Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The best freelance services. Free freelance exchange, freelancing for everyone. For those who are into programming

Do you dream of remote work? Are you tired of sitting in the office and want to work from home or sitting in a pleasant cafe? Or maybe you want to travel, but at the same time not lose your job in your specialty? I have good news for you! Working over the Internet is absolutely real! Despite the frenzied development of technology in the modern world, many still for some reason think that remote work is a scam for suckers, that there are no normal remote vacancies, that you can build a career only by working in the office, and the salaries of remote employees are many times less than office. All these are myths that have no logical justification.

Remote work is reality modern world. Most large, reputable companies have remote vacancies, and some companies generally keep their entire staff remote. Why? I answered this question in detail in the article. And today I want to answer another equally popular question that I get asked at every meeting, in personal messages and in blog comments. And this question sounds like this: “Where and how can I find a remote job?” The answer is: on sites where vacancies in various fields are regularly updated. There are a lot of such sites, and today I am sharing with you links that I have been collecting for a long time for personal use.

I note that here are sites for finding exactly permanent remote work, in other words, a business contract or employment contract, and not for freelancing or part-time work. Mostly English-language sites are presented here, because. The remote work market is just developing.

Websites for remote work

1. . Every day, about 10-20 new remote vacancies are published on the site. Jobs can be sorted by profession: web development, mobile software development, design, Information Security and vacancies not related to IT. You can also filter out jobs with the highest salaries and start-ups. On the site, you can subscribe to the newsletter about new remote vacancies, so as not to miss the job of your dreams.

2. . Another dedicated site. The main categories of vacancies: developers and system administrators, programmers, designers, marketers, customer support staff, copywriters, managers and business consultants, and other vacancies.

3. It's hard to believe, but about 100 thousand remote vacancies have been published on this site to date! As the portal itself assures, the most popular remote professions, presented in the form of job search ads, are sales managers, administrative staff, customer service managers, health and medical professionals. Vacancies are posted on the site in 55 categories. In addition to vacancies on the site, you can read a lot of interesting articles, selections and tips for finding remote work.

4. A nice site with five categories of search for remote vacancies: development, design, customer service, administration, management. Here you can also subscribe to a daily or weekly newsletter with fresh selections of vacancies.

5. Another interesting resource for finding remote work in various fields, but like most sites, IT vacancies predominate. You can filter vacancies by type of work (full-time, part-time, temporary work, internship, etc.), by professional areas, by position level (beginner, leading specialist, etc.), by type of company (startup, small business, medium business, big business, non-profit organization etc.), by country and by wage level.

6. Nothing superfluous, only vacancies. Lots of vacancies.

7. Jobspresso is a large online platform that aims to help talented individuals who aspire to remote careers meet innovative, forward-thinking companies that offer remote positions. Job listings are moderated and updated on a daily basis.

8. On this site, in addition to the notorious vacancies for sales managers and customer support, you can find a remote position in the field of education, HR, marketing and engineering.

9. One of the few sites where there are really a lot of vacancies in completely different areas from IT to copywriting.

10. The site is especially attractive with an abundance of vacancies in the field of Internet marketing and promotion in social networks.

11. A very large database of remote vacancies. The site has a well-thought-out interface that allows you to store your documents, watch interesting research, and use a special job search guide. The site requires registration.

12. Angel List - a site for finding work in a startup. The resource contains more than 42 thousand remote vacancies. On the site, you can also invest in a startup and create a team for your business. Mandatory registration is provided.

13. Russian site for finding remote work in foreign companies. The site is presented in two languages ​​- Russian and English. The main bonus of this service is the free mailing of your resume to 300+ companies for remote work.

General job search sites, with a section "Remote work"

14. . Yes, yes, the same Headhunter that most of us have used at least once in our lives to find a job. To date, has more than 15,000 partially or completely deleted vacancies. And every month this number grows (I checked).

15. . The main job search site in Ukraine, an analogue of our Headhunter. My husband once randomly posted his resume there and two weeks later signed a lucrative contract for remote work with a Ukrainian company.

16. Notorious site in Russia and in the world professional contacts. Today contains more than 100 interesting remote vacancies.

17. Cool and very unusual job search site. It has a cool modern interface, an original approach to describing vacancies. The Muse is the only online career resource that offers a glimpse into the job opportunities in hundreds of companies while showing the inner workings of organizations. There are far from only vacancies here, but also advice on building a career from well-known experts, current articles and reviews, individual career advice from the world's best coaches.

18. A simple and understandable American site with a convenient system for filtering vacancies by professional areas (40 directions), companies, cities and states. On this moment there are more than four thousand remote positions on the site.

19. Basically, this site presents vacancies from American companies. The range of professional areas is very wide, salaries are on average from $20 per hour and more (in the USA they like to measure salary per hour or per year, but not per month).

20. . About 700 remote vacancies in various professional fields.

21. Idealist contains more than 12 thousand vacancies worldwide. A significant part of the vacancies are remote. There is a convenient filter for searching remote positions, including internships, volunteer projects, design work organizing events, blogging and much more. The job description contains all the necessary information about the job and the company. The site requires registration.

