Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The cost of growing strawberries in hydroponics. Business for growing strawberries all year round, costs and profitability. Hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables, as a convenient way to design

Growing strawberries as a business is a promising direction for starting your own business. According to statistics, the demand for this berry is growing by about 30 percent every year. Even investments in seasonal soil cultivation will pay off after the first harvest: strawberries are sold not only for fresh consumption, but also for processing into juices, jams, preserves. The greenhouse option and other year-round ripening methods are even more cost-effective. In the cold season, the demand for fragrant and healthy berries is much higher.

There are several methods for growing sweet berries. In addition to garden beds and standard greenhouse conditions, strawberries also bear fruit well in an ordinary barn or even a room where special lamps are installed, as well as in hydroponic installations. When creating a business plan, the first thing to choose is the growing method. It is repelled from it when calculating start-up capital, selecting equipment and other agrotechnical nuances.

Choosing a method for growing berries is the first step in a business plan

Company registration

Every type of strawberry business has one thing in common: setting up the business. The easiest way is to become a sole proprietor-farmer. Classification in this category will provide a low tax rate. It will be necessary to pay a single agricultural tax (ESHN), which is only 6%.

In addition to registration, you need to take care of the certification of the crop. Need to get:

  • certificate with information about the varietal characteristics of strawberries;
  • a document with information about the applied fertilizers;
  • licensed permission to trade in berries;
  • declarations of conformity with State Standards;
  • phytosanitary certificate (mandatory for all agricultural products).

Important! When registering an IP, the OKVED code is indicated. Here he is - 01.13.21 "Growing fruit and berry crops."

Purchase of equipment

Each type of cultivation will require its own equipment and supplies:

At the same time, special sodium phytolamps will be required for greenhouse and home growing methods. They provide illumination in a blue and red spectrum that is comfortable for strawberries. Additionally, you need to purchase an online cash desk to work with customers. You can read more about growing strawberries at home at.

Greenhouse option

Arranging a strawberry greenhouse has many advantages. Among them:

In greenhouse conditions, almost one hundred percent profitability can be achieved. Of the shortcomings, only the need for self-pollination of the bushes and the consumption of electricity to illuminate and heat the room are noted here.

Selection of varieties

Remontant varieties are suitable for greenhouses. In addition to year-round flowering, the selected option should be different:

Entrepreneurs who are already engaged in the strawberry business note such varietal options as Elsanta, Vizhe, Cambridge, Kama, Glima.

Greenhouse preparation

It is realistic to grow strawberries in any buildings: even glass, even polycarbonate. In greenhouses, shelving shelves made of metal profiles meter wide and up to half a meter high are installed. Trays are selected in the form of a trapezoid, tapering downwards.

In each container, 10 cm compost is poured from light sandy loam and humus in a ratio of 4: 1. First, it should be warmed up over low heat with water to disinfect.

Drip irrigation tubes are laid on the substrate, taking into account the location of one hole per root.

Then, above the level of the racks, they put a water tank and connect pipes to it. If necessary, watering turn on the tap, and water flows directly to the roots.

Important! As for lighting, it is necessary to calculate so that one 400 W lamp illuminates one "square" of shelving.

Cultivation features

If it is decided to grow strawberry bushes from seeds, they are planted in containers with well-moistened soil. A small layer of soil is poured over the seeds. After the appearance of seedlings, it dives.

The microclimate in the greenhouse must be maintained at the level of the following parameters:

  • temperature - 22–25 ° С,
  • humidity - 75–80%,
  • ventilation is moderate;
  • daylight hours - at least 14 hours.

After the appearance or acquisition of seedlings, the bushes are planted in a "permanent place of residence". Before this, it is desirable to fertilize the compost with mineral top dressing. Before planting seedlings, it must be kept in a cool place for 2-3 days.

How to plant berry bushes and care for seedlings:

In the presence of strawberry seedlings, grafting bushes with antennae to unoccupied areas of soil in containers will be enough. After 30 days, you will have young strawberry bushes - rosettes.

Important! Harvesting remontant berries is only possible for two years, so strawberry beds will need to be constantly updated.

Costs and income in the greenhouse business

When drawing up a business plan, all possible expenses for organizing a business should be taken into account - they will give a figure for the starting capital. It is also necessary to plan income taking into account risks: crop failure, damage to fruits by insects or rodents, “shaking” during transportation. It is advisable to draw up two options for a business plan: optimistic and pessimistic, in order to foresee all possible problems.

Imagine that we will harvest the crop from a greenhouse with an area of ​​120 squares. From each square meter, it will be possible to collect 5 kilograms of berries once a month. One family can take care of such an area - there is no need to hire assistants.

