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Day of good mood script. Good mood (Scenario of the holiday for the Day of Laughter). Laws for children





The song performed by L. Gurchenko “And a good mood” sounds. 1 comes out for the chorus

2 Lead: Hello dear friends!

1 presenter : Everyone, good afternoon!

2 Host: Oh, I see you are in a good mood!

2 Host: Interesting, interesting ...

1 Lead: You just need to make a Recipe for a Good Mood! So to say invent a new dish! First we need to create a festive atmosphere!

2 Lead : Nothing is easier. Fanfare and loud applause from the audience will do?

1 Lead: Fit!!!

2 Lead: Then I ask - FANS!!


2 Lead: And now, applause from the audience!

Audience Applause

1 presenter : Wonderful, kind spectators have gathered in our hall today.
And now we will check who is clapping louder and more friendly - the right or left half of the hall.

Presenter2 : So now the audience on the left is applauding! Fine!
Presenter1 : And now the audience is on the right! Well done!
Leading : 2. But when our artists take the stage, we are sure you will make it even louder!

vocal number

Lead 2 : And what will be the next component in our Good Mood recipe?

Presenter 1 : We need something bright and colorful, similar to summer, because in winter we miss it so much ...

Presenter 2. Bright and similar to summer? .. Then these are sunflowers !!!

Presenter 1 : Meet!!! Sunflowers!

Dance "Sunflowers"

Presenter 1: VikaHave you already decided what to add to our recipe?

Host 2: Well, since we are talking about the seasons, then spring is indispensable.

Moreover, the spring mood will give our dish very tender and touching notes!

Presenter 1: A vocal duet sings for you!

vocal number

(2 presenter alone enters the stage, 1 presenter in the audience among the audience, claps the audience’s hands “give greetings”)

Presenter 2. I am alone on the stage ... but have you seen my assistant?

( viewers respond

Lead 1. I'm here! I'm collecting cheers for our recipe.

I collect greetings (gives 1 viewer a palm)
I give greetings ( claps 2 viewers on the palm)
Greetings I compose
(gets up on stage)
I just love them.

Presenter 2: And I love noisy greetings, so let it be like this: clap 3 times, stomp 3 times, shout “Catch!” and send our regards! Let's try!

(leaders play with the audience in throwing imaginary greetings)

Lead 1. Well done boys! Our recipe has been replenished with your noisy greetings! And our artists are looking forward to giving you a lot of pleasant impressions and emotions that are so necessary for Have a good mood.

Presenter 2. So, meet the dance group "Accent" on the stage!

dance number

Presenter 1: What do you think will happen if you invite nice guys on stage now who can speak French?
Presenter 2: It’s clear that it will turn out to be a wonderful number !!!

Presenter 1: « Little Prince"! Your applause!

Theatrical sketch "The Little Prince"

Presenter 1: Our concert is gaining momentum, the artists are working with enthusiasm, and the grateful audience applauds heartily!

Lead 2 : Yes, of course, it’s great here, but meanwhile, it’s already getting dark, and the first star has already lit up

Presenter 1 : ( Dreamily) Yes, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it ....

Host 2: On the stage are the stars of the east!

East Dance

V riding2 : “Shine always, shine everywhere, shine and no nails!”
Presenter1: What are you talking about?
Presenter2 : Well, what about the stars!
Presenter1 : What about nails?
Presenter2 : Moreover, the next highlight of our program will be the performance

creative number

Presenter 1: Vika, I hope you have not forgotten that today we are developing a Good Mood recipe?

Host 2: Of course I remember it! AND In order for our dish to be attractive to the viewer, we must definitely add a drop of fun.
Leading. one Yes. After all, fun and good mood are one and the same.
Leading 2. Not a problem. We can add a drop, and not one, but several at once. Meet the ballroom dance studio "Charm"!
dance number

Lead 2 . Our recipe is almost ready. There is one more thing left to add.

Leading. one. Dear children, the governing board of our school, students, parents, teachers wish you a Happy New Year!

Lead 2 . Guys, accept these gifts from all of us!

Lead 1. Do you think our recipe is ready now?

