Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Workshops of a shipbuilding enterprise. Production capacity. Thermal cutting section

Design of a production site for the manufacture of the onboard section width (B)=35m, length (L)=38m, quantity (N)=50pcs.

Construction and calculation of parameters of the network model (network diagram).

Essence, tasks and functions technological preparation production. ship building structure modern

Under conditions of acceleration scientific and technological progress modern ships, especially those with nuclear power plants, are complex engineering structures, saturated with a large number of machine-instrument complexes and devices controlled on the basis of full automation. Scientific and technological progress determines the following features that are characteristic not only for shipbuilding, but also common to various industries industry:

  • 1. A fundamental change in the conditions for setting scientific, technical, technological and production tasks when making a decision on the creation of a vessel of a new project. If in the past the decision was made in the presence of scientific, technical and production capabilities to justify the feasibility and sufficient economic efficiency of building a new vessel, then at present the main condition is the feasibility and necessity of building a new vessel or a series of vessels of a new design, which are determined by the requirements of the further socio-economic development of the country. At the same time, a significant number of theoretical issues are unresolved and require for their solution the integration of science with production (the creation of new scientific and production units), the introduction of new structural materials and technologies, the design and manufacture of technological equipment, training and retraining of engineering and technical personnel in new specialties. Examples of new formulations of scientific, technical, technological and production problems in shipbuilding are decisions on the creation of ships of various functional purposes with new maintenance principles, on the saturation of ships with nuclear power plants, complex automation systems.
  • 2. The fundamental novelty of a significant number of head, experimental and pilot-standard products, simultaneously created in various industries. So, for example, many enterprises of the industry and the whole country take part in the creation of a lifting and lowering device on fishing vessels or automated vessel control systems. The massive and intensive nature of the creation and development of new products leads to a shortage of all types of resources and requires the use of new methods for organizing the distribution of limited resources between sectors of the national economy, within industries between their associations and enterprises.
  • 3. Integration of products - the transition from the creation of individual products to the creation of their complexes. This feature is characteristic primarily for shipbuilding, in which a modern ship is a complex complex (see GOST 2.101--68 "Types of products"). The creation of such complexes is based on numerous research, design, technological, experimental work, strictly interconnected in time and performed by a large number of enterprises in various industries.

These features modern production, including shipbuilding, predetermine their requirements for the integrated preparation of production, the main component of which, in terms of labor intensity and duration, is technological preparation.

Technological preparation of production is a set of interrelated processes that ensure the complete technological readiness of the construction company for the construction of ships of a new project, as well as a given increase in the technical level of all types of production. Considering that the shipbuilding enterprise has different kinds production, such as shipbuilding (works of the shipyard), mechanical engineering, metallurgy, production of consumer goods (TNP) and others, the CCI is also divided into these types of production (CCI of the shipyard, CCI of the MSCH, etc.).

Specific values ​​(in %) of types of production at a full profile construction company:

Full profile enterprise - 100;

Shipbuilding (shipyard works) - 50-55;

Mechanical engineering (MSCH, MZK) -25-30;

Metallurgy 5-10;

Production of consumer goods -3-5.

Specific values ​​of types of CCI (in%) at a full profile construction company:

CCI of the construction company - 100;

CCI of the shipyard - 60;

CCI MSCh - 20;

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Metallurgy - 10;

CCI TYPE - 10.

The most labor-intensive type of technological preparation of production is the shipyard's CCI, which is a set of interrelated processes that ensure the technological readiness of the enterprise for the construction of ships of a new project, as well as a given increase in the technical level of production of the shipyard and each of its types.

The organization of the CCI of the shipyard has fundamental difference from this type of production preparation in other branches of engineering, which lies in the fact that the technological readiness of a machine-building enterprise provides for the availability of complete sets of design and technological documentation (GOST 14.004--74), while this readiness in shipbuilding is based on the transfer of design and technological documents to production in queues. In addition, the features of the organization of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the shipyard are:

The CCI of the shipyard is organized in ten types of production (hull-working, assembly-welding, hull-building, pipe-working, mechanical assembly, production of hull-building nomenclature products, production and installation of fitter-hull fittings, production and installation of ship ventilation pipes, production and installation of finishing products and equipment of ship premises, production of installation of insulation and paint coatings, testing and commissioning of ships), which significantly complicates the coordination of work, increases their range and labor intensity;

design preparation of production in the design bureau is combined in time with the CCI of the vessel-builder enterprise through the participation of technologists of this enterprise in the work of the design bureau, starting from the stage of the preliminary and technical design;

a significant number of organizational and technological documents are developed at the stage of technical design;

technological documents are developed and transferred to production in queues as the relevant working design documents of the shipyard arrive at the construction company;

The functions of the CCI of the shipyard are wider than the functions of the CCI in other branches of engineering and additionally include ensuring the manufacturability of ship structures and testing mechanisms, systems, equipment, compartments and the ship as a whole, typing technological processes in each of the ten types of shipyard production.

