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What does a peat bog look like? Composition of peat and its useful properties. Peat extraction in the Moscow region

» Garden

In search of a source for feeding their gardens and summer cottages, the owners most often prefer substances of natural organic origin. For wetlands, peat becomes an excellent fertilizer, creating a highly nutritious environment for cultivated plants. And how exactly, for what it can be used and in what quantity, we will talk further in our article.

All microorganisms and vegetation that live in wetlands, in overgrown reservoirs and lakes with poor flow, die over time, forming the so-called biomass. Moreover, over the years there is its accumulation and involuntary pressing. As a result, in conditions of high humidity and lack of air, peat appears.

This is a mineral of natural origin, which is a composition of brown or black color. In view of the fact that high humidity and lack of oxygen prevent the complete decay of marshy organic matter, some believe that peat is simply the initial stage of the appearance of coal. According to its characteristics, it can be acidic and neutral.

Characteristics and composition

Peat consists mostly of organic matter of plant origin, but not only. The remains of animals and various microorganisms are also present. A significant amount of humus appears at high humidity and low oxygen levels. And sometimes this figure reaches sixty percent of the total mass. When fresh, it smells of silt, mud, and when processed, it may have the smell of earth. It looks like the earth is black or red, depending on the depth.

The chemical composition of the fossil is as follows:

  • carbon 50-60%;
  • hydrogen - 5%;
  • oxygen - 1-3%;
  • nitrogen - 3%;
  • sulfur - 1%.

Due to the large amount of carbon and hydrogen, the composition acquires a porous structure. In addition, the ballast components of peat dry out several times over time, if it is used as a fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden, the volume of the composition will decrease significantly.

Since the absorption of nitrogen in this case is rather sluggish, plants from 1 ton of substrate will receive only 1.5 kg of the substance. And this is not enough. It is recommended, using as a fertilizer, to combine it with other mineral and nutrient complexes. Peat is reclassified into auxiliary components that hold agrochemicals in the soil. This will be a salvation in the process of its use in protected ground.

High-moor peat in its pure form is not suitable as a fertilizer

Varieties of peat: acidic and neutral

Depending on the place of occurrence and accumulation of certain vegetation, involuntarily forming a fossil, it is divided into: upland, lowland and transitional.

Generally speaking, the type of fossil determines its relief location.

The riding view is 95% composed of the remains of plant organic matter. Most often these are pines, larches, sedges and other trees. Its formation occurs most often in elevated areas of slopes and watersheds. The acidity of such soil is in the range of 3.5-4.5 units.

In the agricultural industry, it is customary to use the top view in the form of compost, container formulations, for mulching and substrate for greenhouses.

More than 95% of the low-lying substrate is presented in the form of incompletely decomposed organic matter. Spruce, alder, birch, willow, fern, reed and other trees, plants located in ravines and river floodplains.

Lowland peat has a neutral Ph

Lowland is characterized by neutrality and low oxidation. Its pH is in the range of 5.5-7.0. This allowed it to be used for deoxidation of the land. Of all fossil types, this is the most useful substrate, containing no more than three percent nitrogen and one percent phosphorus.

If you decide to use a fossil in the form of fertilizer, then it is best to choose a lowland type.

The transitional substrate includes about 90% upland type organics, and the rest is lowland mixtures. It is characterized by a slightly acidic reaction with a pH level in the range of 4.5-5.5. This substrate, like the lowland one, is usually taken in a complex of nutrient compositions. It is considered useful and allows you to get a good harvest, improving the quality of the soil.

Application in the form of fertilizers at their summer cottage

Experts advise the use of the substrate on sandy and clay lands. Since it makes no sense to produce food on the already fertile black soil. As for its introduction into loams, the question becomes ambiguous. Some say it is necessary, while others clearly oppose such a decision.

In view of the fact that the top substrate contributes to an increase in the acidity of the soil, it should not be used as a fertilizer complex. Most often, this is a mulch that contributes to the preservation of moisture on the land.

There are plants such as blueberries, sorrel, hydrangea and heather that thrive in areas with high acidity. That is why the riding composition is recommended for mulching and feeding such a land plot.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of the peat substrate used, it is important to choose a composition with a decomposition level of 30-40% or more.