Table 1. Amount of starting capital

Expenditure partAmount in rubles
1 Renting a plot outside the city for a year60000
2 Greenhouse installation100000
3 Purchase of equipment70000
4 Purchase of seedlings and dressings30000
5 Registration of an enterprise, certificates, purchase of an online cash register40000
6 Utilities for three months30000
7 Fare20000

The total amount required to open a business is 350,000 rubles. With a good harvest from 120 squares, you can collect 600 kg of berries per month. In season, a kilogram of strawberries costs about 100 rubles. Even at this time, your greenhouse will "earn" 60,000 rubles. In winter, the figure can be safely multiplied by four. As a result, in three to five months, depending on the start of work, the costs will fully pay off. After that, you can expand your business and even hire employees.

hydroponic method

In greenhouses, not only containers with compost are used to grow strawberries, but also hydroponics devices. That is, plants are fed not by the juices of the earth, but by special solutions. In this case, the bushes receive a maximum of valuable elements, they do not need to be watered, they are not susceptible to diseases and pests. The advantages of hydroponics also include environmental friendliness and non-traumatic transplantation. Almost any remontant varieties are suitable for cultivation.

But the methodology also has disadvantages. This is the high cost of installations and high electricity costs.

Here, energy is used not only for lighting, but also for pumping oxygen, supplying the nutrient composition. If the first problem can be solved by self-assembly of equipment, then it is more difficult to save on electricity. Therefore, hydroponics is used in greenhouses with small areas. For premises on 50 square meters, you will need at least 900,000 rubles of starting capital. But this method allows you to collect up to 45 kilos of berries from a square, which, even with high utility costs, increases profitability by at least three times. If the harvest is rich, you can recoup the costs in 1-2 months.

Video - Hydroponics for strawberries

homemade strawberry

To create a berry plantation, a greenhouse is not at all necessary. This culture can be grown in any room, even in an empty room. True, lighting with special lamps will still have to be equipped there.

Trukarny method

It involves growing berries in plastic pipes equipped with a kind of pockets. They are placed vertically, and a berry bush is planted in each pocket. The soil mixture used is the same as in a conventional greenhouse, as well as varieties of berries.

Important! The advantage of the technique is space saving and the ability to install pipes anywhere, including in greenhouse conditions.

One trukar requires only half a square, 90 bushes are placed there. For two or three months, you can collect at least 10 kilos of berries from them. A fifty-meter room will accommodate 100 such structures. The result is a ton of strawberries. In the winter season, the revenue will be about 400,000 rubles. BUT start-up capital will not exceed 100,000 rubles, including utilities and expenses for registering an enterprise

Video - Strawberries on Trucars

Dutch technique

This method of arranging a strawberry plantation may also be of interest to novice agribusinessmen. It makes it possible to save on start-up capital: initial costs are low. Strawberries are grown in any convenient room - a barn, garage, greenhouse. Instead of containers, polyethylene bags are used, which are filled with compost. Special tubes are brought to such "pots" through which nutrient moisture will be supplied.

Only certain varieties are suitable for this technique. These are Elsanta, Maria, Albion, Darselect, Sonata, Tristar, Polka, Gloom.

How to plant a berry crop using the Dutch method:

  1. Fill the bags with the soil mixture, after applying top dressing. Make holes in them with a diameter of 7 cm at a distance of 25 cm in four rows.

  2. Hang the structures on supports so that two bags fall on the "square" of the room. Or arrange on multi-tiered racks.

  3. Bring three irrigation pipes to each structure so that they pass through the ground at a distance of 0.5 m from each other.

  4. When strawberries bloom, they need to be pollinated manually with a soft brush or simply by turning on the fan.

As a result, it turns out that from 50 or more bushes bear fruit per square meter. The cost of arranging such an area will not exceed 500 rubles, and the harvest from it can be harvested up to 25 kg. As a result, 50 square meters of strawberries will bring about 500,000 rubles out of season. And you will have to invest only 25,000 rubles in the arrangement of the plantation. The same amount will have to be spent on phytolamps. Plus, do not forget about the cost of registering an enterprise.

Outdoor cultivation

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of growing strawberries in open ground

For growing in beds, it is preferable to choose large-fruited varieties, for example, Gigantella, Elizabeth II, Honeyya. They must be suitable for the climate of the area where it is located. garden plot. It is better to plant several varieties at once so that they ripen at different times.

On the ridges, the crop is planted in rows with a distance of 40 cm. The soil is covered with "breathing" agrofibre, which maintains the desired soil moisture and protects from direct sunlight.

AT good summer about 30 kg of berries are harvested from one square meter. At a cost of 100 rubles per kilo per square, you can get 3,000 rubles, from a hundred - 30,000. At the same time, if you have your own plot, there are practically no costs, a maximum of three thousand for a simple drip device and agrofibre. You can also save on registering an enterprise if seasonal sales are carried out from personal subsidiary plots. In this case, it is not required to register as an entrepreneur and pay taxes.

This text will explore the nuances and subtleties entrepreneurial activity in the field of commercial production of berries and fruits on the example bbusiness plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables. Hydroponics is modern method cultivation of various crops, which reduces water consumption and does not depend on soil quality. Also, its advantage is the fact that in greenhouse conditions processes can occur year-round.

Of course, compared to traditional methods greenhouse cultivation of berries and vegetables, it will require large investments, but, competent business plan breeding strawberries and vegetables With hydroponics, will allow you to recoup all costs and bring greater profitability in the future.

