Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

GOST rendered fats. Rendered animal fats, food technical specifications. The exclusive right to officially publish this standard on the territory of the above states belongs to the national standardization bodies of these states

GOST 25292-2017




Food-grade rendered animal fats. Specifications

MKS 67.120.10

Date of introduction 2019-01-01



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, updating and cancellation "

Information about the standard

1DEVELOPED by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov" (FGBNU "VNIIMPim.V.M.Gorbatov")

2INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated September 25, 2017 N 103-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 10, 2017 N 1391-st, the interstate standard GOST 25292-2017 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2019.

5INstead of GOST25292-82

Information on changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". The corresponding information, notice and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost. ru)

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to edible rendered animal fats (beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone and combined fats) (hereinafter referred to as edible rendered animal fats) intended for use in the production of food products, sale in trade and public catering networks.

2Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 745-2014 Aluminum foil for packaging. Technical specifications

GOST 1341-97 Vegetable parchment. Specifications

GOST 5717.1-2014 Glass containers for canned food products. General technical conditions

GOST 5717.2-2003 Glass jars for canned food. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 5981-2011 Metal cans and lids for canned food. Technical conditions

GOST 8285-91 Rendered animal fats. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST 8777-80 Wooden aspic and dry barrels. Technical specifications

GOST 10131-93 Boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry, agriculture and matches. Specifications

GOST 11254-85 Rendered animal fats and feed flour of animal origin. Methods for determining antioxidants

GOST 13358-84 Wooden boxes for canned food. Specifications

GOST 13513-86* Corrugated cardboard boxes for meat and dairy products. Specifications

GOST 13515-91* Boxes made of container flat glued cardboard for butter and margarine. Specifications

GOST 13516-86* Corrugated cardboard boxes for canned food, preserves and food liquids. Specifications
*GOST R54463-2011 “Containers made of cardboard and combined materials for food products. Technical conditions” is in force in the Russian Federation.

GOST 13534-2015 Canned meat and meat-containing products. Packaging, labeling and transportation

GOST EN14083-2013 Food products. Determination of trace elements. Determination of lead, cadmium, chromium and molybdenum using atomic absorption spectrometry with atomization in a graphite furnace and preliminary mineralization of the sample at elevated pressure

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15846-2002 Products sent to the Far North and similar areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 16147-88 Bone. Specifications

GOST 17065-94 Cardboard winding drums. Specifications

GOST 19360-74 Film liner bags. General technical conditions

GOST 21650-76 Means of fastening packaged cargo in transport packages. General requirements

GOST24597-81 Packages of packaged piece goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Technical specifications

GOST26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging means. General technical requirements

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury

GOST 26928-86 Food products. Iron determination method

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST26931-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining copper

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 31266-2004 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determination of arsenic

GOST 31628-2012 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 31671-2012 Food products. Determination of trace elements. Preparation of samples using the mineralization method at elevated pressure

GOST 33746-2016 Polymer reusable boxes. General technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the release of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then the use of this standard should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3Technical requirements

3.1 General requirements

3.1.1 Edible rendered animal fats, depending on the raw materials processed and the quality of the product, are divided into types and grades: beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone, prefabricated (not divided into grades).

3.1.2 Edible rendered animal fats must comply with the requirements of this standard and must be manufactured according to technological instructions * in compliance with the requirements or established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.
*As a standard technological instruction, the instruction for the production of edible rendered animal fats, approved by the V.M. Gorbatov VNIIMP, can be used.


3.2.1 In terms of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, edible rendered animal fats must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of indicator










Color at temperature 15°C-20°C

White. Pale is allowed
blue tint

Characteristics and value of the indicator for edible rendered animal fats







From pale yellow to yellow

From white to pale yellow

White. A yellowish or grayish tint is allowed

page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

page 5

page 6

page 7




Official publication



RENDERED ANIMAL FOOD FATS Technical specifications

OKP 92 1511; 92 1512; 92 1513; 92 1514

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated May 28, 1982 No. 2196, the introduction date was set

The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 2-92 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93)

Introductory part. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).


1.1. Rendered edible animal fats, depending on the processed raw materials and product quality, are divided into types and varieties;

beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone - premium and first grade and prefabricated.

1.2. Rendered edible animal fats must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard, according to technological instructions in compliance with sanitary rules for meat and poultry processing enterprises, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. To produce edible animal rendered fats, adipose tissue of slaughtered cattle (raw fat) and bone from the processing of meat and offal are used, obtained at meat processing plants, food processing plants, canning and meat processing plants and approved by veterinary and sanitary supervision for processing for food purposes. For the production of prefabricated fat, it is allowed to use fat obtained during cooking of raw meat, offal, as well as in the production of pork, beef and lamb products.

1.4. Rendered food animal fats intended for long-term storage may be treated with bugyloxytoluene, bugyloxyanisole or other antioxidants approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.5. In terms of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, rendered edible animal fats must meet the requirements specified in table. 1.

