Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The wolf and seven kids go to school. A musical fairy tale performed by older children “The wolf and the seven kids, but in a new way! Chanting "Do, re, mi"

Owl storyteller:
- Across the river, on the edge
Painted is a hut.
She's been in it for a year now.
The goat lives with the children.
And there are seven kids
And they all need love
Feed and warm
At night, gently sing a song.
Her goats grew up
They need to go to school.
What will happen? How can they be?
It's time for us to open the story!

(The storyteller-owl takes out a large book on which “Fairy Tale” is written, opens it and leaves the stage aside.
There is a hut on the stage, from behind which goats run out.)

Bully Goat:
- Today we have Uncle Bear
Bring a big book.
But why read it?
More fun to play ball!
Shall we throw the book in the oven?
Only mom not a word

(presses finger to lips for silence)

Good goat:
- What you! Is it possible?
So careless with a book?!
Books are good friends!
They cannot be thrown into the fire.

(shakes head frustrated)

Obedient goat:
- Mom told me to obey!
So to play pranks is not the point!
If suddenly she finds out
It will become very angry.

(threatens the bully goat with his finger)

Quiet kid:
Why do we need this book?
Will the bear bring today?

Resourceful kid
Maybe there's a secret in that book?
Where can we get an answer?
Maybe the secret is hidden in it?
Let's ask Mom!

(The goats all call their mother together)

All seven kids:
- Mom, Mom, come out!

(Mom leaves the house and hurries to the goats)

Mother Goat:
- What kind of noise, but no fight?
Dinner is ready on the table
What kind of controversy is this?
We wash our hands and go to the table!

Quiet kid:
- Mom, Mom, Uncle Bear
Bring a book today!
What it is about, we don't know.
Here, we all guess together.

Mother Goat:
- Ask Mishka!
And now home rascals!

(Mom Goat and kids go into the house. Uncle Bear comes and knocks on the house to the kids)

Uncle Bear:
- Hey, who's home? Open up!
I'm with a gift to you! Meet!

(The kids run out of the house again screaming and surround the bear)

Goats all together:
- Hooray! Uncle Bear is here!

Uncle Bear:
- Hello, hello, guys!
You have a gift from me!
I give you the alphabet
And a barrel of honey for tea!

Grumpy goat:
- What kind of alphabet is this?
We don't know about her at all!

(Meanwhile, a fox ran past the goat's house with the kids, heard this conversation and stopped to eavesdrop)

Uncle Bear:
- Letters in the ABC live,
Curious guests are welcome.
If you make friends with them,
Don't play and don't be lazy
Then you learn to read
You will know everything in the world!

Resourceful goat:
- Let's try now!
Don't nap!

(He stirs up a goat that has fallen asleep on the bench)

And practice!
We need to know everything
To become smarter than a wolf!

(The bear leaves, and the kids go into their house)

- E-ge-ge! Wow!
We are in trouble from that book!
I need to run faster into the forest
Yes, tell the wolf everything.

(The fox runs into the forest and runs into a wolf there. Both fall, then get up and dust themselves off)

- Look where you're flying!
I'm not a hare or a mouse!
I'll twist it into a ram's horn,
So as not to get confused at the feet!

- What to do? How can we be?
How to persuade goats
Do not read smart books
And to be lazy, yes to play?
Help the fox in trouble -
You are a master of miracles!

- So be it, friend, help!
I love goats...

(The fox runs to the kids' house. The kids read the alphabet near the house.)

Grumpy goat:
- Someone is visiting us again -
Neither play nor read.

- Glad to see you, kids!
Shall we play hide and seek together?

Resourceful goat:
We need to study now
Don't jump until you drop.
Hide and seek, tag is not for us -
School is waiting for us! First grade!

- I feel sorry for you guys.
Do not trample on your garden beds anymore.
Day and night - one teaching -
Not a reward, but a torment.
Don't play, don't walk
Locked up to read, write!
Oh, science will destroy you -
From her illness, boredom!

Sleepy goat:
- I can't sleep
I don't want to study, brothers!
I'm kinda tired...
Read too much.

Obedient goat:
- Oh, look! Squirrel visit!
We ask her about school.

Bully Goat:
Yes, she is not alone.
I brought my uncle a hare.

(A squirrel and a hare come out into the clearing to the house and together they carry a large basket in which something lies.)

- Grow up! Prettier!
How did you manage to do everything during the winter?!
We know it's time for you to go to school!
Fly on, kids!
Here are brushes and paints,
Recipe, album, coloring.
This is useful at school.
Draw, write learn!

(The goats run up to the basket and begin to grab everything from there and spin happily.
The hare takes out the abacus from the bottom of the basket and takes it out)

- There are scores here!
See -
Make friends with math!

Fox (with a sneer):
- Hee hee hee hee! Ha ha ha!
Ugh! What nonsense!
Children need to play ball.
It's good to know everything!

Well, what are we arguing about?
Better find a crow -
He is fair and smart!
Well, let's call together!

(The fox steps aside and hides behind a tree. Everyone calls the Learned Raven together)

Together 3 times:
- Raven, raven, don't yawn -
Come quickly!