It is for those entrepreneurs who are faced with the problem of attracting foreign investment, ready business plan hydroponic greenhouses for growing strawberries and vegetables will become an indispensable tool for developing your business and obtaining a loan.

Key features of a hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables

Hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables, as a convenient way to design

Any commercial activity is a rather complex system of interrelated components and indicators, which is influenced by a large number of external and internal factors. To describe the activities of a particular company, it is important to understand the structure of the system and take into account as much as possible the positive and negative impacts on it from the external and internal environment. To do this, we use a proven method - bbusiness plan, considering the features hydroponic greenhouses for growing strawberries and vegetables.

Such documents are widely used in business and allow you to draw up and implement effective projects in any field commercial activities regardless of the size of the company. In our case, project cultivation strawberries and vegetables in a hydroponic greenhouse will become a guide to the world of this business.



Stages of business processes and industry standards

Developed greenhouse economy will grow strawberries and vegetables using modern hydroponics systems that reduce costs, increase the efficiency of growth processes and yields.

The main sales market is wholesale depots and large federal grocery stores.

Before starting development bgreenhouse business plan farms in hydroponics growing strawberries and vegetables, Let us briefly characterize the main processes in this area:

  • installation and equipment of the greenhouse complex;
  • planting plants;
  • control of growth and maturation processes;

harvesting and selling.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments for the launch of a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding Plan

5.3. Hydroponic greenhouse sales plan for growing strawberries and vegetables

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a Hydroponic Greenhouse for Strawberries and Vegetables

7 - Conclusions

The hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business planmushroom farm for growing champignon mushrooms

Received a loan from Sberbank in the amount of 70 million rubles for the development of a mushroom farm for growing champignons . Thanks to Plan-Pro for a quality business plan. Good marketing research, the break-even point is calculated, the expected income and expenses of the company are reasonably calculated.

Igor Nikolaevich, Tambov

Feedback on a business plan for an industrial year-round winter greenhouse for growing vegetables

The greenhouse business plan, developed by the Plan-Pro team, allowed us to attract private investment in the amount of 30 million rubles. In the process of work, the company's consultant demonstrated deep professionalism and understanding of the specifics of our project. Investors have agreed to work with us, so thank you very much.

Alena Podkaminskaya, Commercial Director, Yaroslavl

Feedback on

We needed a good business plan to plan a strategy for the future operation of a hydroponic greenhouse; and contacted Plan-Pro. We liked the finished business plan. Descriptions and calculations are extremely understandable and logical, no need to think about where which figure comes from. Easy to make changes and edits. The financial model and the product itself are at a good level.

Dmitry Korolenko, Naberezhnye Chelny

Feedback on a business plan for growing strawberries in the open field

On the site, the site downloaded a business plan for growing strawberries: simple schemes and formulas, an exhaustive assessment of the project's payback. Thanks to this plan, they were able to obtain a loan from Rosselkhozbank in the amount of 20 million rubles for the development of a project for growing strawberries in open ground.

Natalia M.V., Krasnodar region

Feedback on a crop production business plan for growing wheat and other grains

It was possible to attract a private investor and receive financing in the amount of 140 million rubles. The business plan for growing cereals was developed according to the UNIDO standard. The document turned out to be understandable, all our wishes and the specifics of the industry were taken into account.

Lyubov Andreevna, farmer, Voronezh region

Feedback on a hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables

We have long been interested in modern methods of greenhouse management, and we decided to attract investments to re-equip our greenhouses for hydroponics. To do this, we purchased from Plan about a ready-made business plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables. After the first stages of acquaintance with it, we evaluated its structure and content, as well as an advanced financial model that allows you to independently change the values ​​\u200b\u200bof indicators in the editorexcel . The result of all stages of design and protection was the attraction of investments in the amount of 12 million rubles. for the complete modernization of our economy.

Lubovetskaya A., Chief Accountant, Orenburg region

Objective of the project

greenhouse complex for growing strawberries and vegetables on an industrial scale using hydroponics. total area- XXX ha.

Start of drawing up an investment project for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

First of all, it is worth briefly describing the project, its strategic goals and tasks, then, in accordance with the structure of the document, we will open important parameters main points and back them up with calculations of the financial attractiveness of the company.

Plan of organizational and administrative activities

In order for the launch of the project to be perfect, and not to encounter obstacles in the form of bureaucratic, legal or functional barriers, we will prescribe a plan for preparing for implementation plan discoveries hydroponic greenhouse farms growing strawberries and vegetables:

  1. Registration of a business in the chosen form of a legal entity.
  2. Conclusion of an agreement for settlement - cash service with a bank.
  3. Obtaining an individual taxpayer number.
  4. Choosing a plot of land for construction greenhouse economy.
  5. Overview of existing hydroponic systems, their pros and cons.
  6. Assessment of the financial market and attractive sources of investment.

Filling the business plan of an enterprise growing vegetables and strawberries in hydroponics greenhouses

An example of the structure of similar projects describing the activities of a breeding enterprise strawberries and vegetables in greenhouse conditions.

