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Photo of a working day definition. Analysis of the photo of the working day. How to define labor standards

Working time photo- this is a type of observation, with the help of which they study and analyze the time spent by one worker or group associated with the implementation of a particular process throughout the entire working day (shift) or part of it, regardless of what this time was spent on. The PDF does not reveal the technology and methods of the process, but only fixes its flow.

The purpose of the PDF is to identify reserves for increasing productivity, improving the use of equipment. This is achieved by identifying the expediency, the sequence of certain time costs, their measurement, establishing the degree of possible compaction of the working day of the performers, eliminating the loss of working time and equipment downtime.

The purpose of photography of working time is to identify shortcomings in the organization of labor and production, causing losses or irrational use working time, designing a more rational distribution of time work shift by categories of time spent, in determining the actual production of products, the rate of its release and the uniformity of work during the shift.

With the skillful, wide and systematic application of the FRV, the head of the enterprise will always have a clear idea about the work and idle time of workers and equipment, about the reasons for the loss of working time.

By the number of objects of observation, forms of labor organization, etc. FRs are subdivided into individual, group, brigade, mass, route, multi-machine, target, photo of the production process and photo of equipment use(see diagram 2) . A distinction is also made between dubbed and picket photography of a working day.

duplicated A photograph of a working day is taken by two workers at the same time. This method is used when the visibility of the object of observation is limited. The observers work independently of each other, and at the end of the work they compare the results to get the big picture.

Picket A photograph of a working day is taken by several observers who are located at certain points and record the moment the observed object passes through this point. This method is most often used in the study of the operation of transport, because. according to the security rules, the observer cannot move along with the transport all the time. In the course of an individual PDF, the observer examines the time spent by one performer working at one workplace or the time spent using equipment during a work shift or part of it.

The course of the study of working time is recorded in a special document - an observation sheet of an individual FRV.

The first page indicates the name of the enterprise and the unit under study, the date of the study, the beginning and end, the total duration, the name of the worker, work experience, tariff category etc.

On the second and third pages, the observation data are recorded, on the fourth, the results are analyzed and the time spent is projected.

To simplify the recording and processing of the results of the PDF, the indexation of the costs of working time is carried out:

PZ - preparatory-final time;

OP - operational time;

OS - main time;

B - auxiliary time;

OBS - the time of service of the workplace;

ETL - time for rest and natural needs;

ND - time of extraneous conversations;

NT - lack of electricity;

The time is recorded with an accuracy of 1 minute.

Let's consider an example: FRV of a sales manager of a commercial firm.

Date of observation: 03/20/1999

Start of observation: 8 hours 30 minutes

End of observation: 17:30

Work: customer service, work with suppliers, analysis of sales volume Working conditions: normal Sales manager: Novgorodtsev A.A.

Age: 28 years old.

Work experience: 4 years Work experience: 2 years.

Attitude towards work: conscientious Observer Kuznetsova S.A.

Name of working hours

Current time in hours and minutes

Duration (min)

Coming to workplace

Workplace preparation

Customer Service

Receiving and familiarizing with e-mail

Obtaining a list of paid invoices from the accounting department, familiarization with it

Checking the availability of paid goods in stock

Customer Service

personal care

Placing orders to suppliers

Customer service

Discussion of the order with suppliers by phone

Customer service

Customer service

personal care

Conversation with a colleague on a personal topic

Customer service

Making a plan for the next day

Turn off the computer, clean up the workplace

Leaving work




Processing the record of observations is reduced to: determining the duration of each type of work and downtime; affixing letter indices; drawing up the actual balance of time.

The duration of each work is set by subtracting the current time of the phenomenon under consideration from the current time of the next one. The duration of the entire observation is equal to the duration of the shift (at 8 hours - 480 min.)

Using indexes of working time costs, the total amount of costs for each type of work and downtime is calculated. This data is recorded in the work time balance.