(A raven flies and approaches the goats, the squirrel and the hare)

- Heard you called me?
Glad to see you, friends!

- Wise raven, help!
Tell us about the school!
What is she for?
And the goats are so important?

- There are no secrets here, guys -
I'll let you in on a secret:
School teaches us patience
And in any work - I can.
Appreciate strong friendship
Only speak the truth!
You can't build a house without knowledge
Do not arrange a feast with a mountain -
Because no skill
We don't grow plants.
No potatoes, no beets!
What then to bring to the table?
How do we deal with the cold
Do not burn out in the heat in the sun?
How to be treated for colds?
At school, the answers are waiting for you!

Grumpy goat:
- And the fox lied to us!
Here's a cheat! Well, business!

Bully Goat:
- Let's dip the cheat into the river,
And then dry it in the oven

(Kids look around for the fox)

- You have to take your feet -
Don't take my head off.

(runs into the forest)

Quiet kid:
- The fox ran into the forest -
From her only a mitten.

Resourceful goat:
- Let's study at school!

Obedient goat:
- Mom will be proud!

Bully Goat:
- Do not be capricious!

Sleepy goat:
- Do not sleep!

Good goat:
- And help each other!

The debut of my fairy tale took place on May 26, 2010 in kindergarten No. 348 in Volgograd.
In the role of a fox: my daughter is Anastasia.

Idea - Svetlana Grigoryeva + Alexey Klimenko
Author of poems - Alexey Klimenko (Ukraine, Kirovograd, Church "Word of Awakening)"


Mother Goat
Kid 1(boy)
Kid 2(boy)
Kid 3 (boy)
Kid 4 (girl)
Kid 5 (boy - all the time talking on a mobile phone)
Kid 6 (listens to music on headphones and does not notice the loss of the brothers)
Seventh youngest goat (girl)
Harry Potter
Computer Game "Super Contra"
Idlers - students
toy slot machine
Company of high school students
Cigarette (overdressed dude in a cap and pants - looks a lot like a guy)
Gray wolf
A group of prayer children

Children's laughter and bustle can be heard on the stage (someone is spinning, holding hands, someone is jumping after someone, etc.)

My beloved children
Precious and unique.
And I bless the Sunday school
And on the road I edify with a word:
Be careful and reasonable
Friendly and very attentive.
Beware of the approaching Gray Wolf
Deceive, ruin, confuse you all!

goat kids
Mommy goat, we'll hold hands
And only near the school we will disperse with each other!

A rope is attached to the backpack of the older kid, for which the rest of the kids are taken. To the song, hand in hand, they walk across the stage

This very time, a couple of blocks away
Gray Wolf with his company of bad guys quieted down
Sitting smoking and drinking beer
Vie with each other offering ideas
How to kill kids - goat kids
Get them out of God's way as soon as possible.
Nicknames of those bad guys know all of you
You yourself have seen them on TV more than once: (the bad guys take turns introducing themselves to the audience)

1. Pakemon - an eternally fighting creature (shows a fist and makes "crossbones" with his hands)
Definitely someone to destroy on his mind.

2. Harry Potter - supposedly a good sorcerer on earth,
Which, with the help of demons (evil spirits), flies on a broom

3. A computer game is an almost innocent trinket,
Which sucks children at computers, right up to the top of their heads
(take as a basis a character with a machine gun from "Contra")

4. Slot Machine - a penny, it would seem, business
But, deceives gullible people without limit.

5. A trump cigarette - the heads of children intoxicating with smoke,
Undermining their health, to the deepest roots

6. Well, their leader is the Gray Wolf,
Who does bad things and knows a lot about them.

Well it's time to act, my bad boys
The baby goats have already left the house.
I whispered the capture plan into everyone's ears
All in places - let's start catching childish angelic souls. (rubs hands)

Listen guys!
Why do you need a school, these boring lessons
Come in, I'll show you wonderful cartoons.
Today, and only for you, free sessions
Everything else in your life is trifles, nuances!

Kid 1
Why don't I go for free!?
Not all the time at school is spent studying.

Well done goat-brother, curly bangs! (this phrase is said loudly)
Before you have time to look back - and you are in the clutches of the Wolf (and this one is insinuating, covering your mouth with your hand)

The seventh youngest goat (in Ukrainian)

Kid 1
So who is holding you - go yourself!

Pakémon leads the goat into the paws of the Wolf

Harry Potter
Hurry with my help to fulfill your desires
My knowledge is witchcraft to your attention
Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself
Conjure and solve all problems in your life.

The seventh youngest goat (Ukrainian)
And my mother told us to go to school
Do not speak to third parties
I only Gods trust one

Kid 2
Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself (repels the 7th)
I listen carefully to Harry - teach, start (addressing G.P.)

Harry Potter Leads a Goat into the Paws of a Wolf

And you saw how I gave him a game in the jaw
I sent a whole automatic burst into him
This is cool, this is a computer game!
It's breathtaking, yes it is!

Computer game
Goats, kids, join us
I guarantee you a surge of cruelty, wash yourself with idleness
Kill a dozen soldiers, enjoy the war
You will not be saved by righteousness, I am "Super Contra" - know me (beats his chest invitingly)

Kid 3
Tired of forgiving everyone, I want to win and fight,
Let everyone know about me, let everyone be afraid of me.

