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Business equipment rental. How to make money renting construction tools and equipment. Power tool rental ads in your city

With the crisis, when the sharply rising dollar became an obstacle to most purchases, several profitable and not dusty business niches appeared. A striking example such a business is the rental of construction power tools.

It is no secret that the majority of electrical goods sold in Russia are either of foreign origin or are assembled from imported spare parts. In connection with this fact, the price of such goods grows in proportion to the growth of the US dollar. This became especially noticeable during the 2014 crisis. The doubled cost is unpleasant surprise for most consumers. Previously, when the dollar was at 30-35, buying a Chinese screwdriver for 900 rubles ($30) was a simple and settled matter. It will burn - it’s not a pity, but you can screw in a couple of screws! Today, few people will raise their hand to buy this "Shurik" for the same $ 30, but in rubles - for ~ 2100 rubles. Salaries do not rise after the dollar.

Therefore, more and more consumers began to turn to the rental of power tools. This is a great way to borrow the necessary tool for a while without spending money on an expensive purchase.

How to organize the rental of construction power tools

By the way, you obviously have a question - why construction power tools?

  • Wide consumer audience. Due to the high cost of such an electric tool and a one-time need for it, most consumers pay attention to rental. It is cheaper for them to take a device for a couple of days than to give several thousand (tens of thousands) rubles for what is needed 1-2 times a year.
  • compactness. Even powerful power tools are quite compact in size. No large required storage facilities for their storage.
  • maintainability. Unlike a petrol tool, a power tool is easier to check, diagnose and repair. And the rental business will not escape this.
  • Wider range. Almost any power equipment has an electrical analogue. But not all power tools have analogues working from other energy sources.
  • More simple requirements to storage. Since you do not work with fuels and lubricants (gasoline, oil), you can store such a tool even in an apartment.

First you need to open an LLC or IP. This will allow you to conduct official commercial activities.

Then you must decide how you will work, that is, where your showcase will be.

  • Or it will be a physical point. To do this, you need to rent a room (20-40 m²), which will be not only a showcase, but also a warehouse. You need to equip your room - install racks, counters. Which will entail additional costs.
  • Or open your site. To do this, you need a website, preferably with a detailed catalog, such as an online store (for example, Insales allows you to make one for 199 rubles). Where will you put all your offers. This will save on renting and organizing premises (only a room for a power tool warehouse is required, even in an apartment). Of all the costs - the opening of the site and photos of your range.

Now, having decided on the form of your business, the question arises - what? Of course, you have already made a wide choice - a power tool. But which one? There are elementary, intermediate and professional levels. Accordingly, the price also varies. The ideal solution would be to purchase a professional-level tool. It has high performance and service life. But, it is expensive and this will affect the rental price. Therefore, to start, a power tool of the middle price segment is suitable for you. It will be less reliable, but will fully satisfy your needs. target audience. Since your main clients will be individuals looking for a tool for one-time tasks. Professional construction crews usually do not use rentals.

Set aside a few hours, visit online stores with similar equipment. Check out their catalogs. So you will find out which power tool is the most popular in your area. Purchase 2-3 pieces of each item of power tool. A quantity greater than 1 will allow you to lend one tool name to more customers, which increases the loyalty of your customers - you have everything, they will say in the evenings to their acquaintances.

Try to buy tools of the same brand. This way you can get additional discounts from official dealers of the goods and establish partnerships with repair shops specializing in this brand.

Power tool pricing and protection

You can follow the established rule: the price of a day's rent = one twentieth (twenty fifth) of the cost. Or, having familiarized yourself with competitive offers, form your own tariff scale, which will bring you to profit. In any case, the price should be beneficial to the consumer in the ratio − buy or rent.

So-called protection from unscrupulous clients must be combined. On the legal side: you must develop clear lease rules, conclude a property lease agreement, identify your client (that is, at least make copies of his documents, or take them as a pledge). On the material side: take a security deposit. Of course, this will not protect you from theft, breakdowns and other unforeseen situations, but you will meet them fully armed.

