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Presentation "Aquarium fish" presentation for a lesson (middle group) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "aquarium fish" Presentation for children on the topic aquarium fish

Where do fish live?





R. . A

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fish that live in fresh water

fish that live in salt water of seas and oceans

What would you like to know ?

  • Who else lives in the aquarium?
  • What should be in the aquarium?
  • What fish live in the aquarium?
  • What do they eat?
  • Why do we need aquarium fish?
  • What do we need to know about aquarium fish?
  • What questions should be answered?

And so that we don’t forget what we need to know, questions will prompt us:

Questions appear on the board: WHO? HOW? WHICH? HOW? FOR WHAT?

Animals in the aquarium

What kind of work do they do?

Why do I have to constantly blow out air and often change the water in the aquarium?

Misha and Masha turn to you for help. You know that they are always arguing with each other and cannot decide who is right.

What important inhabitant did Misha want to talk about? (seaweed)

What role do algae play?

You forgot to place one of the the most important inhabitants

What does it mean to start an aquarium? (there should be….. in the aquarium)

It’s not enough to buy an aquarium, you also need to “start it up”


  • Guppy- This is the most popular aquarium fish. This is the most unpretentious fish; it can live without food for 2 weeks. It feeds on dry food and algae. Guppy does not lay eggs, but gives birth to fry.

Homeland South America. (? map)


Sword bearer. This fish has a long sword-like process on its tail, which is why it was called the swordtail. There are swordsmen with two, three, and even five swords. The female does not have such a sword.

They are not picky about food, but be sure to add plant food. Swordtails are viviparous fish, and in order to preserve the fry, females are placed separately before spawning. The fry are fed dry food. Homeland Central America, Northern Mexico


These are catfish. With their large mustaches they are very similar to our river catfish. They love to lie at the bottom of the aquarium or hide somewhere in a secluded place. If the catfish is lying down, it means it is not hungry. Catfish are the orderlies of the aquarium; they eat food debris at its bottom. Catfish periodically rise to the surface in order to capture an air bubble. Homeland South America, Brazil


Barbs. This is a hardy and attractive fish. We have about 20 species. These small fish are fed with daphnia, Cyclops, bloodworms, and a variety of dry food. A net is placed at the bottom of the aquarium. In the absence of a net, most of the spawned eggs will simply be eaten by the fish. Barbus was born in China and Japan.

Angelfish. The most original thing about this fish is the shape of its body, forming a triangle. Americans call it - fish - angel. Angelfish are pugnacious and timid. If you knock sharply on the walls of the aquarium, the fish begin to rush around the aquarium or hide in a gap between the stones and may die there.

Angelfish grow up to 15 centimeters or more, so they need a spacious aquarium. Fish readily eat all aquarium food of animal origin. Angelfish care for their offspring. The homeland of angelfish is South America, the reservoirs of the Amazon.


Cockerels. These fish are very bright - cockerels. They come in different colors: red, blue, and green. And they called them cockerels because of their character, they are too cocky. As soon as two cockerels meet, they will definitely start a fight. They jump up and try to bite each other. All the fins will be torn off, only shreds will remain. But it’s not scary, their fins will grow back.




This is a gourami. Gourami have thin and long antennae. These are pectoral fins. When a gourami becomes interested in something, it sticks its antennae forward and uses them to feel what is ahead. And he feels algae, and glass, and small snails. And when he meets another fish, he pats it with his antennae, as if saying hello.


Goldfish. The ancestor of goldfish is the crucian carp. Color ranges from yellow-golden to fiery red. She is easily tamed and quickly develops conditioned reflexes to light and sound.

Veiltail.– These are short-bodied goldfish. The caudal fin is forked. Some fish have scales and some don't. Veiltails are very slow and do not live long


predict the weather




The guys told a lot of interesting things. But why?

Look at our plan. Have we answered all the questions?

Would you like to create an aquarium yourself?

Let's get started (teamwork - application - aquarium)

the path to knowledge of science

Our aquarium

Creative work in groups.

Exhibition of works


Found out

I was surprised


What was unusual in the lesson?

I remembered

Elena Nikolaevna
Presentation “Aquarium fish”

The most common object in kindergarten is aquarium with fish.

Children of any age can be involved in observation and care. Properly selected, decorated and occupied aquarium is a model of a natural reservoir, a mini-eco-system in which all components (water, lighting, plants, animals, etc.) are in the right proportion and create an ecological balance.

