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Fortune telling without cards. “No tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach to hell,” Carl Gustav Jung. “Great despair always gives rise to great strength” - Stefan Zweig

The symbol refers to the four most unfavorable hexagrams. A difficult period of life with losses and failures lies ahead.

One of the worst combinations. Pay attention to the recommendations to survive this period with the least losses.

Now your life is characterized by defeats and blows of fate. To reduce losses from endless failures, be patient and don’t lose heart. The only thing that can be done is to remain calm and wait for the return of the goddess of happiness.

You will have to wait a long time, from two to five months, enough time to engage in scientific research. The situation will begin to change for the better, problems will go away.

To interpret the next hexagram, go to page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 29. Repeated danger

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not completely clear and seems vague to you, read the explanation of the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you more correctly understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed - Si-kan - Repeated danger.

The hieroglyph depicts a cap and wings in combination and denotes a thought carried far forward by repeated and repeated efforts.

Si - teach, practice, rehearse, instruct. Repeat the lesson; again and again. Prepared, skilled, familiar with something. Urge, impulse.

The hieroglyph depicts a hole in the ground, a deep hole into which a stream of water flows.

Kan - trap, trap, grave, dangerous place; chasm, abyss, pit, steep cliff, abyss.

Test, critical moment, crisis. Reckless risk in extreme danger, taking risks.

Semantic connections of hexagram 29.Si-kan

Read associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing a time of danger that cannot be avoided. You need to conquer your fear and overcome the obstacle that appears in front of you again and again. Get used to danger, go without regard for risk. Call on all your energy to help and practice and train with concentration. Do not be afraid and do not allow cowardice. Only strong will and decisive action will allow you to get out of the situation with honor.

At this critical moment you may fall into a trap. But in what is happening there is a connection with spirits who will help you. Remember, the time to focus and take decisive risks is now. Listen more carefully to the voice of your heart and intuition. Every danger has its own hidden meaning. Heaven sends you trials and dangers to prevent pride and excessive exaltation. This is how rulers use danger to protect the peace of their possessions. The development of protection from danger is in itself a merit and accomplishment. Remember, there are plains and mountains on earth.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the twenty-ninth hexagram.

[For the owner of truth, accomplishment lies only in the heart. Actions will be approved]

I. At the beginning there is six.

Double abyss. You will enter a cave in the abyss.

- Misfortune!

II. Nine second.

There is danger in the abyss.

- By achieving, you will get something.

III. six third.

Whether you come or go, [there will be] abyss after abyss.

Even if it is dangerous, there is still support. You will enter a cave in the abyss.

- Don't act!

IV. Six fourth.

[Just] a mug of wine and a bowl [of food], and in addition you need [only] an earthenware jug.

Making commitments through the window.

- In the end, there will be no blasphemy.

V. Nine fifth.

The abyss is not filled.

When you level it out, there will be no blasphemy.

VI. Six at the top.

To tie you need a rope and a lasso. Imprisonment in a thicket of thorns.

“And in three years you won’t get anything.”

Eight of the sixty-four hexagrams are duplicated in the I Ching. This is one of them, because the trigram Water is doubled. When Water, the symbol of trap and danger, doubles, attention is drawn to the danger itself. You are in a situation of real danger. And what’s worse, your efforts to get out of it will not help, but will only make the situation even worse.

Since circumstances are not in your favor, let us remind you once again: you will not be able to get rid of inferior elements, and each such attempt will only increase the danger. When in a cycle of failure, your luck is at its lowest.

What to do? Any attempt to eliminate the danger, making efforts or relying on wit, will not bring results. But you cannot retreat, the danger is both ahead and behind you. The only thing that remains is to face the situation head on and endure the “trap” for as long as circumstances require. It will be difficult, painful, and at times even unbearable, but there is no other way out.

The main thing is to confront the situation, holding firmly and confidently to your moral principles. Do what needs to be done. Do not compromise for a moment with your sense of justice and honesty. If you adapt to the situation while maintaining moral integrity, your True Self will remain intact.