  • analysis of the pace of development of the industry and available business development opportunities;
  • calculation of the project investment amount;
  • technological issues and logistics;
  • operating expenses;
  • sales revenue;
  • the size of the payroll fund and the number of employees;
  • features of promotion and distribution policy;
  • return on investment period.

Analysis of the pace of development of the industry

The market is a complex system in which many players operate and compete, trying to attract the maximum share of the consumer segment. In the course of the analysis, it is important to understand how the company whose activities we describe in the company plan for greenhouse cultivation of strawberries and vegetables, will stand out in this system of commercial relations:

  • efficient technologies that reduce the cost of resources and rent;
  • quality all year round, regardless of the condition of the soil;
  • large crops;
  • democratic prices;
  • convenient location of the complex.

Another good direction for greenhouse farming is the cultivation of onions and herbs, which are in demand all year round. contains all the necessary information for a successful launch of this direction.

Financial support for a business plan for investing in a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

Efficient technology, entrepreneurial ideas and the natural inclinations of a manager are all very important, but not enough to make investors interested in your projects. They need specific calculations in order to prove the effectiveness of the business in numbers. To do this, download on our website a sample structured hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables, with the calculation of the main financial and economic indicators. And then you will definitely be able to achieve your goals and get the planned rate of return.

Become an investment cost:

  • construction of a greenhouse complex - XXX rubles.
  • purchase and installation necessary equipment- XXX rub.
  • special tools and machines - XXX rubles;
  • purchase of seed stock - XXX rubles;
  • advertising support - XXX rubles;
  • recruitment and training of personnel - XXX rubles;
  • contingency reserve - XXX rub.

The total amount of investments for the implementation of the project will be from 50 to 120 million rubles.

Technology and material and technical base

Stages of activity: preparation of the substrate and filling it into special containers, summing up the water supply system, planting seeds, quality control of irrigation and all ripening processes, harvesting and sending it to the points of sale.

Implementation equipment bbusiness plan companies for growing strawberries and vegetables in a greenhouse with hydroponic installation:

  • industrial hydroponic system of high crop area;
  • pump equipment and systems for draining excess water;
  • quartz heaters and lighting equipment;
  • tools for the care and processing of plants;
  • car park;
  • filling and packing line finished products;
  • furniture, office equipment and other necessary equipment.

Financial system of a business plan for investing in a strawberry and vegetable growing company.

Operating component of expenses

Calculate the approximate amount of operating costs investment project hydroponic greenhouses, based on their structure:

  • rent payments and maintenance of the enterprise - XXX rubles;
  • utilities - XXX rubles;
  • depreciation - XXX rubles;
  • seeds and fertilizers - XXX rubles;
  • prevention and repair of engineering systems - XXX rubles;
  • commercial expenses budget - XXX rubles;
  • salary - XXX rubles;
  • taxes and fees - XXX p.

The total amount of operating monthly costs will be XXX rubles.

The profitable part of the greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables

To begin with, we highlight those characteristics of our company's products that will ensure the necessary demand and sales volume:

  • fresh berries and vegetables all year round;
  • naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  • the possibility of supplying large quantities for wholesale customers;
  • democratic price by reducing the cost of production;
  • various methods of delivery and payment.

Shares of products in sales:

  1. Strawberries - XXX rub.
  2. Vegetables - XXX rub.

Total successful implementation business plan companies by growing strawberries and vegetables in hydroponic greenhouse complex, will bring XXX rubles. revenue monthly.


Recruitment of responsible and hardworking employees who are loyal to the company is a difficult task, but without its implementation, success bbusiness plan companies growing strawberries and vegetables in a hydroponic greenhouse will be in question:

An example of the number and amount of wages:

  • General Director of the company - XXX rubles;
  • specialist in the cultivation of berry and vegetable crops - XXX rubles;
  • accountant - XXX rubles;
  • specialist in personnel matters- XXX rub.;
  • workers of the main production - XXX rubles;
  • sales manager - XXX rubles;
  • marketing specialist - XXX rub.
  • other administrative and business personnel.

Investment attractiveness of a business plan for financing a greenhouse hydroponic farm engaged in the cultivation of strawberries and vegetables

The investments will be returned within 3-5 years. a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its

Business Income Plan

A necessary component of a full-fledged business plan is a flexible sales plan. It is important, on the one hand, to have a forecast for the business as a whole, and on the other hand, to be able to see the profitability in the context of a separate profit center or even a separate product.

Traffic report Money is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download ready hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables with financial calculations and Excel financial model

You don't have to be an expert in financial analysis and economic planning to successfully organize and develop your business. It is more important to competently use existing opportunities and resources, including in the process of designing new companies and directions. Using professional services as a way to optimize resource costs is an important entrepreneurial skill.

We will help in the development of your business if you download from our website a complete ready-made hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables, containing calculations of the main investment and financial indicators. You can also order an individual turnkey business plan, in which we will take into account all the features and subtleties of organizing a business in your industry. And then, with proper funding, your company will be able to take a leading position in the market.