Environmental education primarily involves cultivating the desire and ability to communicate with nature. Aquarium found in many gardens. Typically, educators offer preschoolers to feed the fish, watch their movements, develop in the child a sense of responsibility for other creatures, and show the beauty and diversity, the fragility of the existence of the underwater world.

Draw children's attention to the inhabitants an aquarium is possible, if you develop a conditioned reflex in the fish to eat food. Each time, before placing food in the feeder, you need to knock on the glass, and then immediately throw a treat into the water. After several such daily repetitions fish They will swim to the feeder only when they hear a knock on the glass.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group using ICT “Aquarium fish” Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group using ICT “Aquarium fish” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”,.

OOD abstract on drawing “Fishes play, fish sparkle” Materials/literature: sheets of blue paper (of the same size if a collective album is being compiled), colored paper and scissors.

Lesson notes for the middle group “Aquarium fish” Goal: to develop children's ideas about fish as living creatures living in water, having a typical structure - body shape, fins, tail.

Lesson notes for the second junior group “Aquarium fish”. Integration: communication, artistic creativity, cognition, socialization.

It’s great when you have an aquarium in your house and different fish frolic in it. I want to catch a fish, pick it up and make a wish. And if.

Type of lesson: Generalization and consolidation of knowledge and skills. Type of activity: Thematic lesson. Goals: Create an image of an aquarium with unique.

Outline of the OD in the middle group “The fish are playing, the fish are sparkling” in the form of an application made of colored paper Purpose: To give an idea about fish, the structure of their body, method of movement, and way of life. Objectives: Lay the foundations of environmental protection.

Outline of a lesson on speech development “Aquarium fish” Goals: Expanding and clarifying the dictionary

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Aquarium and its inhabitants »

The whole huge world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. And I will discover them all my life, because this is the most interesting, most exciting activity in the world! V. Bianchi

We live in water, but without water we will be lost. I don’t walk on the ground, I don’t look up, I don’t make nests, but I bring out babies.

Where do fish live?

There is a pond on the window, fish live in it. There are no fishermen on the glass shores. AQUARIUM – “aqua” in Greek means water. An artificial reservoir intended for keeping fish, other aquatic animals and plants.

Objectives: 1) learn how to properly create an aquarium; 2) find out what contributes to the normal living conditions of plants and animals in the aquarium

An aquarium is an ecosystem with a closed cycle of substances III All-Russian distance competition “Master of Multimedia Technologies”

Water Chlorine is dangerous for fish! Conclusion: to maintain the aquarium ecosystem you need prepared water

Soil - soil Important: the soil should not have sharp edges; Before placing it in the aquarium, the soil must be washed to remove dirt. It's better to boil

Lamp - light Conclusion: aquarium inhabitants need moderate, but sufficient lighting

Oxygen Important: necessary for fish to breathe. The compressor is an additional source of oxygen »

Various algae live in the aquarium: »


Aquarium fish: »

GUPPI is one of the most common and favorite aquarium fish (species). With the help of humans, guppies have spread throughout the globe. The body length of males is up to 3 cm, females – 5 cm. The color of the body and fins of each male is individual and consists of a pattern of black and colored spots. There are several types of guppies. Females have a full abdomen and are colored uniformly in gray and brown tones. The fins are transparent. Anyone can keep guppies; they are very unpretentious.

GOLDFISH is a domesticated version of the goldfish that was brought to Europe in the seventeenth century as a result of the work of Chinese breeders. The maximum size of a goldfish is 59 cm, the maximum weight is 4.5 kg. The goldfish's life expectancy record is 49 years, although it usually lives up to 20 years, and in aquarium conditions from six to eight years.

BATTLING FISH OR COCKER: size 6 cm, smooth color red, blue, purple, green, yellow, white, black or a combination of these colors. The male is larger and very bright. The female is smaller and paler than the male. The female can lay up to 600 eggs. In captivity, fish live up to two and a half years.

akara amanda apistograms

astronotus barbsveiltail barbs

gourami zebrafish dermogenis discus

cardinal congo, or congo-tetra copella labeo

lalius macropods melanothenia swordtail

neon armored catfish pulcher bettas

fish butterflies thorns fish marker


A fish swims in the water A fish wants to play A fish, a mischievous fish We want to catch you. The fish arched its back The fish took the bread crumb The fish waved its tail The fish quickly swam away Physical exercise

My friends in my circle have never given me a prize. But I can swim across many people with excellent breaststroke.

