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Barn owl species. Barn owl. Lifestyle and social structure

Owl is predatory bird, belongs to the order of owls (Strigiformes or Striges), in which 2 families are distinguished:

  • owls or true owls (these include the genera of the tawny owl, owls, long-eared owls and scops)
  • barn owls (these include the genus barn owl and the genus mask barn owl)

The paws of an owl are very strong and grasping, in many species they are feathered. owl claws sharp and curved, they help her to quickly grab the victim and hold it. The flight of an owl is almost silent, this is due to the special structure of the feathers. The first outer feathers are sawtooth and fringedly serrated. The third and fourth feathers of an owl are longer than the rest. The tail is rounded and clipped, and the tail feathers are bent. The wingspan of an owl is about 142-200 centimeters. These birds fly very fast: the speed of an owl in flight reaches 80 km / h.

The bird makes a characteristic clicking sound when irritated or excited. It turns out this is due to her beak. The beak of an owl is bent from the beginning to the very base, ends with a hook, the edges are even and without cuts.

Owls can turn their heads 180 and even 270 degrees without causing themselves any inconvenience or harm. The owl bird is a predator, and it needs to track down prey, so the eyes are not located on the sides, but in front.

The eyes of an owl are motionless and look only straight ahead. To change the direction of the gaze, the bird needs to turn its head. At the same time, the owl's field of view is 160 degrees, and its vision is binocular, unlike other birds. Owls see the world in black and white. The lens of owls is not in the eyeball, but in the horn tube, so the birds see perfectly at night.

An owl's hearing is 4 times better than a cat's. As soon as the prey betrays itself with a rustle or sound, the bird rushes at it with lightning speed.

Types of owls, names and photos

In the owl family, 3 subfamilies, 30 genera and 214 species are distinguished, the most common of which are:

The bird has a length of 31-36 centimeters. The wingspan reaches 86-98 cm. The color of this species of owl is dominated by a gray-brown hue with variegated spots, the chest is white. Dark spots are located on the upper side of the body, transverse stripes stand out on the underside. On the head of a long-eared owl are large ear tufts, which consist of six feathers.

Lives in coniferous forests, prefers nesting places European countries or the north of Asia, flies to the north of Africa for wintering. The long-eared owl feeds on rodents, mice, voles, insects and birds.

  • Great Owl ( Strix nebulosa)

A large bird with a length of 80 cm and a wingspan of 1.5 meters. The big-headed bird has a smoky gray color. There are dark stripes around the yellow eyes of an owl.

The owl feeds on rodents and squirrels. For nesting, it chooses the nests of hawks and buzzards; it does not build nests itself. Black spot under the bird's beak it looks like a beard, hence the name of the bird. The bird does not have feather ears; a white collar is located on the neck. The underside of the wings hides dark stripes.

The gray owl lives in the zone of taiga and mountain forests in the Baltic countries, in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, on Sakhalin, in Mongolia.

  • Owl ( Bubo bubo)

It has a length of 60-75 cm, a wingspan of 160-190 cm. The weight of a male owl reaches 2.1-2.7 kg, the weight of females is 3-3.2 kg. The eagle owl is the largest bird in the owl order. The plumage of the predator is dominated by reddish and ocher colors, the owl's eyes are bright orange, and there are bunches of elongated feathers above the eyes.

Eagle owls live in the forests and steppes of Eurasia, prey on rodents, mice, crows, hedgehogs, hares, birds and other vertebrates.

  • Sparrow Owl ( Glaucidium passerinum)

The body length of the owl is 15-19 cm, the wingspan reaches 35-40 cm. The weight reaches 55-80 g. At the same time, males are smaller than females. The color of the owl has a gray-brown or dark brown color, white mottles are clearly distinguished on the feathers, larger on the back and small on the head. The bottom of the bird has a white color with longitudinal stripes of a brown hue. The tail is grey-brown with 5 narrow stripes. The head is small and has a round and slightly flattened shape; the owl has no ears. Around the eyes of the pygmy owl are white and brown rings. The eyes of the bird are yellow, there are white eyebrows above the eyes. The claws of the pygmy owl are black or yellow in color. The paws are fully feathered, down to the claws.

  • Little owl ( Athene noctua)

A small bird with a length of 25 cm and a weight of about 150-170 g. The color of the plumage of females and males is the same. The back of the bird has a light brown or sand color. Brown longitudinal variegated spots stand out on the white belly of the owl. Round white spots are located on the shoulder feathers.

