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Extraction of blocks from granite and similar rocks. Extraction of blocks from granite and related rocks Extraction of granite blocks

Writes Chistoprudov Dmitry

Do you want to know what the capital is spending billions on? I returned from another trip to the Urals, where I filmed the 1500th production in my life. In addition to industrial photographs, dirty clothes and dusty cameras, I brought with me a terrible secret.

Bashkiria. Quiet and picturesque places Southern Urals. In the villages, potatoes, river fish and fresh kumiss are sold for free. Beauty! But if you turn off the road onto some dusty dirt road, you will definitely find yourself in some kind of production, open-pit mine or quarry.

The Urals are a treasury of various minerals. Back in school, during geography lessons, we were told that the Ural mountain system is one of the most ancient, formed 200-400 million years ago. Of the 55 types of important minerals that were developed in the USSR, 48 are represented in the Urals.

Meet - this is granite. Igneous rock. Granite is one of the densest, hardest and most durable rocks on earth. It is widely used in construction as a facing and road material.

The Mansurovskoye deposit is the largest in the country for the extraction of block stone. Mansurovsky granite is mined in a single place, near the Bashkir city of Uchaly. This type of rock is considered one of the oldest granites in Russia and on the entire planet, estimating its geological age at 350 million years. According to geologists, the proven reserves of the field will last for another 200 years.

The lightest of all Russian granites are mined here. For its soft wavy texture and milky light gray color, Mansurovsky granite is often compared to marble; it is not for nothing that it has conquered the international space and is considered one of the most popular “made in Russia” granites abroad.

It is this granite that is now being laid throughout Moscow and in particular on Tverskaya Street. 90% of the tiles, borders and paving stones that the city now purchases come from the Urals (the rest from Karelia). Five Ural mining quarries (Mansurovsky is the largest) and more than 30 stone cutting enterprises are working to supply granite for the “My Street” reconstruction program.

The method of extracting granite blocks differs from the types I am used to in iron ore, limestone quarries or coal mines. If in the latter the minerals are hollowed out, crushed and crushed, then here everything is the other way around. The geological features of the rock’s occurrence allow it to be mined in fairly large blocks, which are convenient to work with in the future. This explains the relatively low cost of such a beautiful and high-quality material, although, of course, the concrete casting technology is cheaper.

The more a block can be chipped off, the more it is worth. But not everything is as easy as it seems. It is not for nothing that granite is one of the most durable rocks. The average density of the rock is 2600 kg/m3. To break off such an even piece, you need to try hard.

The process of granite mining is similar to the process of eating truffle cake layer by layer. Granite occurs in layers. A part of the rock is separated from the massif, which is then divided into smaller blocks.

There are several methods for cutting pieces of the “cake”. One of them is large gas burners. Granite contains quartz, which peels off and flies off when exposed to temperature. Thus, the burner gradually cuts through the granite. The more quartz in granite, the larger the grains, and the faster the rock is cut. This method makes a cross-section of the piece.

A special one is poured into the drilled holes. chemical solution, which creates a "soft explosion". Inside the tight hole, the mixture expands, splitting and moving the granite block.

All the workers are local (albeit tanned).

Guys, let me take a photo of you now. Can you somehow hit with sledgehammers at the same time?

Listen, let's give you a sledgehammer and take everything off ourselves?

By gradually driving a series of wedges, the rock cracks and voila, a new block is separated.

There is another method - rope sawing. It is used in the Yuzhno-Sultaevsky quarry. The bottom line is that instead of gas burners, a cunning rope cutter is used.

The rope is passed through drilled holes. Gradually the installation moves away along the guides, and in a few hours a huge piece is cut out.

The finished blocks are transported by loaders or dump trucks to the sawing shop of the quarry. Or they are sold as is to other sawmills.

Until recently, the entire stone mining industry was in a deplorable state. Due to the crisis, the demand of other cities for granite products has fallen. On the other hand, private owners began to look more and more towards Russian stone. The exchange rate has changed, and Chinese granite has risen in price sharply.

This is what a standard workshop for the production of granite borders and tiles looked like two years ago.

After the launch of the “My Street” program, Ural enterprises began to come to life. If before the Moscow order the Mansurovsky quarry produced about 3,000 cubic meters of granite per month, now this figure is twice as much.

With the first money from orders, new equipment was purchased and new workshops were built. The large order volume breathed life into the entire industry. Related enterprises producing packaging, wire rod, wood, fuels and lubricants, various equipment, etc. have also stepped up. The equipment, however, was purchased entirely imported (except for dump trucks and cranes). This is what import substitution is, however.

Among other things, the number of workers at the quarries has been increased. On Mansur from 300 to 400 people. We have to work three shifts. In general, more than 4,000 people throughout the Urals now work to produce granite for Moscow.

Things have improved for mining companies. The money earned could simply be eaten away or stolen, but as we see, production is being developed and equipment is being updated.

While marble slabs are cut in one go, granite takes a very long time to cut. The saw blade moves back and forth across the slab, lowering only 1 cm at a time. Large pieces of granite take hours to saw.

Massive blocks are sawn into slabs, smaller blocks are cut into borders. Every little thing, such as paving stones, does not require large preparations and is sawn (or split) from scraps of slabs.

To speed up the cutting process, there are such large and cunning rope machines.

On such machines it is possible to saw slabs into 10 blocks with a height of more than two meters.

The cut quality is perfect.

To prevent passersby from slipping on the tiles in winter, the surface is heat treated.

The tile becomes rough and not as slippery as polished granite.

For now, heat treatment is carried out manually, but a special machine has already been installed in the workshop, and soon this process will be carried out automatically.

New workshop and finished products career. This curb stone is already being laid on Tverskaya Street. Over 3 kilometers of straight side and 500 meters of radial side were ordered for it.

These borders and tiles are 350 million years old, wait a minute!

Chip paving stones.

To deliver tiles and curbs to Tverskaya, it took 364 trucks, which brought 7271 tons of granite - this is an area of ​​33.5 thousand m2.

In terms of weight, it’s like spreading thirty Boeing 747s along Tverskaya.

In total, this year Moscow ordered 47,500 tons of granite products. This is 2,374 trucks or 220,000 m2 of coverage. Which is comparable to the area of ​​30 football fields! This is about the question that Muscovites are greedy. In a sense, this is certainly true, the capital is the richest city in the country, but the money for its renovation goes to the regions where production is increasing.

In terms of the cost of its extraction, processing and delivery, granite is inferior to similar concrete products. But there are also advantages:

Granite has low water absorption and high resistance to frost and dirt. Concrete absorbs moisture better.

Concrete is abrasive and produces more dust than granite.

Concrete slabs are produced in a factory, but granite is produced by nature itself.

Each quarry has its own texture and shade of granite. If you look at the pattern of laying tiles on the streets of Moscow, you can see a certain pattern in the pattern. Tiles of different colors came from different quarries.

The Tashmurunsky quarry produces darker granite than the Mansurovsky one. The quarry itself is smaller in size.

Kambulatovsky quarry.

