Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Like a bear wooing a fox. The script of the Russian folk tale "The Cat and the Fox" for children of the preparatory group The Cat and the Fox go to the Fox's house and go inside. After a while, the Fox comes out of the house with a basket, and the Cat looks out the window.




Lived in the neighborhood
And they've known each other since childhood.
Brown bear and fox
Forests of local beauty.
One is not good enough to live
And the Bear decided to marry.
Everyone advised
Woo go to the fox.


Knock-Knock! fox girl,
The Bear is knocking at your house.
Will you marry me?


Well Bear! Wow!
I won't go for you
I'd better find a husband.
Look at your paws
Short and clubfoot,
Wool is like a felt boot, and you
Not the hero of my dreams!


Well, okay! Well, let!
Marry another fox!


And the Bear went home.
And the fox:


Oh my god!
For good reason I so! rich bear -
He rows honey with a shovel.
Stop toiling alone
I will become his wife.


And the fox went to the bear.




Who's there?


I refused in vain
I agree to get married!


Should I marry you?
Am I my own enemy?
You are a red fox
Redhead - shameless!
And I heard from the mole
You are unclean!
Get out!


Here are the words
I will marry someone else!
I'm leaving forever!


Sobbed with shame
And the fox went home.
A Bear:


Here is the hysteria!
But it seems that she is in me
Very much in love!
In vain I got so excited
I almost married her
'Cause she's a beauty
And everyone loves the forest.
What the fuck am I waiting for?
I'm going to get married again!


And the Bear went to the fox.


Knock-Knock! Who is home?




That's what, dear fox,
I decided to get married again!
You marry me!


Get out of here! Leave!
Well, why are you standing there?
You'll see, even a mouse
It won't work for this
Find a better groom!

Olesya Emelyanova

Bear and Fox
(or How the Bear wooed the Fox)

Russian folktale
for reading and presenting

Performance duration: 3 minutes; number of actors: from 1 to 3.




Lived in the neighborhood
And they've known each other since childhood.
Brown bear and fox
Forests of local beauty.
One is not good enough to live
And the Bear decided to marry.
Everyone advised
Woo go to the fox.

Knock-Knock! fox girl,
The Bear is knocking at your house.
Will you marry me?

Well Bear! Wow!
I won't go for you
I'd better find a husband.
Look at your paws
Short and clubfoot,
Wool is like a felt boot, and you
Not the hero of my dreams!

Well, okay! Well, let!
Marry another fox!


And the Bear went home.
And the fox:

Oh my god!
For good reason I so! rich bear -
He rows honey with a shovel.
Stop toiling alone
I will become his wife.


And the fox went to the bear.


I refused in vain
I agree to get married!

Should I marry you?
Am I my own enemy?
You are a red fox
Redhead - shameless!
And I heard from the mole
You are unclean!
Get out!

Here are the words
I will marry someone else!
I'm leaving forever!


Sobbed with shame
And the fox went home.
A Bear:

Here is the hysteria!
But it seems that she is in me
Very much in love!
In vain I got so excited
I almost married her
'Cause she's a beauty
And everyone loves the forest.
What the fuck am I waiting for?
I'm going to get married again!


And the Bear went to the fox.

Knock-Knock! Who is home?

That's what, dear fox,
I decided to get married again!
You marry me!

Get out of here! Leave!
Well, why are you standing there?
You'll see, even a mouse
It won't work for this
Find a better groom!

I am with you with all my heart...

Yes, a small gift!

Well, I'll leave
I'm going to marry a mouse!

The mouse will be happy!

You will spend your whole life in girls!


And the Bear left with nothing.
And the fox is all alone.

What have I done?
The most important thing in life is family!
But Mishenka is handsome,
At least a little thick-skinned.
Where can I find this?
I better go for it!


And she came - the Bear does not want,
Shakes his head again
And fox him for it
Pays with the same coin
After tears pours into the pillow.
This is how they marry each other!


(Russian folktale)

A small script (sketch) for kindergarten where the children will play.




STORYTOR: Once upon a time there was a Fox and a Hare. The Fox had an ice hut, and the Hare had a bast. The red spring has come - the Fox's hut has melted, but the Hare is still standing. So the Fox asked the Hare to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut. Dear Bunny is walking and crying. The dog is facing him.

(Music. The curtain opens. The backdrop is a forest. There is a Hare's hut on the stage (the hut can be drawn and fixed on something, or you can put a screen and attach a drawn hut to its walls) A Hare is walking around the stage, he is crying. A Dog appears from behind the stage).