Remote work in IT

22. Remote work for IT specialists: developers, designers, testers, support staff. Jobs are filtered by date - from the most recent to the oldest.

23. And IT again. The site is an aggregator of vacancies, i.е. he collects remote vacancies from different sites, passes them through moderation and publishes them. On this site, you can be sure that the vacancy is 100% remote and does not involve visiting the office even once every few months (as is sometimes the case in some remote positions).

24. Board of announcements about remote vacancies with a focus on digital and IT-sphere.

25. Giant site for job search in the field of IT. More than 60 thousand vacancies worldwide. Of course, there are many remote positions that need to be filtered.

26. Nothing special, just a bunch of remote IT jobs.

27. A good aggregator of remote IT jobs.

28. Incredibly famous site among developers, where IT professionals of all stripes communicate, solve common problems, share tips and finds. The site has a section with remote vacancies, but only for IT specialists. Today there are about 80 remote positions on the site.

29. An interesting resource for designers, which, among other things, contains a section where vacancies for designers are automatically added from all other job search sites. You can filter only deleted items.

30. A very original resource, target audience which are women developers. There are no vacancies for men, only for the fair sex, who are not afraid of such words as front-end, back-end, full stack and the like. Moreover, they just do this in life. Wow! The site has success stories of beautiful ladies finding their dream remote job on powertofly.

Hello friends and new freelancers!

Vasily Blinov is in touch with you, and today I would like to analyze a very important topic for beginners regarding the search for the first orders on freelance exchanges.

From my own experience I know how difficult it is to find and take the first tasks, especially when you have no skills and you have no idea how to complete all the orders offered on the exchanges.

I remember, starting freelancing at the end of 2014, it happened that I spent days looking for tasks, responding to them, but did not receive a single confirmation of being a performer. Can you imagine my state after that and the desire to score on everything?

Now I understand perfectly why 99% of people end up merging after making several attempts.

It is very difficult to start and it takes time to gain experience, learn, become a professional and earn a lot of money freelancing.

For these sufferings, you will be rewarded with work that brings you not only money, but also pleasure. Get the freedom to be office-free, allowing you to travel the world and be free.

Traveling freelancers meeting in Bali

I often meet freelancers and remote employees on my travels, I can say with confidence that they have a much more interesting, rich and happy life.

Therefore, I hope that my today's story will help at least 1% of people not to stray from the freelance path they have begun and master the work with exchanges.

What you need to know about freelancing exchanges?

What is it and what are they for? It is clear that such labor exchanges play the role of connecting the customer and the contractor, but beginners do not see the main thing.

Firstly. The freelance exchange is a training ground where you can learn right away and receive a small reward in the form of experience, reviews and money for this.

If you want to become a professional, but you currently do not have any knowledge and experience, then you should not put money in the first place, as most beginners do. Work for food, that is, for experience, feedback from satisfied customers and the first completed projects in the portfolio.

The exchanges pay very little, especially for beginners, but almost every successful freelancer has gone through this school.

Secondly. The freelance exchange is not only a warehouse of one-time orders, but also your future base of permanent employers. The essence of success is to create your base of regular customers who will contact you again and again.

Many beginners see only one-time tasks with a small cost, and behind them, in fact, there can be very money-making customers who still have a lot of work for you, you just have to prove yourself.

Third. Freelance exchanges are not the only way search for remote work and vacancies. Do not think that you will work for them all your life. There are many other more effective methods, which I will talk about later in this section.

As I said, go through the exchange survival school for a year or two and you yourself will understand how easy it is to find customers on the Internet and make money freelancing.

Do not pay attention to different ratings of exchanges, the main indicator of a successful freelancer is terribly satisfied customers and completed orders by 5 plus. Then there will be a demand for your services, and customers themselves will line up for you.

Look at the queues at Apple because they make really cool devices and thousands of their customers are very satisfied.

Become the Apple of your freelancing service niche.

List of freelance exchanges for beginners

  • Work Zilla- tasks of different levels of complexity, a great start for beginners, a leader in the field of microservices.

I often work with her myself, only now as a customer, so I even left 61 rubles on my balance sheet. If you look into the history, you can see all the tasks with which I started in October 2014. Only the rating over time, if you do not work as a performer, is reset to zero.

Just like on any other normal exchange, in order to work, you need to pay a small amount - this is the developers' bread and butter. Unlike others, the cost of a monthly subscription here is minimal, only 100 rubles.

Other resources that I would also like to recommend for beginners, I think are a little more complicated, but it's worth signing up and trying them.

  • weblancer- not exactly for beginners, but one of the best Runet exchanges.
  • Author24– orders for students to complete tests, essays, term papers and diplomas.
  • Copylancer- a good platform for beginner copywriters.
  • contentmonster- also for copywriters. Look.
  • Free-lance (– for professionals, there is nothing to do without a portfolio, but you can register and start collecting it.

You can write in the comments which exchanges you started working with or have already worked with.

