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How long does delivery take. How long does a letter go by Russian post - how to calculate the delivery time of a letter. The nuances of delivering parcels with iHerb

Up to 20 - 25, by air - from 2 to 15 days. The delivery time from China also depends on the volume of the shipped consignment (for the preparation of consolidated consignments, an additional 3 - 7 days are required compared to container shipping), the point of departure and destination (for example, sea ​​transportation to Vladivostok takes 7 - 10 days, and to St. Petersburg - only the transit time of cargo transportation is over 30 days).

The terms of delivery of goods from China by sea, on average, are 7 - 10 days, to the Russian ports of the Black Sea (Novorossiysk, Taganrog, Azov, Taman) - from 20 - 25 to 32 - 40 (taking into account the time of transshipment in Istanbul or Constanta), and Ust-Luga - from 40 - 50 to 60 days. Delivery time of goods from China to Russia through ports Far East(Vladivostok, Vostochny) are the smallest, however, one should take into account the waiting time for loading onto a wagon for subsequent shipment of cargo to the regions of the Russian Federation (up to 7 - 14 days, but the timing can be completely indefinite) and the time of railway cargo transportation in Russia (fast container trains - 1 - 1.5 weeks).

The delivery time of a container from China by rail depends on the length of the route, as well as how quickly a 20-foot container will be picked up by a “pair” at transshipment railway stations (a 2TEU is placed on a standard railway platform). Accelerated container trains move without re-forming the train, however, one should take into account the waiting time of the “pair” before starting to move.

Delivery time for goods from China to Russia railway(from the northeastern and northwestern regions of China) averages 20 - 33 days. This is the most convenient way to send goods from the regions where the Harbin Railway passes. Economic benefit is achieved only when large consignments are shipped (the cost of delivering 60 tons of cargo by rail is about $ 7,400, and by groupage - from $ 180 - 230 per ton only in China, plus the cost of transportation along the Trans-Siberian Railway).

Minimum delivery time for goods from China to Russia

The minimum delivery time from China to Russia offers road and air transport. Delivery time of goods from China to Moscow by road is from 18 days (through the territory of Kazakhstan). However, this is one of the most expensive transportation methods: for a 19-ton car, together with customs formalities, you will have to pay up to 10-14 thousand dollars (US), of which up to 9-10 thousand will be for logistics.

The delivery time from China by air is from 2 to 5 days - on airplanes of cargo-passenger and passenger flights. The price of such delivery from China reaches 7.7 - 7.8 dollars per 1 kg of cargo (for comparison - by rail up to 12 - 13 cents).

Delivery times within China to ports (terminals) of departure can reach 2 weeks or more: high taxes, the need to pay a license makes Chinese carriers save on transport costs, sending the car on the road only at the maximum possible load - as a result, until the car is fully loaded, despite all the requirements for delivery times, the carrier will not start work. This situation for cargo transportation within China is typical for road transportation.

Delivery time from China to Russia by sea is the longest, but the cost of such transportation from Qingdao, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and other ports to Vostochny, Vladivostok is 790 - 1500 US dollars, 1600 - 2800 - to Novorossiysk and 1800 - 2900 - to St. Petersburg ( Ust-Luga). It is better to send goods from Urumqi or by car(20 - 25 days before Moscow time) or by rail (similarly) - the region is remote from seaports, and then the prices for delivery by sea, by road and by rail are identical.

The time for delivery of goods from China to Russia after shipment - or the transit time of cargo transportation - is the longest for sea transport (up to 30 days to the ports of the Northwestern Federal District and the Southern Federal District) and the minimum for air transport (no more than 1 day).

How long does it take to ship from China in general?

The total delivery time from China to the Russian Federation by sea is up to 45 - 60 days, by rail - up to 33 - 35, by road - up to 25 - 30, by air - up to 7 - 14. Mixed (multimodal) cargo transportation is also practiced, for example, by road to Blagoveshchensk, and from here by air to Moscow (approximately 14 - 15 days).

