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Tu 160 supersonic bomber. White Swan aircraft: specifications and photos. Comparison with foreign analogues

The Tu-160 strategic bomber is a unique aircraft. "White Swan" or Blackjack, according to the terminology invented by the American side, this most powerful model is often called.

Currently, it is this model of air transport, developed in the mid-70s by Soviet design engineers, that is the largest, formidable and at the same time graceful military bomber equipped with a variable glassy wing. The aircraft "White Swan" of strategic purpose replenished the stock of weapons Russian army back in 1987.

Tu-160 aircraft

According to an order issued by the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union in 1967, domestic manufacturers began designing a new bomber. Employees of the Myasishchev and Sukhoi enterprises took part in the development of the project, making various proposals for the project being created over the course of several years.

For some reason, representatives of the airline named after Tupolev did not take part in the competition, despite the fact that earlier the engineers of this particular bureau were able to develop and put into operation a project regarding the creation of several models of bombers, as well as the Tu-144 supersonic aircraft . The air force under consideration is the basis of Russia's nuclear power. And this fact is confirmed by excellent specifications Tu-160.

According to the results of the qualifying competition, the project created by Myasishchev employees was recognized as the winner. However, just a few days later, by order of the government, all documentation was seized from the winner and placed at the disposal of the Tupolev bureau. This is how the Tu-160 aircraft was created.

Design engineers were given specific goals to create the future military machine:

  • the flight range of air transport should be equal to 13 thousand km at an approximate altitude of 18 thousand km at a speed of 2450 km / h;
  • military air transport must be able to approach the designated target in high-speed subsonic cruising mode;
  • the weight of the load relative to the total mass should be equal to 45 tons.

The first test flight of a military vehicle was made at the end of 1981 on the territory of the Ramenskoye military airfield. The tests were successful, which was confirmed by an experienced pilot B. Veremeev, piloting the first model.

Cabin Tu-160

The supersonic Russian missile carrier was put into mass production 3 years after a successful test flight. New models of air-military equipment were manufactured by specialists working at an aviation enterprise in Kazan. The first serial production model was able to rise into the sky at the end of 1984., in the future, the aircraft manufacturer annually produced one unit of demanded military aircraft.

By order of B. Yeltsin, at the beginning of 1992, it was decided to stop mass production of Tu-160 models. This solution the current president took in response to the US decision to suspend the production of no less powerful American military B-2 bombers.

New aircraft models

In the spring of 2000, an updated model of the Tu-160 missile carrier filled up the Air Force Russian Federation. After 5 years, the complex was put into service. In the spring of 2006, the last test round of modernization came to an end to improve the performance of the NK-32 power unit. Thanks to the changes made, the design engineers managed to increase the reliability of the power unit and increase its service life several times.

An updated serial bomber flew into the sky at the end of 2007. According to previously approved plans, the designers were to upgrade 3 more models of air assets over the next 12 months. Having looked at the photos of the Tu-160 of early and updated models, you can independently understand what a grandiose work the design engineers had to do.

According to analytical data, in 2013 the Air Force of the Russian Federation had 16 Tu-160 models.

Sergei Shoigu issued a statement in 2015 emphasizing the importance of resuming the most powerful bombers. The application was reviewed and approved, which allowed Russian aircraft designers to start resuming production process. According to preliminary data, the updated models of the Tu-160M ​​and Tu-160M2 bombers will be put into mass production in early 2023.

Features of the military machine

In order to create a truly unique model of a military aircraft that meets the goals set, the designers were forced to introduce certain features into the standard assembly rules, thanks to which the Tu-160 aircraft really turned out to be unique in its kind:

  1. Composite alloys, stainless and titanium high-quality steel were used to assemble the structure.
  2. Max Speed Tu-160 at an altitude reaches 2200 km / h.
  3. The bomber, manufactured by a Russian aircraft manufacturer, is an integral low-wing aircraft equipped with a variable swept wing, an all-moving stabilizer, and technical landing gear.
  4. The cabin of the White Swan was recognized as one of the most spacious and comfortable, given that the pilots, if desired, can easily walk around their compartment and even warm up.
  5. The bomber board is equipped with a kitchen in which you can heat up food, as well as a toilet room, not previously included in the design of military aircraft.

The Russian bomber is armed with cruise missiles of the Kh-55-SM class.

In mid-January 2018, the Tu-160M ​​supersonic strategic bomber with serial number 0804 began flight tests for the first time, and on the 25th, the aircraft, named after the first commander-in-chief of the Russian Air Force Pyotr Deinekin, was demonstrated to the president. Why does Russia need a Soviet aircraft and what kind of future is being prepared for it, says.


Tu-160 is considered the largest and heaviest supersonic aircraft in the world. According to open data, the maximum speed of the car is 2,230 kilometers per hour, the flight range is 13,900 kilometers, the altitude is 22 kilometers, and the wingspan is up to 56 meters. The Tu-160, capable of carrying up to 40 tons of weapons, was the Soviet response to the American B-1 Lancer. The purpose and basic characteristics of both aircraft are comparable to each other.