Now I’ll tell you a little about what you need to understand when starting your journey to freelancing and remote work from home.

What mistakes do 99% of beginners make?

1. They expect money to be made easily online.

Coming to the freelance exchange and starting to complete tasks is not so easy and well paid.

I know a lot of people, my acquaintances, who came, made one order, spent a day on it and earned 100-200 rubles, left upset with the thought that you can’t earn much on freelancing. Do not build expectations, take tasks and gain experience.

There will be a lot of money when you become a professional and create an army of satisfied customers who will recommend you.

2. First they learn how to do it, and then they will look for a task.

You can't learn everything! Remember what I said at the beginning of the article?

The Exchange is a training ground, first get yourself assigned as the executor of the task, and then go and learn how to do it.

It’s okay if you don’t succeed, tell the customer that you can’t complete it and take another task.

3. Copy-paste responses to tasks.

Do you want to be chosen as a performer? Find an original approach to each customer and task.

Try to do the same and see how they respond to your offer. Evaluate who you liked best, what he wrote, and which of them you would approve as a performer.

4. They will respond to one task and sit waiting to be appointed as an executor.

This is the mistake that makes the job search process as long as possible.

At the initial stage, I sent 10-15 applications a day and did not receive, it happened, not a single answer. The more responses to tasks you leave, the more chances that you will be answered and a conversation will start with the customer.

5. Prioritize price, not task.

Well, really, many go to the exchange to earn money, and the price becomes the main priority.

Look for tasks that you like more than those that have a big price tag, try to choose one niche and pump it.

If the work will give you pleasure and arouse interest, then you will achieve results faster.

Friends, if you have something to add to the tips on how to start freelancing and working with exchanges, write in the comments below.

I wish you all success.

Today I would like to tell you about the freelance exchange site for beginners, or rather the very concept of freelancing and provide you with a couple of projects on which I made money, and on some of them I still get customers today.

Freelancing for beginners, job vacancies and exchanges where you can start making good money can be found below in the article.

Several projects can bring you decent money with constant work. More precisely, even to say not with constant work, but with daily work, but for a couple of hours a day.

Working as a freelancer is not an easy job that you are paid for, it can even be attributed to office work, monotonous, of the same type, annoying and boring. One thing that pulls freelancing well above office work is that you do only what you like and nothing more.

Freelancing for beginners, job vacancies and different ways to earn money you can find on this page.

Good day, my dear readers and visitors. Freelancing for beginners vacancies which we will try to consider today, or more precisely, I will try to tell you what I know about freelancing.

In the course of the article, I want to tell you what it is, the vacancies that are required in freelance services, how much money you can get from it, and most importantly, what you need to remember all the time if you decide to work as a freelancer.

Perhaps you should start with the fact that freelancing is the execution of an order on the Internet from your computer.

That is, you are, as it were, a freelancer, only for one time and you need to look for an order yourself and how much work you do, you will receive so much money.

In general, please do not leave, below you will find a table of contents, by clicking on which you will move to the section of the article that interests you. Happy reading.

Freelance work - work from anywhere

I'll probably start with the delights of working in the field of freelance services.

Internet employment is complete freedom of action, it is only your scope of employment, your own full schedule, completing tasks from absolutely anywhere, and a lot of the delights of working as a freelancer, or a simple order executor.

Working as a freelancer is difficult only because when you take the first step you don’t know where you are going, but after the first attempts, trials, mistakes and gaining skills, you will move to a new level…

Freelance exchange for beginners: job vacancies

Freelance for beginners vacancies in which you can start acting right now, after registering in one of the exchanges.

A large enough choice to start changing your life and build a decent career that will feed you for many years ... Please familiarize yourself with the opportunities in online business.

  • Website development
  • Texts
  • Design and Art
  • Programming
  • Outsourcing and consulting
  • Translations
  • Game development
  • Audio Video
  • 3D Graphics
  • Engineering
  • Advertising and Marketing
  • Photo
  • Animation and Flash
  • Architecture/Interior
  • Training and consultations
  • Polygraphy
  • Optimization (SEO)
  • Management
  • Mobile applications
  • Networks and information systems

Just above you see the possible options for you orders. Of course, this is not all that a freelancer can do.

For example: Hidden in the design are such varieties as photo processing, photo rendering, creating the necessary images, info graphics and much more regarding design and working with image changes.

These are the opportunities that the Internet provides for making money on many sites to perform remote work.

How much can a beginner get and how much do people earn

Well, here is probably the most interesting question, namely earnings. Freelance earnings are quite diverse and it is simply not possible to come to one thing, because each order carries a certain price and speed of execution.

Let's say you complete 10 orders per month medium difficulty at a price of 5,000 rubles, you will receive 50,000 rubles per month, and if you complete 5 medium and 5 advanced difficulties of 10,000 rubles each, you will already receive 75,000 rubles.

Yes, these amounts are real, for example, for a freelancer - a web designer. Programmers will receive such money, and indeed, absolutely any hard worker from any field can receive such amounts.

