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Competition of men on February 23. Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, postcards, contests for you at the Holiday Center! Board game "Thorny path"

For example, hand over notebooks, pens and ties, or arrange a real men's party with colleagues or loved ones.

Whatever the theme of the corporate party is - poker, boxing or watching your favorite action movies - you can't do without contests and games in which the whole team will participate.

Contests for February 23 for men can be completely different, the main thing is that they are cool and funny, then everyone will have fun throughout the festive evening, even in the office.

Army kitchen. This is a joke contest. The host puts raw, unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that you have to peel potatoes. But, when those who wish are nevertheless chosen, they are invited to take turns naming potato dishes. The one whose dish is the last will win.

Strongest. For the competition, you will need several empty matchboxes. Each participant is offered a design: an outer box is placed on top of the inside. Competitors need to flatten both parts with one blow.

As practice shows, this is quite difficult to do, so perhaps the host will not need a second box.

Botany. If the company has men who have not served in the army and have a sufficient sense of humor, then the next competition can be held.

Invite "nerds" to the podium. And since they are botanists, then offer them exhibits from the herbarium. Which of the participants will give the correct name to all plants - he receives the honorary title of "Best Botanist".

Four ends. Two thick ropes are tied in the middle - no, loops are tied at the four ends. Four players become, as it were, at the corners of the square, holding on to the ends of the rope. A stone is placed two meters from each (maybe a bump, a snowball, a matchbox or a wooden chock). On a signal, each player reaches for his stone to grab it. Whoever succeeds, wins.

Arm wrestling. What men's competition will do without classic arm wrestling? The host must ensure that there is a free table in the room, which can conditionally be divided into two halves. All participants can compete. Putting their right hands on the table with their elbows, the opponents clasp their hands and try to “tumble down” the opponent. The one whose brush touches the table loses and is eliminated from the competition.

Competition for February 23 "Metkach". Requisites, attributes: three glass piles, a plastic bottle with lemonade, a ribbon for tying hands.

Couples participate in the competition, each with two guys. The players of each team have their hands tied at the back. plastic bottle a hole is made, and clamped by one of the players between the knees.

At the signal of the leader, the players must fill the stacks with lemonade, and the second player must drink this lemonade. The team that filled all the piles and drank the fastest wins.

Rope pulling. A bright ribbon is tied to a long and thick rope in the middle. A peg is driven into the ground, and to the right and left of it at a distance of two meters - another peg each (if the game is played in the hall, you can put gymnastic sticks on the floor).

Each team takes their half of the rope, the distance between the teams is two meters. The ribbon hangs over the middle peg. At the sign of the judge, the teams pull the rope - each in its own direction. The team that pulls the ribbon over their peg wins.

Competition "Men's Logic". This contest-task is suitable for testing the ingenuity of the male half at the beginning of the holiday on February 23.

Here is the essence of the problem - tired of disputes and summer heat, three ancient Greek philosophers lay down to rest under a tree and fell asleep. While they slept, the pranksters smeared their foreheads with charcoal. Waking up and looking at each other, everyone got into a cheerful mood and began to laugh, but this did not bother anyone, since it seemed natural to everyone that the other two were laughing at each other.

Suddenly, one of the sages stopped laughing, as he realized that his own forehead was also dirty. Participants must guess how he reasoned.

The answer: here it is, the male logic of reasoning - “Each of us can think that his own face is clean. B is sure that his face is clean, and laughs at the smeared forehead of the sage C. But if B saw that my face is clean, he would be surprised at C's laughter, since in this case C would not have a reason to laugh. However, B is not surprised, so he may think that C is laughing at me. Therefore, my face is also black.” It is best to show the clue on volunteers.

Two Musketeers. For this game you will need equipment: two rods 115 cm long, two chocks or matchbox. Two circles with a diameter of 50 cm are drawn on the site at a distance of 30 cm from one another, two lines are drawn. The chock is placed in the center of the circle, the players stand each behind their own line, which is not allowed to cross.

In the hands of each "sword" - a flexible and thin rod. It is necessary to knock out a chock from the circle of the enemy with a sword, while protecting your own. The one who manages to knock the chock out of the circle wins the duel.

