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Stages of drawing a bullfinch in the middle group. Synopsis of OD on drawing “Bullfinch on a branch. Video: How to draw a bullfinch in stages with a simple pencil

Larisa Kuznetsova
Abstract GCD for drawing in middle group"Like pink apples, bullfinches on the branches"

Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities for the development of children in the artistic and aesthetic direction No. 20

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group

"How pink apples on the branches of bullfinches»

Performed: educator of fine arts

Kuznetsova Larisa Artemievna

Mozhga, 2014

Target: Teach children draw bullfinches

Visual tasks:

1. Build a simple composition, convey the features of the bird's appearance - body structure and color.

2. Develop a sense of color and shape.

Technical challenges:

1. Continue to teach children draw birds using unconventional methods drawing- poke with a hard brush.

2. Improve technique drawing with gouache paints: move the brush freely along the pile, repeating the outlines of the silhouette.

Educational tasks:

1. To cultivate interest in nature, the desire to reflect aesthetic emotions and ideas received in the drawing.

2. Expand children's knowledge of wintering birds.

Materials, tools, equipment.

Demo: sheet A-1, which depicts a mountain ash without leaves; illustrations - "Wintering Birds", musical accompaniment; technological map for drawing« Bullfinch» , magnetic board.

Dispensing: sheets of light blue paper; black, red and white gouache; squirrel brushes, bristle brushes; napkins, water, brush holders; cotton buds.

Methods and techniques:

Visual methods - display of visual aids;

Verbal methods - telling a fairy tale, guessing riddles, conversation, instructions of the educator during the lesson;

practical method

Integration of educational regions: art, reading fiction, communication, health.

preliminary work:

sparrow drawing. Bird watching on a walk in the park. Conversation about wintering birds. Looking at pictures of birds (sparrow, tit, bullfinch, crow, magpie, etc.). Guessing riddles about birds.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher offers to listen to the story.

“Once upon a time there was a mountain ash. In the spring, she dressed herself in green leaves and white flowers, then berries appeared.

All summer rowan drank water, basked in the sun, and the berries ripened.

Rowan called the birds: "Birds, birds, fly to me, my berries are already ripe". But the birds to her answer: "It's not time yet, it's early".

Autumn has come. The leaves of the mountain ash turned yellow, reddened. Again she began to call the birds, but they again they say: “It's not time yet. Early".

The mountain ash was saddened, no one eats its berries.

The last leaves have fallen. Only clusters of berries, like bright lights burning on snow-covered branches. Covered the whole earth snow. Winter came".

Here the birds came to peck rowan berries. It's time time: all insects hid, fell asleep snow covered all seeds we have nothing else to eat. Thank you, mountain ash, for saving its berries for us.”

Content Questions fairy tales:

When did the birds come to peck berries? Why?

What birds could fly to the mountain ash?

2. Reading poems about wintering birds with a demonstration of clarity.

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge of wintering birds (sparrow, tit, magpie, crow, bullfinch)

1. Chick-chirp-chirp-chirp!

Sparrow himself is not great

And not very long.

Sparrow tail.

2. Look at the crow

Gray crow dress

black feathers

On the tail and neck

3. Bird titmouse flies nimbly

In a yellow blouse

In a black hat.

A green cloak is worn by a titmouse

A black tie on the chest of a bird.

4. Magpie flew to us

She has two white sides

Black tail and back

The head is black too.

5. Black-winged, red-breasted,

And find shelter in the winter.

He is not afraid of a cold -

With the first snow right here!

Game motivation

The teacher shows white silhouette bullfinch and tells children: "Bye bullfinches flew to us, the evil cold blew on them with its cold breath and turned them into ice lumps. How to help bullfinches

3. Psycho-gymnastics

“Imagine that you have a small helpless bird in your hands. Let's join the palms together. Now warm it up slowly; Fold your palms one at a time, hide the bird in them, breathe on it, warming it with your even, calm breath, put your palms on your chest, give the chick the kindness of your heart and breath.

4. Statement of the learning task. Task management.

The teacher shows the drawing bullfinch, children consider; on their sheets, they trace the contour of the body, head with a finger, specify the shape, color.

The teacher conducts a conversation to clarify and enrich the children's ideas about the appearance bullfinch: « Bullfinch - small, a plump bird, with a bright red breast and a black cap. They are called so because they appear in our area with the first snow. Bullfinches on the mountain ash, like lights, like lanterns, like apples».

The teacher exposes technological map « Bullfinches» and offers children draw beautiful bullfinches with scarlet breasts.

