Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Telephone conversation. Business conversation on the phone Business conversation dialogue examples not on the phone

A. - Hello. Center "Intercongress".

B. - Hello. Radiotechnical University. Mironova Olga. I called you yesterday regarding the symposium.

A. - Good afternoon. Listen to you.

B. - Can you provide us with a room for one hundred thirty - one hundred and forty people?

A. - Yes. We can reserve a conference hall for one hundred and fifty seats for you.

B. – It suits us, thank you. How to rent furniture?

A. - In the application, you must accurately indicate the names of all items and their quantity.

B. - How to send you an application?

A. – You must send to our address letter of guarantee. In it you will indicate all types of services and their cost.

B. - I see. The letter can be sent by mail or fax.

A. - Yes.

B. - And in how many days will you receive it?

BUT. - The letter is coming usually two or three days.

B. - It's quite a long time.

A. - You can send it by courier, then it will come to us within two hours.

B. - So we will do it. Thank you very much for the comprehensive information.

A. - Please. All the best.

American businessman H. McKay believes that “any person who maintains telephone contacts with you will be satisfied knowing at what time he can catch you. That's why in business negotiations always tell him about it.

Questions for self-control

1. Why is it necessary to speak competently on the phone?

2. What does it mean to “work out the flow” of a conversation?

3. What questions do you need to prepare answers for before a business conversation?

4. What influences the success of a business conversation?

5. What are the features of a business telephone conversation?

6. How to properly prepare for a business conversation on the phone?

7. What elements does competent telephone communication include when we are talking about the caller?

8. What elements does a competent answer on the phone include?

Exercise 1

Task 2

You are calling a new (old) client whose needs and tastes are unknown (known) to you. You need:

to locate the client;

Convince him to place an order.

Task 3

You need to remind yourself after a long break. How do you build a conversation on the phone? How will a telephone conversation depend on the type of partner? Give two or three different situations. Play them in pairs.

Task 4

The group is divided into pairs and conducts telephone conversations in the following situations: clinic, editorial office, dean's office, bank, shop, foreign consulate.

The topic of the conversation is arbitrary, but the following conditions must be observed: conduct the conversation competently, ask only one question, using the minimum number of words.

Then the interlocutors change roles and again carry on a conversation in given situations.

Task 5

Couples are invited to demonstrate their ability to talk on the phone. They ask three consecutive (logically connected) questions in the following situations: car service, theater, warranty workshop, hairdresser, dolphinarium. Questions can be prepared in advance. the main task– conduct a conversation correctly, managing with a minimum number of words. At the end of each conversation, its joint analysis is carried out.

Task 6

At home, sit down by the phone and, using our recommendations, call 5-7 institutions. Count how many of them are professional "respondents". Analyze your conversations. How many mistakes have you made? Try to avoid such mistakes in the future.

J By the way, when you smile during a conversation, your voice becomes more pleasant J

Session 3. Discussion

Whoever convinces too hard will not convince anyone.

Nicholas Chamfort,

French moral writer

Every business person, no matter what kind of activity he is engaged in, must be able to competently and effectively discuss vital problems, prove and convince, defend his point of view with arguments and refute the opinion of his opponent.

Dispute how kind business communication is widely used when discussing disagreements, in a situation where there is no consensus on the issue under discussion. Argument is the art of persuasion. Persuasion is a method of influencing the consciousness of a person through an appeal to her own critical judgment.

The result of persuasion is considered successful when the partner is able to independently justify decision, evaluate its positive and negative sides, as well as the possibilities and consequences of other options and solutions.

Persuasion is more powerful:

Within the same need

with low intensity of emotions;

with an intellectually developed partner.

The following schemes can be used in the process of persuasion:

statement of the problem, its place among others, the relevance and timing of the solution, the need for a solution, solutions, their advantages and disadvantages, consequences, necessary funds, costs, other conditions;

increasing the value of the merits of the proposal and reducing the value of its shortcomings; increasing the value of a given option and decreasing the value of alternative options;

Persuading a partner by presenting him with different points of view;

The principle of gradual coverage: break the proposal into stages and move sequentially, seeking agreement on each of them. Another application of this principle: before an upcoming meeting with several participants, discuss your issue with each participant separately in advance and obtain their consent;

· as a programming technique, you can ask a question with emphasis (usually on the merits) and not require an immediate answer to it. After some time, the question itself will arise in the thoughts of the partner and make him think.

Dispute Rules

1. You can only discuss the issue in which both sides are well versed. Do not argue about too close (affects the interests of the parties) and too far (it is difficult to judge this).

