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Cartoon Bashkir in Russian fairy tale polite rabbit. Outline of teaching children of the senior group to retell. A retelling of the Mexican fairy tale "The Polite Rabbit. A) a poem by Emma Moshkovskaya "A polite word"

Maria Timakova (Zelenina)
Outline of children's education senior group retelling. Retelling of a Mexican fairy tale Polite Bunny»

Program content: To help children understand the intent of the tale: courtesy is always appropriate, and it is rewarded. To teach, retelling the text, to convey with the help of intonation the character of the characters in the fairy tale. Cultivate a positive attitude towards polite deeds, the desire to perform them.

Vocabulary work: explain to the children expressions heart trembled, run away with all your might.

Preliminary work: Examination and comparison of images of a hare and a rabbit. The teacher's story about southern snakes, their habits, nutrition; reading books and looking at illustrations about caves.

The course of educational activities:

I part. Preparing children for the perception of the work.

Remember who is called polite?

Why should you be polite?

That's right, it's more pleasant to talk to polite people, politeness helps not to quarrel, to live together.

And sometimes politeness can help in difficult times. This is told in the Mexican fairy tale "The Polite Rabbit". Hear how courtesy helped the rabbit get out of trouble.

II part. Organization of text perception. Reading a fairy tale.

Polite rabbit (Mexican tale).

Once upon a time there was a Rabbit, very modest and polite. One day, on his way home, he noticed a fox. She returned to the forest. She did not manage to steal a chicken from the peasant's yard, and she was very

angry and hungry. Rabbit's heart fluttered. Run, but where? And the Rabbit rushed headlong to the cave. He did not know that another terrible danger awaited him there: a snake settled in the cave.

“We need to say hello to the cave,” he thought, and, crouching on his hind legs, the Rabbit said politely:

Hello, good cave! Please allow me to enter.

Come in, come in! - she answered, wanting to deceive the Rabbit. But Rabbit's voice perfectly understood who he was dealing with.

I'm sorry I bothered you, he said. - I completely forgot that a rabbit is waiting for me! Goodbye! - and rushed to run away as fast as he could.

The Rabbit galloped into his hole and thought that politeness had never hurt anyone.

The snake curled up into a ball and grumbled:

I'd rather not answer him! Oh, these are polite rabbits to me. He should have asked permission to enter!

III part. Deepening and clarifying perception. Artwork discussion:

Did you like the fairy tale? What did you especially like?

What happened to the modest and polite Rabbit when he returned home?

The rabbit noticed the fox, and she was angry and hungry,

because she couldn't get it. (chicken).

Rabbit's heart fluttered. And what does the words "heart trembled" mean?

After listening to the answers of the children, I repeat the passage in the text: “The Rabbit's heart trembled. Run, but where? And the Rabbit rushed headlong to the cave. He did not know that another formidable danger awaited him there: a snake.

Probably, out of fright, the polite rabbit decided to say hello to the cave. What did he say? How?

Children's exercises in polite pronunciation of greetings.

But how did Rabbit guess who he was dealing with?

What do you understand by the expression "run as fast as you can"?

So what helped the Rabbit to avoid danger?

IV part. Organization of re-perception of the text with the

retelling, moral motivation.

Listen to the tale of the polite Rabbit again and try to remember it. We will learn how to tell it, and in the evening we will go to the kids, and you will tell them this tale.


V part. Organization of text reproduction by children. I ask for text. In the course of children's retellings, I seek independence from them.

In the assessment, I note the consistency and completeness of the transmission of the text, the absence of pauses, expressiveness.

Rough estimate: “Kids will love how. will tell them a story. He told everything in detail and in order, without long stops and expressively "or:" You are well

said, but you need to learn a little to speak for the Rabbit politely, affectionately, and for the Snake - with a hiss, then it will be even better.

Fairy tale dramatization. After 2 retellings, I offer the children the masks of a rabbit, a fox and a snake, I distribute the roles, the fairy tale is staged.

At the end of the lesson, I emphasize that children are already much better at telling fairy tales, remembering almost everything.

I suggest rehearsing in your free time to prepare for retellings for kids.