Specific values ​​of the labor intensity of the work (in%) by the functions of the CCI of the shipyard:

CCI of the shipyard - 100;

Ensuring the manufacturability of structures - 8;

Design of technological processes - 50;

Design and manufacture of service stations - 20;

Organization and management of the CCI process - 12;

Ensuring the manufacture of head and prototypes - 5;

Correction of technological documentation - 5.

Subdivisions engaged in the technological preparation of production.

The preparation of production at the shipbuilding enterprise is headed by Chief Engineer, to which all services leading the development of design, technological, organizational and other documentation are subordinated.

The central service that ensures the performance of work on the preparation of production is the department of the chief technologist (CDP). It includes the following departments for general plant purposes: centralized planning of production preparation, distribution of work between workshops, rationing of material and technical resources, calculation of the production capacity of workshops and the summary labor intensity necessary to fulfill production orders.

Specialized bureaus develop a basic technology for building a ship's hull, manufacturing and installing pipelines, mechanisms and equipment, fit-out and finishing works, and prepare technological documentation for workshops. The Chief Designer Department (OGK) develops the design documentation required in the main and auxiliary production shops for their additional equipment, partial, reconstruction, development and improvement of production. A highly qualified design department specializes in the design of equipment created by the joint efforts of designers and technologists. The department of the chief metallurgist performs all the necessary technological and organizational documentation for metallurgical and forging and pressing shops, as well as for heat treatment of castings and forgings. The Department of Mechanization and Automation of Production (OMA), on the basis of requests from workshops and the availability of developments carried out by branch research institutes, organizes and implements technical, technological and other measures according to a plan to improve the technical level and re-equip production. A significant part of the decisions taken for implementation in order to increase production efficiency is based on information regularly provided to specialists by the Department of Scientific and Technical Information (STI), which has a fund of various information literature.

The standardization department provides all departments of the enterprise necessary kits standards: state, industry, republican and enterprises, controlling their application directly at the workplaces of technologists and designers, as well as in workshops during the manufacture and acceptance of products. Departments of tool management (OIKh), chief power engineer (OGE) and chief mechanic (OGM), along with a large production work on the operational support of the main production shops, carry out significant amounts of work on the development of a promising development of the enterprise's production, systematically expanding the production capabilities of the main shops, as well as tool facilities, energy supply and the repair and maintenance base of the enterprise. Technical Training Department (TTO) is involved in the organization educational and methodical work in production and technical schools (vocational schools) that train personnel for the enterprise, and organizes the training of workers and engineers to improve their skills.

Laboratory base and metrological service perform major works providing high quality of manufactured products. A large subdivision with a very wide range of tasks is the department in charge of the development, development and implementation of automated enterprise management systems (ACS). This department, having electronic computing, counting and perforating and other office equipment, a staff of mathematicians, programmers and operators, works with almost all departments of the enterprise. Technological bureaus of workshops (TB) perform a large amount of pre-production work, issuing all operational technological documentation for production sites and teams of workers.

Thus, dozens of general factory and shop services, as well as many hundreds of specialists from design and research organizations working under contracts, are involved in the preparation of production in all its sections. Since many hundreds of performers are involved in the preparation of production, it is necessary to take into account with sufficient reliability the labor costs for design, technological and other types of development carried out during this period. Based on the summarized statistical data on labor costs, standard standards for the costs of individual work performed by engineering and technical workers of production preparation services can be created.

Features of technological preparation of production during the construction of various types of ships; the main directions for improving and reducing the terms of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

For the current level of development of shipbuilding production, and especially at enterprises where several different types of lead ships are often built at the same time, the organization of technological preparation of production along the optimal path is very difficult due to the large number of factors affecting it. The situation is aggravated by the presence of a significant number of technological documents, and their volume increases with the complexity of ship designs, mainly due to duplication of documents for the same type of work performed at different stages of ship construction. Under these conditions, the development, accounting, control of movement and adjustment of technological documents become a difficult task.