In general, it is quite difficult to calculate monthly income on the Internet, because it completely depends on the efforts and skills of the employee.

If you are just starting in any of the areas, then I ask you not to expect large sums in the first few months. First of all, you will have to develop, practice, develop again and learn and practice again in order to become a professional in your field and only in this way will you earn a lot.

In general, you can get 10,000 rubles in the first month, and 15 thousand will not be a problem, unless of course you have time for a busy schedule. After you learn and begin to fulfill orders at a professional level, then 75 thousand will not be the limit for you.

Freelance exchange for beginners

Of all the freelancer sample sites, I can only give a few projects that I personally verified. Sites pay regularly, but some require payment for an account to get good tasks, the so-called VIP account, but it is not expensive, and besides, it is a useful thing, because after payment you will have to work hard anyway)

At least to recoup the money spent)

  1. WorkZilla - freelance exchange for beginners
  2. Kwork - services for 500 rubles
  3. WebLancer - freelance exchange for beginners
  4. is a huge exchange

Well, that's all for today from me, my dear readers and visitors. I wish you good earnings, just read a little more ...

Things to Remember

Now it's time to move on to my favorite point, which I try to make clear to people in almost every article.

We come to the Internet to make money and this is quite normal, but I do not understand people who register, try to take one cheap task, do not complete it and give up everything they start.

Why is this happening? Probably because people do not get what they dream about, or rather, the income is too small to interest them in further work.

I can only say one thing - you need to puff on the Internet, for that it is called work. Is not it? There is no freebie on the Internet and there never will be, now only work, without deception and other hacks of the system, this will not work now.

Yes, there is a lot of competition, but people make their way into the ranks of the successful, and this is for one simple reason - they work and work. They do not give up their undertakings, they perfectly understand that after the first couple of hundred rubles, you can catch a thousand and so on.

The ratings are bigger, the portfolio is larger, the fame and naturally the earnings are growing and more money appears in your pocket. This is the law of the internet, it's just natural selection. If he could not stand it right away, then he was left without money.

In fact, only confident and stubborn people will be able to make good money online, while the rest will complain that they can’t earn anything, and in addition to everything, they begin to say that the Internet is a scam and a scam and all sorts of other words.

Say what you want, but I can confidently say that there is money on the Internet and you can earn it. Not just sit and watch, but specifically - EARN. Remember this and you will find success and prosperity.

And to make it easier for you to start earning, I wrote this article, where there is a freelance exchange for beginners, by choosing which you can easily try yourself in working from home.


Well, that's all my dear visitors, it seems to me that you learned about freelancing today, looked at the vacancies and decided where you learned to work, now there is only one thing left - to act and do these actions good earnings for your life, for your family, children, parents.

Each person has their own goals, but it is worth understanding that you will have to work.

Good luck dear friends, see you soon. Subscribe to blog updates, take part in the commentator contest and leave your opinion and additions to the article. Thank you very much for attention.

Freelancing for beginners, vacancies for beginners is not a myth at all, and today there is a shortage of specialists on the freelance services market who truly understand the field of their hobby and earnings. Freelancing is working for yourself.

I hope freelancing for beginners will help you start your journey as a remote employee and start building a career with the prestigious Internet professions. Everything is in your hands, limited only by your time and knowledge, but nothing prevents you from developing and growing in any direction.

Sincerely, Sergey Vasiliev

Finding a remote job starts with choosing the right site. If you still do not know where to find a job online, we have created a large list of all exchanges for you. You will also come in handy.

Freelance exchanges are sites where you can find many different vacancies from any field, be it programming or design, copywriting or translation, and much more.

  • is the leader in Russia and CIS countries. Now the exchange is more suitable for professionals and those who have been registered on it for a long time. Huge competition does not allow newcomers to break through. To get full access to jobs, a monthly Pro account payment is required. Another disadvantage: a lot of fraudulent projects.
  • major exchange, where hundreds of vacancies appear daily. Job search is available in 23 areas. To see and respond to all orders, it is recommended to purchase a Business account ( minimum payment 24 hours - 75 rubles, or 590 rubles. per month).
  • is another major exchange with over 1 million users. Inferior to the previous two in the number of vacancies.
  • great option for newbies. Here are many simple tasks. After registration, you need to pass a simple test. The service offers a discount on the first payment: 340 rubles. instead of 440 rubles.
  • is an exchange for professionals with a good portfolio. Serious vacancies from various fields are posted here.
  • is a freelance services store. Here you can post your offers and respond to vacancies published by customers.
  • is another service store. You can create ads for your services and wait for orders.

For rewriters and copywriters

If you know how to express your thoughts correctly, write enthusiastically on various topics, then copywriting and rewriting are created for you. There are a huge number of exchanges.