In its pure form, peat is not used for fertilizers. It must necessarily go together.

And it is important to note the following:

  1. The lowland composition must be ventilated and crushed before use.
  2. If you use the composition to nourish the soil, it must be wet (50-70%). Otherwise, it will become mulch, not fertilizer.

Due to the light ventilation of the organic matter, the level of toxicity is significantly reduced. In this case, it is recommended to pour the peat on a pile and keep it in an open area for several months, periodically turning it over with a shovel. If there is not so much time, you need to keep the substance in the fresh air for at least a few days.

Most often, peat in its pure form is not used. It is considered a component of fertilizer complexes, which also include organic and mineral substances. After all, this substrate can lead to the death of cultivated plants and the deterioration of soil composition.

This fossil is very often used to improve soil properties. So, for 1 sq. m of land you need 20-30 kg of peat. As a result, there will be an increase in the concentration of useful organic substances by almost one percent. It is recommended to repeat this procedure annually, over time optimizing the composition of the soil to the optimum level.

In the form of mulch, the product can be used both in a clean dried form, and supplemented with needles, sawdust, moss or dry hay. But at the same time, it is recommended to lower the acidity level of the composition by adding wood ash or dolomite flour.

Peat in the form of compost is the best use as a nutrient for land and vegetation.

Risks and dangers associated with use in the garden

Earlier we have already stipulated that the use of peat must be skillful. Since its high concentration can harm them, lead to the suppression and slowdown of the growth of cultivated plants, and even their death. In addition, there is a deterioration in the composition of the soil, a change in the ratio of its components and trace elements.

Moreover, peat in a pure concentrated form can only be applied for mulching, and not for soil nutrition. In this case, it is important to supplement it with mineral and organic components. It is impractical, or rather useless, to introduce a substrate into black soil and other fertile soils. Where can you get it? You can buy at the store or make your own.

Now you are well aware of exactly how to use a peat substrate so that it brings only benefits to plants. After all, with such a composition, you need to behave correctly, otherwise everything can end badly.

Millions of years ago, huge deposits of peat began to form on planet Earth, namely from the time when the first vegetation appeared on it. What is peat made from? Under certain climatic conditions, plants died off; under the influence of natural chemical and biological processes, they decomposed over time.

Also necessary condition In order for the formation of peat to occur, there is an increased soil moisture and a lack of oxygen. Thus, plants decomposed to varying degrees were stored, gradually increasing in volume over the centuries, turned into peat bogs, where peat is formed as a result. In this case, the swamp is an ecosystem in which peat accumulates.


Peat is a mineral of plant origin, formed over many millennia from organic residues of incomplete decomposition (mosses, grasses, wood, animal residues), which, due to high humidity and lack of oxygen, were not completely mineralized.

Peat, as a dry matter, consists of:

  1. from plant residues of incomplete decomposition;
  2. humus - a dark amorphous substance (a decomposition product of plant tissues that have lost their cellular structure);
  3. minerals that remain after combustion in the form of ash;

Education in nature

So, let's take a closer look at what peat is formed from. Most of its composition is not completely decomposed plants and minerals. At the initial stage, the bulk of these substances decompose due to biochemical processes, and microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) also take part in the formation of peat. Due to their intensive activity, they accelerate the process of loss of mass and structure of plants. Also, the organic substance undergoes active leaching, in connection with which layers appear. Such a chain natural processes and is the origin of peat.

In summer, peat formation occurs relatively faster, since plants decompose more actively at elevated temperatures. Also, the rate and degree of decomposition is affected by the chemical composition of the plant (organic compounds, nitrogen, carbohydrates, calcium), the acid-base index of the soil, and the climate of the region.

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mineral properties

If translated into numbers, then about 30% of the initial phytomass turns into peat, and most of it decomposes to mineral components, passes into the atmosphere or leaves with water flows.

The color of peat depends on the amount of humus (humus), it is mostly black or brown in color with various shades. Its natural humidity ranges from 86% to 95%.

