Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Along the lines of a formal business style example. Business text style. Business letter in English

The official business style of speech is one of the five functional styles of the Russian language. Its main feature is that it serves to formalize official business relations in society. These relationships can arise in the process of interaction on various business occasions between states, organizations, within them, between citizens and organizations. The official business style of speech has a wide scope of application: from state acts and international treaties (legal and diplomatic substyles) to business correspondence - business letters, statements, certificates, etc. (administrative clerical substyle).

The purpose of this manual is to display the diversity of those business relationships that exist within one state and that arise in the life of its citizens. As a consequence of these relations, various documents will appear.

Next, the classification of information and organizational and administrative documents of the administrative and clerical substyle will be presented and examples of their design will be given. The classification is carried out based on the presence of those actors who enter into business relations: organizations, citizens within the organization, citizens and organizations.

    Samples of the design of texts of documents arising as a result of relations between organizations.

    Covering letter

We return __________________________________________

(signed and sealed)

Copy(s) _______ (agreement No.____) dated __________

on __________________________________________________

and also _____________________________, which we ask

I am sending you test reports _____________________________________________________

The test showed the following results: ______________

We send agreement No. _______ dated ____________, signed on our part. A certificate of financing will be sent to ________________.

    Confirmation letter

We confirm receipt of your letter No. _____ dated _________, in which you _____________________________________________________

Our decision will be communicated by _________________

We confirm receipt of your letter from _________, in which you request _______________________________________________________

We regret to inform you that the plant is currently experiencing great difficulties in completing this task and cannot fulfill your request.

    Reminder letter

We remind you that according to the plan of joint work on _______________________________________________________________

You must ____________________________________________________

We suggest that you complete the work provided for in the plan no later than _____________________.

We send you a second time __________________________________________

(information, application, estimate, etc.)

on ____________________________________________________________

We kindly ask you to confirm that you have received them as soon as possible.

    Notification letter

To the Chief Accountant of the Ministry ___________________

We would like to inform you that to provide technical assistance to SMU-1 in the construction of the hot press shop, the plant management decided to allocate two dump trucks and a truck crane daily, writing off these transportation costs at the expense of the plant.

Chief accountant of the Progress plant __________________


    Invitation letter

Chief engineer of the Progress plant

Mikheev Yu.A.

Dear Yuri Alexandrovich!

I am sending you the work “Methodological recommendations for unification and aggregation in mechanical engineering” for your review.

I kindly ask you to take part as an opponent in the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council to discuss this work, which will take place at the end of February.

The time and place of the meeting will be announced additionally.

Scientific Secretary of the Scientific and Technical Council________________


    Letter of guarantee

The Progress plant kindly asks you to provide the model of the bending machine available at your enterprise, designed by the engineers of your enterprise A.A. Zubov.

We guarantee a return within a month from the date of delivery.

Thank you for your willingness to support us in this matter, expressed in a conversation with our chief engineer.


    An inquiry

Chief mechanic of the plant

Plakhov N.S.

In order to be able to obtain financing from an industrial bank for the construction of a shed in workshop No. 33 using lower-limit allocations, I ask you to provide an inventory of the work and its volume for drawing up an estimate.

Director of the Progress plant ___________


    Letter of demand

2003 No._______

Deputy plant director______________

We are sending you a claim _____________________________________________________

to pay __________ rub. behind _____________________________________

and we ask you to give your opinion on the merits (of the claim) no later than _________________.

Appendix: on 3 sheets.

    Letter of request

Head Department of Foreign Languages


I request that an employee of our company, Alexander Petrovich Danilov, be allowed to take the candidate exam in English.

Deputy Director of the Progress plant ___________


    Samples of the design of texts of documents arising as a result of relations between citizens within organizations.


Company stamp

Job title of the person

to whom the report is submitted

note, his full name, including

name of organization


Text of the memorandum (information, proposal and its argumentation).

Annex 1. …

    Explanatory letter

Stamp of the enterprise Name of the position of the person to whom the application is submitted

explanatory note and his full name


The text of the memo (information regarding any fact or document).

Name and signature of the addressee - official.

Date (if it is not provided in the stamp or on the organization’s letterhead).


Name of the institution,

government that issued the decree


Date of. No…

City name

In connection with ... (name of the institution, government that issued the resolution) ...


Position of the person

who issued the resolution Signature I.O. Surname

Secretary Signature I.O. Surname

4. Order

Name of institution

Date of. No…

Name of the order (about what?)


issuing an order

    Extract from the order

Name of institution

Extract from the order

Date of. No…

Name of the order (about what?)

In accordance with... it is necessary...


Name of the person's position, Signature

issuing an order


Ministry name

or departments



Date of. No…

City name

Work team meeting

Chairman Last name I.O.

Secretary Last name I.O.

Present Surname I.O. members of the collegial body


AND ABOUT. Last name – Record of the report or – (Text of the report is attached).


AND ABOUT. Last name – Recording of the speech or – (Text of the speech is attached).


Consideration of the 2nd issue on the agenda according to the scheme of the 1st issue

Secretary Signature I.O. Surname

    Extract from the protocol

Ministry name

or departments


Name of structural unit


Date of. No…

City name

Topic of the issue under discussion

Chairman Last name I.O.

Secretary Last name I.O.

____ people were present (list attached)


    What is being heard about, question, report (report, message), title of position, Last name of I.O. in the genitive case


AND ABOUT. Last name (Text of the report is attached).


      The operative part according to the scheme: action - performer - deadline.

Chairman Signature I.O. Surname

Secretary Signature I.O. Surname

Clerk Signature I.O. Surname

Name of institution

Date of. No…

City name

Name of the act (about what?)

Grounds: on what basis the act is issued

Compiled by commission

Chairman position name Full name

Members of the commission position name full name

Present job title Full name

Presentation of the results of the commission's work

Compiled in ______ copies

1st – (to whom?)

2nd – (to whom?)

Chairman Full name

Members of the commission Full name

Full name was present

In action 00-00

    Samples of the design of texts of documents arising as a result of relations between citizens and organizations.

