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Hydroponic business planning. Business growing strawberries all year round Growing strawberries at home as a business

Growing strawberries as a business is a great solution for entrepreneurs who understand a lot about agriculture. The juicy and fragrant berry is in high demand in retail stores and catering establishments; own farming will fully pay off in 2 years. The strawberry business is not too complicated, but when organizing it, you will have to take into account many important little things on which the success of the project depends.

  • strawberry cultivation technology for sale
  • How to start a strawberry growing business?
  • Strawberry Growing Tips
  • Implementation details
  • How much can you earn growing strawberries
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED to indicate for a strawberry growing business
  • What documents are needed
  • Which taxation system to choose

strawberry cultivation technology for sale

To achieve high profitability, it is better to combine open beds with greenhouses. This approach will help:

  • save electricity in the summer;
  • extend the fruiting season from early spring to frost;
  • in heated greenhouses, the harvest can be obtained all year round;
  • the opportunity to experiment with varieties, choosing the most delicious and fruitful.

Industrial cultivation of berries has a number of features. Large enough areas are needed to create open beds. To protect yourself from pests and simplify the care of plantings, the beds can be made raised, and the space between the berry bushes and the aisles can be mulched with peat, sawdust or agrofiber. Growing strawberries in the open field makes it possible to get a good harvest, the berries are distinguished by a particularly bright taste and delicate aroma. There is only one minus in the beds - the harvest from them can be harvested no more than 1-2 months a year.

Greenhouses should be placed next to open beds. For the successful cultivation of strawberries, constructions made of cellular polycarbonate on a metal frame are suitable. The construction of such a structure is not cheap, but a capital non-separable greenhouse will serve for several years and will not require repair.

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round is quite a costly undertaking. The colder the region, the more you have to spend on heating and heating plantings. It is most advantageous to grow berries in the middle zone. In summer, the greenhouse can function without additional heating; in winter, you can save on electricity by using bio-fuel.

How to start a strawberry growing business?

To understand how to make money growing strawberries all year round, you need to study several business plans for such industries. They indicate a complete list of upcoming expenses, as well as calculate future income and the overall profitability of the project. With properly organized work, the enterprise will pay off in 2 years. The larger the production, the higher the profitability, but the initial and fixed costs in this case also increase.

It is easiest to organize a strawberry business on the territory of the former state farm, which has sufficient areas of fertile land. Open plantations and greenhouses can be located on this base. Land is bought or rented, for this you can get a state subsidy or a soft loan.

Register a legal entity. It is most convenient to run a strawberry business on your own farm. This legal form allows you to significantly save on taxation and allows you to count on additional benefits and subsidies.

Build greenhouses. Good profitability is provided by structures from 100 to 250 square meters. m. You can start with 1 greenhouse, after a year the economy should be increased. To grow strawberries all year round and facilitate labor, shelters are equipped with an automatic irrigation and ventilation system. Winter greenhouses require a reinforced cinder block foundation and a well-thought-out heating system. It is most profitable to combine electric or water boilers with bio-fuel from a mixture of rotted manure and straw. The mixture is laid out on the beds and covered with a layer of soil. Bio-fuel maintains the ideal temperature for 3-5 months and serves as additional nutrition for plants.

Choose the right strawberry variety. For greenhouses, hybrids of the latest generation of Dutch, Polish, Russian selection are suitable. Consumers prefer large juicy berries of bright red or red-pink color with a pronounced pleasant aroma. To improve profitability and reduce waste, choose a strawberry variety with fairly firm berries that hold their shape well. Such strawberries are well stored and tolerate transportation without any problems.

The existing statistics on the consumption of berries in the country show that Demand for strawberries is growing by about 20% annually. The berry has excellent taste and contains a lot.

Modern technologies and varieties bred by breeders make it possible to grow strawberries in closed ground. Get a harvest. These features of strawberries allow you to turn its cultivation into a profitable business. Product profitability in winter can be up to 300%. Such profitability is difficult to obtain when growing other agricultural crops.

Each entrepreneur draws up a business plan for the commercial cultivation of strawberries independently taking into account individual characteristics each specific project.

It should include:

  1. Description of the cultivation method chosen for breeding the strawberry variety, its yield, distribution channels, etc.
  2. Cost estimate for organizing a business.
  3. Marketing analysis of the market.
  4. Harvest plan.
  5. Forecast on business profitability and project payback period.
  6. Description of possible risks.

