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Presentation on the theme of landscape design of an orchard. Landscaping and landscaping of the site. Creating a sketch of a landscape gardening space

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landscape design and gardening of the site Geography teacher Tatyana Yakovlevna Hobotova, secondary school No. 3, Petrovsk, Saratov region Presentation for the lesson-panorama on ecology in grade 8

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Landscape ecology Grade 8. The course "Introduction to landscape ecology" aims to: form students' understanding of the landscape as part of a geographical envelope, the components of which are interdependent. Acquaintance with the typologies and specifics of the study of landscape ecology - natural-anthropogenic landscape and approaches to the analysis of its ecological state. It is recommended to study the course on the example of specific situations.

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Goals and objectives ... Expand your horizons on landscape design Understand what landscape design is. Improve skills and abilities in working with additional material and the latest information technology. Learn how to properly equip and landscape areas. To develop "their" types of landscape design in our region.

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The role of the landscape for man The cultural landscape must be beautiful. The benefit of the aesthetic landscape is to maintain the physical, spiritual health of a person and in the educational potential. There are many cultural landscape ensembles in Russia (St. Petersburg, Tsarskoye Selo, Peterhof). Landscape designers work on the creation of cultural landscapes. From epoch to epoch, the material and spiritual wealth of the nation accumulated over the centuries is transferred to the cultural landscape. The cultural landscape environment grows and shapes future generations. People build and protect native landscapes, and landscapes educate people.

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Recommendations for the preparation of landscape design Landscaping of the site involves the artificial creation of the environment, using natural components. Of course, a lot when developing a landscape design project depends on the soil, topography and climate.

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A landscape designed in accordance with a certain style can create a special atmosphere, transfer your home to another era only if the landscape design project is fully consistent with the style of architecture of the house itself. As a rule, there are two main styles of landscape design - formal and landscape. In the first case, it will be landscape design, the main elements of which are strictly defined figures, in the second case, the design is designed to emphasize the natural beauty of nature.

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To date, there are many elements of landscape design of the site, the use of which will create a unique landscaping of the territory. The most common of them are large-sized, alpine slides, flower beds and flower beds.

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Plot Irrigation System Irrigation is essential for plants, and no matter where the water comes from, it refreshes the plants and soaks into the soil, carrying nutrients to the roots of the plants. Therefore, it is so important to think over the irrigation system of the site and implement the installation of an automatic irrigation system. Of course, you can water the area from a watering can or drag hoses around the area with various nozzles, however, in Lately more and more popular is the use automatic system glaze.

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Landscape lighting, landscaping lighting In autumn and winter, your garden quickly plunges into darkness. Being outdoors and in the evenings will help landscape lighting. In the summer twilight, landscape lighting will allow you to enjoy peace, be alone or sit with family and friends. Competent landscape lighting design of your site will make available any corner of it at any time of the day. Landscape lighting uses both tall lights and directional lighting. Exist different kinds landscape lighting controls.

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Landscaping and landscaping When choosing seedlings for landscaping, try to imagine how harmoniously their foliage will fit into the overall palette of the site: whether it will beautifully shade it, whether it can be combined in color, shape and color intensity with the landscape

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Finishing with natural stone Finishing with natural stone will emphasize the beauty of your home and surrounding area and unite all the details into a single whole. We use natural stone trim in landscape works in almost all areas. Using natural stone in its natural or processed form, you can decorate the facade or plinth of the house, decorate the fireplace room or the winter garden with natural stone. And the landscape of your site with the use of natural stone for the design of winding paths, rock gardens and ponds, grottoes, waterfalls will be especially expressive.

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Creating flower beds, decorating flower beds Creating flower beds and decorating flower beds can make any garden more interesting. You can achieve an extraordinary and long-term flowering of the garden - after all, in addition to snowdrops, chionodoxes and hellebore bloom in early spring, and autumn crocuses, crocuses and some cyclamens see off the year. Everywhere a huge variety of seeds of annuals, perennials for mixborders, plants for rockeries, bulbs is offered. Of course, you can do the creation of flower beds and the design of flower beds yourself. But this time-consuming, painstaking task can take all your free time.

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In order to get a spectacular flower bed or lawn, it is necessary to select plants in such a way that they are not only nearby, but also have similar “tastes” ( temperature regime, illumination, air humidity). Thus, one of the secrets of successful landscaping of the site is the right plants that will meet all the goals. The more suitable conditions are provided for plants, the better they will develop, and, therefore, decorate your site longer.

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Landscape Styles The regular style of park landscape, which is often also called French, is the brainchild of the era of absolutism. The basic principle of a regular style in landscape design is order and regularity in everything. The French-style park is being built according to unified plan subordinated to some general idea. All lines of this park are geometrically correct, its paths are usually straight, and if not, then the lines of their bends are drawn on the plan using a compass.