Given that the main task of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is related to reducing the costs and construction time of the lead ship of a new project, it is possible to single out the main direction for improving the Chamber of Commerce and Industry - the development and implementation of a set of industry standards for the shipyard's technological documentation system (OSTD of the shipyard). Industry standards are model rules development and execution of documents for each of the ten types of shipbuilding production in accordance with the requirements of unification, the modular-aggregate method of designing and building ships, computer-aided technological design and process control of the CCI.

Thus, in the context of the intensification of shipbuilding production, automation of production processes and engineering and managerial work, including the processes of the chamber of commerce, is one of the decisive conditions for increasing labor productivity and production efficiency. At present, the shipbuilding industry has developed and implemented at the enterprises of the industry the first stage of the OSTD shipyard, which establishes the types of technological and organizational-technological documents for ten types of shipyard production, as well as the rules for the development, approval and approval of these documents, common to industry standards "Technological documents of the shipyard" based on and in addition to state standards ESTD.

The organizational and technological documents of the shipyard include graphic and text documents that define, separately or in combination, the technology and organization of production processes for building ships, as well as the organization of work on all types of integrated preparation of production for the construction of ships of various projects. Depending on the purpose, the documents of the shipyard are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones include documents that contain the necessary information for organizing the complex preparation for production and construction of a ship of this project as a whole, as well as documents that determine the technological processes for building a ship in each type of shipbuilding production. Auxiliary are the documents of the shipyard, designed to provide one or a combination of functions of organization, regulation, planning and accounting of the process of building a ship.

The main documents of the shipyard are divided into documents of general and special purpose. General purpose documents include organizational and technological documents and documents of technological processes, regardless of the applied technological methods for manufacturing products. Special purpose documents include documents of technological processes included in certain types shipbuilding production and performed by specialized means of technological equipment.

Types, purpose and forms of supporting shipyard documents, as well as technical control documents are established by enterprise standards (STP) for each type of shipbuilding production.

Currently Existing Standards unified system technological preparation of production are developed for the enterprises of machine-building and instrument-making industries. For shipbuilding enterprises with a specialization in the production of purely machine-building and instrument-making products, they are acceptable. But for shipbuilding enterprises of a full profile, where the work of the shipyard is predominant, these standards do not cover the solution of a large number (up to 60--70%) of the tasks of technological preparation of production, therefore, appropriate industry standards. They must be based on state standards take into account the conditions and specifics of shipbuilding.

The creation of an OSTPP shipyard is a difficult task, but a vital one, especially in the context of production intensification based on the acceleration of scientific and technological progress. To solve this problem, the industry has developed a long-term comprehensive scientific and technical program, the first stage of which has been implemented.

OSTPP shipyard is a system for organizing and managing the process of the shipyard CCI. It provides for the widespread use of advanced standard technological processes, standard technological equipment and equipment, means of mechanization and automation of production processes, engineering and management work, robotics and computers. The purpose of the development and implementation of the shipyard's OSPP is to reduce the time and cost of preparing production for the construction of the lead ship of a new project by using standard and standard solutions, automated design and management methods, increasing the level of specialization and cooperation while ensuring production modern means technological equipment.

OSPP of the shipyard should ensure the construction of ships of various projects with high quality production of works based on the organization of highly mechanized and automated production processes, automation of management processes. It should also contribute to the continuous improvement of production preparation and production itself through the widespread use of advanced technological processes, modular-aggregate methods for designing and building ships, program-controlled equipment, the use of robotics and, ultimately, the creation of flexible production systems at various levels.

Implementation of the shipyard's OSPP at the enterprises of the industry will allow:

optimize organizational structures and regulations on CCI services at enterprises;

use a set of shipyard OSTP standards;

apply standard design solutions with optimization of the tasks of planning, management and analysis of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

improve the CCI based on system-structural analysis, model the management process based on economic and mathematical methods and technical means information processing.

Technological preparation, which was carried out for a long time by traditional methods, was a laborious and lengthy process. Therefore, the efforts of many scientists and specialists who have been developing in a number of areas have been directed to its improvement. Among them, the direction based on the use of mathematical methods and computers turned out to be the most promising. First of all, this direction touched upon the plasma-technological preparation of production, in connection with which it was necessary to create a mathematical model of the ship's hull. Later, the range of problems solved using mathematical methods gradually expanded, as evidenced by the examples given in this chapter. However, when solving problems, there were no unified approaches to the development of software and information support. In the future, in the face of increasing complexity of ships, the need to reduce the time of their construction, the expansion of the use of mathematical methods and computers in engineering, the creation of CNC equipment, the need to further improve the technological preparation of production, primarily on the basis of new information technologies and creation on their basis of automated systems (ASTPP).

