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My family read the latest issue online. Review: Read the newspaper my family. Category From our table

Find interesting newspaper- this is the same as finding a spiritual friend who will help with advice in a difficult situation, distract and amuse.

Nowadays, many newspapers have ceased to exist and have been replaced by glossy glamor magazines. Some people like it, but others, like me, don’t have enough of simple pieces designed simply, without glitter or a glamorous touch.

I fell in love with the newspaper “My Family” quite by accident - I was visiting my sister, and while she was minding her own business, I picked up this newspaper and leafed through it. I liked the columns, the psychologist’s advice and the articles. My sister confirmed that the newspaper was good - it was cheap, and there was a lot to read.

Newspaper My Family

So, since then I have bought every issue of the newspaper. I practically never miss issues, because I’m used to the newspaper being my companion when relaxing at home.

I get tired at work, cook and clean at home, and when I have half an hour to rest, the newspaper “my family” is my salvation. They give me that feeling of calm that I so often want to feel in the constant race of work, cooking, cleaning.

Newspaper design

I like that the newspaper is bright, but at the same time the design is quite simple, making the newspaper inexpensive.

The newspaper consists of 32 pages, and sometimes you wish there were more of them. It happens that you read the entire newspaper, you still have a long wait until the next issue comes out, and you start re-reading old issues while relaxing.


Before talking about the sections of this newspaper that are interesting to me, I will emphasize that I liked this newspaper not so much for the sections, but for the general positive, calm and bright attitude.

Featured articles

Typically, such thematic articles raise questions about the relationship between a man and a woman, the relationship between a wife and her husband’s parents, and the communication between a mother-in-law and her grandson.

You can often see advice on raising a child in feature articles. There are a great many topics here, because we can talk about growing children endlessly.

Category Tender Age

Category Life stories

I love these stories because they give the reader the precious experience of someone else. After all, everyone knows that it is best to learn from the mistakes of others, and not from your own.

Category Family news

Here you can find interesting news about families famous people. There is no yellow press here, here are reliable facts that actually happened.

Category From our table

Recipes - complex and simple, interesting and amateurish, well-known and new: you can find something new and interesting for yourself.

I read all the recipes thoughtfully, cut out the ones I like, and then cook according to them. It almost always turns out well.

Health questions, opinions, situations. I don’t always like this section, because I don’t like reading about people in white coats. But the writing is always interesting and lively.

I always read with great interest. All advice is written clearly, but at the same time thoughtfully. I pay attention to all situations, as I often encounter ones similar to mine.

The newspaper "My Family" is an interesting publication in which you can find a little of everything good. If you are a fan of relaxing with a newspaper, then I highly advise you to read the newspaper “My Family”.

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I live in small town, population 250 thousand. There are 4 of us in the family, but since elder sister got married and lives separately, there are three of us left in the family (dad, mom and me). Well, I’ll start about everyone in order. Dad works as a locomotive receiver and earns about $1,000 a month. I work as a manufacturing engineer and earn approximately $400. Until recently, my mother did not work due to health reasons.

It all started this summer, from the time my older sister came to visit us... I decided to take out a used car loan. For this I needed $5,000, but since the house needed some minor repairs and my father needed to buy an engine for his car, I took $7,000 for 3.5 years and am now paying a little more than $200 for it. Meanwhile, my mother and sister decided to open their own business and persuaded their father to take out a loan for $5,000 (at a time when he already had other loans). With the money they received from their father, their mother and sister rented grocery store. Rent costs approximately $330, excise tax on alcohol $130, light, heating, etc. $130. In total, if you add everything up, you need 590 dollars, well, let’s round it up to 600 dollars. In total, while everything was being processed, they were able to take only $2,700 worth of goods. Well, we traded, then my sister left and my mother hired a saleswoman. In short, if we take the amount that was necessary for us to repay the loan and services, it was $900. Mom brought food into the house, in general they didn’t spend anything on anything, didn’t buy anything, and lived generally normally, it would seem they should have even saved up some money. But one December morning I did not know what had happened.

A month before, we decided to take a quarter of the horse's carcass. The entire carcass cost $1,500. And my father, as luck would have it, didn’t receive enough of the $550 that we needed to pay as an advance. Then the amount of 1500 was divided among four. And the people sharing our share gave us $1,100. My parents, not only did not save a penny, managed to spend all the money, since they had nothing to pay for loans, while I regularly pay mine on my own and at the same time manage to give part of my small income to my mother.