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Chinese landscape style The traditional Chinese garden is called a reflection of the soul of its owner. And just as the soul of a person is unique, so is the appearance of the garden. It can embody elements of the local tradition, and the philosophical and religious views of the owner or creator of the garden, and the features of his personal character. In a Chinese-style garden, it is very difficult to determine the line between artificial and natural, between the creation of human hands and nature. The Chinese garden always strives for perfection, for the ideal in the relationship between land and water, hills and plains, plants and open space. The main principles of the Chinese garden are hierarchy and harmony. Therefore, in the landscape of the Chinese garden there must be certain center, a key composition for which the other elements are subordinate.

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It can occupy a corner or niche inside or outside the house and extend a couple of steps from the wall. And the size of the trees will match the size of the garden - but these will be real adult trees. The art of growing them is also part of Japanese tradition, and today such dwarf trees, which are called bonsai, are also known throughout the world. But in Europe they are most often grown in pots on a windowsill, while in Japan they can be part of a complete garden. Japanese garden In the Japanese garden there is never anything excessive, pretentious, standing out against the general background. There is no riot of colors and a bizarre variety of plants. And at the same time, there is nothing secondary, redundant, without which you can do without. A Japanese garden may consist of a single tree. Or from several trees arranged in accordance with a certain philosophical idea, which can only be comprehended through meditation.

The English (landscape) garden suggests naturalness in the placement of elements and greater smoothness of lines, imitating the natural landscape: winding paths, picturesque ponds, "natural" plant compositions that are planted in tiers (trees, shrubs, undergrowth, flowers).

Japanese style In a Japanese garden, a model of the world is created in a limited space; it is a reduced copy of the landscape. The main elements of such gardens are small lakes with arched bridges, pavilions with tiled roofs, compositions made of natural stones.

Country style Incorporated bright spots of flower beds, an abandoned bench in an old orchard, fragrant thickets of lilac and jasmine, sun-drenched green lawns - in general, everything that gives our soul a feeling of joy and serenity and so attracts in country life. It is this direction of landscape design that is closest to the mentality and most acceptable to most of our domestic gardeners.

landscape design

Completed by: technology teacher

Ageeva Tatyana Alekseevna

What is landscape design?

landscape design- art, located at the junction of three areas: architecture, crop production and cultural history.

Besides, landscape design call practical actions for landscaping and landscaping.

History of landscape development

Since ancient times, gardens have been a traditional form of organizing the surrounding space with the help of green spaces. They gained particular popularity at the courts of the rulers and nobles of the countries of the East. Further, gardening as an art has spread almost everywhere. At the same time, the utilitarian nature of horticulture (consumption of fruits and selection of fruit trees) played an important role for a long time; later, the decorativeness of flowers received more attention. But neither fruit trees nor flowers are so widespread in modern landscape design, especially in its modern urban form. Landscape design - the concept of the XX century itself. The term originated in Western Europe, primarily in densely populated and industrially developed countries: Great Britain, Germany, where massive industrialization and the growth of the suburbs quickly led to pressure on the environment.

Design and layout


The first stage in preparing the area for landscape work begins with artistic design, that is, the creation of a plan, the basic rules of which are:

*Planting and placement of plants should have a group character, that is, plants of the same species or closely related species should be planted in close proximity to each other, otherwise the area takes on a sparse, desert look.

* When planting plants and carrying out other artistic and decorative activities, straight lines should be avoided. Plants in particular are not recommended to be planted in a straight line, as this does not contribute to the development of their bushiness. Extremely strict symmetry is also undesirable due to its unnatural appearance, although a certain balance and balanced composition of design elements must certainly be present.

Landscape Design Components

Elements of landscape design are diverse. Their main groups are:

* The buildings themselves, which form the center of a landscape project, the main purpose of which is to smooth out, soften their pressure on the surrounding nature, remove construction debris, mask defects and flaws.

* Lawn cover formed by various kinds of herbs.

* Green spaces in the form of individual trees, shrubs, as well as their combinations and entire ensembles (garden, flower bed, rabatka, etc.)

* Various large decorative items

(lake, pond, stream, fountain, stones, sculpture).

* Smaller artistic details (light fixture, musical pendant, candles, etc.)

Green spaces

Green spaces are a collection of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants in a certain area.

The basis and main background of all landscape design plantings is a lawn or lawn cover. Differ:

English lawn- composed of sedge and related cereal grasses; has a regular, trimmed, but somewhat unnatural look, quickly "annoys" the eye, more suitable for industrial-business and professional-sports sectors.

moorish lawn- in addition to herbs, it also includes wild flowers, has an asymmetric and rather bright, elegant look, is mowed only a couple of times a year, more suitable for private sector buildings with an individual layout for recreational and entertainment purposes.


shrubs- These are plants of medium height, usually no more than a meter. They have hard and flexible stems that begin to branch near the ground. Usually shrubs grow in dry and hot regions, and therefore many of them have small and hard leaves, from which moisture does not evaporate so quickly, and roots that go deep into the ground are able to extract water from the lowest layers of the soil, where it is stored during drought.


Tree- a life form of woody plants with a single, distinct, perennial, lignified to varying degrees, persisting throughout life, branched (except for palm trees) main axis - the trunk


When creating a reservoir, the materials from which it is made are of particular importance. The main materials for creating reservoirs are: polyethylene, fiberglass, PVC film,

butyl rubber.