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Designed by: teacher primary school School No. 27: Dikanbaeva Roza Ravkatovna
1 class.
Subject: diploma
Theme: Mexican fairy tale "Polite Rabbit"
Lesson type: combined
Purpose: to instill a culture of speech
Learning Objectives: Get interested in Mexican folk tale,
continue the formation of the ability to distinguish fairy tales by genre,
improve the ability to read by roles;
Developmental tasks: to develop mental processes: thinking, speech, imagination;
the ability to express one's thoughts; develop rhythmic awareness
Educational tasks: to educate moral and aesthetic norms, the culture of educational activities.
Basic concepts: "education", "morality".
Equipment and visualization: posters “He who reads a lot knows a lot”, “Politeness opens all doors”, an image of a rabbit with the words “reckless”, “plenty” written in its paws, a snake drawing, a vegetable garden; recording of a fragment of the song "Little Country".
Lesson structure.
organizational stage. 1 minute.


The result of the lesson. 3 min.
Reflection. 1 minute.
During the classes:
organizational stage. 1 minute.
Hello! Check on the tables: diaries, notebooks on the corner of the desk, pens, pencils, in the center of the textbook. Sit down.
The stage of a comprehensive knowledge test. 10 min.
A) five minutes. Let's start the lesson with a five-minute read. We open the textbook on pages 118-119. Goal: getting ready for reading by roles, working in pairs.
B) reading by roles. At the blackboard with the diaries "Author", "Dunno", "Tsvetik"
Purpose: follow the textbook for the correct reading of your words, evaluate a friend.
B) Evaluation. Self-esteem.
D) General discussion.
Guys, who are the main characters of the fairy tale?
Who was Flower?
Why did Dunno not get poetry?
What is a rhyme?
Who helps us learn?
Let's read the proverb "He who reads a lot knows a lot." Why do they say so?
The stage of preparing students for the study of new material. Target message.3 min.
There is a saying: “Politeness opens all doors”, how do you understand it? Today we will get acquainted with works about politeness, find out how polite words help our heroes and us in our lives.
Stage of assimilation of new knowledge. 10 min.
A) a poem by Emma Moshkovskaya "A polite word"
We have prepared a poem for you, listen and determine which polite words helped different heroes get a ticket to the theater. (Reading by heart to children at the blackboard)
The theater is opening! Everything is ready to start! (TEACHER)
Tickets are offered for a polite word.
At three o'clock the ticket office opened, a mass of people gathered, (Student 1)
Even the elderly Hedgehog dragged himself a little alive ...
- Come Hedgehog, Hedgehog! Which lane do you want?
- I'm closer: I can't see well.
Well, thank you! Well, I'll go.
Sheep says: (Student 2)
- I-e-e - one place!
Here is my THANK YOU - a kind word.
- Quack! First row!
For me and for the guys! - and the Duck took out GOOD MORNING. (Student 3)
A Deer: (Student 4)
- GOOD DAY! If only you are not lazy,
Dear cashier, I would very much like to ask
Me, my wife and daughter in the second row
Give me better seats, here's my PLEASE.
- How did polite words help in the lives of animals? When do you use these words?
And now let's perform a musical physical minute, sing a verse from the song "Little Country" (with movements) and move to a fairy-tale country where brother Rabbit lives B) vocabulary work. Rabbit meets us, let's greet him. What words is he holding in his paws? How can you say differently “enough” (enough, a lot), “recklessly” (quickly rushed to the cave). Here is a peasant garden, now such gardens in our country and in Mexico are called farmer's. Let's see what vegetables can grow in the garden. What is Rabbit doing there?
D) primary reading. Page 124. Now I will read a Mexican fairy tale, "The Polite Rabbit", and you listen to how polite words saved the rabbit. Close your eyes. Let's move on to the world of fairy tales.
The stage of checking students' understanding of new material. 5 minutes.
A) Talk about reading.
What did you feel while listening to the story?
How magic words did you save the bunny?
What polite words do you know?
Why do you need to be polite?
Conclusion: A polite person is always not only good and kind, but most importantly, he is well-mannered.
Let's get creative and play. I will begin with poetic lines, and you will end with a polite word.
Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ...
the old stump will turn green when it hears ...
a polite and developed boy speaks at a meeting ...
when we are scolded for pranks, we say ...
Fizminutka. Attention game "Days of the week"
Stage of consolidation of new material. 10 min.
A) re-reading the story
Purpose: read again on your own, pay attention to what the main characters are in character.
B) Analysis and compilation of the characteristics of the heroes.
- What are the characters in the story?
What genre is the fairy tale? Why?
- Who are the main characters?
Let's read the first sentence in unison. Goal: What was the Rabbit like? What does a fairy tale teach? What kind of people should we be?
Conclusion: modesty adorns a person.
C) Reading by roles of the passage
Let's try to beat the situation of a meeting between a rabbit and a snake.
How did the rabbit say hello? A chorus of several people.
- Why did the Rabbit guess that the Snake was in the cave?
How does a snake hiss? Let's hiss her words.
D) reading by roles of the passage.
And now let's see what we got.
The words of the author are read by ..., Snake ..., Rabbit ... - at the blackboard.
Homework step. 1 minute.
pp.124-125 expressive reading, for those who wish to prepare reading by roles.
The result of the lesson. 3 min.
- What does it mean to be polite?
How do you now understand the saying: "Politeness opens all doors?"
Student assessment.
Reflection. 1 minute.
Whoever remembers the most polite words and believes that he was actively working, raise your hands up. Whoever thinks that he has not worked enough, close your “hands with a house”.
And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ...
Lesson over!

