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RSM top audit. Audit and consulting group "rsm top-audit". Partners of "RSM Top-Audit" divided the business

Audit and Consulting Group (AKG) "RSM Top-Audit" is one of the leaders in the Russian market of audit and consulting services and has been successfully operating since 1992.

RSM Top-Audit, according to the magazine Expert (dated March 22, 2010), ranked 7th among the largest Russian audit and consulting groups in 2009.

"RSM Top-Audit" is a full member of RSM International (RSM), which ranks 6th among the largest international audit and consulting organizations and is represented in more than 80 countries around the world.

RSM provides professional services to several thousand leading international companies, including auditing over 500 companies whose shares are listed on international stock exchanges.

"RSM Top-Audit" uses the unified basic methods and standards of RSM International, as well as in-house auditing standards developed by the specialists of "RSM Top-Audit".

RSM Top-Audit Group has many years of experience working with large joint-stock companies and state enterprises the most important sectors of the economy (fuel and energy complex, communications and telecommunications, metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry, construction, trade, transport and others), including with companies that are among the 200 largest companies Russia.

"RSM Top-Audit" has constant business contacts with federal authorities government controlled, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Property Management Agency, the Ministry of Taxation, the Ministry of Industry and Energy and others, providing advice and work commissioned by federal authorities. The company also cooperates with regional authorities, including the government of Moscow, Tyumen regions, Udmurtia, etc.

We have extensive experience in advising the administrations of the subjects of the Russian Federation on a wide range of issues affecting the interests of the regions (economics and finance, legislative issues, etc.).

"RSM Top-Audit" is approved as an expert of the Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation (FEC of Russia).

The Group is accredited with the World Bank (WB) for the right to audit non-commercial projects financed by the WB in Russia
"RSM Top-Audit" is the founder and full member of the Institute professional auditors Russia (IPAR), a member of the Audit Chamber of Russia (APR).

The professional liability of RSM Top-Audit is insured by a Russian insurance company limited liability"National insurance house".

All our services are focused on your success

The most important task for us is to contribute to the growth of your business. Our services are designed to help your company succeed not only in the Russian but also in the international market. Our experience in the field of audit, accounting and consulting in the main sectors of financial and economic activity is used, among other things, to increase the value of companies. All services we offer are aimed at ensuring the growth of the company.

"RSM Top-Audit" conducts:

*audit for Russian and international standards;
*environmental audit
*bank audit
*methodology accounting and taxation;
*complex analysis financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
*Comprehensive restructuring of a company or group of companies;
*financial consulting, management consulting, tax consulting, IT consulting, budget consulting, legal consulting;
*examination of land rights and their legal registration, examination of rights to real estate (including those obtained during privatization);
* protecting the interests of the client in government bodies and arbitration courts;
*legal support investment projects;
*legal support competitions and protection of the rights of their participants;
*assessment, including business, credit institutions, licenses, trademarks, damage to property;
*marketing research; consulting seminars

Our business reputation

The high professionalism of the group and its contribution to the development of Russian audit methodology has been recognized in business circles, state federal and regional bodies, among the professional audit community in Russia and abroad.

Specializing in audit defense enterprises ACF "Top-Audit" disputes through the court the suspension of its membership in self-regulatory organization(SRO) for two months. This decision was made by the Federal Treasury - the inspectors accused the auditor of multiple violations, among which one of the grossest was a violation of the rules of independence. Such serious claims by the supervisory authority can hurt not only the reputation of the company itself, but also its partners, experts point out.

On August 22, the Moscow Arbitration Court appointed consideration of the claim of ACF "Top-Audit" to the Federal Treasury (FC). The auditors are challenging the Treasury's decision to suspend the company's membership in the SRO for 60 days. During this period, the company can continue to service old contracts, but is deprived of the opportunity to enter into new ones. As reported on the FC website, the audit in the company took place from February 10 to April 10, 2017. The company's membership in SRO RSA is suspended for violation of the code professional ethics auditors, for violating auditing standards, violating the law "On Auditing" and violating the rules of independence audit organizations, indicated on the website of the FC.