    Power of attorney


I, full name, home address, passport number, in connection with (what?)… trust the full name, home address, passport number, (what?)…

Date Full name (principal)

I certify the signature of the full name (principal).

Certifier position. Signature.

Full name (certifying signature)


Person to whom the application is sent

(his position, full name)

Full name in Rod. p. (residence address

or job title)…


Statement of request.

Applicant's signature


Organ corner stamp,

issuing certificate

The full name given is that (the reason for issuing the certificate)…

Given for submission to... (the place where the certificate must be provided).

The position of the person who issued the certificate.

Seal. Signature of the official.

Date (if it is not provided in the stamp or on the organization’s letterhead).


I, Full name, was born date, month, year of birth, city name. From ___ to ____ year I studied at secondary school N __. In ____ year he entered name of educational institution, faculty. Graduated in ______ year name of educational institution, faculty, specialty, receiving a diploma with honors. I have qualifications name of qualification. From ____ to ____ year he worked in full name of the place of work as name of profession, specialty. Since _____, he has been an applicant for the academic degree of candidate of _________ sciences at the department name of the department of the educational institution. In ____, he entered full-time targeted graduate school, which he successfully completed in _____, having defended his thesis on the topic " Topic name". Since ____ I have been working in full name of the establishment, place of work. Married).

Husband (wife): Full name, year of birth.

Son (daughter): Full name, year of birth.

Date Signature


Sergey Alekseev

[enter your goal]


1990–1994 Bashmachok Enterprise, Moscow

Head of planning department

A new planning system has been introduced.

Sales volumes increased by 13%.

Reduced production costs by 23%.

1985–1990 Bashmachok Enterprise, Moscow

Deputy Head of Planning Department

Sales volumes increased by 7%.

A unified computer network has been organized.

4 branches of the enterprise were put into operation.

1980–1984 Knitting factory No. 3 Moscow

Senior economist

A new trade settlement system has been introduced.

Improved communication with suppliers.

Internship at the parent company.

1975–1980 Knitting factory No. 3 Moscow


Increase in sales by 40%.

Completed advanced training courses with honors.


1971–1975 Institute of Light Industry Moscow

Faculty: Economics of Light Industry.

Specialty: Economist.


Computers, cars, reading.

The Russian language allows you to express your thoughts in five different languages, each of which is characterized by something special and is used in a specific field of activity. In administrative and public - a formal business style of speech is used, which is used both in written and oral form.

In contact with


This style has pronounced characteristic features, which are clearly visible in the morphology and syntax of the texts. The style features are as follows:

Concerning lexical features, then there are only three of them:

  1. A certain set of lexical phrases and the use of official words: I prescribe, authorize, notify, plaintiff, law, etc.
  2. Dry vocabulary, full of purely clerical expressions: there is a place to be, etc.
  3. Use of stable phrases: based on, taking into account, etc.

Important! Despite the necessary impersonality, these texts allow the use of first-person verbs and pronouns.

Syntactic constructions- these are the signs that easily allow the reader to determine the type of presentation. This type of text has several characteristic syntactic features:

  1. The presence of small structures - simple sentences, the absence of homogeneous sentence parts or introductory words.
  2. High structural standardization – each type of document has its own structural features. Thus, all statements begin with a stamp at the top of the sheet, and all protocols are characterized by signatures at the end of the document.

This form of presentation of thoughts is quite actively used in various spheres of life. Everyone should be able to use it, since any relationship with organizations occur in business language.


The scope of application is extremely narrow, and at the same time quite broad. Examples of text of this nature are often found in government organizations and are divided into:

  1. Legislative level – legislative documents, official papers, charters, rules.
  2. Everyday business level - official correspondence, private office work.

Both types are used in different fields:

  • jurisprudence;
  • economics;
  • politics;
  • business;
  • international relations;
  • marketing.

An example of official business style documents is official and official papers, starting with explanatory notes and ending with the Constitution.


As in any other, in an official business text There are some clichés. Usually, the use of such stamps is considered unacceptable and negative.

Cliches are words that are overused and have an uncertain meaning (defined, therefore, to some), deforming the meaning, or losing it in the abundance of unnecessary phrases altogether.

Despite the negative meaning of stamps, they can and should be used in business conversations and papers. It was stated above that business speech uses standards as the main means of language. The presence of a certain standard or stamp at times simplifies creation and filling all questionnaires, forms and other documents.

Important! It is unacceptable to freely express your thoughts in such forms: the secretary cannot answer in business correspondence “We are waiting for an answer, like the nightingale of summer” - this is unacceptable.

Official speech, standard situations - all this determines the nature and purpose of such documents, as well as their clear structure and arrangement of all elements of the sentence. The following are not allowed:

  • conversational elements;
  • poeticisms;
  • archaisms;
  • emotional words and colors;
  • artistic elements: hyperbole, metaphors, etc.;

Any text in this category that is correctly constructed in terms of grammar and vocabulary is correct and fully complies with the requirements of an official business style of speech. And if it contains the above elements, even with the correct structure, it is perceived as incorrect. Standardity in this type of speech is a lexical feature and has its own markers, for example:

  • to fine;
  • declare gratitude;
  • call to account;
  • make an argument;
  • be responsible;
  • notification of delivery.

Thus, cliches in general are a negative phenomenon, but their use in this category acceptable and even encouraged.

However, there is another side to the excessive use of bureaucratic language - texts must convey information, despite the use of many clichés.

Therefore, you should carefully proofread all papers to ensure that the recipient and reader get the necessary information load from them.

Style text analysis

Any text is subject to analysis to determine the style to which it belongs and other features. Examples of text can be found in legislation, legal notices and other official documents. To determine the style, you need analyze the text:

Identify style features:

  • accurate presentation of information and detailed;
  • rigor of composition;
  • lack of expression and emotion.

Lexical features:

  • use of special terminology;
  • abundance of bureaucracy (taking into account, they have the right);
  • words of necessity and obligation.

Morphological features:

  • use of verbs in the present tense;
  • frequent use of verbal nouns;
  • naming people based on action.


  • high frequency of homogeneous members;
  • presence of complicated sentences;
  • frequent use of the genitive;
  • use of passive and impersonal constructions;
  • the presence of simple unemotional sentences;
  • direct word order.