The little owl lives in the south and in the center of Europe, in the north of Africa and in the southern Asian countries. In Russia, the owl is found mainly in the center and south of the European part, in the Southern Altai and Transbaikalia. Birds live in steppe and desert areas, build nests in stones and burrows. The little owl feeds on insects, lizards, rodents, and sometimes birds.

It differs from other species of owls in its heart-shaped facial disc. The length of the barn owl reaches 34-39 centimeters with a wingspan of 80-95 cm. The weight of a bird of prey is 190-700 grams. The color of the barn owl is red with numerous transverse mottles, stripes and specks. In this case, the color depends on the habitat of the bird. The tail of the bird is short. The barn owl's ears have an unusual asymmetrical arrangement: if the left one is at the level of the forehead, then the right one approaches the nostrils. Thanks to this feature, the bird hears very well.

Barn owl lives on all continents, except for cold Antarctica. In Russia, lives only on the territory of the Kaliningrad region.

  • Snowy owl (snowy owl) ( Bubo scandiacus, Nyctea scandiaca)

It has a body length of 55 to 70 cm, the weight of the bird is 2-3 kg. The wingspan reaches 143-166 cm. The color of the bird that lives in the tundra zone serves as a disguise for it, so white colors with dark spots predominate in it. The beak of the snowy owl is black, the eyes are bright yellow. The paws of the predator are completely pubescent.

The polar owl lives in Eurasia, North America, Greenland, on the islands of the Arctic Ocean. The snowy owl feeds on rodents, lemmings, hares, ermines, ptarmigans, geese, ducks, and fish. White owls are listed in the Red Book.

  • hawk owl ( Surnia ulula)

It lives in forest regions in Europe, North America and Asia. In Russia, it is found in Kamchatka, in the Magadan region, in Chukotka, on the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk. It feeds on rodents (mice, lemmings, voles), sometimes preys on squirrels, hazel grouse, black grouse, partridges and other birds.

The length of the bird reaches 45 cm. The tail of the bird is long, the color is brown-brown with white spots, thin stripes are located at the bottom of the body. The eyes and beak of the hawk owl are yellow.

Where do owls live?

Owls live all over the world, not only in Antarctica. 17 species of owls live in Russia. A large number of these birds can be found in forests, and only a few of them live in open areas.

Basically, the owl lives in hollows and nests. The eagle owl finds a home almost everywhere: in forests, mountains, steppes and deserts. The long-eared owl lives in all sorts of fields, as it hunts in open areas, but it creates its nests only in the forest. The white owl lives in the tundra, flies far to the south in winter, does not like wooded places. The Great Gray Owl lives only in dense taiga forests. Owl species such as barn owl and little owl find a home under roofs and in attics.

What does an owl eat?

The question of what an owl bird eats in nature is of interest to many people. This bird is like natural environment habitation, and in captivity eats rodents, small birds, insects, animals. The diet depends on the habitat of the owl. Owls of medium to large size feed on rats, mice, lemmings, hedgehogs, lizards, shrews, hares, frogs, toads, bats, moles, snakes, chickens. Little owls eat mainly insects (beetles, grasshoppers), and birds living in coastal areas eat fish, crabs and mussels. Owls living in tropical countries eat fruits, plants and berries. An owl bird can live for several months without water, quenching its thirst with the blood of its victims.

Owl breeding

Owls form monogamous pairs. A pair of owls do not build their nest, they occupy crevices, hollows or nests abandoned by other birds. Short-eared owls build nests on the ground in dense vegetation. Owls can breed one or more times a year, it all depends on the amount of food in the habitat. A clutch may contain from 3 to 10 eggs. Owl eggs are white, spherical and relatively small. The female owl incubates the eggs. The male owl is involved in feeding the offspring. Very often chicks live in the nest different ages. Parents feed all offspring, but most of them are given to older owlets. Older owl chicks, with a lack of food, can even eat their younger brothers.

There are also some difficulties with the nutrition of an owl, the digestive system of this bird is designed in such a way that it needs to eat a whole carcass of a mouse or a bird. It is logical that meat feeding is eliminated, get ready for the purchase of mice.