According to the expert assessment of the market, the monthly profit of such a business is from 50 thousand rubles.

Where to look for clients?

The main task of finding customers is to promote your rental services. In addition to direct advertising: on the Internet, on bulletin boards, advertising publications in local newspapers, you can give non-standard advertising. Non-standard advertising can be - distributing leaflets near large shopping centers, wrapping a car, organizing partnerships with repair shops: issuing a replacement tool instead of a broken one due to repair shops, and many other advertising areas.

Since your services are targeted and necessary for the client, regardless of his location, with proper marketing promotion, your service can become in demand throughout the city.

Additional ways of earning

You can get additional profit due to the diverse and various services provided along with the provision of a tool for rent.

  • Power tool delivery. Make the delivery of your goods within the city an additional paid service.
  • Sale, exchange and repair of used equipment. You can take on a commission, redeem an old power tool, provide services for its repair. And also, expanding and updating your "park" of equipment - to sell unnecessary equipment.
  • Tool accessories and fasteners. Usually the equipment is purchased by the consumer. Offer to buy equipment from you. Save his time and earn on it. Sometimes the sale of tooling (or building hardware) can become more profitable business than renting power tools.
  • Additional construction equipment for rent. In addition to power tools, you can rent additional devices: ladders, scaffolding, winches, jacks, rigging equipment. They do not require a large storage space or complex maintenance, but are very much in demand in private and low-rise construction.

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The cultivation of their own land, repairs, gardening and other types of work quite often require the owners to have special devices, which are simply unprofitable to buy due to very rare use.

At such a moment, only tool rental as a business with a small fee for daily use can help out.

Most requested tools

When compiling a list of tools that are preferable to purchase for subsequent rental, the owner of the company must focus on the needs of future customers.

If there are many cottages nearby, he should pay attention to tools such as:

  • chainsaws;
  • trimmers;
  • secateurs;
  • walk-behind tractors;
  • sprayers.

Near high-rise buildings, where residents are just moving in, electric drills, screwdrivers, punchers will be relevant, but owners of private houses will prefer planers and circular saws.

The best option would be to purchase one type of instrument, followed by the purchase of additional copies of the most popular samples.

To start a tool rental as a business, starting with one set, an entrepreneur will need about 15-20 thousand dollars.

Moreover, it is worth buying only products of companies known for their quality: Milwaukee, Kress, Hilti, Dauer, Bosch or Makita.

Potential clients

Clients of companies engaged in the issuance of various expensive instruments for rent are divided into several categories:

  1. Beginner private traders - this category of people is full of desire to work independently, but does not have the skills and knowledge of how to use tools, for what types of work they are suitable. A detailed consultation with explanations of the main functions is carried out with them, maximum assistance in choosing is provided.
  2. Organizations are the most profitable, although rare visitors. Lease opportunities are only approached if their personal accommodations are out of order and downtime for the crew is uneconomical. They know what and why they need, rent is issued for a long time.
  3. Repair crews are also a good clientele, but sometimes need as much attention as newcomers. In an effort to make money on seasonal employment in construction, repair or gardening, teams of people gather who are just mastering the intricacies of their profession. The rental period for instruments is at least a week.

You have to work with all visitors separately until a permanent clientele appears at the rental point.

It is important to be patient, and so let visitors feel that they are trying to help.

This will help reinforce a positive impression and take advantage of word-of-mouth advertising.

Waiting for profits

As practice shows, one tool pays off on average during the first 6 months after its purchase.

The terms can increase if the device is not in great demand, or be reduced by several weeks with constant requests.

In order to wait for the first income as quickly as possible and increase the profitability of your point, it is worth opening it only in the spring-summer period.

At this time, repairs begin, construction is actively underway, work begins in gardens, vegetable gardens and flower beds.

In late autumn or winter, visiting the rental point is minimized, which is an unpleasant and slightly unprofitable fact for already established entrepreneurs.