DOG: Wow! What are you, Bunny, crying?

DOG: Don't cry, bunny! I will help your grief!

STORYTELLER: They went to Zaikin's hut ...

(Dog and Hare approach the hut.)

DOG: Wow! Go, Lisa, get out!

STORYTOR: And the Fox is from the stove ...

narrator: The dog got scared and ran away...

(The dog runs offstage.)

STORYTELLER: The Bunny is walking again, crying. I will meet the wolf.

(The bunny walks around the stage, cries. The Wolf comes out from behind the stage.)

WOLF: What are you crying about, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?
I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an icy one. Spring has come, her hut has melted. That-
When she asked me to spend the night with me, she kicked me out.

WOLF: Don't cry, I'll help your grief!

HARE: No, you can't help!
The dog drove - it didn’t kick out, and you can’t kick it out!

WOLF: No, I'll kick you out!

STORYTOR: They went to the hut. The wolf screams...

(Wolf and Hare approach the hut.)

WOLF: Go, Fox, get out!

STORYTOR: And the Fox is from the stove ...

STORYTOR: The wolf was frightened and ran away ...

(The wolf runs offstage.)

STORYTELLER: The Bunny is coming again, crying. Bear is facing him.

(The hare walks across the stage, cries. The Bear appears from behind the stage.)

BEAR: Why are you crying, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?
I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an icy one. Spring has come, her hut has melted. That-
When she asked me to spend the night with me, she kicked me out.

BEAR: Let's go to the Fox, I'll help your grief!

HARE: No, Bear, you can't help!
The dog drove - did not drive out, the Wolf drove - did not drive out, and you will not be kicked out!

BEAR: And I'll kick you out!

STORYTOR: They approached the hut. The bear is howling...

(Bear and Hare approach the hut.)

BEAR: Go, Fox, get out!

STORYTOR: And the Fox is from the stove ...

STORYTOR: The bear was frightened and ran away ...

(The bear runs offstage.)

STORYTELLER: Again the Bunny is walking along the road, crying more than ever. He is met by a Rooster with a scythe.

(The hare walks around the stage, cries. A Rooster appears from behind the stage with a scythe on his shoulders (a scythe can be made).)

COCK: Cook-re-coo!
What are you crying about, Bunny?

HARE: How can I not cry?
I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an icy one. Spring has come, her hut has melted. That-
When she asked me to spend the night with me, she kicked me out.

COCK: Let's go, I'll help your grief!

HARE: No, Rooster, you can't help!
The dog drove - did not drive out, the Wolf drove - did not drive out, the Bear drove - did not drive out, and you will not be kicked out

COCK: No, I'll kick you out! Let's go to Lisa!

STORYTOR: They went to the hut. The rooster stomped its paws, flapped its wings ...

(The Hare and the Rooster approach the hut. The Rooster stamps his feet, flaps his wings with his hands.)

COCK: Cook-re-coo!
I'm on my heels!
I carry a scythe on my shoulders!
I want to hit Lisa!
Get off the Fox from the stove!

STORYTELLER: The Fox heard, got scared and says ...

COCK: Cook-re-coo!
I'm on my heels!
I carry a scythe on my shoulders!
I want to hit Lisa!
Get off the Fox from the stove!

COCK: Cook-re-coo!
I'm on my heels!
I carry a scythe on my shoulders!
I want to hit Lisa!
Get off the Fox from the stove!

(The rooster stamps its feet, flaps its wings and waves its scythe.)

STORYTELLER: The rooster stomps its paws, flaps its wings, waves its scythe ... The Fox was frightened, jumped out of the hut and ran away.

(The fox leaves the hut (you can leave the hut) and runs offstage. The Hare and the Rooster enter the hut.)

STORYTORY: Then the Rooster and the Hare went into the hut and began to live and live there since then, and the Fox did not appear in those places anymore.

(Music. The curtain closes.)