If all these features are found in the text, then it belongs to the official business style. Examples of texts of this kind are found in educational literature, stationery and personal documents. For example, an autobiography is often written in similar language, and when writing it you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Text structure: each important date begins with a paragraph and is followed by a new paragraph; the date is always indicated at the end of the document.
  2. Strict adherence to the chronological sequence, starting from birth and ending with the last year before the document was written; illogical transitions are not allowed.
  3. Conciseness: the autobiography should not be written on more than 2-3 pages.
  4. A statement of accurate, reliable facts that can always be confirmed with evidentiary papers.

When writing a biography It is allowed to use words from other styles, but the presence of clichés is welcome. You can often find autobiographies in a completely artistic style, but such a document is more like an autobiographical story than a dry statement of facts.


Oral speech
can also be staged in a business style. Compliance with the clichés of the official style is also encouraged in dialogues, despite the fact that the usual arrangement of information on papers differs from oral speech.

She is usually full of emotion and quite asymmetrical. If oral speech is emphatically logical, the communication environment is clearly official.

Main characteristics oral business communication is the flow of a conversation in a positive manner in the key of sympathy, respect or goodwill. Oral speech differs depending on the types of style:

  • clerical and business - oral speech is filled with clericalism and clichés, but also allows the use of ordinary, non-business words;
  • public administration - the use of phraseological units, anarchisms, slang expressions and other words not related to business style is unacceptable.

TO main features oral official speech includes:

  • brevity;
  • accuracy;
  • influence;
  • corresponding words;
  • correctly composed designs;
  • correct syntax;
  • standardization of mentally prepared speech.

Oral business speech cannot be emotionally charged. A good example is the following business dialogue:

- Hello!

- Hello. How can I help you?

— I would like to submit my resume to your company.

— Do you have a higher education?

— Yes, I graduated from the university with a course in Management.

— Are you familiar with our terms and conditions?

- Yes, in full.

- Fine. Then take your resume and other documents and come to the main office tomorrow at 9.00 for an interview. All the best!

- Thank you. Goodbye.

Official business style in Russian, examples where it is used

We study speech styles in Russian - official business style


Business speech may seem boring and dry at first glance, but when mastering it, it becomes clear that it is as rich as artistic speech, it’s just that the scope of its application requires certain conditions and rules, to which it corresponds. Formal business style is feature of the government and business sphere, and sooner or later you will have to learn to master it in order to become a full-fledged member of society.

Economy, military industry, advertising, communication in official institutions, government activities. Substyles: legislative (used in the field of government, the volentivity of the function is manifested); administrative and clerical (maintenance of personal business papers, institutional documents, emphasizes the nature of administrative relations - loans, advances); diplomatic substyle (at the international level, relations between the government and diplomats).


Among the bookish styles of the language, the official business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, it naturally undergoes some changes caused by the nature of the content itself, but many of its features, historically established genres, specific vocabulary, phraseology, and syntactic turns give it a generally conservative character.

A characteristic feature of the official business style is the presence of numerous speech standards in it is a cliché. If in other styles stereotyped phrases often act as a stylistic flaw, then in an official business style in most cases they are perceived as a completely natural part of it.

Many types of business documents have generally accepted forms of presentation and arrangement of material, and this undoubtedly makes them easier and simpler to use. It is no coincidence that in certain cases of business practice, ready-made forms are used that only need to be filled out. Even envelopes are customarily labeled in a certain order (different in different countries, but firmly established in each of them), and this has its advantage for both writers and postal workers. Therefore, all those speech clichés that simplify and speed up business communication are quite appropriate in it.


Official business style is the style of documents: international treaties, government acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc.

Despite the differences in content and variety of genres, the official business style is generally characterized by a number of common features. These include:

  • 1) conciseness, compact presentation, economical use of language;
  • 2) standard arrangement of material, frequent obligatory form (identity card, various kinds of diplomas, birth and marriage certificates, monetary documents, etc.), the use of clichés inherent in this style;
  • 3) widespread use of terminology, names (legal, diplomatic, military, administrative, etc.), the presence of a special stock of vocabulary and phraseology (official, clerical), inclusion of complex abbreviations and abbreviations in the text;
  • 4) frequent use of verbal nouns, denominative prepositions (based on, in relation to, in accordance with, in fact, by virtue of, for the purposes of, at the expense of, along the line, etc.), complex conjunctions (due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, etc.), as well as various stable phrases that serve to connect parts of a complex sentence (in case ...; on the basis that ...; for the reason that ...; with that the condition that ...; in such a way that ...; the fact that ...; the fact that ... etc.);
  • 5) the narrative nature of the presentation, the use of nominative sentences with listing;
  • 6) direct word order in a sentence as the predominant principle of its construction;
  • 7) a tendency to use complex sentences that reflect the logical subordination of some facts to others;
  • 8) almost complete absence of emotionally expressive speech means;
  • 9) weak individualization of style.


The heterogeneity of topics and the variety of genres make it possible to distinguish two varieties in the style under consideration: the official documentary style and the everyday business style.

In turn, in the first one we can distinguish the language of legislative documents related to the activities of government bodies and the language of diplomatic acts related to international relations.

In everyday business style, official correspondence between institutions and organizations, on the one hand, and private business papers, on the other, differ in content, genres and the nature of the language used.

The language of legislative documents includes vocabulary and phraseology of state law, civil law, criminal law, labor code, code of laws on marriage and family, etc. Adjacent to it is vocabulary and phraseology related to the work of administrative bodies and the official activities of citizens etc.


Examples of documents of this type of official business style include the following excerpts.

Regulations on elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Article 3. Every citizen of the USSR who has reached the age of 23 can be elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, regardless of race and nationality, gender, religion, educational qualifications, residence, social origin, property status and past activities.

Another type of official business style - everyday business style - reflects official correspondence (business letter, commercial correspondence), official business papers (certificate, certificate, act, protocol), private business papers (application, power of attorney, receipt, autobiography, account, etc.). All of them are characterized by a certain standardization, which facilitates their compilation and use and is designed to save language resources and eliminate unjustified information redundancy.