Will not be implemented.


Temptation, pain. Your partner will not understand you. No chance of success.


Incompatible personalities; troubles and problems are everywhere. If the marriage takes place, there will be no love in it, and it will be fleeting.

Pregnancy, childbirth

There is a real possibility of miscarriage. Most likely, there will be complications during childbirth. If a child is born, it will be a boy.

Health status

The disease is too dangerous and difficult to treat.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

You will waste time and energy.


Cancel it. If you go, you will have an accident or get robbed.

Exam, test

Very bad rating.

Work, business, specialization

This is an unfavorable period for this. Wait for the best moment.


A period of long rains.

lucky color

Black, blue-green.

Lucky numbers:

1, 6

Changing Traits


Stubbornness and hitting my head against a brick wall led to serious danger. You have driven yourself into a thorny forest from which there is no way out. Long-term problems and chaos in your relationships are looming due to your low self-control. Returning to the True Path and waiting is the only solution.

Fifth (dominant)

Don't put in more effort than necessary and don't set your goals too high. This is the kind of wisdom that is needed this moment. If you are not arrogant or complacent, you will achieve your goals without unnecessary danger. On at this stage the danger will disappear on its own, with virtually no effort on your part.


Bluffing and pretending to be strong will not eliminate the danger. Be frank with others, act simply and sincerely, and you will understand the situation and find a way out.


You are in a dangerous situation, between two pits (abyss). You cannot move forward or backward, otherwise you will fall into the abyss in both cases. In order to realize the seriousness of the danger (you are not fully aware of it at the moment), you must gather yourself, reflect calmly on your situation and do nothing until the situation changes.

Second (dominant)

Danger forces you to act impulsively. But the danger cannot be eliminated with one movement. You must go gradually, step by step, to avoid failure.


Since you have already crossed several times with the same danger, you resignedly submitted to fate and ceased to resist evil. This false attitude is a consequence of the flaws in your personality that separate you from the True Path. You must recognize the weaknesses and begin to eliminate them. Only then will you return to the Path and remain in harmony with the cosmos.

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One of the four worst combinations. Your life is currently characterized by losses and defeats. The only thing you can do is to reduce the number of blows of fate to the minimum possible. Be patient and wait until the goddess of happiness graces you with her gaze again. You have a lot of time, do some scientific research. After 2, at most - after 5 months, the situation will begin to change for the better. Until then, stay calm and don't lose heart. This is a period when introspection and a sober assessment of the situation are much more important than a desperate struggle with fate.

This hexagram has a name that can be translated and understood in two ways: it is either danger or an abyss. Therefore, if commentators pay some attention to understanding it through the word danger, then the text itself provides images of the abyss at every step. Its appearance at the bottom of the text is explained by the fact that the previous state, indicated in a number of nearby hexagrams, gives an image of a relatively peaceful human existence. But the most peaceful stay, if not enough attention is paid to preparing for future difficulties and disasters, leads to a certain licentiousness.

On epistemological paths, commentators note here the replacement of the act of cognition with the memorization of already accumulated experience. But if the main attention was paid to stating the very fact of the danger of being in the abyss, then this would not correspond to the nature of the “Book of Changes,” which aims to give a person a warning and point out ways to overcome certain situations in life.

The bright image of the trigrams that make up this hexagram represents an uncompromising movement among a lagging, inert environment. By the way, R. Wilhelm gives an interesting decoding of the image of the trigram Kan. Here, all strong traits express not so much weakness as something opposite to strength, i.e. inertia, rigidity. And R. Wilhelm about the image of a stream that rushes between the icy banks. A person’s moral activity should also be directed through the habitual views, traditional ideas, etc. surrounding him.

From this, the main tone taken in this hexagram is already outlined, consisting of a swift call to search for truth, i.e. the inner truthfulness that the text speaks of. For only inner truthfulness can lead to the fact that a person’s actions will be harmoniously included in world development and therefore will cause approval. So, in the text we read:

Repeated danger. For the owner of truth, accomplishment lies only in the heart. Actions will be approved.

