoubtedly make a great impression on you.


1. The best landscape photography of 2015. Author: Luke Tshark. Impressive, isn't it? (Photo: Luke Tscharke).
2. 1st place and the title of Best Landscape Photographer of 2015 went to Luke Austin for this amazing series of black and white photographs. (Photo: Luke Austin)
3. Best landscape photographer 2015 - Luke Austin. (Photo: Luke Austin)
4. 1st place International competition Landscape Photography of the Year 2015 was won by photographer Luke Austin. (Photo: Luke Austin)
5. 1st place in the 2015 International Landscape Photography Competition went to photographer Luke Austin. (Photo: Luke Austin)
6. 2nd place at the 2015 International Landscape Photography Competition. Photographer: Ricardo da Cunha. (Photo: Ricardo Da Cunha).
7. 2nd place in the 2015 International Landscape Photography Competition. Photographer: Ricardo da Cunha. (Photo: Ricardo Da Cunha).
8. 2nd place at the 2015 International Landscape Photography Competition. Photographer: Ricardo da Cunha. (Photo: Ricardo Da Cunha).
9. 3rd Place International Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 by Warren Keelan. (Photo: Warren Keelan)
10. 3rd place in the 2015 International Landscape Photography Competition. Author: Warren Keelan. (Photo: Warren Keelan)
11. 1st place in the Mist&Fog category (Fog). Author: Gunar Strau. (Photo: Gunar Streu).
12. 1st place in the category " Long Exposure" Author: Grant Galbraith. (Photo: Grant Galbraith).
13. 1st place in the “Aerial Photography” category. Photographer: Will Dielenberg. (Photo: Grant Galbraith).
15. 1st place in the “Snow and Ice” category. Author: John Martin. (Photo: Jon Martin).

All photographs of this competition noted by the jury members can be viewed on the official website

So, the first competition “Russian Landscape” has ended! We wrote about its conditions in detail in issue 1-2 of 2011. Let us remind you: the competition is divided into two main categories - “Landscape Photographer of the Year” and “Young Landscape Photographer of the Year” (for those who were under 18 years old at the time of the deadline for accepting works). Each nomination includes 4 categories: “Classical landscape”, “My landscape”, “Man and landscape”, “Architectural landscape”. The jury members of the competition are world-famous landscape photographers. 50 of the best works take part in an open street exhibition, which takes place in the center of Moscow from September 1 to October 15. Simultaneously with the start of the Moscow exhibition, the final album of the competition “Landscape Photographer of the Year 2011” went on sale, which included more than 140 photographs telling about the beautiful views of our country. We sincerely congratulate the winners and wish them a long and successful union with the fascinating world of photography!

There is a lake region in the Russian expanses - Meshchera near Moscow. Of all the lakes located here, the largest are Shatursky, they are located on the watershed of the Ushma and Poli rivers. Fishing is going on here all year round, fortunately there is plenty of fish in the lakes. Each season is beautiful in its own way, but on the Shatura lakes it is winter that appears in all its glory: steam from warm water on especially frosty days forms abundant frost on tree branches, turning the shores into a real crystal kingdom. What a pleasure it is to walk around the lakes on such a frosty morning!

Winner in the category "Landscape Photographer of the Year"
Alexander Ermolitsky.
"Silence of Stones" Krasnoyarsk Territory, Ergaki Natural Park, Dream Lake. August 2010.

Huge outlier stones overgrown with trees, towering above the surface of Lake Mechta. Noon, fog, calm. In summer, groups of tourists pass by this place almost every day, but not everyone notices the charm of this small mountain lake.

That day I decided to go skiing and, of course, took my camera with me. There was a tree next to the highway; that day it was beautifully framed by clouds. The difficulty was that it was severely frosty, and we also had to walk for several meters through snowdrifts, almost waist-deep in snow. Well, in order for the sun to hit the center of the crown and to create a more expressive perspective due to the shadows from the tree, I also had to lie in the snow. Due to my position, the clouds dropped to the horizon when I took the picture, making the photo a little unrealistic, but no less beautiful.