Host 2. Of course ! Look into the hall: how many smiles shine on the faces of our viewers! So, we have achieved our goal and created ...

Presenter 1 . If sad and anxious
If boring days
You can light up with a smile
All the dark corners.
Presenter 2. Come on, adults and children,
Smile quickly
To become on the planet
And warmer and more fun.

Final song "I, you, he, she"

Presenter 1 Goodbye!

Host 2 See you soon!

1st leader;
Good evening! 2nd host
: Hello! 1st host:
We're glad new meeting and welcome all of you to the celebration of humor; So, April 1st! 2nd host
A: As you know, this banner day! cheerful deceptions and practical jokes, carefree jokes and laughter. And we tried to prepare our evening in such a way that by the end of the holiday there would not be a single gloomy face in the hall, the number of laughter and smiles would triple and a good mood would become your natural state. We hope funny contests, tasks, jokes, jokes, surprises will help in solving all problems. 1st host:
In Russia, April Fool's Day was introduced by Peter I.

It seemed to Peter that in the mornings, and not only in the mornings, many of his contemporaries look somehow gloomy, unable to speak fluently among themselves, to joke, not to be offended by jokes. The Day of Laughter, decided Peter I, is the most suitable remedy for this incompetence. And on this first celebration of humor, everyone began to laugh. 2nd host
: By the way, do you know that April Fool's Day is popular not only in Russia, but also in many countries.

To find out how this holiday is celebrated in the world, we gave a task to our special correspondents, and they must get in touch with us live. Two young men come on stage, take out the case from the TV, put it on the table, all the commentators come up and speak from it. 1st presenter
: Each link is established. Live our correspondent from Paris. Correspondent
(From "TV"): Good evening, dear friends! In France, the day of playful deceptions is called "April fish". In 1564, King Charles IV issued a decree to postpone the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1, but many of his subjects, as a sign of disagreement with the highest command on April 1, sent each other the traditional new year gift- fish.

Gradually, the king's decree came to terms, and the day of the "April fish" remained. On this Day, children secretly hang paper fish on strings on the backs of adults, and serious adults can be seen on the streets with paper fish fluttering behind their backs. (Leaves.) 2nd leader
: Thank you for the report, and we have London in touch. The next correspondent enters the stage. Correspondent
(shouting): Can you hear me? Do you see?

Live broadcasts are always so unpredictable. Here in London we also celebrate All Fools' Day. From midnight to midnight on April 1, everyone can play a trick on their friends, acquaintances, deceive them. Anyone who falls for an April Fool's joke is greeted with merry laughter and shouts: “April Fool!

» (Leave T.) 1st presenter
: I'm already getting a call from the director's office, our correspondent from Germany is in touch. A "correspondent from Germany" enters the stage. Correspondent: The Germans consider April 1 an unlucky day, because, according to legend, Judas was born on this day. Adults and children deceive each other, send them to shops and pharmacies with impossible orders (for example, to buy mosquito oil in a pharmacy).

(Leaves.) 2nd presenter:
Thanks to our correspondents. The hosts of the “School News” should also get in touch with us. But the broadcast will be provided to them later. And we start our humorous evening with a very interesting competition under the title: "What is the question, such is the answer." We constantly ask each other questions in life, sometimes serious, sometimes curious. Here are the last questions you should learn to answer, and also with humor.

For example: 1. Where is the end of the world? - On the fourth floor of the school, all the light bulbs burned out there. 2. Is it true that the Japanese have no sense of humor? - Truth!

It's the only thing they don't have. And now the questions:
What does it take to become a millionaire? What should I do to avoid falling asleep in class? Is there a key to a girl's heart? What needs to be done in order not to go crazy? - How to get rid of excess weight without limiting yourself in food?

- What to do if some pull rubber, while others - everything that lies badly? The most witty get souvenirs. 1st presenter
: And girls will become participants of the next competition. Now you will all see that girls are cool car drivers. So, "car races" are announced. Two girls are invited to the stage. Threads of the same length are tied to children's cars. It is necessary to wind the thread around the pencil. The winner is the one who quickly winds the entire thread, and the car must move strictly along the intended road - the line. The winner is given a souvenir. 1st host:
Well, what is the mood like? Then we will proceed to the next competition - "Acting skills".