The degree of decomposition of peat is the relative presence in the total volume of peat of organic substances - tissues that have lost their structure:

  • slightly decomposed (up to 20%);
  • moderately decomposed (20-35%);
  • highly decomposed (more than 35%);

According to the depth of occurrence, conditions of formation and properties, the mineral is divided into:

  • Horse
  • Transition
  • Lowland

Lowland and transitional peat is characterized by a higher ash content, in contrast to high-moor peat. Ash content is the ratio of two masses: the remaining mass after the combustion of ash to the initial mass of the substance. The higher the ash content, the lower the thermal effect, heat transfer. This fact means that when burned, high-type peat leaves less ash, giving off more heat.

Place of Birth

Peat deposits are of particular value for complex use in the biochemical, agrochemical and energy sectors, and are also the most important reserve of fertile lands (potentially possible use).

The mineral resources of most deposits are used as fuel and fertilizer, peat with a high ash content is used only as fertilizer. Top layers are often used to make pots intended for growing seedlings; as well as for bedding for animals, etc.

Peat field - is a geological formation, which consists of deposits of layers various kinds peat and differing according to their natural boundaries, excessive moisture and specific vegetation.

Vegetation cover in different peatlands and even in separate areas of the same peatland can differ significantly, because the conditions for its transition to peat (the process of growth and decay) are different.

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A message about peat for children will tell you how peat is formed, where it is found and where peat is used. The story about peat for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report on peat

Peat- this is a combustible mineral formed by the accumulation of plant remains that have undergone incomplete decomposition in swamp conditions.

The swamp is characterized by the deposition of incompletely decomposed organic matter on the soil surface, which later turns into peat. The layer of peat in swamps is at least 30 cm.

There are 3 types of peat:

  • riding;
  • transitional;
  • lowland.

Peat burns very well because it contains 50% carbon. Has a dark color.

Peat extraction is carried out in two ways:

  • a tractor drives up to the swamp and cuts off the top layer with a cutter;
  • an excavator drives up to the swamp and picks up peat with a bucket.

Peat is renewed quickly and in large volumes, so its reserves on the planet practically do not decrease, despite active mining.

Peat is used in a complex way: as fuel, fertilizer, heat-insulating material. In addition, peat contains substances that kill pathogenic bacteria. Peat should be used sparingly because it forms slowly in nature.

It is very important to protect peat deposits from fires. Such fires are very difficult to put out, but they can arise due to an unextinguished fire, from a carelessly thrown match, and for other reasons.

Peat deposits are located mainly in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet.
Russia has huge mineral reserves. The richest in peat is Western Siberia, especially the Vologda and Tomsk regions, where the Vasyugan swamps are located. There are many peat bogs in Karelia, the Komi Republic. rich in them and central Russia, especially the Ryazan and Vladimir regions, Moscow region.
In the southern hemisphere of the Earth, the mineral was found only on the islands of Southeast Asia.

Peat began to study Lomonosov for the first time.

Canada and Russia are the countries with the largest deposits of this mineral. Canada is in first place in terms of peat reserves (170 billion tons), Russia is in second place (150 billion tons).

Peat is very what people need fossil fuel. It is obtained by rotting mosses, grasses and lichens in swamps or swampy areas.

People extract peat in order to further use it as a combustible fuel, fertilizer, in animal husbandry and in agriculture, V chemical industry and also in medicine.

Peat consists of half carbon, and also contains phosphorus, humic acids, calcium, iron, potassium, plant fibers, and nitrogen.

Scientists divide this mineral into two types - these are lowland and upland types of peat. The low-lying type of peat is characterized by a low level of acidity and a large amount of nutrients. High-moor peat is formed during the decomposition of pine as a result of precipitation in the form of rain and snow; it practically does not contain bacteria and harmful living microorganisms, as well as seeds of various weeds.

The low-lying type of peat has found wide application as a fertilizer, both in agriculture and in gardens of summer residents. This type of mineral allows better passage of air and water, and therefore has a very favorable effect on the roots of cultivated crops.

The riding type of peat is used as fuel, or serves as an excellent thermal insulation for buildings. In animal husbandry, this type of mineral is used as bedding for pigs and cows. It does not contain pests and contributes to the treatment of certain livestock diseases.

Chemical industry from peat through special technological processes receives ethyl and methyl alcohols, wax, ammonia, phenol, paraffin, vinegar.