Because the this situation indicates a search for inner truth, so one cannot assume its presence at the very beginning. Therefore, the first position says that the inner truth can only be found. Here the person is still entirely in the abyss, qualitatively different from what can be achieved as a result of this situation, i.e. in the abyss of ignorance, in the abyss of lies, wrongness. Therefore, here the “Book of Changes” only states:

Weakness in the beginning. Double abyss. You will enter a cave in the abyss. Misfortune.

In the abyss spoken of here, as has already been indicated, old habits, experience accumulated before, can replace the content of a new act of cognition. Therefore, although the second trait is, in general, favorable in the symbols of the “Book of Changes” (and favorable precisely because it represents the quality of balance), although here this trait symbolizes a relatively favorable position in relation to internal truth, yet internal truth is still not achieved. At every step a person is still in danger. Only the active conquest of inner truthfulness can lead to any results. That's why the text says here:

The strong point comes in second place. There is danger in the abyss. By achieving, you will get something.

The exit from the internal to the external, from the environment in which a person is currently located, is characteristic of the third position, as we know from numerous previous examples. But the quality of this situation as a whole has its effect here in the sense that exit from the abyss does not yet guarantee a final escape from it, for behind one abyss there may be a second, as the very title of the hexagram shows. Therefore, the text also gives an indication of the possibility of new abysses into which a person falls in his action - the search for truth. The most important thing here is not to rely too much on yourself. Therefore, an action that comes only from personal initiative and is not considered with outside help cannot be favorable. That's why the text says:

The weak point is in third place. Whether you come or go, there will be abyss after abyss. Even if it is dangerous, there is still support. If you enter a cave in the abyss, do not act.

That which has not yet been known, in a certain sense, lies beyond the limits of consciousness, on the outside. Therefore, when moving to the external upper trigram, we can talk about a new act of cognition as such. This new act of cognition can and should awaken previously accumulated experience in a person in order to subsequently be harmoniously synthesized with it. A new act of knowledge excites a person, just as wine excites. But the new act of cognition, on the other hand, must itself, in turn, be clothed in some form from previously accumulated experience. Just like food lying in a bowl, it must be clothed in the form of this bowl.

It must be remembered that, ultimately, truth itself is simple and this simplicity of truth is expressed in the image of a simple clay jug, which the text speaks of. If this is understood in this way, then a person can resort to everything that helps him on the path of synthesizing a new act of cognition, and in this synthesis a window for insight into the truth should open before him. We can find approximately this interpretation of these images in Wang Yi’s commentary. However, these images were also interpreted differently. There are different interpretations based on the same text:

The weak point is in fourth place. Just a mug of wine, a bowl of food, and in addition you only need an earthenware jug. Making commitments through the window. In the end there will be no blasphemy.

Here, despite all the favorableness of the fifth position, it is still impossible to talk about eliminating this situation. And we must remember that the whole situation is a dangerous abyss. Here, strictly speaking, is only the beginning of the process of emerging from the abyss. It cannot yet be accumulated, i.e. cannot disappear. But the abyss - water agitated by a storm - here recedes into the background. The rough surface is replaced by water. This is the only thing that can be achieved here. But if this is achieved, then the beginning of the correct way out of this situation has been laid. So, in the text we read:

The strong point is in fifth place. The abyss is not filled. Once you level it out, there will be no blasphemy.

Since the sixth position is the position of re-development, insofar as that new act of cognition, which was mentioned in the previous stages, the act of cognizing the truth necessary to exit from the abyss, is here also re-development, i.e. it dominates the experience accumulated before. But the experience of previously acquired knowledge is that which can systematize what is known again, that which can and should bind and strengthen it.

Therefore, the knowledge accumulated in the old days must be strong, reliable and strong. Without this connection between the old and the new, a person can only get confused, get lost in the wilds of unsystematized experience acquired again. If a person got into such a state, then it would not be so easy to get out of it, precisely because of his quality. Therefore the text warns here like this:

There's a weak line at the top. To tie you need a rope and a lasso. Imprisonment in a thicket of thorns. And in three years you won’t get anything. Misfortune.