2. It is necessary to agree on the subject of the dispute with the opponent.

3. Accurately adhere to the issue under discussion, do not deviate from the subject of discussion. To argue around the main thing, not to exchange for particulars.

4. Methods of psychological pressure should not be allowed: the transition to "personalities", etc.

5. Take a stand. Be principled, but not stubborn.

6. Observe the ethics of polemics: calmness, restraint, goodwill.

Dispute tactics

1. Arrange the arguments in the following order: strong - at the beginning of the argument, and the strongest - at the end of it. In a dispute for persuasion, a strong argument is the one that seems most convincing to the partner, because. affects his feelings and interests.

2. Expose the possible arguments of the opponent, anticipate the arguments. This allows you to disarm the enemy before the attack.

3. Postponing the answer to a tricky question, answering at the right moment.

4. Effectively refute secondary arguments.

Kinds of Arguments

Arguments vary in the degree to which they affect people's minds and feelings.

Example of a business telephone conversation

Closing phrases prior to exiting a contact

Thanks for information, suggestion, invitation, congratulations, help:

– Thank you for the offer, we will discuss the possibility of participating in the exhibition.

Thank you for the invitation and I accept it with pleasure.

- Thank you very much for your help.

– I must (should) thank you for your advice.

sorry for disturbing, for an unauthorized call, for a long conversation (a large number of questions), for disturbing after hours, for a late call, for interrupting the conversation for some reason, for an incorrect connection:

“I’m sorry for disturbing you on your day off…”

- Please accept my apologies for the too long conversation (for a large number of questions) ...

"Sorry for interrupting you...

Sorry for the long conversation...

express hope for a quick meeting, for a favorable solution to the issue, the outcome of the case.

Etiquette forms occupy a rather large place in a telephone business conversation. Consider what part of the general lexical composition of the telephone dialogue is etiquette vocabulary.

A. - Hello. I would like to speak with Mr. Golovin.

B. - I'm at the phone.

BUT. - Roman Malinin, a representative of Max, is talking to you.

B. - Very nice. Listen to you.

BUT. - I would like before the start of negotiations to clarify something.

B. - You are welcome. I listen to you.

A. – Has the price per square meter of exposure changed due to inflation?

B. - Yes, of course. Now one square meter of area in the pavilion costs twenty dollars, and ten in the open area.

BUT. - Thank you. That's all I wanted to know.

B. - In case you have any other questions, call. I am at your service.

BUT. - Thank you. In case of emergency, I will definitely take advantage of your offer. All the best.

B. - Goodbye.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, etiquette not only regulates the relationship of those who communicate, but is also a means of rationally organizing telephone dialogue. This is very important in view of the strict regulation of the time of telephone communication.

A. - Hello. Center "Intercongress".

B. - Hello. Radiotechnical University. Mironova Olga. I called you yesterday regarding the symposium.

A. - Good afternoon. Listen to you.

B. - Can you provide us with a room for one hundred thirty - one hundred and forty people?

A. - Yes. We can reserve a conference hall for one hundred and fifty seats for you.

B. – It suits us, thank you. How to rent furniture?

A. - In the application, you must accurately indicate the names of all items and their quantity.

B. - How to send you an application?

A. - You must send a letter of guarantee to our address. In it you will indicate all types of services and their cost.

B. - I see. The letter can be sent by mail or fax.

A. - Yes.

B. - And in how many days will you receive it?

A. - A letter usually arrives in two or three days.

B. - It's quite a long time.

A. - You can send it by courier, then it will come to us within two hours.

B. - So we will do it. Thank you very much for the comprehensive information.

A. - Please. All the best.

American businessman H. McKay believes that “any person who maintains telephone contacts with you will be pleased knowing at what time he can catch you. That is why, in business negotiations, always inform him about it.

Questions for self-control

1. Why is it necessary to speak competently on the phone?

2. What does it mean to “work out the flow” of a conversation?

3. What questions do you need to prepare answers for before a business conversation?

4. What influences the success of a business conversation?

5. What are the features of a business telephone conversation?

6. How to properly prepare for a business conversation on the phone?

7. What elements does competent telephone communication include when it comes to the caller?

8. What elements does a competent answer by phone include?

Exercise 1

Task 2

You are calling a new (old) client whose needs and tastes are unknown (known) to you. It is extremely important for you:

to locate the client;

Convince him to place an order.