To track your package, you need to follow a few simple steps.
1. Go to home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track the postal item"
3. Click on the "Track package" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the last status.
6. Estimated delivery period, displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not hard ;)

If you do not understand the movement between postal companies, click on the link with the text "Group by companies", which is located under the tracking statuses.

If you have any difficulties with the statuses in English, click on the link with the text "Translate to Russian", which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track code information" block, where you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame, with the heading "Pay Attention!", Carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks, you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arrival in Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived at Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to Russia or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery deadlines calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, and the parcel travels for more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and therefore they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the package is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the package, and the status of the package "the item pre-advised" / "Email notification received" does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by clicking on the link:.

If the status of the mailing does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, it normal phenomenon for international postal items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and new package rides for more than a month, this is normal, because. parcels go by different routes, in different ways, they can wait for dispatch by plane for 1 day, or maybe a week.

If the package is out of sorting center, there are no customs, an intermediate point and new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who carries a parcel from one city to your home. For it to appear new status, the parcel must arrive, unload, be scanned, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Acceptance / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can see the transcript of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you did not understand anything, read this instruction again, and again, until complete enlightenment;)

So you enthusiastically made your first purchases, participated in the auction, worried who would be the winner, and then paid for your first purchases with trepidation ... But time passes, the goods are paid for and even, possibly, sent, but they are still not there and not there. At the post office, they have already begun to recognize you by sight when you arrive and ask if the shipment has arrived in your name. And more and more questions begin to arise in my head about how long to wait for an order from eBay, without fear of being left with nothing.

What if the seller did not send? Yes and with English language you have difficulties, at best only with an interpreter. And anyway, who will reimburse me for everything? In a word, there are a lot of questions, and relatives, perhaps, have already begun to throw sidelong glances at you with a mute reproach, they say, “they told you - don’t get involved!” Hmm, an unenviable situation, to be sure...

You began frantically searching the Internet for how long there is an order from eBay. And so it began: some talk about 45 days, some mention 30, and some even threaten 180 days of waiting. But everyone agrees on one thing: if you miss the deadline for a dispute (another terrible word), then in general you will lose everything!

The head is spinning, thoughts arise that it would be better if they bought it near the house, albeit much more expensive, but without unnecessary worries! Familiar?

Let's calm down together. eBay, acting as an intermediary between you and the seller, has undertaken the obligation that if you, a respectable buyer, have paid for everything, you have filled in everything (indicated the correct address in Latin letters in personal account), but did not receive your goods, then you will be refunded all money spent, including shipping costs. The Buyer Protection Program explains and guarantees all this in plain language. Naturally, in the case of a timely appeal for help.

Consider on specific example. Let's say you bought and paid for a product that is listed in your list of purchased products in your account.

Let's take a look at the image:

Screenshot from

The image clearly shows that the estimated delivery time ranges from April 27 to May 25, 2016. The question arises: what was the seller thinking at all when he set such diverging deadlines? And here is the first important note: such terms are set by the automatic calculation system, based on your address and the type of delivery offered.

In our case, it is free (and here is the second remark: nothing is free, you pay for everything). But in order to make the lot more attractive, the seller does not indicate this. Of course, the method of delivery will be chosen at his discretion, and at such a cost of the lot, it is obvious that the cheapest. And that means longer periods. So you just have to wait.

And yet, how long to wait? Buyer policies read as follows: The eBay Money Back Guarantee applies to all items advertised as being protected by this program. .

Find information about this, you can find on the description page of the product itself. Naturally, it is advisable to do this before buying. The required information looks like this:

Screenshot from

Do not rush to frantically search for the Warranty on the page of the purchased product. Most likely, your purchase is also covered by this protection - it applies to most eBay items. There are exceptions, but we are not talking about that now.

Let's continue to protect the buyer. The rules state the following:

If the latest estimated delivery date has passed and the item has not been received, open a request with the Conflict Resolution Center. You can do this within 30 days of the latest estimated delivery date. Specify the reason for opening the request: "I have not received my product yet", and then select the desired product from the shopping list.