Table 1

Characteristics and norm of fats







From pale yellow

From white to


before yellow

pale yellow

yellow va-

Greenish tint allowed

Characteristic for this type of fat rendered from fresh raw materials

Sloes for animal fat Allowed

pleasant under-

pleasant under-

pleasant under-

pleasant under-

pleasant under-

nosg in the race



Transparency in photo-edekgrocolorimeter scale units,

Dense or

Dense or


Pasty or

tendency at


pasty or

For fat tail

or dense



moisture content, %, no more


number, mg KOH, no more

Mass fraction of antioxidants, %, no more

1.5a. For the production of dairy products for baby food, premium quality pork fat with an acid value of no more than 0.7 mg KOH, with a mass fraction of lead no more than 0.1 million -1, copper no more than 0.4 million -1, and organochlorine pesticides is used; HCH is not more than 0.2 ppm, DCT is not more than 0.2 ppm.

1.6. For industrial processing, prefabricated fat with a greenish tint and the smell of burnt greaves or spices and smoked meats is allowed.

1.7. For the margarine industry, only white prefabricated fat is used, and premium bone fat is used only with a melting point from 25 to 44 ° C.

1.8. When two antioxidants are used together, their total amount in fat should not exceed the established norm.


2.1. Food animals take rendered fats in batches.

The ends of the lard must be covered with steel packaging tape in accordance with GOST 3560-73, 10-15 mm wide. It is allowed to glue the seams of cardboard boxes formed by longitudinal flaps with paper-based adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251-87, 50-100 mm wide. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.5. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to use returnable metal containers with a capacity of no more than 50 kg, as well as special metal containers, road, railway tanks and tanks on trailers. Returnable metal containers must be made of corrosion-resistant material approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.6. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192-96 indicating additional data: name of the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark;

type and grade of fat; gross and net weights; production dates;

batch number and serial number of the place (barrel, box); symbols of this standard.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.7. The consumer packaging (pack, cup or glass jar) must indicate: the name of the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark; or the subordination of the manufacturer and its trademark or registration number;

type and grade of fat; Net weight; production date;

designation of this standard.

Marking of metal cans is in accordance with GOST 13534-89.

Consumer packaging and its labeling must be colorfully designed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.8. Food animal rendered fats are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for the relevant mode of transport, and in packaged form - in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods approved by the relevant departments.

3.9. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of rendered food animal fats sent to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas - in accordance with GOST 15846-79.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

EVIL. Rendered fats for food animals are stored in compliance with the storage regimes and periods established in Table. 2.

table 2

Shelf life from production, months, at temperature, * C

Name of fat

From minus 5 I From minus 12 to minus 8 j and below

Not higher than 25 From 0 to 6

Beef, lamb, pork in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums Bone, horse in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums Prefabricated in barrels and cardboard winding drums

Beef, lamb, pork: |

in metal cans 1

in glass jars!

in other consumer packaging (in packs, cups),

Food animal rendered fats with antioxidants: in boxes, barrels and cardboard coiled drums

in consumer packaging (in packs, cups)

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.11. It is allowed to store edible animal rendered fats in storage containers in compliance with the regimes specified in the table. 3.

Table 3

Name of fat

Temperature, *C

Shelf life, days, no more

Beef, lamb

Pork, bone, horse

Beef, lamb

Pork, bone, horse

Beef, lamb, pork, bone, horse

From minus 5 to minus 8

3.12. Depending on the quality of food animal rendered fats stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life indicated in the table. 2, can be extended by the department of production and veterinary control or the veterinary service of the enterprise.

Editor L.V. Afanasenko Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector S.I. Firsova Computer layout E.N. Martemyanova

Ed. lead No. 021007 dated 08/10/95. Delivered for set 02.26.99. Signed for publication on 03/03/99. Uel. oven l. 0.93. Academic ed. l. 0.63.

Circulation 260 copies. S2410. Zach. 287.

IPK Standards Publishing House, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14.

Typed in the Publishing House on a PC Branch of the IPK Standards Publishing House - type. “Moscow Printer”, Moscow, Lyalin lane, 6.

Plr No. 080102

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

Reissue (February 1999) with Changes No. 1, 2, approved in February 1984,

October 1986 (IUS 5-84, 1-87)

GOST 25292-82

Group H12




MKS 67.200.10
OKP 92 1511; 92 1512; 92 1513; 92 1514

Date of introduction 1983-01-01

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated May 28, 1982 N 2196, the implementation date was set as 01/01/83

The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 2-92 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93)

Introductory part. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

Edition (February 2003) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in February 1984, October 1986 (IUS 5-84, 1-87).



1.1. Rendered edible animal fats, depending on the processed raw materials and product quality, are divided into types and grades:

beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone - premium and first grade and prefabricated.

