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Martyr Pavel (Parfenov). Immortal Regiment. Shilka. Parfenov Pavel Yakovlevich Letter from parents

Parfenov Pavel

Date of Birth: 21.07.2017

Diagnosis: aortic valve stenosis, mitral valve insufficiency

News from parents from 05/07/2019:

We would like to tell you about our Pashustik. We had to postpone rehabilitation sessions for now; for this we need recommendations from a cardiologist and the latest ultrasound of the heart. We will no longer go to Moscow for an ultrasound, because on May 30 we are flying to Berlin for an examination and ultrasound. There we will ask for recommendations.

Pavel’s health is excellent, there are no deteriorations. We believe that an ultrasound of the heart will show a stable picture.

Pashustik has learned to ride a scooter and is good at pushing off with his foot. He also enjoyed riding on swings and slides. On the street, my son also carefully examines cars, and most importantly favorite hobby- this is to roll the car by the rope. On the playground, Pasha plays with the children in the sandbox, and it is extremely difficult to take him out of there.

Thank you for your help and support! Thank you for being with us!

Sincerely, Pasha's parents

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News from parents from 01/30/2019:

This year our little boy became more independent and sat at the same table with us when the chimes struck. We were able to put him to bed only after 12 o'clock. There were a lot of gifts: sleds, sweets, a house in the form of a tent, cars, puzzles. Pasha was indifferent to the Christmas tree, but he loved sledding.

Like everyone else, viruses have not spared us this year. Although we rarely get sick, we have had intestinal infections and bronchitis. Pasha ate poorly and lost weight. Now we are recovering.

We will soon be given a date for the examination. I would like it to be agreed upon for the summer period. My son remains active and has no shortness of breath. Nasolabial folds sometimes turn blue with active movement. But overall there are no bad changes.

Starting in March, we plan to go to the rehabilitation pool with a trainer with specially selected loads for the heart in order to develop the heart and breathing.

Best regards, Pasha's family

News from parents from 10/13/2018:

Hello, our dear benefactors!

On September 15, we had an ultrasound with Professor I.A. Kovaleva. The doctor, unfortunately, upset us by saying that Pavel’s mitral valve gradient had increased. We, of course, were very upset, although we knew that sooner or later some deterioration would begin.

The rest of the heart parameters are normal. My son has no shortness of breath and has a lot of strength and energy. Also, the professor does not yet see the need to carry out the operation. He said that it is necessary to undergo a cardiac ultrasound, echocardiography and ECG as planned, once every six months.

On October 21, Pasha will be one year and three months old! My son can already walk and run on his own, and on walks he loves to go up and down the stairs. He also sings in his own language and tries to speak syllables at a time.

We don’t let Pasha watch cartoons yet, but give preference to books! The son began to turn the pages and look at the pictures, although before this he had only bitten the books. Pasha's favorite toys are wires, sockets, Appliances, which hums and makes loud sounds.

And one more good news: Pasha recently became an older brother! He often looks at his brother, smiles at him and strokes his hand.

We will not tire of thanking you from the bottom of our hearts for your help and the opportunity to rejoice and see how our Pasha grows and develops.

Sincerely, Pasha's parents

News from parents from 08/02/2018:

Hello, our dear benefactors!

On July 21, our Pasha turned 1 year old. We were looking forward to this event! There were many guests and gifts.

By now, my son has already lost seven teeth, and he enjoys tasting all the summer berries and fruits.

Pasha crawls, tumbles and rolls over, but so far only walks by hand with our support. However, we believe that he will soon go on his own: his great desire and perseverance are evident.

We recently finished going through all the doctors - this is a planned procedure for children in the first year of life. All specialists were satisfied with Pasha’s condition and pace of development; no problems were found. We will do the planned ultrasound of the heart in August in Moscow. We are expected to go to Berlin for a routine ultrasound and consultation no earlier than spring 2019. In the meantime, we will grow and move towards new achievements!

Sincerely, Pasha's parents

News from parents from 06/11/2018:

Hello, our dear benefactors!

