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Franchise installation of HBO on cars. We open a business for the installation of gas-balloon equipment (HBO) on cars. Business secrets. State subsidy for the installation of HBO

Today, an increasing number of motorists prefer liquefied gas as an alternative to gasoline and diesel fuel. And this is not surprising, because in the context of constantly rising prices for gasoline and diesel fuel, liquefied gas is more economically profitable, as well as convenient to use. The growing popularity of liquefied gas causes, respectively, an increase in demand for gas equipment, which makes the installation business a sought-after and profitable occupation.

The essence of this business idea is to open at home workshop for the installation of gas-balloon equipment on cars. It is worth noting that in order to implement such a business idea, there is no need to make large investments of funds.

It is well known that the world's oil reserves are steadily declining, which cannot but affect the price of gasoline. In the near future, there are prerequisites that the price of gasoline will only increase. An excellent alternative to gasoline is liquefied gas, which can be used as a fuel and costs 50% less than gasoline. Moreover, this price ratio will continue in the future.

It is worth noting that today the costs associated with entering this business are still minimal. And, if you already have your own functioning car service, it is simply necessary to engage in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity. Moreover, the risk in this case is minimal. An idle garage is also ideal for hosting a business.

Today in our country there is a real automobile boom. Nevertheless, among motorists there are many economical people who will gladly take advantage of such a great opportunity as installing LPG equipment on their car.

Experience shows that the installation of gas-balloon equipment for 300-1000 dollars can pay off already after 15-20 thousand km. car mileage.

So, to create your own workshop, in which gas-balloon equipment will be installed on cars, you will need pit garage, as well as the presence locksmith and power tools.

The best option to get started is to install gas-balloon equipment on the cars of your acquaintances, relatives, and friends. And their own cash you can invest in the purchase of gas-cylinder equipment. In this case, the client should take a deposit in the amount necessary for its purchase and, in fact, purchase the equipment. And after all the work has been completed, it remains only to receive the second part of the payment from the client.

It is worth noting that in order to carry out work with gas equipment, you should obtain the appropriate certificate allowing such work to be carried out. Otherwise, "gasified" cars will not be able to pass technical inspection. Nevertheless, in practice, obtaining such a certificate is not such a frequent occurrence, and issues related to the passage of technical inspection are resolved by all known methods.

The demand for services for the installation of gas-balloon equipment is quite predictable and does not differ in seasonal nature, as, indeed, any other car service. A slight increase in demand occurs in the summer. This is due to the vacation period, in which many people install LPG equipment on their cars before long trips. The decline in demand occurs only during the New Year holidays.

An extremely important, key role in this type of business is played by qualified specialists. Firstly, the work associated with the installation of gas-balloon equipment is quite complicated, secondly, gas is an explosive substance, and finally, thirdly, only qualified personnel are able to create a positive business image, leaving customers satisfied with the end result of the work.

The main buyers of low-cost systems are car owners domestic production equipped with carburetor engines, as well as traveling Gazelles. The owners of these machines are ready to put up with a loss of power of the order of 10-15%, but at the same time their main goal is maximum savings. Therefore, the decisive factor in this case is the low price of the work.

The only drawback of domestic gas-balloon equipment is the need for a rather large amount of time spent on installing and configuring systems. As a rule, installation takes no less than eight hours, however, work with some machines can take several days.

The indisputable advantage of gas-balloon equipment is that once it is installed, the owner of the car can easily forget about any problems. After all, even the process of switching from gasoline to gas is carried out automatically.

Naturally, as in any other area, difficulties may arise in the installation of gas-cylinder equipment on cars. In order to avoid possible problems as much as possible, it makes sense to avoid those cars that can deliver these same problems. For example, equipped with injectors and foreign cars with plastic intake manifolds.

Attachments: from 100 000 rubles

Payback: from 3 months

The rapid rise in the price of gasoline and diesel fuel leads to the fact that car owners are trying to convert their vehicles for gas fuel. This is due to the fact that the price of gas is much lower. Therefore, business in this area has become widespread. And such an enterprise can bring an excellent income, but at the same time it does not require a large amount of initial investment.

business concept

It is no longer a secret to anyone that oil reserves have been greatly reduced over Lately Therefore, there is no reason to expect a decrease in gasoline prices. Today, HBO is the only possible budget alternative that will help reduce the cost of car maintenance for their owners.

The essence of the project is to organize a small workshop, where the re-equipment of cars will be carried out, re-equipment from gasoline to gas fuel.

What is required for implementation?

To start this type of activity, you need to purchase at least two sets of gas equipment, as well as the devices that are used to connect it.