  • is the leader among content exchanges. Here you can not only search for orders, but also place finished articles in the store.
  • is another large exchange for rewriters and copywriters. There is a content store.
  • is a popular exchange where you can find orders for writing texts on any subject. And here you can sell ready-made articles, which is what many beginners do.
  • - many tasks for writing texts. There is a rating system that opens up more opportunities as the author develops.
  • is a small but popular exchange. Various orders for rewriting and copywriting, as well as microtasks. To gain access, you must pass a test and write a text on a given topic.
  • is an exchange of unique articles on various topics. Here you can sell your texts.
  • is an exchange for those who want to earn money by writing comments.
  • - Exchange for professional copywriters. Here you can earn from 100 rubles. for 1000 characters.
  • is another good exchange and store of ready-made articles.
  • - gives access to vacancies only after passing the test in Russian. The exchange is popular, a lot of orders appear on it.
  • is a popular exchange for finding orders for copywriters and rewriters.
  • - automated service for copywriters. It differs in that here the process of taking the order into execution and its delivery occur automatically.
  • is a fairly popular exchange for copywriters. There are a lot of orders here.
  • is an online content exchange.

For translators

- a popular way for those who know languages ​​\u200b\u200band are professional or professional. There are separate sites for such vacancies, but orders are also found on rewriting and copywriting exchanges.

  • is the largest exchange for translators.
  • - after filling orders, you can receive orders directly.
  • is another platform for translators.
  • is the most famous international exchange for professional translators.
  • is another international service.
  • is a popular platform for translators.
  • is a site for finding remote translation jobs.
  • - to start working on this exchange, you need to leave your contacts.

For designers and illustrators

There are also exchanges for graphic designers, web designers, illustrators and other creative individuals.

  • is the largest exchange for illustrators.
  • - here you can find orders in the following areas: web design, graphic design, printing and corporate identity.
  • - This is where you can post your portfolio and search for jobs.
  • is an international site where you can also post your work. Also, remote vacancies are often found here.
  • is a platform for creative people. In addition to placing a portfolio, a search for orders is available.
  • is an overseas freelance marketplace.

Job search services for programmers and 1C-specialists

There are not so many specialized sites for such professions. It is best to look for orders on freelance exchanges. But it is worth paying attention to these sites.

  • - 1C remote design service.
  • is a foreign site for programmers.
  • is another site for 1C specialists.
  • - interesting projects mainly for programmers.

For photographers, videographers, models and actors

Photographers, models and actors also need a platform to find work. There are many options, here are some of them:

  • is one of the largest platforms for wedding photographers and video operators.
  • Photovideozayavka.rf - a specialized freelance exchange for photographers.
  • is a large directory of wedding photographers, videographers, presenters and other specialists in the field of organizing wedding celebrations.
  • is a directory of professionals such as photographers, videographers, musicians, decorators and others.
  • - creative labor exchange, castings for actors and models.

Photo stocks where you can earn

Photographers can sell their photos on special sites. This is one of good ways earn passive income.

  • is the largest stock.
  • is another great platform.
  • or Adobe Stock.
  • is an online platform created for buyers and producers of digital content.

Remote work sites for students

There are freelance sites where you can earn money on homework, essays, tests and everything related to study.

  • is an online student assistance service. Convenient site, many projects.
  • is a large online exchange where many tasks are available. Here you can earn on writing term papers, essays and so on.
  • - exchange of customers and authors of student papers.
  • - online help for students. You help and earn money.
  • is a unique exchange that allows you to find a part-time job as a courier. Good job for students. This service is available in Moscow and St. Petersburg. An excellent opportunity to earn from 150 to 300 rubles for delivery.
  • is a site where students can find a part-time job as a tutor, nanny.
  • is an online student help service.
  • - on this site there is an opportunity to earn money by solving various problems. To do this, you must contact the administration.
  • - online exchange of student works for customers and performers.
  • is a freelance exchange where you can earn on student work, translation and copywriting. Strict selection.

For lawyers, accountants and HR

Lawyers, accountants and HR professionals can search remote work on dedicated websites:

  • is a platform for attorneys and lawyers. Here you can earn by answering questions. All project lawyers undergo mandatory certification and rigorous qualification and experience testing.
  • is a remote work exchange designed for HR and recruitment professionals.
  • is another exchange for lawyers.
  • is a project of the popular company HeadHunter. Allows freelance recruiters to earn. Here you can receive rewards for closing vacancies.
  • is another service that allows recruiters to earn money.
  • - here you can register only after talking with the administration.

For architects, engineers and builders

Finding a job for architects, designers, engineers and builders via the Internet is a responsible business. For this, special platforms have been created.

  • - vacancies for interior designers. Every day you can find new projects here.
  • is an exchange where you can find orders in the field of construction and repair.
  • is a site where you can offer your services in the field of design, architecture, home improvement.
  • is a large construction exchange with projects of varying complexity.
  • is another directory of specialists.
  • is an exchange for builders that takes interest for services.
  • is a job search platform for engineers.
  • - remote vacancies for architects, designers, 3D visualizers, engineering communications specialists.
  • is a forum where users often look for builders, craftsmen and crews.

Useful tools for bloggers and webmasters

This is a selection of sites that helps bloggers and site owners earn money.