ASTPP is understood as a system of technological preparation of production based on the systematic use of automation tools for engineering and technical work, ensuring optimal use by personnel software and technical means of automation in the performance of the functions of the CCI.

The main advantages of ATPP in the preparation of production include the reduction of TPP terms, improving the quality of work, increasing the productivity of engineers and reducing them to the required number, facilitating the receipt of operational information about the current state of the TPP, facilitating and accelerating the correction of developments, ensuring effective interaction with other computer-aided design systems. A retrospective analysis showed that the development of ASTPP was carried out on a number of general principles, including the principles of: system and information unity, development, standardization, ergonomics, etc.

The principle of system unity is that the individual elements of the system must be developed and function as part of a single whole. The greatest effect will be integrated automation problem solving at all stages of the CCI. At the same time, the entire ASTPP can be part of larger and more complex structures.

The principle of information unity consists in the use in subsystems of unified symbols, symbols, terms, ways of representing input and output information.

In accordance with the principle of development, ASTPP should be created as an open system, taking into account the possibility of supplementing it with new subsystems and adjusting existing ones. Most ATPP was created in stages, which made it possible to take into account changes in the real system and compensate for possible inaccuracies in the initial data at the initial stage of system development by including the appropriate elements.

The principle of standardization is designed to provide the flexibility of ASTPP based on the unification, typification and standardization of subsystems, which allows reducing costs and time for their development and operation. At present, the use of a single system-wide software, for example, is gaining great importance.

The principle of ergonomics takes into account the peculiarities of human interaction with computers in the process of solving problems. Modern ASTPP are man-machine systems. The person (user) is their active constituent element. Therefore, it is important to correctly distribute functions between a person and computing facilities. The urgency of the problem is also associated with the weak normalization of the majority technological tasks, which can be solved by ATPP.

In this regard, one of the directions for the development of ACCPP is their expansion by including new tasks in them. Of no small importance at present is the integration of ASTPP with other automated related systems such as CAD, which is already being carried out in practice, an automated system for designing technological equipment and an automated project management system (APMS).

The main purpose of project management automation is to increase productivity associated with the processes of collecting, processing, analyzing data on the progress of the project, carrying out the necessary analytical and predictive calculations, as well as calculations to develop options for making management decisions.

To facilitate the solution of these problems, ASUpr are intended. They provide an opportunity to develop a set of documents on technical and economic planning at the enterprise. The powerful capabilities of these systems allow you to quickly and accurately process a large amount of heterogeneous information, perform its comprehensive analysis, and issue various types of production documentation.

ACS has come a long evolutionary path from software tools that facilitate the solution of local problems (within the framework of a project) to "thinking systems" that provide information to answer the questions: "What if?", and based on the mathematical apparatus of network modeling and probabilistic calculation methods.

Currently, the ACS market is a whole segment of the software market that is constantly growing and developing. One of the first systems that came to us from the world of project management were TIME LINE and MS Project (1990s). These were cheap software products. The study of their possibility showed that the existing set of restrictions on the volume of information processed by them casts doubt on their use in large enterprises.

A thousand years ago, in present-day Syracuse, an inventor sat in a bathtub trying to find out if the royal crown was made of solid gold. Finally, he found the answer, jumped out of the bath, and ran naked down the street, resounding the area with the now famous exclamation "Eureka". So from history, Archimedes discovered the fundamental law of physics - a force equal to the mass of water displaced by this body acts on a body partially or completely immersed in water. The weight of the body acts as a downward pressure and can counteract the upward pressure of the water; If these two forces are equal, the body floats. Thanks to the law of Archimedes, a person got the opportunity to build ships of any size from any material, and the law remains the main formula for calculating these indicators.

Modern shipbuilding technology is divided into several stages.


During the period of design preparation for production, a design of the vessel is developed. The development of a ship project, as a rule, is carried out in four stages:

1. Technical proposal

The technical proposal contains: diagrams of the general arrangement of the vessel, the midship frame, the arrangement of mechanisms in the engine room, the arrangement of special devices and the operational and economic calculation.

2. Draft design

The draft design contains drawings of the general arrangement of the vessel, a theoretical drawing, a constructive midship frame, weight load calculations.

3. Technical project

The technical project contains: contractual documentation (drawings of the general arrangement of the vessel, specifications for the general ship, hull and mechanical parts, systems and electrical equipment), project documentation(drawings for general ship and hull parts), mechanical drawings (installation of main engines and shafting and piping schemes), drawings of general ship systems, drawings of electrical equipment, calculations of strength according to the theory of the ship, weight load.