Commercial cultivation of strawberries can be profitable if a number of conditions are met. These include minimum seating area requirements. They should be at least 10 sq.m. To obtain a stable income from sales all year round, it is necessary choose the right variety. He must bear fruit 3 times a year including the winter period.

Important! For sale through retail chains, state registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is required.

To organize a business you will need:

  • initial capital for the purchase of planting material, fertilizers, equipment and the construction of a greenhouse;
  • land well lit by the sun;
  • knowledge of the technology of growing strawberries;
  • plan for selling berries.

How much can you earn selling strawberries?

Income depends on various factors. The selling price of the product depends on the region of sale. In the southern regions of the country, the cost of a berry 30-40% cheaper. The choice of plant variety, proper care and top dressing affect the yield of strawberries.

The practice of growing and selling shows that from 1 weave of strawberries you can get 30-50 thousand rubles income for 1 harvest. These figures can be guided when planning commercial cultivation. Rational use of greenhouse areas and properly selected varieties allow you to collect 1 sq.m up to 90 kg per year.

Harvest in closed areas 10 sq.m will be 900 kg. The average selling price is approximately $4. The annual sales revenue can reach up to 36 thousand dollars. The cost of cultivation will be approximately half of the proceeds received for the products.

Cultivation requires diligence and the presence of a certain baggage of special knowledge. You can get them on special courses or on your own with the help of specialized literature.

Important. Ground berry brings less revenue compared to grown in a greenhouse.

This is due to the cost difference. Prices for strawberries during the period of mass harvest are much lower than in winter. Low incomes are offset by lower growing costs during this period. Most high costs of organizing a business fall in the first year.

This is due to the need:

  • greenhouse construction;
  • business registration;
  • purchase of planting material.

Embedded costs paid back within 1 year. The best option for commercial cultivation is its cultivation in open and closed ground. The sale of planting material can become a source of additional income.

How much money is required to start?

The amount of funding required depends on the size of the planned business. The cost of organizing it depends on three main factors:

  • landing area;
  • growing method;
  • need for hired labor.

The cost of organizing the process in a greenhouse is higher than in open ground about 30-50%. You need to buy land near the proposed place of sale. This will significantly reduce the transport costs for the delivery of strawberries to the sales network.

Suitable for agricultural land. Their cost is much lower than other categories. In such areas you can build temporary buildings. They can accommodate refrigeration equipment and inventory. When purchasing greenhouses, it is worth giving preference to greenhouses intended for industrial breeding.

Equipment for industrial cultivation

Growing strawberries outdoors requires a small amount of equipment. It consists of:

  • components for creating a drip irrigation system;
  • agrofibre or mulching film for covering beds;
  • care equipment.

The equipment of greenhouses depends on the chosen cultivation technology. In any case, you will need to purchase:

  1. Equipment for space heating. The temperature should not be below 22°C.
  2. Lighting. The best lighting option is sodium lamps with a power of at least 400 watts.
  3. Irrigation and humidification systems. Relative humidity should be in the range of 75-80%.
  4. Refrigeration equipment.

When growing in a greenhouse in bags, hanging equipment is purchased along with the container.

Which OKVED is suitable?

When registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, their type of activity is determined, which is assigned an OKVED code. Growing strawberries is agricultural production.

Registration KFH is mandatory when grown on areas of more than 1 hectare.

On plots of a smaller area, private household plots are being carried out. Income from the sale of products grown on a personal farmstead is not taxed. The general OKVED code for agricultural crops is 01. The clarifying subparagraph 01.13.21 applies to strawberries.

Growing in greenhouses all year round

The greenhouse way of organizing a business significantly increases its profitability. Among the advantages of growing strawberries indoors:

  • year-round harvest;
  • more efficient use of landing areas;
  • high profitability.

Need to use specially bred varieties breeders for closed ground. The main problem with this method is pollination. It is carried out artificially with a soft brush.

In industrial greenhouses for pollination of plants, you can install small bee hives or select remontant varieties for planting that do not require artificial pollination.

You can grow it in three ways:

  • directly in the ground;
  • in pots;
  • in polyethylene bags.

The most productive and less troublesome way is to use hydroponics. Among the best varieties for growing indoors: "Sonata", "Florin", "Kama" and "Elsanta". For an even harvest it is advisable to plant varieties with different ripening periods.