This quarry ranks first in terms of efficiency in extracting cubic meters of product per worker.

In general, I have everything. I would just like to clarify that if you choose granite instead of concrete, this does not mean that everything will automatically be fine. Nothing like this. Without the right installation technology, anything will fall apart. If you make a backing from shit and branches, then after the first winter the sidewalk/steps/curbs will float and burst from uneven load.

It’s not enough to buy a granite border; you also need to install it correctly. This curb, albeit crookedly, was installed 10 years ago.

And this is his same age, a concrete curb.

This is what it is, granite. Meet on the streets of Moscow, Novosibirsk, Salekhard, Tyumen, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kazan, Astana, Baku and so on on the list.

So when you walk along Tverskaya or any other reconstructed street, remember that you are touching history that is 350 million years old!

All over the world, industrial mining of natural stone - granite and marble - is actively carried out. Countries such as Brazil, Greece, Italy, Spain and Norway were clear leaders in this industry until recently, but today, thanks to a serious leap in development, the main emphasis in the extraction of granite and marble raw materials for the production of stone products has shifted to Asia, and specifically to India and China.

The technology for extracting blocks for the production of granite products is fundamentally different from the methods for extracting other solid minerals, the main task of which is to destroy the natural integrity of the rock and bring it to a certain fraction, convenient for further processing. During the extraction of granite and marble blocks, it is necessary to preserve the natural solidity and integrity of the stone. Based on this, the entire procedure, from the extraction of granite blocks and subsequent transportation to storage and installation on stone processing equipment, must be as careful as possible, since any carelessness leads to damage or loss of quality, integrity and strength of the stone block, which in the future will be very serious. affects its processing and the quality of finished products.

The quality of natural stone is also greatly influenced by the method of extraction. Granite stone is mined in four main ways, and the quality of the resulting stone directly depends on which method was used:

Explosive method - one of the most common and outdated methods is mining using a directed explosion. Extraction of granite by this method occurs as follows: deep holes are drilled in the granite rock (to the depth of the future granite block) and a charge is inserted, calculating the force and direction of the explosion so as not to damage the main natural solidity, and they are undermined. Among the exfoliated parts of the rock, the largest parts are selected, after which they are transported for sawing for granite slabs and other products. The only positive aspect of this method of granite extraction is that it is the cheapest. Accordingly, this affects the cost of granite products. But there are much more disadvantages with this type of mining. Firstly, the quality of the extracted natural stone deteriorates significantly; microcracks appear in the very structure of the granite rock, which greatly affects the strength of the finished granite products. Secondly, this method is irrational for the reason that during an explosion, no matter how the demolition workers try to calculate the mass of the explosive, the bulk of the large blocks that are suitable for further use for the manufacture of natural stone products does not exceed 60% of the total mass of extracted natural stone. The rest, which is more than 30%, goes to waste.

The chipping method is the next most common method of extracting natural stone. It is similar to the first method in that holes are also drilled into the rock along the contour of the future block, but instead of explosives, air reservoirs are placed in the holes, into which air is pumped under high pressure. This method is more careful in relation to granite rock, since it is a gentle method of extraction and allows you to avoid unnecessary destruction in the solidity of the rock. This method makes it possible to more fully use the granite deposit, calculate the locations of faults and avoid damage to the block, including even microscopic cracks. The result is much more monoliths, and much less waste. Another positive aspect of this method is that the rock breaks at a more precise location than when using an uncontrolled explosion, which gives almost 90% yield of the bulk of the rock for the manufacture of granite products. However, this mining method will require significant investment in mining equipment, and the method itself takes much longer than explosive mining.

The drill wedge method (Silent Explosion Method) is a method of extracting blocks of decorative granite, in which the contour of the stone block planned for separation is drilled. After that, mechanical or hydraulic wedges are inserted into the holes made and finally the required monolith is broken off along the contour. In the silent explosion method, instead of wedges, mixtures that expand when solidified are used. However, this method has not received sufficient distribution in world practice due to its technological complexity.

Cutting rock (Rock Cutting Method) is the fourth method of extracting granite blocks, the most modern and gentle in relation to the deposit. It lies in the fact that the rock is not blasted or split, but cut into regular parallelepipeds of the required size. And this method is the most expensive, since it requires the purchase of very expensive stone-cutting equipment and personnel training, but at the same time it is the best, allowing you to completely avoid damage to the main rock, and obtaining granite blocks of ideal quality, without the slightest defects, like external and hidden. At the same time, the stone deposit is being developed almost 100%.

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The technological process of granite extraction is often compared to real art. Sometimes separating a monolith from a rock mass is a difficult task.

The main indicator characterizing the value of a deposit of block stone (marble, granite, limestone, etc.) and the perfection of its development technology is the yield of blocks of a given size (“extraction”) from the extracted volume of minerals. At the Vozrozhdenie LLC quarry, the drilling and blasting method of extracting minerals is used, which brings with it a number of problems. First of all, this is a small percentage of blocks. When a monolith is separated from a massif by means of an explosion, the stone cracks under the influence of the blast wave and loses its integrity, and therefore its value. With the development of construction in the north-west, the need for extracted minerals is growing, but the enterprise does not have time to produce the required amount of products, while the number of customers is increasing. This deposit has a number of features, one of which is the presence of horizontal cracks, which are located as they deepen at a distance of 6-7 m from each other. Over time, the depth of the quarry grew, and the cracks gradually began to disappear.

Field development is associated with rocks ah workings that upset the existing balance in the massif. Restoring the equilibrium of the massif leads to deformation of the workings and the creation of stress fields in the massif, the superposition of which with local stress fields caused by the impact of mining on the rock, changes the initial stress field and leads to an increase in their values ​​near the mining workings, causing irreversible deformations in them.

Also, when working on underlying horizons, the massif experiences great pressure, which complicates drilling and blasting operations.

Taken together, these features of the field make us think about ways to solve the problems presented.

1. Analysis of the technology, mechanization and organization of production existing at the quarry.

1.1 Brief description of the mining and geological conditions of the quarry

The Vozrozhdenie granite deposit is located in the central part of the Karelian Isthmus in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region, 23 km from the city of Vyborg and 2 km from the residential village Vozrozhdenie and covers an area of ​​about 400 hectares.

Within Site No. 8, the following types of rocks were discovered by exploration workings and a quarry:

Trachytoid gray granites (?31 R1v).

Porphyritic pink granites (?32 R1v) - “trout”.

Large-ovoid granites (vyborgites) (?2R1v).

Veins of aplites and pegmatites (р R2v).

Extraction of granites for the production of block stone at the Vozrozhdenie deposit, site No. 8 is carried out by Vyborg Granites LLC.

Dimensions of site No. 8 in terms of industrial exploration categories: length - 640 m, width - 250 m, area - about 16 hectares.

Absolute surface elevations of site No. 8 today range from -12 m to +26 m.

Since 2004, a gradual decrease in output began (on average 33.26%, including 26.65% of blocks I-III groups on average for 2004-2006) due to the involvement in the development of the central, south-eastern and south-western zones of the quarry field and complications of the structural and tectonic conditions of the deposit due to the manifestations of unloading of rock pressure (rock destruction and cracking) during the deepening of the quarry.