Samples of some business papers.

Statement I ask you to give me a week's leave to travel home for family reasons. Enclosed is a letter informing me of my mother's illness. January 10, 1974 (signature)

Another example:

Receipt. I, Anton Ivanov, a student of grade 5 "B", received 1 (one) copies of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova from the school library for a Russian language lesson. I undertake to return the books on the same day. March 23, 2000 A. Ivanov


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Official business style” is in other dictionaries:

    Formal business style- (business, officially documentary, administrative, legislative, officially clerical, clerical, business literature) is a functional variety of modern literary language, serving the sphere of law, power, ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    OFFICIAL BUSINESS STYLE- OFFICIAL BUSINESS (from Latin officialis - official) STYLE. One of the functional styles of literary language serving the sphere of written official business relations... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    formal business style- (business, officially documentary, administrative, legislative, officially clerical, clerical, business literature) One of the functional styles of the modern literary language, serving the sphere of law, power, administration, ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Formal business style- (business, officially documentary, administrative, legislative, officially clerical, clerical, business literature) One of the functional styles of the modern literary language, serving the sphere of law, power, ... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book

    formal business style- a type of literary language: one of the book styles of speech, serving the spheres of legislation, office work, administrative-legal relations... Dictionary of literary terms

    This article is about clothing style; other meanings: Formal business style. Business style is one of the clothing styles intended for the business sphere of social life and characterized by rigor, restraint and conservatism in the choice of fabric, color ... Wikipedia

    - [manner] noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) what? style, why? style, (I see) what? style, what? style, about what? about style; pl. What? styles, (no) what? styles, what? styles, (see) what? styles, what? styles, about what? about styles 1. Style is called... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    speech style- ▲ style of presentation; style of speech; character of presentation. conversational style. book style. art style. journalistic style. scientific style. scientific. formal business style. clerical style [language]. protocol style. protocolism...... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    STYLE IN LINGUISTICS- STYLE IN LINGUISTICS, a system of linguistic elements united by a certain functional purpose, methods of their selection, use, mutual combination and correlation, a functional variety of literary language. Compositional speech... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

    style- I; m. (French style) see also. in style, stylistic, stylistic 1) a) A set of characteristics, features that create a holistic image of art of a certain time, direction, individual manner of the artist in relation to ideological content and... ... Dictionary of many expressions

Business text

Official business style in texts. Examples

Every modern person at least once in his life is faced with the need to write a text in an official business style. This is due to modern requirements for communication between legal entities, individuals and government agencies, or individuals and legal entities. Simply put, when contacting an organization as a representative of another organization or as an individual, you will be forced to write text in an official business style.

One of the most common types of texts in business style is a commercial proposal.

Send a request to write a text in a business style to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

In order not to burden you with the rules of writing official business texts, let’s immediately look at a couple of examples.

Example of business text 1. Postponement.

To the director of LLC "."

Kuznetsov N. S.

Dear Nikolai Sergeevich!

On January 12, we received a commercial proposal from you, in which you offer our company regular supplies of metal for projects implemented by our company.

Our management has reviewed your conditions and is ready to conclude an agreement of intent and, in the future, a cooperation agreement with you. The only obstacle to fruitful cooperation may be the impossibility of supplying rolled metal with deferred payment, which you refuse to provide to us.

We ask you to once again consider the possibility of providing a deferment for large-volume shipments! Otherwise, we will be forced to look for partners for regular supplies of rolled metal products among your competitors.


Head of the commercial department Petryakova I.I.

Business text example 2. Claim

In March of this year, our company entered into an agreement with you for the production and installation of plastic windows for office premises. The total number of windows was 48 pieces, the contract amount was 593,000 rubles.

Following the agreement, the windows had to be installed before September 1st. To date, only a third of the work has been completed, despite full payment from our side.

Considering that our company has fully fulfilled its payment obligations, we demand that the window installation work be completed in full as soon as possible, as well as eliminate the deficiencies described in previously sent claims by November 1, or return the money to us for uncompleted work . We also intend to demand compensation for the damage caused.

If your company fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract, or if it refuses to return funds and pay compensation, we will go to the court of the Russian Federation and also file a complaint with the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation at the location of your company.

See other examples below after reading the rules for writing text in a business style.

Rules for writing business text

Now you can get acquainted with the rules. So, from the examples it is clear that the main rule of a business text is to maintain a business style. What is “business style” in texts? This is, first of all, brevity of presentation, absence of emotions and facts.

In a business text, it is unacceptable to use emotionally charged expressions and colloquial expressions.

The first thing to remember when starting to write a business text in an official style is that your task is to summarize the essence of what you want to write as briefly as possible. Be it a complaint about someone’s actions (or inaction), a request for assistance, a claim, a demand, or something else.

The official business style is most often used in business to draw up commercial proposals, but in private life we ​​often have to present it in a business style when we are talking about communicating with government agencies, or about a conflict situation that has arisen, for example, when purchasing a low-quality product. .

For texts in a business style, it is customary to use certain words, which is clearly visible in all the examples given.

“Following”, “considering”, “we ask you to consider the opportunity”, “we ask you to assist”, etc. The set of these phrases depends on the situation, and of course, you must learn to intuitively feel when to use the phrase “we ask you” and when “we demand”.

Other examples of texts in business style

Formal business style for document, language, speech, letter, correspondence, text. Formal vocabulary, features, examples, templates, samples

The most important:

Remember the purpose of writing business text.

The main thing in an official document is its clarity and readability.

Official documents are read by very busy people who are constantly distracted by something. Business texts should be designed to be read in such conditions.

If you do not attach all the necessary argumentation to the text from the very beginning, then the letter risks turning into a protracted correspondence.

The main goal of business language is to accurately and clearly convey the meaning of what was said to the interlocutor or reader. Everything else is secondary. Formal text should be clear and easy to read. There is no point in striving for the beauty of a formal text; this is not a work of art. Not everyone can write a beautiful business text, and there is no point in it.