4. Working draft

The working draft contains: working drawings and all technological documentation, the volume of which is established by the shipbuilder, depending on the degree of preparedness of production, on the type and dimensions of the vessel, the size of the series and other data. The working draft includes newly developed, as well as standard, depersonalized and normalized drawings.

During the design preparation of production, the unification of equipment and materials is carried out, questions about the manufacturability of structures and the maintainability of the vessel are resolved, the method of its construction is substantiated, and the hull is divided into sections. There are several ways to assemble the ship's hull on the slipway: piece by piece, sectional and block.

With the detailed method, the body is assembled on a slipway from individual parts. The production cycle of the slipway assembly of the ship's hull in this case is very long. It is reduced by using sectional and especially block methods, which provide: dismemberment of the assembly process into preliminary and slipway; transfer of a significant part of the hull assembly work to the workshop; application of automatic and semi-automatic welding; installation of equipment in sections and blocks.

With the sectional method, a body is formed on a slipway mainly from pre-assembled planar, semi-volumetric or volumetric sections. Planar sections consist of a flat panel or with a deflection not exceeding the smaller size of the section in plan with a set of one or two directions welded to it on one side. Such sections are called semi-volumetric, in which the arrow of the deflection of the panel is less than the size of the section in the plan. Volumetric sections are considered such sections, the height of the beams of the set of which exceeds the smaller size of the section in the plan.

With the block method, the ship's hull on the slipway is assembled from ship blocks or sections blocks. The block is a part of the ship's hull, if possible, limited by structures that form closed compartments, with installed mechanisms, pipelines, and insulation. It is assembled from planar sections of the bottom, sides, deck and bulkheads, semi-volumetric and volumetric sections. When breaking down the hull into sections, production, design and technological factors are taken into account.


Design bureaus usually make drawings of ship hulls on a scale of 1:25, 1:50 or 1:100. In the manufacture of parts and hull structures according to such drawings, large-scale errors are inevitable. In addition, these drawings do not always contain all the data necessary to determine the exact shape and dimensions of parts and structures, since, for example, theoretical drawings are made only for part of the section of frames, waterlines and buttocks. Therefore, on the plaza of the enterprise, a theoretical drawing of the ship's hull is drawn in full size in three projections. Using such a drawing, they take plaza data, enter them into tables, draw sketches or make the necessary equipment for performing hull procurement, hull assembly and other work. Plasovye work is a responsible operation. Insufficient accuracy of their implementation can lead to marriage.

The plaza is a room with a specially prepared flat floor, usually made of wooden square bars or boards laid on the edge, which are cleanly planed, aligned along the shergen in all directions, primed, puttied and painted with gray oil paint. The plaza should have good natural and artificial lighting and should be kept at a constant temperature and humidity. When breaking down the hull on the plaza, a theoretical drawing of the hull, a table of planned ordinates, a drawing of the stretching of the outer skin, a diagram of the breakdown of the hull into sections and working drawings of the sections are used.


All body parts are divided into groups according to the principle of uniformity of operations. The following features are usually taken as the basis for classification:

the thickness of the source material;

detail contour configuration;

the presence and type of death;

the presence of cutouts and holes;

the presence of cutting edges for welding;

There are various classifiers of body parts, according to which all body parts are divided into typical classes and groups. Depending on specific conditions, some groups may be combined. Based on the accepted breakdown, the routing technology for processing parts is determined and the necessary equipment. All sheet and profile metal used in the construction of ships must have a flat surface, since irregularities make it difficult to mark and cut parts, as well as assemble and weld hull structures. The deflection arrows of sheets with a thickness of 1.5-5 mm should not exceed 3 mm per meter of length, and for sheets with a thickness of 6-18 mm, up to 2.5 mm per meter of length are allowed. Profiles should not have deviations from straightness of more than 2 mm per meter and more than 8 mm for the entire length of the strip.

However, sheet and profile metal entering the factories, due to the presence internal stresses, caused by uneven cooling during rolling, as well as due to mechanical effects during transportation and handling operations, as a rule, it is uneven, the sheets have waviness in length, local bulges and sickle-shaped curvature, and profiles - helical curvature and waviness. Sheets and profiles, the waviness of which exceeds the allowable one, are corrected. In deformed sheets and profiles, one part of the fibers is elongated, while the other is shortened, and their editing is reduced to aligning the fibers along the length by compressing the elongated ones or stretching the shortened ones. Since it is easier to stretch the fibers than to compress them, the straightening of sheets and profiles is based on the principle of fiber tension.

