Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

I buy potatoes on a regular basis. How is the purchase of potatoes from the population? Pros, cons, design features. What documents need to be issued for potatoes

  • 1 Is it profitable to grow potatoes for sale?
  • 2 Potato growing technology
  • 3 Growing potatoes as a business
    • 3.1 Land acquisition
    • 3.2 Business registration
    • 3.3 Selection of premises
    • 3.4 Procurement of equipment
    • 3.5 Purchase of planting material
    • 3.6 Formation of a team of workers
  • 4 Potato Growing Business Plan
  • 5 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 5.1 What is the demand for potatoes today?
    • 5.2 Where to look for marketing channels for potatoes?
    • 5.3 What documents need to be issued for potatoes?
    • 5.4 Is it possible to build a business on the resale of potatoes?

One of the most profitable business niches is growing and selling potatoes. Today it is difficult to imagine the diet of most Russians without this root crop, so such an agricultural crop will always be in great consumer demand. Growing potatoes is a promising and long-term activity, moreover, there are no problems with the sale of products. To successfully develop in this direction, an entrepreneur needs to competently organize his own business.

First, it is recommended to analyze the situation on the market, determine the profitability of activities, as well as calculate the amount of investments and possible income. To date, farmers cannot fully satisfy the needs of buyers, so growing potatoes for sale is very profitable. Despite the large number of manufacturers, the business is not afraid of competition and is highly profitable.

Is it profitable to grow potatoes for sale?

What is useful to know for a novice entrepreneur who decides to grow potatoes for sale? This type activity is highly profitable, besides, today they apply modern technologies, allowing you to grow root crops in greenhouses all year round and collect several crops per season. The business of growing and selling potatoes has its positive and negative sides. The pluses should include:

  • the possibility of growing root crops even on a small plot of land;
  • fast return on investment;
  • high consumer demand for potatoes, regardless of seasonality;
  • the possibility of combining business with other activities;
  • relative ease of care.

If a person has a garden, he can also grow potatoes and earn decent money from it. For this kind home business no need to pay taxes. Fertilizers are inexpensive countryside there are many people who want to earn money (it does not hurt to hire them to weed the land and care for potatoes). The costs will be negligible.

Growing potatoes is not only able to bring all year round profit, but also allows you to save on fertilizers, since the tops are used to form humus on the site. If you install greenhouses on the ground, you can harvest 3 crops in 1 year. Investments usually pay off after 4 months from the beginning of the first planting.

This business is not without flaws, and every entrepreneur who is interested in profitable work for himself should know about them. First of all, there is a great dependence of the quality of the crop on weather conditions. If there is intense heat in the region, the plants need to be protected with irrigation systems. Potatoes have a lot of enemies among insects. To combat them, various chemicals are successfully used today, which allow saving the crop. Therefore, these disadvantages should be considered rather as additional precautions.

To understand how profitable it is to grow potatoes for sale yourself, let's give a simple example. Let's say a businessman rented (or owns) 30 acres of land. From every 100 sq. m, you can collect about 280 kg of potatoes, and from the entire area - 8.4 thousand kg. If you sell it in bulk at a price of 20 rubles, you can get revenue of 168 thousand rubles.

To cultivate the land, you will need to buy a walk-behind tractor (mini-tractor) with a body, as well as a hiller, a mounted plow and a device for digging up root crops. Still need to purchase fertilizer for the site. Investments for these purposes will amount to about 80 thousand rubles. The benefits of this type of activity are obvious. If you install greenhouses and grow plants all year round, profits will increase significantly.

Potato growing technology

There are many various ways growing potatoes, allowing you to collect a fairly good harvest. Let us dwell on the Dutch method, since it does not require large expenses and allows plants to develop in natural conditions (without the use of greenhouses).

A feature of this technology is the minimum mechanical processing of the land and the potato itself. The method involves the use of ground aeration, which provides effective ventilation of soil layers by mixing them with atmospheric air. To implement it, the soil is first loosened, after which the planting material is placed in the formed earthen ridges, while it is necessary to ensure that the distance between the planting rows is large enough.