In addition, you need to find and rent suitable premises, register activities with the tax authorities, hire staff, develop a high-quality business plan, touching on all the main points related to the implementation of the business idea in question.

Step by step start instructions

  1. Registration. Before you start any business, you need to register an IP. This procedure will not take much time. To register with the tax authority, you will need to provide the following documents: an original and a copy of a document confirming the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation; application of the established form; check or receipt for payment of state duty. If the tax authorities have no questions and claims regarding the documents, then within five days the novice entrepreneur will be issued a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur. You will also need to obtain a special permit (certificate) granting the right to engage in this type of activity. Otherwise, all converted vehicles will not be admitted to inspection.
  2. room. A heated garage can be used as a room for installing such equipment. A prerequisite is the presence of a viewing hole.
  3. Equipment. As far as equipment is concerned, the main system can be purchased at the expense of a deposit, which will be paid by the client before work begins. If we talk about the full equipment of the workshop, then you will need to purchase gas cylinders. A special production line is installed for them, but it is very expensive, so the best option at the initial stage, there will be a purchase of HBO ready for installation at a cost of 8,000 rubles. Buy two or three sets. High-quality devices are produced by Italian companies. Their equipment is more expensive, but it will last much longer than Chinese counterparts. To save money, find a permanent supplier, conclude a long-term cooperation agreement with him. You will also need to buy equipment that any auto repair shop is equipped with: wrenches, lifts, pumps, screwdrivers, nuts, etc.
  4. Staff. Personnel is the main resource in this area, which should be given special attention. Not only the speed, but also the quality of the work performed, the number of satisfied customers will depend on the qualifications of specialists, potential customers. A minimum of two car mechanics with experience in gas equipment and re-equipment of the fuel system of cars will be required to hire.
  5. Advertising and customer search. So that investments in advertising do not turn out to be impressive, at the first stage of business development, you can limit yourself to placing business cards or leaflets at parking lots, gas stations, car washes, service stations. Then you can advertise in local newspapers, magazines, create and promote your own website.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

As already noted, start-up investment will be small. They will amount to approximately 100,000 rubles. This will include (rub.):

  • paperwork - 15,000;
  • garage rental - 20,000;
  • equipment - 30,000;
  • advertising - 25,000;
  • other expenses - 10,000.

Monthly expenses

The composition of the monthly operating costs will include (rub.):

  • rent - 20,000;
  • utility bills - 5,000;
  • staff salary - 40,000;
  • advertising - 5,000.

In the future, equipment can be purchased at the expense of the client for a specific car.

How much can you earn?

Re-equipment of the vehicle will cost from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles, depending on the brand of the car and the complexity of the work. During the day in the repair shop it will be possible to convert at least one car. Thus, it will turn out to earn up to 150,000 rubles a month, the net profit before the return on investment will be approximately 80,000 rubles.

Payback periods

It will be possible to recoup the investment in 3-6 months.

Business risks and cons

This type of business can be safely called seasonal. Such services are most in demand in the summer. Almost all winter there is a relative calm. Therefore, to attract new customers, you will have to use all types of advertising as much as possible.

To attract more customers, purchase additional equipment with which the workshop will diagnose machines and fix their breakdowns. Thus, you will be able to expand the number of services provided and increase income.


Car maintenance and repair is an area in which you can continuously develop. The main thing is clear, planned actions of the management and well-coordinated work of the team.

The regular increase in prices for diesel fuel and gasoline is increasingly forcing numerous motorists to think about re-equipping their car for gas fuel.

This is due to the fact that gas will cost an order of magnitude less.

In perspective business ideas for installing gas equipment on cars there is no doubt, moreover, such a business can bring a good stable income to its founder.

In order to start a business for re-equipping cars with gas, no large cash outlays are required. This business option will be built on the desire of owners to save money. For this reason, the benefits here are undeniable.

In this field of activity, it will be necessary to occupy a certain niche, because in the installation of this equipment on vehicles, as in any other business, there is its own competition. The cost for a set of such equipment is approximately from 6,500 to 60,000 rubles.

When choosing equipment, preference should be given to domestic manufacturers due to the low price and excellent quality. The only downside is that the installation will take more time, in some cases up to several days, everything will depend on the specific brand of the machine.

Inexpensive gas equipment systems are purchased by owners of domestically produced passenger vehicles with carburetor engines, as well as owners of GAZelles. All these drivers will go where the cost of installation will be less, since the main goal is to save money.

What do you need to start a business

This business option does not require large investments.

  • Initially, you will need to purchase a couple of sets of HBO, including a set of special devices.
  • You will need to rent a warm box or garage.
  • It is mandatory to purchase a certificate allowing the installation of gas equipment on vehicles; without such a certificate, vehicles will not be able to undergo further maintenance.
  • Suitable space for employees.
  • You will need a secretary and an accountant.
  • You need to install a landline phone.
  • It is imperative to think over an advertising company.