One of the four worst combinations. Currently, your life is characterized by losses and defeats. The only thing you can do is to reduce the number of strokes of fate to the minimum possible. Be patient and wait until the goddess of happiness deigns to look at you again. You have a lot of time, do some scientific research. In two, at the most - in five months, the situation will begin to change for the better. Until then, keep calm and do not lose heart, This is a period when introspection and a sober assessment of the situation is much more important than a desperate struggle with fate.


For more information, hover your mouse over the name of the hexagram

No. 29 – Si-kan. Repeated danger

[For the owner of truth, accomplishment is only in the heart. Actions will be approved]

I. At the beginning there is six.
Double abyss. You will enter a cave in the abyss.
- Misfortune!

II. Nine second.
There is danger in the abyss.
- By achieving, you will get something.

III. six third.
Whether you come or go, [there will be] abyss after abyss. Even if it is dangerous, there is still support. You will enter a cave in the abyss.
- Don't act!

IV. Six fourth.
[Just] a mug of wine and a bowl [of food], and in addition you need [only] an earthenware jug. Making commitments through the window.
- In the end, there will be no blasphemy.

V. Nine fifth.
The abyss is not filled. Once you've leveled it out,
- there will be no blasphemy.

VI. Six at the top.
To tie you need a rope and a lasso. Imprisonment in a thicket of thorns.
“And in three years you won’t get anything.”
- Misfortune!


Si-kan (Repeated danger): si – to practice, rehearse, teach, instruct; again and again; skillful, familiar with something; repeat the lesson; impulse, urge; The hieroglyph depicts wings and a hat - a thought carried forward by repeated efforts; kan is a dangerous place; hole, crevice, abyss, abyss, steep cliff; trap, snare, grave; critical moment, test; to take risks; also: reckless risk in a moment of extreme danger; The hieroglyph depicts a deep hole in the ground into which water flows.


This is a time of danger that you need to overcome. Take risks without looking back. You cannot avoid an obstacle: it will appear in front of you again and again. Conquer your fear. Practice, train, get used to danger. This is a critical moment when you may fall into a trap, so call on all your energy and focus to help. There is a connection with the spirits in the situation, and they will also help you. Listen to the voice of your heart. Don't be cowardly. Decisive actions and strong will will allow you to get out of the situation with honor. Remember that danger has its own meaning. The sky sends danger to prevent excessive exaltation. There are mountains and plains on earth. Rulers take advantage of danger to protect their possessions. Protecting yourself from danger is an accomplishment in itself. It's time to focus and take risks.

Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world.
A huge ocean wave sweeps away everything in its path.
Habitual worries, everyday affairs will immediately fade into the background when a serious danger comes that threatens one of the main objects of love, one of the main goals of life.
Soon this wave is followed by a second, no less powerful one. It would seem that the situation has been resolved, the danger has passed, but one danger is replaced by another, no less powerful.
Nothing will remain on the surface, everything will plunge into the dangerous ocean depths. Dangerous situation will completely capture your attention, everything else will fade into the background.

A powerful mountain rises up into the clouds.
Life is unshakable, safe and provided with everything necessary.
Deep underground, in the very heart of the mountain, small seeds sprouted. Something new arose in the depths of the subconscious, striving for light.
The mountain crushes the sprouts and does not allow them to break through to the light. Established life, established norms, rules and stereotypes do not allow a new awareness of reality to emerge.
The trees grow explosively (like thunder), feeding on the mountain, and, splitting it, sprout to the surface. A new awareness of what is happening, finding nourishment precisely in the unshakable situation that is pressing on it, very sharply begins to take possession of the subconscious.
Where there used to be a mountain, tomorrow a green forest will quickly grow. There will be no trace left of the unshakable, established ideas. A rapid, highly emotional growth of a new awareness of reality will overwhelm the inner world.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 29

In the manifested world, what you have truly treasured until now will be destroyed. This is LOSS OF LOVE. This is a blow to the main values ​​of life, to the object of love. The object of love can have a physical body, or it can be mental. After the object of love has formed in our minds, and we have attributed certain wonderful properties to it, our whole life is built around it. We worry about him, we strive for him, we work hard for him. Suddenly, what we placed on the pedestal of our soul turned out to be, to put it mildly, unworthy for testing. An abyss opened up under our feet. What to live for? This will evoke from the depths of the subconscious a new understanding of life, which will lead to very rapid growth and flourishing on a subtle spiritual level.