Also pay special attention to the choice of the type of owl, a long-eared or short-eared owl is suitable for a standard city apartment. There will be little space for owls and owls, even if you have a wide apartment or house.

What is the difference between an owl and an owl?

The eagle owl is a bird of prey from the order of owls, the owl family. Belongs to the genus owl. This bird differs from other species of owls in its appearance. Firstly, the eagle owl has the largest size compared to other owls. The eagle owl's head is quite large and has characteristic features: in the area of ​​​​the auditory openings there are short hard feathers resembling auricles. The eagle owl has a characteristic color of feathers, a reddish-fawn color. Clear dark stripes flaunt on the head and back.

Secondly, unlike many species of owls that hunt only at night, the eagle owl is a diurnal bird and sees well during the day.

The prey of owls are mainly small rodents and insects, while the eagle owl preys on pheasants, hares and young roe deer. This type of prey lives mainly in the steppe zone. In such places it is convenient for the eagle owl to go hunting because of the large wingspan.

  • The call of an owl serves the bird for various purposes. There is a call similar to a dialogue taking place between two males. There is a calling cry during the mating season. Little owls make a sound to indicate their location.
  • In ancient times, owls were feared, they were considered a bad sign, associated with mystical events, so these birds were persecuted.
  • In Egypt, owls were treated with care, respect, and even mummified.
  • A Babylonian bas-relief was found, which depicts owls: they are on the sides, and in the center is a woman with owl wings and paws. It is believed that this is one of the goddesses, and owls are her guards or companions. In addition to the dark and mystical symbol, the owl was a symbol of the mind and wisdom.
  • In Christianity, the cry of an owl was considered a song of death. It symbolized desolation, loneliness, sorrow and solitude. For the Slavs, the owl bird was the keeper of underground treasures, a sign of a widow and foreshadowed a fire or death, an owl was ranked among demonic and unclean forces.

barn owl - settled bird permanently residing in the same area. The barn owl of all our owls is considered the most nocturnal species, it appears only late in the evening and hunts in complete darkness. All day the owl sits in some kind of shelter: in the attic or in the hollow of a tree. Barn owls feed mainly on mouse-like rodents, as well as shrews, moles, amphibians, eat insects, and hunt birds. Owls also come across quite large prey: rats, squirrels, muskrats, rabbits. Barn owls settle in various habitats. In our country, this bird is almost universally associated with human habitation. appearance a barn owl may seem very similar to an owl, only unusually beautiful, with soft and fluffy plumage, a slender body, and long legs. And this is no coincidence, because the barn owl belongs to the order of owls. This bird, like many other members of the order, is nocturnal and prefers to hunt in the dark. But unlike many species of forest owls, most barn owls, especially the most common species - the barn owl - settles next to a person. This bird has an extremely amazing head - its facial corolla of feathers resembles a heart in shape, which distinguishes the entire genus of barn owls. And the barn owl owes its not the most euphonious name to the same dissonant voice. True, in normal times these birds are quite silent, but during the breeding season they emit hoarse and rattling cries, and also click their beaks and flap their wings demonstratively. The barn owl prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. And only occasionally in places characterized by an abundance of prey, barn owls are found in groups. It is interesting that human activity has only a favorable effect on the distribution of many barn owl species. Barn owls try to avoid thick forests and mountainous areas, so clearing forests to improve Agriculture contributes to the extensive resettlement of these birds. The barn owl is easy to distinguish from other owls. It does not have feathers resembling ears, and has a heart-shaped facial disc that looks like a mask, which is why the bird is also called a masked bird. Another common name for the barn owl is the barn owl, which the bird received just because of its habitation next to a person. The approximate dimensions of the barn owl are 30-40 cm body length, 80-90 cm wingspan. This bird has a large round head, an elongated body, fully feathered legs and short tail. Barn owls are distinguished by an unusual structure of the hearing aid. Their ears are located asymmetrically - one in the forehead, the other at the level of the nostrils. This allows barn owls to better perceive sounds made by live prey. The beak and mandible of most species of barn owls are light, except for the black representatives of the genus.