A boy and a girl are invited to participate in the competition. Imagine this situation: one of you is standing outside the car window, and the other is on the platform. A few minutes later the train leaves. And your loved one will leave forever without knowing about your feelings. The task of the one who remains is to confess love without words, with the help of gestures, facial expressions. The audience determines the winner. He gets a souvenir. Musical pause. 2nd leader:
The next contest is for wits. The competition is called - "You can't imagine it on purpose."

Those who wish tell a variety of jokes, but within the limits of what is permitted and within the limits of reason. The winner of the competition will be determined according to the principle of a sound level meter - who will applaud louder and longer. For example: Deribasovskaya. Old courtyard.

Robbers are knocking on the door of the apartment: - Who is there? - Don't be afraid! Not guests! A boy knocks on the door to the speech therapist and asks: - To you mono?

— Not only mono, but also nuno! heard from behind the door. The winner receives a prize. Dance break. 1st host:
And now our correspondents from the “School News” department have contacted us. They have a word. Two commentators come on stage, sit down to the “TV” - 1st commentator:
On January 32, a student Ivanov made a presentation at the pedagogical council. According to him, in the second quarter, 4865 crows flew past the window of the physics classroom. This is 149 more crows than in the same period last year.

Well done Ivanov! 2nd commenter:
In a week, our school will present a new locker room. It will be equipped with military equipment and a tracking system. The fact is that on December 13 our wardrobe was demolished. 1st commenter:
And finally, the most important news of the day. From reliable sources it became known that this year our school will work out summer labor practice In Cyprus.

Applications are currently being accepted at the director's office. Thank you for your attention! See you soon! 2nd leader:
And now another surprise awaits you. The summer-winter season is coming. How will the youth of our school meet him? We invite you to a demonstration of new models from the Horror collection by couturier Koftenkina.

1. Your attention is invited to a model of an evening costume for teenagers who wipe the walls of the porches with their backs in the evenings. The model is particularly durable.

There are no traces of chalk, dust, cigarettes on the fabric at all. (The model is in a cape.) 2.

And now you have a light, elegant dress for summer hiking or horseback riding. It does not restrict movement and is easy to use. Pay attention to the original clasps. The model is inexpensive and accessible to anyone who is able to reach the clothesline of the neighboring balcony. (The girl is wearing a sheet, which is fastened with clothespins on the sides and shoulders.) 3. Modern youth have long been waiting for the appearance of a new model of headwear for teenagers.

The versatility and practicality of this model is obvious: it does not get wet, does not let in dust and cigarette smoke, and can also be used in the summer to protect against mosquitoes, rain and the scorching sun. Inexpensive, dry, comfortable. Those who wish can purchase such models with fur or with fleece. (Model walks in a gas mask.) 1st presenter
: Well, our today's holiday has come to an end.

We say goodbye, but don't forget to smile. Laugh, joke every day. 2nd host
: ... And a smile, without a doubt, Suddenly touches your eyes. And a good mood will not leave you anymore!

Good mood (Scenario of the holiday for April Fool's Day)

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Scenario game program"Good mood"

Target: Activate the existing knowledge of children about fairy tales.



    Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.

    Teach children to identify types of fairy tales.

    Draw the attention of children to the authors of the books they read.


    Development of cognitive abilities of children.

    Development of the ability to work in a group, interact with friends.

    Development of attention, imagination, thinking.


    Cultivate a sense of collectivism, diligence, patience.

    To instill in children a love for folk tales.


    Notebook, musical accompaniment

    Balloons, 2 buckets, clubs, brooms

Dear guys, hello!

Today we will make an unusual journey ...

Behind these curtains is a magical room of fairy tales. But to get into it, you need to guess literary riddles:

Quiz (presentation) based on Andersen's fairy tales.

Leading: Well done boys! And now we are going on a journey "to the country of good mood."

Great and diverse fairy world. It is generously inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and mermen, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. And whose heart does not shudder at these enchanting and alluring words: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, they lived, they were ...”