A real holiday should be fun and interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to think over everything in advance so that the participants of the holiday will forever remember it as the best in their life. If you are doing for men on February 23 at the office, then funny and cool contests will help you make the evening brighter and more interesting. We have prepared several new contests so that you can please and surprise your colleagues. Play and spend time so that you do not feel sorry for a single minute.

The most accurate.
The defender of the fatherland must shoot accurately. We won't shoot in the office, but you can shoot down cans. For this contest, you need banks. You can empty from under the beer, you can and full. But full cans are hard to knock down, so if you're using them, then you need to hit them.
And so, we place all the banks on the table. So that they are at different heights, we put books on the table, we put cans on them. We give the participants of the competition champagne corks. Each participant must use 7 corks to knock down 5 cans. Whoever succeeds gets a prize.

Don't give out the secret.
Defenders of the fatherland must not only protect, but also keep the secrets of the motherland. In this contest we will see who can keep the secret.
For this we need glasses. We pour into them: water, salt water, sweet water, vodka and water with lemon juice. We take two or three girls to another room and mix the glasses. The girls return and one man takes turns drinking from each glass. After the girls must answer where and what was. To confuse them, a man can change his face on purpose. But it will not be easy to do this, so we will see which of the men is a real intelligence officer.

Assembly of the machine.
Everyone knows that soldiers have a standard. According to which it is necessary to have time to disassemble and assemble the machine in a certain time. And in our competition we will do the same.
First you need to find a picture of the machine on the Internet. Then print it on a sheet. Cut the sheet into 9-12 pieces. Mix all parts on the table. At the command of the leader, the participants assemble the machine, each his own. That is, you just need to add all the pictures so that you get one big picture.

Competition - find a way.
In this competition, your colleagues will find their way out of the maze. The team has two members: a boy and a girl. You hang a printed labyrinth on the wall, and blindfold the man. Give your mind a pen and put it at the beginning of the labyrinth. On command, he must begin to lead the pen through the labyrinth in order to get out of it. His assistant should help him. Speak: left, right and so on. Whoever can get out of the maze first wins.
Here is an example of a maze that you can use:

Who am I?
This contest is fun. But it needs a lot of preparation. Namely, you need to make military templates, but only without a face. In other words, you need to print a man in military uniform on paper and cut out his face. It can be any military man, with any rank and any kind of troops.
The participant does not see the drawing, and sticks his head in place. Where carved under the face. He asks 3 questions to the others, and then he must say who he is, what his rank is, and so on.
The competition is interesting in that these outfits will make a chic photo shoot.
Here is an example of such a template.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered one of the most significant holidays. Why? Because it is on this day that we thank our men. We thank them for being so strong, so brave and courageous. We thank them for protecting us, they will never let anything bad happen to us women. They help us. They do everything to make our life better.

On this day, February 23, we congratulate not only those people who served in the army. We congratulate every man on this planet. After all, if one defended the Motherland, the other defends his family, the third stands up for the defense of his best friends. Due to the fact that there are beloved men in our lives, we not only can, we are not afraid of anything, our life takes on meaning. We take care of them the way they take care of us.

That is why on this important holiday for all of us, it is very important to make every man feel special. It is very important to make this day fun and happy for your beloved man. It can be your beloved husband, who meets you every evening from work, or your son, who, despite his young age, is already helping his dad chop wood. It can be a father, thanks to whom you grew up to be a wonderful person, or a beloved grandfather who spoiled you with sweets as a child. It could also be your colleague who covered for you when you needed to leave work early.

Thanks to all these people, your life is as complete and happy as it is. That is why we should be grateful to every man in our lives. And that is why, every year, on February 23rd, we arrange a holiday for our beloved men. How to arrange an unforgettable holiday for your beloved colleagues at work? Delicious snacks, alcohol and, of course, fun contests will help you.

Competition number 1. "What's the surprise?"