Growing potatoes according to this method makes it possible to collect up to 1.8-2 kg of root crops from one bush, while the potato itself can be stored for a long time, subject to certain conditions. When selecting planting material, pay attention to the tubers: each of them should have about 5-6 eyes in order to get a good harvest.

Immediately before planting, root crops should be warmed up in spacious, bright areas. Then they are placed in the ground until sprouts form, while the material should be in a room where it is recommended to maintain 6-8 ° heat. Ready seedlings must be sent for further growth in natural conditions in well-warmed soil.

Up to 600 potato bushes are allowed to be planted on one hundred square meters of land, while it is better to arrange them in such a way as to provide good lighting. The beds are formed from north to south with an interval between rows of up to 0.75 m. As for watering potatoes, this should be done no more than 3 times over the entire period of the crop's life. The first is carried out when sprouts appear, then before flowering begins, and after it ends.

Important: to protect potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and other pests, it is recommended to treat the tops with pesticides even before the onset of the flowering period.

Growing potatoes as a business

Consider the main stages of business development.

Land Acquisition

An important step in organizing a potato growing business is the acquisition of land. On average, one hundred square meters will have to pay 5 thousand rubles, and about 0.25-0.3 hectares will be required for planting. Thus, minimum investment for the purchase will amount to 75 thousand rubles.

A person can arrange small business in the country, in which case his income will be small, but he will not have to spend money on buying a land plot. As for the lease of land, its cost can reach several thousand rubles per hundred square meters, so it is more expedient to invest in your own land. Before buying a plot, you should consult with a lawyer who will inform you about all the intricacies of land registration and assist in filling out the documents.

Business registration

To get started entrepreneurial activity, a businessman needs to contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence and register a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur. Often such a business is organized simultaneously by several partners. In this case, to register an enterprise, it is worth submitting an appropriate contract indicating the contact details of each of the co-owners of the business. In addition, the contract should specify the rights and obligations of each of the partners, as well as the procedure for exiting the business of each of them. If necessary, a specialist in the department of the Federal Tax Service can learn how to correctly calculate the land tax and agree on the frequency of payment.

When registering a company, you must specify OKVED codes. For growing potatoes, you can choose:

  • 01.1 - "Growing annual crops";
  • 01.13 - "Growing vegetables, root crops, gourds and tubers, mushrooms and truffles";
  • 01.13.1 - "Growing vegetables";
  • 01.13.12 - "Cultivation of protected ground vegetables".

Novice entrepreneurs who want to make money growing and selling vegetables and fruits do not know which form of taxation is better to choose. For this type of activity, the best option would be to pay a single agricultural tax, the rate of which is only 6%.

Selection of premises

A businessman should take care of the proper storage of the crop, so you need to find the appropriate warehouses equipped with:

  • ventilation;
  • lighting;
  • heating system.

Storage areas must be dry, free of moisture and mold. Root crops should be dried before being placed in storage, and also sorted so that there are no rotten tubers among the crop. Illiquid potatoes can be handed over to farms specializing in growing turkeys at home and other livestock, which will accept them as feed for a small price. As for the cost of renting storage facilities, it varies between 30-40 thousand rubles for 1 month.

Purchase of equipment

For the operation of a farm for growing potatoes, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment. If you have to use a large amount of planting material, you should buy a potato planter. This machine allows you to perform large amounts of work in a short time and greatly simplifies the work of people.

In addition, it is desirable to acquire special harvesters for harvesting root crops. They allow you to automate harvesting, moreover, such equipment practically does not damage potato tubers. You can’t do without a potato digger on the field. Such a machine is needed for sampling root crops from the ground. You will also need a line for sorting the harvested crop on the farm, and it can also be used for onions. It allows you to easily select vegetables by size, for which the design provides for the possibility of installing gratings with the appropriate fractions.