Voskresenskaya Valentina Pavlovna, educator, GBOU School No. 121, d / o 28A, Moscow.
Purpose: This material will be useful for educators working with children 4-7 years old, for teachers of grades 1-2, for parents. The fairy tale can be shown by older children for kids, it can be one of the numbers in spring scenarios.
The fairy tale will introduce children to the concepts of good and evil, cunning and gullibility, and how important it is to help friends in trouble, not to deceive or offend the weak.
Description: The events of the fairy tale begin in winter and continue in spring. The heroes of the fairy tale: the cunning Fox, who deceived the kind, trusting Bunny, the brave Cockerel, who came to the aid of the Bunny, the Magpie, flying everywhere and knowing everything about everyone, and the animals that wanted to help, but were frightened, ran away and left the poor Bunny in trouble: Wolf, Bear and dog Mongrel.
Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities.
1. Maintain interest in oral folk art.
2. Improve the ability of children to convey the images of the heroes of a fairy tale.
3. Contribute to the development of dialogical speech, form the ability to clearly and distinctly pronounce words, develop intonational expressiveness, memory.
4. Develop the ability to hold freely when performing.
5. Form friendly relationships.
6. To cultivate responsiveness and kindness, the desire to help friends in need.

Characters: Leading, Fox, Bunny, Cockerel, dog Mongrel, Wolf, Bear, Magpie.

In the meadow, in the forest -
2 huts under a pine tree.
Fox house - ice,
And Zaika has bast.
Spring suddenly came
And I couldn't sleep.
My ice house
Became snow water.
Bunny, Bunny, Help!
Let me into your house.
Oh, fox, oh, beauty!
I see you're in trouble.
I am always ready to help.
You come into the house
Live with me.
(The fox enters the house, sits next to the bunny).
Well, bunny, go away!
Closely we live with you.
I want to be here alone!
Oh, trouble! Oh, trouble!
The fox kicked me out.
(The bunny sits on a stump, cries, the dog Barbos appears).
I am a yard dog Barbos,
I have a great nose.
I feel that there is trouble
I'll run there quickly.

And don't you jump, don't you jump?
Oh, trouble! Oh, trouble!
The fox kicked me out.
Go away fox
You are for mountains and forests!
I kindly ask for now
Otherwise, I'll shake my sides!
This is how I jump off the stove
And I'll tell you: "Shut up"!
I'm not afraid of you, Barbos!
Get yourself out quickly
Otherwise, you will not collect the bones!
Oh, and a formidable fox,
But anything can happen.
I'll run home soon
I can't handle the fox.
(Watchdog runs away, a wolf appears).
I'm hungry, gray wolf,
I click and click with my teeth.
Why are you bunny crying?
(A magpie appears.)
The bunny had a house
And in it the bunny lived peacefully.
The fox house melted in the spring.
To my bast house
Zainka let the fox in,
But he did not live with her for long:
The fox kicked him out
These are the miracles.
The bunny doesn't jump anymore
He sits and weeps bitterly.
Bunny, Bunny, don't be sad!
I'm ready to help you
And chase the fox away!
Go away, fox, hurry up,
You are for many seas.
I kindly ask for now
Otherwise, I'll wash my sides.
This is how I jump off the stove
And I'll tell you: "Shut up"!
I'm not afraid of you, Volchok!
Get yourself out quickly
Otherwise, you will not collect the bones!
Oh, and a formidable fox,
But anything can happen.
I'll run home soon
I can't handle the fox.
(The wolf runs away, the Bear appears).
I've been without anxiety all winter
He slept soundly in his lair.
Now I'm out:
The sun is shining, there are puddles everywhere.
The snow is melting, spring has come.
Bunny, Bunny, why are you crying?
And don't you jump, don't you jump?
What happened, friend?
Sorry for the snow?
(A magpie appears.)
The bunny had a house
And in it the bunny lived peacefully.
The fox house melted in the spring.
To my bast house
Zainka let the fox in,
But he did not live with her for long:
The fox kicked him out
These are the miracles.
That's why he cries
And he doesn't jump, he doesn't jump.
Go away, fox
You are for mountains and forests!
I kindly ask for now
Otherwise, I'll shake my sides!
This is how I jump off the stove
And I'll tell you: "Shut up"!
I'm not afraid of you, Mishutka,
And I forgive you the joke.
Get yourself out quickly
Otherwise, you will not collect the bones!
Oh, and a formidable fox,
But anything can happen.
I can't help you.
Do not drive the Fox away from me.
(The bear leaves, the Cockerel appears).
I am a cockerel, cockerel
Golden comb.
Tail with patterns
Boots with spurs.
On the shoulder braid
Go away, fox!
I am a brave fox
But something doesn't sit right with me
In the house of bunnies on the stove.
Petya, Petya, don't cry.
I'm leaving the house
You don't raise the bell.
(The fox runs away, all the heroes of the fairy tale come out).
Dog Barbos: The fox ran without looking back.
Bear: And the Rooster stepped on her heels.
Wolf: The fox will not return to the hut.
Magpie: Let the Bunny not be afraid of her.
Rooster: The weak need to be helped, the kids should not be offended.
Hare: Oh yes, Petya, well done!
Leading: Here is the end of the story!