This predator has an unusual and varied coloration. The lower half of the barn owl's body is usually darker, sometimes speckled. But various kinds barn owl this coloration may vary. The barn owl has a particularly beautiful coloration of feathers. Her back and wings are a reddish-brown shade with a gray speck, with dark and light spots. The lower part of the body in some subspecies is snow-white, and in some it is dark speckled. The color of the plumage of the golden barn owl is dominated, respectively, by yellowish tones. This bird in the low light of the night seems, indeed, shrouded in a golden glow. The Cape barn owl has a pronounced spotted coloration of the ventral part of the body. The Tasmanian barn owl is larger in size than many members of the genus. Its back and wings are noticeably darker than the rest of the body, and the facial disc also stands out due to the dark brown color of the feathers. The ash-faced barn owl is characterized by an ash-gray facial crown and a dark gray streaked pattern on the plumage. The grassy oriental barn owl is distinguished by black and gold blotches on the back and wings and a dark, almost black "coating" on the upper part of the head. The little black barn owl is also called the silver barn owl because of the predominance of a gray-variegated hue in its color. Sometimes there are completely black individuals. The Australian barn owl is the largest of all barn owls, differs from the common barn owl by a thin dark border along the contour of the facial corolla. The Madagascar barn owl is otherwise called red because of the noticeable orange hue of the wings. The color of the feathers of the great black barn owl is dominated by black and dark gray tones, it is also sometimes called the black owl. The African barn owl is dark brown with white spots and ocher blotches. Almost every species of barn owl is tied to a specific habitat, only in Australia there are different types of these birds, and in Africa, Madagascar and Southeast Asia even relic representatives of the genus have been preserved. These barn owls are gigantic compared to modern birds.

The main habitat of which is the forest. But everything changed dramatically after the release of the legendary epic about Harry Potter. In this film, barn owls appeared in the form of postmen, whose appearance was associated with the fabulous Horgwarts. Needless to say, almost every child immediately wanted such a real, live bird?

Owl barn owl, the maintenance of which at home requires special attention, has become a desirable pet for many adults. At the same time, few people think about the fact that she is a real predator, and its proper maintenance in a house or apartment may require certain victims from the owner.

miraculous bird

In Latin, the name of this bird sounds like Tyto alba, which in translation into Russian means "common barn owl". This bird is found almost anywhere in the world and has another common name - barn owl barn owl. On average, its length reaches 33-40 cm, and the wingspan, as a rule, does not exceed 95 cm. It has a small weight - no more than 700 g.

Barn owls attract attention due to their pretty appearance, and they also have a very soft, pleasant to the touch plumage. And the main distinguishing feature of this species from others is the facial corolla, which has an original heart shape.

Difference from other species

In addition to the facial disc, which has a pronounced heart-shaped shape, the barn owl, the photo of which can be seen in our article, differs from its counterparts in lighter plumage. These birds have a peculiar structure of the auditory apparatus: their right ear is located at the level of the nostrils, and the left one is at the level of the forehead. Thanks to this arrangement of the organs of the barn owl, barn owls are the owners of truly perfect hearing. They are able to pick up the sounds of a potential victim in a huge range and from different angles.

Owl barn owl: where it is found

Most often, the bird can be found in wastelands, ravines and swamps. Under natural conditions, the barn owl, whose photo is presented in the article, prefers to choose open plains for the village, where there is a small number of trees.

Also, these birds are very fond of settling near human habitation and rural farms. The activity of people in clearing forests and cultivating the land, unlike many other predators, barn owls only benefit. The agricultural work of a person makes it much easier for an owl to find food.

Behavioral features

AT wild nature This species prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. At the tips of their wings, these birds have specific flight feathers, due to which their flight is cushioned, becomes very soft, smooth and almost silent. These owls have almost perfect vision and are perfectly oriented both in daylight and in pitch darkness.

If a person approaches a wild owl closely, then, as a rule, it immediately rises into the air, may begin to sway from side to side and even begin to build various funny grimaces. They prefer to lead and in the same chosen place can live for years. Only the lack of food can send an owl in search of a new place.

The barn owl shows its activity exclusively at night, during the day it mostly prefers to sleep. During the breeding season, barn owls can make various sounds - shrillly scream, hoarsely "hoot", sniffle. In calm periods, birds like to click their beaks or click their tongues.

Food for cute owl

A cute heart-shaped face, funny habits and expressive eyes of an owl can be misleading for many. Being in a state of tenderness, people sometimes forget that this bird is a real predator. Those who think that a barn owl at home can eat like an ordinary parrot are greatly mistaken. It must be understood that oats, millet and fruits will not be enough for her.

