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Structure and material composition of the lithosphere presentation. Presentation lesson: The lithosphere is the solid shell of the Earth. The origin of the continents and oceans presentation for a lesson in geography (grade 5) on the topic. V stage. Generalization

  • Mood up video

  • 1. In which country did geography first originate?
  • A) in Italy
  • B) in Greece
  • B) Persia
  • 2. When did the science of geography appear?
  • A) in the 1st century BC B) in the 2nd century BC C) in the 3rd century BC
  • 3. Who made the first trip around the world.
  • A) Columbus B) Vasco da Gamma C) Magellan

  • 4 One of the unique continents, discovered later than others.
  • A) Australia B) Antarctica C) America
  • 5. How far is the Earth from the Sun?
  • A) 150 million km B) 155 million km C) 167 million
  • 6 What is the length of the equator?
  • A) 26 thousand km B) 35 thousand km C) 40 thousand km

  • 7. Is the height difference between two points on the earth's surface called?
  • A) relative height
  • B) absolute height
  • B) perfect height
  • 8 total area the surface of the earth?
  • A) 325.4 million sq. km
  • B) 675.4 million km. sq.
  • C) 510.2 million km. sq.
  • 9 The age of the planet is approximately?
  • A) 4.5-5 billion years
  • B) 3.5-4 billion years
  • C) 4.6-5.5 billion years

  • "5" - 9 points
  • "4" -7-8 points
  • "3" -5 points

10/24/14. Theme of the lesson."Lithosphere. Structure of the Earth"

  • The internal structure of the Earth.
  • The doctrine of lithospheric plates

  • 1 Atmosphere
  • 2 Hydrosphere
  • 3 Biosphere
  • 4 Lithosphere

The internal structure of the Earth



  • Group 1: work on the flipchart "External structure of the Earth"
  • Group 2: working with terms using a dictionary
  • Group 3: work with Internet resources, presentation - "The doctrine of lithospheric plates"
  • Group 4: ways to study the internal structure of the Earth, Kola Superdeep Well

  • The internal structure of the Earth consists of:
  • 1) The Earth's crust is the outer layer of solid rock that covers the Earth.
  • 2) The mantle is the inner shell located between the earth's crust and the earth's core.
  • 3) The core - its radius is 3500 km, consists of nickel and iron. The nucleus is divided into external and internal.
  • External - is in a molten state
  • The interior is solid.

  • Atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, earth's crust, mantle, lithosphere, lithospheric plates, faults, mid-ocean ridges, trenches.

3 group

According to scientists, the entire planet is divided into many

large and small lithospheric plates. The boundaries of lithospheric plates most often pass through the territory of the oceans. Lithospheric plates move at different speeds, collide and diverge.

The horizontal structure of the lithosphere

The lithosphere is divided into 6-7 large and dozens of small blocks - lithospheric

plates moving relative to each other. Plates move along the plastic layer of the upper mantle.

Group 4 - ways to study the structure of the earth's crust: mines, well drilling.

Kola Superdeep

well in Russia -

the deepest in the world! Here we managed to reach only a layer of granite! No one has reached the border with the mantle yet!

  • A drilling rig and a powerful diamond drill helped cover this vast distance in the hard rocks of the Kola Peninsula in northern Russia.

Exploration of the earth's depths


  • Z- earth v-water
  • E is the only o-ocean
  • M-young d-delta (one of
  • L-lithosphere of special river mouths
  • I am the core

  • Atmosphere
  • gas, air
  • Moves, enters, becomes contaminated
  • The atmosphere is the outermost layer of the Earth.
  • Air layer.
  • Wind
  • Strong, warm
  • Blows, destroys, moves
  • Wind is an inexhaustible source of energy
  • Hurricane

  • The formation of a gas cloud in the universe
  • heating of the interior as a result of the approach of particles and the increase in friction forces
  • appearance of basalt rocks
  • formation of the planet's core
  • rotation and condensation of a gas cloud
  • formation of clumps of future planets and the Sun in the center of the cloud
  • appearance of granites
  • formation of the mantle and primary thin crust
  • the appearance of sedimentary rocks.