1.2. Rendered edible animal fats must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard, according to technological instructions in compliance with sanitary rules for meat and poultry processing enterprises, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. To produce edible animal rendered fats, adipose tissue of slaughtered cattle (raw fat) and bone from the processing of meat and offal are used, obtained at meat processing plants, food processing plants, canning and meat processing plants and approved by veterinary and sanitary supervision for processing for food purposes. For the production of prefabricated fat, it is allowed to use fat obtained during cooking of raw meat, offal, as well as in the production of pork, beef and lamb products.

1.4. Rendered food animal fats intended for long-term storage may be treated with butyloxytoluene, butyloxyanisole or other antioxidants approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.5. In terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, rendered edible animal fats must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

new display

Characteristics and norm of fats






of the best variety

First class

of the best variety

First class

of the best variety

First class

of the best variety

First class

of the best variety

First class

Color at temp-
temperature 15-20°С

Pale yellow to yellow

White to pale yellow

Pale color is allowed
blue tint

repents yellow-
cottony or grayish
dark shade



Serova repents
dark shade

From white to yellow

From white to yellow

Serova repents
dark shade

White to dark

there is a grayish tint

Greenish tint allowed

Smell and taste

Characteristic for this type of fat rendered from fresh raw materials

suitable for animal fat

there is a smell and taste of roasting
stale, broth, greaves

Without constant

repents pleasantly

Without constant

repents pleasantly

Without constant

repents pleasantly

Without constant

repents pleasantly

Without constant

repents pleasantly
rice and broth

payment in
nom condition
research institute


becomes cloudy
that's it

tsah scale photo-
meter, no more

tendency at 15-20°C

Dense or hard

Dense or hard
For fat tail fat, ointment-like

Pasty, grainy or dense

Pasty or dense

Liquid, pasty or thick

Liquid, maze-like
knowing or tight

Moisture content, %, no more

number, mg KOH, no more

share of anti-
tel,%, no more

1.5a. For the production of dairy products for baby food, premium quality pork fat with an acid value of no more than 0.7 mg KOH, with a mass fraction of lead no more than 0.1 million, copper no more than 0.4 million, and organochlorine pesticides is used; HCH not more than 0.2 million, DDT not more than 0.2 million.

1.6. For industrial processing, prefabricated fat with a greenish tint and the smell of burnt greaves or spices and smoked meats is allowed.

1.7. For the margarine industry, only white prefabricated fat is used, and premium bone fat is used only with a melting point from 25 to 44°C.

1.8. When two antioxidants are used together, their total amount in fat should not exceed the established norm.


2.1. Food animals take rendered fats in batches.

Acceptance rules - according to GOST 8285-91.

Test methods - according to GOST 8285-91, GOST 11254-85, GOST 26931-86, section 2, GOST 26932-86, GOST 26929-94, section 3; determination of organochlorine pesticides - according to methods approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

The manufacturer determines the transparency in units of the photoelectrocolorimeter scale and the mass fraction of antioxidants periodically at the request of the consumer.

2.2. The transparency of edible animal rendered fats in photoelectrocolorimeter scale units and the mass fraction of antioxidants are determined only when disagreements arise.


3.1. Rendered food animal fats are packaged in wooden jellied barrels with a capacity of 25, 50, 100 and 120 dm3 according to GOST 8777-80; in plywood-stamped barrels according to TU 10.10.739-88, N 1 and 2 type 1 or in cardboard winding drums according to GOST 17065-94; in wooden boxes in accordance with the regulatory and technical document, plywood boxes in accordance with GOST 10131-93, boxes made of corrugated cardboard in accordance with GOST 13513-86 and cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13515-91 with a capacity of no more than 25 kg.

Food animal rendered fats for export are packaged in wooden jellied barrels in accordance with GOST 8777-80 with a capacity of 50, 100 and 120 dm net weight* in barrels with a capacity of 50 dm - (40±0.5) kg, 100 dm - (80±0.5 ) kg, 120 dm - (98±0.5) kg.
* Introduction period from 01/01/89.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.2. Before filling fat into barrels, boxes, cardboard winding drums, they must be filled with liner bags made of polymer film materials or they must be lined on the inside with parchment in accordance with GOST 1341-97 or polymer materials approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.3. Rendered edible animal fats intended for sale in consumer packaging are packaged in parchment, laminated aluminum foil in accordance with GOST 745-79 in packs with a net weight of 200 and 250 g, in cups made of polyvinyl chloride film with liners made of polymer film, approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health, with a net weight of 300, 350 and 400 g, in metal cans according to GOST 5981-88: N 12 - with a net weight of 450 g, N 14* - with a net weight of 2500 g and N 15* - with a net weight of 7000 g, in glass jars according to GOST 5717 -91 type 1-82-500 - with a net weight of 400 and 450 g, and for Centrosoyuz - in a can of type 1-82-650 - with a net weight of 600 g.
* Not allowed for sale in retail outlets.