Greenhouse farms - it is a modern trend and a highly profitable enterprise that can generate profit all year round, and the use of modern technologies reduces costs and dependence on soil composition. To successfully develop a business and become a market leader, you need to make the most of your entrepreneurial abilities and rely on professional business plans created by professionals.

Strawberries are a berry that is respected in our country and far beyond its borders. This product is especially in demand in spring time. It is consumed both fresh and processed.

A mini-business in the production of strawberries can be started even from a summer cottage. Indeed, at first, no documents will be needed for the sale. Natural products grown in ecologically clean conditions are now at a special price. To bring the idea of ​​growing and marketing strawberries to life, you will need high-quality hydroponic systems that will allow you to get a rich harvest of berries. This innovative technology is a new development of scientists in the field Agriculture. It makes it possible to facilitate the work of farmers, increase the yield and quality of berries and vegetables. To understand the intricacies of the process, you need to learn how to open a hydroponic strawberry business.

The nuances of growing technology

Before you start new business, it is worth finding out what strawberry hydroponics methods are. This technology involves growing plants without soil. Hydroponics has the following advantages:

  1. Plants without soil don't get sick as much. All microorganisms harmful to the culture are collected in the soil.
  2. Strawberries receive all the necessary complex of nutrients. At the same time, full control over timely top dressing is exercised.
  3. No tillage, no weeding and no pesticides required.
  4. Planting is carried out indoors, which protects plants from harmful insects.
  5. Transplantation is performed without injuring the root system.
  6. Saving on water. The liquid is uselessly not wasted when watering and does not evaporate.
  7. A plant grown in this way is more viable.

Using this technology, it is necessary to constantly monitor temperature regime. If the value exceeds 35 degrees, then the root system will die.

The technology of growing strawberries with hydroponics allows you to reduce the cost of production, since you do not need to buy expensive fertilizers. In addition, product quality is improved.

Hydroponics is a method of planting plants in a small layer of organic substrate, such as peat. At the same time, the seedlings are fed not from the soil, but from a specially prepared mineral-based solution. Unusual technology gives a yield of up to 45 kg of berries per square meter.

What kind of berry to choose?

In order for a business idea to succeed, it is necessary to choose the right yielding varieties of strawberries for hydroponics. Remontant varieties perform best. They can produce berries throughout the year.

The following varieties are popular:

  • "Yellow Miracle";
  • "Fresco";
  • "Queen Elizabeth".

Dutch varieties feel great in greenhouses: "Crown", "Elvira" and "Gigantela Maxima". Beginners should pay attention to Bagota, Volga and Olivia.

For hydroponics, it is worth choosing options that are known to the entrepreneur. Lack of experience can lead to financial losses. When purchasing an assortment, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors as air humidity, lighting level and room temperature.

Features of the choice of equipment

Planting culture is carried out in a greenhouse. When arranging the latter option, additional funds will be required for the construction of the structure and for communications.

The hydroponic system is of the following types:

  1. Flowing involves irrigation with a substrate for the roots.
  2. The drip system is characterized by the penetration of the substrate under the stems.
  3. A combination of the first two options.

For berries, the last system is ideal.

In any case, you will need such equipment for growing strawberries in a hydroponic system:

  1. Shelving structures and trays for arranging seedlings.
  2. Heaters.
  3. Pump equipment.
  4. Tubes.
  5. Devices for water purification.
  6. Spare generator.
  7. Separate storage space.
  8. Of the consumables, you will need strawberry seeds for hydroponics, a substrate and packaging material.

Use of nutrient solution

The substrates themselves do not imply a nutrient content, but are only a support for roots and plants. It is worth noting the following characteristics of these materials:

  1. The ability to absorb moisture.
  2. Free air penetration.
  3. Porosity of the material.

In this case, a special nutrient solution is used for growing strawberries in hydroponics. The composition of the components may vary depending on the type or stage of growth of the culture. The standard composition of the solution can be found in the public domain. In this case, substances such as calcium nitrate, potassium monophosphate, potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate are used. To calculate the amount, there are special calculators.

Growing in a greenhouse also requires compliance with a special microclimate. The temperature should have a certain value depending on the particular variety and time of day. Humidity should vary between 67-75%.

The substrate should be dense, but well breathable. A special composition can be purchased at the store.

Picking ripe berries

Growing strawberries hydroponically in a greenhouse also requires pollination. The pollen is carried by hand. The following methods will help increase productivity:

  1. Removal of the first flowers.
  2. Timely harvesting of berries.
  3. Mustache trimming.
  4. Thinning the number of inflorescences on one bush.

The maximum yield can be obtained in the second year of planting the crop. Therefore, after three years, strawberry seedlings are planted in a new way. If additional transportation is required, then the berries should be picked firm and slightly unripe.

If the cultivation of strawberries in hydroponics at home is carried out using remontant varieties, then the harvest can be very rich. To do this, you need to let the plants rest for a month. It is best to do this in the autumn. In this case, the leaves should be cut, and the temperature should be reduced to 14 degrees.

Components of a business plan

To implement a business idea, you need a certain amount of money. To make the calculations correctly, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for growing strawberries in hydroponics.