Both the term and the grounds for the suspension of Top-Audit's membership in the SRO surprised market participants. "In my memory, at least for recent times, none of the major audit companies has received an order to suspend membership for such a long period of time,” said Leonid Blinkov, chairman of the Interregional Trade Union of Auditors, Accountants and Financial Workers. The interlocutors of Kommersant, who are familiar with the situation, assure that Top-Audit provided one of its clients and consulting services, and auditing services, and it is because of this that he received such a tough prescription.

ACF "Top-Audit" does not occupy top positions in the rating of audit companies, but in fact is closely related to another audit company - "RSM Rus" (8th place in the rating), which is a member of the international network RSM International. "RSM Rus" previously had 100% in the authorized capital of "Top-Audit", but then the companies de jure split up. Such a division allows ACF "Top-Audit" to have a license from the FSB, which gives access to the audit of defense companies, the company of the international network will not receive such access. Among the most serious clients of ACF "Top-Audit" is PJSC UAC.

Valery Goreglyad, Chief Auditor of the Bank of Russia, January 12, 2017

The topic of audit quality should be given paramount attention ... Either this is intent for some reason, or this is the absolute lowest level of professionalism

Top-Audit does not disclose what kind of violations the FC found as part of the audit. “The results of the audit immediately caused, to put it mildly, bewilderment,” notes Yevgeny Shokhor, member of the board of AFK Top-Audit. 2017, while the decision on us was made on June 13.” “From August 13, membership in the SRO will be automatically restored, and therefore we do not see any problems for our work and business reputation,” he added. Given this, it is not obvious why the company started a lawsuit with the Federal Treasury. “All the details, as usual, will be available on the judicial portal after the decision is published,” Top-Audit noted.

The court will essentially consider the auditors' claim against the Treasury after the end of the suspension of membership in the SRO. Nevertheless, the meaning of such a court is, experts say. “Obviously, a good name is of great importance for an auditor, and it always makes sense to fight for it,” says Dmitry Matveev, managing partner of Dmitry Matveev and Partners. similar violations will take into account the fact judgment on this matter." When losing in court, Top-Audit loses nothing, he summed up.

The results of future tenders also depend on the success of the auditors in court. “Even the suspension of membership in an SRO several years ago forces us to explain in detail to clients during tenders what it was connected with,” says a source from the market. “A client can either heed the auditor’s arguments or decide not to risk it.”

At the same time, market participants point out that the suspension of membership in SRO Top-Audit carries risks for its partner RSM Rus. Although, according to Yevgeny Shokhor, since the end of 2013, AKF Top-Audit and RSM Rus have not been affiliated, SRO RSA, which includes Top-Audit, was recommended to contact RSM Rus'". In addition, the secretary of "Top-Audit" switches to the specialists of "RSM Rus" and vice versa, both companies are located at the same address. Clients of "RSM Rus" are much larger organizations than those of "Top-Audit", for example, the state corporation "Rostec". Official representative State Corporation said yesterday: "We will carefully study the issue." Subject to the restoration of membership in the SRO, Rostec is ready to consider cooperation with the company, but with a significant loss in assessing the reputation and quality of work.

Veronika Goryacheva, Yulia Polyakova

Audit and Consulting Group (ACG) "RSM Top-Audit" is one of the leaders in the Russian market of audit and consulting services and has been successfully operating since 1992. According to the Expert magazine (No. 12 dated March 24, 2008), RSM Top-Audit ranked 6th among the largest Russian audit and consulting groups in 2007.

RSM Top-Audit is a full member of RSM International (RSM), which ranks 7th among the largest international audit and consulting organizations and is represented in more than 80 countries around the world.

RSM provides professional services to several thousand leading international companies, including auditing over 500 companies listed on international stock exchanges.