A little more than two months have passed since we returned from Berlin after the examination. During this time, Pashustik grew stronger, stood up on his feet and began to actively move around the sofa, holding onto the back of the sofa or the wall with his hands. He has to crawl, because for now it's the only way moving around the apartment, but you can see his great desire to stomp his feet, like big mom and dad do. He no longer has the patience to sit on his hands, and the floor has become a small world that he explores and studies every day.

Pasha's two upper teeth have come out, and now he bites and chews an apple and cookies on his own. It's very funny to watch.

Pasha is feeling good. We will go to Berlin for a heart examination in July. Outwardly, our illness does not yet manifest itself in any way, but, unfortunately, we know that this is temporary. We will inevitably face questions about further treatment of the heart.

Thank you for being with us from the beginning of our journey and helping us perform the first and most important operation in our lives. We believe and hope that we will not be left without your prayers and help in the future. Low bow to you. In the meantime, we will grow and move towards new achievements.

Sincerely, Pasha's parents

News from parents from 04/11/2018:

Hello, our dear benefactors!

At the end of March we arrived in Berlin. Pavel endured the flight well and slept almost the entire time.

Two days later we came for an appointment. Dr. Mustafa gave us an ultrasound and said that according to its results, we did not need probing, which we were infinitely happy about. Pasha is gaining weight well, the aortic valve, which was operated on, is working great, but the mitral valve is not doing as well as we would like. There is a slight stenosis. Doctors assume that as he grows, problems will begin with the mitral valve and it will be necessary to decide what kind of surgery to do. Now no one can tell us what kind of operation this will be. So far the mitral valve is coping and does not interfere with Pasha’s development.

Now we are expected for the next examination in a year.

Sincerely, Parfyonov family

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News from 03/21/2018:

The Foundation transferred 4,395.00 EUR to the Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin clinic to pay for Pavel Parfenov’s operation.

News from parents from 03/15/2018:

Hello, dear philanthropists!

Congratulations on the long-awaited arrival of spring. We wish you prosperity, love and warmth!

Pasha turned 7 months old on February 21st! And finally the first lower teeth came out, already two. My son is trying out new porridges and purees. His favorite puree is zucchini puree. Closer to eight months, Pasha turned over on his stomach - it was so unexpected that it was hard to believe it. He doesn't like lying on his stomach, so he just rolls from a lying position to his stomach and back to his back. At the same time, he tries to sit down, still uncertainly, swaying, but he sits. Pasha is feeling good, he is capricious either because of the weather or because of his teeth, but he is very smiling, active and cheerful.

Sincerely, Parfyonov family

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News from parents from 02/11/2018:

Hello, dear philanthropists!

Our Pasha turned 6 months old on January 21st! We are looking forward to the appearance of the first teeth! Pasha’s teeth are having a hard time with a fever.

It's been six months since the major surgery. Time goes fast! And already in March we fly to Berlin for our first examination. We really hope that after the ultrasound, diagnostic probing will not be required and we will be sent home in a few days.

The German cardio center has already given us an invoice: 4395 EUR. Therefore, we again turn to you with a request to help our Pasha undergo this examination and continue to grow and develop as an absolutely healthy child.

Sincerely, Pasha's parents

News from parents from 01/08/2018:

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We would like to tell you about our Pavel. The ultrasound scheduled for the end of December 2017 was postponed to January, so we don’t have the results yet. Pasha is already gradually tasting the porridge, he is very active, enjoys doing exercises, lies on his stomach and turns in different directions, but has not yet completely turned over on his own, this is still ahead of him.

Dressed up his first one with us Christmas tree and now he admires her with pleasure!

Sincerely, Parfyonov family

News from parents from December 14, 2017:

Hello, our dear benefactors!

We would like to tell you about our Pavel. We have now completed an examination with specialist doctors, to whom the pediatrician referred us, and also had an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and hip joint. To our joy, none of the doctors identified any developmental abnormalities; Pasha is developing and growing as an absolutely healthy baby. In December we will undergo a routine ultrasound of the heart.

In the meantime, Pasha is enjoying the first snow in his life, loves to walk and sleeps with pleasure in the clean winter air!