Straightening is carried out manually on the plate by blows of sledgehammers, mainly of profile metal, or by mechanized methods, the most common of which is straightening on multi-roll sheet straightening rollers.

Heavily deformed thin steel sheets are dressed on a thicker backing sheet. Sometimes a backing sheet and strip gaskets are used at the same time. The technology of straightening sheets in sheet straightening rollers is regularly improved.


For the preservation of ship hulls in proper technical condition during the specified service life, all surfaces of hull structures must be protected from corrosion. This is achieved by their priming and painting. However, sheet and profile metal supplied to the plants is covered with mill scale and rust formed during transportation and storage. Therefore, all body metal must be cleaned.

The most productive cleaning of hull metal is by chemical and shot blasting methods.

In the chemical cleaning method, oxides are removed from the metal surface during etching in appropriate solutions.

The equipment of the metal chemical cleaning section consists of sequentially located baths filled with appropriate solutions, cassettes for loading metal into the baths and a device for drying the cleaned sheets. The chemical cleaning method was not widely used due to the difficulty of neutralization. Wastewater. The shot blast cleaning method consists in cleaning the surface with ejected metal shot under the action of high centrifugal force. Striking, it removes dirt, rust and scale from the metal surface. After shot blasting, the metal surface acquires a clean, uniformly rough appearance.


guillotine shears

After marking the body parts with the help of templates and using a photo-projection method, the parts are cut. There are two ways of cutting body parts: mechanical and thermal. Mechanical cutting is performed on scissors - guillotine, disk, vibration and press shears.

laser metal cutting

Thermal cutting is based on the combustion of metal heated to the ignition temperature in a jet of pure oxygen and the removal of oxides formed by this jet. A combustible gas flame is used to heat the metal.


Assembly and welding processes consist of several basic operations: marking the places for installing parts; primary guidance of parts and checking their position; drawing to remove allowances; combining edges and fixing parts on tacks or mechanically; welding seams and controlling their quality, as well as some additional operations: thermal cutting or pneumatic cutting when fitting to remove allowances; checking the position and control of the installation of parts and assemblies; straightening structures after welding.

The purpose of assembling hull structures is to secure the assembled parts of the structure. Welding of joints in a structure is carried out mainly by mechanized methods ( automatic welding submerged arc, semi-automatic welding in CO2 environment and flux-cored wire, electroslag, one-sided welding with formation of a back seam). At all stages of assembly and welding, the position (control) of parts and assemblies is checked.


The simplest elements of pre-assembly of the hull are nodes - technologically finished parts of the structure, from which sections or the hull of the vessel are subsequently assembled and welded. Units consist of two or more parts that make up beam, foundation, frame and bracket structures, as well as sheet panels. Their manufacture is relatively easy to mechanize and automate, especially for the hulls of flat-bottomed ships with a large cylindrical part. For the manufacture of units, depending on the degree of mechanization, there are the following methods: free assembly and welding; conductor assembly and welding; machine assembly and welding; assembly on production lines.

Free assembly of knots can be performed on universal assembly plates or simply on flat areas of the workshop. The expediency of such an assembly can only be justified by economic considerations - with a very small series of shipbuilding. In most cases, free assembly should be replaced by a conductor or machine assembly, in which labor savings are more than 40 percent. With free assembly, all operations are performed manually. With free assembly, temporary portable devices (stops, clamps, clamps) are applicable for workmanship.

Conductor assembly of knots, as a rule, they are performed without marking and tacking of elements; this eliminates the need to hold parts while aiming and checking position. The jig is a device or device that allows you to fix the details of the assembly relative to each other in the desired position, tighten and hold them from free movement during welding; strictly control the geometric parameters of the node. When assembling in a jig, welding deformations are reduced by 30 percent compared to free assembly and welding of assemblies. For large series of shipbuilding, specialized conductors are used, for small series - universal and quickly readjustable.

Machine assembly and welding of units is the most progressive. However, its implementation requires certain conditions and, above all, a fairly large series of products. Machine-tool manufacturing of units is characterized by high productivity, achieved due to the mechanization of operations, as well as due to the combination of assembly and welding into a single process. The specific value of mechanized operations reaches 80 percent, which makes it possible to increase productivity by more than 2 times compared to the conductor assembly.


Assembly and welding of hull sections and superstructures are the main processes of ship construction. The complexity of manufacturing sections is more than half of the total complexity of assembly and welding of the hull.