  • The formation of a gas cloud in the universe
  • rotation and condensation of a gas cloud
  • formation of clumps of future planets and the Sun in the center of the cloud
  • heating of the interior as a result of the approach of particles and the increase in friction forces
  • formation of the planet's core
  • formation of the mantle and primary thin crust
  • appearance of basalt rocks
  • appearance of granites
  • appearance of sedimentary rocks).

The formation of the primary Earth's crust The plates are located on a soft plastic layer of the mantle, on which slip occurs. Internal forces cause the movement of plates, when moving substances in the upper mantle. Powerful ascending flows of matter break the earth's crust, forming deep faults. The molten substance rises and fills the plates, building up the earth's crust. The edges of the faults move away from each other.

Tectonics of the lithospheric plates and the formation of large landforms The movements of the lithospheric plates and the movements of the earth's crust as a result of these movements are called TECTONICS. These displacements occur as a result of the movement of mantle matter through mantle channels in the bowels of the Earth. Ascending flows move lithospheric plates towards each other or in different directions at a speed of up to 6 cm per year. The direction of plate movement can be maintained for several tens and even hundreds of thousands of years.

Physicist Trubitsyn Having passed through all the fragmentary and very contradictory data known to geologists about the predecessors of Pangea, the model showed that single continents arose every seven hundred to eight hundred million years. The first in time - Monogea - was formed 2.6 - 2.4 billion years ago, Megagea - 1.8 billion, Mesogea - 1 billion, and Pangea is a stone's throw away - only 200 million years ago. The model also refined the outlines of the supercontinents - they were not a repetition, a copy of each other. Special correspondent Vladimir ZASELSKY and from the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC magazine

  • To consolidate the concepts of "earth's crust" and "lithosphere".
  • Form the concepts of "lithospheric plates", "seismic belts".
  • Describe the origin of continents and oceans.
  • Develop spatial imagination and logical thinking, cultivate scientific and cognitive interest in understanding the nature of the Earth.


  • physical map of the world
  • map of lithospheric plates

Tutorials and tutorials:

  • Atlases
  • Geography. Grades 5-6: textbook for educational institutions / (A.I. Alekseev, E.K. Lipkina, V.V. Nikolina and others) ed. A.I. Alekseeva; Ros.academ.nauk - M .: ed. "Enlightenment", 2014

Lesson type:

l. learning new material

Conceptual apparatus:

  • "lithospheric plate"
  • "seismic belt"
  • "Inner Forces of the Earth"
  • continental drift hypothesis

Planned learning outcomes:

  • subject: formation of ideas about the tectonic development of the earth's crust and the cyclicity of this process, about the theory of lithospheric plates.
  • Metasubject: formation of skills: 1) work with different sources of geographic information - text, maps, diagrams; 2) solve learning problems independently; 3) find information about the stages of the Earth's development in a textbook, popular science literature, the Internet and interpret it.
  • Personal: development of cognitive interest in the study of the past of the Earth based on the material of the paragraph and additional information
  • After the lesson, students will be able to define and understand the meaning of the concepts of a lithospheric plate, seismic belt, and internal forces of the Earth, analyze the causes and consequences of the movement of lithospheric plates, and show seismic belts on a map.

Student activities:

  • compare the outlines of ancient and modern continents on a map;
  • analyze the schemes of formation of the continental and oceanic crust;
  • formulate the essence of A. Wegener's hypothesis.

Value component of the lesson:

  • the development of the earth's crust is a long process, accompanied by a successive change of cycles;
  • the role of A. Wegener's hypothesis in the emergence of the theory of lithospheric plates.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment:

The teacher names the topic, determines its significance for further study of the topic "Lithosphere"

II. Updating of basic knowledge:

talking with students and performing creative tasks.