Script for staging Russian folk tale in home puppet theater



Forest. On the left in the foreground are several trees. In the middle in the foreground is a large tree, bushes under it. To the right is Lisa's hut. On the left, a man comes out from behind the trees. He hardly pulls a bag behind him, in which the cat moves and plaintively meows.


Have pity on me, master!
Oh, where are they taking me?

Man (with a sigh)

Everyone chooses his own fate!

cat (desperately)

Don't leave me in the forest!
I'm fluffy, I'm good
I can sing songs!


Have you eaten sour cream?


No, horse!


Stop lying!


Then a bear!


Well, who does not catch mice?
They destroyed my whole house.
Ate bread, a bag of carrots -
All hard-earned!


You, master, do not worry
I will agree with them.

The man releases the cat from the bag.


You don't stick your head in my yard,
I'll deal with them myself.
I'll get another cat
What does not sleep on the stove.

The cat jumps at the man's feet.


No, master!


Everything, not a word!

The man turns and walks out of the forest.

Cat (angrily)

Murderers! Executioners!
I served him for three years -
Every year for ten years.
It's because of the sandwich
Sends to the next world!
I guarded the oven regularly,
Day and night, rain and snow.
I am a full member of the family
I'm the best in the village!
Nothing, he will understand
What is not to be found.
Oh, I'm out of a job!
And where to go now?

A cat with a lowered head slowly walks towards a large tree. A fox appears from behind the bushes to meet him. The cat immediately turns its nose up.


Good fellow, tell me
Who is it, where does it come from?
You make friends with me
I will be a faithful friend.


I am the rarest animal in the world
English breed.
To you at distant lands
Sent by the warlord!
I am Kotofey Ivanovich,
Complain, love!

Fox (ingratiatingly)

Oh, forgive me
Strictly do not judge!
My house is the best in the forest,
I live in it alone.

The fox hugs the cat.


Kitty, you respect the Fox,
I will be like family!
Are you not married at all?



Well, fine!


Yes, I need a wife.
Chur, I'm in charge of the house!

The cat and the Fox go to the Fox's house and go inside. After a while, the Fox comes out of the house with a basket, and the Cat looks out the window.


Dear Kitty, I'm going
I'll get a duck.


Okay, Lisonka, I'm waiting.


I'll be there in an hour!

The cat hides in the house, and the Fox goes to the big tree.

Fox (singing)

Red girls, don't wait
Marry yourself
After all, behind a man's back
Like behind a stone wall!

The fox comes out from behind a big tree. A wolf comes out to meet her from behind the trees on the left.

wolf (hoarsely)

Hey Lisa! Where are you going?
What are you carrying in your basket?
Give it to me!

The wolf is trying to look into the basket. The fox jumps to the side.


Well, don't touch!
Get out of the way!

The fox backs away, the wolf advances.


Don't wait for treats!

wolf (terribly)

I stronger then you!


I'm sorry, look
Husband Kotofey.
He will give you a paw in the forehead!

wolf (bewildered)

And where did it come from?!
Yes, and who is he to
Was I afraid of him?

Fox (proudly)

He is the rarest animal in the world
English breed.
To us for distant lands
Sent by the warlord!
Kotofeya himself
I am now a wife!

The wolf walks away respectfully.


Here's a look at him
Even with an eye, my friend!


What are you, what are you! Kotofey
It hurts an angry beast -
Eat a hundred devils for breakfast
And will not be full!
Don't come, brother, here
You like him
It's not even the hour, it'll zader
He has the right!

wolf (scared)

What to do? What do i do?


Bring a lamb.
And don't you dare enter the house
Wait for us at the ravine.
Better bury yourself
To not offend.
Now get out of the way!


I have never seen in my life
For someone to be so fierce!
You will have a lamb.
Give me what I want
Children to you, twins.

The wolf bows and runs away, hiding behind a large tree. Fox goes on.

Fox (singing)

If the husband is respected,
That wife is not offended -
I'm behind my husband's back
Like behind a stone wall!

The fox is hiding in the forest on the left. The Bear crawls out from behind the bushes under a large tree and slowly walks towards the forest.