And the point was this: in order to cover the monthly expenses for the seller, rent, etc., my mother needed about $700 (this does not include her own income). The store brings in revenue of about $500 a month, while the quantity of goods has doubled, but the revenue has remained the same. Naturally, my mother considers herself a brilliant entrepreneur, and it doesn’t matter at all that not only does she not receive anything, but she also throws $200 down the drain every month. The main thing is that the amount of goods has increased! Now further... All December wages Dad is already paying for the entire carcass of the horse. Since the shareholders’ money was successfully spent in November, and there is nothing left to pay for the loans. Well, my parents decided that the $180 that I had left after paying off my loan would save the situation. Unfortunately, it doesn’t occur to them where they can get another 500 dollars. To which I tell them that my only jeans, which I bought a year ago, have a decently chafed hole and I need new jeans. This decision of mine was met with hostility (but they still agreed).

The most interesting thing is when I explain to my mother that I am already 27 years old and it’s time for me to start my own family, and for this I need to invite girls somewhere, naturally spend money on this, they refuse to understand me. To this day, they naively assume that 8 dollars is enough to have cultural fun with a girl, while one movie ticket costs 7 dollars. In general, I spin as best I can and find additional sources of income. It’s not even that, when I go out for a walk somewhere, my mother tells me that since you can, then I’ll start walking just like you! I explain to her that she is already married and it’s pointless for her to just go out alone, much less take me into consideration, but I’m going out precisely because I’m not married and I want to find myself a good wife, so that later, like you, I can afford to just stay home! To which, as a rule, I receive a not entirely clear answer, but from my mother’s face you can understand that I did not convince her.

I'll come back to money again. I explained to my mother that running a store is not very profitable, that with those 200 dollars that you spend for nothing, we could simply buy groceries for home and we would even remain in the black. He also explained that by selling all the goods, we would be able to repay at least part of the loans, and the money we received with our father would be enough to live normally. To which, as expected, I received a completely feminine answer: “Now you and your father live on your own money, and I live on the money I earned from the store!” I tried to dissuade her, I told her, “Mom, you are at a loss every month, the only thing that supported your store was the money that your dad gave you. What is your income, it’s part of dad’s pay.....” To which my mother asked me not to fool her, and went to bed angry.

Today the Internet is very popular. Every day more and more people use it, and among them there are people different ages. If previously only young people “sat” on the Internet, now you can also see people of the older generation using smartphones and laptops.

No wonder, because many people want to keep up with the times. Unfortunately, with the Internet firmly integrated into our lives, paper printing is disappearing. Yes, today you can still buy various printed materials in kiosks, markets, and shops. But its circulation, and therefore its popularity, is not at all what it was before. Many people blame the Internet for this. Fortunately, most newspapers and magazines have found a way out and are now actively working on their electronic resources.

Read the newspaper "My Family"

You can still read the newspaper "My Family" both in print and in in electronic format. When I was studying at the university, I came across this publication several times during the preparation of various reports. I had to study various articles, and, in principle, the newspaper itself. In ordinary life I cannot call myself a fan of this newspaper. Although my relatives and friends read it from time to time.

The publisher of "My Family" is LLC "Publishing House "My Family"". The newspaper was first published more than 16 years ago, namely in 2000. A distinctive feature of this press is that you are unlikely to find articles covering the latest political news, learn about the details of elections, or read information about certain current events. No, the newspaper is more designed for ordinary person who is willing to find out what is going on in other people's lives. The newspaper very often publishes letters from readers, in which they even share their most secret things. The topics are different: family relationships, love, building a career, some intrigues, life difficulties that are close to many.

It should be noted that the newspaper has a rather light style. Many articles are read, as they say, “without tension.” I think the newspaper has found its readers thanks to the fact that here you can always find something in common with everyone. After all, you must admit that very often we face the same problems in life. As a minus, I can note that many articles are long. For the modern press this is tantamount to a step backwards.

In general, I have the feeling that the newspaper used to be more interesting and vibrant. For example, when I looked through the issues of 2000-2005, I found much more interesting and up-to-date information than in modern rooms. By the way, the newspaper used to be black and white, now it is bright and color.

You can buy it at almost any kiosk that sells newspapers. “My Family” costs around 30 rubles.

As I noted earlier, in addition to the printed version, the newspaper also has its own website. Frankly, from my point of view, he does not keep up with the times. It looks rather unprogressive, simple and even boring. A standard header, the presence of advertising and information that is not always updated does not give it any charm. But, considering how connected people are to the Internet today, it is not very correct to treat their electronic resource in this way. Although it is worth understanding that a good website is always an expensive and costly endeavor. And not all companies have the necessary financial resources for it.

This is what it looks like home page site.

And here is the “talking” rubricator.

The website of the newspaper "My Family", among other things, invites its visitors to subscribe or buy and read an issue of the newspaper "Online". The price per room, in this case, is only 14 rubles. It's very, very cheap.

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