News from parents from 11/09/2017:

Hello, our dear benefactors!

We would like to tell you about our Pavel. On October 10 we flew home to Moscow. The seam soon healed well. And now we even give Pasha a bath!

Outwardly, Pasha is completely healthy, but we will go for an ultrasound every month to see how our heart is working. Our first control ultrasound has already taken place. The valve works great, but with the mitral valve we will wait and delay until it is possible. Pasha must grow up, because it is much easier for adult children to undergo surgery.

In March we will fly to Berlin again for examination. In the meantime, we are growing and trying to turn over.

Sincerely, Pavel's parents.

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News from parents from 10/10/2017:

Today is the twenty-third day that we are in outpatient treatment. We are very happy, because Pashustik is already two months old, and it’s as if the three of us came home just after being discharged from the maternity hospital! It is impossible to express in words our quiet joy...

At first, of course, it was exciting: Pasha was breathing very often and heavily at night, and the lack of medical staff and instruments measuring blood pressure, pulse and saturation was a little frightening. But literally after a couple of nights, breathing was restored, and within a week we developed our own home routine. Every other day we went to an appointment: they measured our blood pressure and saturation, did an ultrasound, and examined the stitch.

They decided to postpone the removal of the seam for now, because it became wet and dried out only in some places. And the doctors named three reasons for the long healing of the suture: weak immunity after such a complex operation, poor blood flow to the soft tissues, since the heart is still trying to work in a large circle to enrich everything with oxygen internal organs, and that rib cage was sutured only a week after the operation. Fortunately, there is no infection, as there would have been a high temperature.

Every day we went to the clinic to have the stitch treated and the bandage changed, and on October 3 we finally had the stitch removed, but for now we can’t fly home. It is also necessary to change the patch daily and treat the suture site. You need to watch him closely. We believe that there is very little left, and the stitch will soon begin to heal, Pasha’s good health tells us this. And we will soon fly home to meet our grandparents!

Sincerely, the Parfyonov family.

News from 10/05/2017:

The Foundation transferred 119,960.00 EUR to the Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin clinic to pay for Pavel Parfenov’s operation.

News from parents from 09/22/2017:

Hello, dear philanthropists!

Our son needed urgent treatment, the fund issued a guarantee of payment to the clinic, and our Pasha urgently underwent an operation called “Rossa Kono”. Doctors managed to radically correct a congenital heart defect!

During the operation, the damaged aortic valve was replaced with the patient's own pulmonary valve, which is installed in place of the aorta, and a biological prosthesis was installed in place of the pulmonary valve.

The operation was very long and complicated, it lasted about 8 hours. Next, Pasha was transferred to the intensive care ward. He had very severe swelling, which began to subside gradually only on the fifth day. He slept under the influence of anesthesia for two weeks.

Our son was in intensive care for almost a month, slowly recovering, his heart adapted to new job. He began to get better, the number of droppers and medications was gradually reduced, Pasha’s condition stabilized - and he was transferred to the children’s department.

We spent two weeks in the children's department, during which Pasha again learned to eat milk from a bottle, and not through a tube.

And finally, after a control ultrasound, the doctors allowed us to go home, since the probe was removed, Pasha had the strength to eat on his own and his heart function had stabilized.

Unfortunately, the mitral valve does not work very well, so doctors say it may require a separate operation in the future. In any case, Pasha will have regular ultrasounds and monitoring in the future.

For some time we will be in Berlin for outpatient treatment, walk in the fresh air and gain strength!

We thank everyone who helped our son. Thank you!

Sincerely, Pavel's parents.

Words of gratitude from parents:

Dear benefactors!

We express our endless gratitude to you! Thank you very much!

We sincerely thank everyone who responded to our request and helped for the help and support provided. Thanks to you, our Pasha is one step closer to good health, a carefree childhood and healthy life. Low bow to you!

Sincerely, the Parfyonov family.


Letter from parents

Hello, dear philanthropists!