Time spent index

Type of working time costs



Preparatory and closing time

operational time

Time for rest and natural needs

Loss of working time due to the fault of the worker

Based on the planned and actual balance of the time of the working day, indicators of the use and loss of working time are calculated, conclusions are drawn about possible increase productivity by eliminating identified losses.

So, on the basis of the balance, the coefficient of improvement in the use of working time is determined. For calculation use the formula:

Purchase=Tax./T emb.

where Kupl. - coefficient of use of working time;

Tek. – possible reduction of wasteful time, min.

Tnab.- duration of observation during photography, min.

To upl. \u003d (25 - 10) + (418 - 405) + (75-25) + 22 / 480 \u003d 0.20

Labor productivity growth (LPT) is defined as follows:

Paste Formula

Losses of time due to reasons dependent on the worker (ND) are equal to:

Paste Formula

Losses of time due to reasons beyond the control of the worker are equal to:

Paste Formula

Potential increase in productivity by eliminating

    organizational and technical problems

    losses depending on the worker:

Consequently, due to the improvement of discipline, labor productivity will increase by 4%.

    by eliminating unproductive work and all lost working time.

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In the process of working with personnel, a manager often has to resort to using various methods and tools. One of them is “photo of a working day”.

What is it and what is its purpose?

"Photo of a working day"(or "work time photography", « working hours ») is the study of how rationally it spends work time specific employee, department or team as a whole. This happens with the help of continuous observation, measurement and detailed recording of all time spent on any action, operation, smoke break, etc. within one working day (shift).

The main purpose of using the “photo of a working day” tool is to identify reserves for increasing labor productivity.

Tasks solved with the help of "photo of the working day":

  • Identification of temporary losses during the work shift, analysis of their causes
  • Determining the volume and pace of task completion (output products, etc.)
  • Obtaining data for the calculation of standards (service time of the workplace, break for rest, etc.)

Ways to take a "photo of the working day":

    • Using pre-installed video equipment
    The "pros" of the method: people who are not informed about the ongoing shooting will behave naturally.

"Cons": for the subsequent analysis of the results, it is necessary to make a transcript of the video recording on paper (time, human action).

  • Personal observation of a staff member

"Cons": employees, not understanding why a "photo of a working day" is needed, suspecting that the employer is simply "digging" under them, and fearing sanctions (especially wages) behave inappropriately. Either extremely aggressively, or too diligently, or even refuse to start work under the watchful eye of the “photographer”. As a result, the data obtained become biased.

Therefore, before proceeding with the study, we advise you to conduct explanatory work among the personnel of the enterprise.

  • "Self-photography" - the employee independently describes each of his actions

Stages of the "photo of the working day":

  • Preparation
  • Conducting a study for a selected period of time + sequential recording of all actions of the object of observation
  • Analysis of results
  • Development of measures aimed at improving the situation and eliminating the loss of working time

"Photograph of a working day". Sample and work order


To conduct the study, prepare in advance a form where you will enter the information received. What does it include?

Initial information:

  • Date of the "photo of the working day"
  • Full name of the employee
  • Name of position and department (place of work)

A table with four columns:

  • What was observed (any employee action, event, etc.)
  • Current time (hours, minutes)
  • Duration (in minutes)
  • Cost index

In the first line of the table, be sure to indicate the start time of the observation, in the last line - the end.

How to capture information?

A specially trained employee of the personnel management service monitors the employee and writes down the action and time on the form (the first and second columns are filled in). For example,

Employee Ivanov Oleg Mikhailovich

Manager for work with corporate clients, sales department

Start time of observation — 9.00

Arriving at the workplace - 9.00

Meeting with the head of the department - 09.05

Call to the client - 9.15

Parsing Email – 9.22

Reading and editing the contract - 9.33

Leaving the office on personal matters - 9.45

Communication by phone with a delivery service employee - 9.52

Assisting a new client in drafting an application - 9.58

Customer call - 10.15

Smoke break - 10.23

Drafting commercial offer – 10.29

Completion of observation - 18.00

Further work order

Then the third column of the form is filled in, that is, the time spent on each action (in minutes) is calculated. And the fourth - the cost index is affixed according to unified system classification of time costs (table "Indexation of the cost of working time").