  • What hypotheses do you know about the origin of the Earth?
  • What do you know about the internal structure of the Earth?
  • Imagine that an apparatus has been created that can transmit an image of the depths of the Earth right up to the very center of our planet. Describe what you can see, tell about the state of matter in various interior parts of the Earth
  • what do we call lithosphere, asthenosphere? Determine how the temperature will change with depth in the earth's crust by 100 m, 1000 m (slide "Mine")
  • what is the earth's crust made of?
  • what types of earth's crust do you know? Is the statement correct: "The upper layer of the earth's crust is basalt, under it is granite, even lower - sedimentary"

III. Knowledge Motivation:

  • Introduction by the teacher.
  • Working with a physical map of the world. Display of modern continents and oceans.

IV. Learning new material:

1. Origin of continents and oceans. This problem worried scientists in antiquity.

  • modern ideas about the formation of continents and oceans come from the hypothesis of A. Wegener, a German geophysicist, who in 1912 proposed the hypothesis of continental drift.
  • textbook work. Conclusion: a hypothesis is a scientific assumption. The hypothesis of continental drift was put forward by A. Wegener. It was confirmed at the end of the 20th century thanks to satellite images. Video clip.

2. Lithospheric plates

  • The internal structure of the Earth shows that at depth, rocks and minerals are in conditions of very high temperature and pressure, which, with their energy, move individual sections of the lithosphere.

The lithosphere is divided into large blocks - lithospheric plates- These are huge blocks of the lithosphere that slide along the mantle.

seismic belts.

  • places of collision and divergence of lithospheric plates - seismic belts. These are mobile sections of the earth's crust, located along the edges of the lithospheric plates, where volcanism and earthquakes occur. Large seismic belts:
  • Pacific ("Ring of Fire")
  • Mediterranean
  • Atlantic

Practical work No. 9

"Designation on the contour map of the largest lithospheric plates, seismic belts and main landforms".

Class: 6

Presentation for the lesson

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Goals: create conditions for the formation of students' ideas about the Hypotheses of the formation of the Earth; create conditions for the assimilation of knowledge by students: the internal structure of the Earth; lithosphere; two types of structure of the earth's crust.

Lesson equipment: plan on the board, projector for viewing slides (presentation), table: "Internal structure of the Earth."

Terminology: lithosphere, core, mantle, earth's crust: continental, oceanic.

Lesson type: assimilation of new knowledge.

Forms of organization: frontal, steam.

Working methods: explanatory - illustrative, reproductive, partially - search, interactive (slide show), method of control and self-assessment.

Working methods: reception of surprise, fantastic addition, reflection.


  1. The internal structure of the Earth: the earth's crust; mantle; core.
  2. Lithosphere.
  3. Methods for studying the Earth.

During the classes

I stage. Organizational moment (readiness for the lesson).

Emotional mood. Hello guys. I hope that our mutual work at the lesson will be fruitful, and that you are active. Sit down. Today we start learning new topic. For successful work at the lesson we prepared everything you need: a textbook, a notebook, a simple pencil, a pen.

II stage. Knowledge update.

Guys, you will now carefully listen to the text, and then answer a series of questions. I am reading the text. “Initially, the planet was cold, then it began to warm up, and subsequently began to cool again. At the same time, the "light" elements were raised, and the "heavy" ones were lowered. This is how the original earth's crust was formed. Heavy elements formed the inner substance of the planet - the core and mantle.

Teacher. What are these lines talking about?

Student. On the hypothesis of the origin of the Earth. The Schmidt-Fesenkov hypothesis has fewer contradictions and answers more questions.

Teacher. From what cloud did our planet form?

Student. From a cold gas and dust cloud.

Teacher. What is the shape of the earth?

Student. The shape of the Earth is spherical.

Teacher. Remember from the material of natural history, what outer shells of the Earth do you know?

Student. The earth has the following outer shells: atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere.

Intellectual warm-up

After studying geography, in grade 6 you will learn about each of these shells in more detail. And we will begin to study the planet Earth from the shell, the name of which is hidden in the rebus. You all have a technological map on the tables, in which there is a rebus.