Task 3

It is extremely important for you to remind yourself after a long break. How do you build a conversation on the phone? How will a telephone conversation depend on the type of partner? Give two or three different situations. Play them in pairs.

Task 4

The group is divided into pairs and conducts telephone conversations in the following situations: clinic, magazine editorial office, dean's office, bank, shop, foreign consulate.

The topic of the conversation is arbitrary, but the following conditions must be observed: conduct a conversation correctly, ask just one question, using the minimum number of words.

Then the interlocutors change roles and again carry on a conversation in given situations.

Task 5

Couples are invited to demonstrate their ability to talk on the phone. Οʜᴎ ask three consecutive (logically connected) questions in the following situations: car service, theater, warranty workshop, hairdresser, dolphinarium. Questions can be prepared in advance. The main task is to conduct a conversation correctly, managing with a minimum number of words. At the end of each conversation, its joint analysis is carried out.

Task 6

At home, sit down by the phone and, using our recommendations, call 5-7 institutions. Count how many of them are professional "respondents". Analyze your conversations. How many mistakes have you made? Try to avoid such mistakes in the future.

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    Features of business telephone communication: redistribution of the informative load between the verbal and intonation levels. Conversation requirements: conciseness, friendly tone, no repetitions, normal voice volume, average speech rate.

    Ah, Hello, Intercongress.

    B. – Hello, I called you yesterday regarding the symposium.

    A. - Good afternoon, I'm listening to you.

    B. - Can you provide us with a room for one hundred thirty - one hundred and forty people?

    A. - Yes. We can reserve a conference hall for one hundred and fifty seats for you.

    B. – It suits us, thank you. How to rent furniture?

    A. - In the application, you must accurately indicate the name of all items and their quantity.

    B. - How to send you an application?

    A. - You must send a letter of guarantee to our address. In it you specify all types of services and their cost.

    B. - I see. Can a letter be sent by mail or fax?

    B. - And in how many days will you receive it?

    A. – A letter usually arrives in two or three days.

    B. - It's quite a long time.

    A. - You can send it by courier, then it will come to us within two hours.

    B. - So we will do it. Thank you very much for the comprehensive information.

    A. - Please. All the best.

    The most important mistakes in the culture of communication on the phone.

    1. Do not ask if you dialed the wrong number: “Where did I go?”, “What is this number?”. Just clarify: "Is this 555-34-56?".

    2. You can’t pick up the phone and answer, immediately say: “Just a minute” and make the caller wait until you do your business. If you absolutely can't talk, for example, because you have to open the door, say: "I'll call you back in a few minutes" - and do not forget to fulfill this promise.

    3. Don't risk dialing a number from memory unless you're quite sure you remember it.

    4. Don't play a very clever "Guess Who" game if your colleagues don't recognize your voice.

    5. Don't ask, "What are you doing on Saturday afternoon?" if you want to suggest something to do at that time. This question presupposes a refusal if the interlocutor is busy, or an indefinite answer. You can embarrass him by making him admit that he has nothing to do on Saturday night. It is better to explain what the matter is, and offer, if the interlocutor is free at this time, to meet with him.

    6. Do not say "Hello" when answering the phone if you work in big firm. It is better to pronounce its name.

    7. Do not forget that conversations with busy people should be kept as short as possible.

    8. Do not let the visitor who entered during a telephone conversation listen to you, but ask him to come in after a few minutes or stop the conversation for a while.

    9. Improvisation, calling without prior preparation necessary materials. Key words, conversation plan are not recorded.

    10. Do not pick up the phone for a long time (you need to pick up up to 4 rings).

    11. Say "Hello", "Yes" at the beginning of a conversation. It needs to be said: Good morning(day)".

    12. Asking: “Can I help you?”, It will be correct to ask: “How can I help you?”.

    13. Unclear purpose of the conversation.

    14. Unfavorable time to call (lunch time, end of the working day, etc.).

    15. Monologues instead of listening to the answers to the questions posed.

    16. There is no subsequent recording of a business conversation; recording on random pieces of paper is not acceptable.

    17. Leave your phone unattended, at least for a little while.

    18. Say: "There is no one", "Please call back." You need to write down the information and the number of the caller, promising to call back.

    19. Conducting parallel conversations.

    20. Non-specific agreements in the end.

    21. Use an informal style of communication in a business setting.

    22. Don't turn the conversation into an interrogation by asking questions like "Who am I talking to?" or "What do you need?"

    You need to watch your diction. You can’t pinch the microphone with your hand when you pass something from the conversation to those who are nearby - your comments can be heard by the partner talking to you on the phone. In the case of a complaint or complaint, do not tell the partner that this is not your fault, that you are not doing this and that you are not interested.

