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Good things to say about your favorite job. Statements about work. Aphorisms and quotes about work

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Who doesn't love to work? Nobody likes to work. At the same time, among philosophers, politicians, academicians and writers, it was customary to speak about labor exclusively in high, laudatory tones. How about the dead.

You've heard "Work ennobles a man" a million times since childhood. Now think: you yourself really saw how a kid who spent all day strumming the guitar, riding a skateboard, putting light bulbs in his mouth and helping you take pictures of girls in a bar, suddenly went to a third-class fittings factory ... and after that he suddenly became noble? Does he have a beautiful suit, sexy sideburns? Did he learn to distinguish 1982 Chateau Margaux from 16-year-old Lagavulin scotch? Women and orders hang on it. And all thanks to work ... No, well, have you seen this yourself? Did you see it with your own eyes? Ennobling work is as hard to believe as UFOs.

No, of course, you have to work - no one likes drunkards. But let's see what smart slackers said - people who have achieved something in this life without working selflessly from Monday to Friday, like a damned monkey, who probably died of overwork even before labor made a man out of him.

I love work: it captures me entirely. I can sit for hours and watch others work.

Jerome Klapka Jerome

Americans work if they pay well. The Russians are working. If they pay, fine.

Vladimir Leonidovich Turovsky

There is never enough time to get the job done right, but there is time to redo it.

Meskimen's law

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.

Alphonse Alle

What is, in essence, a lazy person: this is an ordinary person who is too lazy to even pretend to work.

Alphonse Alle

Work is the last refuge of those who can't do anything else.

Oscar Wilde

Who knows how, he does, and who does not know how, he teaches.

The George Bernard Show

They call me "the hardest working comedian". Not very impressive, right? It's like saying, "He's the most handsome guy... in the burn unit."

Jimmy Carr

When two people do the same thing, it is no longer the same thing.


Most people are ready to work endlessly, just to get rid of the need to think a little.

Thomas Edison

It is not so much the work itself that is tiring, but the thought of it.

Marc Fabius Quintilian

I started from scratch and through hard work reached a state of extreme poverty.

Groucho Marx

The world is made up of slackers who want to have money without working and idiots who are willing to work without getting rich.

Bernard Show

It's amazing how important your job is when you need to take time off from it, and how unimportant it is when you're asking for a raise.

Robert Orben

Work is sometimes something like fishing in places where there are obviously no fish.

Work is the last refuge of those who can't do anything else.
Oscar Wilde

Work is a kind of neurosis.
Don Herold

Work is like a stick, there are two ends in it: if you do it for people, give quality, if you do it for the boss, show off.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Love and work are the only worthwhile things in life. Work is a kind of love.
Marilyn Monroe

Work is necessary for health.

A job that looks easy is actually difficult. A task that seems difficult on the face of it will actually be impossible.
"Stockmayer's theorem"

Work is sometimes something like fishing in places where there are obviously no fish.
Jules Renard

Work fills all the time allotted for it.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson

Work is work, but you also need to do something useful.
Henryk Jagodzinsky

Work is much more fun than entertainment.
Noel Coward

Work is not a wolf - it sticks, but does not bite.

Work is not a wolf. But the boss is a beast.
Viktor Konyakhin

Work is not a wolf, but there are hunters for it.
V. Sumbatov

Pick a job you love and you won't have to work a day in your life.

Maybe the work is not too pleasant occupation but you have to go somewhere in the morning.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

I love work: it captures me entirely. I can sit for hours and watch others work.
Jerome Klapka Jerome

I do what no one would do if they did what I do.
Kornel Makushinsky

It is better to work without a specific goal than to do nothing.