Deviations of net weight during packaging are allowed (200±3), (250±3), (300±3), (350±3.5), (400±4), (450±4.5), (2500±5 ), (7000±5) g.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.4. Packs and cups of fat are packed in cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13515-91, and glass and metal jars with fat are packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 13358-84 or corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13516-86.

The ends of the boxes must be covered with steel packaging tape in accordance with GOST 3560-73, 10-15 mm wide. It is allowed to glue the seams of cardboard boxes formed by longitudinal flaps with paper-based adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251-87, 50-100 mm wide.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.5. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to use returnable metal containers with a capacity of no more than 50 kg, as well as special metal containers, road, railway tanks and tanks on trailers. Returnable metal containers must be made of corrosion-resistant material approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.6. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192-96 indicating additional data:

name of the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark;

type and grade of fat;

gross and net weights;

production dates;

batch number and serial number of the place (barrel, box);

symbols of this standard.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.7. The consumer packaging (pack, cup or glass jar) must indicate:

name of the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark; or the subordination of the manufacturer and its trademark or registration number;

type and grade of fat;

Net weight;

production date;

designation of this standard.

Marking of metal cans is in accordance with GOST 13534-89.

Consumer packaging and its labeling must be colorfully designed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.8. Food animal rendered fats are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for the relevant mode of transport, and in packaged form - in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods approved by the relevant departments.

3.9. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of rendered food animal fats sent to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas - in accordance with GOST 15846-79.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.10. Rendered fats for food animals are stored in compliance with the storage regimes and periods established in Table 2.

table 2

Name of fat

Shelf life from production, months, at temperature, °C

Not higher than 25

From minus 5 to minus 8

From minus 12 and below

Beef, lamb, pork in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums

Bone, horse in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums

Prefabricated in barrels and cardboard winding drums

Beef, lamb, pork:

in metal cans

in glass jars

in other consumer packaging (packs, cups)

Food animal rendered fats with antioxidants:

in boxes, barrels and cardboard coiled drums

in consumer packaging (packs, cups)

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.11. It is allowed to store edible animal rendered fats in storage containers in compliance with the regimes indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

Name of fat

Temperature, °C

Shelf life, days, no more

Beef, lamb

Pork, bone, horse

Beef, lamb

Pork, bone, horse

Beef, lamb, pork, bone, horse

From minus 5 to minus 8

3.12. Depending on the quality of edible animal rendered fats stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life indicated in Table 2 can be extended by the department of production and veterinary control or the veterinary service of the enterprise.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2003

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 10, 2017 N 1391-st

Interstate standard GOST 25292-2017


Food-grade rendered animal fats. Specifications

MKS 67.120.10

Instead of GOST 25292-82


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption , updates and cancellations"

Standard information

1 Developed by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov" (FGBNU "VNIIMP named after V.M. Gorbatov")

2 Introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated September 25, 2017 N 103-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 10, 2017 N 1391-st, the interstate standard GOST 25292-2017 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2019.

5 Instead of GOST 25292-82

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to edible rendered animal fats (beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone and combined fats) (hereinafter referred to as edible rendered animal fats) intended for use in the production of food products, sale in trade and public relations.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 745-2014 Aluminum foil for packaging. Specifications

GOST 1341-97 Vegetable parchment. Specifications

GOST 5717.1-2014 Glass containers for canned food products. General technical conditions

GOST 5717.2-2003 Glass jars for canned food. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 5981-2011 Metal cans and lids for canned food. Specifications

GOST 8285-91 Rendered animal fats. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST 8777-80 Wooden jellied and dry barrels. Specifications

GOST 10131-93 Boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry, agriculture and matches. Specifications

GOST 11254-85 Rendered animal fats and feed flour of animal origin. Methods for determining antioxidants

GOST 13358-84 Wooden boxes for canned food. Specifications

GOST 13513-86* Corrugated cardboard boxes for meat and dairy products. Specifications

GOST 13515-91*Boxes made of container flat glued cardboard for butter and margarine. Specifications

GOST 13516-86* Corrugated cardboard boxes for canned food, preserves and food liquids. Specifications

* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 54463-2011 “Containers made of cardboard and combined materials for food products. Technical conditions” is in force.

GOST 13534-2015 Canned meat and meat-containing products. Packaging, labeling and transportation

GOST EN 14083-2013 Food products. Determination of trace elements. Determination of lead, cadmium, chromium and molybdenum using atomic absorption spectrometry with atomization in a graphite furnace with preliminary mineralization of the sample at elevated pressure

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15846-2002 Products sent to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 16147-88 Bone. Specifications

GOST 17065-94 Cardboard wound drums. Specifications

GOST 19360-74 Film liner bags. General technical conditions

GOST 21650-76 Means for fastening packaged cargo in transport packages. General requirements

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged piece goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging tools. General technical requirements

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury

GOST 26928-86 Food products. Iron determination method

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26931-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining copper

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 31266-2004 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determination of arsenic

GOST 31628-2012 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 31671-2012 Food products. Determination of trace elements. Sample preparation using mineralization at elevated pressure

GOST 33746-2016 Polymer reversible boxes. General technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Technical requirements

3.1 General requirements

3.1.1 Edible rendered animal fats, depending on the raw materials processed and the quality of the product, are divided into types and grades: beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone, prefabricated (not divided into grades).