To do this, select:

  1. The place where the selected crop will be planted.
  2. Equipment for seedling care of strawberries.
  3. Planting material. It is worth choosing a good variety.
  4. Plan for the implementation of finished strawberries.

To carry out the sale, you will need to go through the official registration procedure. The best option- acquire a status individual entrepreneur with the ESHN taxation system.

Business Profitability

Cultivation in open ground in the second year provides a yield of 700-800 kg per 10 acres. This allows you to cover the first year's costs of strawberry fertilizer, film and drip irrigation. Net income can be obtained in the third year. A ton of berries is produced by 2.5 thousand bushes.

High rate of profitability when using greenhouses. At the same time, the initial investment is 40-50% more than in open field production. To equip a square meter of a room with planting material, you will need 350-400 rubles.

According to statistics, the profitability of a hydroponic system business can reach 40%, and the costs pay off within six months.

Features of the implementation of the grown product

The success of the event depends on the accumulated points of implementation. You should think about distribution channels at the stage of business planning. This will allow more accurate calculation of distribution channels.

Here are some possibilities to consider:

  1. Vegetable bases or markets. You can sell strawberries yourself or rent at the purchase price.
  2. Wholesale warehouses. This option is more profitable than dealing with resellers. In addition, wholesalers can export products themselves.
  3. Restaurants and cafes. The price is good, but the volumes are small and there is a need for a special permit.
  4. The shops retail enable the sale of large volumes of products.

How much money should be invested?

It is necessary to calculate how much money will be required to give the best result. The final amount depends on the type of hydroponic construction, the features of the greenhouse and its material. Before you buy hydroponics for strawberries, you need to calculate the costs, taking into account the planned production volumes.

Here is an example estimate:

  1. The purchase of consumables will be approximately 14-17 thousand rubles.
  2. Registration of the enterprise 800 rubles.
  3. The price of hydroponics for strawberries varies from 5 thousand rubles.
  4. Filtration system for water - 6-8 thousand rubles.
  5. The cost of water supply and electricity - 16 thousand rubles.
  6. Renting a plot for a greenhouse and the construction itself can cost 40-60 thousand rubles.

It is also worth considering wages personnel. It may be another 25-40 thousand rubles.

How can start-up costs be reduced?

Here are some tips from experienced farmers who specialize in growing crops using hydroponics to help cut costs:

  1. You can build a greenhouse yourself.
  2. It is worth mastering the manufacturing technology and assembling hydroponics for strawberries with your own hands.
  3. The choice of a variety of berries that does not require additional lighting and frequent watering.
  4. Covering the substrate with a film material, which reduces the process of moisture evaporation.

Self-made hydroponic system

If the price of equipment is too high, then to minimize costs it is worth trying to make a hydroponic structure yourself. Drip irrigation is ideal. At the same time, a drip irrigation system is equipped, for which you will need a pump and hoses that supply the nutrient solution through the tubes to each seedling.

Hydroponics for strawberries can be mounted vertically or horizontally. For manufacturing, you will need seedlings, a substrate, a PVC pipe, solution containers, pumping equipment and a hose.

Consider the features of work for installing horizontal batteries:

  1. Holes of 10 cm are made in the PVC pipe, between which a distance of 25 cm should remain. Tight plugs are inserted from the ends of the pipes.
  2. Seedling containers are placed in the holes. For the substrate, you can take coconut shavings or mineral wool.
  3. Under the hydroponic setup is a tank of nutrient solution to which a pump is attached.
  4. The movement of the liquid is carried out using a hose with holes, where the tubes are passed to each container.

A more complex option is the vertical system. In this case, the solution will rise up and it is necessary to consider a drain for excess liquid.

The manufacture of a vertical system includes the following steps:

  1. A plug is placed on one side of the PVC pipe. Along the entire length, markings are made for holes that are cut with a drill. The first nest must be made at a height of at least 20 cm. The remaining holes are made in a checkerboard pattern in increments of 20-25 cm.
  2. In a thick hose you need to make holes for watering. They are placed opposite the seedlings. The hose should be wrapped with burlap, which will protect the holes from getting into the substrate.
  3. The hose is placed in the center of the pipe, into which drainage is poured on the bottom, and the substrate on top. Seedlings are planted while filling the pipe with the substrate.

Watering is carried out through a hose.

When choosing a hydroponics business, certain risks should be taken into account. For example, a power outage and the death of plants, the appearance of diseases or an improperly selected substrate. But constant monitoring and compliance with technology will avoid these problems and in as soon as possible reach a stable income level.

The beginning of production activities in the field of growing crops, in our opinion, should be an understanding of what to grow, which crop to choose. Of course, it depends on many factors, such as: the geographical location of production, the climatic features of the region, the capacity of the market for the consumption of finished products, the seasonality of consumption and the magnitude of production costs.

Suppose your choice is made and you decide to go into business. The next step is to choose a location for installing the purchased equipment. Under the installed equipment, it can be adapted as a glass greenhouse traditional for Russia, an insulated hangar that is not used production room or, if you have only a plot of free land, opt for a film-covered greenhouse.