The first flight of the B-1 Lancer took place in 1974, while the Blackjack (as the Americans called the Tu-160) flew only in 1981. The Soviet machine was created by the Tupolev Design Bureau, which received part of the documentation for the competing projects M-18 / 20 of the Myasishchev Design Bureau and T-4MS.

The aerodynamic design of the Tu-160 resembles the supersonic Tu-22M, which also uses a swept wing that is variable in flight, in addition, the new machine, like the Tu-144, the world's first supersonic passenger aircraft, received an integral layout, in which the fuselage actually acts as a continuation of the wing and thus thereby providing an increase in lifting force.

Although the Tupolev Design Bureau used its own developments conceptually when creating the Tu-160, in practice the machine was developed from scratch. The new product became a serious challenge for the Soviet aviation industry, to which she found an answer that has not lost its relevance to this day.

In just three years, the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Kuznetsov created the NK-32 engine for the Tu-160, it is planned to develop (instead of the Ukrainian D-18T) units for the An-124 Ruslan military transport aircraft and the Russian strategic bomber-missile carrier of the new generation PAK DA (Promising Aviation Complex for Long-Range Aviation).

The Tu-160, which does not have static stability (the position of the center of gravity of the machine changes as fuel consumption and weapons are dropped), became the first Soviet serial heavy aircraft equipped with an electrical remote control system (for the first time in the world, such a scheme was developed in the 1930s by the same Tupolev Design Bureau passenger aircraft ANT-20 "").

The Tu-160 also received a new Baikal airborne defense system, which allows tracking, jamming or distracting enemy air defense systems with false targets, and elements to reduce the radar and infrared visibility of the aircraft.

Serial production of the Tu-160 was launched at Gorbunov, who previously produced the Tu-4, Tu-22 and Tu-22M. The assembly of the new machine required the construction of not only additional workshops, but also the introduction of new technologies. In particular, the enterprise introduced electron-beam welding on titanium, from which the center section of the aircraft was created. This technology, lost by the plant ten years ago, has now been restored.

In total, 36 Tu-160s were built by 1992, while at the Gorbunov plant, there were four more vehicles in varying degrees of readiness. In 1999, the 37th aircraft flew, and in 2007, the 38th. "Pyotr Deinekin" became the 39th Tu-160. Today, Russia has 17 operational aircraft, at least nine Tu-160s have been sawn up by Ukraine. The remaining 11 were given to museums, were used for tests or were in emergency situations.


The Tu-160s available to Russia will undergo modernization. In particular, the aircraft will receive new NK-32 engines of the second series, avionics and an onboard defense system, as well as more long-range and powerful strategic missiles (already in the Tu-160M2 modification). These innovations, which will increase the effectiveness of Blackjack by 60 percent, will be tested on the Tu-160M ​​"Pyotr Deinekin", which so far differs slightly from the Tu-160 model.

To date, Blackjack has taken part in hostilities only during the operation in Syria, where it attacked positions (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) with Kh-555 cruise missiles (range up to 2,500 kilometers) and Kh-101 (hit targets at a distance up to 7,500 kilometers).

It looks like Blackjack is on the way to a resurgence. In addition to upgrading existing aircraft to the Tu-160M2 version, the Russian military expects to receive ten more such aircraft from Gorbunov's Kazan Aviation Plant, the contract value is 160 billion rubles. In this case, 27 Tu-160M2s will be at the disposal of the Russian Aerospace Forces by the mid-2020s.


The developments and technologies used in the Blackjack modernization are planned to be used in the creation of new aircraft. It is from the Tu-160M2 that the new-generation strategic bomber-missile carrier PAK DA (Promising Aviation Complex for Long-Range Aviation) will receive an engine, avionics elements and an onboard defense system. Unlike the Tu-160, the PAK DA being developed will turn out to be a subsonic aircraft, since it initially relies on the use of high-precision weapons.

Tu-160 (according to NATO codification: Blackjack) - Russian, formerly Soviet supersonic strategic bomber-missile carrier with a variable sweep of the wing. Developed at the Tupolev Design Bureau in the 1980s, in service since 1987. The Russian Air Force currently has 16 Tu-160 aircraft.

It is the largest supersonic and variable-wing aircraft in the history of military aviation, the most powerful and heaviest combat aircraft in the world, and has the largest maximum take-off weight and combat load among bombers. Among the pilots he received the nickname "White Swan".


Choice of concept

In the 1960s, the Soviet Union took the lead in the development of strategic missile weapons, while at the same time the United States was betting on strategic aviation. The policy pursued by N. S. Khrushchev led to the fact that by the beginning of the 1970s the USSR had a powerful system of nuclear missile deterrence, but strategic aviation had at its disposal only Tu-95 and M-4 subsonic bombers, which were no longer able to overcome air defense defense (air defense) of NATO countries.
It is believed that the impetus for the development of a new Soviet bomber was the US decision to develop the latest strategic bomber, the future B-1, under the AMSA (Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft) project. In 1967, the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to start work on a new multi-mode strategic intercontinental aircraft.
The following basic requirements were imposed on the future aircraft:

  • flight range at a speed of 3200-3500 km / h at an altitude of 18000 meters - within 11-13 thousand km;
  • flight range in subsonic mode at altitude and near the ground - 16-18 and 11-13 thousand kilometers, respectively;
  • the aircraft was supposed to approach the target at cruising subsonic speed, and overcome enemy air defenses - in supersonic
  • high-altitude flight or cruising speed near the ground;
  • the total mass of the combat load is up to 45 tons.


