Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Finexpertiza company. Vacancies of FinExpertiza. Participation in the network of audit organizations

TIN / KPP: 7708096662 / 771401001 Authorized capital: 20 million rub. Number of staff: 103 Number of founders: 2 Date of registration: 29.08.2002 Status: Current

It is included in the register of small and medium-sized businesses: from 01.08.2016 as a medium-sized company

Contact Information:

Company details:

TIN: 7708096662

Checkpoint: 771401001

OKPO: 46410559

OGRN: 1027739127734

OKFS: 16 - Private property

OKOGU: 4210014 - Organizations founded by legal entities or citizens, or legal entities and citizens jointly

OKOPF: 12300 - Societies with limited liability

OKTMO: 45348000000

OKATO:- Khoroshevsky, Severny, City of Moscow



main (according to OKVED code rev.2): 69.20 - Activities for the provision of services in the field accounting, financial audit, tax consulting

Additional activities according to OKVED 2:

66.19.4 Activities for the provision of advisory services on financial intermediation
68.31.5 Provision of intermediary services in the valuation of real estate for a fee or on a contractual basis
69.10 Activities in the field of law
70.10.1 Activities for the management of financial and industrial groups
70.10.2 Holding company management activities
70.22 Advice on issues commercial activities and management
73.20.1 Market Research
82.99 Other business support service activities n.e.c.


Is or was a former founder of the following organizations:

Registration in the Pension Fund Russian Federation:

Registration number: 087216024307

Date of registration: 30.05.2018

Name of the PFR body: State institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 5 for Moscow and the Moscow Region, municipal district Khoroshevsky, Moscow

State registration registration number of entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2187748436820


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 772000238477201

Date of registration: 08.09.1997

Name of the FSS authority: Branch №20 State institution- Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

State registration registration number of entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 8167748415300

Date of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 09.09.2016

According to dated March 20, 2020, according to the TIN, the company is included in the register of operators processing personal data:

Registration number:

Date of registration of the operator in the register: 19.07.2011

Grounds for entering the operator in the register (order number): 596

Operator location address: Moscow, pr-kt Leningradsky, 47, building 3, office. X, fl. 3, room one

Start date of personal data processing: 05.05.1997

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Moscow, Moscow Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Novosibirsk Region, Republic of Mari El, Rostov Region, Ryazan Region, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk Region, Tyumen Region

Purpose of personal data processing: for the purpose of: maintaining personnel records, fulfilling the requirements of the RF labor legislation, RF tax legislation, RF legislation on compulsory social insurance and mandatory pension insurance, carrying out commercial activities provided for by the Charter of FinExpertiza LLC - audit and appraisal activities

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: To ensure the security of personal data, the following measures are taken: a) a regime has been introduced to ensure the security of the premises in which the information system is located, preventing the possibility of uncontrolled entry or stay in these premises of persons who do not have the right to access these premises (hereinafter referred to as the Premises), which is achieved by : - equipment of the Premises entrance doors with locks, ensuring that the doors of the Premises are permanently locked and opened only for authorized passage, sealing the Premises at the end of the working day, - the rules for access to the Premises during working and non-working hours, as well as emergency situations, are approved, - the list of persons entitled to access is approved to the Premises, b) storage of personal data on removable machine media is prohibited. Passwords are set on all computers, incl. on which the processing of personal data is carried out. c) Local acts on the processing of personal data have been developed: the personal data processing policy at FinExpertiza LLC, the regulation on the processing and security of personal data at FinExpertiza LLC. Internal control over the compliance of the processing of personal data with the Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and the regulations adopted in accordance with it is carried out. legal acts, requirements for the protection of personal data. The list of persons whose access to personal data processed in the information system is necessary for the performance of their official (labor) duties was approved by the head of FinExpertiza LLC. Employees directly involved in the processing of personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including including requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the organization's policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data. d) information systems (databases) are used that ensure the protection of information that have passed the procedure for assessing compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information security. e) accounting for machine carriers of personal data is ensured. f) security and fire alarms are installed in the building, information on paper is stored in safes or lockers, places for storing personal data are determined, physical security of information systems ( technical means and information carriers), which provides for control of access to the premises of information systems of unauthorized persons, the presence of reliable barriers to unauthorized entry into the premises of information systems and storage of information carriers, video surveillance is installed, g) security tools: anti-virus information protection tools are used, identification and verification are carried out user authentication at login information system by password, the availability of means of restoring the personal data protection system, means of protecting information from unauthorized access are used.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, education, profession, income, state of health, TIN, telephone number, series and number of the citizen's passport, by whom and when issued, subdivision code , birth certificate number, by whom and when issued, medical policy, insurance certificate

Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: owned by: employees who are or have been members of labor relations with LLC "FinExpertiza", children of employees, individuals who were in a contractual relationship with LLC "FinExpertiza"

List of actions with personal data: Mixed processing (collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, destruction, depersonalization). Information obtained during the processing of personal data is transmitted over the internal network of the legal entity and is available only to strictly defined employees of the legal entity

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Guided by: Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 153-F3 “On Personal Data”, Art. 85-90 Labor Code RF, art. 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees of FinExpertiza LLC, the Charter of the organization, art. 10-11 federal law dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-F3 "On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation", art. 3.18 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2008 N 307-FZ "On Auditing"

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location details: Russia

Information on income and expenses according to the Federal Tax Service dated October 19, 2019 according to TIN 7708096662:

YearIncomeExpensesIncome - Expenses
2018 432 602 000 rub. 418 713 000 rub. 13 889 000 rub.

Information on the amounts of taxes and fees paid according to the Federal Tax Service dated 10/19/2019 according to TIN 7708096662:

2018 income tax4 003 360 rub.
2018 Corporate property tax253 rub.
2018 Insurance premiums for compulsory health insurance of the working population credited to the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund3 944 820 rub.
2018 Insurance and other contributions to compulsory pension insurance credited to Pension Fund Russian Federation16 555 900 rub.
2018 value added tax43 047 200 rub.
2018 Insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood159 421 rub.
2018 Transport tax83 614 rub.

Financial statements (accounting figures):
The codeIndicatorMeaningUnit.
F1.1110Intangible assets19995 thousand rub.
F1.1120Research and development results0 thousand rub.
F1.1130Intangible search assets0 thousand rub.
F1.1140Tangible Exploration Assets0 thousand rub.
F1.1150fixed assets18829 thousand rub.
F1.1160Profitable investments in material values0 thousand rub.
F1.1170Financial investments222 thousand rub.
F1.1180Deferred tax assets1327 thousand rub.
F1.1190Other noncurrent assets4129 thousand rub.
Ф1.1100Total for section I - Non-current assets 44502 thousand rub.
F1.1210Stocks13445 thousand rub.
Ф1.1220Value added tax on acquired valuables53 thousand rub.
F1.1230Receivables126053 thousand rub.
Ф1.1240Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)0 thousand rub.
Ф1.1250Cash and cash equivalents1864 thousand rub.
F1.1260Other current assets2186 thousand rub.
Ф1.1200Total for section II - Current assets 143601 thousand rub.
Ф1.1600BALANCE (asset) 188103 thousand rub.
F1.1310Authorized capital(share capital, authorized capital, contributions of comrades)20000 thousand rub.
F1.1320Own shares repurchased from shareholders0 thousand rub.
F1.1340Revaluation of non-current assets0 thousand rub.
F1.1350Additional capital (without revaluation)0 thousand rub.
Ф1.1360Reserve capital0 thousand rub.
F1.1370Retained earnings (uncovered loss)25908 thousand rub.
Ф1.1300Total for Section III- Capital and reserves 45908 thousand rub.
F1.1410Borrowed funds164 thousand rub.
F1.1420Deferred tax liabilities1838 thousand rub.
Ф1.1430Estimated liabilities0 thousand rub.
Ф1.1450Other liabilities0 thousand rub.
Ф1.1400Total for Section IV - Long-term liabilities 2002 thousand rub.
F1.1510Borrowed funds48537 thousand rub.
Ф1.1520Accounts payable86140 thousand rub.
F1.1530revenue of the future periods0 thousand rub.
F1.1540Estimated liabilities5516 thousand rub.
F1.1550Other liabilities0 thousand rub.
Ф1.1500Total for section V - Current liabilities 140193 thousand rub.
Ф1.1700BALANCE (passive) 188103 thousand rub.
F2.2110Revenue392264 thousand rub.
Ф2.2120Cost of sales214344 thousand rub.
Ф2.2100Gross profit (loss) 177920 thousand rub.
F2.2210Selling expenses1029 thousand rub.
F2.2220Management expenses146706 thousand rub.
Ф2.2200Profit (loss) from sales 30185 thousand rub.
F2.2310Income from participation in other organizations0 thousand rub.
F2.2320Interest receivable28 thousand rub.
Ф2.2330Percentage to be paid2716 thousand rub.
F2.2340Other income19470 thousand rub.
F2.2350other expenses38624 thousand rub.
Ф2.2300Profit (loss) before tax 8343 thousand rub.
Ф2.2410Current income tax3431 thousand rub.
Ф2.2421including permanent tax liabilities (assets)-741 thousand rub.
Ф2.2430Change in deferred tax liabilities-1622 thousand rub.
F2.2450Change in deferred tax assets-600 thousand rub.
Ф2.2460Other0 thousand rub.
Ф2.2400Net income (loss) 5934 thousand rub.
Ф2.2510The result of the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period0 thousand rub.
F2.2520Result from other operations, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period0 thousand rub.
Ф2.2500Total financial results period 5934 thousand rub.
Ф3.3600Net assets45908 thousand rub.