Computer game (speaking ingratiatingly)
I can't be outplayed just so you know
But, they don’t understand this - they got into my dependence. (points to the idlers)

Comp. the game takes the goat and the idlers into the paws of the Wolf

Meanwhile, holding hands together
The kids went to the store - they need to buy water.
And there, flickering with lights, stands - like a fairy tale!
Slot Machine - overwhelmed soft toys to the very end.

Slot machine
Soft toys for every taste and color
Bunnies, dolls, elephants, bear, motorcycle
Don't press your money buddy, throw your coins
The toy cannot be pulled out here, I will deceive you, children! (and this one insinuatingly, covering his mouth with his hand)

Kid 4
I dreamed of a bunny, a doll and a yellow bear for so long (bends fingers)
Although I already have a lot of them at home
But, the main thing is that I have more of this
Where to throw a coin? I'm definitely going to win today!

Seventh baby goat
And mom told us to go to school (pulls her by the hand)

Kid 4
Luck shines on me today - leave me alone, move away! (pulls out hand)

The slot machine leads the goat into the paws of the Wolf

Gray wolf
When brothers and sisters are friends
Do not confuse them - a mountain for each other
But when it's every man for himself - that's another matter!
To deceive, quarrel and incite can be safely started.

Company of high school students
Hey baby! What are you mumbling there? (encourages the company to look at the goats)
Or on the head, in a hurry, you want to get?

Hey, don't load the goats - they are literally still children
Can you give me a smoke, sir, young lady?

Company of high school students
Yes, they still wear baby diapers! Youngsters! (1 vote)
And they don’t fight with anyone - mother’s sons! (2 voice)

Kid 5
Who is this son? And you - will answer for the youngster! (threatens one of the company)
Got a smoke, lady? Give me a cigarette too (referring to Cigarette)

Seventh baby goat
Brother, dear, listen to me
Cigarka to grief bring you!

The cigarette takes the whole company and the kid into the paws of the Wolf

Gray wolf
Well, there are only two righteous souls left,
All the rest are already in sins - doubt has crept into their hearts.
The hardest thing for me to deal with is my older brother.
I'll take advantage now of a love witch's grip
I will turn, in the twinkling of an eye, into his heart friend
And I will lead this kid in a vicious circle (there is a substitution by a girl, but the voice of the Wolf sounds)

Hello! And I'm on my way home from school
The school is closed FOR QUARANTINE, keep in mind!

Kid 6
That's great! So maybe we can walk together?
Let's get some fresh air and chat a little.

Seventh baby goat
Mama wouldn't have broken the visnovka in a hurry
Well, she called to my reader in the morning...

Well, are you coming with me for a walk? Are you with her or with me?

Kid 6
You heard, at school - QUARANTINE, come home quickly! (walks away with friend)

Seventh baby goat
I won’t leave it like that, I need everything
Mom needs to call terminovo
- Mom, my brothers and sisters died in a long way (talking into a street telephone)
That, maybe Sirius Vovk was dead. Help me out of my mind.

Oh, my children, what have you done?
The Gray Wolf and the bad guys have made you sinners.
My daughter, let us ask Jesus in prayer,
So that He delivered the goats from this sinful burden.

Seventh baby goat
Mother dear, I understood everything.
I wanted to turn back to God.
I will ask the familiar little ones,
Pray with me for my sisters and brothers.
(gathers around him a lot of little children and they kneel in prayer to God)
Mom Goat prays in parallel with the children

Glory to Thee, my Lord Jesus!
Let praise resound to You from all our lips.
I give my goats into Your faithful hands.
They are now receiving terrible torment from the Wolf
Open the hearts of the kids, expose the rumors.
Show Them what the Gray Wolves wear under their masks.

Your prayers have reached me
I hasten to come to the aid of you, friends
I will release from the dungeon of the Wolf not only goats
But, there are still many, many of my favorite guys.
My Word says: "... of such is the Kingdom of Heaven"
Let your children go, according to My covenant, to Sunday schools.
In them, by the Word of God, My teachers edify everyone
Love and fidelity are there, let them bring up in your children.

Well, what a vile Wolf, Gray swindler!
Fallen angel, traitor and God's traitor,
It's time to pay for everything with you
For lies, for deceit.

Gray wolf
Where can I go?
Jokes are bad with Jesus - I know for sure!
Run, bad guys, now it's every man for himself!

It won't be long for you to run Gray Wolf, I know that for sure.
You will stand before Me in judgment - I promise!

Children run out of the dungeon with cries of HALLELUE!!!

It's good with you here, but it's time for me to go to the Father in Heaven
Remember, kids, and with them all the kids:
"More than anything, keep your heart..
From flattery and deceit. Tell Wolf in unison - this is no longer mine!
Be kind to each other and don't quarrel with anyone.
Believe in the Living God and only be aware of the Holy Spirit!