Three types of greenhouses can be used. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Type selection

The cost depends on the type of construction.

The soil

Soil quality plays an important role. The optimal soil for berries is one that consists of 2 parts of turf and 1 part of humus.

This mixture is enriched with:

  • ash;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • ammonium nitrate.

When landing, they dig to a depth from 18 to 20 cm. Digging depth of black soil should be 25-30 cm. Before the start of digging, organic fertilizers are scattered on the surface of the earth. It is best to use chicken manure. Compost or peat is introduced into the soil at the rate 1 bucket per 1 sq.m.


Grows well in moist soils. Water it as it dries, but at least once a week during growth. During flowering and fruiting, watering is carried out at least 2 times a week.

Important. Soils in the bodies dry out much more slowly than in the open ground.

You need to water at the very root. Watering depth should be at least 30 cm. After it, the soil is loosened. Due to this, the roots are saturated with oxygen. The amount of watering depends on various factors. Each type of soil has its own relative humidity standards.

They make up:

  • for sandy soil during flowering and fruiting - 65-70%;
  • for clay soils during the growing season - 80%;
  • for sandy soils after harvesting - 60-65%.

Organization costs

The cost of organizing a business depends on the chosen method of cultivation.

Strawberry. Who does not know this berry? Everyone knows it and everyone loves it, even those who are allergic to it. To be honest, in stores, recently strawberries have become somehow tasteless and even sour, so everyone is waiting for summer to come and strawberries from grandmother's or farmer's beds will be on sale. Despite the decent price for this berry, everyone is happy to buy it and eat it. Therefore, looking at the business of various grandmothers and farmers, you ask yourself how to make money selling strawberries yourself. What to do and where to start? Why do you need a strawberry business? What are the prospects for the strawberry business?

The business of growing strawberries in farms is successfully applied and brings considerable income. There are many videos on the Internet about this activity, even courses are sold where they talk about unprecedented harvests. Is that so? After all, many entrepreneurs believed in these stories and invested. The climate of the Urals and Siberia cannot be compared with the climate of the Volga region, and even more so of the Krasnodar Territory. The climate of Israel, where most of the strawberries sold in our country are grown, is generally difficult to compare with the climate in Russia.

But meanwhile, you can earn money on growing strawberries.

Ways to grow strawberries

There are three ways to grow strawberries:

    Growing berries in open ground;

    Growing berries in protected ground, using covering materials, in a greenhouse;

    Growing berries indoors (in containers, bags, pots or hydroponics). This method is often called Dutch.

Everyone knows the first and second methods of growing. Growing according to the third method is also possible, only a warm climate is needed for this. In our country, you can go broke on heating a greenhouse for year-round cultivation of strawberries. Therefore, it is the first two methods (mostly simultaneously) of cultivation that are used in our country due to the seasonal nature of the collection and sale of berries.

The main collection of berries in Russia, in the open field, begins in June and ends in July. Therefore, if you buy special varieties of strawberries, you can grow them in May and August-September. Strawberry varieties should be productive and preferably self-pollinating. What varieties of strawberries to buy? Buy the ones that are suitable for your area. Strawberry bushes for business in the open field are used for two years, bushes planted in a greenhouse in protected ground - one year.

Most strawberry varieties respond to the length of daylight hours. If the day length is 16 hours, then strawberries will bloom in 10 days and bear fruit in 35 days. If the daylight hours are 8 hours, then strawberries will bloom in 14 days and begin to bear fruit in 48 days. Therefore, when grown in greenhouses, balconies, etc. to increase daylight hours to 12 hours, lighting should be used. Lamps are switched on from 8 am to 11 am and 5 pm to 8 pm. In cloudy weather, lighting should be present all day. For lighting, yellow lamps DNAT400 and DNAT600 are used. The height of the lamps above the strawberries at a distance of 1 meter. For an area of ​​3m2 you will need one lamp. You can use fluorescent lamps with a vegetable spectrum.

Growing strawberries the Dutch way

Actually, the Dutch way of growing strawberries is to grow berries in a greenhouse all year round, using special equipment, controlling humidity, lighting, temperature. This method is suitable for large businesses, preferably with inexpensive heating. By the way, for those who want to taste their strawberries in winter and get some experience in early berry growing, we recommend using your own glazed loggias for this.