The basis of the owl diet is made up of various rodents. It can be hamsters, field mice, gerbils, gophers, rats. In nature, these owls can prey on reptiles, invertebrates, shrews, possums. If necessary, the barn owl can also eat other small birds, frogs and bats.

Features of digestion

Even if a person is not embarrassed by the need to feed the bird with living beings, then it is necessary to pay attention to the special process of digestion. The barn owl at home must definitely receive live food. Some owners try to cheat and feed the birds simply with fresh meat, chicken and rabbit hearts. Such food can completely upset the pet's digestion.

An owl, like other members of its genus, has a specific digestive tract that needs to digest wool and bones. After eating its prey for several hours, the bird forms a pellet. This is the pellet that an owl spews out after eating, and it consists mainly of undigested bones, wool and feathers. It is very important to ensure that after each meal the pellet goes out. After that, she should immediately be cleaned by the owners, because owls, foolishly, can eat her again.

How to choose the right pet and where to buy it

If (despite all the specifics of keeping an owl at home and the upcoming difficulties) it was decided to buy a bird, you need to know where this is being done. Today, the supply of these wild predators is quite large. But you should not buy an owl through the Internet or in the bird market. Firstly, it may be sick, and secondly, it may be a freshly caught, absolutely wild individual, which will be very difficult to accustom to life in an apartment.

The ideal option for buying are specialized nurseries, where it is advised to purchase young chicks. Also, employees will be able to advise the owners on any issues and tell you what to do next after the purchase.

Each owl taken in the nursery has a special ring on its paw with a number stamped on it. When buying, it is important to ensure that the numbers in the documents for the bird and on this ring are identical. If possible, after acquiring a pet, it is recommended to show it to an ornithologist or at least a veterinarian. The doctor can take the necessary tests, prescribe an x-ray and conduct a complete examination, which determines the general condition of the bird.

So you delivered the owl to new house. Naturally, she can be frightened and confused. Do not annoy her with your attention, constantly touching her. Place the box with the bird in her new room, open it and leave the owl alone until it crawls out on its own. Most likely, she will constantly hide, and this state of stress can last about 3-4 days.

Arrangement of a cage or room for an owl

An ideal option for a bird to live would be a separate room. All sharp objects and corners that may pose a risk of injury to the bird during flight should be removed from the room or upholstered with soft material. It is also necessary to allocate a corner for sitting, but, as a rule, the owl chooses a perch on its own, having chosen some place.

If the decision is made to keep the bird in a cage, it must be of a large size so that it can fly in it with its wings fully spread. Also, do not forget that when kept in a cage, an owl should regularly leave it, walk and fly around the apartment so that its wings do not atrophy.

Pure drinking water must be within reach at all times. Water is recommended to be changed at least twice a day.

Features of bird care

Very carefully you need to monitor the beak and nails of owls living at home. With any deformation or damage to the beak, the owl must be shown to the doctor. Regarding nails, almost all owners cut them to their pets, because they are very sharp in owls and often lead to various injuries. It is best if this procedure is carried out by a specialist. If it is not possible to turn to an ornithologist, the nails should be cut very carefully, removing only the white part. In the place where the nail darkens or streaks are visible, nothing can be touched. These veins are blood vessels, and damage to them will be very painful for the bird.

How to feed an owl

You can feed your pet only after the pellet has passed due to the previous meal. Otherwise, the owl may have a stomach obstruction. If she is fed the wrong food, after which a pellet does not form, this leads to a complete disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of a stomach ulcer. An owl with such a problem, unfortunately, will not live long and will suffer greatly.

During the day, an adult can eat about 2-4 mice. At the same time, you can feed her when she asks. One of the rare species that eats only when necessary and does not suffer from unnecessary gluttony is the barn owl. The chick of this bird, especially a small one, can have a completely different attitude to food.

Little owls aged about a few days need to be fed constantly, almost every half hour. At the same time, food must be given at their first request. It is believed that it is impossible to overfeed them. The larger the owlet becomes, the less frequent meals should be. For example, a bird in one month old Feed already only 5-6 times a day.

To feed small owls, sometimes mice must first be butchered. The fact is that large rodents, fighting for their lives, will resist and can injure their paws, after which various inflammations and infections are possible.