    The Sukhoi Design Bureau and the Myasishchev Design Bureau began work on the new bomber. OKB Tupolev was not involved due to the heavy workload.
    By the beginning of the 70s, both design bureaus had prepared their projects - a four-engine aircraft with a variable sweep of the wing. At the same time, despite some similarities, they used different schemes.
    The Sukhoi Design Bureau worked on the T-4MS project ("product 200"), which retained a certain continuity with the previous development - T-4 ("product 100"). Many layout options were worked out, but in the end, the designers settled on an integrated “flying wing” type circuit with rotary consoles of a relatively small area.
    The Myasishchev Design Bureau also, after conducting numerous studies, came up with a variant with a variable sweep of the wing. The M-18 project used a traditional aerodynamic design. The M-20 project, built according to aerodynamic scheme"duck".
    After the Air Force introduced new tactical and technical requirements for a promising multi-mode strategic aircraft in 1969, the Tupolev Design Bureau also began to develop. Here there was a wealth of experience in solving the problems of supersonic flight, gained in the process of developing and manufacturing the world's first passenger supersonic aircraft Tu-144, including experience in designing structures with a long service life in supersonic flight conditions, developing thermal protection for an aircraft airframe, etc.
    The Tupolev team initially rejected the variable sweep option, since the weight of the wing console rotation mechanisms completely eliminated all the advantages of such a scheme, and took the Tu-144 civil supersonic aircraft as a basis.
    In 1972, after considering three projects (“product 200” of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, M-18 of the Myasishchev Design Bureau and “product 70” of the Tupolev Design Bureau), the design of the Sukhoi Design Bureau was recognized as the best, but since it was busy developing the Su-27, all materials for further conducting work, it was decided to transfer the Tupolev Design Bureau.
    But the Design Bureau rejected the proposed documentation and again took up the design of the aircraft, this time in the variant with variable sweep of the wing, layout options with a fixed wing were no longer considered.

    Testing and production

    The first flight of the prototype (under the designation "70-01") took place on December 18, 1981 at the Ramenskoye airfield. The flight was performed by a crew led by test pilot Boris Veremey. The second copy of the aircraft (product "70-02") was used for static tests and did not fly. Later, a second flying aircraft under the designation "70-03" joined the tests. Aircraft "70-01", "70-02" and "70-03" were produced at the MMZ "Experience".
    In 1984, the Tu-160 was put into mass production at the Kazan Aviation Plant. The first serial machine (No. 1-01) took off on October 10, 1984, the second serial (No. 1-02) - March 16, 1985, the third (No. 2-01) - December 25, 1985, the fourth (No. 2-02 ) - August 15, 1986.

    In January 1992, Boris Yeltsin decided on a possible suspension of the ongoing serial production of the Tu-160 if the United States stopped mass production of the B-2 aircraft. By this time, 35 aircraft had been produced. By 1994, KAPO had transferred six Tu-160 bombers to the Russian Air Force. They were stationed at the Engels airfield in the Saratov region.
    In May 2000, the new Tu-160 (b / n "07" "Alexander Molodchiy") became part of the Air Force.
    On April 12, 2006, the completion of state tests of the upgraded NK-32 engines for the Tu-160 was announced. New engines are distinguished by a significantly increased resource and increased reliability.
    On December 28, 2007, the first flight was made in Kazan on a new serial Tu-160 aircraft.
    On April 22, 2008, the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, Colonel General Alexander Zelin, told reporters that another Tu-160 strategic bomber would enter service with the Russian Air Force in April 2008.

    On April 29, 2008, a ceremony was held in Kazan to hand over the new aircraft to the Air Force of the Russian Federation. The new aircraft was named "Vitaly Kopylov" (in honor of former director KAPO Vitaly Kopylov) and included in the 121st Guards Aviation Sevastopol Red Banner Heavy Bomber Regiment, based in Engels. It was planned that in 2008 three combatant Tu-160s would be upgraded.


    The first two Tu-160 aircraft (No. 1-01 and No. 1-02) entered the 184th Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment in Priluki (Ukrainian SSR) in April 1987. At the same time, the aircraft were transferred to the combat unit until the completion of state tests, which was due to the outstripping pace of putting the American B-1 bombers into service.
    By 1991, Priluki received 19 aircraft, of which two squadrons were formed. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, all of them remained on the territory of independent Ukraine.
    In 1992, Russia unilaterally stopped flights of its strategic aviation to remote regions.
    In 1998, Ukraine began to destroy its strategic bombers with US funds under the Nunn-Lugar program.

