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Essay on the topic of being a human being on earth. Essay "Man on Earth." The sun is an eternal window

What is the function of man on earth? Why was he born, why does he live? This is the question philosophers ask themselves as they ponder the role of human life in the universe, poets have thought about this question in all centuries, but also ordinary people those who care about their place in life are also interested in the answer to this question.

Man is an unusual, unique creature, possessing enormous internal strength, which is much higher than physical strength. And this power can be directed in different directions: both for creation and destruction, to bring good to people or to sow evil. Each person chooses his own path, often this choice is influenced by circumstances, but the choice still remains with the person.

When choosing towards evil and destruction, a person goes against his nature. Initially, there are no negative qualities inherent in him; a person comes into this world as an innocent child who cannot harm anyone. Where do people come from who are literally saturated with hatred, envy, and a thirst for discord? At first, everything depends on the upbringing and environment in which the child grows up, but then, when he becomes an adult, he has the right to decide for himself which side to take: to be kind and happy or evil and sow evil around him, giving rise to hatred.

The struggle with oneself is the most difficult struggle, but everyone can do it, because a person has a unique ability for development and self-improvement. As the proverb says: the whole world will be subject to the one who conquers himself.

Only a person himself can change himself for the better; to do this, you just need to want to change, and then life itself will suggest steps towards improvement. You just need to remember the law of life - a person’s life is in his hands, he can command it, kind and happy people bring good to the world, and this means that there are more and more such people.

Updated: 2012-06-17

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Useful material on the topic

You are a Man!

And as you go through life, you must always remain that way. And no matter what circumstances life puts you in,

Always remember this.

Sometimes these life circumstances become a wall in your path, sometimes they hurt like an acute

Dagger blade.

But you always remember that you are a Human. And always remain Human!

I decided to structure my essay as a reflection and conversation about myself. That's why I started it with an epigraph that I wrote myself.

Man... Everyone puts their own meaning into this concept. But for me, not everyone can be a Human. I can't call everyone that. For me, a Man is, first of all, one who can understand another, for whom the misfortune and pain of another becomes his own pain. Such a Person will be able to make the lives of others more joyful and happy, and he himself will never get tired of this life.

I don't like fatal outcomes

I never get tired of life.

I don't like any time of year

In which I don’t sing songs!

And the one who lives only for himself, only for his narrow interests, for whom there are no problems other than his own, I cannot call him a Man. For me it's just a creature. And such a person really does not live, but exists because he does not receive real joy from life. Only such people are capable of causing pain to another, only such people, in my opinion, are capable of baseness and meanness.

I don't like open cynicism!

I still don’t believe in enthusiasm,

When a stranger reads my letters,

Looking over my shoulder!

For each of us there is a difficult path ahead, a difficult road. And this road is life. And life will show who is who. The main thing is to walk this road and not let yourself be broken, not to succumb to the obstacles and difficulties that we have to face. As they say, it’s easy to fall into mud, but to wash yourself off from this mud... And not everyone who falls manages to wash themselves off. Not everyone remains Human to the end. And from those who do not remain, one can most often expect, as Vladimir wrote, a shot in the back.

I don't like it when it's half

Or when the conversation was interrupted /

I don't like being shot in the back!

I am also against shooting at point blank range!

Personally, I don’t like four qualities in people: lying, greed, cowardice and, most importantly, the ability to cause mental pain to others or, as Vysotsky said, to get into the soul and spit on it.

I don't like myself when I'm afraid!

It annoys me when innocent people are beaten!

I don't like it when people get into my soul!

Especially when they spit on her!

I don't like arenas and arenas!

They exchange a million for a ruble

May there be big changes ahead.

I will never love this!

And indeed, you need to go through life as a real Person! You need to remain a person with capital letters to end! It is real, good people who leave their mark on Earth. And only real people have good memories. And what kind of memory remains of us will be judged by how we go through our life’s path and what mark we leave on Earth.


Municipal treasury educational institution"Panaevskaya boarding school"

District competition materials children's creativity“Everything in Man is everything for Man!”

Intellectually - creative essay
“It is an excellent position to be a human being on earth”