The advantages of the Dutch method are a stable harvest all year round and good profits, a minimal risk of fruit damage from pests and diseases.

Under natural conditions, strawberries bear fruit and go dormant. In the Dutch method of cultivation, the hatched bushes are replaced with new ones, from which they will receive a crop within 40-70 days. Thus, with this method, every 1.5 - 2 months the bushes change and as a result they get a stable harvest. An important point of this method is the presence of a sufficient amount of strawberry seedlings, preferably self-pollinated varieties.

seedling harvesting

To do this, planting material is dug up, processed and stored at low temperatures (freego technology). The average temperature in the refrigerator is -1C, the seedlings are laid along with the ground on the roots and packed in a plastic bag. The best, i.e. abundantly fruiting, is seedlings from two-year-old bushes.

Many articles say that with the Dutch method, the yield can be up to 95 tons of strawberries per hectare.

As we noted above, with the Dutch method, strawberries are grown in pots, bags and special containers. Shopping centers sell such special shelves or tall pots with special holes. Such pots and whatnots can be used to grow strawberries on balconies or verandas and places with limited space.

Soil preparation

The substrate for growing strawberries in the Dutch way should be moisture-intensive, breathable, with the presence of nutrients and trace elements. Mats for laying are prepared from peat and perlite, mixed in equal proportions. Sometimes coconut fiber or mineral wool is added. Land from the field for the substrate is not suitable due to the presence of various microorganisms that can lead to various infections of strawberries.

When growing in hydroponics, all the necessary trace elements must be present in the nutrient mixture. When preparing nutrient solutions, the quality of the water used must also be taken into account. The ratio of nutrients may depend on the weather.

strawberry care

Watering the substrate - drip irrigation. Top dressing of bushes also occurs by the drip method. The solution is made from: water, ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride. Some use diluted chicken manure 1:10. The acidity of the substrate must be neutral. The optimal temperature regime for growing strawberries is from +18 to +25C.

Strawberry growing technology - home business

Purchase or independent construction of a greenhouse

Here is a question of questions. Because buying a good greenhouse is expensive, and building it yourself is difficult. But first you need to decide what kind of greenhouse you need.

In this article, we will not consider the construction of an ordinary greenhouse type greenhouse, as we are going to make money selling strawberries. Therefore, let's talk about the winter greenhouse. Winter greenhouses differ in functionality, in location relative to the ground level, in architectural design, in the type of building materials and in the type of heating.

The type of heating for a greenhouse depends on its usable area. If you have a greenhouse of 15-20m2, then stove heating is suitable. For larger greenhouses, water and electric heating, as well as biofuel heating, are recommended.

Water heating is a water heating boiler, with heating pipes and an expansion tank. Pipes are laid either in the ground or under racks with containers.

Electric heating is cable and air. Cable heating resembles a “warm floor” system. Air electric heating is carried out with the help of special fan heaters.

Biofuel heating is the most economical type of greenhouse heating. The soil in the greenhouse warms up due to the release of heat during the decomposition of organic waste. Such organic wastes are horse and cow manure, straw, sawdust and overripe bark. However, using such heating, you should monitor the acidity of the soil.

The most interesting material for the manufacture of greenhouses is cellular polycarbonate. Arched greenhouses and greenhouses with straight walls are made from this material. An arched greenhouse made of polycarbonate is assembled quickly, and a greenhouse with straight walls will require less heating costs. It should be noted that this comparison in terms of heating costs only applies to arched greenhouses with a small radius.

We plan that a polycarbonate greenhouse with an area of ​​100 m2 was built for our business, the usable area was 85 m2. Location - Ural region. Heating - biofuel and electric cable (top). In the ground, along the foundation, extruded polystyrene foam was dug in (the construction of a block wall on the north side will also help to save on heating). We plan to grow strawberries in protected ground, using covering material. Watering drip. We conditionally consider that 470,000 rubles were spent on the equipment and construction of the greenhouse. We plant strawberries in a greenhouse in January, bloom in March, the first berries in April.

We also plan to grow strawberries on the street, the usable area is 80 m2, we plan to allocate 20 m2 for seedlings in the greenhouse next year.

The scheme of planting strawberries may be different. In our calculations, we assume that 12 bushes can be planted per 1 m2. The average cost of seedlings is 30 rubles per bush. We have planned 165 m2 of usable area, so you should purchase 165 * 12 = 1980 bushes or in money - 59,400 rubles. In May-June-July we plant new seedlings in the greenhouse, in July-August-September new berries. 85*12=1020 bushes or 30,600 rubles. Next year we will grow seedlings ourselves.