3.1.2 Edible rendered animal fats must comply with the requirements of this standard and must be manufactured according to technological instructions* in compliance with the requirements, or established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.


* The instructions for the production of edible rendered animal fats, approved by the V.M. Gorbatov VNIIMP, can be used as a standard technological instruction.

3.2 Characteristics

3.2.1 In terms of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, edible rendered animal fats must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name

Characteristics and significance of the indicator for edible rendered animal fats







first class


first class


first class


first class


first class

Color at temperature 15 °C - 20 °C

Pale yellow to yellow

White to pale yellow

White. Pale blue tint allowed

White. A yellowish or grayish tint is allowed


Yellow-orange. Grayish tint allowed

From white to yellow

From white to yellow. Grayish tint allowed

White to dark yellow

Greenish tint allowed

Grayish tint allowed

Smell and taste

Characteristic for this type of fat rendered from fresh raw materials

Characteristic of animal fat. Roasted smell and taste, greaves are allowed

Without a stranger

Without a stranger

Pleasantly crispy is allowed

Without a stranger

Pleasantly crispy is allowed

Without a stranger

Pleasantly crispy is allowed

Without a stranger

Pleasantly crispy is allowed

Transparency when molten


Cloudiness is acceptable

Transparency in photoelectrocolorimeter scale units, no more

Consistency at 15 °C - 20 °C

Dense or hard

Dense or hard. For fat tail fat, ointment-like

Pasty, grainy or dense

Pasty or dense

Liquid, pasty or thick

Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more

Acid number, mg KOH/g, no more

Mass fraction of antioxidants, %, no more

3.2.3 Edible rendered animal fats intended for long-term storage (more than 1 month) may be produced with butylated hydroxytoluene (E321), butylated hydroxyanisole (E320) or other antioxidants that meet the requirements, as well as the requirements of regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard .

3.2.4 When using antioxidants together, their total amount in edible rendered animal fat should not exceed the norm specified in Table 1.

3.3 Requirements for raw materials and supplies

3.3.1 For the production of edible rendered animal fats, the following is used:

Raw fat of slaughtered animals;

Food bone according to GOST 16147;


3.3.2 For the production of combined edible rendered animal fat, it is allowed to use fat obtained during the cooking of raw meat, offal, as well as in the production of pork, beef and lamb products.

3.3.3 Raw materials of animal origin used in the production of edible rendered animal fats must be obtained from healthy animals, in slaughter and carcass cutting shops, offal, intestinal shops of meat processing plants, canning and meat processing plants, and cold storage facilities.

3.3.4 Raw materials of animal origin used in the production of edible rendered animal fats must comply with the requirements and, or requirements of regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

3.3.5 The use of raw fat from uncastrated adult males of all types of slaughter (productive) animals is not allowed: flesh fat from the skins of boars, raw fat of changed color, removed from canned intestines and twice frozen.

3.4 Marking

3.4.1 Labeling of consumer packaging - according to, or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, indicating the following additional information:

Type of edible rendered animal fat and its grade (for prefabricated fat - without specifying the grade);

Symbols of this standard.

Information on the nutritional value of 100 g of edible rendered animal fat is given in Appendix A.

3.4.2 Marking of metal and glass jars, cups made of polymer and combined materials - in accordance with GOST 13534.

3.4.3 Marking of transport packaging - according to GOST 14192 or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

3.4.4 Labeling of edible rendered animal fats sent to the regions of the Far North and similar areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

3.5 Packaging

3.5.1 Consumer and transport packaging, packaging materials and fastening agents must comply with the requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, and must ensure the safety and quality of edible rendered animal fats during transportation and storage throughout the shelf life.

3.5.2 Edible rendered animal fats are produced packaged.

3.5.3 Use as packaging for edible rendered animal fats intended for industrial processing.

Jellied barrels - according to GOST 8777;

Cardboard winding drums - according to GOST 17065;

Plywood boxes - according to GOST 10131;

Boxes made of corrugated cardboard - according to GOST 13513;

Cardboard boxes - according to GOST 13515.

3.5.4 Before filling with edible rendered fat, barrels, boxes and drums must be filled with liner bags made of polymer film materials in accordance with GOST 19360, or they must be lined on the inside with parchment in accordance with GOST 1341 or polymer materials that meet the requirements or regulations , valid in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

3.5.5 The following is used as consumer packaging for edible rendered animal fats intended for sale:

Parchment - according to GOST 1341, packaged in packs;

Aluminum foil - according to GOST 745. Packaging in packs;

Cups made of polymer and combined materials that meet the requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard;

Metal cans - according to GOST 5981;

Glass jars - according to GOST 5717.1, GOST 5717.2.