Pashenka is our first and long-awaited child. But the pregnancy was difficult from the first days - numerous examinations and ultrasounds. As a result, at the 32nd week at the National Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev we were diagnosed with: “Fetal congenital heart disease. Critical stenosis of the aortic valve with hypoplasia of the fibrous ring. Stenosis and insufficiency of the mitral valve of the 3rd degree. Diffuse fibroelastosis of the LV endocardium. A sharp decrease in LV myocardial contractility.”

Afterwards, I had a conversation with a cardiac surgeon about how the diagnosis was progressing for the worse. The baby will require emergency surgery immediately after birth. Very difficult! Unfortunately, in Russia the practice of such operations for newborns is very deplorable; there is a risk of serious postoperative complications. On this moment one of the clinics that successfully operates such congenital heart defects is located in Berlin. Stanislav Ovrutsky, a pediatric cardiologist, is ready to accept us for surgery.

On July 21, 2017, our Pasha was born in Berlin. Immediately after birth, he was taken for an ultrasound and, unfortunately, the diagnosis was confirmed. That same night he was transferred to the German Heart Center Berlin (DHZB), where an emergency procedure was performed to balloon the interventricular septum so that the heart could somehow work independently, otherwise it would have stopped...

According to doctors, we now need to cross the threshold of the neonatal period of the newborn - it lasts approximately from ligation of the umbilical cord to the 28th day of life. Passing this period gives us more chances for a positive outcome of the upcoming major operation and, accordingly, reduces the risks.

Our baby spent 3 days in intensive care, after which he was transferred to the post-resuscitation ward, where he remains to this day.

Now our Pasha’s condition is serious, but stable, the so-called heart compensation is underway - that’s what the doctors said. But at any moment, cardiac decompensation may occur, and then surgery will have to be performed immediately. We can't find a place for ourselves!

At the moment, doctors cannot say in advance which of the operations will be performed - Ross or Fontaine, because They will make the final decision only during the operation itself.

Now we spend every day with Pashenka. He behaves calmly, has a good appetite and normal sleep. There is a weight gain. He looks like an absolutely healthy child, but, according to doctors, our diagnosis is very insidious - it can worsen at any moment, and the worst thing is that it is impossible to predict.

But to say that we are afraid for our son is to say nothing! Fortunately for us, the Berlin Cardiocenter is ready to help us carry out all the examinations and surgery. But the amount of the invoice that we have now been given is simply huge - more than 8.5 million rubles! This is too much for us! Therefore, we turn to you for help! You are our only hope!

Please help us save our son! Give our Pashenka a chance to live!

Sincerely, the Parfenov family.


Funds have been collected. Thank you for your help!

It was April '44. One of these spring days was etched in the memory of the front-line soldier for a long time. The regiment where Parfenov served crossed the Dniester under Nazi fire and entered into an unequal battle with superior enemy forces. His onslaught turned out to be so crushing that the threat of encirclement of the surviving brave men loomed. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, some threw themselves into the river, others surrendered. When the Germans were already a few tens of meters from Pavel, he, without hesitation, pulled off his outer clothing, hastily buried it under a noticeable bush and, as they say, in what his mother gave birth to, jumped into the icy water. He doesn’t remember how he swam. He woke up in the middle of the river and only then saw that the bullets were fanning out around him. Either the shooters were idiots, or there really is a God, but Paul’s death has passed.

Having with difficulty climbed to the steep bank of the river, he soon met his own people, from whom he learned that only 18 people survived in the regiment. While the survivors were discussing the plan of further action, Parfenov, dressed in German uniforms that his friends had found for him somewhere, fell fast asleep. And when I opened my eyes, many of my colleagues were no longer there. Only two soldiers, two soldiers and a wounded lieutenant were waiting for him. Time was pressing, so, placing the wounded platoon commander on the raincoat, they set off. However, it was an unbearable effort for Pavel to overcome only 800 meters along the dam to be safe. His bare feet, torn to blood on the dry reeds, did not allow him to walk quickly. And machine-gun fire from the other side forced us to hug the ground. It took Parfenov alone - his fellow travelers were forced to leave Pavel in order to save the lieutenant - to get to their own. Since the regimental banner was preserved, the unit was not disbanded, but was replenished with fresh forces. Until August 1944, it stood on the defensive, systematically holding back enemy attempts to make a breach in it. And so on until our troops won a strong victory during the Iasi-Chisinau operation.