Nina Andreevna Kozlova CEO

FinExpertiza is a company for those who seek to build successful career who is looking for a job that provides an opportunity for self-realization, brings pleasure and a friendly, ready to help and support team. Our company is a living organism, we are always ready for development and positive changes, we create conditions for professional and career growth.

Mezina Tatyana Head of RAS projects

Zabeyda Elena Business Manager

I have been working in FinExpertiza for more than 5 years. My first position was a receptionist. I was given clear goals, and by learning to do them well, I had the confidence that I could do more. FinExpertiza always supports the development of its employees. Today I am the business manager of an international audit and consulting company.
I can say that all this time I have developed with her. After all, FinExpertiza has become the first international network created in Russia that provides highly professional services to clients in any country in the world!
Our team is moving forward at a steady pace, and we ourselves choose to be part of it.

Trukhina Alisa Senior IFRS Consultant

She came to Finexpertiza after university. It was a great joy for me that there is an opportunity for the realization of professional creative aspirations. A large number of various projects in companies with completely different specifics and fields of activity, which allows you to always find something new, interesting for yourself, for professional development.

Vodyanin Andrey Valuation expert

I came to FinExpretiza 3 years ago, already an established specialist, and I consider the beginning of work in the company one of the most successful moments in my career. The invaluable experience of mastering complex projects together with colleagues from the audit and consulting departments provides indispensable teamwork skills and understanding of the entire industry. Here I was able to take part in a wide variety of evaluation projects from various areas economics, which allowed to significantly expand the range of professional interests and competencies.

Proximity to metro, good mall

I won’t say anything bad about the personnel officer Yu. There is no dress code in the company, of course they go in what they want. She seemed quite friendly to me, she didn’t ask questions 100 times. Here is the boss, with whom I had to interview later - yes .. She reminded me very much of Arbenina of the 95s. It's amazing to see a department head with a bunch of piercings. But again, there is no dress code. Assigned by the boss...

07.12.19 11:24 Moscow cityCandidate)))

New renovated office, very close to metro

The personnel officer is a slob with an unwashed head, dressed as a bum. You can't look without tears! She asked the same questions over and over and did not listen carefully to the answers. I wanted to get up and leave after the third minute of communication! Absolutely incompetent employee. I found their ad myself, responded myself. The personnel officer did not even give feedback. What are people getting paid for? So that I live like this: do nothing, ...

18.06.19 11:13 Moscow cityAnonymous

I read the reviews and I can say that I don’t agree with many negative ones, because. Opinions are quite subjective. IN this moment I am an employee. I want to say that Finexpertiza was my first job. During the first six months of work, I was promoted, from which I can conclude that there is growth in PE! Everything depends only on the desire to develop and show really good results, and most importantly - not ...

17.06.19 13:35 Moscow cityAnna Anna,

She joined Finexpertiza in 2012. She worked until 2014. Enough to draw conclusions. Left because they offered more profitable terms. They paid well by the standards of the market. But I worked hard, often delayed. It can be seen that if you work well, then you get well too. Of course, we could pay more. But this was offset by a good relationship with my boss. She is strict...