All interested men can participate in this competition. Each of them is given one thick winter mitten. The facilitator presents a bag to each participant in turn. This bag will contain items for real men. It can be a folding knife, a steel lighter, a purse, a cigar, cufflinks, and the like. Each participant must put his hand into the bag, on which the mitten is worn. The man takes one object and guesses by touch what it is. If he guessed right, this item becomes his gift.

Competition number 2. "The most accurate."

This competition will help determine the most accurate man in the office. Anyone can participate. To do this, the host puts a bucket. Each man is given 3 shells (these can be checkers or paper balls). The participant who throws the most shells into the bucket wins. This man is declared the most accurate man of the evening.

Competition number 3. "Intelligence service".

Six men and one woman are needed to participate in this competition. Men carefully examine the lady standing in front of them. They must memorize every detail. What is she wearing? What color are her eyes? What shoes is she wearing? The men then go out the door. All guests begin to change the image of a woman. You can change your blouse, take off your bracelet, put a small fake mole on your face, and even wear contact lenses that change your eye color. The men then enter and begin their reconnaissance. They should carefully examine the woman and catch all the changes. The one who noticed more changes in her won, and is recognized as the most attentive person of the evening.

Competition number 4. "Obstacle Course"

Thanks to this competition, employees who have stayed on the spot will be able to move a little. It is better to hold this competition where there is more space. All men present are divided into two teams, with an equal number of people. There are two chairs at the end of the room. And the path to the chairs should be blocked by various objects: a table, a handbag, Glass bottle, armchair and the like. Participants line up in two columns, one after the other. Each team is given one thematic item: a plastic grenade, a wooden pistol, a bomb, cartridges, a gun, and so on. When the host turns on moving music, the first two members of both teams begin to race to the chairs. They must leave their item on the chair and run back. But this must be done without hitting a single obstacle. If the participant touches the barrier, he is out. But they can be run around, jump over, go around. When a participant comes running, he must touch the next team member so that he can run next. The team that will lose all items faster and who will have more members will win.

Competition number 5. "Dancing".

Three men and three women must participate in this competition. They split into pairs. Their task is to take turns dancing to the music. But couples must do this with their backs to each other, and grabbing their elbows. The host turns on the music and they start dancing. And so on in turn. Music can be very diverse. It can be "Chunga Changa", "Swan Lake", "Tango". The couple that dances the best, according to all those present, won.

Competition number 6. "Whose shoulder straps are these?"

The youngest man in the team participates in this competition. To do this, you need shoulder straps printed on paper. Shoulder straps of a sergeant, shoulder straps of a major, shoulder straps of a lieutenant, general, and so on. The task of the participant is to say to whom each pair belongs. If he names everything correctly, he can wear the general's epaulettes until the end of the evening. If he makes a mistake, he will have to wear the shoulder straps of a sergeant all evening.

Competition number 7. "Paratroopers".

10 "paratroopers" take part in this competition. They are divided into two teams of 5 people each. At the end of the office, on the desk, the host puts two bottles of vodka and faceted glasses. Both teams line up in two columns, one after the other. When the host gives the signal, the first members of both teams run to the table, pour a full glass of vodka and run back. They stand at the end of the column. The second participants run to the table and drink the contents of the glasses. The third pour again. The team that drinks alcohol the fastest wins.

Competition number 8. "Bandage the wounded."

Six men must participate in this competition, or three men and three women. They are divided into three pairs. Each pair is given a roll of bandage. The host turns on incendiary music. One person in each pair is the “wounded”, the other is the “nurse”. The task of the nurses is to wrap their wounded with a bandage from head to toe as quickly as possible. The team whose nurse completes the dressing faster wins.

Competition number 9. "Lucky Lottery"

All interested men can take part in the lottery. The facilitator distributes to everyone present a piece of paper with a number. He has other leaves with the same numbers in his hat. In a huge wooden box there are gifts for beloved men. Some of them are expensive and some are cheap. For example, a bag might contain a lighter, a ballpoint pen, and a diary. Or maybe a bottle of whiskey, a beautiful scarf or a purse. The host takes out a gift, and a piece of paper with a number from the hat. Whoever has this number receives a gift. So every employee in the office will receive either a gift. Here, whoever is lucky. But the main thing is that everyone will get a good mood.