  • is an exchange that allows you to buy and sell websites.
  • is a platform that allows you to sell links to your site for rent. A good option passive income.
  • is a specialized exchange for bloggers. Here you can get money for advertising publications in your articles and posts.
  • is another exchange for buying or selling permanent links.
  • is a fairly large service that allows you to earn on links in blogs, websites, microblogs.
  • Websites for tenders and competitions

There are sites where various tasks for naming and other tasks appear. creative ideas. Do you have the ability to invent original titles companies? Then this is a great way to make money.

  • is a large-scale platform where you can meet interesting contests from major companies.
  • is a platform that brings together creative people to solve various creative problems, including inventing site names, slogans, scenarios, and so on.
  • - tender platform, where you can order and perform services related to business development on the Internet.
  • is a platform where you can earn by offering an interesting idea.
  • is one of the first Russian risk-free naming services. Here you can also get money for a well-thought-out name.

For teachers and tutors

Tutors can earn from $550 per week. To find a job as a teacher via Skype, you can try the following sites.

  • is a convenient platform where you can find students from all over the world.
  • is an international platform where you can search for students without intermediaries.
  • is a site where you can offer your tutoring services. There is any teacher here, from singing to a driving instructor.

Sites in CIS countries

  • is a Ukrainian service that allows you to find remote vacancies.
  • is a popular exchange in Ukraine.
  • - quite a lot of orders, suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals.
  • is a remote job search exchange in Belarus.
  • is a freelance exchange in Kazakhstan.
  • is another platform in Kazakhstan.
  • is a freelance platform in Georgia.

Foreign resources

  • is a global leader. Serious projects with an impressive budget are published here. Of course, there is a lot of competition, but specialists find excellent vacancies here.
  • is another very large exchange. A lot of projects are published. Be sure to try your hand here.
  • is a platform with over 1.5 million registered users. A huge number of projects.
  • is a Western exchange created for freelancers working in the web industry.
  • - from the name you can guess that the exchange is intended for copywriters, writers, bloggers.
  • - orders from customers from all over the world are published here.

All other options available for freelancers

This list contains many different exchanges where you can find remote work in various specialties.

  • is a service where each service has a fixed price of 300 rubles. There are vacancies for designers, programmers, copywriters, etc.
  • is an exchange that is suitable for beginners. You don't have to pay to use your account here.
  • Umeyuvse.rf - a site with ready-made freelance services for 500, 1000 and 1500 rubles.
  • is a service for working with the best Russian freelancers, as the site itself claims.
  • is a platform where you can find work at home in any field.
  • is another service exchange. In addition, goods can be sold here.
  • - on this site you can register and fill out a portfolio to get into the catalog of specialists. All professions are welcome here, from a lawyer to a botanist.
  • - relatively new exchange where each service has its own fixed cost.
  • - here you can register and receive various job offers, for example, clean your computer or assemble furniture from IKEA.
  • - various freelance projects are available here from website development to consulting.
  • is a relatively small but simple exchange.
  • is another relatively new project. There are projects in different directions.
  • is an interesting platform that hosts a lot of orders for copywriters, designers, and programmers. There is no need to buy a paid account, you can communicate with customers directly.
  • is another service that helps you find a job without leaving your home.
  • is a lively exchange where quite a lot of orders appear. Most often there are vacancies for programmers.
  • is another very convenient service for collecting information about projects appearing on exchanges.


Among huge amount exchanges, choose the one that suits you in your specialty. Analyze where you have more chances, consider several options. Start your search right now. The sooner you start, the more experience you get.

Always be aware of scammers who often "dwell" on freelance exchanges and deceive newbies. News about the freelancing world can be read at

Friends, we tried very hard, collecting this huge list for you. Support us by reposting and leaving your comments. We wish everyone good luck!

This is my second year working as a copywriter. Too bad I didn't stumble upon this site in the first place. It is convenient to search for a job on the Internet, taking into account your interests and professional knowledge. Based on my experience, I can say that in order to secure employment, it is more expedient to search for customers on your subject on several sites, and not stop at one. From the wishes, I would like to have more information in the "Fraud" section.

For example, I like text exchanges like TurboText and Еtxt. Convenient interface, everything is easy and clear. A beginner can earn at least even on microtasks, not to mention large orders. If a person is literate, then he can easily master these and similar exchanges.

I approached the choice of a site that provides work for freelancers systematically, which I advise you and I want to recommend a certain algorithm. To get started, register in the top ten and see how your business will go on which exchange. If you do not receive a single order on a particular exchange for a month, feel free to cross out this resource and replace it with another one on which you have not yet registered. Thus, for the year, by selection, you will find those exchanges where you will have orders. And if there are orders, there will be earnings!

Freelance for free. On the My FreeLance website, you can place an ad for free in the headings: website development, rewriting / copyright, translations, management, web programming, turnkey websites, SEO optimization and others, find a freelancer for their orders. You can also participate in forums, communicate with freelancers and customers.
If you encounter fraud - write to the administrator indicating the ad, this ad will be removed. Also write to our forum - fraudulent customers, and before taking the project, read if your customer is there.