We return to the terms indicated for our product, with an understanding of what was written above. It turns out that our deadline for delivery is May 25, 2016:

Screenshot from

Therefore, within 30 (or better 29) days after May 25, 2016, we have a legal and guaranteed right to contact the seller with a request / demand, the return of all funds spent. Why 29 days? Because due to the time difference, we run the risk of not being on time and losing the legal right to open a request (dispute) under protection.

To eliminate risks, we calmly wait for almost a month and, if there are no changes (the goods did not arrive), we begin the specified dispute / request procedure. As you can see, with the proposed option, there is a fairly long time for a calm wait, without hassle and doubt.

It would seem that this would be worth putting an end to, but what to do when the specified waiting interval is missing? Indeed, there are times when the seller does not put a badge on sending the goods (this is not a violation), or the specified interval is missing.

Screenshot from

In this case, opposite the product, we look for the inscription "Additional actions" and in the drop-down menu select the option "Contact the seller".

Screenshot from

On the page that opens, select the one you need from the proposed options. In this case, it's the "I didn't receive the product" option. Please note: in the proposed options there are two answers, as indicated by the number (2):

Screenshot from

As you can see, despite the options hidden at first glance, the estimated date of arrival of the goods exists, and we now know it. It's time to remember that eBay's rules say:

If the latest estimated delivery date has passed and the item has not been received, open a request with the Conflict Resolution Center. You can do this within 30 days of the latest estimated delivery date.

Therefore, we still have enough time to calmly wait for the arrival of the departure, without fear of missing the guaranteed deadlines for starting the procedure for requesting a refund (opening a dispute).

It should be added: if the seller and the buyer live in the same country, the maximum delivery time is reduced to 30 days, and even less depending on the type of delivery (for example, expedited).

It is entirely your responsibility to follow these deadlines. If you missed the deadlines, you will have to use the Buyer Protection Program payment system PayPal, which regulates guaranteed delivery times within 180 days:

Screenshot from

Have a nice day and have a nice shopping eBay!

Food delivery in Marfino is a great way to order ready-made delicious dishes. With the help of this service, a person can provide a properly balanced diet, necessary for the health of the body. This is very convenient for those who are busy all the time and are not able to allocate a few hours from a busy schedule to go to a restaurant or cafe.

Proper nutrition is essential for everyone

A large number of people work and live in Marfino, and the delivery of ready-made food there has long been in great demand. Everyone knows that for productive work it is necessary to take care of their health, and a properly balanced diet plays an important role in this. It is not always possible to leave the workplace in order to eat hot food. In this case, such a service as the delivery of ready meals directly to the office comes to the rescue. In the electronic menu, you can find dishes for every taste, from all kinds of soups to airy pastries and sweet desserts. The courier will deliver any number of portions to the whole company and you will not have to experience the pangs of hunger at work.

Ready meals are tasty and healthy

Food gives us the energy we need to live and work, but not all people have the opportunity to do daily cooking. Everyone wants to eat tasty and satisfying, and not just anything, and here delivery of ready meals comes to the rescue. After all, such a name service has a lot of advantages, among which the following stand out:

  • The menu includes soups, hot dishes, salads, appetizers, pastries and drinks, which allows everyone to pick up dishes, focusing on their taste;
  • All food is prepared from fresh products, which speaks of its health benefits.

Order delivery with our company

Experienced chefs will prepare a gastronomic masterpiece for you, and Courier service on time will deliver the order to Marfino or any district of the city. Having enjoyed dishes from the entire proposed list of all kinds of dishes on the menu, you will undoubtedly pay tribute to our efforts to please you with tasty and satisfying food. To order, you need to decide on the choice of dishes and indicate the required number of servings, as well as the delivery time. Then our employees take over the business, guaranteeing high quality healthy dishes and the right combination of all ingredients.

We have concluded relevant agreements with all organizations, so the dispatch process is as fast as possible.


Delivery is made only on the territory of Russia!
(If you need delivery of clothes (goods) outside of Russia, please contact us to clarify the possibility of such delivery and determine the cost).
Delivery is carried out by Russian Post.