    In formal communication, an increase in tone is not allowed. The tone should be calm, restrained, even, regardless of the prevailing situation. Even if your interlocutor is irritated and expresses dissatisfaction, shows emotional incontinence, controlling himself and suppressing the desire to respond in kind, you have an additional advantage. It is possible to learn to control oneself thanks to psychological preparation and constant attention to one's speech. In conflict situations, you can not blame all the blame on the other side. The recognition of at least partial responsibility for what happened removes the situation of “tossing the ball” (alternating mutual accusations) and brings the conversation back into the mainstream of a constructive dialogue. It is known that a benevolent attitude towards the interlocutor, readiness to listen to him is the basic rule of Russian etiquette.

    Ivan Kobelev, head of the customer support department of the 1PS.RU Service, spoke about how to improve the conversion of the sales department by 2 times by correcting only 8 errors in the telephone conversations of managers.

    It will increase the conversion of your site and bring you new customers. But, it is very important to understand that the result, whether you close the deal or not, depends very much on the managers of your sales department.

    Huge efforts and budgets are spent on website promotion and advertising.

    And, when there is literally a phone call before the transaction, the sale does not occur or occurs only in 15% of cases.
    Why is that? Why is this place in the sales funnel considered the narrowest and most vulnerable in many companies?
    Most often the reason is in the manager. Especially if it is a young specialist who does not have sufficient experience and knowledge.

    Rule 1. “I don't recognize you in makeup. Who are you?"

    Often inexperienced specialists begin a telephone conversation with the words:
    "Hello. Company "X", you left us a request. Tell…"
    As a rule, the user leaves an application for more than one company and not only for one particular topic. That is why it is so important to correctly say who you are, where you are from and for what specific reason you are calling, so that your potential client understands it right away.
    Otherwise, you start wasting time and customer loyalty.
    Therefore, make sure that managers address by name and introduce themselves as clearly as possible:
    “Hello, Ivan. My name is Peter, the Peretyazhka company. We do furniture repair. Today you left an application for a sofa upholstery in 1985 on our website divan.rf.
    And they continued to clarify until the client says: “Yes, yes, I remember.”

    Rule 2. "Politeness costs nothing, but brings a lot"

    Any conversation should start with the phrase:
    "Are you comfortable talking now?"
    If you do not ask such a question, then after 3-4 minutes the client can tell about it himself and ask to call back, then he will have to repeat everything again.
    Politeness, respect for the client's time and saving your own is the key to high sales.
    This rule does not always apply to cold calls, this type of conversation should be considered individually, depending on the type of business.

    Rule 3. "Remember that for a person the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound of human speech"

    The name of a person is a word that makes you pay attention to the one who calls him.
    A person begins to listen and perceive information better. Just call the client by name more often - this will save you from having to repeat the same information several times in a row. And who doesn't like being addressed by their first name?

    Rule 4

    Rule 5. "Exceed expectations"

    Rule 6. "The customer is always right"

    The main rule for posing the question is: if the client answers “not right or wrong”, then the manager asked the question incorrectly.
    A competent employee asks questions in detail and as clearly as possible, without using terminology that is incomprehensible to the client.
    Don't ask:
    “What form of capture would you like to put on the site?”
    It's better to ask:
    “Alexander, tell me what is more convenient for you: to immediately receive calls from clients or first to receive some information about the client, and then call him? If you call yourself, it makes sense to add a form to the site with the "Submit request" button.

    Rule 7. "Understanding is the beginning of agreement"

    If there is even a little doubt about whether you understand the client correctly, it is better to ask again. To do this, a good manager at the beginning or at the end of the phrase adds “do I understand correctly?”.
    For example:
    Client: “The main thing is that I want the apartment to be clean.”
    Manager: "Ivan, that is, you need to install windows with increased protection against dust, dirt, noise, which are easy to clean, but not necessarily snow-white, do I understand correctly?"

    At the end of the conversation, a competent manager will definitely ask:
    "Do you have any questions?"
    Because they can be, but for some reason the client may not set them. And with such a question, we will push the client to ask his own.
    If you do not answer the question, several more may arise against its background that will interfere with the transaction. Or competitors will answer this question to the client, and the client will go to them.
    At first glance, the advice may seem primitive, and everyone may think that this is elementary.
    Yes, this is elementary, but, unfortunately, many managers do not pay attention to simple rules. Make sure they are not your managers.