Of course, the information given here about the suitability of the premises used for the cultivation process is somewhat exaggerated, because. Everyone knows that plants need sunlight to grow. In principle, this problem is solved by installing additional lighting offered by our company, but no artificial lighting can replace natural lighting. Yes, modern technologies allow us to use lighting systems with a spectrum of radiation close to the sun, but we must not forget that the use of such systems as the main source of light can lead to unreasonably high production costs due to an increase in electricity consumption. Although, it seems to me, none of the directors of the power plant will refuse you cheap electricity, provided that the employees of this plant are supplied with fresh vegetable products all year round.

The above paragraph was written with the intention of leading you to the idea that, as in any production - this method it is always necessary to evaluate the ratios of price - quality, costs - efficiency. Therefore, energy saving is another of the main sources of income that you have to explore. The room you choose must have a heating system or, otherwise, have sufficiently good thermal insulation. The issue of heating in such a room can be solved by installing heat generators provided by our company, operating either on natural gas or on liquid fuel. In any case, when choosing a room, you should study its thermal insulation characteristics so as not to heat the street. For example, French specialists have calculated that using glass greenhouses for growing lettuce in Sweden consumes 32% more energy than using greenhouses with a double polyethylene cover, i.e. saving of production costs by 32%.

So the room has been chosen. Now you need to choose a system for growing this crop and draw up a layout for the equipment. The number of plants planted at a time and, accordingly, the amount of the harvested crop will depend on the layout of the equipment. It is necessary to place the equipment in such a way that, with the maximum use of the usable area, the necessary requirements for plant growth from the point of view of agricultural technology are met. In world practice, it is customary to divide the whole variety of systems into two types: drip and flow, which differ in the method of irrigation. In drip systems, the nutrient solution is supplied directly under the base of the plant in the form of droplets falling at a certain time interval. Crops such as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are traditionally grown in such systems. The flow system is based on the principle of the flow of a nutrient solution through the channels in which the root system of the plant is located, washing it. On such systems, lettuce, parsley, dill and other green crops give high yields.

A good example of the use of hybrid systems, i.e. drip-flow irrigation systems, is a system for growing strawberries, strawberries. Such a system allows you to fill not only the usable area, but also the volume of the room due to the constructive solution of several tiers. Today it is the most advanced technology. It should be noted that the ratio of the cost of a drip and flow system can be estimated as 1:3, the cost of a hybrid system in relation to a drip system can be estimated as 2:1. But do not forget that the flow and drip systems are widely used systems, while the hybrid system is only suitable for growing strawberries or seedlings of certain crops.

One of your last efforts will be to link together all the systems listed above, i.e. heating, lighting and power systems. This connection is established using the climate control system (Control Panel) using a computer and sensors for monitoring the main parameters environment: temperature, humidity, CO2 content and nutrient solution concentrations. Without going into the intricacies of the operation of such systems, we can say that most of them fully fulfill their tasks and fundamentally differ from each other only in cost and the number of serviced areas (the ability to expand). The last factor is not unimportant when you have several crops growing in the same room, separated by partitions, in different climatic conditions on different power systems.

So, the equipment is installed, connected and ready for planting the first seedlings, but take your time, make sure that you have fully studied this crop and know the agricultural techniques for growing it.

At first glance, it seems that everyone loves strawberries and organizing such a business is great idea. And this is true, because on what can you build profitable business like not on food. But, before doing any business, you need to find out all its features - the pros, cons and known issues(and also, of course, ways to solve them).

Perhaps you should start your journey at home (for example, in bags according to the Dutch method) - and if the room is warm, then you will also receive fruits all year round. Of course, growing strawberries at home will not be a million dollar business, but rather extra income or hobby. But you can try different methods, varieties, and then go to the greenhouse.

Why do you need a strawberry business

Usually the strawberry picking season is at the beginning of summer – the competition is strong and it is hard to enter the market. The rest of the year, garden strawberries, if they come across somewhere, cost fabulous money.

So why not try turning on your entrepreneurial talent and start growing strawberries in your greenhouse all year round? That's such a high return! But don't think it will be easy! Strawberries are a proud berry and need a lot of attention. And for growing all year round, you will need to create special conditions- but everything is possible if you pay attention to the issue (and not just read forums, blogs, social networks and watch videos about business ideas and motivation on the Internet).

Learn from the tips there, but choose only useful information. But knowledge without practice is nothing!

Advantages and disadvantages of growing in a greenhouse

If you grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round, you can get such competitive advantages:

  • year-round fruitfulness of strawberries;
  • high demand in the off-season;
  • a large number of wholesale buyers (remember winter and supermarkets?);
  • when grown outdoors, the likelihood of crops rotting/shrinking/deteriorating is higher than in a hydroponic greenhouse.
  • extremely high profitability - payback in one season.

However, there are also difficulties, disadvantages:

  • the need for artificial pollination of strawberries;
  • 7-8 times more investment compared to outdoor cultivation not all year round.
  • "broiler" increase in daylight hours - high costs.
  • strawberries will be slightly different from those grown in the village.