Nikurova Miroslava Andreevna,
9a grade student
Panaevskaya boarding school

Nomination: Intellectually - creative essay

Head: Romanova Olga Petrovna

With. Panaevsk, 2016

When I was in sixth grade, in Russian language class we discussed the topic “Who do I want to become?” Naturally, my classmates, just like myself, dreamed of a good profession: teacher, doctor, engineer. Andrey from our class actually wanted to become president. We made grandiose plans for the future. Each of us wanted to be a leader.
Now I'm in ninth grade. And again in the Russian language lesson we are discussing the topic of the essay “Who do I want to become?” Most of us confidently say: “We haven’t quite decided on our future profession, but we are sure of one thing - first of all, we want to become
people." In my opinion, this is a very important and necessary profession- to be a person on earth.
The main feature of a person is the ability to think and reason. In order to be able to fully develop these skills, it is necessary to read books in order to obtain new information, to realize self-realization in certain types of activities, and to discover new opportunities for oneself. In my opinion, it is these components that help us understand our actions and life situations, thanks to them we do right choice. The main feature of a person is the ability to think about his behavior, actions and make the right decision.
I believe that a person is not just a biological being who has his own needs and instincts. Definitely, every person, along with physiological needs, also has spiritual needs. That's what it is inner world person. And in order to rightfully be called a human being, we need to cultivate worthy and noble qualities in ourselves: understanding, empathy, love, care. There are situations when people especially need support, we must learn not to be indifferent to someone else's misfortune. Being human is very responsible.
Man, as a rational and sane being, is rightfully a great mystery of nature. Many writers and poets were interested in the inner world of man, his actions, behavior, as well as his way of life.
Maxim Gorky tended to turn to the essence of human existence. In his works, Gorky wrote about the people of the era of the collapse of the old and the beginning of the new world. It was important for the writer to predict what a person would look like decades later. According to Gorky, man is an honorable mission that, unfortunately, few living on earth are awarded. The title of a person with a capital M must be earned; it is not simply assigned. Spiritual freedom, unshakable internal position, freedom of thought, perseverance, pride - components characteristic of Gorky’s understanding of the essence of man. In the writer’s works, a person appears before us as a feeling person, possessing the ability to live in the full sense of the word.
According to M. Gorky, in order for a person to live his life fully, he needs to have a specific goal. It is then that life on earth will seem like great pleasure. The writer’s works are clear proof that there is always a place for heroic deeds in life.
I would like to turn to Gorky’s work “Chelkash”. The main characters of the story are Grigory and Gavrila - antipodal images. In describing Chelkash’s appearance, the writer uses such epithets as “evil smile”, “predatory face”, “sharp and piercing gaze”. The main character is a thin and pale man of tall stature. By nature, Gregory was a freedom-loving person, and he enjoyed his freedom as much as he was able. For Chelkash, money was not of particular value; he could spend it aimlessly. In his speech, Gregory, as a rule, used rude words, imbued with hostility towards the people around him.
In fact, main character was a free man with human dignity. It should be noted that Chelkash could “present” his person as if he were higher in rank and class than the people around him.
Gavrila is a completely opposite person, who becomes an involuntary victim of the current circumstances. By nature, Gavrila is a trusting and good-natured person who needs money. A fair-haired, broad-shouldered, tanned, blue-eyed guy. If Chelkash was truly a free man, without attachments, then Gavrila only dreamed of freedom. And, as it turned out, he was not ready to live freely. I wanted to, but I wasn’t able!!! Gavrila remains attached to his home, mother, and everyday life.
It is an undeniable fact that Chelkash treats Gavrila with contempt, mistrust, and misunderstanding, but at the same time Grigory sympathizes with the guy.
Chelkash’s attitude towards Gavrila is peculiar: the broad-shouldered, stocky guy had a home, an old mother, and a small farm. Gavrila had somewhere to go, they were waiting for him, he was needed. I think that Chelkash, to some extent, even envied this guy, because Grigory had neither a family nor a home. All this was only in his memories. Chelkash chose freedom and independence. And he was proud of it.
Grigory and Gavrila are two opposite personalities, living on opposite sides of the barricade, each of them has different goals in life. Chelkash revels in power over Gavrila, his obedient submission delights Gregory. Soon Chelkash awakens a feeling of pity for the guy, he wants to take care of Gavril, look after him. At his core, Gregory is a person with a contradictory character: he can be rude and caring at the same time. The main character of the story is a smart, lucky man who successfully trades in theft, but under no circumstances loses his dignity. In the tavern, Grigory behaves quite relaxed, like the owner, which Gavrila is very surprised by. The guy at that moment begins to respect Chelkash.
Two polar characters with different views on life and different characters could not live in an idyll; their clash was obvious. Gavrila is a money-hungry person. Chelkash is a spender in life; money means little to him. The appearance of money in the hands of Grigory provoked Gavrila: initially the guy wanted to kill Chelkash and take the banknotes from him. But Gavrila was weak in spirit and a conscientious person, this saved him from a rash act. The guy decides to humiliate himself, throw himself at Gregory’s feet and ask him for money. Then an unexpected event occurs - Gavrila throws a fairly heavy stone at Chelkash’s head. Gregory falls unconscious. Gavrila's conscience does not allow him to take the money and run away. He returns to Chelkash and asks for forgiveness. Gregory at that moment experiences conflicting feelings: he is confused, amazed, but, nevertheless, he feels pity for the guy and gives him the money.
In my opinion, the main character of M. Gorky’s story is still morally more stable and “higher” than the broad-shouldered, stocky guy Gavrila. Due to the circumstances, Chelkash was a thief and the life he lives does not allow him to develop to the fullest. Elements of nobility emerge in this man: he forces Gavrila to take the money and advises him to live the way the guy wants.
According to M. Gorky, a person must strive for a high, great goal. I completely agree with the author’s position: in life, every person should have a certain goal that justifies his existence. And we must strive for this goal, despite the obstacles.
Chelkash had a goal - freedom and independence. It's worth a lot.
In my opinion, the writer sympathizes with the main character, despite his shortcomings.
It should be noted that in the works of M. Gorky one can trace a genuine love for man and admiration for his originality. The writer clearly emphasizes that life is unpredictable and cruel, but despite this, a person does not lose his best qualities, is not like an animal, but remains a rational being, capable of performing thoughtful, noble deeds.
M. Gorky wrote: “Everything is in man, everything is for man!.. Only Man exists, everything else is the work of his hand and brain. Human! It's great! It sounds... proud!
I believe that each person independently creates ideals and shapes his own personality. We voluntarily choose what we should be - understanding and compassionate or unkind and withdrawn, how to achieve our goals. It is we who are responsible for our actions.
What should a person be like to justify his proud title? It is not necessary to reach the top in any activity, it is enough to show your best qualities - empathy, desire to help others, good nature, justice, understanding.
Undoubtedly, it is difficult to go through life as a real person. We need to strive for this! In my opinion, real people leave their mark on Earth. A fond memory remains of them. All in our hands! If we walk our life’s path with dignity, we will also be remembered as a bright memory!