Some may think that this is the worst hexagram, because it foreshadows the LOSS of LOVE in the manifested world. However, this is definitely the most resourceful hexagram, because it allows you to jump to a new, higher level of spiritual development. In this sense, this is the best hexagram (if it is generally permissible to compare situations and hexagrams).

True love cannot be lost, because it is love for the whole world, for the entire Universe. You can only lose private, concrete love. Such a loss is always a GREAT GOOD. THE LOSS OF concrete LOVE is always a great benefit for a person and a necessary condition for his further spiritual development.

It is unfavorable to dramatize the situation, trying to return the past state of love. It is beneficial to look at the situation from a broader perspective and find love for yourself at the next higher level, including previous love. In this case, the significance of the loss of specific love will immediately decrease sharply.



PASSIONATE LOVE is the most emotional connection with the object of love, when everything else becomes unimportant and fades into the background. The loved one or the object of love is endowed with the best, most positive properties, and facts that contradict this view are swept aside. When the realization comes that the beloved is not so good, the LOSS of LOVE occurs. PASSIONATE LOVE creates LOSS OF LOVE. LOSS OF LOVE indicates great attachment to something in this world. Identification with your body, family, life will always generate PASSIONATE LOVE, and, therefore, will always lead to LOSS OF LOVE.






Positions for awareness:

1. Loss of love is a difficult step on the path to unconditional and universal love. The loss of love is always the loss of a piece of our ego. Love for everything cannot be lost.

2. Loss of love is the path to new opportunities.

3. Loss of Love is the most difficult test and only a very strong person can cope with it.

4. Loss of Love is an epiphany. This is the loss of the illusion of searching for happiness where it has never been.

5. If you see the divine light in every event, in every person, no matter how badly he treats you, then you will never lose your love.

6. You were disappointed (perhaps betrayed) in your best expectations. Life has faded. But after a while you will discover that it is thanks to these “negative” events that you have changed a lot, become more spiritual, more independent and much happier. Maybe we should immediately say thank you to such events? Maybe the people who committed evil did it precisely for the sake of your spiritual growth? Evil is an accelerator of your spiritual growth!

7. For those who understand: 29 is 2 (duality) and 9 (sky, completion), 2+9=11 – the number of transition, sudden changes, the number of Kryon. The dual world + God results in a very sharp transition to a new level. Thank life, thank the game for getting into this plan. So you are already ready! Strong spirit brings great challenges! Most likely, you yourself, while there, even before birth, said: “I can bear this and not lose the ability to laugh, to love this life and this world!”

8. The loss of love indicates that it is no longer possible to live with the same guidelines and values. Two forces: Ego and Higher Self. Two paths: eternal grief for what was lost and the acquisition of new values, new happiness. No one will remain the same!

9. “The most amazing success often comes right after the most bitter disappointment,” - G.W. Beecher.

10. “Once you dare to accept reality, the pain disappears. And hidden behind this pain is the greatest blessing in the world: you know yourself. You are the mind of existence; you are the consciousness of existence; you are the soul of existence,” Gautama Buddha.

11. “What goes away on its own can come back on its own!”

12. Loss of love is a punishment, karmic retribution for past sins.

13. The loss of love will definitely be maximum if you are on the verge of liberation. This is how the last, most expensive bindings (fetters) that interfere with free movement are destroyed. Everything, literally all of your attachments must be destroyed, only then will the path to light for the soul be cleared.

14. “Being offended and indignant is like drinking poison in the hope that it will kill your enemies...” - Nelson Mandella.