Without fail, a small tractor will be required, with the help of which weeding work will be carried out, as well as the transportation of the crop. The minimum set of equipment for farming will be:

  • tractor with trailer - 250 thousand rubles;
  • automated line for sorting root crops - 200 thousand rubles;
  • potato digger - 150 thousand rubles;
  • harvester - 300 thousand rubles;
  • potato planter - 70 thousand rubles.

Total - the cost of purchasing equipment will amount to 970 thousand rubles. Most entrepreneurs do not have the opportunity to invest such an amount of money to buy the necessary equipment for the economy. For this reason, equipment can be rented or leased before harvesting.

Purchase of planting material

Another item in the cost item will be the purchase of seed and organic fertilizers, which are necessary for the full growth of the crop. About 30 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for chemicals before sowing root crops. How to correctly calculate the number of seedlings required for sowing the land? Based on practice, about 20 kg of seed (tubers) will be required per 1 weave of land. Thus, for 0.3 ha, you need to provide 20 * 30 = 600 kg of root crops. The wholesale price for the purchase of potatoes is on average 20 rubles per 1 kg, so you will have to spend 12 thousand rubles to purchase seed. Taking into account fertilizers, the costs will cost 42 thousand rubles.

Formation of a team of workers

What kind of employees to attract to work in a potato farm? To do this, it does not hurt to invite machine operators - specialists who will service the equipment and work on the land. Also, you can not do without handymen for weeding, watering and sorting root crops.

In addition, you will need an auto mechanic who will repair the equipment. In the summer, guards should be involved to control the order on the field. An example staffing might look like this:

  • handyman (2 people) - 16 thousand rubles;
  • machine operator (2 people) - 24 thousand rubles;
  • enterprise manager - 20 thousand rubles;
  • auto mechanic - 15 thousand rubles;
  • security guard (2 people) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • accounting (payment for outsourcing) - 5 thousand rubles.

In total, monthly expenses for the salaries of employees will amount to 100 thousand rubles. At first, the owner of the business can keep records of the warehouse economy, which will reduce the costs of remuneration of the relevant specialist.

Business plan for growing potatoes

Before embarking on a commercial project, an entrepreneur needs to develop a detailed business plan for growing potatoes. It allows you to determine the amount of initial costs for a start, evaluate the prospects and calculate the possible profit.

In addition, the businessman must know the amount of monthly expenses that are mandatory in the course of work. Calculate the amount of investment to start the enterprise, which includes the following components:

  • purchase of land - 75 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 970 thousand rubles;
  • planting material and fertilizers - 42 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of fuel and lubricants - 10 thousand rubles;
  • warehouse rental - 30 thousand rubles.

Thus, the amount of initial investments is 1.142 million rubles. Running a root crop business involves monthly costs, which include:

  • rent of premises - 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment utilities- 25 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions - 20 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 100 thousand rubles;
  • equipment depreciation - 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of fuel and lubricants - 10 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 10 thousand rubles.

Total - regular costs amount to 216 thousand rubles. Now let's calculate the possible profit of the enterprise. It is realistic to harvest 280 kg of potatoes from one hundred square meters of land, the total yield will be 8.4 tons. Let half a ton of potatoes be unsuitable for sale. Thus, 7900 kg of root crops are obtained, which can be sold.

If you sell the harvest in bulk at a price of 20 rubles per 1 kg, the total amount of income will be 158 thousand rubles. When selling washed and dried root crops in small wholesale lots and retail, you can make a profit of about 40 rubles per 1 kg, which will bring 316 thousand rubles. The net profit from the sale of one crop will be 100 thousand rubles.

This amount can be increased many times if you organize year-round cultivation potatoes in greenhouses. In the future, it will not hurt to scale the business, which will lead to a significant increase in income. For example, average farms own land plots with an area of ​​2 hectares. This allows you to harvest more than 50 tons of crops at a time.


Consider frequently asked questions on the topic.

What is the demand for potatoes today?