Installation of gas equipment does not require any special qualifications from the installer. The client will only need to decide whether he wants to supply an imported or domestic system. A foreign system costs from about 8,000 rubles, a domestic one from 6,500 rubles.

In order to reach as many clients as possible, it is worth taking additional equipment designed for diagnostic procedures, a laptop for various operations and a gas analyzer. In this case, you will need to hire competent workers.

With this equipment, it will be possible to re-equip even expensive foreign cars. It is not recommended to save on employees, the better the work is done, the better. Installation of gas equipment will require a responsible approach and preparatory work.

Additional information about the installation of gas equipment

It is worth thinking about investments, in order to provide customers, you will need approximately $ 5,000. You need to think about the format of the room - a specialized section, a station Maintenance or a full-fledged HBO installation center. The payback of the business will be from two to twelve months.

Take care of your staff, the work box must be heated. Find manufacturers and suppliers of gas equipment that can help train workers. It is considered to be the best equipment made in Italy. But it must be installed correctly, as well as properly configured so that the equipment lasts as long as possible.

One technician can set it up in about 5 hours. The cost of the services provided can range from 7,000 to 40,000 rubles. It is also possible to conclude contracts with clients for service maintenance, according to which customers will visit your service for prevention. This will generate additional income.

Advantages of installing gas equipment on a car

  1. Due to the use of gas, money is saved on fuel, which can reach up to 40%.
  2. Gas equipment will pay for itself in the first 20,000 km.
  3. During combustion, the gas is less harmful environment than gasoline.
  4. When using gas, the car engine will wear out less.

Disadvantages of installing gas equipment on a car

  1. Gas equipment will take up a lot of space in the vehicle.
  2. The carrying capacity of the vehicle will decrease.
  3. Poor performance at low temperatures.

You can install gas equipment on vehicles at any time, for this reason, weather conditions will not be able to affect business in any way. Gas prices are also not expected to rise. For these reasons, if you have any suitable premises, you can try to implement this idea.

Where to look for customers to re-equip a car to gas

In order to minimum expenses to attract customers to yourself, for a start it is worth ordering business cards and distributing them to car shops, car washes and service stations.

The next step is to place an ad in the category SERVICES printed publications do it on permanent basis. Such advertising is one of the cheapest.

Also, don't forget about the internet. By placing your ad on the installation of gas equipment on the Internet, you will get, albeit not a large number of customers, but for free.

The constant rise in gasoline prices is forcing many car owners who spend several hours a day behind the steering wheel to convert their car to blue fuel, because gas is significantly cheaper than gasoline. All that is needed for this is to install gas-balloon equipment (LGB) in a specialized workshop, which allows storing and supplying gaseous fuel to an internal combustion engine.

The re-equipment of the fuel system has allowed thousands of Russian car owners to save a lot of money on the cost of gasoline, and our more enterprising fellow citizens have managed to make a fortune on this business idea. We will talk about how to open a business for installing gas equipment on a car in this article.

Step 1: Register an IP

Before you start any legal business you need to register as individual entrepreneur. This procedure now takes a matter of days. You can register an individual entrepreneur with the tax authority at the place of residence, that is, at the place of registration.

Tax authorities need to provide the following package of documents:

  • original and copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur;
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (in 2015 its size is 800 rubles).

If everything is in order with the documents, then after 5 working days the IP registration certificate will be in your hands.

Step 2: Get permissions

Work on the conversion of vehicles, namely the installation of gas-balloon equipment, can be carried out at enterprises of any form of ownership, however, they must have:

  • appropriate production base, everything you need technological equipment;
  • certified for the performance of this type of work, working and engineering personnel;
  • certificate for the right to work, issued by an accredited certification body;
  • license for the right to carry out the specified works, issued by the state body authorized for these purposes.

Without the documents listed above, "gasified" cars will not be able to pass technical inspection, and they will not be registered.

Step 3: Prepare the production base

As for the material and technical base, no grandiose investments are required to open a business for the conversion of simple Russian cars. At first, several thousand dollars will be enough to rent a heated box with lifts or good viewing holes, purchase several sets of gas equipment systems for installing and cutting pipes, and a set of necessary tools.

In order to cover the market of more modern foreign cars, it will be necessary to prepare a more solid amount in order to purchase much more serious equipment. Here you will need a gas analyzer (a measuring device for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of gas mixtures), a computer and software for tuning electronic "brains", as well as expensive diagnostic equipment that allows you to assess the general condition of the engine.