A summary of the same costs and balances of working hours (both actual and normal) is compiled. The received data are calculated and analyzed. Conclusions are drawn.

“Photo of the working day” is a necessary tool for any enterprise!

Carrying out a "photo of the working day" allows you to solve many problems, optimize the workflow as much as possible. With its help, outdated or erroneous norms, the level of workload of an employee, department or team as a whole are revealed. And according to its results, it is possible to redistribute responsibilities, increase labor productivity, improve standards, and maybe even pay a bonus.

"Photo of the working day", in addition to the timing of work, allows you to analyze the relationship between the services of the organization and optimize business flows.

It happens that an employee at the workplace does not have time to complete the tasks assigned to him. The reasons for this may be different - low qualification, too much workload or he just does not do what he needs at work. Actually, this can be verified by conducting a special study. Photo of the working day: an example of filling, and cases of appointment should be considered in detail.

Working day photography (FDR) is a tool that helps increase the productivity of any company, although at the first stage it helps to find out exactly where the employee / employees spend their working hours.

Working time photography is a method that helps to study the time spent by a particular employee on certain actions during work. All observations and measurements obtained during the process are documented, a sample and an example of filling out a photograph of a working day will be presented below.

If the method is successfully mastered, it will help to obtain unique data regarding the organization of the workflow of any employee, to find out the performance of each. That is, in the future, adjust the load and provide everything for the work tasks to be completed.

An extremely detailed study and notation of the results will help to find the answer to the following questions:

  1. How much time does an employee (researched) spend on each type of work that he encounters on a daily basis?
  2. How long does it take different workers to complete the same tasks?
  3. Are there opportunities to improve labor efficiency and what is needed for this?
  4. Is it possible to simplify or exclude any stages, transfer them to other structural divisions?
  5. Options for setting labor productivity standards.
  6. Reasons for non-compliance with existing work standards.
  7. How effectively does a particular employee use their working time?
  8. Are there technical problems that prevent you from completing your tasks?

Important! The photograph of working hours provides information that economists and managers can use in the future to plan and budget the company, adjust.

Some Features

Features of this process include:

  • PFD may be implemented after the introduction of new equipment, which relieves some workers of their duties.
  • Such work is often performed by an authorized employee of the personnel department.
  • It can be photographed both all day long and certain operations, stages, a team or one specialist.
  • Before starting a FDD, you should define the goals, official duties researched.
  • Sometimes self-photography is allowed, that is, for the photograph of working time to be taken by the employee whose activities need to be tracked. In this case, it is assumed that he himself makes all the entries in the report and fixes the time intervals spent on certain actions. This technique will help the employee to determine in what periods his working time is spent irrationally.

Types of FRD

There is a division into types depending on the number of objects that will be monitored. More specifically:

  1. Individual - concerns the study of the working time of a particular employee, while the detailing of the effort expended will be as much as possible.
  2. Group - such a photograph of a working day provides for monitoring the activities of a group of employees who are interconnected by certain work processes. The main objective of this study is to check how effective the interaction is, whether their actions are coordinated, how busy each of them is, to check other processes.
  3. Complex - reveals the relationship of work processes. It turns out to study the rhythm of work, the rationality of the use of equipment. This method It will be useful if you need to develop actions aimed at increasing labor efficiency.

Note! In order to get an extremely accurate picture and truthful data, photographing is carried out for several days, weeks and even months.

Who benefits from FRD data?

A photograph of working hours will provide a lot of useful data for the head and owner of the company. They get a picture of employee performance. Also, this data will not be superfluous for the personnel manager, the personnel department for the formation of job descriptions, staff, etc.