Which of us did not take off in a dream into the sky not the Little Humpbacked Horse, who did not try to reach the magic feather of the Firebird.

A game-journey will help us to continue this wonderful dream, in which we will go on a magical Booklet.

Close your eyes tight

We're flying high! UUUUUU ----- And now, the crew, let's get acquainted. (Pick up a ball or toy, pass it around, everyone who picks it up says their name).

Questions for children:

Everyone loves fairy tales, why do you think?

What are your favorite fairy tales?

In which fairy tale would you like to play a role?

What fairy tales have you read?

General workout.

Doctor Aibolit's sister? (barbarian )

Crocodile Gena's strongest desire? (to find a friend )

How many pigs outsmarted the evil wolf in S. Mikhalkov's fairy tale? (Three )

What was the name of the three bears in L. Tolstoy's fairy tale? (Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka )

Where is the death of Koshchei the Deathless? (Wood, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle )

The name of Pope Pinocchio in A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"? (Papa Carlo )

What was the name of Matroskin's cat's cow? (Murka )

What words do Russian folk tales usually begin with?(“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state they lived, they were ...” )

1 competition-game: After the words of the leader, if the players agree with him, they must say "And we too"

I went to the fairy forest

I was very happy

I walked along the fabulous alleys

I saw little rabbits

I rode in a hut on chicken legs

I ran after Baba Yaga

I'm going to have lunch

I ate Ivanushka

I defeated the Serpent-Gorynych

I love fairy tales!

2 competition: What kind magic words we know and constantly use? (question for everyone)

3 competition-game: Well, since you're all so familiar with polite words, then according to mypolite team, complete tasks. Ready? Please raise your right hand up, and now your left hand, please clap….. pinch the neighbor on the left.

4 competition: And now, let's remember some more words:

Only kind

only disturbing

only sweet

only air

only cold

only favorites

5 competition : "islet"

Rules of the game. 6-8 people stand on a sheet of paper on the floor, dance to the music when the music stops, occupy the islands, the loser leaves and takes 1 island with him, etc.

6 contest: " Answer me please"

What types of fabulous transport do you know? (Stove, hut on chicken legs, walking boots, Sivka-burka, Gray wolf, Little Humpbacked Horse, self-propelled sled, flying ship, flying carpet, mortar, pomelo, etc. )

Name the fairy tales where grandmothers participate ("Little Red Riding Hood", "Ryaba Hen", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Snow Maiden" )

Name the films that were based on fairy tales("Finist - the Clear Falcon", "Vasilisa the Wise", "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Golden Key" )

Name the numbers most common in fairy tales. Also name these stories.("Three Fat Men", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", "12 Months", "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" )

7 contest: "Mysteries of Fairytale Heroes". Guys, let's try to guess who they are from the stories of the heroes of fairy tales themselves?

“I decided to just travel the world and did not know that everything would turn out like this. I thought everyone was as kind as my Grandmother and Grandfather. But it turned out that evil, and cruel, and cunning live in this world ... "(Kolobok )

“I knew it would end like this. Painfully decrepit and old I am, I have been standing in the field for so many years. I dreamed, of course, that someone settled in me ... But there were so many of them that I simply could not stand it and collapsed ... "(Teremok )

“Well, this mouse has a tail! Neither Grandfather's fist nor Grandmother's fist can be compared. And this Mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment. Now everyone would admire me ... "(Egg from the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" )

“I am pleased to be on the head of this girl. I like to visit my grandmother with her. But here's the problem: my mistress is very, very gullible. Because of this, all sorts of troubles happen to her ... "(Little Red Riding Hood )

“To be honest, it’s unpleasant when a cat puts you on your feet. He's got claws! Of course, I understand that all this running around is for the sake of the owner, but it hurts after all ... "(Boots, fairy tale "Puss in Boots" )

“We didn’t want to let her down. We could fall behind, and the whole story would end there, at the ball. But we have no right to rush or lag behind. (Clock, fairy tale "Cinderella" )

“It is very harmful for me to be in the water. Thanks to this curious boy. If not for him and not for the Turtle, how much longer would I have lain at the bottom? (Golden Key )

“I am, of course, ready to fulfill her every desire. After all, her husband saved my life. But the more you give a person, the more he wants. So these people have to stay with nothing.” (Rybka, "The Tale of the Goldfish" )

“I survived only thanks to this small, fragile girl. She warmed me, fed me, watered me. How wonderful to live! Rejoice in the sun, warmth! (Swallow, fairy tale "Thumbelina" )

And I also suggest turning into fairy-tale heroes ourselves. Shall we try?