The whole world knows peat therapeutic baths, which have high bactericidal properties and relieve dermatological diseases, arthritis, calm the nervous system, serve to rejuvenate the body and the human body.

There are dangers in the extraction and development of peat deposits of this mineral. One of them is peat fires, which occur thanks to man as a result of draining swampy deposits in order to extract peat. One the best way To combat such fires is to prevent them, before starting work on the extraction of peat, it is necessary to protect the place with ditches filled with water.

Option 2

Peat is a common mineral resource. Similar to brown soil, but related to rocks. Peat deposits are found all over the world, the further north, the more deposits. Approximately 31% of the territory of Russia is peatlands.

It is formed in a swampy area from moss, plants that do not completely decompose. Plants in the swamp die and accumulate on top of each other every year. Due to humidity and lack of air, this accumulated mass turns into peat. The lower part of this mass is called low-lying peat, the one above is high-moor peat. The mineral is used as fertilizer and as fuel. Less commonly, peat briquettes are used as insulation in construction. For the construction of houses, the Eskimos use peat bricks as an internal insulation.

Summer residents, whose plots are located on peat bogs, get good harvests. Peat is composed of carbon, rich in nitrogen, mixed with soil and other fertilizers, provides a nutrient medium for plants. Sold in flower shops, is actively used in floriculture.

Peat burns well. A few decades ago, heating networks used it as the main raw material for heating. For the extraction of peat, swamps were drained, the fossil was exported with briquettes along narrow-gauge railways, then the layers were dried and supplied to the heating system. Now they have abandoned the use of peat, it has been replaced by gas. And the previously dried marshes began to flood back.

The flammability of the material is associated with danger. Often dry peatlands ignite. The scary thing is that there are deposits underground. There, at a depth, the peat burns out and voids are formed, where even a fire truck can fall through. It is very difficult to extinguish such foci, it is required great amount water. Peat bogs can smolder even in winter under a layer of snow. In addition, peat fires produce smoke, which, mixed with gases and emissions, forms smog. It is very difficult to breathe such air, and it is even dangerous for sick people.

It also purifies water well. When passing through peat, they settle heavy metals the water becomes harmless. The same suction properties of the mineral are used to eliminate natural disasters such as an oil spill. In addition, medicines, therapeutic baths, fabrics are made from peat, and even cooked. alcoholic drinks on peat fires. Peat is also used in metallurgy. Coke is made from it - this is a metal reducing agent, used for smelting.

Here is such a cheap, affordable and with a wide range of uses of a mineral.

Report on the topic Peat

We have discovered many minerals and have been using them for our own purposes for a long time. Jewelry is made from the first, ceramics and tiles are made from the second, and the third is needed to create metal utensils. In general, there are plenty of applications. Some underground materials are used as fuel. One of these is peat.

Description of the mineral

Peat is loose rock. Peat originates in swamps as a result of the decomposition of vegetation. Has up to 60% carbon. 10 - 12% go to oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. It also contains two compounds - lime and phosphoric acid.

There is a lot of peat in Russia, only Canada is ahead of us in quantity. They have 170 billion tons, and we have 150 billion tons. Peat is divided into 3 groups: low-ash (less than 5% ash), medium-ash (from 5 to 10% ash) and high-ash (more than 10% ash). When completely burned, it releases heat, numerically reaching up to 24 megajoules per kilogram.

Peat properties

The fossil is dark brown or brown. Very easy to break and softer than glass. It is lighter than water, and therefore does not sink in it. Perfectly absorbs moisture. It burns well, which means it conducts heat well.

Useful in human life

As already mentioned, peat is primarily a fuel. But it has many more features. In horticulture, peat is used as a fertilizer. Substances such as ethyl alcohol, wax, paraffin, ammonia and several acids are removed from peat. Peat is used to make bedding for livestock. Peat is also useful in medicine. Peat is used as a gas-bearing substance. Unfortunately, peat can also cause natural disasters.

Why are peat fires dangerous?

To begin with, it is worth clarifying what it is in general. A peat fire is a type of uncontrolled ignition when the peat layer burns out. Typically, these emergencies occur in wetlands. The most dangerous thing is if a fire appears in dried marshes.