Exercise. Solve the puzzle, name the hidden earthly shell.

We begin the study of the "Lithosphere" section with an acquaintance with what is inside the Earth.

The topic of today's lesson.“The structure of the Earth and methods of its study. Lithosphere".

The purpose of the lesson: study the internal structure of the Earth; get acquainted with the methods of studying the Earth; formulate the concept of lithosphere.

We write down the date and the topic of our lesson in the technological map.

Motivation. Guys, I happened to be a witness to such an event. I will now read it to you, and you are listening carefully, because then I will ask you questions. I am reading a story. "Candy Earth".

Kolya, Kolya! - Vasya ran into the room, - such an idea came to my mind!

What, Vasya?

The earth is like a sphere, right? - said Vasya.

So if we dig through the Earth, we'll end up in a different place, right?

Exactly! - Kolya was delighted, - Let's go to the grandmother, ask where we have a shovel.

Let's run!


What, Kolya?

Grandma, where is our shovel?

In the shed, Kolya. Why do you need a shovel? Grandma replied.

We want to dig the Earth, maybe we’ll get somewhere, - Kolya said happily.

Grandma smiled and asked:

Do you even know how it works?

And what is there to know, - answered Vasya, - earth by earth - what could be simpler!

But no. Not everything is so simple - answered the grandmother.

But as? Grandma, tell me please. Well please! - Began to beg Grandma Kolya.

Well, okay, okay - the grandmother agreed, and began her story.

The earth is like a candy: in the center there is a nut - the core, then comes the creamy filling - this is the mantle, and on top the chocolate icing is the earth's crust. The distance from here to the center of the core is more than 6,000 km, and you want to go right through, - Grandma chuckled.

So, everything is canceled, - Kolya was upset ...

Yeah, it would be nice to have such a candy, - Vasya said dreamily.

III stage. Explanation of new material.

Teacher. After listening to the story and using the (visual aid) TABLE "Internal structure of the Earth", answer the questions.

Teacher. What is the internal structure of the Earth?

Student. The earth has a layered structure: core, mantle, earth's crust.

Teacher. If we compare our planet with an egg, we get some similarities. Which? What do scientists want to show by this comparison?

Student. Shell - the earth's crust; protein - mantle; core - yolk. The earth has a layered structure.

Independent work - orally. The internal structure of the Earth in the figure is shown in numbers. What does each number mean?

Work with the textbook, with illustrations. Filling in the table. Pair work (in writing).

Using the textbook material (p. 38 § 16 paragraph 3, determine the temperature), (Figure 22, p. 39 § 16, determine the thickness of the mantle), fill in the gaps (cells) in the table "Internal structure of the Earth". Pair work (mutual check).

The internal structure of the Earth.

Shell name Size (thickness) State Temperature Pressure Percentage
1. Earth's crust 5-80 km solid Various, from -7°C to +57°C 760 mm. rt. Art. 1%
2. Upper mantle 200-250 km plastic, softened 2000°C 1.3 million atm. 82%
Mantle lower 2900 km solid, crystalline
3. outer core 2250 km molten, liquid 2000-5000°С 3.6 million atm. 17%
core inner 1250 km Solid

Italics indicate the cells that students must complete.

Rule: starting from a depth of 20 - 30m, the temperature of the earth's crust increases by an average of 3° for every 100m.

Teacher. Why is the mantle called the main part of the Earth?

Student. The mantle occupies the main interior of the Earth.

Teacher. How does the temperature change in the Earth's interior?

Student. As we move inward, the temperature rises.

The separation into shells occurred due to the heating of the bowels of the planet and the separation of matter according to specific gravity: heavier elements sank to the center of the Earth and formed the core, lighter elements floated up, forming the mantle and the earth's crust. Heating is supported by an internal source of energy - the decay of radioactive elements.

Teacher. Guys, what is the lithosphere.