Dear freelancers, when placing ads, please put a rubric for them from the category FREELANCER SERVICES

Creation, promotion and support of sites

Creation of a turnkey website: Design, layout, integration to the required cms, refinement of existing sites, promotion, promotion to the top of search engines.

Development mobile version site from 5000r.
Registration of sites in Yandex and Google, SEO optimization and subsequent maintenance of the site.
My site: My Support
About Me:
Knowledge of cms: bitrix, opencart, webasist, netcat, modx, DLE, wordpress, etc.

Programming languages: Microsoft Visual C++, Delphi, HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, JS.


Consultants Wanted

Dear future partners! I want to offer you cooperation with Oriflame companies! Work at your own convenient time without leaving your family. We work only on the Internet! Our task with you will be to create a turnover for the company. Your income will increase incrementally! There are no risks! Everything is legal! Who is interested, write!


Assistant marketing manager


administrator girl

A large company needs an administrator in its own online store.
The work is remote. Flexible schedule.
Possibility of both full-time work and part-time work. Teamwork. Official employment.
Requirements: email, computer with internet access.


for mums on maternity leave

Recruitment Manager required urgently. Wage directly depends on the amount of time devoted to work. Schedule free flexible -Requirements: PC proficiency at the user level skills in using the Internet -Purposeful, active life position, communication, learning.


Part time job for women

Recruitment Manager required urgently. Salary directly depends on the amount of time devoted to work. Free flexible schedule -Requirements: PC proficiency at the user level skills in using the Internet -Purposefulness, leadership qualities, learning ability. - Desire to change your life.


Manager (remotely)

For remote work in free time, an Internet project administrator is required. Requirements: Women over 20 years of age; availability of a computer and Internet access; sociability, responsibility, active life position, 2-3 hours of free time per day.


Administrator online

We guarantee you:
- official income
- Fast career
— Free online training

Women, Age over 25, Internet access, desire to work and study, responsibility, activity.

Working conditions and responsibilities:
work with client base online store. Work schedule is free, it is desirable to devote to work from 2-3 hours a day.
More detailed information we will send by mail. We will answer all questions.



Remote work requires an Internet project administrator

Requirements: Women/Girls
Availability of a PC with Internet access
Willingness to work hard and learn
Focus on results

Analysis of customer needs
Conducting negotiations via the Internet
Remote work (possible combination)
Work in a company that stands firmly on its feet and develops confidently
Friendly team
Experience does not matter (training is free)
Extensive opportunities for career growth to the head of the direction


MosPolymer LLC

Existing website needs to be updated
Adding articles, information, photos.
The price is negotiable.

24.05.2019 5

I'm looking for a programmer and 3D modeler for a team to create a computer game

I am looking for a programmer and 3d modeler for a team of computer game developers. For a permanent job. You can do it remotely at the moment. Unity engine.

For 3d modeler write in PM. We will discuss the terms.
For the programmer there is a conditional test. It can be paid 5000 rubles in case we still do not work further on a permanent basis. For those who remain in the team, we will discuss further terms of payment and cooperation.

Terms of Reference for Pre-alpha.

Three-dimensional online real-time strategy, session battles. The average duration of a game is 10-25. There will be 2 or more players in the battle.

Closest resemblance: It's a combination of Majesty (both parts), Clash Royale and similar games, and maps in "Warcraft III" called Castle Fight.

The main part of the game takes place on the Map, initially a map will be available where players spawn on the left and right. The main feature of the game is the indirect control of units, that is, the behavior mechanics of the units will be written in their AI, it will not be possible to direct the unit on their own. The meaning of the game is to destroy the throne of the enemy and protect your throne.. Each time, players start completely from scratch, that is, all development occurs only during the game. There is Mana in the game, which passively accumulates, it can be spent on using Cards, cards serve as the only source controls in the game. The current description is for Pre-alpha only, the description of the full project will be available to those who will be collaborating.

The cards are divided into:
Buildings for summoning / producing creatures
On defensive or attacking structures
On the call of specific creatures
The use of offensive, defensive and other types of magic.

If you are interested in this project, write to the PM.

24.05.2019 10

Employee on PC

We will accept employees for remote work in Internet networks.
The essence of the work: receiving and registering incoming correspondence, a confident PC user, working with Word, Excel programs is welcome.
Requirements for the applicant
Availability of a computer and constant access to the Internet;
- Experience with MS Word applications, and email
— Free 2-4 hours a day;
— Seriousness of intentions, diligence, ability to self-organization and decency
Conditions, work schedule
Flexible work schedule, all work is done online. Piecework wages. The payment of wages is made to the current account.

24.05.2019 month

Work from home employee

Work at home, suitable for mothers on maternity leave, students, pensioners.

All work is done only at home on a computer and takes 2-3 hours a day. No investment. Without sales. There are no risks. Official income. Work experience counts. Pension contributions. Free online training
- placing information on the Internet,
— work with e-mail
- remote communication with partners
Requirements for applicant
Internet access and 2-3 hours of free time per day.
Desire to earn and willingness to learn (free).
Place of residence, experience and computer knowledge do not matter!
Conditions, work schedule
You need to work 2-3 hours a day. You choose the time of work.
We send details by e-mail

24.05.2019 month

Employee without special skills

Work and work at home. No sales.
Possibility to work at home.
Provided to help curator-manager.

