Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Desire is a thousand possibilities, reluctance of the reasons for the Assads. Those who want will find a thousand opportunities, those who don’t want will find a thousand reasons.

What are your thoughts today, what are your feelings today, what are your actions leading to today?

Think about what you want, not what you are afraid of, and go boldly towards your dream. You need a signal - here it is.

By merging yourself and your dreams, you are merging at least a thousand people who, looking at you, will also merge their dreams and will never aim for more, will not even take the first step, simply deciding that it is impossible for them!

How often do you give up on your dream, finding thousands of reasons why it is unrealistic? We were getting ready to run - suddenly it started to rain. Thoughts: "Everything is against me! Even the weather!.." And out of spite you stuff yourself, sweeping away the supplies from the refrigerator. Maybe don’t even be lazy and run for a cake to lift your spirits. Perhaps light alcohol and conversations with friends about how unlucky you are will be added to this...

Friends instead of saying: "Stop! I believe that happiness is very close. I believe that you can do it! Take the 1st step towards your slimness(replace with whatever is needed) right now! Not tomorrow, not next Monday, not when the stars align, but right now. Take the first step now! I am ready to support you in this. Not in weakness and merging of oneself, one’s beauty, time, opportunities, talents, but in the best version of oneself,”— support you in “shitty” dialogues, in self-betrayal.

Perhaps you are doing the same!

Stop and see who is next to you and what supports you. What if the very people you hate choose you as the best version of you. By causing you pain (they just behave differently than you expect, you yourself chose to feel pain...), they help you learn some kind of life lesson. Find love in this! Maybe some passer-by, some random phrase of his, will become the very last straw, after which your life will become different. You can hear a piece of his story and decide - I can do this too, and start doing it! There is clarity and clarity. Strength and energy appear! Hey!

Desire has a thousand possibilities. There are a thousand reasons for reluctance. You have the right to do what you feel like doing. You don't have to ask anyone for permission to prosper, to be happy, or to do anything at all.

There have always been tests and lessons. You can go through them hard, painfully, or you can go through them easily, as if you were just crossing the road. There is always a choice.

You have certain life experiences. There are habitual thoughts, actions, feelings. You are used to being offended, getting sick, eating too much, getting angry, swearing, doing everything yourself (add yours)... if something is not the way you want. This is your usual reaction! Imagine that you simply forgot how you used to choose to think, feel, act and chose to feel something else, for example, gratitude. And they simply smiled at this situation. Perhaps something very magical is happening in your life right now, and you are starting to see it. Something always happens in life, and you always have a choice. Choose a miracle! I believe that you can!

In the next article I will write several ways to transition to a conscious life...

A smart person creates more opportunities than he finds.

In any matter with maximum difficulties
There is still one approach to the problem:
Desire is a multitude of possibilities,
And there are many reasons for reluctance.

If a thousand people believe in something, and I alone believe the opposite, then it’s a thousand against one that they are wrong.

Any problem in life is a test of your capabilities.

Fate has no reason to bring strangers together without reason.

Life is made of a substance called joy. It does not need a reason, no validity. An unhappy person has a reason for being unhappy, but a happy person is happy without a reason.

Are you depressed? Feed the homeless... Carry a baby in your arms in an orphanage! Work as a nurse in oncology. There are a thousand options to see that someone is much worse off than you!

Champions do not become gyms. A champion is born from what is inside a person - desires, dreams, goals.

And people learned, warmed by the newness,
Whatever instinct leaps in the blood,
About that one kiss with love
More expensive than a thousand without love!

What exactly is this vague, sometimes necessary and elusive word “Motivation”? What is it really like and does it even exist? Or is it just a myth invented to, so to speak, spur action? Or justify yourself in its absence? I’ll be a cap, and I’ll only say one thing: it’s different for everyone and pursues absolutely individual goals.

Many people use the achievements of other people as motivation, be it weight loss, sports or science, it doesn’t matter. They convince themselves that they, ordinary, earthly people, mere mortals like us, have achieved incredible heights, I want this too, I can do it, why am I worse?.. But does this method work in practice? I will not take upon myself the responsibility to speak for everyone, even for the majority or minorities, I can speak for myself. NO, it doesn't work. At the first difficulty, the first small step back, you begin to wonder, Is this a mere mortal? He did the impossible, he overcame himself, his laziness, he found the time...And me? and I’m up to my ears in feces, a lot of problems, a blockage, a lot of things to do, but you can come up with anything, just not to change anything, convincing yourself that you are just a grain of sand in this huge world, and you can’t do anything, even with yourself .
So photographs of, it seems, real breathing people who exist with us on the same planet become just a beautiful picture. It's a shame.
So where then do people like me look for motivation? What distant jungles of our consciousness, or perhaps someone else’s, do we need to climb into in order to force ourselves to act somehow?
By trial and error, by stepping on gardening equipment, I finally found a way out. Yes, I'm not motivated beautiful pictures because I’m starting to think that I’ll never achieve such a result. But... we all know that our biggest rival is ourselves. We are in the past and we are in the present. And we should build on this. First of all, you need to value your work and your efforts. After all, a lost battle does not mean a won war? Don't dwell on a small defeat. Only forward! And when it seems that you won’t be able to go further, you don’t have the strength, you want to give up everything and voluntarily surrender, you need to sit down and think, how much has already been passed, how much has been done, is it really possible to take it all and throw it all away so simply, unceremoniously ? The answer will come to your mind.

Why all this, it seems, simply poured water?
Yes, I almost gave up, lost my temper, ate too much chocolate, no, not a couple of slices, but 2.5 normal chocolates every day, and other rubbish. I decided to leave my intended path and get off the path. I've almost come to terms with my extra pounds. I just gave up on everything... But I came to my senses.
I hope all these MANY BOOKS will help me get back together and continue. Moreover, I have prepared wonderful delicacies, better than any chocolates, and in general, for me this is one of the most divine things on the Blue Planet.