Examples of documents in business style

Don't strive for brevity. Brevity is only useful in addition to being informative and readable. If you need to write a few more lines to accurately understand the meaning, be sure to write them. Imagine a person who will read your text. Look at the text through his eyes. Make the text easy for that person to read. Think about what questions the reader might have, what explanations you would need if you were in his place. Immediately attach all the necessary materials and give the necessary explanations.

If the official text is of sufficient volume, it makes sense to make appendices. State the essence of the issue in the main text, and provide justifications in the appendices. This text is much easier to read.

We write official texts in order to receive or achieve something from someone. When starting to write, focus on your goal, make the text so that it leads to it by the shortest route. Then the text will turn out good.

When starting to write formal text, clearly state your purpose. with which you are writing a document, and write this goal on paper (type it on the computer) so that it (the goal) is before your eyes. Keep your goal in mind at all times. Don't go off topic. You need to add into your document only what is necessary to achieve the purpose for which this document was written. There is no need for any lyrical digressions, appeals, slogans, jokes or other lexical noise.

In official texts, displays of emotion are inappropriate and detrimental to quality. For example, it is quite acceptable to write like this: “I was unpleasantly surprised that your manager did not provide me with a discount as a regular customer.” Here you are saying that you reasonably expected a discount and did not receive it. But you shouldn’t write like this: “Yesterday I visited your store and asked the manager for a discount. But he didn’t give it to me. I was so upset that I didn’t sleep all night. This is such stress for me.”

Do not confuse the official style of writing with legal, journalistic, literary and others. Completely different requirements and canons have been developed for them. Don't mix styles. For reference, this text is written in a journalistic style. Examples of documents in official business style are at the end of the article.


When using pronouns, remember the rule that masculine pronouns (“he,” “which.”) can replace the masculine noun that was used last in the text. Feminine pronouns ("she", "which") can be replaced by the last feminine noun, and neuter pronouns ("it", "which") - the last neuter noun. Plural pronouns must refer to the last item listed.

For example: Barack Obama and his wife are an ideal couple. They are black. He is a successful politician, she is an activist of green technologies, cultivating an ecological garden bed, which she laid out in front of the White House.

But it’s not worth writing like this: Barack Obama, his wife and their dog usually take walks together. They make the perfect couple (probably with a dog). He is a successful politician, she (probably a dog) is an activist of green technologies, cultivating an ecological garden.

Third person pronouns should not be overused in official texts, as they make reading difficult in any case (remember the main purpose of the text). It is better to use a noun or abbreviation once again. Do not be afraid to repeat words if it is necessary for correct and quick understanding of the text.

The pronoun "You" is in some cases written with a capital letter, and in others - with a small letter. It is written with a capital letter when it is an address to one person. For example, “could you help me,” or “Please.” A small "you" is written when it refers to a group of people. For example, “I am addressing you, representatives of different regions of Russia gathered at this congress.”

Structure of the official text

Once again, remember the main purpose of writing a business text! Now I have deviated from another rule of writing formal letters. The rule goes like this: Whenever possible, the text should be presented sequentially. The text should not contain references to paragraphs that were much earlier or, even worse, much later. It is not always possible to completely avoid such links, but there should be a minimum number of them. When writing a document, always pay attention to such links and try to reduce their number.

If the text is long, try to break it into logical blocks. Sometimes it is useful to provide a short summary of what was said in it at the end of a logical block. A block may contain explanations and justifications for some idea. These explanations can distract from the idea itself, so summarizing it briefly at the end will be helpful. If the letter is short and relates to one topic, then one summary can be made, at the end or at the very beginning of the text. The style of writing a text, when you first formulate an idea and then justify it, is used in addresses to very busy people, so that they can understand from the first lines of the document what it is about, think about it, agree immediately without reading, or, if they have any questions questions and doubts, read the rationale.

Official business style: examples and principles of creating business texts

The official business style of creating texts is not only a useful and necessary thing in everyday life, but also profitable if you are engaged in copywriting. Such texts are now especially valuable, and customers pay good money for them. Don't believe me? Judge for yourself: a well-drafted complaint can sway the decision of certain authorities in your favor, allowing you to gain benefits or avoid costs. This is relevant for everyone, since we live in a bureaucratic society where business papers have the most powerful word. Today we will look at formal business style in practice, study the principles of creating business texts and give examples of business style.

Examples of business style surround us everywhere. Let's say you are a blogger and you have caught another blogger shamelessly stealing your content. What are you doing? You competently write a justified complaint with evidence to the hoster or search engine support service and wait for a positive result. Depending on how competently the complaint is drawn up, how accurately the business style is maintained in it, the decision on your issue will largely be determined.

So, business style is the environment of official relations. Business style is used in:

  • Jurisprudence
  • Economics
  • Government circles
  • Advertising field
  • International relations
  • As you can see, the entire bureaucratic apparatus uses exclusively business style. That is why the ability to create business texts can serve you not only in practical terms, but also bring financial benefits if you compose official texts for other people.

    Like any other writing style, the official business style has a number of characteristics unique to it. These are the ones we will consider now.

    1. Formal business style: quality volume

    The text of an official business style should be as concise as possible: everything is clear, specific, and to the point. There should be no unnecessary details. This is a mandatory requirement, and there is even a logical explanation for this. Imagine that you work in Yandex support service. Mountains of letters come to you every day. Of course, it is in your best interests that these letters be as short as possible and outline the essence of the problem as clearly as possible.

    Example of formal business style No. 1

    Incorrect: And then the embittered Pupkin will speed up and swing his bat at Sidorov’s car, cursing him for all he knows.

    Correct: Pupkin hit Sidorov’s car with a bat.

    2. Formal business style: emotionality

    Official business style should be devoid of emotions. Even if you are writing an angry complaint about your sworn enemy, your texts should not have any emotional overtones. Clarity, precision and composure. It doesn’t matter who writes the text - a diplomat or a carpenter, a professor or a janitor - individuality should not appear in an official business style.

    Example of formal business style No. 2

    Incorrect: And then this scoundrel, this bastard, this half-baked scoundrel Sidorov wrote something on my fence, oh... He wrote something in red paint that you never dreamed of, and then he ran away, can you imagine?!