    In 1999-2000 an agreement was reached under which Ukraine transferred eight Tu-160s and three Tu-95s to Russia in exchange for writing off part of the debt for gas purchases. The Tu-160s remaining in Ukraine were destroyed, except for one aircraft, which was rendered incapacitated and is located in the Poltava Museum of Long-Range Aviation.
    By the beginning of 2001, in accordance with the SALT-2 Treaty, Russia had 15 Tu-160 aircraft in combat formation, of which 6 missile carriers were officially armed with strategic cruise missiles.
    In 2002, the Ministry of Defense entered into an agreement with KAPO for the modernization of all 15 Tu-160 aircraft.
    On September 18, 2003, during a test flight after an engine repair, an accident occurred, the aircraft with tail number "01" crashed in the Sovetsky district of the Saratov region while landing. Tu-160 fell on a deserted place 40 km from the home airfield. Four crew members were on board the aircraft: commander Yuri Deineko, co-pilot Oleg Fedusenko, as well as Grigory Kolchin and Sergey Sukhorukov. They all died.
    On April 22, 2006, Commander-in-Chief of Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant General Khvorov, said that during the exercises, a group of modernized Tu-160 aircraft penetrated US airspace and went unnoticed.
    On July 5, 2006, the modernized Tu-160 was adopted by the Russian Air Force, which became the 15th aircraft of this type (number "19" "Valentin Bliznyuk"). The Tu-160 transferred to combat strength was built in 1986, belonged to the Tupolev Design Bureau and was used for testing.

    As of the beginning of 2007, according to the Memorandum of Understanding, there were 14 Tu-160 strategic bombers in the combat composition of the Strategic Nuclear Forces (one bomber was not declared in the START data (number "19" "Valentin Bliznyuk")).
    August 17, 2007 Russia resumed strategic aviation flights in remote regions for permanent basis.
    In July 2008, there were reports about the possible deployment of Il-78 tankers at the airfields of Cuba, Venezuela and Algeria, as well as the possible use of airfields as a reserve for the Tu-160 and Tu-95MS.
    On September 10, 2008, two Tu-160 bombers (“Alexander Molodchiy” with number 07 and “Vasily Senko” with number 11) flew from their base in Engels to the Libertador airfield in Venezuela, using the Olenegorsk airfield as a jump airfield in the Murmansk region. On part of the way through the territory of Russia, the bombers-missile carriers were accompanied (for cover purposes) by Su-27 fighters of the St. -15 USAF. The flight from the intermediate landing site in Olenegorsk to Venezuela took 13 hours. No aircraft on board nuclear weapons, but there are training missiles, with the help of which combat use is being worked out. This is the first time in the history of the Russian Federation that long-range aviation aircraft use an airfield located on the territory of a foreign state. In Venezuela, the aircraft made training flights over neutral waters in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. On September 18, 2008, at 10:00 Moscow time (UTC + 4), both aircraft took off from the Maiketia airfield in Caracas, and for the first time in recent years they performed night refueling in the air from an Il-78 tanker over the Norwegian Sea. At 01:16 (Moscow time) on September 19, they landed at the base airfield in Engels, setting a record for the duration of the flight on the Tu-160.

    June 10, 2010 - Two Tu-160 strategic bombers set a maximum range flight record, Interfax-AVN said on Thursday official representative Directorate of the press service and information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Vladimir Drik. The duration of the flight of missile carriers exceeded last year's figure by two hours, amounting to 24 hours and 24 minutes, while the flight range was 18 thousand kilometers. The maximum amount of fuel during refueling was 50 tons, while previously it was 43 tons.

    Modernization plans

    According to the commander of Russian long-range aviation Igor Khvorov, in addition to cruise missiles, the upgraded aircraft will be able to hit targets with aerial bombs, will be able to use communications via space satellites and will have improved performance of aimed fire.


    Two intra-fuselage compartments can accommodate up to 40 tons of weapons, including several types of guided missiles, guided and free-fall bombs and other means of destruction, both in nuclear and conventional weapons.

    Strategic cruise missiles in service with the Tu-160 Kh-55(12 units on two multi-position launchers of a revolving type) are designed to destroy stationary targets with predetermined coordinates, which are entered into the missile's memory before the bomber takes off. Anti-ship missile variants have a radar homing system.
    To hit targets at a shorter range, weapons may include aeroballistic hypersonic missiles X-15(24 units on four launchers).

    The bomb armament of the Tu-160 is considered as a weapon of the "second stage", designed to destroy targets that have survived after the first, missile attack of the bomber. It is also placed in weapons bays and can include various types of adjustable bombs, including one of the most powerful domestic ammunition of this class - bombs of the KAB-1500 series weighing 1500 kg
    The aircraft can also be equipped with free-fall bombs (up to 40,000 kg) of various calibers, including nuclear, disposable cluster bombs, naval mines and other weapons.
    In the future, the composition of the bomber’s armament is planned to be significantly strengthened by introducing into its composition the new generation Kh-555 and Kh-101 high-precision cruise missiles, which have an increased range and are designed to destroy both strategic and tactical ground and sea targets of almost all classes.