8. "Fairytale relay" (children are divided into teams)

First: Green melancholy.

Participants bend to the waist. Place a ball or an inflated balloon on their back. To prevent the ball from falling during movement, it must be held with your hand, while remaining in a half-bent state.

Second: Baba Yaga.

Question: with what did Baba Yaga fly?

Each of the participants stands with one foot in a bucket, and in the other holds a mop. In this position, you must go the entire distance. (Option: run the distance "on a broom")

3rd: Little bug

Participants with a broom and a scoop go the distance, collecting candy wrappers or specially "scattered" pieces of paper along the way.

At the end of the event, an improvisational performance is arranged.


(Based on the fairy tale by Sergei Kozlov "Hedgehog in the Fog")

Roles are distributed between children: mosquito, moon, cow, dog, hare, hedgehog, star, grass. The host reads the text, the children portray the heroes of the fairy tale.

Komarik ran out into the clearing and played the squeaky violin. The moon came out from behind the clouds and, smiling, floated across the sky. “Mmmu-uu-uu,” the cow across the river sighed.

The dog barked, and the hare ran down the path. The hedgehog sat on a hill and looked at the moonlit valley. It was so beautiful that from time to time he shuddered to see if he was dreaming of all this. And the mosquito did not get tired of playing his violin, the hare danced, and the dog howled.

“I’ll tell you, they won’t believe!” - thought the Hedgehog and began to look even more carefully in order to remember all this beauty. “Here the star fell,” he remarked, and the grass leaned to the left. The hedgehog went and fell into the river. He began to beat with his paws in all directions. Then he took a deep breath and swam with the flow. When he got ashore, he thought, "That's the story." He shook himself off and went into the fog.

Host: Well done guys! Thank you for attention.

The story is a lie

Yes, there is a hint

Good fellows - a lesson!

Only the one who is beautiful

Who is good at heart

In whom there is no anger.

And may it always be so in the world:

Only kindness rules the whole world!


Tatiana Peredruk

Exit Leading to the fanfare. The music fades away

IN 2: Hello, dear friends!

IN 1: Everyone, good afternoon!

IN 2: (steps away, frowns) Some are good and some are not...

IN 1: Yes, if not mood - go on stage, and even to conduct a concert is simply impossible!

IN 2: So, in my opinion, we have a problem!

IN 1: And if there is a problem, then it must be urgently solved!

IN 2: What to do, what to do!

IN 1: The main thing - do not panic! I encourage you to focus and think. (thinks).

IN 2: While you are thinking, all the spectators will disperse!

IN 1: Then, I propose to take up the solution of the problem together with our viewers, we will together come up with Good Mood Recipe! So to say invent a new dish! And first of all, we need to create a friendly atmosphere!

IN 2: Nothing is easier. Fanfare and loud applause from the audience will do?

B1I B2: Fit!

IN 2: Then, please FANS!

The fanfare resounds

IN 1: And now, applause from the audience!

Audience Applause

IN 1: Well, let's start thinking recipe!

IN 2: And what will be the first component in our prescription?

IN 1: If for recipe fits all, anything, can I put on a fashion show? I propose to plunge into fashion, however, if you turn around from bygone days ...

IN 1. Just wonder how beautiful they are

You will not find such outfits. Exclusive, the way to fashion!

(Output fashion.)

IN 1: Zhenya, have you already decided what you will add to our recipe?

IN 2: (thoughtfully) Would like to add to good mood recipe something from myself ... And by the way, I have a suggestion!

What if you include recipe poem?

IN 1: Are you talking about the very poem in which the boy chooses roses?