    Correct: Sidorov, using red paint, wrote a number of obscene words on my fence and disappeared.

    3. Official business style: vocabulary

    Official business style vocabulary often contains verbal nouns, complex conjunctions and fixed phrases:

  • Based…
  • In accordance with…
  • Based…
  • Due to...
  • For the reason that...
  • By virtue of…
  • It is also worth noting that business style tends to use first-person pronouns, which, for example, is unacceptable in scientific style.

    Example of formal business style No. 3

    Based on the written statement of P.P. Pupkin. taking into account his active work activity, and also in accordance with paragraphs. 10.3 and 11.5 CD of OJSC “PupkinsCompany”, I order to provide material support to the project of integrating the “Stealth” technology into the “Spider” system of P.P. Pupkin. in the amount of 1000 (one thousand) basic units.

    4. Formal business style: structure

    The structure of a formal business style is often dictated by the types of documents in which this style is used. For example, the application must be written strictly according to the generally accepted template.

    Business style is distinguished by a rigid logical structure and can contain long sentences in which a logical and semantic connection is clearly visible. This style is also characterized by enumerations and direct word order.

    Example of formal business style No. 4

    In accordance with Resolution No. 5 of April 28, 2011, the provisions adopted at the 35th Congress of the People's Party of Copywriters, providing for the use of ready-made templates for fulfilling orders of individual entrepreneurs who passed state registration before August 22, 2009 and have an identity card, a business contract, are cancelled. , and the right to use the services of a copywriter for at least a year.

    Summary: So, let's summarize. Official business style is characterized by:

  • Rigid logical structure
  • Zero emotionality
  • Specifics and facts
  • Relevant terminology and expressions
  • First person pronouns
  • And the ability to create texts in a business style will allow you not only to solve your bureaucratic issues more effectively, but also to help others solve these problems, receiving your commercial interest for this.

    Business letter writing style

    It is customary to write business letters in a business style, which, being an official business style, differs significantly from other styles of language: scientific, artistic, colloquial.

    Official business language has a number of specific features and limitations, which include:

    A business letter is usually prepared on one issue; if you contact the same organization on different issues, it is recommended to prepare separate letters for each of them

    The nature of a business letter is official by observing the chain of command in the text of the letter

    Neutrality, which is characterized by a strict statement of the essence of the appeal without the use of colloquial vocabulary and figurative words; the letter should not contain words with diminutive or increasing suffixes and interjections

    Precision and clarity of wording, excluding discrepancies or double interpretation of the content of the letter

    The use of language (template) formulas used to motivate a particular action, for example:

    We guarantee payment

    According to your letter

    Please consider the issue

    We direct, etc.

    Conciseness of the text of the letter, which is achieved by excluding from the text phrases that carry a dual meaning

    The use of terms and abbreviations, which is ensured by the use of industry terminology and well-known abbreviations in the text of the letter (CIS, CSTO, sq. m, etc.)

    Use of sequential subordination of words in the genitive and instrumental cases (according to the staffing table.)

    Using simple and short sentences in the text of the letter with direct word order in the sentence.

    When preparing the text of a business letter, in addition to the above postulates, it is necessary to take into account that by the nature of the address in the letter, the language and the accuracy of the presentation of the essence of the issue, the addressee will judge not only the signatory of the letter, but also the entire organization as a whole.

    Common questions and solutions

    Official business style: examples. Official business style of document, speech

    The style of the Russian language is varied. In every life situation there are certain norms of communication. In the official sphere, there are also specific norms that sometimes run counter to the general linguistic norms. This is a feature of the official business style. It is dry and insipid, all the turns in it are unambiguous and constant.

    Formal business style: definition

    Official business style is a style of business management and legislative acts that has been formed over many years. Its characteristic feature is considered to be the consistency in the use of the same words and lexical phrases.

    The official business style, examples of which every person periodically encounters in their life, should be clear and unambiguous. In addition, all its genres are written according to the same templates. Sometimes, to get a new document, it is enough to simply rewrite 2-3 words.

    Stylistic features

    Like any other, it has its own characteristic features. The official business style in business texts is characterized by accuracy and unambiguity of presentation, an obligatory-prescriptive nature, complete impersonality, the absence of any emotional manifestations, standardization and stereotyping.

    Any document should be interpreted in only one way. Therefore, all the data presented in it is unambiguous, because otherwise means confusion and lawlessness in any matter.

    Since it is a business style, it is used to regulate the official sphere of human life and society. Everything that is stated in it must be fulfilled unquestioningly.

    There cannot be any personal characteristics or subjective interpretations in the documents. Therefore, the official business style of the Russian literary language allows the presentation of personal information only in minor documents such as a statement or an explanatory statement to argue the need for a particular action.

    The unambiguity of the presentation also translates into a high degree of stereotyping. It is present at all levels of style: from a set of tokens to the general structure of the entire document.

    Vocabulary of style

    Like any other, the official business style in business texts uses a standard set of lexemes and phrases. First of all, these are words from the field of official communication: I order, I authorize, I notify, plaintiff, head, law and the like. In other styles they are used much less frequently.

    The second characteristic feature is the use of constant expressions and cliches of speech. This makes any text predictable, but at the same time completely unambiguous: based on, taking into account, in accordance with.

    It is noteworthy that, despite the high level of impersonality, the use of first-person pronouns and verbs is allowed in an official business style. In comparison, in a scientific style this is completely unacceptable.

    And the last feature is the presence of dry, slightly outdated clerical vocabulary, which in other styles sounds inappropriate and somewhat comical: it takes place, is in a state of alcoholic intoxication, a liquid that looks like cognac.

    Syntactic constructions

    Based on the consistency of syntactic structures, each person can easily determine the official business style. Examples of it are well known to everyone from the school. And probably more than once in my life I had to write a statement or protocol.

    At the syntactic level, first of all, the presence of small constructions, simple sentences, and a minimum number of complications, such as homogeneous sentence parts or inserted constructions, are noted. This is dictated by the need for simplicity and unambiguity in understanding the information presented in the document.