Your experience with soil in general and berries in particular is also very important. If the experience is minimal, but you still want to do everything yourself - better look for information, watch a video on YouTube, look through our resource or any other forum - collect information. You shouldn't step on the old rusty rake of other people's mistakes, right?

Primary costs

Buying seedlings

Strawberries are among the plants that propagate with "whiskers" - healthy, beautiful and prolific plants from the "whiskers" of the 1st and 2nd orders are suitable for seedlings. When choosing, it is worth paying attention to the development and sinuosity of the root system of the sprout. The important point is the choice of variety(s) you intend to grow. The best varieties are Glima, Cambridge, Elsanta, Volya, Kama, Red Capulet, Vigee or something else.

Carefully study the information about these (or others that you have chosen) varieties, read forums, blogs, ask friends who grow strawberries in the country or in the village. It may even be worth doing a little market research - buy different varieties of strawberries and ask different people from your friends, which ones you like best - this way you will get the best and adequate ratios of one variety to another for your greenhouse.

Greenhouse construction

If you are going to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round, which you have probably seen many times in a rural village - it has a frame covered with plastic wrap - this is one of the cheapest options. Such greenhouses are scattered over the land in abundance and are used not only for strawberries, but also for many other plants. However, remember that under the film there is a poor thermal insulator - during frosts, the crop may suffer.

There is also an option to make a glass greenhouse - this option is more expensive, but heating can be connected to it.

There are also more modern greenhouses made of polycarbonate materials - the most expensive of greenhouses, but they last longer, are more reliable and have many other comparative advantages.

At the beginning of a business, you can not take into account the cost of workers - you can work on your own, but correctly evaluate your own free time and qualifications.

Dutch growing method

It will help save on growing strawberries in the off-season, i.e. in winter. The Dutch method can be applied even at home, and it will also bring substantial income. This is a way to grow strawberries "in bags". Yes, don’t laugh, it’s true - strawberries are grown “in bags” - in this situation, the bag acts as a mini-greenhouse and, as experience shows, this effective method.

You will need large bags that are filled with perlite and peat. Make holes in them in a checkerboard pattern - like a sheet in a cage, with a diameter of 70-80 mm. Also, an irrigation system should be provided in the bags.

For a better understanding of the system, you should watch a video on the Internet describing Dutch greenhouses and read the place of delayed communication on the network - the forum. There are a lot of videos on the net about growing strawberries and strawberries in hydroponics - also a worthy option, much cheaper than growing in open ground.

However, not every variety of strawberry can be grown in hydroponics - find out the features of the chosen variety.

strawberry care

At first, your seedlings can be kept almost at home, but not on an open balcony, of course. Keep the seedlings in peat soil (available at garden stores). If you take the soil in the garden or in the nearest village, you should fertilize it additionally - keep an eye on the presence of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Your young seedlings need to be watered with clean warm water to the very root, while avoiding drops of water on the leaves and berries. Perhaps you should look towards drip irrigation. Think about the temperature in your greenhouse, it's cold outside for strawberries. It is worth maintaining the temperature around 19 degrees.

Don't forget lighting, pollination, and regular fertilizer additions.

Marketing problems

In order for your business to bring maximum income - you need to apply the best practices from the network (video) and do not be shy to ask experts for advice - after all, only the wise learn from other people's mistakes, avoiding their own - do not be afraid to go to the forum and ask someone who has already grown strawberries at home, whether in bags, in hydroponics, or just with a grandmother in the village - you will not lose anything, but you can save money (sometimes significant) on the mistakes of others - which will only increase the profitability of your business.

So, if we talk about sales, then people leading blogs and forums on strawberry business It is advised to follow three different paths:

  • Winter - sales through large stores.
  • Summer - sale on the market (hire a distributor).
  • All year round - selling berries (strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, etc.) to processors - their interest is usually wide and constant.

The best sellers and businessmen will tell you that the security of a business lies in diversification - so try to expand your circle of customers so as not to lose income due to contract failure or any other force majeure circumstances. Remember that your profit in growing strawberries all year round, in line, because the income in summer will be less than in winter, this is normal. Competition is your engine in winter, but also your brake in summer - after all, strawberries are grown in every village (sometimes even in a greenhouse, but quite rarely).

Profitability + Video

Profitability is a general economic term that characterizes the relationship between profit and cost (production costs) of products. The essence of the profitability of growing strawberries in a greenhouse (in hydroponics, soil or “bags” - it doesn’t matter) is to work all year round.

If you take into account all prices, including the purchase of seedlings in the nearest village, where the best (well, almost the best) prices, rent, labor costs, taxes, fertilizers and maintenance - the average cost per 1 kg was 150 cents in 2012 (now about twice as much). If grown in hydroponics, the costs are less than if grown in open ground. Accordingly, if grown in bags according to the Dutch method, the costs are less than in hydroponics and open land.

Take into account all costs when you calculate profitability, be sure to take into account the calculation error - what if you didn’t take into account something, suddenly everything will go a little differently.