Thank You Jesus! (sing a song of praise to the Lord)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Zelenogorsk kindergarten No. 6 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the social and personal direction of development of pupils "
Author-compiler: Musical director I. V. Zimina
Purpose: to develop interest in theatrical and gaming activities, the desire to participate in it, self-confidence and social behavior skills in children; revealing their creative potential, uniting preschoolers into a friendly team, capable of creating a stage performance in the improvisation mode, in which children are both performers and witnesses of how an image is invented, how dances, games, songs, poems are included in the performance.
Equipment. Mother Goat's house: table, 7 chairs, 4 mugs on the table and a plate of cabbage; oven, apron, tray, basket; a bench and next to it are the boots of the kids, a shoe brush; computer; a mirror with a comb and beads lying on it. Forest: 2 Christmas trees, flowers in a clearing and a forest music school. Forest school: 2 benches, 3 stumps, a log (table) on which are musical instruments (xylophone, 2 metallophones, rumba, tambourine, bell, triangle, maracas) and a children's piano nearby.

Download abstract

Mother goat (adult)
Wolf (adult)
Storyteller (adult)
seven kids
Uncle Owl
little mouse
Rooster (music teacher)
His students:
wolf cub
Insects (dancing): 4 butterflies, 2 grasshoppers and 2 ants.
Preliminary work.

1. Reading and viewing the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"
2. Work on musical images and voice in individual and group lessons on musical development
3. Work on vocal numbers
4. Joint production of costumes and attributes for the performance by teachers and parents.

Explanatory note

This performance was prepared systematically for six months with children middle group. The children sang both to the piano and to the minus soundtrack for the film "The Wolf and the Seven Kids on new way» music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Y. Entin.
We slightly changed the course of the fairy tale, added and revealed the roles of each hero, so that each child could show his abilities. The performance involved all the children of the group - 22 children.
All the words, dialogues of the characters are our author's development: the musical director and educator of the group.

Action 1.
The curtain is closed.

Magical music sounds. All participants in the theatrical performance come out and stand in front of the curtain.

Mom-Goat: We gathered today with you not in vain,
I invite everyone to the fairy-tale kingdom.
Quiet - quiet - quiet
It's already the beginning
And see the fairy tale
Our time has come!

All children sing the song "Fair of Miracles" (words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Frumkin)

Mom-Goat with kids and the Wolf go behind the curtain, and all the other participants sit in the hall (in the forest) on the chairs.

Storyteller: In the dark forest at the edge,
Everyone lived together in a hut,
The children were waiting for their mother
The wolf was not allowed into the house,
This story is for kids...
All children: "Wolf and seven kids."
Host: Yes, in a new way!
The curtain opens. Decoration of the goat's house. Goats, sitting at the table, drink milk from mugs, eat cabbage. The mother goat feeds the kids.

Mom-Goat: I fed you kids,
Made you guys drink milk.
1st kid (getting up). Oh, I ate my friends
Now I'll be full!
He goes to clean his shoes on the bench. The 2nd and 3rd kid, running out from behind the table, run up to the Goat, hug her, kiss her.

2nd goat. Thanks for the delicious
Useful fork.
3rd goat. Cabbage for breakfast
Health guarantee.
Mom-Goat, waiting for help in cleaning, is surprised when the kids go to show off in front of the mirror (comb their hair, try on beads, etc.). The 2nd kid is standing near the mirror, stamping his foot, waiting for another kid to bring a chair. The 3rd kid, having brought a chair, tries to sit on it, but the other one does not allow him to sit down himself. He, sighing, begins to comb it.

4th kid (tying an apron and telling mom):
I will help you dear!
I'll take the dishes off the table.
5th kid (pulling the Goat by the hem, asks):
I would eat some more.
Mother Goat (affectionately). Remember how your stomach hurt.
You ate a lot of cabbage!

The kid goes offended, sits down at the table and squints, licking his tongue at the cabbage. Having seized the moment when no one sees him, he hides the cabbage leaf in his bosom and stealthily hides behind the stove. Mother Goat sits on a bench, the 7th goat runs up to her and sits on her knees. At this time, the 4th kid is clearing the dishes from the table.

4th kid (referring to the 6th kid).
Help me brother
Take your mug!
6th kid. Things are waiting for me now.
Time for my computer! (Goes off to play computer)
The 4th goat is indignant and removes his mug.

7th kid (mother). Mommy, love.
I love you.
All the floors in the house now
I'll sweep quickly.
(Takes a broom and starts sweeping the floor.)

The introduction “Song of the Mother Goat” sounds, music. G.Gladkova, sl. Yu Entina. The goat is going to the garden for cabbage, saying goodbye to the kids. She sings, telling them to beware of the Wolf, the goats sing along with her.

Goat (sings).
1. Oh, kids, you guys.
You are left without your mother.
I go to the garden for cabbage.
Can the wolf come
I feel with my heart.
Chorus: You have to sit, you hear 4 times
Quieter than water, lower than grass.
2. You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys.
Oh, the signs would not come out.
Chorus. You have to sit, you hear
Quieter than water, lower than grass. 4 times.
3rd goat. Don't worry mommy!
Everything will be all right.
We know from a fairy tale
The wolf is terribly ugly!

Mother Goat leaves.

Action 2

The kids go about their business (clean shoes, sweep floors, play computer, preen in front of a mirror). At this moment, the 5th kid comes out from behind the stove, stealthily and looking around.