The structural and tectonic situation in the area is constantly changing as a result of periodically occurring unloading of the massif and the formation of cracks associated with this process as the quarry is excavated, especially when it moves to deeper horizons.

There are two aquifers at the field - one is confined to Quaternary sediments, the other to granites.

The regime of aquifers is variable and depends on precipitation and snowmelt. Groundwater confined to granites circulates through cracks.

Granite reserves in area 8 of the Vozrozhdenie deposit in the following categories:

In accordance with the data of form 5-gr, as of January 1, 2013, the enterprise’s balance sheet included granite reserves in the following categories:

The provision of granite reserves is sufficient for the industrial development of the deposit with the planned annual production of blocks of I-III categories in the amount of 15,200 m?.

Organization of production The planned volume of development of rock mass in 2014 will be 76 thousand m3 with the planned output of blocks I-III categories of 20%.

The quality of granites as raw materials for the production of facing materials and architectural and construction products meets the requirements of the following state standards, technological conditions:

GOST 9479-2011 “Rock blocks for the production of facing, architectural, construction, memorial and other products”;

GOST 9480-77 “Natural stone facing slabs”;

GOST 23342-91 “Architectural and construction products made of natural stone.”

The granites of the Vozrozhdenie deposit belong to rock groups IX-X according to SNiP IV-5-82.

1.2 Opening of the deposit and the applied development system

To open the deposit, a method was used to create a flanking vertical trench directed into the quarry by making two cuts.

The field development system is transport. All bench horizons accepted for mining are opened through the construction of roads on them, which have a transport connection with the industrial site of the quarry and the dump of overburden and ash from block production.

In 2014, mining operations will be carried out within the boundaries of the mining and land allotment of the deposit.

The system of gently lying cracks along which the base of the horizon is formed has an average inclination angle of 6. In this regard, the development of the deposit is carried out along the underlying cracks and is conditionally divided into blocks, the location of which can vary within the accepted working horizons, and is limited to vertical natural or artificial cracks.

The granite massif is to be mined with ledges high
up to 6.0 m with division into approaches (2.0 m - 4.0 m) depending on the topography of the deposit roof and specific manifestations of natural fracturing.

In small areas of the field, the height of the production bench can reach 7.0 m, which does not impair safe working conditions.

The slope angle of the ledge is assumed to be 90°

The width of the working platform is 30.0 m.

In 2014, the deposit will be developed in 4 blocks. As of November 1, 2013, the blocks are located within the following horizons:

block 9 - within the horizon at elevation. "+4.0 m" in a southeast direction

within the horizon at elevation. "-9.0 m" in a southeast direction

block 10 - within the horizon at elevation. "+3.0 m" in the southwest direction

within the horizon at elevation. "-12.0 m" in a south-west direction

block 11 - within the horizon at elevation. "-9.0 m" in a northwest direction

block 12-within the horizon at elevation. "-9.0m" in the northeast direction

1.3 Mechanization works

Stripping and dumping works.

Stripping operations in the amount of 3.5 thousand m3 are planned at the quarry

At the dump, work is planned for the processing of oxide (by-product).

Transportation of rock mass and overburden to the dump is provided by a BelAZ-7540 dump truck with a lifting capacity of 30 tons.

Loading of rock mass and overburden into vehicles will be carried out using SAT-988 loaders with a bucket with a capacity of 5.0 m3.

Planning work on the dump is planned to be carried out with the B-10M bulldozer available at the enterprise in accordance with the dump passport.

Mining work.

The separation of a monolithic stone from a massif is carried out using a drilling and blasting method, using gentle explosives (black powder, granilene).

Drilling of the massif is carried out using Commando and Trimmer machines from SANDVIK. Holes with a diameter of 32 mm are arranged in one row at a distance
0.15-0.4 m from each other.

Drilled holes are charged with gunpowder or Granilene and explode. Blasting works are carried out by a specialized organization LLC "Evrovzryvprom" under a contract in accordance with the passport for the production of blasting works for the extraction of piece stone at the block granite quarry "Vozrozhdenie" LLC "Vyborg granites".

As a result of the explosion, the monolith is separated from the mass. Bends with a height of more than 6 m are divided into two, if necessary, into three or more sub-ledges, confined to natural gently dipping and horizontal layers.

The monolith separated from the massif is cut into blank blocks using the drilling-explosive or drilling method.

With the help of front-end loaders CAT-980, CAT-988, the blank blocks are moved to a flat area at the bottom of the ledge for their further cutting using the drill wedge method into measuring blocks and blanks of granite products.

If the stone is monolithic and cracks grow together, horizontal drilling is carried out along the planned base of the sub-ledge.

The determining factor in this process is the use of planes of vertical bed (sloping) crack systems. In the absence of a bed (sloping) crack, the base of the ledge is formed artificially by drilling a horizontal line of holes along the base of the detachable monoliths.

In order to create additional outcrop planes (cracks), the Panther - 800 drilling rig is used (holes Ø 76 mm, with drilling of lintels Ø 89 mm).

Ola processing work.

At the quarry of the Vozrozhdenie deposit, all work on the processing of oxide (by-product) will be carried out in accordance with the requirements:

- “Unified safety rules for the development of mineral deposits open method» PB 03-498-02

- “Unified safety rules for crushing, sorting, enrichment of minerals and agglomeration of ores and concentrates” PB 03-571-03.

In the quarry, after the main type of work (extraction of blocks): separation of monoliths from the general massif, their cutting by drilling-blasting or drill-climate method into blank blocks and further passivation into blocks of given sizes, an oversized rock mass (approx.) remains. The overall size of the rim reaches up to 2000 mm.

The technological scheme for the production of crushed stone from block production waste at the Vozrozhdenie quarry includes the following stages:

1. Crushing the ash in a quarry to the required size of pieces of rock mass.

3. Primary crushing of the prepared rock mass

4. Transportation of crushed rock mass for secondary crushing

5. Secondary crushing (finished products)

6. Export of finished products

Crushing of the material occurs through a jaw crusher due to the compression of the material between two jaw plates, one of which is movable and the other is stationary. The movable jaw plate moves along an ellipsoidal path and thereby destroys the material against the stationary jaw plate. The lower edge of the movable jaw can be adjusted in the horizontal direction, which affects the width of the minimum gap, which determines the maximum size of the material at the exit of the crusher. The cheeks form a wedge-shaped crushing chamber in which the material, under the influence of gravity and after destruction, moves from the upper part, into which large pieces are loaded, to the outlet (discharge) slot.

The receiving opening of the jaw crusher allows crushing material with a particle size of up to 600 mm, the output fraction size is 0-150 mm, then the material enters the cone crusher.

Crushing of stone 0-150 mm in a cone crusher occurs in the space formed by the surfaces of two truncated cones: the outer one remains stationary, the inner one rotates. The size of the exit slot changes depending on the height to which the movable cone moves, as a result of which we obtain crushed material with a particle size of 0-40 mm. Next, the material goes to the screen, where sorting takes place. 0-5mm, 5-20mm and 20-40mm.