15. “Don’t accept any negativity. Until you accept it, it belongs to the one who brought it,” Buddha.

16. “If you hate, then you have been defeated,” - Confucius.

17. “When heaven gives and takes away, are you able to remain satisfied,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

18. “Hell is empty. All the devils are here." - William Shakespeare.

19. The power of love is such that people are capable of doing the most terrible things in order to receive love ().

20. “If a person does you harm - you give him candy, he does you harm - you give him candy... And so on until this creature develops diabetes mellitus,” - Faina Ranevskaya.

21. “If you want to see the brave, look at those who can forgive. If you want to see heroes, look at those who can love in response to hatred." - Bhagavad Gita.

22. “When you’ve been betrayed, it’s like your arms were broken... You can forgive, but you can’t hug anymore...” - L.N. Tolstoy.

23. “God never slams a door in your face without opening a box of chocolates.” - Elizabeth Gilbert “Eat, Pray, Love.”

24. “In truth, no relationship ever “ends,” not with death, nor with divorce or breakup... Love knows no certain places in space or time, it cannot end, because love is a force that binds. This is something we can neither break nor discard. The heart does not understand death or separation. We are One" - Jeff Foster.

25. “Oh, Almighty! When I lose hope, help me remember that Your Love is greater than my disappointments, and Your plans for my life are better than my dreams,” O. Khayyam.

26. “No tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach hell,” Carl Gustav Jung.

27. “Don’t worry about yourself. In fact, the Universe values ​​you too much for you to go to waste,” Muji.

28. “Taking anything seriously in this world is a fatal mistake,” Louise Hay.

29. “Great despair always gives rise to great strength,” Stefan Zweig.

30. “It is a fact that cannot be denied: the evil act of others towards us becomes our own evil act, because it ignites the evil in our hearts.” - Carl Gustav Jung.

31. The curse is not the death of demons, but their blessing!

32. “When you are disappointed in a person, you understand: he is not so bad. It was you who treated him better than he deserved, and expected from him what he was generally incapable of,” Ivan Turgenev.

33. “I’m so afraid of losing what I love that I forbid myself to love,” Jonathan Safran Foer. Extremely loud & extremely close.

34. “Kids express what they feel. And they are not afraid to love,” Miguel Ruiz. Mastery of love.

35. “Love is the fear of loss and it is this fear that gives rise to true love,” - Xena: Warrior Princess.

36. “Where one can no longer love, one must pass by,” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

37. “The stronger the passion, the sadder its end,” - William Shakespeare.

38. “Never stop smiling, even when you’re sad, someone might fall in love with your smile,” Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

39. “Those who are faithful in love understand only its banal essence. The tragedy of love is experienced only by those who cheat,” Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey.

40. “Why don’t we fall in love with someone new every month? Because if we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart,” Sigmund Freud.

41. “If you are leaving someone, then keep in mind: soon another person will come to this place...” - Margosha.

42. “There is such love that it is better to immediately replace it with execution,” Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

43. “We cannot fall in love again with those whom we once really fell out of love,” - Francois de La Rochefoucauld. Maxims and moral reflections.

44. “No one wants to love the ordinary person in us,” Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

45. “Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, true happiness is when you love,” Confucius.

46. ​​“Humanly we can sometimes love ten, lovingly we can love many – two. Inhumanly - always one..." - Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

47. “After all, we loved each other. No one ever doubted this. We just haven’t figured out how to live together without causing each other unbearable, sharp, heartbreaking pain...” - Elizabeth Gilbert Eat, pray, love.

48. “Our love is beautiful because it is impossible,” - Frederic Beigbeder. Love lives for three years.

49. “We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of our love or his love,” Sigmund Freud.

50. “People, as a rule, do not allow themselves to love precisely because a lot is at stake - the future and the past,” - Paulo Coelho. Veronica decides to die.

51. “Every great love must end tragically, this is a classic,” - Max Fry. Book of loneliness.

52. “Love is when you give, and you want to give even more. Passion is when you take and you want to take more,” Angelina Jolie.