Sequence display drawing:

1. We take a bristle brush, dip it in red gouache and draw a breast with light pokes.

2. Draw with a soft brush with black gouache bullfinch back, "stroke" her, draw a small circle - the head, wings and tail.

3. With the end of the brush, draw with your own bullfinch beaks.

4. Q-tip - eye and snowball around bullfinch.

5. Finger gymnastics

"The birds have flown

Wings flapped,

Sat on the trees

They rested quietly."

6. Independent activity of children. Individual work.

Children tracing the outline bullfinch, perform a warm-up exercise with a brush. Having typed red gouache with a hard brush, they begin paint first along the contour line, then inside it. To verify the sequence of actions, they look at the technological map or turn to the teacher for specific advice. The teacher helps with advice, in case of difficulty, re-shows the diagram, encourages the search and discovery of children.

7. Exhibition - viewing

Children lay out their drawings on a mountain ash, consider.

The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by Z. Alexandrova:

Where the finches sang in summer

Today - look! -

How rose apples,

On the branches of bullfinches.

8. Reflection

The teacher thanks the children for help: “Well done, guys, work hard! warmed up bullfinches from the cold warmed by their warmth. Whole flock bullfinch flew to our mountain ash. Not scary now bullfinch cold winter».

Summary of classes on fine arts in the middle group. Theme: Bullfinch

Osina Olga Anatolyevna, teacher. Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Abakan "Child development center - kindergarten "Chaika".
Material Description: I offer you a summary of a lesson on the artistic and aesthetic development of children of the middle group (4 - 5 years old) on the topic: "Bullfinch". This material will be useful to educators, methodologists, students of pedagogical faculties.

"Summary of direct educational activities. Theme: "Bullfinch".

Target: Creation of a social situation of development in the process of productive activity "Bullfinch".
1. Create conditions for the development of creativity, imagination;
2. Ensure the emotional well-being of children;
3. To promote the development in children of the ability to draw a bullfinch on a snow-covered branch: build a simple composition, convey the features of the bird's appearance - body structure, color.
4. To cultivate interest in nature, the desire to reflect the received ideas in the drawing.
Types of children's activities: visual, game, motor, perception of fiction.
Equipment: sheets of blue paper, gouache (red, white, black), brushes, napkins, jars of water.
Course progress.
Introductory part.
Educator. Children today the Magic brush came to visit us. (The teacher shows the doll). Let's get to know her. (Children get acquainted with the Magic brush). Next, the teacher is talking to the children on behalf of the character.
Magic brush: I decided to draw a bullfinch. And I want to take you as my assistant. Do you agree? (Answers of children).
Main part.
Magic brush. Let's take a look at the picture of the bullfinch. What are the parts of a bird? (Answers of children). Magic brush. The bullfinch is a small bird with a bright red breast and a black cap. It is called so because it appears with the first snow.
Didactic game "Collect the bird".
Magic brush. Guys, collect a bird from geometric shapes. (Children collect the bird.)
Magic brush. Guys, look how we will draw a bullfinch. (The teacher shows and calls the stages of drawing a bird.)
We draw a snow-covered branch with white paint.

We draw a circle and divide it into two parts - this is the body of the bullfinch.
We paint the breast with red paint.
The back is painted with black paint.

Draw the head, tail, nose and eye.

(Children listen to the explanations of the teacher).
Magic brush. Let's play a little before drawing.
Dynamic pause.
Birds waved their wings - they all flew and flew,
the birds were circling in the air,
dropped down on the road
Jumped along the path
Crumbs, grains pecked. (Children imitate movements in the text).
Magic brush. And now our birds have turned back into children, and sit down at their jobs. Independent visual activity. At the end of the drawing, the children put their work on the exhibition.

Summary of the lesson.
Magic brush. Well done guys, hard work.

Where the finches sang in summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
On the branches of snowmen.
Z. Alexandrova.
Children are looking at bullfinches. Which birds do you like best and why? (Answers of children). After the Magic brush says goodbye to the children.

Synopsis of directly educational activities

in the middle group "Sunshine"

Topic: Drawing "Bullfinch and rowan branch".

The date: 18.11. 2016

Educational areas:

Priority: artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

In integration: cognitive development, physical development.


Educational tasks for priority educational


Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)




drawing, keep proportions;



pick up

depicted object;

Encourage children to express positive emotions

"joy", "interest" in the occupation





educational areas.


development: form


distinctive features of the bird "Bullfinch"

Physical development: h to strengthen children's ability to perform movement

according to the text. Develop the ability to maintain correct posture.

Formation of integrative qualities (developing and educational





To cultivate the ability to show interest in joint creativity, to show

emotional responsiveness to the result of the work.






mountain ash


f and zm and n duck and,

looking at pictures of birds ,

drawing geometric shapes

(oval, circle, triangle)





rowan, simple pencil, wax pencils.