DSU from Sandvik or similar equipment is located in an open area in a quarry or in a warehouse within the boundaries of the land allotment.

Finished products are stored in open cone warehouses and shipped using SAT-988 forklifts automobile transport consumers.

Imploding works.

Black powder and granilene ZET cartridges are used as explosives. The method of initiating charges is electrical.

Blasting work in the quarry is carried out by Eurovzryvprom LLC, which has a license to use and store explosive materials. Blasting operations are carried out in the presence of a drilling and blasting blasting passport for charging blocks, which indicates the type of explosive, the design of the charge in the hole, the charge switching circuit, the direction and place of initiation, the dimensions of the block, the total consumption of explosives, explosives and the main safety measures are defined.

The parameters of safe distances during blasting operations are determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter VIII “Procedure for determining safe distances during blasting operations and storage of explosives”, PB13-407-01.

During blasting operations in the quarry:

all people are taken outside the danger zone;

the access road at the border of the danger zone is blocked by a barrier;

outside the danger zone, boards with warning notices are installed to prevent pieces from flying away from the boundaries of the quarry;

on the borders of the danger zone, before loading begins, posts are set up to ensure the protection of the danger zone;

The procedure and schedule for blocking roads during blasting operations is agreed upon in accordance with the current rules.

Technological transport.

Quarry transport transports rock mass (rock) and overburden to a dump (warehouse). Transportation of the planned volumes of rock mass and overburden is planned to be carried out by BelAZ-7540 dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 30 tons.

The required operating fleet of BelAZ-7540 dump trucks (with a design capacity of 1760 t/shift or 1250 m3/shift) is 1 vehicle per shift.

1.4 Job auxiliary plots services

Auxiliary area - warehouse of commodity blocks

Control over the acceptance of commodity blocks is carried out by the controller of the Quality Control Department (QCD) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9479-2011 “Rock blocks for the production of facing, architectural, construction, memorial and other products.”

Testing of blocks is carried out in accordance with GOST 30629-99 “Rock facing materials and products.

Repair of equipment.

The maintenance service at the quarry is designed to keep the equipment in working order.

Equipment repairs are planned to be carried out according to a system of scheduled preventative repairs using a shift-unit method.

Minor maintenance of equipment will be carried out directly in the quarry.

Maintenance, average and major renovation The equipment is intended to be produced in a specialized box on an industrial site by the repair service of the enterprise and specialized organizations.

The supply of mining equipment with spare parts is planned to be carried out from the material warehouse of the Management Company GU PO Vozrozhdenie.

Storage of fuels and lubricants at the industrial site of the quarry is not provided.

The equipment will be supplied with diesel fuel by a special refueling vehicle under a supply agreement with a specialized organization.

Self-propelled quarry equipment, mobile diesel compressors and drilling rigs will be refueled directly in the quarry.

The product blocks have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion and quality certificates

1.5 Organization labor And production

Opening hours of the quarry: year-round on a rotational basis with a continuous work week (five every five days) shift duration is 12 hours.

Average wage at the quarry 25,000 rubles per month.

1.6 Economic indicators work To career

The planned volume of development of rock mass in 2014 will be 95.9 thousand m3 with a planned output of blocks I-III categories of 19.8%.

The quarry employs 21 personnel.

Table 1.6.1 Estimated values ​​of annual, daily and shift productivity of a granite quarry by quarter in 2014

Type of work


Production volumes

including by quarter

Extraction of granites

Annual volume of work

Number of working days

Daily volume of work

Shift scope of work

Table 1.6.2 Planned volumes of mining production by blocks and quarters in 2014


Production volumes

including by quarter

Horizon "-12"

rock mass

Block volume

Block output

Horizon "-9"

rock mass

Block volume

Block output

rock mass

Block volume

Block output

rock mass

Block volume

Block output

Horizon "+3"

rock mass

Block volume

Block output

Horizon "+4"

rock mass

Block volume

Block output

rock mass

Block volume

Block output

2. Analysis of the implementation of the production plan and the production capabilities of the quarry

2.1 Performance plan By commodity products And her implementation

10 years ago, the yield of marketable blocks was 33.6%, which is considered high for block quarries. Since 2004, a gradual decrease in output began (on average 33.26%, including 26.65% of blocks I-III groups on average for 2004-2006) due to the involvement in the development of the central, south-eastern and south-western zones of the quarry field and complications of the structural and tectonic conditions of the deposit due to the manifestations of unloading of rock pressure (rock destruction and cracking) during the deepening of the quarry. In 2013, 16,900 m3 of blocks of I-IV categories were mined

It is important to note that while there was a clear decrease in the percentage yield of product blocks, the number of orders did not decrease. Consequently, the company was faced with the problem of a lack of products for sale.

According to the state of mining operations as of August 2014, the number of blocks sold was 10,970. On this moment the enterprise is behind the plan for the sale of commodity blocks by 5%, which in the future can lead to significant economic losses. At the end of the year, it is planned to extract 19,010 m3 of blocks, which corresponds to the mining plan.

2.2 Performance plan mining works behind analyzed period

For 9 months of 2014, the quarry produced 84,392 m3 of rock mass (88%) with an annual plan of 95,900 m3 of rock mass. Expected production at the end of 2014 is 107,408 m3, which is 112% of the planned volumes for 2014.

From the statistical data we can conclude that the mining plan is being exceeded by 12%. But even this fact does not have a positive effect on the implementation of blocks.

2.3 IN execution plan overburden works behind analyzed period

In 2014, stripping work in the amount of 3.5 thousand m3 is planned at the quarry

For 9 months of 2014, the stripping plan was fulfilled 100%.

2.4 IN execution plan drilling works behind analyzed period

Scope of drilling work:

Drilling the cutting slot:

The drilling volume is 17589 linear meters. The hole diameter is 76 mm.

Cutting the monolith into blank blocks:

The drilling volume is 81180 linear meters. The hole diameter is 32 mm.

Cutting blank blocks into commercial blocks:

The drilling volume is 49950 linear meters. The hole diameter is 32 mm.

Drilling holes for cutting blank blocks into commercial blocks is carried out using a Commando - 110 drilling rig.

The volume of drilling holes with a diameter of 32 mm is 131130 linear meters.

The volume of drilling holes with a diameter of 76 mm is 17589 linear meters.

Drilling work is being carried out in full according to the drilling work plan for 2014.

2.5 Calculation profile production power

2.6 results analysis

The graph shows that the quarry has a large reserve of production capacity and with an increase in production volumes, the equipment will fulfill the plan. But when using this technology, there is an insufficient percentage yield of blocks.

To increase it, it is necessary to introduce technology using diamond-wire sawing and quarry-disc installations.

Positive aspects of working in a quarry:

All work in the quarry is carried out in full according to the quarry mining plan. And mining work completely exceeds the plan.

The company has a highly organized and well-trained staff, which allows it to annually provide the required volume of building stone.