Here, for the first time, Pavel had a real opportunity to find his clothes, buried several months ago, and with them documents and military awards - the Order of the Red Star and the Medal "For Courage". For this purpose, he once went on a search, but, unfortunately, , were not successful. The place where the bush stood was plowed up by shells and bombs.

Pursuing the enemy, Parfenov's regiment reached the Danube, crossed it and, among other formations, was sent first not to liberate the city of Shumen, but then to liberate Constanta. During fierce battles, they managed to break the fierce resistance of the invaders and take full control of the initiative in this area of ​​​​combat operations. For the heroic deeds here, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Comrade Stalin twice expressed gratitude to Pavel Parfenov. In addition, the illustrious fellow countryman was nominated for the medal “For Courage,” which he never received. Why remains a mystery. But as for the medal “For Military Merit,” it was awarded to him.

Transbaikalian Parfenov, with arms in hand, drove the barbarians not only from his native land, but also from the territories of other states, in particular, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Yugoslavia. The war ended for him on the Elbe with a joyful meeting with his American allies.

Today commemorates: saints of the 4th century: sschmchch. Akepsimus, bishop, Joseph, presbyter and Aifal, deacon; mchch. Attica, Eudoxia, Cateria, Istucaria, Pactovia, Niktopolion and their squads; St. Akepsima; right Snandulia Persica. Updates to the Church of the Great Martyr. St. George the Victorious in Lydda.

Saints of the 20th century: sschmch. Nikolai Dinariev, Vasily Arkhangelsky, Pyotr Orlenkov, Vasily Pokrovsky, Alexander Zverev, Vladimir Pisarev, Sergiy Kedrov, Nikolay Pyatnitsky, Vikenty Smirnov, John of Caesarea, Peter Kosmenkov, Alexander Parusnikov, Pavel Andreev, Cosma Rybushkinsky (Petrichenko) presbyters, schmch. Protodeacon Sergius Stanislavlev, Deacon Simeon Krechkov, martyr. Pavel Parfenov and MC. Evdokia Safronova.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel's Day.

Today we turn to the memory of the martyr Pavel Parfenov. Pavel Nikitich Parfenov was engaged in trade and was a church elder in the Kasimov district of the Ryazan province. Before the revolution, most residents of the village of Loschinino worked at Zaitsev’s factory (nets are still knitted there to this day) and, receiving meager wages, often borrowed goods from Parfenov. And then the debtor would go to the shop to pay, Parfenov would count his debts and see that the poor fellow would have to pay back almost all of his pay. “Uh, brother! What are you going to live on?” - he says, crosses out the debt entries and also gives the worker a handful of sweets: “Here, bring a gift to the guys!”

In the fall of 1918, an uprising against Soviet power broke out in Kasimov. Some of the dissatisfied entered the city through Loshchinino. And although the local peasants did not participate in the uprising, a detachment of Latvian punitive troops soon arrived. People were lined up, intending to shoot every tenth one. The Chairman of the local Council was able to prove that the Loshchininsky residents did not rebel. Then the Latvians took on Parfenov. In vain the whole village stood up for him - mounted Latvians chased the “shopkeeper” around the village with whips for some time, and then shot him. Recently, a church was opened in his house in the village of Loshchinino, Kasimovsky district, Ryazan region - now services are held in the Parfenov shop, a witness to his good deeds.