Of course, the data obtained as a result of the FRD will help the employees themselves, if they are interested in improving the efficiency of their work and the performance of their duties.

The order of the FRD

Photographing working hours is a process that requires the utmost scrupulousness and attentiveness from the performer. He needs to literally record everything, including phone conversations on personal topics.

It all starts with preparation, setting a goal. So if the task of observation is to determine whether employees comply with the rules, then groups of employees can be photographed at once. If labor discipline broken - it will be noticeable immediately. For example, very often they go on smoke breaks or drink tea outside the periods allotted for this, instead of doing work.

In those situations when optimization of the working day of one employee is needed, then a photograph of the working day is carried out individually for each. Not only what he does is recorded, but also the processes of interaction with other employees, their effectiveness.

Important! FRD can be carried out both explicitly and covertly, that is, without informing the employee about it. As practice shows, it is the second option that helps to identify where most of the working time is really spent. If the second method is chosen, then at the preparation stage you should come up with a legend regarding the introduction of the observer.

It is worth noting that the final results depend on the instruction and training of those who will conduct the FDD. Also at this stage, it is necessary to agree on the forms in which information will be entered.

Rules for entering data into the FRD

In order for the form to meet the requirements, the following information must be entered in it:

  • company name, its structural unit.
  • Name of observation, number and date of its implementation.
  • In the form itself, data is entered regarding the employee who is being monitored - full name, profession, position, work performed.
  • Brief description of his duties.

This is followed by a tabular section in which specific time costs and a description of the actions that took this time are entered. For example:

  1. Turning on the computer - 5 minutes.
  2. Break - 10 minutes.
  3. Communication with clients - 45 minutes.

And in such a chronology, all the actions carried out by the employee during the working day are signed. All observations are made in real time. At the end, a summary is summed up, where such important points of time costs are calculated:

  • Preparatory and final actions.
  • Time for maintenance of the workplace.
  • operational time.
  • Break times.

Important! The document must be signed by the head of the structural unit where the researcher works.


Working time photography is an effective tool to check what employees are doing and why they do not have time to complete the tasks assigned to them. Such observation will help, among other things, to determine applicants for dismissal or find out how many people need to be added to the state.

Efficiency makes people successful, competitive. An excellent tool for researching how efficiently you use working time is working time photography, in other words it is also called timekeeping. What is this tool, how to use it and what results it brings - read in the article.

What is a working time photo?

This is a research method in which a whole working day or a certain period of time is subjected to continuous measurement. Thanks to this observation, you can get information about what an employee, a group of employees or a team is doing during the working day. Supervision is carried out by a specialist, and such a study can also be carried out independently. Fixations are totally subjected to all actions, both related to work, and distractions, smoke breaks, and so on.

Among employees who are fond of time management and realize the importance of rational use of time, this is a popular tool. Moreover, if you are interested in the question of how to optimize working time, the photo of working time will be the first step. You can only manage what is measured. Often, just observing, even without making changes to the working day, already leads to an increase in efficiency.


This method has a number of goals. One of the most important is the identification of time losses during the working day. The next one is to determine the reasons for the loss of time and develop a system of measures that will allow you to work more efficiently. Working time photography allows you to develop time standards for work processes, learn from the organizational experience of the most successful employees and teach it to other people to achieve high results.

This kind of research becomes especially valuable when the issue of expanding or reducing staff, redistributing responsibilities is being decided.

Whether you want to discuss with your manager a raise in your pay or the search for an assistant, a self-composed individual photo of working hours will be an excellent evidence base. You will have weighty arguments, the manager will take your proposals more seriously if you prepare in this way.

Taking pictures of working time

Despite the fact that the name of the procedure contains the word "photography", none of the photographic equipment is required. All you need is paper and a pen. To simplify the task, ready-made forms with filling samples have been developed. They can be found in legal systems like "Consultant". You can develop the form yourself or get by with an ordinary table.