It is allowed to use packaging with similar safety and quality characteristics that meets the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

3.5.6 Packs and cups with edible rendered animal fat are packed in cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13515, and glass and metal cans with edible rendered animal fat - in plank boxes in accordance with GOST 13358 or corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13516.

3.5.7 Edible rendered animal fats in consumer packaging are placed in transport packaging - corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13513, GOST 13516, shrink film in accordance with GOST 25951 or reusable polymer boxes in accordance with GOST 33746.

3.5.8 Each unit of transport packaging contains edible rendered animal fats of the same type, the same production date and the same type of consumer packaging.

3.5.9 The net weight of edible rendered animal fats in one consumer packaging unit must correspond to the nominal weight indicated in the product labeling in the consumer packaging, taking into account permissible deviations.

The limits of permissible negative deviations of the net weight of one packaging unit from the nominal one are in accordance with GOST 8.579.

3.5.10 Packaging of edible rendered animal fats sent to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

4 Acceptance rules

4.1 Acceptance of edible rendered animal fats is carried out in accordance with this standard.

4.2 Edible rendered animal fats are taken in batches. A batch is considered to be a certain amount of fat of the same type, identically packaged, produced (manufactured) by one manufacturer in a certain period of time, accompanied by shipping documentation that ensures the traceability of edible rendered animal fat.

4.3 Indicators of the mass fraction of moisture, acid number, organoleptic indicators are determined in each batch, as well as at the request of the regulatory organization or consumer.

4.4 The manufacturer determines transparency in photoelectrocolorimeter scale units and the mass fraction of antioxidants only in the event of disagreement, as well as at the request of a regulatory organization or consumer.

4.5 The procedure and frequency of monitoring the content of toxic elements is established by the product manufacturer in the production control program.

4.6 Monitoring of dioxin content is carried out in cases of deterioration of the environmental situation associated with accidents, man-made and natural disasters leading to the formation and release of dioxins into the environment, in the case of a reasonable assumption of their possible presence in food raw materials.

4.7 If unsatisfactory results are obtained for at least one of the quality indicators, repeat tests are carried out on a double sample taken from the same batch. If unsatisfactory results are received again, the batch will not be accepted.

5 Control methods

5.1 Sampling and preparation for testing - in accordance with GOST 8285.

5.2 Sample preparation and mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements (including trace elements) - according to GOST 26929, GOST 31671.

5.3 Determination of acid number - according to GOST 8285.

5.4 Determination of the mass fraction of moisture - according to GOST 8285.

5.5 Determination of the mass fraction of antioxidants (E320, E321) - according to GOST 11254.

5.6 Determination of toxic elements:

Mercury - according to GOST 26927;

Iron - according to GOST 26928, GOST 30178;

Arsenic - according to GOST 26930, GOST 30538, GOST 31266, GOST 31628;

Copper - according to GOST 26931;

Lead - according to GOST 26932, GOST 30178, GOST 30538, GOST EN 14083;

Cadmium - according to GOST 26933, GOST 30178, GOST 30538, GOST EN 14083.

5.7 Determination of organoleptic characteristics (taste, smell, consistency, color, transparency) - according to GOST 8285.

5.8 Determination of dioxins and antioxidants (except for E320 and E321) - according to regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

6 Transportation and storage

6.1 Edible rendered animal fats are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation. They are transported in packaged form in accordance with GOST 26663. Fastening means in transport packages in accordance with GOST 21650 with the main parameters and dimensions in accordance with GOST 24597.

6.2 Transportation of edible rendered animal fats sent to the regions of the Far North and similar areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

6.3 Edible rendered animal fats are stored in compliance with the regimes and recommended shelf life established in Table 2.

table 2

Type of food rendered animal world

Not higher than 25

From minus 5 to minus 8

From minus 12 and below

Beef, lamb, pork in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums

Bone, horse in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums

Prefabricated in barrels and cardboard winding drums

Beef, lamb, pork:

in metal cans

in glass jars

in other consumer packaging (packs, cups)

Edible rendered animal fats with antioxidants:

in boxes, barrels and cardboard coiled drums

in consumer packaging (packs, cups)

6.4 It is allowed to store edible rendered animal fats in storage containers in compliance with the regimes specified in Table 3.

Table 3

Type of edible rendered fat

Beef lamb

Pork, bone, horse

Beef, lamb

Pork, bone, horse

Beef, lamb, pork, bone, horse

From minus 5 to minus 8

6.5 The shelf life is set by the manufacturer depending on the packaging materials used and storage conditions in the manner established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

Appendix A

Information details
about the nutritional value of 100 g of edible rendered animal fat*

A.1 Information on the limit values ​​of nutritional value indicators for 100 g of edible rendered fat is given in Table A.1.

Table A.1

* The nutritional value of edible rendered fat, established by the manufacturer and indicated in the labeling, must ensure the standards given in Table A.1.