  • Tu-160V (Tu-161) - a project of an aircraft with a power plant running on liquid hydrogen. It also differed from the base model in the size of the fuselage, designed to accommodate liquid hydrogen tanks.
  • Tu-160 NK-74 - with more economical NK-74 engines (increased flight range).
  • Tu-160M ​​- carrier of hypersonic cruise missiles X-90, an extended version. Missile range - up to 3000 km, 2 nuclear warheads, with a distance between targets of 100 km. Work on the rocket was suspended in 1992, resumed in the early 2000s. The first test of the Tu-160M ​​and Kh-90 complex was carried out in February 2004, and it was planned to put it into service in 2010.
  • Tu-160P is a project of a heavy escort fighter armed with long and medium-range air-to-air missiles.
  • Tu-160PP - an electronic warfare aircraft, was brought to the stage of manufacturing a full-scale model, and the composition of the equipment was fully determined.
  • Tu-160K is a draft design of the Krechet combat aviation and missile system. Development began in 1983, released by Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in December 1984. It was supposed to place 2 two-stage ballistic missiles (1st stage - solid propellant, 2nd - liquid), weighing 24.4 tons on a carrier aircraft. The total range of the complex was assumed to be more than 10,000 km. Warhead: 6 MIRV or monoblock warhead with a set of tools to overcome missile defense. KVO - 600 m. Development was stopped in the mid-80s.
  • Tu-160SK - carrier aircraft of the aerospace liquid three-stage system "Burlak" weighing 20 tons. It was assumed that the mass of the payload put into orbit could reach from 600 to 1100 kg, and the cost of delivery would be 2-2.5 times lower than that of ground-launched missiles of similar carrying capacity. The launch of the rocket was to be carried out at altitudes from 9 to 14 km at a carrier flight speed of 850-1600 km / h. According to its characteristics, the Burlak complex was supposed to surpass the American subsonic launch complex, created on the basis of the Boeing B-52 carrier aircraft and the Pegasus carrier rocket. The main purpose is to replenish the constellation of satellites in the conditions of mass destruction of spaceports. The development of the complex began in 1991, commissioning was planned in 1998-2000. The complex was supposed to include a command and measurement post based on the Il-76SK and a ground handling complex. The flight range of the carrier aircraft in the ILV launch zone is 5000 km. On January 19, 2000, in Samara, the TsSKB-Progress State Research and Production Space Center and the Air Start Aerospace Corporation signed an agreement on cooperation in the creation of the Air Start Aerospace Rocket Complex (ARKKN).

    Tactical and technical characteristics

  • Crew: 4 people
  • Length: 54.1 m
  • Wingspan: 55.7 / 50.7 / 35.6 m
  • Height: 13.1 m
  • Wing area: 232 m²
  • Empty weight: 110000 kg
  • Normal takeoff weight: 267600 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 275,000 kg
  • Engines: 4 × turbofan NK-32

    Flight characteristics

  • Maximum speed at altitude: 2230 km / h
  • Cruise speed: 917 km/h (0.77 M)
  • Maximum range without refueling: 13950 km
  • Practical range without refueling: 12300 km
  • Combat radius: 6000 km
  • Flight duration: 25 h
  • Practical ceiling: 15000 m
  • Rate of climb: 4400 m/min
  • Take-off / run length: 900-2000 m

    Current situation

    The Russian Air Force currently has 16 Tu-160 aircraft.
    In February 2004, it was reported that construction was planned three new aircraft, the aircraft are on the stocks of the plant, the delivery time to the Air Force has not been determined.
  • On planet Earth, only two countries - Russia and the United States - have in their armed forces the so-called "nuclear triad" - strategic aviation, intercontinental missiles and nuclear weapons. submarines. Such a distribution of nuclear ammunition among various carriers is necessary so that in the event of a surprise attack and the destruction of some types of weapons, a retaliatory strike is guaranteed to be carried out by other means.

    During the reign Nikita Khrushchev the main emphasis was placed on the development of rocket technology, and therefore, by the beginning of the 1970s, the USSR had only Tu-95 "Bear" and M-4 "Bizon" bombers, which could not be guaranteed to overcome the NATO air defense zone due to their low speed. At the same time, the US began developing the B-1 supersonic strategic bomber to replace the aging B-52. After the backlog of the USSR in this area became obvious, a competition was announced for the creation of such an aircraft in our country.

    Undercover games with airplanes

    A mysterious story is connected with the creation of the Tu-160. In those days, several design bureaus worked in our country, which could “pull” such a complex project. It was the Sukhoi Design Bureau, which was working on the T-4 project - a bomber that could become the fastest aircraft in the world with a maximum speed of 3200 km / h, the Myasishchev Design Bureau, which was developing the M-18 project with a variable sweep of the wing. The oldest design bureau of Tupolev, which already had experience in developing the Tu-144 supersonic passenger aircraft and Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers, did not participate in the competition.

    The project of the Myasishchev Design Bureau was recognized as the winner, but the designers did not have time to celebrate the victory: after some time, the government decided to close the project in the Myasishchev Design Bureau and transfer all the documentation for the M-18 to ... Tupolev Design Bureau, which joined the competition with its "Product- 70" (future Tu-160).

    There are several opinions as to why such a decision was made. According to one version, the government considered that the Myasishchev Design Bureau did not have enough capacity to carry out such a complex project. On the other hand, that the Air Force command did not like the plane. There is an opinion that Andrey Tupolev at a personal meeting with Leonid Brezhnev persuaded him to transfer the project and documentation to his design bureau. It is worth noting that the Tu-160 is indeed somewhat similar to the M-18, but, of course, there is no talk of a direct “rip-off”.