Dear brothers and sisters, in the course of human history, different peoples played various roles. Some played positive roles, others played negative roles. The Jewish people were chosen for the highest responsibility of being the guardians of monotheism and becoming the cradle for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. But these same people shouted before Pilate the words “Crucify, crucify Him!” The Japanese people were the first victims nuclear weapons. Whereas the German people went down in history as the first bearer of the terrible Nazi worldview. Our people also made many mistakes in the 20th century. And reading the lives of the new martyrs, you see that, probably, every second innocent Christian confessor suffered at the hands of Latvian riflemen. What kind of units were these? During the years of the revolution, there was a saying in Russia: “Soviet power rests on Jewish brains, Latvian bayonets and Russian fools!” There was another phrase in use among the common people at that time: “Don’t look for the executioner, but look for the Latvian.” During the days of the October Revolution, the Latvian regiments did not allow counter-revolutionary troops to be sent from the Northern Front to Petrograd. In 1919, the leader of the Bolsheviks in Latvia, Stuchka, wrote: “The Latvian regiments were the first and almost completely to join the Red Socialist Army, selflessly and bravely fulfilling their revolutionary duty as a proletarian army both on the internal and external fronts of the RSFSR.” The Chekist leadership also largely consisted of Latvians. And the first among them that comes to mind is Peters, the deputy chairman of the Cheka. Here are just a few quotes from his public speeches dating back to 1918-1919: “I declare that any attempt by the Russian bourgeoisie to once again raise its head will meet with such a rebuff and such reprisal, before which everything that is understood as the Red Terror will pale...” and further: “ anti-contagious vaccination was carried out - that is, the Red Terror... this vaccination was given to the whole of Russia...” - Peters wrote about the execution of hundreds of hostages after the attempt on Lenin and the murder of Uritsky in 1918.

Then the “Iron Guard of October” was sent to restore order in Murom, Rybinsk, Kaluga, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod... They were engaged in so-called “prevention”. In 1919, a punitive train carrying a detachment of Latvians and sailors ran daily along the railway line between Cherepovets and Vologda. Eyewitnesses recalled: “The train stopped at some station, and the detachment, at its own discretion or denunciation, began to carry out searches, requisitions, arrests and executions...” In official language this was called a “visiting session of the Special Department of the Cheka.”

Well, what can you do, any people can face one or another sad historical role. It’s scary to imagine, but if it weren’t for the Latvian regiments, maybe there wouldn’t have been 70 years of terrible godless power over our Motherland, there wouldn’t have been persecutions and repressions... But we don’t need to blame the Latvians living today: it’s not easy for them either Learning to live with such a page in your history is difficult to accept rather than deny. Our task is to learn lessons from history. And we are delaying this. And we are ashamed in our cities, St. Petersburg, Orel, Kazan, to have streets in honor of the Latvian riflemen, in honor of the murderers and torturers of many of our confessors. Ashamed!

Holy Martyr Paul, pray to God for us.

Deacon Mikhail Kudryavtsev

Lives of the Saints

Martyr Pavel (Parfenov)

Pavel Nikitich Parfenov(+ 1918), martyr. Commemorated on October 31, in the Cathedral of Ryazan Saints and in the Cathedral of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

Year and place of birth are unknown.

Pavel Nikitich Parfenov was engaged in trade and was the church warden of the Mitinsky church in Kasimovsky district. Recently, a church was opened in his house in the village of Loshchinino, Kasimovsky district.

Before the revolution, most of the residents of Loshchinin worked at Zaitsev’s factory (now Kasimovset) and, receiving miserable wages, often borrowed goods from Parfenov. And then the debtor would go to the shop to pay. Parfyonov calculates his debts and sees that the poor man will have to pay almost all of his salary. “Uh, brother! What are you going to live on?” - he says, crosses out the debt notes and also gives the worker a handful of sweets: “Here, bring a gift to the guys!”

In the fall of 1918, an uprising against Soviet power broke out in Kasimov. Some of the dissatisfied entered the city through Loshchinino. And although the local peasants did not participate in the uprising, a detachment of Latvian punitive troops soon arrived. People were lined up, intending to shoot every tenth one.

The Chairman of the local Council was able to prove that the Loshchininsky residents did not rebel. Then the Latvians took on Parfyonov. In vain the whole village stood up for him - mounted Latvians chased the “shopkeeper” around the village with whips for some time, and then shot him. And now, in Parfenov’s shop, a witness to his good deeds, services are held. Services are also held in the Mitino church, where he was an elder.