    At the text level, there is a high level of standardization of its structure. For example, each statement begins with a header in the upper right corner, which indicates who is addressing whom. Next comes the text of the application itself, which ends with the date and signature of the applicant. The upper left corner of the document is left to overlay the resolution on this application. The same standardization is characteristic of all other genres.


    The official business style of speech is quite widespread. Every person comes across examples of texts all the time. Therefore, this style is divided into several substyles, depending on the industry of application.

    Legislative documents are used to form the legal framework of society. It prescribes the rules by which every person subject to the influence of this particular document must live. Legislative acts also establish penalties for failure to comply with regulations.

    The jurisdictional branch detects a violation and imposes punishment for it. There are also requests for pardon and reconsideration of the case in connection with certain evidence or circumstances.

    The administrative official business style is very common. Examples of such documents are even studied in the school curriculum. This includes documents regulating the activities of individual organizations and their interaction with individual individuals.

    And the last branch is diplomatic. Relations between states depend on the correctness of documentation in this area. One wrong comma or word can cause a global conflict.


    In practice, the official business style of speech has a wide variety of examples of texts. It would be quite problematic to name absolutely all genres in one article. Therefore, we will focus on the most popular of them, dividing them into groups depending on the industry of use.

    Legislative documents include a law, act, decision, decree. They are compiled at the highest levels of government by specially trained people.

    In the field of jurisprudence, the genres of official business style in the Russian language are represented by verdicts, court decisions, cassation appeals, search or detention warrants.

    Administrative documents are among the most common. This includes a statement, autobiography, order, recommendation, fax, telephone message, receipt and many others.

    In diplomacy, treaties, pacts, agreements, and conventions are most often used.

    Business management

    Much has already been said about how rich the official business style is in genres. Examples of their use are found all the time. This is an active style used everywhere in everyday life. Most often, an ordinary person encounters it in the business sector. When applying for a job, we write a resume, autobiography and application, and submit certificates from the previous place of work.

    Basically, all these documents have approximately the same structure. They begin with an indication of the author who compiled this text, followed by a presentation of the material, which is certified by a signature and seal, if any.


    In Russian philology, the official business style of a document, language, speech has an active nature of use. It is highly standardized and has a certain set of words and expressions that are used contrary to some laws of the language.

    For example, tautologies are not a stylistic error, since they contribute to an unambiguous understanding, which cannot be achieved by using pronouns for a more beautiful literary sound.

    Every person in his life must be able to use this style, since it regulates the interaction of the individual with the organization, the state and the entire legal world as a whole.

    Used to compose documents, letters and business papers in institutions, courts and in any type of oral business communication, this is an official business style of speech.

    general characteristics

    This is a long-established, stable and rather closed style. Of course, it too underwent some changes over time, but they were insignificant. Genres that have developed historically, specific syntactic turns, morphology and vocabulary give it a rather conservative character.

    To characterize the official business style, the language must be given dryness, compactness of speech, conciseness and the removal of emotionally charged words. Linguistic means already exist in a complete set for every case: these are the so-called language stamps or cliches.

    List of some documents that require official business style:

    • international treaties;
    • government acts;
    • legal laws;
    • various regulations;
    • military regulations and charters of enterprises;
    • instructions of all kinds;
    • official correspondence;
    • various business papers.

    General characteristics of linguistic style

    Genres can be diverse, content can be different, but the official business style also has common essential features. First and foremost: the statement must be accurate. If the possibility of different interpretations is allowed, this is no longer an official business style. There are examples even in fairy tales: execution cannot be pardoned. The only thing missing is a comma, but the consequences of this error can go very far.

    To avoid such situations, there is a second main feature that the official business style of documents contains - this is the language standard. It is he who helps to choose lexical, morphological, syntactic language means when drawing up business documents.

    The order of words in a sentence is particularly strict and conservatistic; here much goes against the direct word order inherent in the structure of the Russian language. The subject precedes the predicate (for example, the goods are sold), and definitions become stronger than the word being defined (for example, credit relations), the control word comes before the controlled word (for example, allocate a loan).

    Each member of a sentence usually has a place unique to it, which is determined by the structure of the sentence and its type, its own role among other words, interaction and relationships with them. And the characteristic features of the official business style are long chains of genitive cases, for example: the address of the Head of the Territory Administration.

    Vocabulary of style

    The dictionary system includes, in addition to commonly used bookish neutral words, certain clichés - clericalisms, that is, linguistic cliches. This is part of the formal business style. For example: based on a decision, incoming documents, outgoing documents, upon expiration of a deadline, control over execution, and so on.

    Here we cannot do without professional vocabulary, which includes neologisms: shadow business, arrears, black cash, alibi, and so on. The official business style also includes the inclusion of some archaisms in the lexical structure, for example: this document, I certify with it.

    However, the use of polysemantic words and words that have a figurative meaning is strictly prohibited. There are very few synonyms and they are included in the official business style extremely rarely. For example, solvency and creditworthiness, supply and delivery, as well as collateral, depreciation and amortization, subsidy and appropriation.

    This reflects social experience, not individual experience, so the vocabulary is generalized. The conceptual series prefers generic concepts that fit well into the official business style. Examples: arrive instead of arrive, arrive, fly in, and so on; a vehicle instead of a car, plane, train, bus or dog sled; settlement instead of a village, a city, the capital of Siberia, a village of chemists, and so on.

    So, the following elements of lexical constructions belong to the official business style.

    • A high percentage of terminology in the texts: legal - law, owner and property, registration, transfer and acceptance of objects, privatization, deed, lease, and so on; economic - costs, subsidies, budget, purchase and sale, income, expenses, and so on; economic and legal - sequestration, implementation period, property rights, loan repayment, and so on.
    • The nominal nature of the construction of speech due to the large number of verbal nouns, most often denoting a material action: shipment of goods, deferment of payment, and so on.
    • High frequency of prepositional combinations and denominate prepositions: to the address, by force, in relation to the matter, by measure, and so on.
    • Changing participles into adjectives and pronouns to enhance clerical meanings: this contract (or rules), current prices, appropriate measures, and so on.
    • Regulated lexical compatibility: the transaction is only concluded, and the price is set, the right is granted, and the payment is made.