One day is not always enough, so the observation can be carried out for several days.

The whole process can be conditionally divided into three stages: preparatory, observation process, processing of results. At the preparatory stage, forms are compiled and filled out, at the stage of observation, a record is kept, at the stage of processing the results, they calculate how long this or that type of work takes, analyze the effectiveness, and draw conclusions.


  • Preparation and completion work (starting up the equipment, preparing the necessary tools, turning off the equipment, cleaning the workplace).
  • Organizational matters.
  • Time spent on the direct performance of duties.
  • Breaks for rest and lunch.

Smaller groups can be distinguished, if appropriate for a particular study. Then a coefficient is calculated showing the efficiency or inefficiency of the employee's working day.

Form for timing

The form must have a “header” where information is entered about the full name and specialty of the employee, the enterprise where the study is being conducted, the date and time of the analysis.

Then there should be a table. The first column is a serial number, then a column for the name of the work performed. The third column indicates the period of time from when and how long the work was performed. The fourth column calculates the amount of time spent on work. You can add a comment column.

Main types of research

They can observe one employee, then it will be an individual photo. They can observe a group or a brigade, then it will be a group or brigade photo.

If the observation is carried out throughout the working day, then such a photograph is called classical. You can not fix the whole day, but only its individual moments.

Another division has already been mentioned above. A specialist can observe, or you can take pictures of the working day yourself. When using an outside observer, you may encounter a negative reaction from employees. They may refuse to work under supervision or, on the contrary, start working faster and more than usual, which will lead to incorrect data on time costs.

Research can also be carried out with the help of video equipment. On the one hand, this allows obtaining objective information, on the other hand, not every action can be clearly distinguished by observing it only from the side, without comments from the person performing the work.

Psychological preparation

A study of how employees use working time - a photograph of working time, a technically simple but psychologically difficult way. Employees perceive such studies as an attempt to monitor them, worsen working conditions, identify shortcomings and punish them.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to preliminary explanations of the importance of such a study. Makes a big impact If people work in an atmosphere of trust and goodwill, they will be willing to do anything that will help make the organization more efficient and competitive. If, on the contrary, the team is characterized by distrust, constant punishment, then it will be extremely difficult to obtain reliable information that will really give results.

It is important to build a motivation system in which it would be beneficial for employees to work most efficiently.

Parsing an example

It is not possible for every employee to make an accurate timing of the working day. The most difficult thing to do is to conduct it with employees in managerial positions, the photograph of an accountant's working time is especially difficult. It is easier with those specialists whose operations have clear boundaries and distinctive features. As a rule, these are working specialties.

Let's look at an example. An employee is a manager in a corporate department. Here is a photo of the working time (sample):

  • The beginning of the working day - 9-00.
  • Preparation (booting the computer, preparing documents) - 9-10.
  • Planning meeting - 9-15.
  • Phone conversation with key client - 9-30.
  • Checking email - 9-42.
  • Preparing a contract for a client - 9-53.
  • Smoke break - 10-37.
  • Preparing a presentation of a new product for a client - 10-57.
  • Lunch - 14-05.
  • Internship of a new employee - 14-58.
  • Smoke break - 16-15.
  • Calling customers - 16-30.
  • End of the day (cleaning the desktop, turning off the computer) - 17-55.
  • Departure home - 18-00.

Who needs such information?

First of all, the stakeholders are the managers and owners of the company who want to understand how optimally the staff is loaded, whether labor resources companies.

Employees of the Human Resources Department, personnel services also need similar studies in order to make feasible job descriptions, select exactly the number of employees that is necessary in the organization, conduct research work.

Responsible employees themselves are interested in the fact that the working day is used efficiently, without downtime and emergency work, there are no situations with overtime or work taken at home.

Now you are familiar with a technique that allows you to assess whether working time is being used effectively (photo of working time). Try to put the method into practice, you will find a large number of reserves, you will see how to work optimally. Thanks to this approach, you can turn into one of the most productive employees of the company, and this will definitely be seen and appreciated.