I will always search lazy person for work, because he will find many easy ways to solve the problem.
Bill Gates

Some people love everything they do, even if they do what they don't like.
Bohuslav Wojnar

Inspiration comes only during work.
Gabriel Marquez

If they pay money for it, then it's work.
Danil Rudy

They earn bread with their hands, butter with their heads.
Yuzef Bulatovich

The matter is more important and more difficult, the more time is allotted for it.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson

The brain is truly a marvelous organ; it turns on as soon as you wake up, and continues to work right up to the minute you cross the threshold of your office.
Robert Frost

To overcome the most severe suffering, there are two means: it is opium - and work.
Heinrich Heine

Create all the conditions for someone else, and he will still work well.
Mikhail Genin

Any kind of work is more pleasant than rest.

There is never enough time to get the job done right; but there is always time to redo it.
"Meskinen's Law"

The one who wants does more than the one who can.
Gell-Man Murray

If you think that you work harder than everyone else, then you are the same as everyone else.
author unknown

A compliment doubles a woman's performance.
Françoise Sagan

Measure with a micrometer, mark with chalk, bran with an axe.
"Rey's Precision Rule"

If your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt it.
Henry Kaiser

If you like it, consider it done.
Leonid Leonidov

Doing nothing is great. But what a huge competition!
Gell Man

Work absorbs both shame and pain like a sponge. Work renews both the skin and blood of the soul.
Romain Rolland

Don't fix what works.
Bert Lance

First priority, first priority, never second priority.
Shirley Conran

I'm too energetic to work.
Marcel Achard

We can't go around doing nothing, or people will take us for workers.
Spike Milligan

Usually those who know how to work better than others know how not to work better than others.
Georges Elgosy

Those who want to work are looking for means, those who do not want to are looking for reasons.
American saying

It is not important to be able to work well, it is important to be able to report well.
Tristan Bernard

The less you are going to do, the more you should talk about it.
Jonathan Lynn and Anthony Jay

The ratio between the working time and the time during which the employee works is a constant value and amounts to 0.6.
Daniel McEvor and Donkey Bell

Hiring is a victory of hope over experience.
Loftus theorem

If a person does not know how to work, he is transferred to another job.
C. Indoor

For people, work is a pleasure.

Anyone can do any job, provided it doesn't have to be taken on now.
Robert Benchley

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

In this post, we will touch on the topic of work, namely, we will find out what great people think about this.

Job quotes:

When people are busy with work, they are in a better mood. © Benjamin Franklin

Work is the best cure for all ills. © Ernest Hemingway

I did not have working days and days of rest. I just did it and enjoyed it.

© Thomas Edison

Make your work a full life, not life a full work. © Kurt Cobain

Enjoy what you do and you will never work in your life. © Bill Gates

To live means to work. Labor is the life of man.© Voltaire

It's amazing how important your job is when you need to take time off from it, and how unimportant it is when you're asking for a raise. © Robert Orben

Work is sometimes something like fishing in places where there is obviously no fish.
© Jules Renard

There's only one kind of work that doesn't cause depression, and that's work you don't have to do. © Georges Elgosy

Anyone can do any job, provided it doesn't have to be taken on now. © Robert Benchley

Anyone who is active during the day like a bee, strong like a bull, works hard like a horse and comes home tired like a dog in the evening should consult a veterinarian - there is a high probability that he has a donkey. © Folk Wisdom

Find a job you like so you can add five days to every week. © Jackson Brown

Most people work most of the time in order to live, and the little free time they have is so unsettling that they try their best to get rid of it. © Johann Goethe

Let those who can't do anything else work.

The less you are going to do, the more you should talk about it.

Whoever gets up early hasn't been fired yet.

A good job is when you earn much less than you get.

We know how to harness! If only they were fed.

Hands growing out of the ass can only reach for the chair.

Usually those who know how to work better than others know how not to work better than others.

If they pay money for it, then it's work.

The bank on my street usually has two cashiers - of course, if there are not many people. If there are a lot of people, only one works.

Beautiful phrases about work

Everyone needs competent workers, but no one who is too literate.

Work, work - and understanding will come later.