IN 2: You should definitely hear my favorite poem

IN 1. Educator. "The boy chose a rose", concertmaster S. Yu

(Verse and immediately unannounced vocal number

IN 2. The song was performed for you by the Teacher. and her pupils.

How did it get upset? Yes? … Well, it's just a dream.

IN 1: I think it's just necessary to remember the sunny summer days! After all, chefs should always have good summer sunny mood then the dish will turn out delicious!

IN 2. Something needs to be added for the taste and aroma, joyful, rhythmic ...

IN 1. And for the taste there are not enough rhythms. And by the way ... the next issue of our program is called ... "Happy Rhythms".

IN 2: We meet a group of teachers and their pupils!

"Happy Rhythms"

IN 1: (Dreamily) Yes, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it ....

IN 2: Who cares?

B. 1 I think everyone! Need to good mood, good friends, caring parents.

IN 2. So for our prescription the most soulful song is still missing, because any cook puts his whole soul into cooking his dish.

IN 1. Vocal ensemble with song "The road of goodness"

(Song "The road of goodness".)

IN 1: (pleased) Well, now, perhaps, everything is ready!

IN 2: (joyfully) I think that our the recipe is complete!

Together: (loudly, with mood) RECIPE FOR GOOD GOOD MOOD!

IN 1: And we are not for long, we say goodbye to you, our dear viewers!

Leading: Let it go good mood never

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I. Department of the concert

Break #1, Exit Leads

Tanya: Good afternoon, dear viewers!
Sonya: Hello dear friends!

Julia: Everyone, good afternoon!

Sonya: (steps aside, frowns) Some are kind, and some are not very ...

The music stops

Julia: Yes, if there is no mood, it is simply impossible to go on stage, and even conduct a festive concert!

Tanya: So, I think we have a problem!

Julia: And if there is a problem, then it must be urgently solved!

Julia: What to do, what to do!
Tanya: The main thing - do not panic! I suggest to concentrate and think (thinks).
Julia: While you are thinking, all the spectators will disperse!

Tanya: Then, I propose to take up the solution of the problem together with our viewers, we will together come up with a Recipe for a Good Mood! So to say invent a new dish! AND First of all, we need to create a festive atmosphere!
Julia: Nothing is easier. Fanfare and loud applause from the audience will do?

Sonya and Yulia: They will do!!!

Tanya: Then, I ask FANS!!

Beat number 1 sounds again

Tanya: And now, applause from the audience!

Audience Applause

Julia: So let's get started with the recipe!

Sonya: And what will be the first ingredient in our recipe?

Tanya: I think that for starters, we just need to remember the sunny summer days! After all, if the chefs do not get along with each other, not a single dish will turn out delicious! By the way, the first number of our program (performed by the exemplary choreographic ensemble "Joy" under the direction of Natalia Fomina) is called "Rhythms of Summer".

Julia: We greet the artists with thunderous applause!

"Rhythms of Summer", ensemble "Joy"

(Sonya and T.I. come out)

Tanya: Sonya, have you already decided what you will add to our recipe?

Sonya: I really like the Clouds, I love to dream looking at them! I just don't know if they are suitable for our recipe?

Tanya: Your dreamy clouds will give the dish very tender and touching notes! Only with them you must introduce our viewers! So, performed by Sofya Lapaukh, we listen to the song "Clouds"!

"Clouds", Spanish. Sofia Lapaukh

(one remains on stage)

Sonya: (thoughtfully)I really want to add something from myself to the recipe for a good mood ... I think that a few funny emoticons will not hurt! And the exemplary studio of free dance will help me in this!

"Smilies", free dance studio

Tanya: Despite the fact that our recipe for a Good Mood, it would seem, requires fun and laughter, in my opinion, serious things are still indispensable here!

Julia: I agree! Seriousness never hurt anyone!

Tanya: Then, we announce the next number!

Julia: Exemplary vocal studio "Constellation" under the direction of Lyubov Zakurdaeva!

Tanya: "Hundred Holy Churches"!

One Hundred Holy Churches, Constellation Studio

"Requiem", free dance studio

Julia: We are seeing off the exemplary dance studio led by Oksana Serebrennikova with applause!