As you know, the competent distribution of time for the performance of assigned duties is one of the main ways to increase labor productivity and work efficiency. Specialists who know how to properly use working time are able to work in a regular mode, without emergency work and overtime. But ... this is often not enough. If the manager cannot objectively assess the role of each employee in the common cause and distribute the load in accordance with his skills and abilities, the employee himself will not be able to cope. And chaos settles in the company.

What is a working day photo and why is it needed

A familiar picture for many office workers. Everyone is busy with something. Negotiations and meetings, reports and presentations, graphs and diagrams. Endless fuss and a heap of tasks pouring in like from a cornucopia. Are we opening a store today? No cafe? Are we going to conclude a supply contract?

As a result. Everyone is on the nerves, discontent grows in the team, the effectiveness drops to zero. This is where a photo of a working day can come in handy. Namely, a thorough study of the use of working time, with fixing the time spent on certain actions. It doesn't matter if it's an important report or a smoke break.

Contrary to the prevailing opinion that the timing of working time is a procedure that does not portend anything good for employees Today, this is far from the case.

Goals and objectives

Of course, most companies aim to find wasted minutes or hours and reduce labor costs. As an option, dismiss one employee and shift his duties to the remaining specialists without additional payment, or increase the production rate with a piecework form of wages.

However, working time photography has many other tasks.

  • As for the workers, economic department or accounting, then a photograph of working time will help to correctly assess the use of working time, the distribution of duties and workload. Draw conclusions about the need for certain activities.
  • On its basis, norms and piece rates are calculated.
  • It makes it easy to identify the reasons for non-compliance with regulatory targets or poor sales performance. And this can be not only the fault of the employee. Among the causes of errors in calculations, irrational use of equipment, uneven capacity utilization, untimely receipt of tasks.

It is quite likely that an economist makes graphs that no one needs, and makes important reports after work. Or in the sales department, a few people bring results, and the rest only create the appearance of vigorous activity, negotiating and meeting. And not everyone has the ability to quickly sell a product to a large number of buyers. But this does not mean at all that a specialist is superfluous in the sales department. Perhaps he knows how to quickly and efficiently collect information and analyze it. In this case, the revision of his duties will help the employee to realize himself, and the manager to delegate some of the duties of managers to him, allowing them to work more time, for example, with the customer base.

The main objective of such an event as a photo of working time is to increase the efficiency of the company by reducing costs and using the potential of each employee to the fullest.

Features of taking photos of working time

Features in the performance of photographs of working time will depend on several factors.

  • Goals. To calculate the rates and prices, you will need to fill out 4-5 observation sheets of photographs of the working day, in order to avoid errors in the calculations later.
  • Identification of inefficiently used working time. The most difficult and crucial moment. Since it requires an objective approach, understanding the functions and tasks of each employee. It is carried out several times with a fairly large time interval. They try to take into account seasonality, uneven load by day of the week and time of day. For sales managers, such control should be constant. Demand and supply change, buyers change, which means that time costs also change. Fortunately, modern technologies make it possible to monitor working hours without involving a large number of specialists.
  • Worker profession. For each profession, there are some features of the timing of the working day.
  • If an employee is employed in production, where every day he performs the same operation, then for analysis it will be enough to take 1-2 measurements in order to fully assess the effectiveness of his work.
  • The requirements for a chef in a restaurant will be completely different. Its load fully depends on the number of visitors. And if the chef drinks tea in the back room, then this may not be his fault, but the management, which could not attract visitors. I wonder who to fire or deprive of the bonus? Chef? Administrator? Marketer? Someone who can't do his job. And this is an occasion for further, deeper analysis.
  • And when to come to take a photo of working time to an accountant, economist, sales specialist? During the period of reporting, preparation of a deal or auction events, they will spin like a squirrel in a wheel. But there are times when every effort will be made to create at least some appearance of work. The correct answer is in different periods, having previously studied the existing distribution of responsibilities and workload. Only in this case it is possible to objectively study the use of working time and make the necessary adjustments in their work.