    Photo: RIA Novosti / Skrynnikov

    Swan song of the USSR

    In fact, the Tu-160 is the last large-scale project in the USSR, which was carried out before its collapse. Between the beginning of the design of the aircraft in 1972 and the first flight of the car, 9 years passed: on December 18, 1981, the car was lifted into the air from the Ramenskoye airfield test pilot Boris Veremey. The bomber entered service in 1987.

    It is worth noting that this period for the creation of such a project was minimal and shows how powerful the aviation industry at the decline of the USSR: today the creation of such an aircraft in Russia, if possible, is with the consolidation of all surviving enterprises.

    The experience of creating the Tu-22 and Tu-144 allowed the Tupolev team to quickly develop a car: many elements of these aircraft were transferred to the Tu-160 without changes. However, much had to be created from scratch. The main problem was to ensure the flight range, which was supposed to be more than 12,000 km without refueling in the air (for example, the length of the Earth's equator is 40,000 km), and a maximum flight speed of more than 2,000 kilometers per hour. This problem was solved by using a variable sweep wing: most of the flight, to the enemy air defense zone, the Tu-160 passes at subsonic speed (about 900 km / h) with almost straight wings, and overcomes it at supersonic speed, "folding" them.

    Interestingly, the Tu-160 is one of the most comfortable combat aircraft. During the 14-hour flight, pilots can get up and warm up. On board there is a kitchen with a cabinet for warming up food and a toilet, which was not previously on strategic bombers. It was around the bathroom that a real war broke out during the transfer of the aircraft to the military: they did not want to accept the car because of the imperfection of its design.

    The Tu-160 is armed with 12 X-55 cruise missiles, which have a range of up to 2,500 km. Target coordinates are programmed into missiles before the bomber takes off, and after launch, it goes towards it, bending around the terrain, and it is almost impossible to shoot it down. Thus, the Tu-160 can launch missiles without entering the enemy air defense zone. However, if necessary, he is able to break through it: high speed makes it a very difficult target for both anti-aircraft missiles and fighters. The yield of each of the nuclear warheads is 200 kilotons (15 times more than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima).

    Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Belousov

    Tragedy in Ukraine

    By the time of the collapse of the USSR, 34 aircraft had been produced, and most of them (19 bombers) were based in Prilupki in Ukraine. It soon became clear that these vehicles were too expensive to operate and were not needed for a small Ukrainian army. V. Zakharchenko, who then served as the military attache of Ukraine in Russia, said: "The armed forces of Ukraine do not face tasks that require such aircraft." In 1995, negotiations began between Russia and Ukraine on the sale of the Tu-160, but strange demands followed from the Ukrainian side.

    Ukraine offered to transfer 19 Tu-160s to Russia for writing off the debt for gas (which Gazprom categorically refused) or in exchange for Il-76 transport aircraft at a rate of 1 to 2. It was impossible to fulfill the second paragraph for the reason that, having exchanged the Tu-160 on its Il-76, Russia would actually lose transport aviation, and their production in the USSR was carried out at a plant in Uzbekistan, which after the collapse of the USSR practically ceased to function.

    However, it soon became clear why Kyiv did not make concessions regarding the Tu-160. In 1998, the Ukrainian and US defense ministries signed an agreement to destroy 44 bombers, including 19 Tu-160s, as well as thousands of X-55 missiles. On November 16, two "White Swans" in the presence of representatives of the US Department of Defense were destroyed using an excavator and a special guillotine. The cost of destroying the vehicles was paid for with American money: $1 million per aircraft (with the cost of one Tu-160 being about $250 million). In total, 11 Tu-160s were rendered non-flying, and the remaining 8 were transferred to Russia on account of the debt for gas. IN this moment there is no strategic aviation in Ukraine.

    Photo: RIA Novosti / Skrynnikov

    Tu-160 as a means of influence

    Russia has 16 Tu-160s in service, each with its own name. Planes have names Air Chief Marshal of the USSR Alexander Novikov, aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky, Russian hero Ilya Muromets and other historical figures of Russia.

    Aircraft often fly along the air defense line different countries, which causes hype in the press and irritation of politicians. But in fact, this is not so much a way to show the power of Russian aviation as an opportunity to understand how quickly interceptors react to such flights: they always “accompany” the Tu-160.

    The missile carrier, developed back in the USSR, is still one of the most modern in the world, and with the advent of the US B-2 bombers, the situation has not changed much. Combat clashes in Yugoslavia showed that the Stealth technology does not always save when an air defense line is broken: the inconspicuous F-117 fighter was still shot down by the S-125 Neva anti-aircraft missile system.

    The weak point of the Tu-160 today is its outdated on-board equipment, but next year it is planned to modernize it on all 19 machines. In addition, in 2009, work began on the Advanced Long-Range Aviation Complex (PAK DA), an aircraft that should replace the Tu-95. The first flight is scheduled for 2019, and the start of operation - for 2025.

    TU-160 "White Swan" - long-range supersonic bomber-missile carrier. Work on the creation of the aircraft began in 1968, the Design Bureau named after A.N. Tupolev. And in 1972, a preliminary design of such an aircraft with a wing of variable geometry was made. In 1976, the project of the Tu-160 model was approved by the commission. The NK-32 type engine was specially developed for this aircraft model by OKB im. Kuznetsov in 1977.