Attached files

Once upon a time there was a Rabbit, very modest and polite. One day, having eaten plenty of cabbage in the peasant's garden, he was about to go home, when he suddenly noticed a fox. She returned to the forest. She failed to steal the chicken from the peasant's yard, and she was very angry and hungry.

Rabbit's heart fluttered. Run, but where? And the Rabbit rushed headlong to the cave. He did not know that another formidable danger awaited him there - the Snake settled in the cave.
The rabbit, however, was well brought up and knew that it was not supposed to enter someone else's house without permission. “We need to say hello,” he thought, “but with whom? With a cave, of course! And, crouching on his hind legs. Rabbit politely said:
- Hello, good cave! Please allow me to enter.

Come in, come in! - she answered, wanting to deceive the Rabbit. But Rabbit's voice perfectly understood who he was dealing with.

I'm sorry I bothered you, he said. - I completely forgot that a rabbit is waiting for me! Goodbye! - and rushed to run away as fast as he could.

The Rabbit galloped into his hole and thought that politeness had never hurt anyone. The snake curled up into a ball and grumbled:
I'd rather not answer him! Oh, these are polite rabbits to me. He should have asked permission to enter!

Nevertheless, it is pleasant to read the fairy tale "Polite Rabbit (Cambodian fairy tale)" even for adults, childhood is immediately remembered, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. A person's worldview is formed gradually, and such works are extremely important and instructive for our young readers. And a thought comes, followed by a desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, to win the love of a modest and wise princess. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they "breathe life" into creation and the events taking place in it. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them daily in our everyday life. The story takes place in ancient times or "Once upon a time" as the people say, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. It is very useful when the plot is simple and, so to speak, vital, when similar situations develop in our everyday life, this contributes to better memorization. The tale "Polite Rabbit (Cambodian Tale)" can be read for free online countless times without losing love and desire for this creation.

Once upon a time there was a Rabbit, very modest and polite. One day, having eaten plenty of cabbage in the peasant's garden, he was about to go home, when he suddenly noticed a fox. She returned to the forest. She failed to steal the chicken from the peasant's yard, and she was very angry and hungry.
Rabbit's heart fluttered. Run, but where? And the Rabbit rushed headlong to the cave. He did not know that another formidable danger awaited him there - the Snake settled in the cave.
The rabbit, however, was well brought up and knew that it was not supposed to enter someone else's house without permission. I need to say hello, he thought, but with whom? With a cave, of course!
And, sitting down on his hind legs, the Rabbit said politely:
- Hello, good cave! Please allow me to enter.
How happy the Snake was when she heard the voice of the Rabbit! She was very fond of rabbit meat.
- Come in, come in! - she answered, wanting to deceive the Rabbit.
But Rabbit's voice perfectly understood who he was dealing with.
"I'm sorry I bothered you," he said. - I completely forgot that a rabbit is waiting for me! Goodbye! - and rushed to run away as fast as he could.
The Rabbit galloped into his hole and thought that politeness had never hurt anyone.
The snake curled up into a ball and grumbled:
I'd rather not answer him! Oh, these polite rabbits to me! He should have asked permission to enter!
You see, baby, how important it is to be polite! Can you imagine what could happen to a rabbit if… brrr!! And it's scary to think!