    Morphology of style

    Morphological features of the official business style include, first of all, the frequency (repeated) use of certain parts of speech, as well as their types, which help in the language’s desire for accuracy and ambiguity of statements. For example, these:

    • nouns that name people based on action (tenant, taxpayer, witness);
    • nouns that call people by position or rank, including women strictly in the masculine form (salesman Sidorova, librarian Petrova, sergeant Ivanova, inspector Krasutskaya, and so on);
    • particle non- in verbal nouns (non-compliance, non-recognition);
    • the use of derivative prepositions in a wide range (due to, in connection with, to the extent of, by virtue of, on the basis of, in relation to, and so on);
    • constructions in the infinitive (to provide assistance, to conduct an inspection);
    • present tense of verbs in a different meaning (a fine will be charged for non-payment);
    • complex words with two or more stems (employer, tenant, repair and maintenance, material and technical, below-mentioned, above-mentioned, and so on).

    Style syntax

    The characteristics of the official business style consist of the following syntactic features:

    • Simple sentences are used with many series of homogeneous members. For example: An administrative penalty may include fines for violations of labor protection and safety regulations in construction, industry, agriculture and transport in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    • There are passive structures of this type: payments are made strictly at the specified time.
    • Nouns prefer the genitive case and are strung with beads: the results of the activities of customs control units.
    • Complex sentences are filled with conditional clauses: in cases of subscribers’ disagreement with the processing of their personal data in terms of the methods and purposes of processing or in full, subscribers sign a corresponding statement when concluding a contract.

    The sphere of official business style in genre diversity

    Here, first, you need to highlight two areas of subject matter: official-documentary and everyday-business styles.

    1. The official documentary style is divided into two categories: legislative documents related to the work of government bodies - the Constitution, charters, laws - this is one language (J), and diplomatic acts related to international relations - memoranda, communiqués, statements, conventions are a different language (K).

    2. Everyday business style is also subdivided: correspondence between organizations and institutions is the j language, and private business papers are the k language. The genres of everyday business style include all official correspondence - commercial correspondence, business letters, as well as business papers - autobiography, certificate, act, certificate, statement, protocol, receipt, power of attorney, and so on. Standardization, characteristic of these genres, facilitates the preparation of papers, saves language resources and prevents information redundancy.

    Standardization of business papers

    Specially selected words in an official business style ensure communicative precision, giving documents legal force. Any piece of text must have a single interpretation and meaning. For such high accuracy, the same words, terms, names are repeated many times.

    The form of the verbal noun complements the features of the official business style with an analytical expression of actions and processes: instead of the word “supplement” the phrase “make additions” is used, instead of “decide” - “make decisions” and so on. How much harsher it sounds to be “responsible” instead of just “responsible.”

    Generalization and abstraction to the highest degree and at the same time the specific meaning of the entire lexical structure are the main features of the official business style. This inconceivable combination, used simultaneously, gives the document the possibility of a single interpretation and, in the totality of information, legal force. The texts themselves are full of terms and procedural vocabulary, and, for example, appendices to contracts contain nomenclature vocabulary. Questionnaires and registers, applications and specifications help terminology to be deciphered.

    In addition to emotionally charged text, the use of any swear words, reduced vocabulary, jargon, or colloquial expressions in documents is unacceptable. Even professional jargon is inappropriate in the language of business correspondence. And most of all, because it does not meet the requirements of accuracy, since it is assigned strictly to the sphere of oral communication.

    Oral business speech

    The unemotional and dry logic of texts, the standard arrangement of material on paper differs significantly from oral speech, which is usually emotionally charged and asymmetrical according to the principles of textual organization. If oral speech is emphatically logical, the communication environment is clearly official.

    The peculiarities of the official business style are that oral business communication, despite the professional topic, should proceed in the sphere of positive emotions - sympathy, trust, respect, goodwill.

    This style can be considered in its varieties: clerical and business style is simpler, but the language of public administration, diplomatic or legal requires special attention. The areas of communication in these cases are completely different, so the style of communication must also be different. Statements, protocols, orders, decrees - everything that is thought out, written down, read, is not as dangerous as oral negotiations, business meetings, public speaking, and so on. The word, like a sparrow, cannot be caught if it flies out.

    The main features of the formal business style of speech are brevity, accuracy and influence. To achieve these goals, you will need an appropriate selection of words, correctly composed structures, correct syntax, and standardization in your mind of entire blocks of prepared speech. Just as in written business text, there is no place for emotionally charged vocabulary in oral speech. It is better to choose a neutral one, to be closer to the standards of clerical language means in order to accurately state what is planned.


    The most striking characteristic of the official business style is not even the text itself, but all the essential elements of its design - the details. Each type of document has its own information set, provided for by GOST. Each element is strictly assigned to a specific place on the form. The date, name, registration number, information about the compiler and all other details are always located the same way - some at the top of the sheet, others at the bottom.

    The number of details depends on the content and type of document. The sample form shows the maximum details and the order in which they are located on the document. These are the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, emblems of an organization or enterprise, images of government awards, code of an organization, enterprise or institution (All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations - OKPO), document form code (All-Russian classifier of management documentation - OKUD) and so on.


    Machine processing, computerized office work - a new era in the process of standardization. Economic and socio-political life is becoming more complex, technological progress is gaining momentum, therefore the features of the official business style are to justify economically the choice of one language option from all possible and to consolidate it in practice.

    Using a stable formula, an accepted abbreviation, and a uniform arrangement of all material, drawing up a document is much faster and easier. This is how all standard and template letters, tables, questionnaires, etc. are compiled, which allows information to be encoded, ensuring the informative capacity of the text, with the ability to expand its full structure. Such modules are implemented into the text of contracts (lease, work, purchase and sale, etc.)

    From fifty to seventy percent of word usage in a document is procedural vocabulary and terminology. The subject of the document determines the unambiguity of the context. For example: The Parties undertake to comply with the above rules. The word “parties”, used outside the document, is very ambiguous, but here we can read a purely legal aspect - the persons who enter into the agreement.