Only the outlets that have opened can go bankrupt due to low start-up income and the need to pay contributions to the state and the landlord out of their own pocket.

The chances of increasing income will increase significantly if the entrepreneur decides to sell various consumable devices such as:

  • brushes;
  • rollers;
  • spatulas;
  • sandpaper;
  • nails.

The decision to implement useful additions should be included in the business plan, as well as the approximate number of items.

Many customers will definitely like such a branch - they will not have to additionally look for a specialized store.

Requirements for the premises

The owner can profitably find a store in the center for a reasonable price or decide to settle down near new buildings, in sleeping areas, near summer cottages on the outskirts.

A large concentration of potential customers and the possibility of contact with them is the main condition that should be followed.

The room itself can be very small, limited to 20-30 square meters.

Competently located shelves, stands, a counter will help to place all the tools issued for rent.

The remaining samples may be in the back room, from which they will be taken out by the sales assistant.

Considering small investment and quick payback business, rental of tools is considered profitable investment money.

Starting and maintaining this type of business is quite simple, especially if you hire tech-savvy staff.

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How to open a construction tool rental business.

Professional construction tool rentals promising business, a rental tool pays for itself several times over, but this business has its pitfalls. In this article, we will look at how to open a tool rental business and what nuances you need to consider at the initial stage.


First of all, equipment is rented, which is required for one-time work, when buying an expensive tool does not make sense. For example, to drill holes in concrete, a heavy puncher was needed, the cost of such a tool is considerable, and it makes no sense to buy it for work for one day, therefore such equipment is usually rented.

Also, if you need to solder polypropylene pipes in an apartment, you will need a special soldering iron, but buying it to solder pipes in a day, and then it lay and gather dust, also does not make sense. And this is the case with the rest of the tool, of course, that almost every master has a drill or grinder, but if we talk, say, about a vibrating plate or a parquet grinder, then for one-time work, of course, it is better to rent a tool for 1 - 2 days .

It is not difficult to open a tool rental, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur on UTII tax, rent suitable premises. Even a semi-basement in a residential area is quite suitable for a rental point. As a sublease option, rent a corner in an existing building materials or building tools store, so you can save a lot on rent and attract additional customers.

First of all, such a tool will always be in demand:

  • Vibrating plates.
  • Grinding machines.
  • Heavy perforators and drills.
  • Parquet grinders.
  • Soldering irons for soldering polypropylene pipes.
  • Chainsaws.
  • Petrol generators.
  • Concrete mixers.

You can also rent:

  • Welding machine.
  • Angle grinder.
  • Hair dryer technical.
  • Scaffolding and ladders.
  • Washing vacuum cleaner.
  • Circular table saw.
  • Compressor.
  • Laser level.
  • Jackhammer.
  • Drills and screwdrivers.
  • Wall chaser.
  • Jigsaw.
  • and other construction tools.

To keep records, you will need a computer to print contracts and photocopies of the MFP.

Since the tool periodically requires repair, the room will need space for a small workshop.

It is desirable to have a car with a pickup truck or a small cargo van, some customers also order the delivery of heavy tools to the site.

Instrument rental terms.

A lease agreement is concluded between the tenant and the landlord.

The tenant immediately pays the full cost of the rental in advance for the entire rental period. Rental can be either hourly or daily.

The tenant must provide his passport, a photocopy is made from the passport, which remains with the landlord, the passport is returned to the tenant.

A deposit is taken from the tenant, the amount of the deposit is usually negotiated individually, if it is regular customer who has established himself as a conscientious tenant, then the amount of the deposit can be 20 - 30% of the cost of the instrument or only a passport.

For new customers, if the tool is new, then the amount of the deposit is the full cost of the tool, used - 50%. The cost of the tool is calculated based on the condition of the tool, as it wears out, its value also decreases.