53. “Think about me, and I will be with you, because you and I loved each other only for one moment, but forever,” - Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Garnet bracelet.

54. “You cannot become attached to people with all your heart; this is an unstable and dubious happiness. It's even worse to give your heart to just one person, because what will be left if he leaves? But he always leaves,” Erich Maria Remarque. The station is on the horizon.

55. “Just don’t lose your freedom! She is more valuable than love. But you usually realize this too late...” - Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades.

56. “Love your neighbor - this means leave your neighbor alone. And it is precisely this detail of virtue that is associated with the greatest difficulties,” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

57. “He who has loved bears scars,” Alfred de Musset.

58. “Incompatibility: she loves with all her soul, and he loves with all her body,” - Konstantin Melikhan.

59. “Isn’t this the eternal mockery of love, that a woman cannot love the one who loves her?” - William Shakespeare.

60. “In vengeance and love, woman is more barbaric than man,” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Beyond good and evil.

61. “What is made of love is always beyond the line of good and evil,” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Beyond good and evil.

62. “I recognize friendship by the absence of disappointments, true love by the inability to be offended,” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Citadel.

63. “There are things I love, there are things I hate, and sometimes they change places,” Max Fry. Encyclopedia of Myths.

64. “The best love is the one you soon part with, which never bristles with the thorns of hatred, but quietly fades into the past, leaving not painful stings, but only the fragrant aroma of regret,” Richard Aldington.

65. “A woman can love as if she will never leave. But such a day may come, she will leave as if she never loved at all,” Monica Bellucci.

66. “It’s one thing to have and lose, it’s another to not have at all,” Vasily Dmitruk and Yuri Moiseev. It's time to live.

67. “I hate you because I love you,” VK. Girls with weirdness.

68. “Every reasonable person, one way or another, has ever wished death for those he loves,” Albert Camus. Outsider.

69. “Why do we understand that we love a person only after he has left?” - Frederic Beigbeder. 99 francs.

70. “In this world there is only one way to earn love - stop demanding it and start giving love without expecting gratitude,” - Dale Carnegie. How to stop worrying and start living.

71. “... I wanted to hate you so much, but I couldn’t even stop loving you...” - Kristin Kast. House of the night.

72. “Love forgives everything, except voluntary absence,” - Frederic Stendhal (Marie-Henri Bayle).

73. “Betrayal already indicates love. You can’t betray someone you know,” Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

74. “Not a single person is able to live for weeks, and even more so for years, in an atmosphere of tender passion. Everything tires, even the fact that you are loved,” Andre Maurois. Letters to a stranger.

75. “So mad is my love that I see no evil in you,” - William Shakespeare.

76. “There are feelings that exist only in spite of. When problems disappear, love disappears too,” Oksana Nerobkaya. Have a banker. Capital Love Story.

77. “How can you be in hell if you are in my heart?” - Kingdom of Heaven.

78. “Women are amazing creatures… The more they suffer, the more they love…”. Don't be born beautiful.

79. “Pain and torment justifies what should bring only joy - love,” Paulo Coelho. Eleven minutes.

80. "It's amazing what one ray of the sun can do with the human soul" - F. M. Dostoevsky.

81. “You cannot return to traitors. It is forbidden. Bite your elbows, chew the earth, but do not return to where you were once betrayed, ”- Jean Reno.

82. “First, thank the scoundrel for teaching you a lesson to the detriment of himself. Then thank the virtuous person who walks the path and shows you the way to happiness,” a Sanskrit proverb by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

83. Not everyone in life experiences such happiness as misfortune!

84. “Only he is capable of being kind who had to howl out of anger. Only he will know the value of friendship who has experienced the betrayal of his friends. And love is given only to those who know hatred in full,” - Author unknown.

85. “Not forgiving the offender is the same as getting angry at some thing that hit it. It's always your fault; but it sometimes hurts so much that you hit the thing or throw it on the floor. So what? I just hurt my hand or bounced off the floor and hit my forehead! Resentment is a hellish state: there is no peace anywhere,” Pyotr Mamonov.