Seedlings for planting

We plan to buy seedlings of different varieties. Strawberry varieties will be selected according to the fruiting period: early, medium and late. You can get seedlings by planting seeds, but this is planned to be done later to search for new varieties of strawberries that are more productive for growing.

Soil preparation for growing strawberries in a greenhouse

To prepare the soil, we will buy horse manure and straw. A layer of straw, manure, then fertile land. Fertile land is a mixture in equal proportions, consisting of soddy medium loamy soil mixed with sawdust (take two parts of sawdust for seven parts of the earth) and peat (a glass of wood ash is added to one bucket of peat). The beds on the street are humus and fertile soil. Spent biofuel from the greenhouse in autumn can be laid out on strawberry beds or fertilizers of other plantings. The cost of soil preparation in the greenhouse and on the street is conventionally considered equal to 150,000 rubles.

Other starting expenses will amount to 15,000 rubles. Total starting costs amounted to 725,000 rubles. We conditionally believe that we will spend 15,000 rubles a month on electricity in five to six months. Other expenses will amount to 10,000 rubles. Total expenses - 825,000 rubles.

We believe that on average, we will take 0.4 kilograms of berries from each bush. Strawberry varieties will be selected according to the fruiting period: early, medium and late. The selling price for 1 kilogram is 800 rubles. Then for the first year we will receive revenue of 960,000 rubles. Net profit for the first year can be about 135,000 rubles. In the second year, net profit may already amount to 960,000 - (150,000 + 15,000 * 6 + 10,000) = 710,000 rubles, and the profitability of the business increases accordingly.

Conclusion. It is profitable to grow strawberries, everyone loves them. Therefore, if you have a passion for farming, then you can open this business, we first advise you to develop a business plan for growing strawberries. If you go on an industrial scale, then in order to sell berries to stores, you will need to register your activity. It is better to register an individual entrepreneur, with a simplified reporting system. Also, when selling berries officially, you will need to issue certificates for berries, for fertilizers, a phytosanitary certificate and a declaration of conformity. Forward for a dream!

The hydroponics business is becoming more and more popular - growing crops in special liquid substrates containing all the necessary nutrients.

  • How much can you earn in hydroponics?
  • Where to start a business?
  • 1. What to grow
  • 2. Where to sell products
  • 3. Where and how to grow
  • 4. Production management
  • 5. Financial analysis of production
  • What hydroponics equipment to choose?
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • What OKVED for business should be indicated in the registration documents
  • What documents are needed
  • Which taxation system to choose
  • Do you need permission

How much can you earn in hydroponics?

Hydroponic cultivation differs from that in that it does not require large material and labor costs in the process, but at the same time it has a high profit. What is the cost of saving?

  • there is no need for cultivation, fertilization, watering the land;
  • there are no costs for pest and weed control, plants get sick less;
  • plants grow faster and bear fruit better, because all nutrients are supplied in full to the root system;
  • there is no factor of influence of weather conditions;
  • the use of small areas is expected;
  • crop rotation is not required;
  • water consumption for irrigation is several times lower than when grown in open ground.

Hydroponics has its own specific risks. First, the hydroponic business requires . Secondly, the dependence on the power supply is great: when the light is turned off, the supply of the nutrient medium stops. This threatens to kill the plants. Thirdly, the technical side is of great importance: it is extremely important to keep the equipment in working condition. Highly skilled workers are required to work in such enterprises. Fourthly, it is necessary to have an uninterrupted supply of water. Hydroponic cultivation as a business will be successful if all the details of production are thought through and logistics issues are resolved.

How much can you earn? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. We can draw conclusions, knowing that at low cost, the yield in hydroponic production is many times higher than when cultivating in traditional ways.

Where to start a business?

Organizing a business requires planning. The business plan should include the following aspects.

The use of fresh vegetables and herbs in any season of the year in different parts of the country has ceased to be a luxury. These products are not in short supply and have an affordable price even for people with an average material income. Consumer demand explains the interest of farmers in greenhouse complexes and methods of growing crops. Modern technologies have simplified this work and made it possible to collect excellent crops without losing a single piece of territory. A novice agrarian may be interested in a hydroponic greenhouse business plan, from which you can start a successful business.