    These strategic bombers are called "Black Jack" by NATO classification. In American slang, it is a “club” (Black Jack - to beat with a club). But our pilots called them "White Swans" - and this is very similar to the truth. Supersonic Tu-160s are beautiful and elegant, even with formidable weapons and amazing power. Kh-55 and Kh-15 missiles were chosen as their main armament. - subsonic small-sized missiles, - aeroballistic missiles. They were placed on multi-position ejection mounts under the wings.

    How it all began

    The Tu-160 model was approved at the end of 1977. Experienced manufacturing enterprise MMZ "Experience" (in Moscow) began assembling three prototype aircraft. The Kazan production made the fuselages, in Novosibirsk they made the wing and stabilizer, in Voronezh - the doors of the cargo compartments, and in the city of Gorky - the landing gear. The assembly of the first machine "70-01" was completed in January 1981 in Zhukovsky.

    Tu-160 with the serial "70-01" was first tested in the air in 1981 on December 18. State tests were completed in mid-1989. The Tu-160 aircraft then fired four Kh-55 cruise missiles as the main armament of the aircraft. The maximum speed of the aircraft in level flight was 2200 km/h. This speed for operation was limited to 2000 km / h - this was introduced due to the condition of the resource limit. Many Tu-160s were given personal names, like warships. The first Tu-160 was named "Ilya Muromets".

    Tu-160 is one of the combat aircraft of the USSR, which the press learned about even before its construction, for several years. As you know, in 1981 on November 25 aircraft prepared for testing in the city of Zhukovsky (Ramenskoye) near Moscow. The car stood together with two Tu-144s and was photographed by a passenger from the plane landing at the nearby Bykovo airfield. From that moment on, the bomber received its nickname "Ram-P" (Ram - from Ramenskoye) and the NATO code - "Black Jack". With this name, the heaviest bomber of all time was presented to the world.

    At the negotiations on SALT-2 in the 70s of the last century, L.I. Brezhnev said that, in contrast to the American B-1, a new strategic bomber was being designed in the USSR. The press mentioned that it will be produced at a plant in Kazan.

    With the collapse of the USSR, the Tu-160 was distributed among the republics. Ukraine, for example, got 19 aircraft in the air regiment in Priluki, eight were transferred on account of Russia's gas debts. The rest, unfortunately, were simply sawn. In Poltava, you can visit the last Ukrainian "swan" turned into a museum.


    Tu-160V (Tu-161) is a project of a missile carrier, which includes a power plant that runs on liquid hydrogen. Taking into account the peculiarities of the fuel system, it differs from the basic version in the size of the fuselage. Liquefied hydrogen, which was used in engine assemblies as a fuel, was reserved at temperatures down to -253 °C. It is additionally equipped with a helium system, which is responsible for controlling cryogenic engines, and a nitrogen system, which controls the vacuum in the cavities of the aircraft's thermal insulation.

    Tu-160 NK-74 is a modification of the Tu-160, which includes more economical bypass turbojet engines with an afterburner NK-74. These power plants by order they were assembled in Samara at the SNTK im. N.D. Kuznetsova. The use of these aircraft engines made it possible to increase the flight range parameter.

    Tu-160P - modification, which is a heavy long-range escort fighter. It could carry medium and long range air-to-air missiles on board.

    Tu-160PP is an electronic warfare aircraft project. At the moment, there is only a full-size mock-up, the characteristics of the new aircraft and the composition of the equipment have been determined.

    Tu-160K is a project of an aircraft that is part of the Krechet aviation and missile system. Brought to the stage of the finished draft design in Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. The chief designer was V.F. Utkin. Work on the ARC "Krechet" was carried out in 1983-1984. with the aim of not only increasing the effectiveness and survivability of ballistic missiles during a nuclear explosion, but also to test the energy functionality of the carrier aircraft. Armed with the Krechet-R missile.

    This is a two-stage small-sized ICBM of the 4th generation. It was equipped with mid-flight solid-propellant mixed-fuel engines. In flight mode, liquid monopropellant was used. The carrying capacity of the Tu-160K carrier aircraft was 50 tons. That is, the modification could carry two Krechet-R ICBMs weighing 24.4 tons each. Taking into account the flight range of the Tu-160K aircraft, its effective use was up to 10 thousand km.

    At the project stage, the development of ground equipment for coordinating the actions of the aircraft was completed in December 1984.

    Missile control system

    "Krechet-R" is an autonomous missile control system, inertial, with connection to external sources of information. The coordinates and speed of the rocket were received on board the aircraft from the satellite, and the position angles of the command instruments were specified from the astrocorrector. The first stage of the controls are aerodynamic rudders, the second is the control rotary nozzle. ICBMs were planned to be equipped with separating warheads with individual guidance, and warheads, which were intended to break through enemy missile defense. Work on the ARC "Krechet" was curtailed in the mid-80s of the twentieth century.