Negative sides:

As the quarry deepens, the rock pressure increases. The structural and tectonic situation in the area is constantly changing as a result of periodically occurring unloading of the massif and the formation of cracks associated with this process as the quarry is excavated, especially when it moves to deeper horizons.

At this deposit, as it deepened, horizontal cracks began to disappear, which complicates the extraction of granite using the usual method. It is necessary to create artificial horizontal planes, which is quite difficult to do on underlying horizons without violating the integrity of the monolith, as rock pressure arises.

Every year the percentage of blocks produced decreases. With the growing level of construction in the northwest, this is a significant problem not only for the company, but also for buyers. The number of volumes on order does not correspond to the level and possibility of implementation.

To solve the presented problem, it is necessary to introduce into production technology using diamond-wire sawing and quarry-disc installations, which are successfully used in block stone quarries.

granite disc rope quarry

3. Organizational and technical measures to improve the technical and economic indicators of the quarry with justification of economic efficiency

To improve the technical and economic performance of the quarry, I propose to introduce a non-explosive method of granite mining using the HKYS-3500-B Quarry-Disk Installation (KDU) and the Telediam Elektronik TDI-65 Diamond Wire Installation (DRU). This method It is proposed to use it in conjunction with blasting operations. A complete abandonment of blasting operations at this field is impossible. Diamond wire sawing together with a quarry-disc installation is planned to be used for 20% of the total volume of rocks. This decision based on some features of the presented deposit. The technology using AKU and KDU is used in quarries with increased blockiness and reduced fracturing of rocks, which the Vozrozhdenie quarry cannot boast of. But still, in addition to zones of steeply dipping cracks, the quarry has zones in which the average density of cracks does not exceed 0.2 m/m, which allows the use of this technology. The system is cracked, the possibility of using this technique is only in temperature regime maximum up to -3, unstable output of blocks, relatively slow operation of the equipment and low productivity compared to blasting allows the use of the presented method to be only 20%. But even with partial use, the percentage yield of blocks, the overall productivity of the blocks and, consequently, the economic profit for the enterprise will increase.

3.1 Description method

Technology production blocks sawing With with help quarry disk installations (KDU) And diamond wire installations (AKU)

Mining The work is planned to be carried out according to a two-stage scheme. Initially, large monoliths are sawed off from the massif. Then the monolith is split into blank blocks and blocks.

Vertical quarry disc sawing KDU

Mining ledges are mined sequentially from top to bottom. The height of the ledge is 1.5 m.

The elements of the rail track, which is located directly on the monolith to be cut, are installed on the prepared site and then connected to each other. After checking the correct assembly of the rail track, a quarry-disk installation is installed on them using a lifting device, then circular saws Ø 2.6 m and Ø 3.5 m are installed on the KDU, which perform vertical sawing of the monolith.

After finishing the sawing of the first technological monolith, an automatic control unit is installed for horizontal sawing of the monolith into workpieces.

Sawing of the massif is organized in such a way as to carry out simultaneous sawing of the monolith into technological panels (KDU) and horizontal sawing of the monolith into blanks (ACU).

After the final work, the circular saws are dismantled from the disk installation, and the machine itself, for the period of storage, is removed from the rail track. The rails are disassembled and also put away for storage.

Horizontal diamond wire sawing AKU

The elements of the rail track on which the ACU is installed are installed on the prepared site and then connected to each other.

The diamond rope is inserted into vertical cuts, and the ends of the rope are connected to each other. After manual “cutting”, the personnel are removed from the dangerous zone of the machine, after which the installation is transferred to auto mode with specified cutting parameters.

AKU perform vertical, horizontal and inclined (when preparing and cutting monoliths) cuts.

The thickness of the cut when using AKP technology corresponds to the thickness of the diamond wire and is 9-12 mm.

Water is used to cool the KDU disks and the AKU diamond wire, as well as remove sludge from the cut. Water consumption is up to 30 liters per minute, depending on specific conditions.

The division of monoliths and technological panels into commercial blocks is carried out using the burocline method. The division of technological panels into blank blocks is possible using AKU and KDU.

All mined quality blocks are marked by the quality control service and transported to the finished product warehouse. Blocks are shipped from the warehouse front loader SAT-980, SAT-988

The supply of compressed air to the quarry consumers is provided from the XAS-146 mobile compressor and the drilling rigs’ own compressors.

In order to combat the resulting rock pressure, it is proposed that when preparing horizons for mining, it is first necessary to go through unloading slots using a wire saw or a drilling rig along the contour of the non-working edge.

4. Schedule for organizing work on the ledge

The first stage of work includes making vertical cuts using a quarry-disc installation, then creating a horizontal cut using diamond wire sawing, after which the same installation cuts the monolith into primary workpiece blocks.

5. Calculation of the effectiveness of the event proposed at the quarry

5.1 Existing option

Equipment depreciation

Depreciation rate for Compressor XAS 146DD

The service life of all mining equipment is 8-12 years. We assume the depreciation period for the XAS 146DD compressor is 10 years, then:

S - cost of the calculated equipment;

S=800,000 rub.

NA=100% /(service life).

S = 20510000 thousand rubles;

NA=100% /(service life).

S = 24,400,000 thousand rubles;

NA=100% /(service life).

S = 12,000,000 rub;

NA=100% /(service life).

S = 7,000,000 rub;

NA=100% /(service life).

S = 20000000rub;

NA=100% /(service life).

S=12,000,000 rub.

Expenses on repair equipment (spare parts) make up 10% from amounts on depreciation deductions make up, 1221100 rub./year

Fuel on technological goals

Fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation of the Splitstone hydroclinic installation is:

10 l., - consumption per shift 120 l, Tcm/year - number of shifts per year 714, fuel price per 1 liter 25 rubles.

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will amount to 1,338,750 thousand rubles per year.

Fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation of the Caterpillar-980 loader is 12 liters

Fuel consumption per shift 144 l, number of shifts per year 357

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will be 128,520 rubles / year.

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will amount to 214,200 thousand rubles per year.

Fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation of the Commando-110 drilling rig is 9 liters

Fuel consumption per shift 108 l, number of shifts per year 714

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will amount to 192,780 thousand rubles per year.


Let's calculate the wage fund of the main workers employed in production during drilling and blasting mining.

Number of main workers:

Head of the quarry - 1 person.

Mining engineer - 1 person.

Mining foreman - 2 people.

Drilling rig operator - 3 people.

Drilling rig operator - 2 people.

Loader operator - 3 people.

Columnist - 2 people.

Electricians - 2 people.

Mechanics - 3 people.

The total number of workers is 17 people. Engineering and technical workers - 4 people. The total number of employees is 21 people. The average salary is 25,000 rubles.

The amount of deductions under this article is 6,300,000. 0.3 = 1890000 thousand rubles.

Total costs

The total cost of carrying out work using the existing technology will be:

Cost of 1 m? block stone with the existing technology of work is. Calculation of the cost of minerals is presented in the table

Cutting blocks mined by drilling and blasting.