We are all people of the Earth. Each of us is capable of thinking and feeling, loving and hating, believing and lying. If God created Man by giving him life, then man became the creator of his life. And how many people, so many different lives, fate And human life is so short that you need to live it as best, brighter, and more interesting as possible. If you withdraw into yourself, into your feelings, and the worst thing is that you will live only for yourself, renouncing worldly vanity, not hearing people, forgetting about love and kindness, then you are an unhappy person who lived and did not recognize life. You should never give in to peace. Man was not born for this. Life is a game of passions and contradictions. And the one who manages to play the game will always achieve his goal. Man is born to “burn.” Yes, burn in the fire of ideas, calling others to real life. Unhappy is the person who hates life. And beautiful is the one who is free and gives this freedom to people. “Living for people” is not a slogan, it is a goal that should become, if not for everyone, but for the majority, the meaning of life. “Do not feel sorry for yourself - this is the proudest, most beautiful wisdom on earth.” (M. Gorky) I admire the lives of great people. The names of classics of world literature, artists, actors, singers not only went down in history, but also left their “mark” on Earth, like a falling star, which, leaving behind a luminous trail, gives admiration and mystery to people. V. G. Belinsky wrote: “The spectacle of the life of a great man is always a beautiful spectacle: it elevates the soul... stimulates activity.” I and my generation still have a long way to go. Just a little, and we will enter a new, unfamiliar life. Of course, everyone will go their own way, but we must not forget that the Earth is one, common, but caring for it is the concern of all humanity. Everyone must start with themselves. What did he do for people? What “traces” did he leave on the earth? For a real person, the ability to subordinate the will to reason is important. Only such people will go through all the trials, and only they will save the Earth. According to P. S. Makarenko, “great will is not only the ability to wish for and achieve something, but the ability to force oneself and give up something when needed,” one must strive to live beautifully and vigorously. To love people, to be kind and sympathetic, courageous and noble, to love your mother and Motherland. These truths endure at all times. We are all taught this, but not everyone becomes a real person. You must be able to appreciate life. Everyone lives on Earth once, and for that person life will be long, who rises above all prejudices, understands its meaning, and his deeds will not be forgotten by people. It is impossible not to remember the words of A.P. Chekhov: “Life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully. I want to play a prominent, independent, noble role, I want to make history...” Everyone would like to live like this, but it depends on the person himself.

People often say to a craftsman who has done his job well: “Your hands are simply golden! Thank you very much.” Surely they don't mean that his hands are made of gold. But then why? Every person has an interest and talent in something. By developing it, he can do something better than others, but to achieve true mastery, you need to put in a lot of effort. Then people will know that if they need help, they can turn to him for it, and the master will do it best. This means they value it like gold... A person who has at least a mountain of this precious metal, but does not know how to do anything, cannot be useful to others, since he lives only for his own benefit. They say you can look at 3 things forever. One of them is how the master works. And it really is! After all, watching him, you cannot tear yourself away from the deft movements of your hands, in which the outlines of his work appear. This is worthy of being called "golden hands"