Streams and cascades

A stream is a small watercourse, usually from a few tens of centimeters to several meters wide. Usually the length of the stream does not exceed a few kilometers, and the depth rarely exceeds 1.5 meters.


Fountain - a structure that serves as a base or frame for jets of water beating up or flowing down. Initially, fountains were built mainly as a source of drinking water. Then the combination of moving water with architecture, sculpture and green spaces became one of the means of creating various solutions in architecture and landscaping. Fountains were a favorite decoration of city squares in ancient, medieval Western European cities, in the countries of the Near and Middle East, in India. In the 16-18 centuries. grandiose systems of fountains were created in villas and palace and park complexes. Modern fountains are given a decorative character, which is enhanced by electric lighting and music in the evening.

Organization of lighting

The creation of landscape lighting begins with a site plan where all dimensions are indicated and applied: frequently visited places, points of attention, places that should be highlighted (paths, steps, bridges, benches), power points.

There are several basic landscape lighting techniques:

* illumination from top to bottom

* illumination from bottom to top

* illumination of paths (pedestrian paths, access roads)

* backlight (used to create silhouettes, shadows)

* spot lighting (used to attract attention)

* underwater lighting

Landscape as a health factor

urban landscape

natural landscape

The healing effect stimulates vitality, calms the nervous system.

Municipal educational institution "Amvrosievsky school No. 6" of the Amvrosievsky district of the DPR

landscape design

Completed by the teacher visual arts Stelmakh Yulia Eduardovna

History of landscape design

The history of landscape design goes back to ancient times. In fact, landscape design has evolved along with the development of civilization. Each era had its own characteristics. Starting from ancient Persia and ancient China, landscape design continued its development in ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece. A qualitative leap in the history of landscape design was given by the Renaissance, harmonizing the highly artistic works of architecture and nature.

Landscape design - the concept of the XX century proper. The term originated in Western Europe, primarily in densely populated and industrialized countries: Great Britain, Germany, where mass industrialization and the growth of the suburbs quickly led to pressure on the environment.

landscape design- art and practical actions for landscaping, landscaping, organization of landscape gardening, lawns, slides, the use of small architectural forms in green building.

The main task of landscape design - creating harmony, beauty, combined with the convenience of using the infrastructure of buildings, smoothing out the conflict between urbanized forms and nature, which often suffers from them.

Tasks landscape design plots is, first of all, the creation of harmonious and beautiful landscapes, as well as the optimization of space and the realization of opportunities for the functional use of the territory.

Nature and design

On our earth there are beautiful places created by nature. And there are unique and beautiful parks, where a person put his hand and imagination. creative fantasies, implemented in flower beds, green spaces, artificial lakes, stagger the imagination with their originality and beauty.

Photos of the most beautiful parks in the world

New York Central Park

The Lord created the Earth and came up with a lot to make it beautiful! Water, plants, stones, trees, flowers, birds, animals - all this adorns the Earth. The Lord also created a human creator not only to enjoy this beauty, but also to create it.

Gorky Park, Moscow.

Park Guell. Barcelona

Keukenhof park. Netherlands

Park Suan Nong Nooch Garden.

Nature has a great reserve of beauty, and humanity discovers it, embodying all its original ideas in new design styles.

Gardens and park of Versailles.

Prak "Iguazu". Argentina - Brazil

Butchart Gardens. Canada

Ashikaga Flower Park. Japan

Zhangjiajie Park. China

Lower Park Peterhof. Russia

Amazingly beautiful and incredible parks have become not just for people

corners of heaven on earth, but also places of philosophical reflection. Save

and increase the natural beauty, do not destroy it! That is the task of humanity!

Creation of a sketch of a landscape gardening space.

"Small (theme) park in our city"

The basis of the park composition is the demonstration and disclosure of the specifics of a particular topic. As a rule, the theme of the park can reveal any field of activity. The park can be dedicated to culture, art, architecture, literature, science, some kind of production, education, medicine, sports, etc., etc.

Based on the disclosure of the features, secrets and "secrets" of any of the listed activities in the park environment, a semantic scenario of the park is built. What is the theme of a small city park? For example, in the field of nature: "park landscapes of the earth", "jungle", "park of anomalous zones of the earth"; in the field of culture: "kino park", "park folk art”, “Park of folk traditions and rituals”,; art park: "sculpture park", "applied art park", "music park". Park of Literature: "park of fairy tales", "park of literary heroes"; park of architecture: "park of cities of the future" or park of history "park of the history of the development of states"; "Knowledge Park", "Geography Park", "Astronomy Park", "Sports Park", "Olympic Games Park", etc.

We see that there can be a great variety of theme parks and in an unlimited number of fantasy. But it must be taken into account that any park is practically a social order of the society (city).

So try to fulfill your order - in your city!

Practical task:

Creating a sketch of a landscape gardening space

Photo of the city park

Landscape organization of the park

original ideas in life!

A flower bed is a flower garden of a necessarily regular geometric shape, with a planting of flowers in the form of a pattern.

The size of the flower bed should be comparable to the area of ​​​​the site. It is best to place flower beds in the garden at the main entrance, in front of the windows of the house