Bear (singing)

You will spend a day in a raspberry
You won't be full anyway!
Stop spouting nonsense
I'll go to the forest for honey!

A fox with a duck comes out of the forest on the left towards the Bear and tries to pass him. The bear stops her.


Stop, Lisa. Come here
Duck and bast.
Maybe then you
I'll give way.


Clubfoot, get out of the way!

Bear (terribly)

I stronger then you!

Fox (sarcastically)

I'm sorry, look
Husband Kotofey.
He won't spare you!

Bear (puzzled)

I didn't meet him.
He is a hunter al bandit,
For me to be afraid?

Fox (proudly)

He is the rarest animal in the world
English breed.
To us for distant lands
Sent by the warlord!
Kotofeya himself
I am now a wife!

The bear backs off.


Would like to look at him
Just a glance, my friend.


What are you, what are you! My husband is
It hurts an angry beast -
It's scary even for me
I'm afraid to be killed.
Don't come, brother, here
You like him
It's not even the hour, it'll zader
He has the right!

Bear (scared)

What to do? What do i do?


Bring the bull to us.
And don't you dare enter the house.


I will not enter!


Better bury yourself
To not offend.
I'm in a hurry, step aside!

The bear lets Fox go, she goes to her house.

Bear (thoughtfully)

Wait and see!

The bear goes into the forest, and the Fox enters the house. After some time, a wolf with a lamb comes out from behind the trees on the left and goes to a large tree.

wolf (trembling)

How scary, well, just horror!
Scary, no urine!

The wolf, before reaching the tree, sits down.


Need to rest a little
Something very scary!

A Bear with a bull appears from behind the trees on the left, approaches the Wolf and stops.


Hey, great, brother Levon,
Is it far from the luggage?

Wolf (with a sigh)

Bow to Kotofey.

Bear (also with a sigh)

Yes, I'm there too!

The Bear and the Wolf, each with their own gift, approach the Fox's house. Gifts are left, and they themselves return to the big tree.


Listen, come down, knock,
Just be quiet.

wolf (whispers)

You, Mikhalych, don't shout,
Suddenly they hear.
Oh, I won't go there
You better try.

Bear (also in a whisper)

No, I'd rather wait
He's a special animal!

A hare runs out from behind the trees on the left.


Stop! Come here oblique!
We really need you.


Call a cat with a fox
Here is their supper.

The hare runs to the hut.

Bear (Wolf)

I climbed a tree
Gotta get buried!

The bear climbs up and settles on the top of the tree. The wolf tries to climb up, but it doesn't work. He hides in the bushes.


Okay, time is running out.
Yes, and it will fit!

The hare knocks on the door.


Is there anyone at home? Knock knock!
Hey welcome guests!
Come out! Knock knock!
Where are you? Open!

Lisa looks out the window.


What kind of guests? Who's come?

Hare (scared)

The wolf came with the bear.


This is very good.
(to the hut)
Honey, we're neighbors.

There is a roar in the house. The hare runs all the way to the forest and hides behind the trees. The wolf is not visible behind the bushes. The bear bows its head. The fox disappears into the house and soon leaves it with the cat. The bear looks out.

Bear (Wolf)

Something not great
Looks unassuming.
In vain they brought gifts!
But how fluffy!

Suddenly the cat pounces on the gifts.


Bear (Wolf)

Not great
But very greedy!
"Not enough, not enough!" - speaks,
He wants to eat us too.

Voice of the Wolf (to the Bear)

Let me take a look too
You can't see through the leaves.


Here's a glutton, just horror!
How is he not ashamed!?

The wolf peeks out from behind the bushes. The bushes are swaying. The cat jumps into the bushes and clings to the Wolf.


Meow! There must be a mouse in here!
I will catch her!

Wolf (in horror to the Bear)

Help, why are you sitting?
He breaks me!

The wolf throws off the cat and runs into the forest. The cat is climbing a tree.

Bear (in a panic)

And he saw me
I need to be saved!

The bear falls from the tree and runs into the forest after the wolf.


He wanted to kill me!
Help, brothers!

The bear disappears behind the trees, the Fox approaches the tree.

Fox (after Bear and Wolf)

Hey, run, don't
Rip apart!

The cat goes down. The fox strokes the cat's head.


Married to be a cat -
It's just happiness!

The Fox and the Cat take the presents and go into the house.


Keywords: cat and fox , scripts ,