5th kid (in a loud whisper, asks)
Is our mother here?
7th kid (answers). We went for cabbage.
5th kid (joyfully).
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
It's time for us to have fun!
1st kid (scared). And if we
Will the wolf hear?
5th kid (boldly). I'm on his nose, click! (shows click)
2nd kid (clapping his hands, runs to close the door).
We will close the door!
6th kid. And we won't let anyone get hurt!

The goats begin to have fun and perform a dance to rhythmic music.

Dance of the goats.

The kids, having fun, jump around the table. Suddenly there is a loud knock on the door. The kids freeze and, having heard the voice of the Wolf, they begin to fuss in the house, trying to hide. The wolf sings, and they answer him in a frightened voice

Wolf (singing in a rough voice).
1. Open the door to mother as soon as possible,
I'm tired, I'm hungry like a beast
Pa-holly, pa-holly!
Goats (sing).

2. I gave you milk to drink,
And now my voice is not even familiar.
Pa-holly! holly!
Your voice doesn't sound like your mother's at all!
You sing out of tune with a thick voice!
At the threshold I will have to die,
Don't let your own mother in
Open up, don't play the fool
I am a goat, but slightly hoarse.
Pa-holly! Pa-holly!
Your voice doesn't sound like your mother's at all!
You sing out of tune with a thick voice!
Wolf (doomedly, moving away from the door of the house, says):
Oh, what a failed operation!

The kids, having grown bolder, carefully (they come out, crawl out, look out) begin to walk around the house. The curtain closes. The wolf speaks thoughtfully.

Wolf. What to do? (thinks)
(happily) Got it!
I'll go to Petya-Petushka,
To the famous singing teacher!
The wolf leaves.
Action 3.

The curtain is closed. Forest. Music sounds.

Leading. The fairy tale doesn't end there.
And the miracles continue
Petya lives here - he is a Rooster.
And he has great hearing.
He walks in the forest in the morning,
And sing songs loudly.
And once in his mind
A great idea has come.
Gather everyone in the fairy forest.
Who can sing and play music.

Goat enters, butterflies fly up to her (from the hall). They are dancing. The goat sits on a stump to rest.

Dance of insects.

After the dance, the insects sit down in their places.

In the forest (near the curtain, near the mirror) there is a forest music school. Under the musical accompaniment, importantly pacing, the Rooster comes out (from the children sitting in the hall). He approaches the music school, examines musical instruments, looks at his watch and begins to sing (le-le-le-le, ku-ka-re-ku, (louder) ku-ka-re-ku).

Rooster (important). Well, it's time to start the lesson!
(loudly) Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
Students, I'm waiting for you all (ringing the bell)!

The rooster sits on a stump. Pupils (animals, birds), having heard the bell, begin to go to school (from the hall). Their movement is accompanied by music. The Wolf Cub is the first to rush to school. He stops, looks in one direction, in the other, and, not seeing anyone, runs on. He greets the Rooster with a nod of his head, passes and sits down at a musical instrument. The Fox follows and stands opposite the Wolf cub.

Fox (Wolf cub). Hello, my dear kumanek!
Came first to class?
Wolf cub (stretching).
Got up very early in the morning.
To the music school
Rather ran.

The fox goes into the classroom, nods to the Rooster, takes a musical instrument. A Hare jumps across a forest clearing, followed by a Bear.

Bear (Screams to Hare). Hey, oblique, wait for me.
Hare (drawn). Long road ahead.

Belka catches up with the hare and pats him on the shoulder. He turns around.

Squirrel. Hello hare,
My friend!
What did you bring to class?
Hare. All day I pounded the rhythm.
So work, not accustomed to!

The squirrel takes the Hare by the arm and they go to school. They nod to the Rooster, take the music. inst., go to class. The Mouse runs, runs into the classroom, begins to interfere with others, look at the notes.

Little mouse. Wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee.
Show me the notes.
Rooster (strictly pronounces the Mouse).
You, little mouse, are not shawls.
Look at the notes better.

Uncle-Owl is flying (oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo). Flies up to the school, says hello.
Uncle-Owl. Hello musicians!
All. Hello Uncle Filin!

Owl takes music. tool. Mama-Goat hurries, apologizes and sits down at a musical instrument.
Rooster (asks). Have you got the tools?
Friendly, let's play together!

Cheerful music played by a musical orchestra
(by choice of music. guide)

The goat says goodbye to everyone (puts musical instruments in the basket).

Goat. I had fun friends
But things are waiting for me now.
I'm very, very late.
Thank you Pete-Petushka!

He leaves, singing a tune. The wolf walks towards her. They collide, are surprised to see each other.

Wolf (slyly). Hello dear goat.
Goat (frightened). Where are you from and where?
Wolf. I hurry to school in the morning.
It's time for me to get busy!
Goat (surprised, to the audience). Wow, to the forest school (leaves).
Wolf (to the audience). Yes, the answer is for the Goat
I found it lucky!
Runs up to the music school.
Wolf (Rooster). Help me Petya
Learn to sing.
Came to me in childhood
In the ear of a bear!
Rooster (thinks). Well, Wolf, help!
I will tell you everything!