This example allows you to determine the investment at the initial stage, the costs during the operation of the complex and the profitability of the business.

Special system

A hydroponic greenhouse is a system that fully provides the plant with water and nutrients.

  • The period of maturation of the culture is reduced.
  • Economical water consumption.
  • The quality of the soil does not affect the yield.
  • There is no problem of dirt on the crop.

To start the greenhouse you need special equipment and containers. Containers are selected taking into account the culture that will grow in the greenhouse. A special substrate (crushed stone, gravel, grass) is placed in them and liquid is poured, which is replenished as needed through hoses.

The hydroponic greenhouse complex will operate all year round. Cultures can change. During the cold season, heating and lighting fixtures are required. Devices will compensate for climatic and light differences.

Hydroponics allows you to start a business in any soil. There is no need to search for fertile land, which is often derelict and requires effort to cultivate when choosing a traditional greenhouse farm. It is possible to bring down the price for a plot with depleted soil when renting or buying.

Object characteristic

Type of activity: Agriculture, cultivation of vegetable crops in a greenhouse for commercial purposes.

OKVED: 01.13 Growing vegetables, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles; 01.19 Growing cut flowers in buds.

Legal form: LLC

Taxation: USN

Location of the facility: Hydroponic greenhouses will be located in the village, which is no more than 70 km away from the regional center. This will reduce transportation costs for the purchase of consumables for the greenhouse and for the sale of goods. The land plot is not of particular value to the administration, because the soil is unsuitable for cultivating an agricultural crop. At the initial stage, the site will be leased with the possibility of redemption as soon as the first profit is received. There are buildings on the territory that can be used as a storage room for seeds, fertilizers, inventory. One building can be converted into a cold warehouse for storing and packaging products before shipping to customers. The territory needs to be surrounded by a fence, to bring communications (water, light), to equip access roads.


Daily from 8.00 to 18.00


  • Growing herbs in a range of hydroponics.
  • Growing vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes).
  • Growing cut flowers in bouquets.
  • Growing strawberries.
  • Sale of products in small and large wholesale.
  • Retail sales of products.

Investment stage of the project

To start activities, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a hydroponics greenhouse with calculations, draw up documents for the legalization of the economy, and equip the selected territory. Any greenhouse business depends on the climatic conditions of the region in which it is located. The same parameter determines the amount of investment and profitability. Our project is focused on the middle zone, where the warm season gives way to prolonged cold and lack of sun. To ensure productivity, insulation, heating, lighting, and ventilation will be required to prevent condensation. All costs are reflected in the table:

Item of expenses Amount, rub.
Collection of documents, registration of LLC 30 thousand
Land lease for a year presumably 20 thousand (more precisely, according to the results of the auction)
Purchase of industrial greenhouses 150 thousand
Installation of the foundation and assembly of the structure 70 thousand
Industrial hydroponic system (sowing area 60 sq.m.) 1 million 200 thousand
Fertilizers, mineral complexes, substrate 50 thousand
Pots, seeds 10 thousand
Installation of communications (water supply, electricity, ventilation) 50 thousand
Packing, label, container for product transportation. 10 thousand
Arrangement of a warehouse with racks for storing products before shipment. 100 thousand
Total 1 million 700 thousand

The total investment amount may differ from that stated in the table depending on the area of ​​greenhouses, their number and the choice of hydroponic system. Hydroponics is the most expensive expense item. Its cost varies from 50 thousand to several million rubles, depending on the modification. If the greenhouse industry is focused on mass production, then there is no need to save on equipment, which determines the rate of ripening and the amount of crop.


The hydroponics greenhouse is supposed to function all year round. The demand for greens, vegetables, flowers and other plant crops has no seasonality due to the improvement in the living conditions of modern people. The term of installation of the greenhouse is determined by climatic conditions. A frame can be installed on frozen ground if the foundation is laid in advance and communications are carried out. Therefore, we plan to start work for the warm season - spring or autumn, in order to sow the desired crop in a timely manner. In our case, we start planning the timing from early spring, choosing a suitable site in advance and arranging a lease.