Equipment for the teacher: board, ready-made sample drawing, scheme





bullfinch, tape recorder, audio recording of Agnia Barto's story "Bullfinch".






preschooler: With


conversation with the teacher and answer questions, know how to guess riddles about

birds. Show emotional responsiveness to drawing a bullfinch, with






pick up




physical education minute

according to age characteristics.

Types of children's activities: visual, playful, communicative,

perception of fiction and folklore, motor.

Safety precautions with pencils

1. When working with

pencil is strictly prohibited: take them in your mouth,

put in the ear, nose, or neighbor, wave them, break them.

2. Do not draw on clothes, on the table.

3. In case of malfunctions (pencil broken), ask for help


Forms of work with children: collective, individual .

1. Introductory part

Educator: Guys, I will now ask you a riddle, and you will have to

Guess what kind of winter bird are we talking about?

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.

What is this bird?

Children's answer: Bullfinch.

Educator: Well done! This is a snowman.

Educator: Guys, a bullfinch from the forest also flew to visit us,

let's say hello to him.

Children answer: Hello snowman!

Bullfinch: Chick-chirp!

Educator: Bullfinches always fly in flocks, they are very friendly, and

our bullfinch is a little sad because he got lost and flew in alone,

he needs friends. Let's help him draw friends?

Children answer: help

2.Main part

1. Drawing a bullfinch on a rowan branch

Educator: Look at the first picture

Here is a drawing we will have to succeed with you.

And now we will consider these samples.

Tell me, what part of the bullfinch's body will it be? Sample #1

Children's answer


Educator: Right, but what shape is it?

Children's answer


Educator: What part of the body is this? Sample #2

Children's answer

Educator: What shape is the head?

Children's answer

Educator: What part of the body is this, the upper one? Sample #3

Children's answer


Educator: What shape is it?

Children's answer


Educator: The next sample is what part of the body? Sample #4

Children's answer

Educator: What shape is it?

Children's answer


Educator: And last Sample #5

What else have we forgotten to consider?

Children's answer

Eyes, beak and legs

Educator: What is the shape of the eyes of a bullfinch?

Children's answer

Educator: What is the shape of the beak?

Children's answer


Educator: What do the legs look like?

Children's answer

For 2 sticks

Educator: BUT


The teacher points to finished sample parts of the body, and the children name the color.

What color is the chest?

Children's answer


Educator: What colour? Head, Wing, Tail, eye legs and beak?

Children's answer

Educator: Well done! samples

we examined, you have on the tables

there are sheets with a rowan branch, which we painted with you, on a rowan

we will plant a bullfinch.

I draw first, and you repeat after me. Take a black pencil


head, (circle)

body so that it does not come off the body, and is not in the nutria

torso, divide the torso in half, round a little and get

on top there is a wing, (oval), and at the bottom there is a body, a tail on the other

sides of the oval (triangle), then

two small lines to a branch,

a beak next to a circle in the middle (triangle) and a round eye.

Fizminutka "Bullfinch"

Look at the branches, (Hands clap themselves on the sides)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Show breasts)

Feathers spread, (Hands slightly to the sides,)

They bask in the sun. (Move their fingers)

Head twirl, twirl, (Head turns to the right, to the left)

They want to fly. (Turned around, waving their arms) Shh! Shh! Fly away!

And now I will turn on the story of Agniya Barto "Bullfinch" for you, you will

listen and color the bullfinch. Torso upper oval in black,

lower oval in red, black tail, black beak.

3. Final part

Educator: Who came to visit us?

Children's answer

Educator: Where did the bullfinch come from?

Children's answer

Educator: What is this bird? (wintering)

Educator: What did we draw today? (bullfinch)

Educator: What game were we playing, what was it called? (Bullfinch)

This material can be used in class visual activity older age group. Children's use of various non-traditional ways of drawing made the usual drawing of birds more interesting. The children were asked to use cotton swabs, a sponge, and a brush.



Synopsis of directly educational activities

GCD theme "Our feathered friends - bullfinches"

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Musical and artistic creativity".

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive, productive, motor.


Cognition: to teach children to reflect in the picture the idea of ​​wintering birds; clarify the idea of ​​​​the appearance of a bullfinch (structural features, color);

Communication: arouse interest in drawing a flock of birds on a rowan branch;

Artistic Creativity:introduce children to the concept of color and composition;

Musical creativity:cultivate curiosity, artistic taste, interest in drawing.