Table 5.1.1 Calculation of the cost of mining block stone

5.2 Proposed option

According to the projected option, 20% of production will be carried out using technology that includes the use of diamond wire sawing and stone cutting machines. The list of equipment used in the quarry is presented in table 4.2.1

Table 5.2.1 Equipment used in the quarry

The amount of equipment used.

Name of equipment

Without drilling and blasting (20%)

Drilling rig "Trimmer 240"

Drilling rig "Commando-120"

Drilling rig "Panther - 800"

Loader CAT 988 NV with a set of attachments

Loader CAT 980 N with a set of attachments

Compressor XAS 146DD

Stone cutting machine HKYS-3500-B

Telediam Elektronik TDI-65

Telediam Elektronik TDI-100

SlipStone hydrocline

Total costs for the items Depreciation, fuel for technological purposes, wages are presented in tables 5.2.2 and 5.2.3

Table 5.2.2

Costs by item: Depreciation and fuel for technological purposes



Compressor XAS 146DD


spare parts fuels and lubricants

Total Costs

Table 5.2.3 Costs by item Salaries

Extraction method

number of people

Head of the quarry

Mining engineer

Mining master

Machinist T



Submersible driver




Depreciation of selected equipment

Some equipment will be used in both methods of mineral extraction, therefore, the cost of depreciation per unit of equipment will be distributed between two methods in relation to 80% for the drilling and blasting method and 20% for the method using CDU and ACU. Depreciation rate for Compressor XAS 146DD

A = S. NA, rubles/year;

S=800,000 rub.

Depreciation rate for the “Commando-120” drilling rig:

NA=100% /(service life).

A = S. NA, rubles/year;

S = 7,000,000 rub;

Depreciation rate for the “Trimmer-240” drilling rig:

NA=100% /(service life).

S = 12,000,000 rub;

Depreciation rate for the “Panthera-800” drilling rig:

NA=100% /(service life).

S = 20000000rub;

Depreciation rate for Splitstone hydrocline installation
NA=100% /(service life).

A = S. NA, rubles/year;

S=12,000,000 rub.

Depreciation rate for a Caterpillar-980 loader:

NA=100% /(service life).

A = S. NA, rubles/year;

S = 20510000 thousand rubles;

Depreciation rate for a Caterpillar-988 loader:

NA=100% /(service life).

A = S. NA, rubles/year;

S = 24400000 rub;

The entire amount relates entirely to the method using blast-blasting agents.

Depreciation rate for KDU

NA=100% /(service life).

A = S. NA, rubles/year;

S = 2000000 rub;

The entire amount applies entirely to the method using AKU and KDU.

Depreciation rate for AKU (2 installations):

NA=100% /(service life).

A = S. NA, rubles/year;

S = 5,000,000 rub;

The entire amount applies entirely to the method using AKU and KDU.

Thus, the total costs for existing equipment under the cost item “Depreciation” will be:

Expenses on repair equipment (10% from amounts on depreciation deductions) make up RUB 364,700/year And 966400.rub./year

Fuel for technological purposes

It follows from this that the equipment that was used in this method will go to work extracting minerals using the drilling and blasting method for three months. Fuel consumption per 1 hour commando-120 9 l, consumption per shift 108 l, number of shifts per year 714

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will be 28,917 rubles/year. And 163863. rub./year

Fuel consumption per 1 hour of operation of the XAS 146DD Compressor 15 l, consumption per shift 75 l, number of shifts per year 714

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will be 20081.2. rub./year 1137993.8. rub./year

Fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation of the Splitstone hydroclinic installation is 10 liters, consumption per shift is 120 liters, number of shifts per year is 714

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will be 32,130 rubles/year. and 182,070 rubles/year, respectively. Fuel consumption per 1 hour of operation of the Caterpillar-980 loader is 12 liters Fuel consumption per shift is 144 liters, the number of shifts per year is 357

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will be 19,278 rubles / year. and 109,242 rubles/year, respectively.

Fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation of the Caterpillar-988 loader is 10 liters

Fuel consumption per shift 120 l, number of shifts per year 357

The entire amount relates entirely to the method using blast-blasting agents.

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will amount to 214,200 thousand rubles per year.

Fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation of the “Trimmer-200” drilling rig is 11 liters

Fuel consumption per shift 132 l, number of shifts per year 714

The entire amount applies entirely to the method using blast-blasting

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will amount to 235,620 rubles / year.

Fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation of the “Panthera-800” drilling rig is 8 liters

Fuel consumption per shift 96 l, number of shifts per year 357

The entire amount applies entirely to the method using blast-blasting

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of fuel costs and, thus, will be 85,680 rubles/year.

Thus, the total costs for existing equipment under the cost item “Fuel for technological purposes” will be:

Energy costs

Electricity consumption for 1 hour of operation at the KDU is 45 kW

Electricity consumption per shift 540 kW, number of shifts per year 365

The entire amount applies entirely to the method using AKU and KDU.

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of energy costs and, thus, will amount to 44347.5 thousand. rub./year

Electricity consumption for 1 hour of operation for AKU is 35 kW

Electricity consumption per shift 420 kW, number of shifts per year 365

If the cost of electricity is 3 rubles per 1 kW, the amount of deductions for electricity will be

The cost of lubricants is 10% of the amount of energy costs and, thus, will amount to 68,985 thousand. rub./year

Thus, the total amount under the item “Fuel for technological purposes” will be


When calculating this article, it is necessary to take into account that the designed method with the introduction of diamond-wire sawing using stone-cutting machines will be used only 9 months a year due to weather conditions in this region.

It follows from this that the equipment that was used in this method will go to work extracting minerals using the drilling and blasting method for three months.

Let's calculate the wage fund of the main workers.

The total number of workers is 21 people. Engineering and technical workers - 4 people. The total number of employees is 25 people. The average salary is 25,000 rubles.

Table 5.2.4

number of people

Head of the quarry

Mining engineer

Mining master

Driver Trimmer

Pantera-800 driver

Driver Cammando-120

Submersible driver



KDU driver

ACU driver

Amount of deductions

Total costs

Example of calculations: The average salary of a ring operator is 25,000 rubles per month. He earns 300,000 rubles a year. At the same time, for 9 months he works with blocks that are mined in two different ways, and for three months he works with blocks mined by the drilling and blasting method.

Therefore his salary will be:

The total cost of carrying out work using the existing technology will be

Cost price processing 1 m? mineral resources with the proposed technology of work is

Table 5.2.5 Calculation of the cost of producing granite blocks using a non-explosive method


According to the designed option

for the entire volume, thousand rubles.

per 1m3, rub.