Tanya: We are always proud to announce not only the name of the studios and creative associations of our House of Creativity, but also the names of the leaders Natalia Fomina, Oksana Serebrennikova, Lyubov Zakurdaeva and Daria Salnikova! After all, talented artistic numbers are born thanks to their love for creativity!

Julia: And also, thanks to their love for children! After all, they treat all their pupils like real mothers! I would even say like super moms! By the way, this is the name of the next number of our program, performed by the exemplary vocal studio "Constellation"!

Tanya: "Super mom"!

"Super - Mom", studio "Constellation"

Sonya: (as if looking for someone): Where are they? And here they are not! (to the audience) Friends, have you seen my girlfriends from the Joy ensemble here? What to do now, because now according to the program there should be their number! I can't keep up with them all the time, because they are realGirlfriends - turntables! I'll go look behind the scenes!

"Girlfriends - turntables", ans. "Joy"

II. Concert department

Beat number 2 sounds. Exit of the Leaders.

Julia: Our concert is gaining momentum, the singers and dancers are working with enthusiasm, and the grateful audience applauds heartily!

Tanya: Yes, of course, it’s great here, but meanwhile, it’s already getting dark, and the first star has already lit up ...

Julia: (dreamy) Yes, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it ....

Tanya: Who cares?

Julia: And the exemplary choreographic ensemble "Joy" can tell us about this!

Tanya: "The month of May"!

"The month of May", ans. "Joy"

Tanya: Julia, I hope you have not forgotten that today we are developing a Good Mood recipe?

Julia: Of course I remember it! And by the way, I have a suggestion! What if you include SOAP BUBBLES in the recipe?

Tanya: Are you talking about those very small jars and those small bubbles, do I understand correctly?

Julia: You should definitely see my REAL soap bubbles!

"Soap bubbles", studio "Constellation"

Announces backstage

"Reflection", free dance studio

Sonya: If anything is suitable for the recipe, maybe you can also include the flight of white doves? It's decided, I'll add ....... While there is no one! And Katya Borodina from the exemplary vocal studio "Constellation" will help me with this!

Dove in the Window, Constellation Studio

Leading out

Tanya: So, what's the matter, where's my co-host? With whom should I continue the concert?

The Child comes out in a Mambo dance costume.

Adult: (surprised) ….. what's the matter with you? Are you going to continue to conduct a concert in this suit?!

Child: Well, it puts me in a good mood!

Adult: Well, not just you, but all of us! Really, dear viewers? In this costume, it’s just right to dance some kind of fun dance!

Child: Which is what I'm going to do!

Adult: So, we meet an exemplary free dance studio led by Oksana Serebrennikova with the Mambo dance!

Mambo, Spanish Free dance studio

Julia: Well, well, thanks to the free dance studio for the colorful and incendiary number!

Tanya: By the way, in terms of brilliance in its performance, the Ivory DPT Workshop, under the leadership of Tatiana Malevannaya, will not yield. Creative team is ready to present a collection of costumes "Temptation".

Julia: Bright costumes can certainly cheer up any mood!

Tanya: Your applause!

"Temptation", DPT workshop "Ivory"

The following numbers are announced backstage

"Morning Dew", ans. "Joy"

"Flower - seven-flower", studio "Constellation"

Leading: (pleased) Well, now, probably, everything is ready!

Presenter: (joyfully) I think our recipe is complete!

Adult: I absolutely agree with you! But, before we see what we have done, let's name once again everyone who created today with us ....

Together: (loudly, with mood) RECIPE FOR A GOOD MOOD!

Leading: Exemplary vocal studio "Constellation", leader Lyubov Pavlovna Zakurdaeva!

Presenter: Exemplary choreographic ensemble "Joy" under the direction of Natalia Nikolaevna Fomina!

Leading: And the vocal group "Young Russia" leader Daria Alexandrovna Salnikova!

Adult: The doors of our House of Creativity are open for those who love to sing, dance, draw, sculpt, play, have fun and, of course, create a Good Mood!

Presenter: And we are not for long, we say goodbye to you, our dear viewers!

Leading: And may the good mood never leave you!

Together: Until we meet again!!!

The concert ends.