There are few causes of fire. They are most often caused by matches and cigarettes, sparks from broken engines, and abandoned campfires. And what kind of threat is fraught with such a fire? Firstly, much more smoke is emitted from peat burning than from a simple fire. You can easily suffocate in the smoke. But not only that, peat fires can last a whole month. It's scary to imagine how much smoke will be emitted into the atmosphere! Secondly, a peat fire can cause other fires nearby. It's clear what's bad here. Thirdly, such a fire will destroy many trees, and even the roots will burn, which also adds problems, and considerable ones.

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  • Increasingly, gardeners prefer to use organic fertilizers as top dressing. One of them is peat. However, you should be aware that it is not suitable for all soils. Yes, and it is necessary to use this fertilizer wisely so as not to harm either plants or the earth.

    About what peat is, how it happens and how to use it correctly in the form of fertilizer on personal plot read the following sections.

    Did you know? Peat has found wide application in various fields. It is used as a fuel in municipal services, as a heat-insulating material in construction, as a fertilizer in agriculture, as a raw material in the chemical industry, and as bedding in animal husbandry. Useful properties of peat are used in medicine.

    How peat is formed in nature, types of peat

    it is a natural combustible mineral of plant origin. It is a dense mass of black or dark brown color, which consists of the remains of plants partially decomposed in swamps, mixed with the ground.

    The complete decay of marsh plants in this case is prevented by high humidity and lack of oxygen. There is an opinion that peat is the first stage of coal formation.

    As a fossil, peat is formed in peat bogs, in river valleys, and on watersheds. Its accumulation there can occur over thousands of years. Peat lies on the soil surface or at a shallow (up to 10 m) depth under a layer of mineral deposits.

    Did you know? According to scientists, the world's peat deposits range from 250 to 500 billion tons. Peatlands make up 3% of the earth's land surface.

    Depending on the conditions of growth and accumulation of plants that form this natural material, peat is divided into three types:
    • riding;
    • lowland;
    • transitional.
    In principle, the name of peat types indicates its position in the relief. Let's briefly review the characteristics of each of them.

    About high peat scientific sources say that this is such a mineral, which consists of 95% of the remains of plants of the riding type, most often pines, larches, cotton grass, swamp sedge, etc.

    It is formed on elevated areas - slopes, watersheds, etc. It has an acidic reaction (pH = 3.5-4.5) and a low degree of decomposition.

    In agriculture, mainly used for composts, container mixes, as mulch, substrate for greenhouses.

    consists of 95% of not fully decomposed plants of the lowland type. Spruce, alder, birch, willow, fern, reed, etc. most often participate in peat formation of this type. It is formed in ravines, floodplains of rivers.

    Lowland peat has a neutral or slightly acidic reaction (pH = 5.5-7.0), due to which it has found application in lowering soil acidity. It is the most valuable and rich in minerals (contains up to 3% nitrogen, up to 1% phosphorus). Of all types, the most nutritious and common in use.

    transitional type has in its composition 10-90% of semi-decomposed plants of the upland type, the rest are plants of the lowland type.

    Formed in intermediate landforms. It has a slightly acidic reaction (pH = 4.5-5.5).

    Transitional peat, like lowland peat, is used as a fertilizer for the garden, since it brings great benefits to the soil.

    Each type, in turn, is divided into three subtypes, reflecting the subtype of vegetation from which this peat was formed. The following subtypes are distinguished:

    • forest;
    • forest swamp;
    • marsh.
    Peat is also divided into groups, reflecting the group of vegetation from which it was formed. In each type of peat, six groups are distinguished:
    • woody(contains at least 40% wood residues);
    • woody-herbal(contains 15-35% woody residues, among others - grassy ones predominate);
    • wood-moss(has 13-35% of wood residues in its composition, among others - moss predominates);
    • herbal(consists of at least 10% woody residues, up to 30% mosses, others - herbaceous residues);
    • grass-moss(consisting of: wood residues - 10%, mosses - 35-65%, herbaceous residues);
    • mossy(contains 10% wood residue, 70% moss).

    In agriculture, peat is divided into two groups:

    • light (light);
    • heavy (dark).