Procedure / Month 01–02 03 04 05 06
Preparation of a business plan, search for a territory for a greenhouse complex +
Registration of LLC +
Applying for a loan or grant +
Drawing up a lease agreement. Obtaining funds for the implementation of the project. +
Application for a greenhouse and hydroponic system. +
Installation of greenhouses and equipment. +
Making communications. Setting up equipment and communications. +
Recruitment +
Finding Clients + + + + +
Arrangement of the adjacent territory. +
Purchase of seeds, fertilizers, substrate. The first sowing of culture. +
Harvest of the first harvest (greens). Seeding the next crop. +
Shipment of the first batch of goods. +

The advantage of a hydroponic greenhouse over the classical method is the speed of crop maturation, regardless of the type of crop. If you alternate greens, vegetables, flowers, seedlings, taking into account the ripening conditions and order, you can make a profit from a particular crop every month.

Personnel appointments

Hydroponics works in automatic mode, but requires human control:

  • Mineral solutions must be loaded into the system in a certain proportion, taking into account the characteristics of the culture.
  • Seeds cannot get into the cells on their own either.
  • The climate in the greenhouse must be controlled.
  • Collection of products cannot be carried out without the participation of employees.

The business needs specialists:

Job title Quantity Salary, rub Total, rub.
Director 1 25 thousand 25 thousand
Technologist (specialist in the technique of growing crops in hydroponics) 1 15 thousand 15 thousand
Plant breeder (monitors the growth and condition of plants) 3 10 thousand 30 thousand
Hardware Wizard 1 15 thousand 15 thousand
Handyman 2 10 thousand 20 thousand
Total 10 105 thousand
Deductions 30 thousand
Monthly expenses 135 thousand

The owners of the business will be in charge of administrative work and sales of products. As the economy develops, it is possible to supplement the staff with a sales manager and a supplier. You can invite people to the harvest season, paying for their services at an hourly rate.

When recruiting employees, special attention should be paid to specialists with specialized education in the agricultural or biological direction, so that a person understands the principle of growing a particular crop.

Performance planning

To assess the profitability of a hydroponic greenhouse business, it is necessary to make calculations of the profitability of the farm in the first year of operation. Various crops will be grown that coexist well in the same area. Greens and salads ripen quickly.

The first batch of the crop can be sold a month after planting. Industrial hydroponics for 6 tiers can serve up to 4 thousand pots at the same time. Suppose that in a greenhouse of 100 sq. m. (useful area of ​​the racks) will simultaneously be sown with onions, dill, several types of lettuce, parsley, cucumbers and flower seedlings for the season of street planting in flower beds.

The first income will come from greens and salads, the share of which is 2,000 pots. The cost of each type is different and can be set per piece or per kilogram. For calculation, we take the average price of 70 rubles per item. The proceeds will be 140 thousand rubles.

By the gardening season, flower seedlings grow (petunias, marigolds, asters and others), which are sold out very quickly. Prices for each type are different - from 30 to 150 rubles per root. Let's assume that the income will be about 250 thousand rubles.

Then the crop of cucumbers will ripen, which can provide an income of up to 700 thousand rubles a year or more. You can read more about the yield and profit in the field of growing cucumbers on our portal in the thematic business plan.

For a year, a hydroponic greenhouse allows you to grow some crops in several stages:

  • Greens up to 10 batches - revenue of about 1 million 400 thousand rubles.
  • Cucumbers in 3 stages - revenue from 700 thousand rubles.
  • Flowers for seedlings 1 season - from 250 thousand rubles.
  • Cut flowers in bouquets - up to 500 thousand rubles.

Total - 3 million 50 thousand rubles.

During the year, the enterprise will have expenses for salaries of employees, payment of utility bills, purchase of seeds, fertilizers, preventive work, taxes and much more. To determine the net profit and profitability of a hydroponic greenhouse, we will enter all the parameters in the table:

At the stage of opening the greenhouse, funds were invested in the amount of 1 million 700 thousand rubles. If the greenhouse makes a profit of 50 thousand rubles a month, then the economy will become self-sufficient in 3 years. To speed up the process, you need to consider the range of products. In the early years, you can focus on crops that do not require long growing periods and large investments in maintenance.


Hydroponic greenhouses have many advantages, which attracts the attention of farmers. Confused only by the cost of hydroponics. For industrial crop production, it is impossible to save on equipment. This is the basis of the technique. There are nuances in the intricacies of using a hydroponic system, in which even specialists do not always manage to navigate. At the initial stage, it is better to choose a combined greenhouse option, using classical and modern methods at the same time and evaluating the pros and cons.