What to prepare for if you decide to have an owl at home

As soon as an owl appears at home, it can be argued without the slightest exaggeration and any doubt that the life of the owner will never be the same. This step should be very deliberate, and a person who buys a predatory animal that will be kept in captivity should be aware of the responsibility he takes on.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that with the onset of darkness, the pet will begin an active life. Constant stomping, clattering, rustling, knocking will become calling card your apartment at night.

The owner rarely has a chance to release a cleaning cloth from his hands. These birds go to the toilet very often, in some cases up to 15-20 times a day, and the droppings have to be cleaned constantly. Owls can defecate anywhere and at any time - sitting, flying, playing, bathing, playing or sleeping. To be fair, this litter is very easy to remove, leaves no traces behind and does not have a strong odor.

The owl will require constant attention to itself - daily you need to monitor whether the pellet has departed after eating, check the condition of the wings and nails. Most owls have a playful nature and constantly show their curiosity. For this reason, they should not be left unattended for a long time.

So aristocratic in Latin execution Tyto alba in Russian it sounds much more prosaic - barn owl. This is the name of an owl that can be found in any part of the globe, except perhaps for Antarctica.

Among domestic expanses, this owl with the face of a monkey, she is also a golden owl, she is a night owl, she is a screeching and ghostly owl (and this is not the limit - there are no unofficial, folklore names for the barn owl) more than others chose the territory of the Kaliningrad region.

Obviously, this bird owes most of its exotic names to its unusual appearance. Ornithologists have even singled out a separate niche for the barn owl in the register of categories - there are too many things that distinguish it from other species of owls. And the body is longer and slenderer, and the eggs laid by barn owls are distinguished by an unusual oval shape among owls, and most importantly, the facial disc of Tyto alba has a unique heart contour, which you will not find in any other owl. As if drawing attention to the amazing form, nature gracefully outlined it with a contrasting border.

The dimensions of the bird are small: the length is about 40 cm, the wingspan is up to a meter, and the weight does not reach a kilogram. Barn owls have an unusually fluffy and delicate plumage of a specific color. If the palette of the upper body includes red shades with ashy and darker splashes, stripes and other marks, then its lower part is mostly white, less often interspersed with yellowness.

Large round dark eyes on an almost snow-white muzzle of an owl attract the eye like a magnet. From the "unusual" you can not ignore the hearing aid barn owl. The fact is that the ears of these owls are extremely strange: one perched in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nostrils, the other settled at the level of the forehead. Thanks to this oddity, nocturnal birds manage to hear any sounds made by potential prey, no matter at what angle to the prey they make their flight.

Barn owls often frighten late travelers to convulsions - both with their appearance, reminiscent of a ghost a la “Casper and his friends”, and with a terrible scream, more like a tearing cough. Actually, it is thanks to its famous hoarse “Kh-he!” the owl was called the barn owl. But the most terrible sounds can be heard from these angelic creatures with a muzzle-heart during the mating season: they scream, hoot, squeal and click their beak indecently loudly.

But now the couple has formed, and the male without delay begins to show his best master qualities as the head of the family - he is looking for the most appropriate place for the nest, and then calls the female with a cry so that she “approves” the choice. However, birds do not build nests in the usual sense: they simply settle in a spacious dark and protected place - it can be a hollow in a tree, a depression in a rock, an abandoned hole, and even an attic in a house.

flickr/Rick Wylie

As a result life together the female barn owl lays 4-6 eggs, which it takes her a little more than a month to hatch. All this time, the male carefully carries her food. The hatched chicks look very touching - their bodies are covered with thick snow-white fluff, they move awkwardly and are completely unable to take care of themselves. Only after a month and a half, the grown up owlets begin to leave the nest, and a little later they spread their wings and make their first training flights. And by the age of 3 months they say goodbye to the parental nest and go on their own swimming. More precisely, in flight.

On this thorny path they actively use the skills acquired in their father's house and hunt for prey with skill. During the day, the barn owl sleeps in the shade and coolness of the nest, but as soon as dusk thickens, this pale ghost owl goes for provisions. Beware frogs, mice, birds and hamsters! And if a rabbit, a squirrel or a squirrel fell into the claws of a predator, the hunt can be considered mega successful.

By the way, it is not known how a person would be able to cope with the problem of breeding rodents - big fans of the grain harvest, if it were not for the barn owl. One owl for a month is able to cope with such a horde of mice that even cats that are in excellent hunting shape could envy her achievements.