Delivery order

After receiving your order, it usually takes 1-2 business days to process (manufacture, design, etc.), after which the parcel is sent by mail to the address you specified.

Delivery times for parcels in different regions are different and usually range from 1 to 4 weeks.

Please note that in some remote areas of our country there are seasonal restrictions on the delivery of postal items. For more information, please contact your post office or . If there are restrictions, detailed information about the object of postal communication they are indicated, including the period.
After the parcel is sent, it is assigned a number - a postal identifier, which is also available in the user's personal account. Using this number, you can also track the parcel on the Russian Post website (this service does not always work stably and often with errors).

When the parcel arrives at your address, you will receive a notice at home with which you need to go to your post office. Don't forget to take your passport or other identification document with you.

The notification may not come due to reasons beyond our control: the negligence of postal workers, the absence or broken mailboxes, etc.
In this case, you need to go to your post office on your own and inquire about the receipt of the parcel in your name, informing the postal worker of the parcel number. ATTENTION! The shelf life of the parcel at the post office 15 days, after that it will be sent back to us.


10% discount for the entire order placed prepaid any convenient way(except for products from the "Sale" section and products with a reduced price).


An alternative to Russian mail (more precisely, this is a division of Russian mail). However, with this delivery method, the parcel is delivered by the courier! In addition, delivery times are significantly reduced.
Official website of the service -
Payment for the order is also possible both in advance and upon receipt of the parcel (when paying "on receipt", % of the commission for cash on delivery and the postal fee for transferring money to our address are withheld).
When paying in advance, the buyer pays only the cost of the goods and the cost of delivery.
personal account on the company's website.

For this type of delivery, 10% discount for the entire order placed prepaid
The discount is calculated automatically in the shopping cart at checkout.


The best option delivery, combining speed, quality and reasonable cost of delivery.
You can pay for the order in advance or to the courier delivering the parcel.
After sending the parcel, the shipment is assigned a unique number, which will be available in the buyer's personal account. Using this number, the buyer can independently track the progress of delivery on the company's website.
10% discount for the entire order placed prepaid in any convenient way (except for goods from the "Sale" section and with a reduced price).
The discount is calculated automatically in the shopping cart at checkout.


Delivery is made by the Courier-Service-Express service.
The fastest delivery option. Sending is possible only after 100% prepayment of the cost of the order (goods) + shipping costs.
After sending the parcel, the shipment is assigned a unique number, which will be available from the buyer's personal account. Using this number, the buyer can independently track the progress of delivery on the company's website.
The parcel is delivered by a courier to the specified address.
You can pay in any way. Payment Methods .


With order amount over 5000 rub. it is possible to send the order by a transport company.

The list of transport companies with which we cooperate:

  • TK PEK-
  • TK Baikal Service-
  • TK Energy-
  • TC Business Line -
  • Other shopping malls as agreed

Delivery by the Transport Company is much more profitable, faster and more reliable than the Russian Post.
The cost of delivery depends on the weight of the shipment and the city of the recipient.
The exact cost of delivery and terms can be clarified directly on the websites of these companies.
Sending an order transport company possible under the condition prepayment order value.
Payment for the delivery cost is made directly upon receipt of the shipment at the terminal of the Transport Company.


Pickup is possible from any office of the courier company CDEK.

CDEK offices are located in most cities of Russia.

The list of offices (pickup points) is located on this link>>>
(please specify the address of the point for self-delivery in the notes to the order)

The cost of delivery of the order to the point of self-delivery depends on the remoteness of your city, it is calculated automatically when placing an order.

Payment for the order and the cost of delivery is possible both in advance and upon receipt of the parcel at the pickup point.
When paying the cost of the order upon receipt at the point, 5% of the cost of the order is added to the delivery cost (commission CDEK for receiving funds)

For this type of delivery, 10% discount for the entire order placed prepaid in any convenient way (except for products from the "Sale" section and with a reduced price).
The discount is calculated automatically in the shopping cart at checkout.