Lithosphere: " lithos" - a rock, " sphere"- a ball. This is a hard, stone shell of the Earth, consisting of the earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle, has a thickness of 70 to 250 km.

Lithosphere - unites the inner and outer shells of the Earth.

The earth's crust (the upper part of the lithosphere) is in turn divided into continental (continental) and oceanic.

Exercise. Complete the chart using the drawing.

  1. Name the types of the earth's crust?
  2. How many and what layers make up the continental crust and the ocean?

The thickness of the continental crust is up to 70 km in the mountains, 30-40 km under the plains. It has 3 layers (sedimentary, granite, basalt). She is older.

The thickness of the oceanic crust is 5-10 km under the oceans. It has 2 layers (sedimentary, basalt). Younger, formed in the area of ​​the tops of oceanic ridges.

This arrangement of the layers is not accidental and is explained by the density of the substances that compose them. Granite mainly consists of less dense substances, such as feldspar, mica. Basalt - denser, heavier substances: labradorite, magnetite, olivine, etc. Therefore, the basalt layer lies under the granite.

The earth's crust was melted out of the mantle substance gradually, as a result of a long and complex physical and chemical transformation. At the same time, granite and basalt layers were first identified. Sedimentary arose later, mainly from the products of their destruction and transformation by living organisms. It covers almost the entire surface of the Earth. The sedimentary layer is composed of sedimentary rocks. The granite layer is represented by igneous (granites, etc.) and metamorphic rocks similar in composition to granites (gneisses, etc.). Basalt layer of igneous and dense metamorphic rocks rich in magnesium and iron.

How did the earth's crust form? The formation of the earth's crust took place billions of years ago from the viscous-liquid substance of the mantle - magma. The most common and light chemicals included in its composition - silicon and aluminum - solidified in the upper layers. Having hardened, they no longer sank and remained afloat in the form of peculiar islands. But these islands were not stable, they were at the mercy of internal mantle currents that carried them down, and often simply drowned in hot magma. Magma(from Greek thatgma- thick mud) - a molten mass formed in the Earth's mantle. But time passed, and the first small solid massifs gradually connected with each other, forming territories of a considerable area. Like ice floes in the open ocean, they moved around the planet at the behest of internal mantle currents.

How did people manage to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal structure of the Earth? Humanity receives valuable information about the structure of the Earth as a result of drilling ultra-deep wells, as well as using special seismic research methods (from the Greek "seismos" - oscillation). This is how geophysicists study our Earth . This method is based on the study of the propagation velocity in the Earth of oscillations that occur during earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or explosions. For this purpose, a special device is used - a seismograph. . Seismologists obtain unique information about the bowels of the Earth from observations of volcanic eruptions. The science of seismology is the science of earthquakes. Based on seismic data, 3 main shells are distinguished in the structure of the Earth, differing in chemical composition, state of aggregation and physical properties.

A bit of history. One of the first seismographs was invented at the beginning of the 20th century. Russian physicist and geographer Boris Borisovich Golitsyn. On the basis of Golitsyn's developments, the first seismic station was created in our country. Applying the seismic method of studying the internal structure of the Earth, in 1916 he discovered at a depth of about 500 km the boundary of a sharp change in the properties of the planet (the so-called Golitsyn layer), along which the lower boundary of the upper mantle is drawn.

The name of the device speaks of its purpose - recording the oscillations of the earth's matter. How does this happen? Under the influence of powerful shocks occurring inside the Earth, the terrestrial substance begins to oscillate, and it turned out that the speed of propagation of the oscillations is different. Investigating this phenomenon in the laboratory, scientists took substances of different density. The results showed that the speed of oscillations from pushes of the same force in substances of different density is different. Based on this, scientists came to the conclusion that the earth's crust consists of substances of different density. Thus, according to the rate of fluctuations of the earth's matter in the earth's crust, three of its layers were identified: the upper - sedimentary (composed of limestone, sand, clay and other rocks), the middle - granite and the lower - basalt. AT granite rocks, for example, the speed of wave propagation is about 5 km/s, in sandstones it is less - about 3 km/s.