UDC 665.2:006.354 Group 1112 INTERSTATE STANDARD RENDERED ANIMAL FOOD FATS GOST Technical specifications 25292 82 MKS 67.200.10 OKP 92 1511: 92 1512: 92 1513: 92 1514 State Decree of the USSR Committee on Standards dated May 28, 1982 No. 2196, the date of introduction has been set 01.01.83 The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 2-92 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93) Introductory part. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1). I. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1. Rendered edible animal fats, depending on the raw materials processed and the quality of the product, are divided into types and grades: beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone - premium and first grade and prefabricated. 1.2. Rendered edible animal fats must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard, according to technological instructions in compliance with sanitary rules for meat and poultry processing enterprises, approved in the prescribed manner. 1.3. For the production of edible animal rendered fats, adipose tissue of slaughtered cattle (raw fat) and bone from the processing of meat and offal are used, obtained at meat processing plants, food processing plants, canning and meat processing plants and approved by veterinary and sanitary supervision for processing for food purposes. In the production of prefabricated fat, it is allowed to use fat obtained during the cooking of raw meat, offal, as well as in the production of pork, beef and lamb products. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 1.4. Rendered food animal fats intended for long-term storage may be treated with bugyloxytoluene. butyloxyanisole or other antioxidants approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. 1.5. In terms of organopoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, rendered edible animal fats must meet the requirements specified in Table. I. Official publication Reprint military decision Edition (February 200.1) with Changes No. 1. 2. approved in February 19X4, October 19X6 (IUS 5-84. 1-87). & Standards Publishing House. 19X2 © IPK Standards Publishing House. 2<Ш

P. 2 GOST 25292-82 Table 1 Hiring a new kidnapper Characteristics and norm of fat Beef Highest copra Perkoy variety Baranye i o Highest copra Perkoy variety Sninosh Highest copra First grade Horse Higher grade Perkoy copra Kostogo Highest copra Perkoy copia Assembling Color at temperature 15 - 20 "C Oi white to yellow Or white to pale yellow A greenish tint is allowed White Doius kaggea pale blue honey fungus White Allows yellowish or grayish tint Yellow-Orange-II and Yellow-orange Allowed grayish o! Without extraneous Allowed pleasant friedness Without extraneous Allowed pleasant under fried Bet outsider Doius * repents pleasantly crispy Without extraneous Allowed pleasantly crispy and broth Transparency in the molten state Transparency in units of the photo-electrocolorimeter scale , no more than Coisis at 15-20 "C Mass fraction of moisture. Kommersant no more than Acid number. mt KOH, no more Mass fraction of antioxidants, %. no more TRANSPARENCY Dense or hard 0.21) 1.1 0.30 2.2 40 Dense or solid For fat tail fat, pasty 0.20 1.2 0.J0 2.2 Pasty, granular or dense 0.25 1.1 0.30 2.2 45 Pasty or dense 0.2 5 1.2 0.30 2.2 Thin, pasty or dense 0.2S 1.2 0.30 2.2 From white to dark yellow A grayish tint is allowed Characteristic length of fat Allowed smell and taste - crispy, broth, greaves Cloudiness allowed F "like this. ma-»shaped or dense 0.50 3.5 0.02