To take a deposit or not to take it is up to you, but as practice shows, those rental offices that do not take a deposit, but only a passport, face non-return of the instrument or return in a damaged condition. It is already quite difficult to recover the repair cost from the client, and if a deposit is paid, then the repair cost is taken from the deposit paid in accordance with the concluded agreement. Therefore, having received a pledge, you insure yourself against unscrupulous borrowers.

Building tool rental business.

To open a rental office you will need start-up capital to purchase a tool, in addition, you must understand the technique and have repair skills.

It is necessary to set prices for rental based on prices from competitors, the cost of rental is 5 - 7% of the cost of the tool per day. A Chinese-made tool pays for itself 2-3 times, a professional tool has a larger margin of safety and pays off up to 5 times.

Additionally, you can provide services for the repair of construction tools, the sale of spare parts and consumables for tools.

The possibility of temporary use of an expensive tool is rapidly gaining popularity. This can be done well, especially for profitable areas of activity. Tool rental business- this is a rather interesting type of business, which, if properly managed, can consistently bring good money.

Power tool rental - business features

All men want to have a good and reliable tool, but, as a rule, everything good is not cheap. In addition, the purchase of an expensive disposable power tool is expensive and impractical. What to do in a situation if a tool is needed, but not enough? In such a situation, only one way out is to rent a power tool.

Power tools are rented by a lot of people, ranging from a simple citizen to a large construction company. There are many types of tools that may be required for repair work, and have all personal necessary tools does not work for everyone. It is more expedient to rent a tool, and not spend crazy money on buying it. As you can see , power tool rental as a business is a very profitable investment.

Nowadays, the construction market is “teeming” with equipment, but for a successful business, it is not necessary to buy all the tools, but take the most popular ones. Most often, people rent power tools for assembly and welding, rotary hammers, concrete mixers, chainsaws, electric drills and lawn mowers. Of course, this is not the whole list of power tools that your store should have - this is a certain "minimum".

Please note that in order to run a successful business, you need to purchase a high-quality and reliable professional tool. Counterfeits or "cheaper" tools can fail in the hands of the first client, and in this case you will remain at a loss and lose your reputation. Please note that renting a power tool must be profitable for you, so the rental price should be set based on the cost of the equipment. As practice shows, the most favorable margin is 25 percent of the declared value of the instrument. Such an offer will suit both you as an entrepreneur and a tenant (it saves 75%).

You must provide a decent range of power tools that will be in demand at any time of the year. Only in the process of work will you be able to determine which tool is very popular with your customers and which is worth purchasing additionally, and vice versa, you will find out which equipment should be abandoned.

Risk when starting a business

Renting a tool can be a bit of a hassle. There is risk in any business, and power tool rental is no exception. The tool can fail, it can also be stolen, so before starting work, you need to take into account all the criteria for work, calculate everything. Before concluding a lease agreement, all clients need to do a little tutorial about the correct use of each appliance, and familiarize everyone with the enclosed instructions.

You can secure your business if you require a signature from the client, which will assure that the client has read the instructions (knows how to use the power tool) and that he will comply with the rules of use. The conclusion of a lease agreement will be able to secure your business to the maximum (you can see examples on the Internet). note that giving an expensive power tool should be trusted only on the security of a passport or other important document , because "business cannot be built on honesty."

Another option to save your property is to fully insure it. Although this is an expensive procedure, it is the safest. In addition, when buying a power tool, check with the suppliers that they give a guarantee and whether it is possible to repair a defective tool.

Demand for power tools

Your potential customers: large organizations, small construction firms and ordinary citizens. It is easiest to work with large organizations (they know how to handle power tools), but it is difficult and unsafe to work with individual citizens (mandatory briefing).

Premises for your business

Have you decided to start your own business? rental of construction tools, business plan in this case, it must be carefully worked out. The best location of the point is a sleeping area. The main thing is that the roadway is not far away, and it is convenient to drive up to you by car, so that it is easier for the buyer to bring heavy power tools to the car. Well, if the place is busy. The room may not be very large (15-20 meters is enough), and the layout does not matter at all.