Work with the textbook. Using p. 40 paragraph No. 3 § 16, name the deepest well.

The deepest mine goes no more than 8 km deep, and the deepest well reaches 15 km on the Kola Peninsula.

And this is a negligible amount compared to the size of the Earth. After all, the distance from the surface to the center of the Earth is 6370 km. Nevertheless, deep drilling is one of the reliable methods for studying the earth's interior, it allows you to learn a lot about the features of the structure of our planet.

Why study the structure of the earth? Revealing the secrets of the internal structure of the Earth will allow you to correctly explain the formation and development of the planet, the origin of the continents and oceans, will make it possible to predict volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, accelerate the search for mineral deposits and much more.

IV stage. Anchoring.

Exercise. Find a match (drag and drop method).

Answer. 1B, 2C, 3G, 4A

V stage. Generalization.


A game "Erudite". Tell as much as you can about the lithosphere, but you are only allowed to speak one sentence at a time, starting with the words: "I know that ...". You can not repeat and pause between the answers of opponents for more than 5 seconds.

  • I know that the lithosphere is the shell of the Earth.
  • I know that the lithosphere is made up of the earth's crust and the upper mantle.
  • I know that the lithosphere - unites the inner and outer shells of the Earth.
  • I know that the lithosphere is the stone shell of the Earth (" lithos" - a rock, " sphere"- a ball).
  • I know that the lithosphere has a thickness of 70 to 250 km.
  • I know that the earth's crust is divided into continental and oceanic...

VI stage. Homework

§ 16, creative task. Write a poem, fairy tale or story about the lithosphere.

VII stage. Summarizing. Student assessment. Reflection.

Guys today in the lesson we set tasks: to study the internal structure of the Earth, study methods and the lithosphere.

How do you think we coped with these tasks? Yes.

So the goal of the lesson is achieved? Yes.

AT technological map printed emoticons that show the mood. Note how you felt in class today.

Praises. Say a kind word to each other. Positive assessment of the class with applause for themselves Good work on the lesson.

The lesson is over. Thanks to all. Well done!

Mesozoic folding. Mesozoic folding manifested itself 150-50 million years ago, mainly in these belts in Northeast Asia, in the Sikhote-Alin ridge, on the Indochina peninsula and in the Cordillera of North America (with the exception of the coastal ranges). At the beginning of the Mesozoic (Triassic), the disintegration of Pangea II began due to the formation of a new geosynclinal belt - the Tethys Ocean, which stretched in a latitudinal direction from Central America through the Mediterranean Sea and the Himalayas to Indochina and Indonesia (south of the Paleozoic Paleo-Tethys). In the Mesozoic, the disintegration of Gondwana finally occurred, due to the opening of new oceans - the Indian and Atlantic (first its southern half, then the northern one). As a result North America separated from Eurasia. Thus, from the beginning of the Mesozoic, an important stage in the development of the structure of the earth's crust began - the stage of the formation of modern oceans and the separation of modern continents. At the suggestion of Academician I.P. Gerasimov, the Mesozoic-Cenozoic stage is distinguished as a special geomorphological stage in the development of the Earth (230-235 million years). At this time, in the Mesozoic, on the site of the destroyed Paleozoic folded structures, young platforms continued to form on the continents on a heterogeneous (Greek heteros - different, corresponds to Russian "different") folded base with a sedimentary cover of Mesozoic and later Cenozoic age, i.e. .Epipaleozoic platforms. The largest among them is the West Siberian platform-plate. Since the end of the Mesozoic and later, the Mesozoic folded structures have undergone denudation. As a result, by the beginning of the Oligocene (37 million years ago), the land was characterized by a more or less leveled relief, with the exception of low mountains, mainly in areas of Mesozoic folding. Modern mountain systems did not yet exist. Three geosynclinal belts remained - at the site of the Tethys Ocean and two around the Pacific Ocean. 48.