The division of the hull into sections and their installation in a position convenient for assembly determined the need for such technological equipment that would create a basic support and fix the complex contours of the ship's hull, ensure the interchangeability of all sections manufactured on it. The main types of equipment for the manufacture of sections are stands and conductors, equipped with various devices and portable means of mechanization.

Production of blocks of sections. To reduce the slipway work, increase the volume of saturation with parts, assemblies and assemblies of the ship's mechanical equipment, individual planar or semi-volumetric sections and assemblies are assembled (formed) into section blocks. This type also includes superstructure blocks formed from planar sections and decks. Assembly and welding of section blocks is carried out on support devices such as keel blocks or "cages" on slipway carts and in slipway conductors. There are relatively few welding seams in the manufacture of blocks, so welding deformations are insignificant.


When building a ship, there are several ways to assemble the ship's hull.

sectional assembly of the ship's hull

The technology of shipbuilding on a slipway of planar and volumetric sections includes a set of installation and testing works. Installation work consists of operations for unfastening and moving sections, verification work - for checking the position of the structure. The significant laboriousness of these works is explained by the presence of technological allowances, which must be marked and cut on the slipway. The presence of allowances along the mounting edges makes it necessary to install and check the position of each section twice when assembling the body on the slipway (for joining after trimming the allowance).

ship hull block assembly

With the block method, the formation of a hull in shipbuilding begins with the installation of a mortgage block, which includes the engine room of the vessel, where it is necessary to perform a large amount of mechanical work. The rest of the blocks are sequentially docked to the bow and stern from the mortgage block. The formation of the hull from planar sections by compartments is a kind of block construction method. The ship's compartment, which is the most saturated with mechanisms and systems, is also taken as a mortgage. Subsequent block-compartments are formed into the bow and stern, attaching sections to the mortgage.

ring tilter

The most rational is the flow-position method of block construction of ships, which allows organizing rhythmic production.

In the construction of ships in modern shipbuilding technology, mixed sectional-block, sectional-by-piece and new methods are also used. For example, the hulls of tugs up to 53 m long are made of two halves, divided along the diametrical plane. When assembling blocks consisting of two or three sections, the assembly is carried out "board up". On the slipway, both halves are set to the required position with the help of cranes and welded along the assembly joint line. Vessels of small displacement are assembled from the most enlarged hull elements or by a monoblock method using a ring tilter.

JSC "Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant" has its own engineering services, design and technology department and all the main and auxiliary production facilities necessary for shipbuilding.

IN case production are used modern technologies welding and assembly:
- automatic submerged arc welding of panels,
- bedless assembly of hull sections and blocks,
- semi-automatic welding of sections and blocks in CO 2 environment,
- welding with flux-cored wire.

Preliminary preparation of sheet metal

Preliminary preparation of sheet metal (shot blasting and priming) is carried out on the cleaning and priming line own production, consisting of a shot blasting unit, an automatic painting booth and a drying booth, connected into a single complex. Sheet cutting is carried out on two modern air-plasma cutting machines. Cutting optimization is carried out by the design and technology department of the plant.

The ship-lifting facility slip G300, which allows lifting ships with a dock weight of up to 2300 tons, a length of up to 140 m and a width of up to 16.5 m, provides simultaneous accommodation for four large-capacity vessels. The slipway is equipped with three cranes KSK 32 and KSK 30, portal cranes with a lifting capacity of 27 and 10 tons are installed on a concrete outbuilding berth 200 m long.

Ship-lifting structure slipway P600 (longitudinal), which allows lifting vessels with a dock weight of up to 300 tons, a length of up to 50 m and a width of up to 10 m.

IN painting industry high-quality materials and modern equipment are used. High-quality primers, paints and painting technologies from Jotun are used, modern Atlas-Copco compressors, airless paint systems manufactured by Vagner, Graco, Hercules are used. To carry out painting work in adverse weather conditions, there is a rolling shelter on the slipway designed to protect the ship's hull.

IN metalwork and mechanical production mastered the production of pontoon-type hatch covers, a ship crane for moving hatch covers KRAB-16000 with a lifting capacity of 16 tons; launching device KRAB-5000 for lifeboat FFB 57C2 for 15 people with a carrying capacity of 5 tons; launching device SHEAV-550D for fiberglass rescue boat type RB400 / G1 with a carrying capacity of 1.7 tons. Welding of aluminum alloy structures has been mastered in metalwork and mechanical production.