- Receiving and sending emails.
Conditions, work schedule
- free schedule
- the possibility of combining with the main work or study
Requirements for the applicant
- PC and Internet access.
- Ability to work with e-mail

24.05.2019 month


Employee at home.
Work for those who wish to work without leaving home!
Applicants are considered for combination, part-time work, full-time work at home, which in terms of pay, dynamics and employment is no different from working in the office.

Without investments, without sales, in your free time.
Help at work:

step by step plan actions;
— free online training;
— templates, texts for work;

Consider requests from applicants from other cities.
Need to work. Write to mail
Requirements for the applicant
- PC knowledge and Internet access
- Ability to work with e-mail.
- responsibility
Conditions, work schedule

- Free course.
- Assistance to the curator-manager.

24.05.2019 month

Manager remotely

Employee with a free schedule at home.
Easy work online.
The opportunity to increase income by doing legal work on the Internet.
All work is done only at home on a computer and takes 2-3 hours a day.
All materials are provided:
- ready detailed instructions,
- a step-by-step action plan;
— templates, texts for work;

— working with ad templates (editing)
- Receiving and sending emails.
Requirements for the applicant
— activity.
- Purposefulness.
- Access to the Internet.
— Work with e-mail.
Help and support guaranteed!
Conditions, work schedule
- the possibility of combining with the main work or study.
- assistance of the curator
- Prizes and bonuses for good work.

24.05.2019 month

Online store consultant

In connection with the expansion of the network of online stores, consultants are required.
The work consists in maintaining and supervising the customer base, informing about current promotions, discounts, store novelties.
Work through training, possibly without experience
Requirements for the applicant
compliance and execution of work instructions, the availability of the Internet and a PC.
Conditions, work schedule
Flexible work schedule, all work is done online.

24.05.2019 month

PC operator at home.

Employees are required for the vacancy of a PC operator, to create a base of loyal customers, your responsibilities will include posting and processing ads, maintaining an Excel database, advising clients, interacting with the team, the desire to grow and learn.

Applicant requirements:
PC and Internet access,
desire to learn and grow
focus on results,
work with a team of like-minded people.

Conditions, work schedule:
work at home,
flexible working hours,
the possibility of combining with the main work or study,
official employment

24.05.2019 month

Video editing

Good afternoon, I am editing videos. I started back in 2014 with the so-called vines (6-second videos). Rested mainly on football. However, I can make various videos. Here are examples of my work:


Work in Word, Excel

Good day! I work in Word, Excel. Free up to 5 hours a day. I print any text. Price negotiable


Work for mothers on maternity leave

We offer jobs for mothers. You can earn without leaving your home and without being separated from your children! You need a couple of hours a day. And, of course, Internet access. No additional gadgets needed. All details when communicating via Internet mail [email protected]


PC operator remotely

We are looking for sociable, friendly people who are ready to learn and earn. You work 2-3 hours at home - and we pay you for it. All you need is a device from which you can access the Internet.

Job responsibilities:

Your duties are to publish announcements on the Internet and respond to responses to these announcements.

Working conditions:

Salary depends on the work done.

We provide free training and support throughout the work.

Write Vash.vyb [email protected]. We will tell you everything about our work and the company.


Online store administrator

Needed from you

1) desire to work and earn money, quick learner, ability to organize oneself,

2) the presence of a smartphone, tablet or computer with Internet access.

Employment 2-4 hours a day.

Job responsibilities:

You will have to engage in brand promotion and correspondence consulting via the Internet. (We will teach everything, we have all the materials).

Working conditions:

Constant training, career growth, stable payments.

Details by email [email protected]


Work from home online


remote operator consultant

IN big company customer service consultant required. Work via the Internet by correspondence.
Competent speech, ability to use a computer is required.
Job responsibilities:
Responsibilities include advising on the company's products, responding to customer inquiries.
Working conditions:
We will provide free training, consulting throughout the work.
Remote work, free schedule.
Fixed payouts and bonuses. Send applications to email address [email protected] I'll tell you more about the work.


Online store promoter

- availability of Internet access,
- purposefulness
- the desire to earn.
Job responsibilities:
— brand promotion on the Internet (we will teach you everything),
-making report.
Working conditions:
- the possibility of combining with the main work
- You are not tied to the office,
– employment from only 2 to 4 hours a day (depending on your desire to work and earn).
All details in e-mail [email protected]


Working on the Internet

We offer work in the Internet space.
special skills are not needed, except for the possession of a PC at the user level.
You need a desire to earn and learn.
Job responsibilities:
Accommodation free ads on the Internet, social networks.
Processing of incoming mail.
Working conditions:
Training is free, no investment required.
Payouts to a bank account or bank card.
If you are interested in our offer, we will send the details by e-mail.

Write [email protected]