The rooster and the squirrel teach the wolf to sing the song correctly. They are helped by students and children in the hall.

The song "Singing is pleasant and convenient." (lyrics by V. Stepanov, music by V. Kisten)

Rooster (strictly). So let's start chanting.

The rooster plays the piano (re, mi, fa) and sings (le, le, le), asks the Wolf to repeat. He tries to sing.

Rooster. Well, now try to sing yourself.
Wolf (sings rudely). I returned goats home!
Rooster. Higher.
Wolf (thinner). I returned goats home!
Rooster. Even higher.
Wolf (very subtly). I returned goats home!

(joyfully) Thank you, Petya-Cockerel!

The wolf runs away and hides behind the tree.

Rooster (following). Looking forward to the next lesson!

All students (accompanied by music), going home (to their places in the hall), bow to the teacher. The rooster examines the empty classroom, removes the notes, closes the music. tools, and importantly leaves.

Action 4.
The wolf sneaks to the Goat's house, knocking. The 2nd kid peeps out from behind the curtain, looks around and, seeing the Wolf, frightenedly disappears, hides behind the bench. At this time, the curtain opens at the same time. The kid cleaning his boots looks at him in surprise, not understanding anything. House of the Goat. The kids go about their business (the 1st kid plays on the computer, the 3rd one straightens the chairs, the 4th washes the dishes, the 6th sweeps the floor, the 7th preens at the mirror).

Wolf (joyfully). Basta, little ones!
Dancing is over!
5th kid (boldly). Dying like this with music!
Sing brothers!

The kids dodge the Wolf, tease. And he collects them in a chain. Everyone sings (la-la-la ....) to the music in the recording. The wolf snake leads the kids into the forest.
Goat appears. It's knocking. Enters the house. Looks around and sings crying.
Goat (sings).
Oh, goats, where have you gone?
To whom did you leave me?
Didn't listen to their mother
You seem to have lost your vigilance.
You forgot your mother's voice
Received signs.
You made an omission
Apparently the wolf entered the room.
The goat sits on a bench and cries. Music is heard from afar.

Goat (cheerfully). Are these my goats?
Are these my guys?
I'll go and look.

The goat leaves. The curtain closes. Forest Glade. To the song "La-la-la" the Wolf and 7 kids appear. The goats surround the Wolf and persuade him not to eat them.

5th goat. Well, what's the point,
Kohl you swallow us wolf?
4th goat. You will eat two kids for breakfast,
Three kids for lunch.
3rd goat. Leave the other two for tomorrow -
From gluttony only harm!
The wolf sits down thoughtfully.

1st kid (to the audience). The wolf thought, sat down.
6th kid. After all, he could not count!
7th kid (fun). And the goats are easy!
Who ran away!

The goats run away. The wolf and the kids are dancing a dance (phonogram).

Dance of the wolf and kids.

At the end of the dance, the Wolf collapses from fatigue. The kids are blowing it. Goat enters. The 2nd kid, noticing his mother, runs up to her.

2nd goat. Don't worry mommy.
We're all right!
The wolf turned out
Not terribly ugly!
Wolf (begging). Oh, goat, help!
Take your goats!
Goat. Your trick didn't work!
wolf (apologies). It was just a game!
Goat. We forgive you all.
Wolf (gives his hand). Friendship with you forever!

Everyone puts their hands together (palm to palm). The music sounds (“La-la-la”) The goat, the kids and the Wolf go jumping one after another and stand in a semicircle in front of the curtain, all the participants in the tale join them. Bow. The curtain opens a little, everyone comes out to the music for the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way."

  • How to organize TV viewing and activities of preschool children with computer educational games in a family education group
  • Fairy tale: The wolf and the seven kids
    I'll tell you a fairy tale. There lived a goat with goats,
    And those goats were great guys:
    They loved to jump and jump and play different games,
    All the cartoons were watched, they did not want to study.
    Their dad brought money, was often on business trips,
    And my mother stayed at home, children, was engaged in housekeeping.
    “You, kids, you kids,” mother always told them, “
    You don't jump, you don't shout, but sit down, you teach lessons!
    All right, I'm tired of it! Come on, let's get down to business quickly!
    Come on, students, open your diaries!

    1 - We weren't asked anything!

    M - Maybe you didn’t write down what you were asked to teach today?
    Admit it yourself, or I'll have to call other kids,
    Obedient, smart kids!

    1-No need, we will remember now!

    3 -And learn a poem,

    4 -And write two essays!

    1-Work to finish the work,

    2-Report for tomorrow needs to be done!

    3-Still, to my great regret, learn the multiplication table!

    4-But you, mom, will you help us?

    1-We can't do everything by ourselves!

    2-We do not understand anything and we do not know this topic!

    M-ALL! My patience has run out!
    Your teaching is torment to me!
    I went to the concert, in DC!

    3-And we?!
    M-Learn! Bye

    4-Listen, someone is knocking, I'll look through the peephole ...
    Someone gray and shaggy!

    1-Brothers, but it's a wolf!

    B-Goats, kids, open up, open up,
    Your mother came, she brought milk!