A separate line are drivers and freight forwarders. Taking photos of a working day in this category is a rather time-consuming process that most companies try to put on modern technology. However, downtime analysis will help to better understand their cause and possibly refuse the services of some suppliers who regularly miss loading deadlines. After all, this is your direct loss.

Who benefits from the data

The results of photography of working time, first of all, fall on the table of economists, middle and top managers. And if economists need them for further calculations, deriving norms and rates for wages, then the management has its own goals.

Careful analysis and development of measures, identification of facts of inefficient use of working time and development of measures aimed at correcting the situation. With an objective approach, you can significantly increase the performance of the department, and the margin of the entire company. Just do not act in the vein of "close the smoking room" and "turn off the Internet for everyone." The latter is not an option at all. It is better to arrange a championship in the game of "Kosinka" and deprecate all the winners.

If you approach the matter with a purpose, competently, then in the sales department you can evaluate:

  • time spent on direct sales, and data collection, paperwork and reporting. It is not uncommon for cumbersome reports to take a lot of time from managers. At the same time, they are difficult to read and uninformative;
  • degree of processes. One good program, and a lot of them have now been created for sales, will allow specialists to reduce the time for collecting information and analytics and direct it to the active promotion of goods;
  • meetings and trainings. This is an integral part of the work of the sales department. But are they effective and how many of them. If they have lost their relevance today and take too much time, then it's time to change approaches;
  • load. Especially for retail. It's no secret that product groups take different times. This means that the time costs for managers are different. Perhaps someone needs to unload, and someone to add work.

Types of working time photography

Some features in taking photographs of working time depend on its type. Subdivided into individual, group and brigade.


One of the easiest ways to get accurate information about the time spent on performing a particular operation, as well as on preparing the workplace, on receiving tasks and materials. This type of photograph of a specialist's working day contains the least amount of errors.

Most often, an individual photograph of working time is used to derive norms and prices when applying individual piecework wages. And also to determine the effectiveness of the work of specialists who work not in a team, but in their own direction. This type is used infrequently, since it requires a large amount of labor. After all, it turns out that for several days one standardization engineer will be busy with one employee. Ideal for sales managers.


The most common type of photograph of working time. Suitable for individual analysis use of working hours, but at the same time, there can be up to 15 people in the surveillance zone. Helps to evaluate the work of a department, a small production shop, shopping facility or cafe. Having the big picture in front of your eyes, it is easy to identify the "weak link" in the team and the mistakes of the leader. The method is not very accurate, and is not suitable for substantiating norms and prices.

Spend a photo of the working time as follows. The observer with equal frequency approaches each employee and notes on the card that in this moment he does.


In principle, it is similar to the individual, only the object is a team of workers employed in the production of one product or production stage, in which it is possible to accurately determine the beginning of the process and its end. Most often used to justify the norms and prices for all types of piecework collective wages. In the event that during the study there are doubts about the effectiveness of the team, or regular failure to comply with the norms, then a group photograph of the working day is taken.

Almost never used for office workers including the sales department.

Order of conduct

The decision to take a photo of the working day is made by the head.

Determination of goals

Such events can be initiated by managers of all ranks who want to evaluate the performance of their subordinates, standardizing engineers when launching a new type of product, economists who doubt the norms or prices. A photo of a working day, a summary of the results and their analysis is not a matter of one day.


After determining the goals and objectives that are planned to be fulfilled during the upcoming events, direct preparation begins. In accordance with them, they choose the form of taking photographs of working time, determine the number of studies and their dates, prepare workday cards, appoint performers and responsible persons. All dates are coordinated with the immediate heads of the departments in which the timekeeping will take place. They will be able to correctly assess the load and choose the most suitable time. Normalizers first get acquainted with the main stages of work on the object under study.