    Characteristics of peat, useful properties of the fossil

    To understand the nature of peat, consider the composition and properties of this fossil. So, peat consists of:

    The lowland type has the following composition:
    • carbon - 40-60%;
    • hydrogen - 5%;
    • oxygen - 2-3%;
    • sulfur, phosphorus, potassium in a small amount.

    Did you know? Some people have a question: “Is peat a mineral or not?”. It should be considered a sedimentary rock.

    Due to the high carbon content, the average calorific value of peat is 21-25 MJ/kg, which can increase with decomposition and the content of organic compounds - bitumen.

    The appearance, structure and properties of this natural formation change as the stages of decomposition change. So, the color changes from light yellow to black. The structure will also be different from the degree of decomposition - fibrous or amorphous, as well as porosity.

    The greater the degree of decomposition of peat, the less water-soluble and easily hydrolysable substances it will contain, and the higher the content of humic acids and non-hydrolysable residue.

    Did you know? The properties of peat have been known since ancient times. The first mention of it is found in the writings of the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder, dated 77 AD. There are sources that indicate that peat was used in the XII-XIII centuries in Scotland and Holland. In Russia, the study of the fossil began in the 17th century.

    The main property of peat is the accumulation of carbon and photosynthesis products.

    Its introduction into the soil helps to improve its moisture and air permeability, porosity, microbiological and nutritional composition.

    In addition, peat is able to improve the soil, reduce the level of nitrates in it, and weaken the effect of pesticides. Due to the content of humic and amino acids, it improves the growth and development of plants. It is these properties that can explain why peat is so useful for the garden.

    The quality of peat is assessed depending on the content of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. It is also evaluated according to the following criteria: like ash content, humidity, calorific value, degree of decomposition.

    How peat is used as a fertilizer

    The use of lowland and transitional peat in a summer cottage as a fertilizer improves the physiological properties of the soil, making it more air and moisture permeable. Peat also has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system of plants.

    It is best used on sandy and clay soils. It is irrational to feed fertile land with a humus level of 4-5% with peat-based fertilizers. But whether it is worth adding it to loams is an open question, discussions on this subject are still ongoing.

    Since high-moor peat can provoke soil acidification, it is not used as a fertilizer, used only for soil mulching. However, it is worth mentioning that there are several plants that require acidic or slightly acidic soil when planting. These include , . Such plants are fertilized and mulched with a riding type of peat.

    In order for the effect of peat top dressing to be maximum, it is necessary to use peat with a degree of decomposition of at least 30-40%. Also, when applying to the soil, you need to pay attention to such important points:

    • low-lying peat before use is subject to ventilation and grinding;
    • feeding material should not be overdried (optimal humidity - 50-70%).
    Ventilation is necessary to reduce the level of peat toxicity. To do this, it is stacked in heaps and kept outdoors for several days, and preferably two to three months. In this case, heaps need to be periodically shoveled.

    Important! In horticulture and floriculture, peat in its pure form is practically not used; for plant nutrition, it is used in mixtures with other organic and mineral fertilizers or in compost. Application in its pure form can be detrimental to crops and harmful to the soil.

    In order not to harm improperly carried out top dressing, you first need to know degree of decomposition of peat. There is a way to quickly identify it.

    To do this, you need to take a handful of peat, squeeze it in a fist, and then draw it over a white piece of paper.

    If there is a weak trace left or it is not visible at all, then the degree of decomposition is no more than 10%.

    A trace of yellow, light gray or light brown indicates 10-20 percent decomposition.

    Brown, gray-brown color indicates that peat contains biomass, decomposed by 20-35%.

    At the highest degree of decomposition - 35-50% - peat will stain the paper in a rich gray, brown or black color, while the smear will be smooth. It will also color your hand.

    If peat contains substances that have decomposed by 50% or more, the strip on the paper will be colored in dark colors.

    The use of peat on garden plot possible with:

    • application to the soil to improve its composition;
    • preparing a substrate for planting;
    • as a raw material for the preparation of fertilizers;
    • as a mulch to cover plants before the winter period;
    • for the manufacture of peat blocks for seedlings, strengthening slopes, arranging lawns.
    Often it is used in mixtures with humus, soddy soil, and other components.