14.06.19 18:24 Moscow cityAnonymous

I have been working in the company for almost 5 years, I brought my former colleagues here because I am proud of the place where I work and the conditions. What could be better than a leader who has gathered a team around, charged them with a common idea and leads them to a goal? We are a family, not a team. Last summer we went with the whole company to Turkey, celebrated the 20th anniversary of the company. I am so glad that I belong to this ecosystem. I...

13.06.19 23:57 Moscow cityTatyana,

fired with half a kick, do not stand on ceremony even with tops. Blackmail "employer - employee" in all poses flourishes, who wins? .... who is lucky ... violation of the law all the time, and I'm not only about labor for money, they do not fulfill obligations, neither to employees, nor to contractors

11.06.19 12:56 Moscow cityAnonymous

Office next to the subway; - a good dining room on the -1st floor; - new building; - pleasant working atmosphere; - average salary in the market (there are bonuses and indexation).

No significant benefits for employees (except for medical insurance). - For ordinary employees, only one internal training per year is possible. - One large org. an event per year is a New Year corporate party, summer corporate parties are only for anniversaries of the company, but with travel abroad. In general, Finexpertiza as an employer is quite decent! Good luck to all, competent leaders and worthy ...

11.06.19 12:46 Moscow cityAnonymous

Good afternoon! First of all, I want to thank my supervisor Evgenia for her: 1. Professionalism! 2. Patience and tolerance! 3. Enormous help! All her clues ring in the ears, at the right moments! Of course, it is a pity that there is no possibility to stay at all. There are only a few leaders like Evgenia and they are very priceless! Evgenia puts a lot of knowledge into us,...

General information

Full name: FinExpertiza Limited Liability Company

Abbreviated name: OOO "FinExpertiza"

Legal form: Limited Liability Company

State registration: entry in the Unified State Register legal entities entered on August 29, 2002, assigned to OGRN 1027739127734

Location: 125167, Moscow, Leningradsky prospect, 47, building 3, room. X, floor 3, room 1

Membership in the SRO of auditors: LLC "FinExpertiza" is a member of the Self-Regulatory Organization of Auditors "Russian Union of Auditors" (Association), abbreviated name - SRO RSA (date of inclusion in the register of SRO RSA - 01.12.2016, ORNZ 11603076287).

Shares of participants in the authorized capital: The authorized capital is distributed between two individuals, residents of the Russian Federation. share individual- the auditor is 51%.

Participation in the network of audit organizations

LLC "FinExpertiza" is a full member of the international audit and consulting network FinExpertiza, headquartered in Moscow, Russian Federation.

FinExpertiza is the first international network created in Russia, which includes independent audit, evaluation and consulting companies, who have joined forces to provide highly professional services to clients in any country in the world.

FinExpertiza network official website: https://website/about/network-finexpertiza/

Information about members of the international audit and consulting network FinExpertiza, including those in countries other than the Russian Federation, is posted on the official website of the network.

LLC "FinExpertiza-Network" is a limited liability company that coordinates the activities of all members of the FinExpertiza network, controls the use of the brand, the use by all independent members of the network of a unified approach to risk management, quality and activities in areas where it is necessary.

FinExpertiza network companies have the right to use technologies, resources and the FinExpertiza brand, and also undertake to comply with a single policy and standards established for all members of the FinExpertiza network. Companies included in the network cannot act as an agent of FinExpertiza-Set LLC or any other member of the network and are solely responsible for their actions or inaction. In turn, FinExpertiza-Set LLC cannot act as an agent of any member of the network and is solely responsible for its actions or inaction.

The only audit organization of the FinExpertiza network that audits the accounting (financial) statements (including consolidated) of organizations provided for by Part 3 of Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 307-FZ "On Auditing" is FinExpertiza LLC. The revenue of FinExpertiza LLC from the mandatory audit of the above companies for 2018 amounted to 40,862 thousand rubles.

Corporate governance system

The supreme governing body is General meeting participants.

Management of current activities is carried out by the sole executive body - the General Director.