Natalya Chernikova

The material presents pedagogical ideas for the development of events dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The material may be useful to teachers, instructors in physical culture for the purpose of organizing and conducting thematic leisure activities with children preschool age.

Selection game material more intended for a themed evening dedicated to the marine theme. But if you make changes, for example, change the details, the games can be used at any event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Target: creating a favorable emotional state in children through the activation of motor activity

To holiday, entertainment or sport's event, dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, were interesting and remembered by the participants for a long time, it is necessary to think over the program of the evening and include games, contests and attractions in it. A lot of space is needed for games and attractions. Therefore, it is more expedient to hold an event in a music or sports hall. Participants must be in sportswear. As a rule, a large number of children wish to participate in games. They are always cheerful and active. And the audience is happy to follow the progress of the games and enjoy.

You can invite dads invited to the event to participate in the games.

Attraction "On deck"


Plastic cubes, balls;

2 bags;

The task is to restore order on the deck. On the floor, in two places of the hall, objects are scattered: plastic cubes and balls. For children of primary preschool age, hoops can be used as a space limitation, and play material should be placed in them.

Two participants are called. The leader blindfolds them with a scarf or handkerchief. After the leader's command, the players collect garbage (items) in a bag or bag. After the signal about the end of the attraction, the collected items are counted and the cleaned areas of the deck are evaluated. The winner is the player who has collected more or all items.

The attraction is repeated several times.

Competition "Tug of war"

(competition is considered as a team)

Facilities: rope

2 teams are participating. A mark is set in the middle of the rope. It can be a line on the floor, a bow tied in the middle of a rope. The task is proposed - on command, start pulling the rope. The team that manages to complete the task wins.

Game "Sailors"

The driver is selected (the choice can be made using a counting rhyme). He pretends to be washing the deck. All participants (there must be an odd number of them) dance to the music of "Apple".

When the music ends, the players get into pairs, the remaining participant without a pair becomes the leader. The game is repeated.

Competition "Walk the ladder"


Rope or rope;

Participants are blindfolded. Blindfolded, they walk along a rope or rope. Their task is not to stumble and not get off the ladder. Options for passing can be offered by the leader, for example, a side step or as a tightrope walker, while spreading the arms to the sides.

Which of the participants passes the ladder perfectly, that is the winner. At the end, you can hold a competition among the winners.

Competition "Raise the anchor"

Facilities: winders with anchor

Winders are used as props - sticks to which a cord or ribbon is tied, at the end of which an anchor is fixed. How many winders, so many participants. As a rule, 2 people compete. So it is better to follow the course of the competition and sum up the competition. At the signal of the leader, the participants begin to wind up the lace, as if raising the anchor. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Competition "The fastest sailor"


Vests and peakless caps

2 people participate. Next to each is a chair on which clothes lie (this can be a vest, peakless cap, you can use binoculars). At the signal of the facilitator, the participants begin to dress. The winner is the one who first dresses and says: "Ready for naval service."

Mobile game "The sea is worried"

The driver is selected, all other children participating in the game. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, leading in the middle of the circle. The driver says: “The sea worries once, the sea worries twice” (at this time, children can spin, move or make wave-like movements with their hands). When the driver says: “The sea worries three - freeze the sea figure” (children freeze). Who moved, leaves the game (if the game is decreasing).

You can think of such a variant of the game, when the driver guesses what kind of figure is in front of him. And marks the most interesting figure.

Game continues.

Every year, with the advent of February, all Russian men prepare for the most important and significant holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. According to the established tradition, on this wonderful day, all representatives of the stronger sex “wait” for congratulations and gifts, from boys to kindergarten and school and to male colleagues at work. For future and real defenders of the Fatherland, festive events, corporate parties at work, children's matinees for students of different classes are held - with fun games, funny humorous contests, sports competitions. As a rule, competitions for February 23 are selected diverse, taking into account the "audience", free space for entertainment, as well as the available "working" props. Of course everything organizational issues you need to think in advance - then the event will go smoothly and you won’t have to hastily solve various “unscheduled” issues. We bring to your attention the most cool ideas for competitions on February 23, with which you can arrange a fun holiday for guys and men, giving them the opportunity to compete physically or intellectually. So, let's dilute the atmosphere of the main men's holiday with notes of fun and enthusiasm!