Potato is one of the most important food products, the demand for which does not depend on the season. As practice shows, the profit from the sale of root crops in winter can almost double. In addition to ordinary consumers, potatoes are purchased in large quantities manufacturing firms. For example, potatoes are used to make starch and alcohol on an industrial scale. IN Lately This product is used for the production of chips. In addition, the main buyers of potatoes are wholesalers, large retail chains and supermarkets.

Where to look for potato marketing channels?

Entrepreneurs who want, for example, to open a beer store, initially focus on the huge consumer demand for such a product. Potatoes do not need advertising, and they will be bought in any quantities. Consider a few effective ways harvest sales:

  1. Sale on the collective farm markets. This option can bring good profit, however, it should be understood that it requires an investment of a large amount of time. This task should be entrusted to one of the family members or involve implementers. It is profitable to sell potatoes from mid-autumn to early May, when this product is in great demand (despite high prices).
  2. Delivery of potatoes for sale. A fairly promising option, since it allows you to gain a decent amount of money. To do this, it is worth finding several sellers who have their own outlets and offer them profitable terms cooperation.
  3. Harvest wholesale. An entrepreneur can hand over large quantities of potatoes to wholesale buyers, as well as to purveyors. They offer a low price for the goods, but if you need money for all the products at once, this is the best option. It is most often resorted to by large farms that can offer buyers large quantities of goods.
  4. Direct sales of potatoes to retail chains and shops. This option is considered the most profitable. The entrepreneur can arrange the supply of potatoes to stores at an agreed price. Washed and packaged products are in great demand among buyers.

Important: if it is planned to grow potatoes in large volumes, it makes sense to find buyers for the products in advance. Wholesalers and manufacturers should agree on the terms on which they will cooperate. This will allow you to grow potatoes and not worry about finding distribution channels.

What documents need to be issued for potatoes?

According to the requirements of the TR of the Customs Union, potatoes must undergo a mandatory quality assessment. For this reason, manufacturers will have to have the appropriate documentation. You can get it from an accredited organization that provides product certification services. Such a body must have the right to conduct a quality assessment food products, as well as issue relevant documents that are approved by Russian law. If you plan to store potatoes, especially with the use of heating systems, a businessman will need to get permits for conducting business activities in state fire supervision and sanitary and epidemiological stations.

Is it possible to build a business on the resale of potatoes?

Consider the idea of ​​​​a business selling potatoes, associated with its implementation by the type of market dealers. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to place ads in the sleeping areas of the city for the sale of products, receive orders from customers and breed goods at the specified addresses. It should be immediately noted that the minimum order must be at least 30 kg (the volume of one mesh). To start making money, you don’t need to register an enterprise at the initial stage, spend money on renting an office space or buying a vehicle.

Earnings from the sale of one grid is about 200 rubles. Rent truck costs about 300 rubles per hour. In order to make a profit and not work at a loss, you should manage to deliver more than 3 nets of potatoes to customers during this time. Item must be purchased in advance wholesale markets or in supermarkets. To do this, it is enough to have only a few thousand rubles. start-up capital. Relatively quickly, you can reach a stable income of up to 10 thousand rubles a day, which will require daily investments in the purchase of goods of about 25 thousand. Businessmen who have already earned their client base, take up to 20 calls per hour. It is easy to calculate the possible profit per day. The best option will be the delivery of potatoes simultaneously to courtyards with multi-storey buildings, where this service is the most popular.

In Russia, as you know, potato- the second bread. The appearance of potatoes in Russia is associated with the activities of Peter I. However, potatoes became most widespread in Russia in the 19th century. Since then, potatoes can be considered one of the favorite crops of Russians. And if not everyone loves to grow potatoes, then everyone loves to eat them. Or almost everything.

If you do not want to grow potatoes for sale on your own, we connect to potato business as an intermediary.

The essence of the idea is very simple and uncomplicated - we buy potatoes during the harvest season (August-September), we sell them at the peak of the growth in the price of potatoes - from December to June.