    2-Enough, wolf, don't pretend, come to us, don't be shy!

    3-Lock, brothers, the door!

    4-That's it, got caught, predatory beast!

    1-Come on, quickly undress, get down to the lessons!

    2-Three problems solve me!

    3-Sharpen your pencils!

    4-Learn a poem with me!

    1-Draw a seascape!

    2-Compose a story for me in a dozen and a half phrases!

    3-Tell me about the ataman, how he drowned in the river!

    4-At the same time about Genghis Khan!

    B-HELP! GUARD!!!

    M.-What is it? What's happened?

    1-Mom! Help soon!

    M. - I don’t understand how it happened, there were seven children in the morning, this one, it seems, is the eighth ...
    What happened to the head? I won't take anything for granted!

    2-Mom! Yes, it's a wolf!

    V. - Former wolf! Now the goat! I used to be very angry
    And now - more tender than a flower, I want to be your son! Don't drive!

    M.-So be it, stay with us to live!
    I rested for an hour ... Well, let's have our lesson!

    Poems for performance

    1. Grandma's moms, now

    We want to congratulate you.

    And girlfriends, and sisters,

    And, of course, all the girls.

    2. Admire our mothers,

    How we got angry

    Pull up, grow up

    Muscles pumped up.

    3. Let us be small in stature,

    But brave as soldiers.

    4. Beloved homeland

    We will protect

    Sun, happiness on earth

    We will protect

    5. How beautiful mothers are

    On this sunny day!

    Let them be proud of us:

    Mom, here I am, your son!

    6. Here I am, your daughter,

    Look how you've grown

    And more recently

    She was a tiny little one.

    7. Here I am, dear grandmother,

    Love me!

    You love me, I know

    My precious!

    8. Today with the holiday of spring

    We hasten to congratulate you!

    Oh yes! Forgotten kiss

    "Air" send you!

    ("air kiss)

    9. We are for you relatives, loved ones

    Let's sing a song together.

    We wish you happy days

    All together: Happy Women's Day!

    Girl: In a cramped, small apartment

    In the thicket of the forest lived

    Seven pretty kids

    Cute naughty guys.

    Boy: Their mother was a goat

    Pretty, young.

    (stretching goat enters)

    Got up early in the morning

    Picked up everything quickly

    (sweeps the floor)

    Though the house was small

    Clean and comfortable in it.

    (the goat goes to the mirror)

    Girl: The goat followed itself

    Don't forget to powder your nose


    And lipstick on the lips (paints lips)

    Boots with heels

    And when he paints his eyes (paints)

    Not a goat, but just a fairy tale!
    Boy: Gold earrings in the ears,

    Goat: Hey, kids, get up!

    The first Aria of the Goat "Kids-Kids" is performed

    (During the Aria, the kids begin to wake up, stretch, wash, the Goat gives them breakfast)

    Goat: Goat kids,

    get up, get dressed.

    Goat kids

    Get up, get dressed..

    I'm going to work, but I'll ask you

    Eat porridge with milk

    Drink tea with cake

    Breakfast all on the table

    Promise me...

    The wise Owl will come

    You will have a lesson

    Must listen carefully

    study diligently

    Do not go to the garden and do not chop the cabbage.

    Girl: The Goat took a basket,

    Under the milk cap

    Kissed the kids

    She promised to come soon.

    Crying for the children

    I quickly went to the forest.

    (Goat leaves)

    The goat's door was closed -

    And they did it!

    (pogrom, screeching, running around with fading)

    The screen closes. The kids clean the dishes and put out the tools.

    (magpies fly out)

    1st: Oh, they staged a pogrom, the whole house is shaking!

    2nd: From such noise-din, the wolf will rush here directly.

    1st: I need to tell Owl that it's time to start the lesson

    2nd: So Owl himself is in a hurry, he will now rein them in. (fly away)

    (Owl knocks): I demand to open the door for me!

    All animals are outraged.

    Forest time nine o'clock

    Who is ready to work?

    Goats: We!

    Owl: Naughty kids!

    Take note books

    Get to the tools

    And start the game now!

    Playing for children musical instruments"There lived a gray goat with my grandmother"

    Owl: Why did the wolf eat the kid?

    Goats: For not listening to my grandmother.

    Owl: Well, let our lesson

    You goats will be fine!

    I allow you to walk

    Pinch fresh herbs.

    (Children-goats go out into the clearing, pick flowers. Two goats sing)

    Duet of goats “You are the best in the world!”

    You are the best in the world, my mother!

    The kindest sonorous laughter, only you!

    Chorus: My mother is my sun.

    The warmest

    And you have the best heart.

    Mom is my berry, the sweetest

    Rain drop mama, clean, smooth

    I love it when we sit next to her

    With my dear mother, we will talk about everything.

    The chorus is the same.

    Owl: And now it's time to calm down

    Your mom will be back soon.

    Come into the house, lock the doors

    And sit still, I'll check.

    (The goats go to the house. The owl flies away).

    2 action.

    Boy: In the meantime, a solid wolf,

    Who knew a lot about the laws

    Had rights in his forest

    The policeman is our wolf-head!

    The wolf has a lot to do in the forest!