Internal quality control system

FinExpertiza LLC has created and effectively operates an internal quality control system that complies with the scope of the company's activities and the requirements of the legislation on auditing in the Russian Federation, ISQC No. 1 "Quality control in audit organizations conducting audits and reviews of financial statements, as well as performing other assurance and performance engagements related services”, ISA No. 220 “Quality control during the audit of financial statements” and other applicable regulatory legal acts.

The policy and specific procedures for internal quality control of work to provide reasonable assurance that FinExpertiza LLC and its personnel comply with professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as that opinions and other reports issued by the Company or the Engagement Partners are appropriate in the particular circumstances, are enshrined in the internal regulation “Internal Quality Control System of FinExpertiza LLC (“SVKK”).

SVKK establishes uniform requirements to the system of quality control of services in the audit organization and applies to all tasks related to the audit activity. The established policy and specific procedures for internal quality control are binding on all company personnel and apply to all branches and representative offices of the company.

External quality control of the work of the audit organization

In 2018, FinExpertiza LLC passed an unscheduled audit of the external quality control of the work of an audit organization by the SRO Russian Union of Auditors (Association) on the issue of compliance with the Federal Law "On countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism" in during the implementation of audit activities (Minutes No. 68-18 dated December 31, 2018).

In 2016, FinExpertiza LLC passed a scheduled audit of the quality of audit activities and compliance with professional ethics on the part of SRO "Audit Chamber of Russia" (Association) (minutes No. 6 of 07/06/2016).

In 2017 and 2018, FinExpertiza LLC passed a scheduled and unscheduled field external quality check of the work of audit organizations of the Federal Treasury (acts without a number dated 11/01/2017, 12/07/2018).

At the moment, there are no disciplinary or other measures applied against FinExpertiza LLC.

Statement by the executive body of the audit organization on measures taken to ensure independence

Our approach to the provision of audit services is based on the fundamental principles of professional ethics developed by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and enshrined in the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of the International Federation of Accountants (IESBA Code), as well as in the Code of Professional Ethics of Auditors and Rules of Independence in force in the Russian Federation. auditors and audit firms approved by the Audit Board.

Policies and procedures to provide reasonable assurance that FinExpertiza LLC, its employees and, if applicable, other persons subject to the independence requirement, comply with this requirement, when required by applicable ethical standards, are enshrined in the internal regulation "Policy of Independence". This policy governs how to identify and assess circumstances and relationships that create threats to independence, take appropriate steps to eliminate or reduce such threats to an acceptable level or (if necessary) refuse to perform an assignment, as well as how to bring the requirement of independence to the attention of employees and others. subject to such a requirement.

When deciding whether to accept an assignment, there is an internal independence review. Control over the observance of independence by the company, its employees and, if applicable, other persons subject to the requirement for independence, is carried out by an authorized person of the company. All employees are required to promptly notify the authorized person of circumstances and relationships that may endanger independence so that appropriate action can be taken.

The executive body declares that FinExpertiza LLC fully complies with the requirements for independence established by Article 8 “Independence of audit organizations, auditors” of Federal Law No. 307-FZ “On Auditing Activity” and the Rules for the Independence of Auditors and Audit Organizations and takes all necessary measures for this , among other things, carries out internal verification of compliance with independence.

Statement of the executive body of the audit organization on the fulfillment by auditors of the requirement for advanced training

The executive body declares that all auditors of FinExpertiza LLC comply with the requirement established by Part 9 of Article 11 of the Federal Law No. self-regulatory organization auditors of which they are members.

Remuneration system for project managers, heads of audit teams

The system of remuneration of project managers, heads of audit teams is established employment contracts, includes fixed and variable parts of remuneration. The variable part of the remuneration is based on the assessment of the quality of work. Evaluation of the work of project managers is based on KPI; evaluation of the work of the heads of audit teams and auditors is carried out taking into account the results of certification.

Measures to ensure the rotation of senior staff in audit teams

In accordance with domestic politicians and procedures, the change of the project manager is carried out at least once every 7 years. Change of audit team leaders - at least once every three years.

Information about revenue for the last reporting year

The revenue of FinExpertiza LLC for 2018 amounted to 402,158 thousand rubles, including:

  • proceeds from the mandatory audit of accounting (financial) statements, including consolidated - 256,275 thousand rubles.
  • proceeds from conducting initiative audits, providing audit-related services, as well as other related audit activities services - 145,882 thousand rubles.