In the autumn of 2014, the price per kilogram of potatoes at agricultural fairs was at the level of 12-14 rubles per kilogram (this is the selling price to a retail buyer). In the winter of 2014-2015, the store price of potatoes fluctuates between 30-40 rubles. The cost of washed potatoes reaches 60 rubles and more.

Despite the difference in prices of different regions, and the inflation rate at different times, you can roughly imagine the order of the numbers. We sell 3-7 times more expensive than we buy. Inflation is not terrible for this business.

Since there are no trifles here, you need to carefully consider all stages of the business - purchase, storage, marketing.

Purchase of potatoes

There are several options here - purchase at wholesale depots, purchase from the population, purchase at agricultural fairs, purchase from farms or collective farms.

Purchasing at a wholesale base - everything is simple here. We arrive, buy, receive copies of the necessary documents for products in order to further sell them to the end consumer. When purchasing products from the population, we submit advertisements in the media about the purchase of potatoes.

We consider the purchase of potatoes directly "in the field" to be the most promising "topic". The collective farm / farm does not spend money on packaging, sorting, transportation, storage of products, so purchasing products directly “on the garden” is the most profitable option. In this case, it remains to think over the potato drying system - raw potatoes cannot be stored for storage - this creates the prerequisites for the rapid occurrence of mold. There may also be problems with the documentation for the batch of potatoes (giving the right to retail sale) - the farm / collective farm by this moment may not have time to receive it from the relevant authorities.

It is good if you have your own freight transport. However, its absence is not an obstacle to doing this business. We go around the nearby collective farms, state farms, farms in the spring, and clarify under what conditions it is possible to purchase potatoes in the fall directly “from the garden”. Perhaps you will be offered your own transport to deliver products to your destination. In extreme cases, you can rent a car for the required number of hours.

As one of the options, you can consider the issue of cooperation with a collective farm (another farm) - for example, the storage and sorting of potatoes is carried out by the collective farm, and you are engaged in the sale of the collective farm's products and have a certain percentage from this. However, the income in this case will be less than the "independent" business, but there is less hassle.

You should not buy potatoes in an area where a phytosanitary quarantine zone has been established - there will be problems with sales. Information about this can be obtained in advance in federal service for veterinary and sanitary supervision. In the same place, by the way, you can immediately consult with regard to obtaining the necessary documentation for the sale of potatoes - in the amount of information regarding this department, you are unlikely to be refused.

Potato storage

To implement this business, you will need storage (cellar, caisson). If you have your own garage with a caisson, this is an additional plus. Although in any case, most likely you will have to rent a room, since a lot of potatoes will not fit into a standard 2m * 2m caisson.

Before storing potatoes for storage, we immediately throw out the tubers containing signs of rot - otherwise very large losses are possible in the future.

It is also necessary to periodically sort the potatoes during storage to avoid rotting, since any rot is a loss for the business.

Potatoes should be stored in dry, cool, dark, ventilated stores at a temperature of + 2C + 4C at an air humidity of 85-95%. We lay pre-dried (for example, in the sun) tubers. Usually, the height of backfilling of tubers should not exceed 1-1.5 meters, but it all depends on the ventilation system. Some experts put leaves of some plants (mountain ash, elderberry, etc.) in potatoes - this helps to prevent rot.

Potatoes can be stored "in bulk", in wooden boxes or bags.

With proper organization of storage, the percentage of culling of spoiled potatoes can be minimized.

Selling potatoes

Here we divide buyers into wholesale buyers (shops, restaurants, cafes, canteens, schools, kindergartens), and retail buyers. When selling to shops, kindergartens, etc. it is necessary to have all the documents for the potatoes sold, this is a prerequisite. In stores, products can be sold, or offered for sale on the terms of a commission agreement.

Retail buyers, as a rule, are not very interested in documents - they usually ask the question - “where are the potatoes from?”. The oral answer, as a rule, completely suits them. In principle, an ordinary consumer is more willing to buy potatoes without documents from a collective farm from his own or neighboring district of his region than potatoes from the other side of the world with documents in a store.