Currently, you can track the performance of a sales manager using software, telephone conversations and a simple system administrator. But if there is a desire to check the effectiveness of tasks with a high degree of reliability, then it is better to involve an outsider who can evaluate it both individually and during the work of the entire sales department.

Photographing a working day

The process of photographing starts from the moment the working hours start.

  • With an individual method, the observer notes the time, the name of the operation or type of work, and the end time. He has the right to clarify the type of work performed or the reports and documents drawn up. Especially when it comes to office workers.
  • In the group form, the observer periodically approaches each employee and enters the work performed on the card. The frequency and time of observation depends on the number of people employed in photography during working hours. When involving experts, it is better to present it to the employees of the department. With the right level of training, he can easily cope with the task of discreet surveillance.
  • With a brigade uniform, it is most difficult to photograph working time. It is carried out in the context of professions and for each operation performed in the team. As in the group form, the observer approaches each worker. The most accurate results will be obtained when working with 3–5 observables.

Data Entry Rules

Filling in the sheets of photographs of the working day is carried out either manually, or, if software is available, it is immediately entered into the program.

The observer fills in the front side of the sheet, which indicates the purpose of taking a photograph of working time, its object, date, start and end times, observer data. When entering data, you should start recording with the preparation of working time, and end it with cleaning, if any. The start of the next operation is the end time of the previous one. All entries are made in clear handwriting without corrections and blots. The time for each operation is calculated and entered.

At the end of photographing, the observer fills in the summary part of the sheet, where he summarizes the time for individual operations and time costs. Signs the photo sheet and sends it for processing.

Results processing

The results are usually processed in automatic mode. Economists or engineers on labor rationing are engaged in it. They summarize the results in tables that show the time spent in the context of operations, workers, professions, teams or departments.

Analysis of results

During the analysis of photographs of working time, specific gravity its costs for effective, necessary and inefficient measures. Compare them with the norms for each industry. Evaluate the work of employees, their load, find reserves of working time and the possibility of reducing costs, redistributing responsibilities, increasing or decreasing norms and rates. And of course, they analyze the reasons for downtime, delays in receiving tasks, materials, tools and other factors that affect work efficiency.

PDF example

The workday photo form consists of three parts. Title page, directly the observation sheet and the summary table of data processing.

The observation sheet is a table with columns that indicate the start and end times of the operation, the type of operation being performed, the time spent in hours and minutes. The summary part indicates the type of operation and the amount of time spent on it for the day of observation. As a sample, individual sheets of photographs of the working day of some professions are presented.


As mentioned earlier, the distribution of working time for an accountant varies significantly by period. Let's take a typical work day as an example.


One of the specialties, working time photography can say either a lot or nothing. Depends on the industry. As a rule, if the engineer is sitting still and the equipment is stable, then this the best option for the employer.


In the analysis of the use of working time of an economist, there are also many subjective factors. Starting from the industry and ending with the direction of the work of the economist himself. An example is a checklist for an economist or sales manager.


One of the specialties in which the daily routine depends little on external causes, seasonality and other objective factors. Of course, if this is not resuscitation.


Much can be learned from his work time photography sheet. However, today most companies prefer to work with GPRS-navigation.

It can be seen from the sheet that due to the buyer, the processing of the driver was 1.5 hours. If this happens all the time, then you should either file a claim against the buyer, or shift the costs to the transport company.

Disadvantages of the technique

The method has practically no drawbacks. The latter are usually associated with human factor. These are errors in measuring the time spent, incorrect filling in the FVR sheets and inaccuracies in the calculations. The subjective approach of a specialist, who will subsequently conduct an analysis of time costs, can also play a negative role.

Photographing a working day is becoming more and more accessible today, thanks to modern technologies. And this is good. It allows not only to calculate rates or rates, but also to take a completely new look at the efficiency of using the most important resource of any company. Personnel. And they do a lot.