Coming back from work, you should be satisfied with the work itself and the fact that the world needs it. With this, life is heaven and it's as close as you can get to it. Without it - with a job that you hate, that is boring and that the world doesn't need - your life is hell.

The most the most beautiful phrases About work

The boss is always right. It is human nature to err.

Under socialism they were afraid of work, under capitalism they were afraid of unemployment.

Work is the last refuge of those who can't do anything else.

An intelligent boss has a deputy who is always smart.

A committee is twelve people doing the work of one.

Don't worry if something doesn't work right. If everything worked the way it should, you would be out of a job.

Homework can kill you if done right.

A new broom sweeps well - an old broom.

No activity can be stable if it is not based on self-interest.

It is terrible that eternity consists of accounting periods.

Try to achieve the impossible if you want your work to get better.

You work, you work... And instead of "thank you" - "when will it be ready?"

Leading means not interfering with good people's work.

Download beautiful phrases about work

One head is good, but two is already swelling of the managerial staff.

There is no harder job than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight.

Love your neighbor, he can become your boss.

There is a growing interest in year-round employment as Santa Claus.

If the head cooks, then everything burns in the hands.

Often, professionalism, which is visible from afar, when approached, is removed.

First you try to find justice, and when you find it, you look for another job.

A year is a period consisting of three hundred and sixty-five working disappointments.

And I myself hated all the work that I worked on under the sun, because I will leave it to a man, what will happen after, and who knows whether he will be wise or stupid - but he will own my labors.

The work of the mind knows no unemployment.

Who does not want to do anything in life, he only works for this all his life.

Not to watch the workers is to leave your wallet open to them.

If you don't like your boss, put yourself in his shoes.

They earn bread with their hands, and butter with their heads.

Most the best workers they are not suitable for the highest positions, but they are good in secondary roles.

Not great, but does not order to lie down.

The client cannot simply be satisfied. The client must be satisfied!

Any work is difficult until you fall in love with it, and then it excites and becomes easier.

The harder the job, the easier it is to get into it.

The leader's credo: the main thing is to make a decision, and you can always justify it!..

The smaller the gear, the more it has to turn.

I work all week and don't do anything on weekends either.

From the instructions of the chief: I came, I saw, I fired ...

Funny beautiful phrases about work

Let them think what they want, as long as they pay.

To sit in your place, you need to grow into it.

Not that a lot of work, but that care, as it is not.

The best labor protection for employers is OMON and Special Forces, and the best labor protection for employees is taking care of people.

People who serve the interests of their principals well are those who thereby serve themselves.

Whoever grovels before the highest, tramples on those who are below him.

Work is sometimes something like fishing in places where there are obviously no fish.

My secretary is always nice and patient with me when I come to work after a tiring day at home.

I won't do my job for you!

Work is like riding a bicycle: if you stop pedaling, you hit the ground.

It is difficult to eradicate shortcomings while their roots are in the boss's head.

The chief must be listened to even when he is silent.

It is the most dangerous whim to think that you can do everything and that everyone needs you!

It's not your cart, it's not for you to carry it.

Another oppression on the back of others only to start arching it faster.

If you don’t feel like working for the third day, then today is Wednesday.

Stunning beautiful phrases about work

Work is an escape from demons.

Only stuntmen, in order to earn a living, break into a cake ...

Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest.

He was treated like a car's spare tire: deemed necessary, but held back.

You cannot gain something without the other person losing something.

You cannot serve beauty and power at the same time.

True productivity always gives maximum results with minimum effort, tension, on the contrary, gives quite large results only with abnormal efforts. Voltage and performance are not only not the same thing, but also directly opposite things. To work hard means to put maximum effort into the work; To work productively means to apply the minimum effort to the work.

Work is not a wolf. But the boss is a beast.

The day has many hours and you can only use this time for work. So why work hard for money! Learn to make money and people work for you so you can be free to do what is more important.

To work is to be a slave.

Difficulties await where you try to simplify.

Sometimes it is necessary to sweep out old brooms.