You can offer a discount to socially vulnerable segments of the population.

You can offer potatoes with delivery directly to the apartment, or to the cellar (caisson).

A very interesting option is the sale of washed potatoes. It is not necessary to wash the potatoes in advance, it is better to wash the potatoes immediately before the delivery of the goods to the client (at the request of the client, of course). Technically, we will not deeply consider the issue of washing - everyone can work it out on their own. Packing potatoes in containers of various sizes is also a plus - in bags of 3, 5, 10, 25 kilograms.

As a rule, if a client orders a batch of potatoes once, and the quality and price suit him completely, then in the future he becomes a regular customer.

A regular customers you need to love - periodically arrange promotions, provide discounts, etc. It is not considered bad manners to call and offer the product to a customer who purchased potatoes from you some time ago (you can offer a discount as a regular customer). Always a certain part of customers agrees to buy more. If the buyer refuses, you can clarify the reason - perhaps the client did not like the taste of potatoes. If this reason is indicated by the majority of customers, in this case, you will have to look for new suppliers.

What documents to issue for potatoes when selling it?

A declaration of conformity is issued for potatoes, it gives the right to sell potatoes on the territory of our country and the customs union. A declaration of conformity can only be issued for an organization or individual entrepreneur.

Submission of a declaration of conformity is carried out in accordance with the requirements of two current technical regulations of the Customs Union:

Technical regulation of the Customs Union TR TS 021/2011 "On food safety" (approved by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated December 9, 2011 No. 880).

Technical regulation of the Customs Union TR CU 022/2011 "Food products in terms of their labeling" (approved by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of December 9, 2011 No. 881).

The applicant has the right, in addition to the declaration, to issue also a voluntary certificate for potatoes. This document is not a permit for the sale of products on the territory of Russia - it only confirms the compliance with the standards of the Russian Federation of those potato characteristics that are not subject to mandatory verification during the declaration process. Therefore, a certificate for potatoes obtained on a voluntary basis contributes exclusively to increasing the competitiveness of this product.

In the process of reviewing documents, the necessary studies and examinations of a batch of potatoes are carried out.

There is also another document - for voluntary use. This is the national standard Russian Federation GOST R 51808-2013 (UNECE FFV-52:2010) "Ware potatoes. Specifications", modified in relation to the UNECE standard FFV-52:2010, concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of early and ware potatoes, with the date of entry into force on July 1, 2014, replacing GOST R 51808-2001. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this document.

In Russia, legislators are very fond of frequently changing regulatory framework(the “priority” is land legislation, tax legislation and everything related to doing business), constantly complicating the conditions for doing small business. Since the information may become outdated at any time, the easiest way to do this is to contact the wholesale base, or the collective farm / farm for the purchase of a small batch of potatoes for resale. We ask for certified copies of documents for a batch of potatoes (it’s not a fact yet, by the way, that they will give you everything Required documents) in order to "sell potatoes in the store without problems with regulatory authorities." After that, we study the issued documents, contact the authorities that issued them, get the necessary advice to obtain documents for “our” batch of products.

Or you can contact the specialized organizations of your city that provide such services - the specialists of these companies will help you quickly and without bureaucratic delays to obtain all the necessary documents from government agencies.

Highly recommend to have on sale potato all necessary documents. It's not that hard to get them if you want. You still have time before the season, so you can easily find more detailed information on this issue and study the necessary documents.

This business can be run by registering as an individual entrepreneur, or by opening an LLC. There is a very good video on the topic of choosing between IP and LLC co. comparative analysis the main criteria, we recommend that you look. The video is located.

The food market is the future, so now it is better not to miss the chance to occupy your niche in this market.

More information on this idea for starting and running a business can be obtained.