Planned results:

  • Has an idea about wintering birds, their features and appearance;
  • In the process of his own activity, he shows initiative, independence in the choice of materials for work,
  • Able to navigate in space
  • Exercise children in counting up to 10; in the ability to correctly answer questions how much? Develop logical thinking, fine motor skills of fingers;
  • Develop the habit of self-esteem and self-control.
  • The ability to mix colors on the palette to get shades of gray, red, brown.
  • The ability to describe the structure, shape, color of a bullfinch.

Materials and equipment:A4 paper, gouache, cotton buds, palette, oval-shaped foam rubber stamps, brush.

preliminary work:

  • observation of birds arriving at the site, looking at images of birds in illustrations, photographs, postcards, in encyclopedias for children;
  • reading and learning poems about birds, getting to know the silhouettes of various birds;
  • a conversation with children about wintering birds, about how a person helps birds in winter.
  • viewing illustrations of wintering birds, comparison by appearance bullfinch, sparrow, jackdaw.
  • observation of wintering birds, their behavior at the feeder.

drawing and modeling rowan branches with bunches of berries.

1. Introductory word of the teacher

We greet the guests and go to the location of our "Magic" forest.

Guys, today we will go on a trip to the fairy forest.

Music sounds: birds singing in the forest.

Please look carefully and tell me who do you see in our forest?

Indeed, many beautiful birds flew to visit us. Let's guess together what kind of birds.

Who can name the birds that stay with us for the winter? How are they called in one word? And why do other birds fly away from us? What are they called? (children's answers)

So we came to the conclusion that birds can be divided into? (wintering and migratory)

- Now I will give you a riddleand you try to guess

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains,

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.

Everyone agrees that this is a bullfinch? You guessed right, well done.

Guys, I suggest you get to know the bullfinch even closer. Therefore, I ask you to sit down at the tables and listen carefully to me. And we will sit at the tablesin an unusual way.Each of you is already familiar with our cheerful palette.

Let's remember what a palette is. (plate, plate for mixing paints)

I show the color and ask:

Who has yellow (red, blue, green) color on their clothes? Sit down - at the first table (then for everything). How can you get an orange color? Green? grey?

We remember the correct posture at the table.

And who knows about the snowman poem? (those who want to tell)

What a wonderful, interesting poem Vika read to us. Thanks

I want to remind you that in our kindergartengoing through the project Victory Waltz», let's listen to the song of a soldier- defender of the fatherland, who dreams of beautiful bullfinches.

We carefully look at the screen. (I turn on the video clip by Yu.Antonov "Bullfinches")

Hand clapping for emphasis.

Part 2 - description of the bird.

So let's trydescribe the bullfinch.

Who was watching closely? what do snowmen look like? What shape are they? What coloring?

And I would call these birds alive New Year's toys. Why do you think? (decorate the forest like toys)

Can they be called red apples? Why do you think so?

Bullfinches are very beautiful birds that live in a flock. Let's look at bullfinches together. This bird is slightly larger than a sparrow, very densely built. She has a bluish-gray back, black cap, chin, wings and tail, white rump and wing stripe.Males have a bright red chest. And the females are grey.

What shape and color is the beak? Why do bullfinches need such a strong and thick beak? (to get the seeds out of the cones).

What else do you think a bullfinch can eat? (dried rowan berries, larvae).

Have you seen these beautiful birds? After all, sometimes they fly into the city, closer to people in search of food. How can we help them in a hungry cold time? (children's answers)

That's right, they will remain very grateful to all those who feed them, hanging feeders and pouring grains and seeds.

I think that after our lesson welet's make a feederand hang it where they will often fly different birds for lunch.

3. Practical part - drawing.

I show a technological map of the image of a bullfinch.

Guys, and now I offer you in the branches winter forest depict snowmen. But first, answer me with what we can depict a bird (drawing with pencils, paint, non-traditional techniques, appliqué, plasticineography)

Consider the scheme of drawing a bullfinch in stages. How to start drawing a bird? - What is the geometric shape and color of the bullfinch's body? Head?

We pass to the tail - it expands a little at the end. What figure does it look like?

And now your a skillful hand will show us in the airhow to draw a torso, head and tail. (children draw with a brush in the air), our bullfinches are round, what else can be round? Ball. Puff out your cheeks and touch with your palms to imagine the torso of a bullfinch.

Think about how to arrange the birds so that the flock fits on a piece of paper.

Place your palms where your birds will be located.

You can draw two birds or more, but remember, the more birds, the smaller their size should be.

(Display on easel)

Decide in advance where you will draw the bullfinch and where the female. For her, we need gray paint. How to make it? (mix black and white on the palette).