Spare parts

Payroll accruals 30%


SM(new cars)


Table 5.2.6 Calculation of the cost of producing granite blocks using the drill-and-blast method

Technical and economic indicators Table 5.2.7

Indicator name


existing technology

proposed technology

AKU and KDU 20%

Performance by Monoliths

Equipment used:

1.Loader “Caterpillar-980”

2.Loader “Caterpillar-988”

3.Drilling rig “Trimmer-200”

4. Drilling rig “Commando-120”

5. Drilling rig “Panthera-800”

6. Compressor XAS 146DD

7. Stone cutting machine HKYS-3500-B

9. Telediam Elektronik TDI-65

10.Telediam Elektronik TDI-100

11.hydrocline installation Splitstone

Number of employees at the quarry

Block yield percentage

Cost of 1m3 granite

Average price excluding VAT

Block sales volume

Total sales in rubles

Additional profit

Data on existing technology was taken at the enterprise.

Calculation of the proposed technology:

According to the mining plan for the quarry, the volume of mining work should be 95,900.

If the block output is 20%, the volume of blocks sold will be 19010 at a price of 6350 rubles per, therefore the total profit will be:

After implementation new technology 20% of the volume of the entire rock mass will be mined using CDU and ACU, and as practice shows, using this technology, the yield of blocks will increase to 40% and amount to 7672. The company plans to sell blocks mined using the explosive method at a price of 7,950 rubles, therefore the total profit will be:

Using the presented technology, the output of blocks will increase by 3%, which will bring a profit of 33,887,744 rubles.


This project addressed the problem of an insufficiently large percentage of block yield during the extraction of block stone at the Vozrozhdenie deposit (20%). A technology for extracting minerals using a KDU (quarry-disk installation) and AKU (diamond-rope installation) was proposed and justified. The use of this technology increased the overall productivity of the quarry and the yield of blocks by up to 24%

The introduction of this technology will bring additional profit to the enterprise in the amount of 33,887,744 rubles.


1. "Organization, planning and production management" edited by N.Ya. Lobanova /Moscow, "Nedra", 1994.

2. "Mining technology" A.P. Kilyachkov, 1992.

3. Directory. Open pit mining. M,: Mining Bureau, 1994.

4. Unified safety rules for open-pit mining of mineral deposits. M., Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, 1992.

Posted on Allbest.ur

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K category: Stone cladding

Extraction of blocks from granite and related rocks

Blocks of granite and similar igneous and metamorphic rocks are mined using ledges using drill-and-blast and drill-cline methods.

The ledges are developed sequentially from top to bottom, one or two ledges at a time. Benches with a thickness of 3 to 6 m are divided into sub-ledges, taking into account the horizontal fracturing of the massif. The height of the substeps is determined by the distance between the horizontal cracks of the massif; with the burocline method of extracting blocks, it should be no more than 1.5 m.

With the method of borehole charges of drilling and blasting operations, the height of the ledge reaches 10-20 m.

The width of the working area on sub-ledges is at least 3 m, and on ledges where splitting of monoliths into blocks and their passivation is provided - from 20 to 50 m. The length of the work front is from 50 to 150 m.

The most important process in the technology of extracting granite blocks is the cutting out of large monoliths from the massif, the dimensions of which depend on the distance between individual cracks, and in their absence, on the carrying capacity of lifting and transport equipment.

Efficient quarry operation is achieved when monoliths are cut out of the massif in the presence of three exposed planes.

Depending on the structure, texture, physical and mechanical properties of the rock and the degree of its fracturing, as well as on the value and purpose, monoliths are knocked out of the massif using one of the following methods: drilling and blasting using black powder; burocline with placement of wedges in holes, nests or natural cracks; drilling with drilling along the split lines of a continuous row of holes; thermal (using thermal cutters); combined with the use of thermal cutters and drilling or drilling and blasting methods.

The monolith separated from the massif is moved by a tractor from the face to a distance of at least K) m and split into blocks and blanks of given sizes.

The monolith is split, as a rule, by the drilling method with the placement of wedges in nests formed by pneumatic jackhammers, or in holes drilled by rotary hammers.

The burocline method with the placement of wedges in nests is used with a monolith height of up to 1 m in rocks capable of splitting along relatively flat planes. The monolith is split as follows. First, along the intended planes, using a pneumatic jackhammer with a removable tip in the form of a tongue or scarpel, a guide furrow 10-15 mm deep is cut along the splitting line. Then, in the furrow after 150-200 mm, conical sockets are made with a jackhammer using a scarpel or groove oval section depth 30-50 mm. This cross-section of the nests promotes reliable contact of the wedge with the rock and concentration of stresses for splitting the rock in a given direction. Simple wedges up to 100 mm long are driven into the sockets with a hammer blow.

The burocline method with the placement of wedges in holes is used when splitting a monolith from any rock.

To get blocks High Quality, observe the following the necessary conditions: splitting lines are drawn parallel to the prevailing fracturing; choose the depth of the holes and the distance between them, ensuring the lowest specific drilling consumption; the holes are placed in the plane of the intended splitting, for which templates made from a steel angle or a wooden board with holes corresponding to the distance between the holes are used; the types and sizes of wedges are determined depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the rock; The diameter of the hole is selected in accordance with the type and size of the wedges.

When splitting blocks of cross-layered rock and preparing slabs up to 150 mm thick, through-hole drilling is carried out regardless of the height of the monolith.

The distance between the holes is specified during the work depending on the ease of splitting the stone, the direction of splitting relative to the stump of layering and the best splitting method.

When the height of the monolith is more than 1000 mm, depending on the properties of the rock, burivanis is used: multi-sided - with small holes, one-sided - with small holes in combination with deep (0.75 of the height of the monolith) holes, or one-sided for the entire height of the monolith.

Passivation of blocks made of granite and similar rocks includes: chipping off large pieces along the edges of the block, forming sharp corners; chipping of individual protrusions; gradually bringing the block to standard sizes.

The blocks are passivated by impact treatment using pneumatic jackhammers and tools reinforced with hard alloys. Rocks that are thermally removed from the massif are treated with thermal chippers operating on a gasoline-air or oxygen-kerosene mixture.

- Extraction of blocks from granite and similar rocks

Do you want to know what the capital is spending billions on? I returned from another trip to the Urals, where I filmed the 1500th production in my life. In addition to industrial photographs, dirty clothes and dusty cameras, I brought with me a terrible secret.

1. Bashkiria. Quiet and picturesque places of the Southern Urals. In the villages, potatoes, river fish and fresh kumiss are sold for free. Beauty! But if you turn off the road onto some dusty dirt road, you will definitely find yourself in some kind of production, open-pit mine or quarry.

The Urals are a treasury of various minerals. Back in school, during geography lessons, we were told that the Ural mountain system is one of the most ancient, formed 200-400 million years ago. Of the 55 types of important minerals that were developed in the USSR, 48 are represented in the Urals.

2. Meet - this is granite. Igneous rock. Granite is one of the densest, hardest and most durable rocks on earth. It is widely used in construction as a facing and road material.

3. Mansurovskoe deposit is the largest in the country for the extraction of block stone. Mansurovsky granite is mined in a single place, near the Bashkir city of Uchaly. This type of rock is considered one of the oldest granites in Russia and on the entire planet, estimating its geological age at 350 million years. According to geologists, the proven reserves of the field will last for another 200 years.