For decent work of a power tool rental point, you do not need to acquire a huge staff. It is enough to employ an accountant, a consultant (preferably a manager for working with your clients) and a goods receiver. If there is a financial opportunity, you can hire a lawyer who will solve “paper” problems, help you draw up power tool lease agreements, etc. correctly.

Power tool rental ads in your city

Your potential tenants don't know about you yet. We need to decide how to notify them. Buy a good bright sign - so you can interest customers more. In addition to signs, you can advertise:

  • To the local newspaper
  • to city websites
  • On various bulletin boards
  • On TV

It all depends on the budget you can allocate for advertising. The easiest advertising methods in the field of finance are leaflets and the Internet (you can create groups on social networks or an official page).

How much can you earn

Regardless of the type of business, every entrepreneur is interested in possible profit. It is impossible to give an exact figure, it all depends on how much you invested, how much you spent on advertising, whether you chose a good place, and whether there are competitors in your area. Usually, the markup is from 12 to 27 percent of the real value of the instrument. What is the best tool to rent? time will tell in your city, for each individual tool you can make your markup (you can calculate based on demand).

As practice shows, renting a power tool can bring permanent and good income. To achieve a positive result, carefully work on creating a business plan.

Power tools are expensive, and high-quality and professional ones are generally not affordable for a person with low incomes. But if the tool is needed from time to time, then it can be rented. The rental point will bring good dividends to its owner if everything is planned and calculated in advance. Detailed business plan for tool rental with calculations is presented below. The example is suitable for any regional center.

Legal information about the company

Type of activity: rental of power tools.

The choice of the type of products offered for rent is explained, first of all, by the experience in this area of ​​the company's managers.

A significant role was played by the situation in the industry, providing a sustainable rate of return of more than 100% due to the correct targeting of a potential buyer with an average income level. This consumer most often goes to the rental service to receive the service.

Registration form: IP.

Form of taxation: simplified taxation system (income minus expenses).

Consumers are offered the following list of power tools:

Name Day 1 Week 1 month Pledge
Manual tile cutter 150 550 1 500 1 000
Electric tile cutter 250 750 1 600 3 100
angle grinder 370 1 500 3 200 3 100
jigsaw 250 700 1 900 2 100
Chain saw 370 1 600 4 100 4 100
Plane 240 1 100 2 400 2 500
Electric winch 650 3 100 9 100 8 500
Impact drill 150 370 1 200 1 500
Jackhammer 900 3 500 10 000 6 000
Perforator 950 3 510 10 500 7 500
Industrial vacuum cleaner 750 2 000 6 500 5 500
Technical hair dryer 250 700 2 500 3 500
Fan heater 5 kW 650 2 000 4 000 2 500
Orbital grinder 100 500 1 500 1 500
Belt sander 300 1 000 3 000 5 000
Chainsaw 500 2 000 5 000 5 000
stepladder 170 460 1 760 2 000
Cultivator 800 4 000 10 000 18 500
Concrete mixer 550 2 000 5 000 8 000
Semi-automatic welding 670 2 450 6 000 11 000
parquet sander 1 300 5 500 18 000 15 000
vibrating plate 1 800 7 000 20 000 20 000
seam cutter 1 800 7 500 23 000 45 000
wall chaser 900 3 500 10 000 12 000
Drainage pump 400 1 500 3 000 3 500
jigsaw 250 1 000 2 000 2 500
Circular saw 450 2 000 5 000 5 000
Drill 100 600 1 800 1 500
Mixer drill 350 1 500 3 000 3 000
screwdriver 400 1 500 4 000 3 000

Rental power tools are different high quality, there is also a system of discounts for regular customers.

Instrument rental is carried out daily, except Monday, from 09:00 to 19:00, and on Saturdays from 09:30 to 20:00, without lunch. The rental is located in the city center, which is very convenient for customers, as it can be reached by public transport from any part of the city.