    The main purpose of applying peat is to improve soil properties. To achieve it, peat is applied at any time in the amount of 2-3 buckets per 1 sq. m. This will be enough to increase the level of useful organic matter by 1%. Such top dressing can be done annually, gradually bringing the level of soil fertility to the optimum.

    When mulching, both pure peat is used, and mixing it with sawdust, needles, bark, straw, and manure.

    Important! Before mulching, the acidity of peat should be reduced by adding wood ash, lime or dolomite flour to it.

    However, it is especially useful to use peat as fertilizer in the form of compost.

    Peat compost: how to make and how to fertilize plants

    There are several options for making peat compost.

    Peat compost. Ventilated peat with a moisture content of 70% is laid in a layer of 45 cm under a canopy or film. They make a recess in it, into which the feces of animals are poured, sprinkling them with peat so that they are completely absorbed. On the sides, the compost is reinforced with earth to create a special microclimate. When the compost material dries out, it is watered. It will be usable after a year. It is best to use it in the spring. Consumption - 2-3 kg / 1 sq. m.

    Compost from peat and manure. For the preparation of this fertilizer, any manure will fit: horse, bird, cow. The principle is to lay in turn a layer of peat (50 cm) and a layer of manure. The laying height should not exceed 1.5 m. Peat is used as the top layer. Once every 1.5-2 months, the compost should be mixed, changing the layers in places.

    You should also periodically water with herbal infusions, an aqueous solution of potash fertilizers, and slurry.

    Compost from peat, manure, sawdust. This recipe will tell you how to get a valuable do-it-yourself peat-based top dressing. It cooks like a layer cake. A layer of peat is poured down, sawdust with a layer of 10 cm, weeds, tops, food waste 20 cm high are laid on it. Then, if available, a 20-cm layer of manure is poured.

    A layer of peat is laid on top. The entire pile should not exceed 1.5 m. It is covered with earth from the sides. You can use such compost after 1-1.5 years. All this time it must be mixed, watered with a solution of superphosphate, slurry. Apply in the spring at the rate of 1-2 kg / 1 sq. m.

    Important! Compost heaps must be protected from sunlight by constructing sheds for them. In autumn they are covered with fallen leaves.

    Compost is applied in the same way as manure - it is simply scattered with a shovel over the entire area or sprinkled with soil around the trunks of plants, followed by digging, brought into the holes before planting. The following recommended guidelines must be adhered to:

    • for digging - 30-40 kg / 1 sq. m;
    • in the trunk circle, the hole - a layer 5-6 cm thick.

    Peat as a fertilizer: all the pros and cons

    We examined the main characteristics and properties of peat and what it is used for. In this section, we will try to understand the feasibility of using this fertilizer, and also compare it beneficial features with other organics.

    The use of only one peat as a fertilizer is not able to give the expected results - it is better to use other types of top dressing in the form of organics and minerals.

    Today, when organic fertilizers are widely available for sale, gardeners and gardeners are faced with a difficult choice of which top dressing to give preference to. If you are wondering: peat or humus - which is better, then we note that they are both good and are not inferior to each other in their nutritional properties. However, peat will need much less than humus. So, for example, on a plot of 10 sq. m will need peat - 20 kg, humus - 70 kg.

    Plus, you need to understand for what purpose you want to use this or that fertilizer. If the soil is very poor, then first you need to improve its structure with peat, and later take care of its fertility by adding humus. You can also put peat under digging, and cover it with a layer of humus on top for a better effect.

    Often the owners of infertile plots face a dilemma: peat or black soil - which is better. A huge plus of chernozem is the high content of humus - the organic part, which is necessary for plant growth.

    However, at the same time, the black soil is the most infected with diseases and pests, which jeopardizes future crops.

    Peat also contains humus in an amount sometimes exceeding that contained in chernozems. If it is mixed with sand, perlite (vermiculite), humus, then this substrate will surpass the black earth in its properties.

    Now you know the full information about peat, what it is for and how to use it correctly. If the soil on your site really shows peat-containing fertilizers, then do it correctly and rationally, in order to avoid negative consequences.

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