Conditions for shooting are not entirely suitable. To find a more convenient point, I had to use rock climbing skills and go down just below the ridge. We waited for a light window, the jump was postponed. I notice from his voice that Alexey is nervous. As a former athlete myself, I understand how sometimes an unexpected delay in the start can be frustrating. I'm trying to calm him down and convince him that for nice photo Not only the jump itself is important, but also the light. Finally, when light windows appear for a short moment, I command: “It’s possible.” Lesha goes to the breakaway point. I hear him say in a slightly shrunken voice: “See you!” That's it, let's go!.. In this case, mutual understanding between the athlete and the photographer turned out to be very important.

Of all the excitement that preceded my first meeting with Chukotka, I now remember one thing: what is it like to fly against time?! I didn’t know in advance that other reference points, so basic, would blur. Tundra, the Arctic, however, we measure distance in days, time itself loses its meaning. There is permafrost, and a blow from the ocean along the riverbed - here you have a dust storm, the strings of your hat knock out your eyes, your backpack gets covered in sand at an hour... There are no usual landmarks, the clouds are like lentils.
Soon I got used to botany and climbed into the topology: a mound that stuck out not far from the tundra, around which the sunset light painted patches of fog and which I did not try to reach - Mount Keinyney, almost six hundred in height. A month later, I began to understand something: there are very old mountains here, there is no need to surprise them. Everything here is “before”, and typical Moscow news usually hasn’t happened yet. Yes, flying to Chukotka means reliably getting younger, and most importantly (I’ll say it beautifully): I left my dream in the heavenly lentils that keep the color of the sunset like a cloud.
...And those half a day that was away on the flight “here” by plane remained a cheerful pit, and the sleep of the double return journey did not patch it up...

I am very attracted to the architecture of St. Petersburg courtyards, their originality and graphic nature. If a city has a face, it is here, and the expression of feelings, flight, movement, integrity are those emotions that inspire creativity.

Winner in the category “Young Landscape Photographer of the Year”
Anastasia Iskantseva,

photo studio "Lyceum". "Lace".
Moscow. December 2010.

It's not so easy to photograph all this splendor. It was necessary to wait for that time of day when the silver web sparkled and sparkled, receiving the necessary lighting, helping me convey all the beauty of winter lace.

Autumn... The time of year when nature transforms and changes color. Many artists, poets, and musicians were inspired by the theme of autumn. She touched me too. I wandered around the autumn park with a camera. There was a desire to capture the flight of leaves from a gust of wind, and after several failures I succeeded. The whole difficulty of shooting was to select the necessary parameters, and to find appropriate place in Moscow.

This photo was taken almost a year ago, when I was traveling through the Middle Urals. While in Nevyansk, I climbed the tower of the merchant Demidov and decided to photograph the view that opened up to me. Focusing the camera on the dome of the bell tower of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I saw the smoking chimneys of the plant in the distance. By shifting the angle a little, I managed to create an interesting, in my opinion, frame, where the plant is visible in the background, and the dome of the bell tower is in the foreground. The picture was taken a few minutes before the thunderstorm began.

After the hot summer of 2010, I really wanted winter... And here it is November, wet snow. I saw this shot - people struggling to follow each other, as if in defiance of the elements... and I pressed the trigger.

After viewing these majestic landscapes, you might be itching to visit the UK. It's not surprising, because it's -best works British photographers who capture and impress.

The Landscape Photographer of the Year competition was founded in 2007 by renowned British photographer Charlie Waite. Every year, the competition jury selects the best landscape photographs from thousands of applicants. By tradition, the most memorable photographs end up in a special album, and the winner of the competition receives a check for 10,000 pounds (856 thousand rubles). Here are the works that won prizes in the 2018 photo competition.

Pete Rowbottom won Landscape Photographer of the Year 2018. The photograph "Ice Spikes" was taken in the Glencoe Valley, Scotland.

The Adobe Prize went to Will Milner for his photograph of the lighthouse in Brixham, Devon, UK

"The Lighthouse and the Sea Serpent" by Edward Hyde. The photo was taken in New Haven Harbor during Storm Brian in October 2017. Wind speed reached 64 km/h

"The Train at Cardigan Bay" by Paul Fowles

James Loveridge lived in Dorset for 27 years, but only saw fog flowing from a cliff to the coast once.

Mary Davey captured this beauty at sunrise in Houghton, West Sussex

Spring in a Warwickshire forest through the lens of Chris Fletcher

“Kilt Rock Falls on a Cloudy Day” by Pavel Zygmunt