"Scavengers" pond snails Physa luzhanka

horny coil

Stones, shells, and corals decorate the aquarium.

What shape are fish eyes?

What color are the fish's eyes?

Are the fish's eyes big or small?

What do fish eat?

Collect the fish

Collect a picture

What did the artist get wrong?

Fish are found in the water, in the river, in the lake, everywhere. And she dived into the aquarium, she waved her tail at the children, you take care of the fish, don’t forget to feed it, and then it will always make you happy

Who did you meet in class today? What is the name of the house where the fish live? How should you behave around an aquarium?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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N.O.D. "Aquarium fish"

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Slide captions:

Aquarium fish

The aquatic world of fish We know much less about the life of the inhabitants of fresh water bodies than about the habits of animals and birds. The aquarium offers us the opportunity to get acquainted with the underwater kingdom, fabulously beautiful and mysterious. So, you have an aquarium in your home. Don't rush to populate it with fish. Fill the new aquarium with water for several days, then drain it and wipe the glass. Place soil at the bottom - clean river sand or pebbles, and plant aquatic plants. After the plants have established themselves in the soil, you need to pour clean water into the aquarium and you can add fish.

Aquarium fish react differently to water temperature. Some of them like cold water, others warmer. Goldfish and bass live in cold water and are very sensitive to lack of oxygen.

More unpretentious warm-water and viviparous fish: guppies, swordtails and platies. They are very prolific and hatch fry every 30 days in the summer.


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There is a large group of fish that do not hatch fry, but lay eggs. Angelfish are popular among them. They prefer warm and clean water; it is better to keep angelfish in a separate aquarium; these fish do not get along well with their neighbors.

Betta fish are unusual. They breathe not only oxygen dissolved in water, but also air. From time to time, the fish rise to the surface and gasp for air.

Barbus Lyalius

Feed the fish once a day, in the morning or evening. The fry need the smallest food. Adult fish are given small crustaceans such as daphnia and cyclops, as well as bloodworms. Fish should not be overfed. No aquarium can do without plants. They not only decorate the water area, but also provide food and shelter for fish. During the daytime, plants produce oxygen, ensuring the vital functions of all inhabitants of the aquarium.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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“The world around fish” - Needle fish. Think about why sea fish are named this way? Dorsal. Who caught the dragonfly's attention? Svetly, 2008. Sea fish. Aquarium fish. Crucian carp. Pectoral fin. Author: Goloborodko G.V., primary school teacher. Physical exercise. Svetlovsk secondary school. Pike. Water is the habitat of fish.

“Animals of the Ocean” - In total, 40 species of dolphin-like animals live in the World Ocean. Bottlenose dolphins are especially numerous off the eastern coast of the United States, as well as in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Common dolphins live in temperate and warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. A shark does not swim in the ocean alone. Let's talk now about guinea pigs. Annotation.

“The World of the Aquarium” - Learning poetry. Expand children's knowledge about aquarium fish and plants. Organizing an excursion to a pet store. Celebration "Housewarming of the Fishes". Watching the cartoon "Finding Nemo". Purchase of fish, plants, food, aquarium, necessary care equipment. Understanding the underwater world through design and research activities.

“Structure of fish” - The science that studies fish... General characteristics of fish. Ability to dissolve various substances – sense of smell Fluidity – lateral line organs. The body shape is spherical. Laboratory work. "External structure and features of movement of fish." Target. Able to sense a drop of blood several hundred meters away. Fish - hedgehog.

"Aquarium" - Swordbearer. Catfish. Topic: An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem. An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem. Angelfish. Guppy. An aquarist is a person who breeds fish. They give carbon dioxide and minerals, and receive oxygen and organic substances. Captain Cousteau. Piscia. Fern.

“River fish” - Pike is a predatory fish of freshwater. The tail fin and fins are red. Carp. Sea bass is a relative of river perch and has a red color. The body of the catfish is covered with a thick layer of mucus. Sharks are predators. Sea fish: herring, cod, shark, sea bass, flounder and others. I don’t walk or fly, but try to catch up!

There are 21 presentations in total