Documents and registration

To register a rental business, it is enough to open an IP and start working. To register a rental point, the following documents are collected:

  • An application for registration is made directly at the tax office.
  • Copies of the passport and TIN of the registered person.
  • Receipt from the bank confirming payment of the state duty.

All photocopies are notarized. The price of the service, on average, is 1,500 rubles. When filling out the application, one main and two additional codes for the type of activity are selected. According to the codifier, the following OKVED is suitable for the rental of power tools: 77.2 “Rental and rental of household items”, 77.29.2 “Rental of electrical and non-electric household appliances, furniture”.

Marketing plan

One of the ways to promote services to the market will be advertising - the most powerful stimulator of demand. The power tool rental shop plans to use the following advertising distribution channels:

  • Outdoor advertising at the rental point.
  • Pavement sign in the zone of the greatest passability nearby.
  • Advertising on the Internet (bulletin boards, targeting in social networks).

In order to compete with other rental locations, it is proposed to set an initially reduced price for services. This will allow the point to work with a profitability of at least 60%, therefore, the method is economically justified.

Equipment and accommodation

The rental will occupy a rented premises in the city center. The main premises of the rental point in the table:

Total total area premises will be 28 sq. m. The price for rent per month is 55,000 rubles. The price does not include payment of utility bills.

To equip the premises you will need the following equipment and furniture:

From the table: in order to purchase fixed assets, a power tool rental point will need 21,800 rubles, and 110,000 rubles to pay rent for two months. To this amount we add the minimum cost of power tools in bulk: 1,700,000 rubles. In total, the amount of 1,721,800 rubles is required for equipment, furniture and the purchase of power tools.

We plan the personnel of the company

The staff of a small rental point will consist of the following positions:

  1. Administrative: director, accountant. Working hours: Monday - Friday from 10:00 to 19:00. Saturday and Sunday are days off.
  2. Master for the issuance and acceptance of tools, master for repair and maintenance.
  3. Technical staff - cleaner.

More staff and costs for it - in the table:

total, for wages per month, the company will spend 123,500 rubles. To this amount we add deductions to various funds per month in the amount of 47,500 rubles. In total, 171,000 rubles will be needed for the salaries of employees with deductions. At the end of the year, each employee receives a bonus of 50% of the salary. The bonus is paid at the request of the employer.

Main stages

You can start renting power tools within three months. It will take the longest time to purchase high-quality power tools at an affordable price. The profitability of the project will be directly related to the quality of the service offered, so this issue should be given time. Each stage of implementation is planned.

Workshop opening hours:

Investments and income

Starting injections

To implement a tool rental business plan with calculations, the following costs will be required:

We plan income

Seasonality affects the profitability of power tool rental. In the warm season, repairs are carried out more often, so income from May to October is 30% higher. Since there are only a few major competitors in the city, an average monthly profit of 750,000 rubles is planned. This figure will grow as the number of customers will increase. In a year, revenue will reach from 9,000,000 rubles.

Assuming monthly income, we calculate net revenue:

750,000 - 461,000 \u003d 289,000 rubles / month is the net profitability of the power tool rental point.

Profitability will be about 40%.

At first, most of the profit will be returned to the investment. Therefore, the revenue will be divided into the following shares:

  • 15% - expenses related to unforeseen situations.
  • 10% - the main fund.
  • 45% - premature repayment of credit obligations.
  • 30% - personal goals of the organizer.

Every month, 45% of the total profitability will be allocated for the return on investment, which is 130,000 rubles. Knowing this figure, we calculate the payback:

2,238,000 / 130,000 = 17.2 months. Taking into account possible risks, the project will pay off in 2-3 years.


To open a small rental of power tools, you will need significant investments in equipment - at least 2,238,000 rubles. If you purchase a low-quality tool, then 70% of the revenue will go to depreciation per month. Project profitability - 13%, payback - 2-3 years. Despite the long payback, rental will bring its owner a stable income, but on the condition that the quality of the services offered will not fall. And for this, the instrument is constantly monitored and cared for, the material base is updated.