GOST 25292-82 S. 3 1.5a. For the production of dairy products for baby food, premium quality pork fat with an acid value of no more than 0.7 mg KOH is used. with a mass fraction of lead no more than 0.1 million >, copper no more than 0.4 million organochlorine pesticides; HCH no more than 0.2 million DDT no more than 0.2 million (Amended edition, Amendment No. 2). 1.6. For industrial processing, prefabricated fat with a greenish tint and the smell of burnt greaves or spices and smoked meats is allowed. 1.7. For the margarine industry, prefabricated fat is used only in white color, and bone fat of the highest grade is used only with a melting point from 25 to 44 "C. 1.8. When using two antioxidants together, their total amount in the fat should not exceed the established norm. 2. RULES FOR ACCEPTANCE AND TEST METHODS 2.1. Food animal melted fats are taken in batches. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 8285-91. Test methods - according to GOST 82X5-91, GOST 11254-85. GOST 26931-86, section 2, GOST 26932-86. GOST 26929. -94 Section 3; determination of organochlorine pesticides - according to methods approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR. The manufacturer determines transparency in units of the photoelectric colorimeter scale and the mass fraction of antioxidants periodically at the request of the consumer. (Changed edition, Amendment No. I, 2). 2.2. Transparency edible animal rendered fats in photoelectrocolorimeter scale units and the mass fraction of antioxidants are determined only in case of disagreement 3. PACKAGING, LABELING, TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE 3.1. Rendered food animal fats are packaged in wooden jellied barrels with a capacity of 25, 50, 100 and 120 dm3 according to GOST 8777-80; into plywood-stamped barrels according to TU 10.10.739-88. No. 1 and 2 of type 1 or in cardboard winding drums in accordance with GOST 17065-94: in plank boxes in accordance with the regulatory and technical document, plywood boxes in accordance with GOST 10131-93. boxes made of corrugated cardboard in accordance with GOST 13513-86 and boxes made of cardboard in accordance with GOST 13515-91 with a capacity of no more than 25 kg. Food animal rendered fats for export are packaged in wooden jellied barrels in accordance with GOST 8777-80 with a capacity of 50, 100 and 120 dm, net weight in barrels with a capacity of 50 dm3 - (40 ± 0.5) kg, 100 dm5 - (80 ± 0.5 ) kg 120 dm3 - (98±0.5) kg (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2) 3.2. Before filling fat into barrels, boxes, cardboard winding drums, liner bags made of polymer film materials must be inserted into them or they must be lined on the inside with parchment in accordance with GOST 1341-97 or with polymer materials approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health. 3.3. Rendered food animal fats intended for sale in consumer packaging are packaged in parchment, laminated aluminum foil in accordance with GOST 745-79 in packs with a net weight of 200 and 250 g, in cups made of polyvinyl chloride film with liners made of polymer film, approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health, with a net weight of 300, 350 and 400 g, in metal cans according to GOST 5981-88: No. 12 with a net weight of 450 g, No. 144* with a net weight of 2500 g and No. 15*4 with a net weight of 7000 g, in glass jars according to GOST 5717-91 type 1 -82 500 - with a net weight of 400 and 450 g, and for Centrosoyuz - in a jar of type 1-82-650 - with a net weight of 600 g. Deviations of net weight during packaging are allowed (200±3), (250^3). (300±3), (350±3.5), (400±4), (450±4.5), (2500±5). (7000±5) g. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2). 3.4. Packs and cups of fat are packed in cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13515-91, and glass and metal jars with fat are packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 13358-84 or corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13516-86. * Introduction period from 01/01/89. ** Not allowed for sale in retail chains.

P. 4 GOST 25292-82 However, the boxes must be covered with steel packaging tape in accordance with GOST 3560 73, 10-15 mm wide. It is allowed to glue the seams of cardboard boxes formed by longitudinal flaps with paper-based adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251-87, 50-100 mm wide. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 3.5. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to use returnable metal containers with a capacity of no more than 50 kg, as well as special metal containers, road, railway tanks and tanks on trailers. Returnable metal containers must be made of corrosion-resistant material approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health. 3.6. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192% indicating additional data: name of the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark; type and grade of fat; gross and net weights; production dates; batch number and serial number of the place (barrel, box); symbols of this standard. (Changed edition, Amendment No. I). 3.7. The consumer packaging (pack, cup or glass jar) must indicate: the name of the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark; or the subordination of the manufacturer and its trademark or registration number; type and grade of fat; net weight: production date; designation of this standard. Marking of metal cans is in accordance with GOST 13534-89. Consumer packaging and its labeling must be colorfully designed. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2). 3.8. Food animal rendered fats are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force on the relevant mode of transport, and in packaged form - in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods approved by the relevant departments. 3.9. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of processed animal fats sent to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas. - according to GOST 15846-79. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.10. Food animals melted fats are stored in compliance with the regimes and storage periods established in the table. 2. Table 2 Shelf life from the moment of diving. carried at a temperature. " From minus 12 ■I below Not higher than 25 O g 0 to 6 minus 5 minus 8 ao Beef, lamb, pork in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums - 1 6 12 Bone, horse in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums - 1 6 6 Prefabricated barrels and cardboard winding drums - - 4 - Beef, lamb, pork: in metal cans 12 18 24 24 in glass jars - 18 - - in other consumer containers (in packs. cups) - - 2 2 Food animal rendered fats with antioxidants: in boxes, barrels and cardboard coiled drums 12 12 24 24 in consumer packaging (in packs, cups) - - 3 6 (Changed edition, Amendment No. I).

GOST 25292-82 S. 3 3.11. It is allowed to store edible animal rendered fats in storage containers in compliance with the regimes specified in the table. 3. Table 3 Name of fat Temperature, *С Shelf life, cjrc, no more Beef, lamb 50- -60 4 Pork, bone, horse 50- -60 2 Beef, lamb 20- -25 60 Pork, bone, horse 20- -25 20 Beef, lamb, pork, bone, horse From minus 5 180 to minus 8 3.12. Depending on the quality of food animal rendered fats stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life indicated in the table. 2. can be extended by the department of production and veterinary control or the veterinary service of the enterprise.

Editor Jf.B. Afanasenko Technical editor V.I. Prusa kola Corrector S.II. Firsoma Komiyanernam layout £.//. March see resin

And hell. persons No. 02354 01 07/14/2000. Signed on seal 03/24/2003 Uel. nsch. l. 0.93. Academic ed. d. 0.63.

Tirad 130 ek.” C 10169. Zak. 301.

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