    Tu-160SK - an aircraft that was intended to carry the three-stage liquid system "Burlak", the mass of which was 20 tons. According to the calculations of the designers, up to 600-1100 kg of cargo could be put into orbit. At the same time, delivery will cost 2-2.5 times cheaper than using launch vehicles with a similar carrying capacity. A missile launch from a Tu-160SK should take place at an altitude of 9000-14000 m at an aircraft speed of 850 to 1600 km/h. The characteristics of the Burlak complex were supposed to surpass the American analogue of the subsonic launch complex, which was carried by a Boeing B-52 equipped with a Pegasus launch vehicle. The purpose of "Burlak" is a constellation of satellites in the event of a mass destruction of airfields. The development of the complex began in 1991, commissioning was planned in 1998-2000. The complex also had to be a ground service station and a command and measurement point. The flight range of the Tu-160SK to the launch site of the launch vehicle was 5000 km. On January 19, 2000, the Aerospace Corporation "Air Start" and "TsSKB-Progress" in Samara signed documents on cooperation in the direction of creating an air-launched complex "Air Start".


    Tu-160M ​​is the latest upgrade of the Tu-160 aircraft. It includes only new weapons and electronic equipment. Only OFAB-500U it can carry on board up to 90 pieces weighing 500 kg each. According to experts, the Russian bomber-missile carrier is ahead of its British counterpart, the Typhoon fighter, in many respects. For example, the flight range of a domestic aircraft, even without refueling, is 4 times greater than that of a British one. The Tu-160M ​​is capable of carrying on board not only more non-nuclear missiles and air bombs, but also has the best engine efficiency.

    Of course, it is also worth mentioning the increasing power of the White Swans. Flight tests of the updated Tu-160M ​​missile carrier, which will soon enter service, have already begun.

    High support

    The head of state called the work done to create this aircraft "a great success for the plant's staff."

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and CEO JSC "Kamaz" Sergey Kogogin during a meeting with representatives of the public on the implementation of the national project "Housing and Urban Environment". Photo by RIA Novosti.

    KAZAN, February 12 - RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed satisfaction with the results of the production of the Tu-160 combat missile carrier.

    We have implemented a brilliant project in Kazan, in fact we have created a new Tu-160 for the Armed Forces. Supersonic combat missile carrier. And not only the carrier itself, but also the weapon for it was finalized. Everything works like clockwork, just great. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia.

    The Tu-160 is the largest aircraft with variable wing geometry, and certainly one of the most powerful combat vehicles in the world. In 2015, a decision was announced to resume the production of strategic missile carriers at the Kazan Aviation Plant. On November 16, 2017, the new aircraft was transferred from the final assembly shop to the plant's flight test station. Thanks to the modernization, the efficiency of the Tu-160 should increase by 60%.

    no competitors

    According to a military expert, thanks to improved performance characteristics he has no competitors for the coming years. “The Tu-160M ​​will undoubtedly receive the latest electronic on-board systems, an inertial navigation system, and modernized weapons control systems. Tu-160s are now reinforcing the grouping in the Arctic, and have also successfully participated in hostilities in Syria. Recently, for example, they crossed the Atlantic Ocean, several seas and, unexpectedly for the whole world, ended up in Venezuela, right next to the enraged United States, ”says Mikhailov about the uniqueness of the White Swans.

    Sergei Shoigu spoke about another combat highlight of the aircraft at the final board of the Ministry of Defense. Tu-160s launched 12 X-101 air-launched cruise missiles at the Pemboi range located beyond the Arctic Circle. The head of the department added that, in contrast to the US deployment of a global missile defense system, our Armed Forces are building up their strike potential.

    Without a doubt, the Tu-160 is one of the most advanced aviation complexes in the world. He has great potential and unsurpassed power. And yet, he is very handsome, for which he received the nickname "White Swan".

    At present, the Russian Ministry of Defense has begun to conclude the first contracts for the resumption of production of Tu-160M2 strategic bombers. They announced, for example, that an additional 50 modernized strategic bombers under the Tu-160M2 index would be built.

    Planned flights

    Tu-160 strategic missile carriers carry out scheduled flights in the airspace over the neutral waters of the Barents, Norwegian and North seas. As a rule, air support for long-range aircraft is performed by crews of MiG-31 fighter-interceptors. The duration of the flight in this case is more than 13 hours.

    During the flight, the Tu-160 and MiG-31 crews practice in-flight refueling. At certain stages of the route Russian aircraft escorted by NATO Air Force fighters.

    Long-range aviation pilots regularly fly over the neutral waters of the Arctic, the North Atlantic, the Black and Caspian Seas, and the Pacific Ocean. All flights of aircraft of the Aerospace Forces of Russia are carried out in strict accordance with the International Rules for the Use of Airspace.

    Issue price

    Expert estimates of the cost of the "WHITE SWAN" range from $250-600 million. In 1993, the media called 6 billion rubles, which corresponded to about $600 million. thousand). For comparison, the cost of the American B-1B bomber, close to the Tu-160 in terms of flight performance, is $317 million, an hour of flight costs $57.8 thousand.

    It is possible, with a certain error, to calculate the cost of refueling the heaviest combat aircraft in the world. The aircraft has fuel tanks with a total volume of 148,000 liters. With an average price of aviation fuel (kerosene) of about 50,000 rubles per ton, it turns out 7,400,000 rubles per refueling.