RSM Top-Audit uses the unified basic methods and standards of RSM International, as well as in-house auditing standards developed by RSM Top-Audit specialists.

The RSM Top-Audit Group has many years of experience working with large joint-stock companies and state-owned enterprises in the most important sectors of the economy (fuel and energy complex, communications and telecommunications, metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry, construction, trade, transport, and others), including with companies belonging to among the 200 largest companies in Russia.

RSM Top-Audit has constant business contacts with federal government bodies, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Property Management Agency, the Tax Ministry, the Ministry of Industry and Energy and others, providing advice and work on orders from federal authorities. The company also cooperates with regional authorities, including the government of Moscow, Tyumen regions, Udmurtia, etc. We have extensive experience in advising the administrations of the subjects of the Russian Federation on a wide range of issues affecting the interests of the regions (economics and finance, legislative issues, etc.).

The group is accredited with the World Bank (WB) for the right to audit non-commercial projects financed by the WB in Russia. RSM Top-Audit is the founder and full member of the Institute of Professional Auditors of Russia (IPAR), a member of the Audit Chamber of Russia (APR).

The professional liability of RSM Top-Audit is insured by the Russian insurance organization National Insurance House Limited Liability Company. The most important task for us is to contribute to the growth of your business. Our services are designed to help your company succeed not only in the Russian but also in the international market. Our experience in the field of audit, accounting and consulting in the main sectors of financial and economic activity is used, among other things, to increase the value of companies. All services we offer are aimed at ensuring the growth of the company.

Audit and consulting group "RSM Top-Audit" was founded in 1992.

It is part of the international network of independent audit companies RSM International. It is accredited by the London and New York Stock Exchanges. Among the group's clients are OAO Federal Grid Company UES", OJSC" Mosenergo", FSUE " Post office", OJSC" Svyazinvest", OJSC" Gazprom", OJSC" Severstal", OJSC" Aeroflot", OJSC" RusHydro", OJSC" Russian Technologies", OJSC" MTS", GK " Avtodor", OJSC" Rosneft", OJSC" Russian Railways", OJSC" First channel", OJSC" Sberbank of Russia" and etc.

Performance indicators


According to Expert magazine, ACG RSM Top-Audit ranked 9th among the largest Russian audit and consulting groups in 2012 (total revenue - more than 2.6 billion rubles).


2013: Partners "RSM Top-Audit" divided business

Since November 1, 2013, two independent companies have been operating on the market: the auditing company RSM Rus and the consulting company AKF Top-Audit.

The partners of RSM Rus were Elena Loss, Nina Danzer and Tatyana Gazeeva. The company specializes in audit and related services.

Roman Lerner and Evgeny Shokhor will independently develop AKF Top-Audit, the main activities of which will be reporting and valuation under IFRS, as well as automating the financial and economic activities of clients.

700 out of 1100 employees of RSM Top-Audit remained working in the audit company RSM Rus, the rest moved to consulting business Roman Lerner and Evgeny Shokhor.

The decision to divide the business was made by the Board of Partners in the summer of 2013. The deal closed on November 1st.

The reason for the division of the business was given by the founder of the RSM Top-Audit group and the head of RSM Rus, Elena Loss: “The formal reason was the recommendation of the RSM International network to bring its names to a single standard: RSM plus the name of the territory of presence (while the legal independence of the network members is fully preserved ). But some of the partners did not want to lose the name "Top-Audit", which has been recognizable in the market for more than 20 years and enjoys the well-deserved respect of customers. In addition, two businesses actually worked in the company - auditing and consulting, and the decision to separate them came by itself.
Evgeny Shokhor, managing partner of AKF Top-Audit, said that the division process took place in a friendly, calm atmosphere, “after all, the audit and consulting business is originally a partner business, intellectual, built on client portfolios, and not on some kind of tangible assets . In the end, each partner left with their portfolio of clients and their team.” In his opinion, "in the future, the division of businesses can increase the portfolio of orders for each of the companies by 20-30%."