Residents of big cities rarely think about where the simplest products come from in stores. Of course, everyone understands that someone bakes bread, and someone has to grow potatoes, but at the same time, people are unlikely to think about what stages they have to overcome before high-quality goods hit the counter. Theoretically, there are several ways: a full cycle, starting with cultivation and ending with delivery to the final consumer, or a chain of interrelated processes that different organizations. For example, the purchase of potatoes from the population for subsequent wholesale- this is just one of the stages, which is a completely independent business process.

How to define the boundaries of a business idea

The attraction of the full cycle lies in the ability to get the largest percentage of profits, and at the same time properly control the process, earning an excellent commercial reputation. The downside, perhaps, is the huge amount of capital investment that will be required for such a large-scale project.

To grow ordinary potatoes, you will need land, machinery and fuels and lubricants, fertilizers, healthy seeds, irrigation systems, storage facilities and great amount freight transport. At the same time, one should not forget about human resources— even in spite of modern agricultural machinery, one cannot do without working hands.

That is why, for example, the purchase of potatoes from the population in Belarus becomes more accessible in execution in order to deliver a batch to a wholesale buyer or sell it at retail on their own. Narrowed boundaries of responsibility can significantly reduce start-up costs and keep profitability under control.

Agricultural holdings against private traders

Large agro-industrial enterprises usually follow the first path. The scale allows you to reduce the cost of a conditional cultivated hectare: large wholesale of fuels and lubricants at competitive prices, full load of equipment. As a result, it becomes possible to reduce the final cost of products, and private traders are not enthusiastic about such competition.

Nevertheless, the purchase of potatoes from the population continues to be in demand. It is believed that farmers do not abuse mineral fertilizers and pesticides, so their products have other competitive advantages.

Tender deliveries

Small organizations and companies can independently organize the purchase of the necessary batches of any vegetables from an intermediary or even a manufacturer by creating tenders for supplies on special exchanges. There are sites on the Internet that specialize in publishing advertisements for the sale of agricultural products. Intermediaries can also profit from this.

Suppose, after the conclusion of a contract for regular supplies, potatoes are purchased from the population in Orel, if it is possible to find a quality product for reasonable price. The work of an intermediary is not so simple, but at the same time useful: the manufacturer does not have to organize transportation, look for transport and pay for fuel, and he can devote himself entirely to growing a quality product.

How to issue a party purchased from the population?

So that there are no claims to the accounting department, it is necessary to draw up a procurement act on the purchase of agricultural products from an individual. The company can develop its own form, which must include information about the parties to the agreement, the name of the company and the data of the seller, the content of the transaction - the name of the product, quantity and category, if necessary. The act also includes the date of the transaction, the amount and method of payment. Documenting purchases of potatoes from the population is a deal with individual, at the conclusion of which the buyer is not a tax agent, therefore, personal income tax is not deducted, and the seller independently declares income from which tax is required to be paid.

Depending on the specific purpose for which agricultural products are purchased, appropriate amendments are made to the form of the procurement act. In this case, the seller is not obliged to pay VAT, since it is not individual entrepreneur. But the buyer, when reselling, calculates VAT in accordance with applicable regulations.

Benefits of buying potatoes from the public

Small batches of agricultural products from trusted private traders may be more High Quality than a large wholesale, since there is the possibility of a thorough check at the stage of the transaction. The peasants themselves often note that buyers put forward certain requirements, and they are quite high. For a businessman engaged in processing or supplying food to restaurants and cafes, one-time purchases of potatoes from the population in the Kursk region are sometimes more profitable than a long-term contract. It must be remembered that with each week of storage, the quality deteriorates, the cost also changes, and a more fluid scheme is required for business than the harsh terms of a long-term contract.


Agriculture is always associated with certain risks, which can be difficult to foresee and respond quickly. Drought, flood, invasion of the wireworm, which can ruin the entire crop. This not only reduces the quality, but can even nullify all efforts. In this case, not only the producer suffers, because it is impossible to purchase potatoes from the population if there is simply nothing to buy.

Given a sharp decline in quality, on average in the region, farmers quickly respond by raising prices for products that fit into the required standards. This is the market economy in application to agriculture, specific risks exist and must be reckoned with.