4. The lightest of all Russian granites are mined here. For its soft wavy texture and milky light gray color, Mansurovsky granite is often compared to marble; it is not for nothing that it has conquered the international space and is considered one of the most popular “made in Russia” granites abroad.

It is this granite that is now being laid throughout Moscow and in particular on Tverskaya Street. 90% of the tiles, borders and paving stones that the city now purchases come from the Urals (the rest from Karelia). Five Ural mining quarries (Mansurovsky is the largest) and more than 30 stone cutting enterprises are working to supply granite for the “My Street” reconstruction program.

5. The method of extracting granite blocks differs from the types I am used to in iron ore, limestone quarries or coal mines. If in the latter the minerals are hollowed out, crushed and crushed, then here everything is the other way around. The geological features of the rock’s occurrence allow it to be mined in fairly large blocks, which are convenient to work with in the future. This explains the relatively low cost of such a beautiful and high-quality material, although, of course, the concrete casting technology is cheaper.

6. The more a block can be chipped, the more it is worth. But not everything is as easy as it seems. It is not for nothing that granite is one of the most durable rocks. The average density of the rock is 2600 kg/m, 3. To break off such an even piece, you need to try hard.

7. The process of mining granite is similar to the process of eating truffle cake layer by layer. Granite occurs in layers. A part of the rock is separated from the massif, which is then divided into smaller blocks.

8. There are several methods for cutting pieces of the “cake”. One of them is large gas burners. Granite contains quartz, which peels off and flies off when exposed to temperature. Thus, the burner gradually cuts through the granite. The more quartz in granite, the larger the grains, and the faster the rock is cut. This method makes a cross-section of the piece.

11. A special chemical solution is poured into the drilled holes, which creates a “soft explosion”. Inside the tight hole, the mixture expands, splitting and moving the granite block.

13. All workers are local (albeit tanned).
- Guys, let me take a photo of you now. Can you somehow hit with sledgehammers at the same time?
- Listen, let’s give you a sledgehammer and take everything off ourselves?

14. By gradually driving a series of wedges, the rock cracks and voila, a new block is separated.

15. There is another method - rope sawing. It is used in the Yuzhno-Sultaevsky quarry. The bottom line is that instead of gas burners, a cunning rope cutter is used.

16. The rope is passed through the drilled holes. Gradually the installation moves away along the guides, and in a few hours a huge piece is cut out.

17. Vzhzhzh!

21. Finished blocks are transported by loaders or dump trucks to the sawing shop of the quarry. Or they are sold as is to other sawmills.

23. Until recently, the entire stone mining industry was in a deplorable state. Due to the crisis, the demand of other cities for granite products has fallen. On the other hand, private owners began to look more and more towards Russian stone. The exchange rate has changed, and Chinese granite has risen in price sharply.

This is what a standard workshop for the production of granite borders and tiles looked like two years ago.

24. After the launch of the “My Street” program, Ural enterprises began to come to life. If before the Moscow order the Mansurovsky quarry produced about 3,000 cubic meters of granite per month, now this figure is twice as much.

25. New equipment was purchased with the first money from orders and new workshops were built. The large order volume breathed life into the entire industry. Related enterprises producing packaging, wire rod, wood, fuels and lubricants, various equipment, etc. have also stepped up. The equipment, however, was purchased entirely imported (except for dump trucks and cranes). This is what import substitution is, however.

27. Among other things, the number of workers at the quarries has been increased. On Mansur from 300 to 400 people. We have to work three shifts. In general, more than 4,000 people throughout the Urals now work to produce granite for Moscow.

28. Things have improved for mining companies. They even ordered a photographer from Moscow for several days. The money earned could simply be eaten away or stolen, but as we see, production is being developed and equipment is being updated.

29. While marble slabs are cut in one go, granite takes a very long time to cut. The saw blade moves back and forth across the slab, lowering only 1 cm at a time. Large pieces of granite take hours to saw.

30. Massive blocks are sawn into slabs, smaller blocks are cut into borders. Every little thing, such as paving stones, does not require large preparations and is sawn (or split) from scraps of slabs.

32. To speed up the cutting process, there are such large and cunning rope machines.

33. On such machines it is possible to saw slabs into 10 blocks with a height of more than two meters.

36. The cut quality is perfect.

37. An Italian master supervises the setup of the equipment.

38. To prevent passers-by from slipping on the tiles in winter, the surface is heat treated.

39. The tile becomes rough and not as slippery as polished granite.

40. For now, heat treatment is carried out manually, but a special machine has already been installed in the workshop, and soon this process will be carried out automatically.

41. New workshop, and finished products of the quarry. This curb stone is already being laid on Tverskaya Street. Over 3 kilometers of straight side and 500 meters of radial side were ordered for it.

42. These borders and tiles are 350 million years old, wait a minute!

44. Split paving stones.

46. ​​To deliver tiles and curbs to Tverskaya, 364 trucks were needed, which brought 7271 tons of granite - this is an area of ​​33.5 thousand m 2.

By weight, it’s like spreading thirty Boeing 747s along Tverskaya.

47. In total, this year Moscow ordered 47,500 tons of granite products. This is 2,374 trucks or 220,000 m2 of coverage. What is comparable to area 30 football fields! This is about the question that Muscovites are greedy. In a sense, this is certainly true, the capital is the richest city in the country, but the money for its renovation goes to the regions where production is increasing.

48. In terms of the cost of its extraction, processing and delivery, granite is inferior to similar concrete products. But there are also advantages:
- granite has low water absorption and high resistance to frost and dirt. Concrete absorbs moisture better.
- concrete is abrasive, it generates more dust than granite.
- concrete slabs are produced in a factory, but granite is produced by nature itself.

49. Each quarry has its own texture and shade of granite. If you look at the pattern of laying tiles on the streets of Moscow, you can see a certain pattern in the pattern. Tiles of different colors came from different quarries.

50. The Tashmurun quarry produces darker granite than the Mansurovsky one. The quarry itself is smaller in size.

54. Kambulatovsky quarry.

56. This quarry ranks first in terms of efficiency in extracting cubic meters of product per worker.

58. Yuzhno-Sultaevsky quarry with large beautiful cranes.

60. In general, I have everything. I would just like to clarify that if you choose granite instead of concrete, this does not mean that everything will automatically be fine. Nothing like this. Without the right installation technology, anything will fall apart. If you make a backing from shit and branches, then after the first winter the sidewalk/steps/curbs will float and burst from uneven load.

62. It’s not enough to buy a granite border; you also need to install it correctly. This curb, albeit crookedly, was installed 10 years ago.

63. And this is his age, a concrete curb.

64. This is what it is, granite. Meet on the streets of Moscow, Novosibirsk, Salekhard, Tyumen, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kazan, Astana, Baku and so on on the list.

65. So when you walk along Tverskaya or any other reconstructed street, remember that you are touching history that is 350 million years old!

66. Thank you for your attention!

I express my gratitude to the Granit Invest company and especially to Alexey Stepanchenko for the interesting work and detailed tour of the granite quarries!
But I won’t tell you the secret. That's why it's a secret.

When writing the text, an article from the site was used