Fun contests for February 23 for boys in grades 5-7 at school, ideas and videos

Defender of the Fatherland Day at school is always interesting and fun. So, on February 23, the girl's "half" of the class congratulates the boys on their holiday, addressing everyone with the warmest and most sincere congratulations. Alternatively, on the eve of the holiday, a wall newspaper is drawn up with photographs of all the boys or friendly cartoons (if there is a skilled “artist” in the class). In addition to giving gifts and organizing a "sweet" table, you can make entertainment program with fun contests - we have collected interesting ideas with video for boys in grades 5-7. However, all schoolchildren will be happy to take part in such cool entertainment. Such fun competitions for February 23 involve the definition of winners - they are entitled to prizes selected taking into account the military theme of the holiday (cars, puzzles, key chains, embossed notebooks).

Competition "We are a team!"

To participate in this competition, all participants are divided into pairs. Then, in each pair, one player needs to be blindfolded, and pins should be placed around at a certain distance from each other. The host notes the time and gives a signal. The blindfolded participant carefully moves forward, focusing on the prompts of the “partner”. The task can be complicated by changing the arrangement of pins for each new pair - after the participant is blindfolded. The team that knocks down the fewest pins wins. With the help of this cool competition, by February 23, children learn to cooperate and work in a team. And it's just fun and cool!

Contest "Secret Agents"

Boys often imagine themselves as super agents or scouts performing an important task behind enemy lines. We offer an interesting idea of ​​the competition for Defender of the Fatherland Day - to declare the guys secret agents and entrust them with the transmission of a secret encrypted message. All male participants are divided into two teams, and a captain is selected in each. According to the terms of the competition, the captain receives a task: to perform a series of movements in a certain sequence. For example, raise your hands up, clap your hands three times, sit down five times, touch your right ear with your left hand, and take your right hand to the side. The task of the captain is to exactly repeat the movements of the next player. That, in turn, transmits the "secret message" to the third participant, and so on until the end. The winner is the team that more accurately and quickly transmitted the "encrypted report" to the last "secret agent".

Cool funny contests for February 23 for men in the office, ideas with video

For many, work takes up a large part of everyday life, and sometimes we see colleagues more often than some relatives. The tradition of celebrating holidays in the circle of the native team is extremely “tenacious” - so on February 23, the female half of the office is preparing in a solemn atmosphere to congratulate men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. How to surprise male colleagues on February 23? During the "table" breaks, you can arrange cool contests and games that will cheer up the whole team and set you in a carefree-holiday mood. We offer some ideas with video organization funny contests by February 23 for the male part of the team.

Competition "Photoshoot in a gas mask"

Such a cool competition will require preliminary preparation - you need to stock up on a pair of gas masks. All male participants are divided into two teams, which are located on both sides of the table. The presenter with an assistant stand at a distance of about 10 meters from the participants - they have cameras in their hands. At the signal of the host, the first player of each team puts on one of the gas masks lying on the table, and in this form runs up to the “photographer” for a picture. Then the participant of the "photo shoot" returns to his team and passes the gas mask to the next player. The essence of this cool competition is to finish the fun "photo shoot" in gas masks as quickly as possible. From the received photos, you can later make a collage and admire the result with the whole team.

Kitchen attendant contest

Such "culinary" competitions on February 23 will remind many men of the "charms" of military service. So, women can present their male colleagues with a “surprise” - a “high-speed” potato peeling contest. The participants of the competition are also given knives and a large tuber - it is assumed that they will have to peel the potatoes for speed. However, unexpectedly, the presenter offers to arrange a competition for the knowledge of dishes from this popular vegetable. Men take turns naming potato dishes, trying to remember as many as possible. The most erudite "cook" is declared the winner and receives a cool prize - here the imagination is unlimited!

