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Andrey Stepanenko Russian auction house. Andrey Stepanenko: “Auctions are cool!”

General Director of the Russian Auction House, former Director of the St. Petersburg Property Fund

"Connections / Partners"


The largest seller of state property ended up in private hands

The Russian auction house, which sells state property in Moscow and a number of other regions, has come under the control of private structures. The Kommersant newspaper writes about this with reference to the head of the auction house Andrey Stepanenko.

German Gref was taken into shares

For the first time, the government decided to sell state property through an independent operator. There is no demand for non-controlling stakes among potential buyers, therefore, according to an official of the Federal Property Management Agency, the state is ready to sell its shares in a single lot together with other shareholders of the companies if they wish to do so. “Unlike an independent operator, the Federal Property Management Agency, like any other government agency, does not have the right to conduct consolidated tenders,” explains the department official’s choice of RAD as an agent. “We had experience in the consolidated sale of state assets,” recalls RAD General Director Andrei Stepanenko. “In 2011, we sold in a single lot for 2.42 billion rubles. owned by the authorities of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and the administration of Surgut shares in the telecom operator Yugratel (acquired by MegaFon - Kommersant).”
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Andrey Stepanenko - as a seller of state assets

The auction house was created to sell non-core assets of banks, state corporations and regional authorities. However, the progenitor of this company can be considered the St. Petersburg Property Fund OJSC; it was from there that the head of the RAD, Andrei Stepanenko, and a number of company managers came from.

Andrey Stepanenko: “The dependence of business on officials has already passed, the main land plots have been sold”

The Russian Auction House (RAH) signed an agreement with Bank St. Petersburg on the implementation of a lending program for the purchase of any RAD lots. ABOUT new strategy and the current state of the auction sales market, he told the ASN-Info correspondent CEO RAD Andrey Stepanenko.

Andrey Stepanenko: “One of the key questions facing us when we start working with an asset is how to make it cost more”

General Director of Russian Auction House OJSC ANDREY STEPANENKO told KS correspondent SVETLANA GORSKINA about the principles and directions of work of the Siberian branch, as well as which clients the RAD plans to cooperate with in the region.
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Andrey Stepanenko: “We come to the region as market orderlies”

The largest Russian trading platform, created for the sale of real estate and business, came to the region. The project is being implemented jointly with OJSC Russian Auction House and the West Siberian Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia. General Director of the Russian Auction House Andrey Stepanenko told the Tyumen Region Today newspaper about the structure he heads and what Tyumen residents should expect from its activities.

Andrey Stepanenko leaves the Property Fund

Another landing of officials from the time of Valentina Matvienko decided to leave the city government. Despite the fact that the management of the property block was entrusted to Maria Smirnova, who was close to the ex-team, and the permanent vice-governor in charge of this activity, Igor Metelsky, remained, valuable personnel continue to leave Smolny. This time, as Fontanka learned, the head of the St. Petersburg Property Fund, Andrei Stepanenko, and two deputy chairmen of KUGI, Vladislav Murashov and Oleg Lyapustin, are leaving their posts.

Andrey Stepanenko, RAD: “Initially, we were conceived as a company that would sell primarily distressed assets of Sberbank, but now the Russian Auction House is a universal trading platform”

The Russian Auction House has been selling non-core assets of Sberbank for three years now, selling the city’s shares in various real estate properties (and not only in Russian capitals), and working with private assets. At the end of July, the Russian Auction House sold the city's share in the Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya hotel. We talked with Andrey Stepanenko, General Director of the Russian Auction House, about how auctions work in the real estate sector, who might be interested in this form of asset sale, and how to find buyers for objectively problematic real estate.

Andrey Stepanenko leaves the post of General Director of the St. Petersburg Property Fund

As RBC daily learned, the general director of the St. Petersburg Property Fund, Andrei Stepanenko, may resign in the near future. He will retain the post of head of the Russian Auction House (RAH), and, according to some reports, the current head of the Pushkinsky district, Igor Pakhorukov, will now manage the process of selling and leasing city real estate and land. The development community says that in the current city policy of “too cautious” privatization, RAD is a much more promising platform on which it makes sense for the manager to concentrate his efforts.
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Andrey Stepanenko: “Auctions are cool!”

By the end of November, the Guild of Managers and Developers (GUD) will announce the name of the new president-elect. The candidate for this post, General Director of the Russian Auction House Andrey Stepanenko, talks about the elections, career changes and plans for the future.
– Andrey Nikolaevich, in Lately There is a lot of talk around you: you are leaving the post of head of the St. Petersburg Property Fund, you are participating in the elections to the State Administration... Please comment.
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Interview with Andrey Stepanenko, Russian Auction House

Last year, the Russian Auction House (RAD), well known in St. Petersburg, firmly established itself in Moscow. For the antique sector, the RAD set up a luxurious venue in Gostiny Dvor and held the first capital auction of works of art. At the end of 2011, three works that went through the RAD auction were among the ten most expensive works of Russian art sold at open auction in Russia. Andrey Stepanenko, General Director of JSC RAD, answered questions from ARTinvestment.RU about the current place of the RAD in the art market and about its plans.
link: stepanenko_edit.html

The bronze sculpture “Peter I” by Opekushin will become the top lot of the RAD auction

“Opekushin’s works are extremely rare and are practically never found on the antique market. According to our information, his works have never been sold at either Russian or world auctions,” explained Andrei Stepanenko, general director of the Russian Auction House.

Stepanenko Andrey Sergeevich was born in 1972 in Kyiv.


In 1994 he graduated from the Kiev State Economic University with a degree in international economic relations.

In 1997 he received a PhD in Economics.

Labor activity

From 1994 to 2003 he worked at JSCB Raiffeisenbank Ukraine. At the time of the transfer, he served as an adviser to the chairman of the board on corporate finance issues.

Since 2003, he worked in Moscow, heading the credit and financial risks department of ZAO Raiffeisenbank Austria as a chief. In 2007, he was appointed head of the risk management directorate, and in June of the same year he joined the board of Raiffeisenbank Austria CJSC. His responsibilities included monitoring the implementation of uniform standards and procedures for risk assessment and management in the bank, monitoring the implementation credit process, as well as monitoring the state of the loan portfolio.

In 2008, he headed the maintenance directorate individuals. Since December 2011, he served as deputy chairman of the bank’s board.

In March 2018, it became known about his move to Vienna and joining the board of the group’s parent bank, Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI).


Has been working in the real estate industry since 1994.
He is the creator and permanent director of the Russian Auction House. In November 2012, he was elected president-elect of the Guild of Managers and Developers.
Previously, for 9 years, he headed the Property Fund of St. Petersburg, the largest regional auction site for the sale of state property. Headed the Petrograd and Vyborg regional agencies of the KUGI of St. Petersburg, was deputy head of the training department investment projects Department of Economics of Urban Property KUGI of St. Petersburg, was engaged in professional real estate activities.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, In 2002 he defended his dissertation on the topic “Methodological foundations of real estate management in a large city.”
Andrey Stepanenko was born in Leningrad, graduated from St. Petersburg State University economics and finance.
He is a State Councilor of St. Petersburg, II class.
Awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.