    He wanted to be fair

    And animals respected the wolf, He was trusted with secrets.

    Wearing your uniform on your shoulders

    Examines the forest, everything is normal

    The beast keeps order

    Nobody breaks the law.

    The wolf lived in a big mansion,

    In the city center, close to the river.

    All shops were nearby.

    Gym, pharmacy, everything under the look.

    But I did not go deep into the forest,

    He did not know who and how lived there.

    And our wolf took a walk ...

    (a wolf in uniform comes out with a rod in his hand. He looks around)

    And I was surprised in earnest

    He saw in the deep forest

    (The wolf hides behind a tree)

    She just sang a song.

    And it was pretty late.

    The second Aria of the Goat "Lovely little children"

    Dear children, do not worry, Mom is in a hurry, it's time to return.

    Kindly, I want to smile at you.

    I've been thinking about this since morning.

    I know, little goats, it's not all in vain. The wind will drive away many clouds.

    And a bright, beautiful, warm beam of smiles and joy will shine.

    (Goat knocks on the door)

    Goat: Goat kids!

    Open up, open up. Your mother came, brought milk!

    Boy: The wolf was simply amazed (Wolf walks holding his heart)

    The beauty of the Goat is smitten

    The heart pounded loudly:

    This is the beginning of love!

    What to do, how to be here?

    How to explain everything to a goat?

    Frightened: after all, in a fairy tale

    The wolf ate the kids without fear.

    The wolf is clear for everyone

    Here he sang an aria!

    Aria of the Wolf "If moms are near"

    There are different types of wolves

    There are evil and dangerous ones, And in a fairy tale they even eat goats.

    But how can I explain to Kose

    I am the kindest person on earth. And I won't hurt the little guys!

    I envy very little goats

    In the wilderness

    Live next to mom

    And happy from the heart.

    And I didn’t know mother wolf from birth

    And he raised himself as a decent wolf

    There are different types of wolves

    There are evil and dangerous

    And in a fairy tale they even eat goats

    But how can I explain to Kose

    I am the kindest on earth

    And I won't hurt the little guys

    Girl: The wolf neither ate nor slept for three days

    He dreamed about the goat.

    The wolf went to the psychologist

    Started a conversation with a fox

    (The wolf goes to a tree with a sign "Forest Psychologist" and sits on a stump. Dancing, the Fox comes out and sings an Aria)

    Lisa's aria "I know psychology"

    I know psychology

    I sweep the dust with my tail

    I am friends with animals

    And I give wise advice

    The gray wolf is coming towards me

    Fox sings songs

    Knows the answers to the question

    And everyone personally notices

    Chorus: Everyone in the forest I'm pretty

    Brilliant and practical

    By nature I am cunning

    Educated, smart.

    (The wolf gestures the problem)

    Boy: Lisa after listening to him

    She spoke her word

    Fox: Before Goat Confesses

    We need to get close to the kids.

    With them, wolf, you will find contact

    Here you will come to the Goat.

    You will live, Wolf, without troubles

    And now I have lunch! (leaves)

    Boy: Wolf understood that white light

    There is a family, the main thing is not.

    The best thing in life is kids

    Adults are responsible for them.

    He went deep into the woods

    And sang a song to the goats

    (The wolf takes a package with gifts from a tree and goes to the Goat's house.)

    The Goat's Aria "Lovely little children" performed by the Wolf sounds

    Girl: The goat's door was opened,

    Mother's orders were forgotten.

    They were afraid, some on the grass, some behind the stove, some under the bench!

    The wolf calmed the kids

    Conversation with children tripled

    Wolf: How do you live in the wilderness?

    There is not a soul around here.

    1. We don't even have lights here!
    2. We have been preparing firewood since summer!
    3. It is difficult for us to prick them ourselves
    4. Living in the cold is uncomfortable
    5. If dad were with us
    6. It would be easier for us sometimes
    7. He made toys for us, on holidays he gave us a mug

    Wolf: It's bad in the house without a man.

    I want to be your father, baby.

    I propose in seven ways

    Move to a new house.

    Close to school, kindergarten!

    All amenities for children.

    Slide in the yard, swings.

    Blizzards are not terrible, blizzards.

    Has steam heating

    electric lighting

    Goats: We agree, dad is a wolf.

    Wolf: It will be good for you, kids!

    (gives gifts)

    I will give you colors

    Draw a house, our family (three kids draw, four dance)

    Kids (dancers): Kids will draw

    And we polka dance!

    Polechka is being performed

    (Goat enters at the end of the music.)

    Goat: (Frightened) Wolf!!

    Go away, don't touch the goats.

    Animals, all here with help!

    Goats (dancers)

    1. Mama, mama, don't swear
    2. You better get ready quickly

    (Chorus) Because the whole yard

    Let's move to the Wolf's house.

    Wolf: Children need a friend-father

    And you, Goat, crown! (puts a veil on her)

    I will protect you

    Help with housework

    You say, Goat, do you agree?

    Goat: Yes! Family is great!

    (The wedding march of Mendelssohn sounds. (The wolf, standing on one knee, puts on the Kose ring. Everyone stands in a semicircle and applauds, Owl takes a family photo)