Table contests and games for corporate parties by February 23, cool with video

In honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the management of companies and firms presents their employees with a pleasant "surprise" - a festive corporate party in the banquet hall of a restaurant or cafe, in nature. Each of these options has its own advantages, but many prefer to gather in their native “working” walls. Indeed, at such an entertainment event, colleagues can have fun in an informal setting, get to know each other better and even make friends with each other. In the scenario of a corporate party, you can include cool contests for February 23 with a slight “touch” of humor. Of course, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, men will rightfully be in the spotlight - however, all employees can take part in some competitions. Here you will find interesting ideas with videos for corporate contests by February 23 - creative inspiration for you!

Competition "Charming Pilots"

By February 23, the main participants in this cool competition will be three groovy men-merry fellows - there are such men in every team. Before the “flight”, the presenter delivers a parting speech about the responsibility of the pilots to the crew and passengers, the ability to inspire confidence in themselves, as well as the professionalism of the real “masters of the sky”. According to the terms of the competition, the task of the “pilots” is to lure as many women from the audience as possible on board. How to do it? With the help of charm and male charms, brave "pilots" "recruit" the crew and passengers from among the employees. The winner is the “pilot” who has attracted the most female colleagues to his side - everyone chooses the method and means of “attracting” himself.

Contest "Guess who drinks vodka"

To hold such a contest-raffle, you can attract any number of players, and from the details you will need transparent glasses with straws - according to the number of participants. 150 grams of liquid is poured into each glass. At the beginning of the competition, the host announces that only one of the glasses contains vodka, and the rest - pure water. The participants then begin to drink through the straw, trying not to show what they are drinking. The rest of those present at this time try to guess by appearance players who have alcohol in their glass. When the glasses are empty, the presenter "reveals the cards" - it turns out that there was vodka in all the glasses!

Funny contests for February 23 in kindergarten with dads, ideas, videos

On the holiday of February 23, morning performances are held in kindergartens with the invitation of parents - mothers and fathers of children. Such entertainment events cannot be imagined without fun funny contests and games that boys and their dads can take part in. We have selected interesting ideas from videos for contests for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, which will appeal to both children and parents.

Competition "Fishermen"

Boys and dads can take part in this cool competition - fishing enthusiasts will especially like entertainment. Each participant puts on a belt with a thread tied to it, to which a pencil (“fishing rod”) is attached. Since it is winter in the yard, the "fishermen" go for winter fishing - the hole in this case is presented in the form of the neck of an empty bottle. The winner of the competition is the one who first hits the “fishing rod in the hole”.

Competition "Best Sniper"

For the competition, you will need a three-liter jar filled with water, in which a glass is placed. Then the host invites children and dads - their task is to get a coin into a glass from a distance of several steps. At first glance, everything is simple, one difficulty is that the trajectory of the coin is constantly changing due to the liquid in the bank. The most accurate sniper is declared the winner of the competition and receives a prize - coins that are inside the jar.

Ideas for cool contests for guys on February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day for any guy or man is a significant and important holiday. By this significant date, you can arrange an entertaining event with cool contests that will “dilute” traditional table gatherings. For our courageous defenders - best ideas competitions on February 23!

Contest "Protect the Orange"

The host chooses two participants from among guys and men. Each is given a spoon - you need to clamp it in your teeth, and place an orange or an egg on top. Under the terms of the competition, players must try to throw off the opponent's orange, while keeping the fruit on their spoon. Hands "use" during the game is prohibited.

Competition "Check for accuracy"

At the end of the February 23 party, a lot of empty beer cans are gathering - it's time to arrange a competition for accuracy. Banks are placed in one line, and the participants shoot at the "target" with bullets from a children's Chinese pistol. Who knocked down the most cans, he won.

Funny contests for February 23 are a great opportunity to have fun, as well as test the dexterity, courage and strength of men and guys. On our pages you will find interesting ideas for contests by February 23 - for boys at school and kindergarten, men in the office, corporate parties at work. Such cool contests for February 23 will bring a “touch” of humor and fun to the strict atmosphere of the holiday. Have a good holiday!