We try to work carefully so that the colors do not mix with each other. We draw the beak, paws and eyes with squirrel brushes. Don't forget the white and gray details.

and for rowan clusters we use a cotton swab.

Calm music sounds “singing of birds in the forest”, “singing of a bullfinch in the forest”, I focus on the singing of a bullfinch. Children are working. In case of difficulty, I suggest to some children in the course of the lesson.

Physical education minute

While our birds are resting on rowan branches. Let's play with you.

I propose to dance, but do not get up from the chairs.

(I conduct dance movements on a chair for different parts of the body to the backing track of the cheerful song “Dance of the Merry Ducks”).

And who noticed that bullfinches flew into our group to visit? Let's try to find them, shall we? There should be exactly 10 of them. (Mathematical game - "Find and count")

Pictures depicting bullfinches are hung in a group of 10 pieces.

For those who didn’t have time, we finish drawing our birds, and for the rest, I suggest each of you take turns finding a bullfinch chick and planting it on our tree.

4. Outcome (reflection).

Well done! You have amazing work! Like festive lanterns, your bullfinches glow in the branches. Tell us what you liked about them? (Children talk, share their impressions).

Of your works, we will also organize an exhibition - a panorama "Look, look what kind of bullfinch birds" in our garden and invite guests - let them admire our works.

And after lunch, we will definitely make a feeder for our feathered friends. After all, it is so difficult for them to survive in the harsh winter. And we, people, must take care of our smaller brothers.

Dugarzhapova Irina Valerievna, teacher. MBDOU No. 50 Krasnogorsk, Moscow region.

Topic of the lesson: drawing "Bullfinch on a branch" for children of the older group.

Target: continue to learn how to draw birds, conveying characteristic features;

develop fine motor skills of hands, spatial thinking;

to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds;

to acquaint with a new technique for decorating a picture with salt.

Material: pictures of birds; drawing paper, a simple pencil, watercolors, pony brushes No. 3 and No. 1, a jar of water, a palette.

Teaching methods: Visual: looking at illustrations: the teacher pays attention to the features of birds - size, color, leg length, beak shape.

Verbal: the teacher advises which colors to mix in order to obtain the desired and more reliably convey the color.

Lesson progress:

Shrubs blushed

Not from the dawn.

These are red lanterns.

The snowmen lit up.

They clean crimson feathers,

They drink water from a spring.

Bell overflows

I hear from afar.

(L. Tatyanicheva)

Please consider the painting "Bullfinches" (artist Natalya Tokar).

What is shown in the picture?

What season?

What kind of birds?

We have already drawn a bird with a pencil. Today we will also draw with paints. Let's remember the scheme of drawing a bird.

In the middle of the sheet, we outline the line of inclination of the bird.

On this line we mark the middle, from it in different directions there are two more points (of the same size from the center). This will be the body.

Draw an oval along the line between these points.

Draw a circle on top of the oval (this will be the head).

From the bottom, a narrow, long rectangle (tail).

On the left side of the circle, we mark the beak with a strip.

Now let's start drawing the bird. We start drawing from the head.

We start drawing from the beak, draw the head and back up.

Below the beak is the breast, slightly thickening the oval. Pay attention to the bird's head smoothly into a plump tummy (the neck of our bird does not stand out).

Now draw the tail and eyes.

(remembering and explaining the drawing technique, the teacher simultaneously shows on the board how to do it, the children are on their sheets.)

To correctly draw the paws, you need to "plant" the bird on a twig. To do this, we retreat a short distance from the body, draw two lines parallel to the bird and this will be a twig. Pay attention to the bird's thin and long legs with strong claws. The wings are not long, but pointed at the end. Here we have such a bullfinch.

Please look at the blackboard, what kind of bird did we draw? (answers)

Of course, our bird looks like a bullfinch, because. has a rounded body, a small beak and a small sprout.

Would you like to fly like birds? (answers)

Then get up from the tables and come to me.


Flew, flew magpie (palms crossed, thumbs hooked on each other)

Through Grandma's Gate. (crossed palms flapping like wings)

Here she beat her wings, (clap hands)

Grandma's jelly spilled (hands in front of her, fingers spread out)

(children sit at the table)

And now let's decorate our bullfinches.

During work, the teacher talks separately with everyone about the color of the bird, if necessary, advises which paints are best mixed together to obtain the desired shade. Working independently, children have the opportunity to experiment.

Work form. Let's circle the work with blue paint, and sprinkle with salt, see what beautiful patterns are obtained. (Salt leaves interesting streaks when dissolved.)


Well done guys, you did a really good job today. With each session your work gets better and better! Well done!

After class, the work is exhibited in the corner.