IN design and technology department The plant has introduced a computer-aided design system, which employs qualified specialists in the areas of the shipbuilding industry: shipbuilding engineers, electromechanical engineers, mechanical engineers. Experienced specialists provide design and technological support for shipbuilding: they revise design documentation for compliance with the rules of classification societies, labor protection rules and sanitary standards, design technological equipment, develop working design and plasma-technological documentation (cutting charts, control programs for cutting parts, templates for bending, etc.). Since the opening of the plant, the staff of the design and technology department has been replenished with young engineers who believe in the stable future of the enterprise as part of FSUE "Rosmorport".

§ 59 Construction of ships

Shipbuilding enterprises specialize in the following areas: shipbuilding organizations (shipyards, shipyards and delivery bases);

The main material of the ship's hull (steel shipbuilding enterprises, enterprises building ships from light alloys, plastic, wooden, reinforced concrete, etc.);

Type of vessels (enterprises building tankers, fishing vessels, bulk carriers, icebreakers, etc.);

Vessel navigation area (enterprises building sea, lake, river, etc.).

shipyards- large independent enterprises with workshops manufacturing all elements of a modern ship: hull structures, main and auxiliary power plants, devices, equipment, etc.

As mentioned above, due to the exceptional complexity of building modern ships at one enterprise, shipyards are organizationally and economically inexpedient.

Shipyards- enterprises that fully manufacture all hull elements, build ships on a slipway and install machines, mechanisms and all equipment necessary for the ship supplied by counterparties, launch the ship into the water, complete construction, testing and delivery of the ship to the customer.

Delivery bases- enterprises located in the area of ​​delivery of the vessel delivered from remote areas of its construction. At the delivery bases, the ship is finally completed, equipped with specific equipment, such as nuclear power plants, weapons, etc., tested under conditions close to operational, and the ship is handed over.

The main workshops of any shipbuilding enterprise are:

case processing, which includes a plaza and sections for marking body parts made of sheet and profile material, metal gas cutting (manual, semi-automatic and automatic), a machine park for processing parts (bending on presses, gouging edges, etc.) and hot working them on a plate;

assembly and welding which performs the assembly of individual finished parts of hull structures into units, sections and blocks, their welding and partial installation of the saturation of the vessel;

A building berth, which assembles and welds the hull from sections and blocks, saturates it and mounts devices, mechanisms and equipment. In addition, the workshop checks the quality of hull work (carries out appropriate tests), prepares the vessel for launching and launching it;

hull-mounting(fitting, rigging and painting), performing installation work, completion and finishing works on the vessel;

blank-model, foundry, forging, electrode, etc., designed to provide the ship under construction with the necessary cast parts, forgings, electrodes, etc. (brackets, stems, shafts, hawse, electrodes, etc.).

The mechanical group of workshops includes:

Mechanical with a machine park for fine-tuning and machining of new parts;

Boiler house, which manufactures steam boilers, pressure vessels, and other relatively small but complex hull works;

Reinforcing, where parts of fittings and automatic devices are processed and welded, tested, installed and adjusted on the ship.

Mechanical assembly group workshops include a pipe copper workshop, which manufactures structural elements of ship pipelines and assembles ship systems on ships;

Fitting and assembly workshop, which performs the installation of mechanisms, ship devices and other installation work on the ship.

Part woodworking workshops include: sawmills, warehouses for storing roundwood and lumber, dryers, a carpenter's workshop that performs work on the completion of the vessel (insulation lathing, formwork flooring, etc.), as well as serving other workshops with scaffolding, fencing, wooden fixtures, etc.; finally, carpentry shop, which manufactures details of the saturation of the vessel from wood (furniture, interior decoration, etc.).

Auxiliary group workshops: tool, mechanical repair, electrical repair and repair and construction - provides all production workshops of the enterprise with tools, fixtures, and also repairs the equipment of production workshops and buildings.

Counterparty shops and sections are workshops of other enterprises performing independent work on ships.

The energy economy of a shipbuilding enterprise consists of a combined heat and power plant (supplying the plant with power energy, as well as energy for its lighting and heating), a transformer substation, a steam power plant (with a test bench), a compressed air compressor, a water supply, oxygen, acetylene station, etc.

transport shop The plant is a water, rail, road, truck and other transport and means of its operation, maintenance and repair.

Storage facilities includes general warehouses that store various materials used for the construction of the vessel (metals, timber, fuel, textile and leather goods, building materials, finished equipment, machinery and mechanisms, electrical materials, equipment, devices, and much more). This economy is a complex organization that provides the ship under construction with everything necessary.

Methods for building ships are determined by the technology adopted at each shipbuilding enterprise.

Sectional Method consists in the fact that the entire hull of the ship is divided into separate sections: decks, sides, bottom, bulkheads, platforms, superstructures, etc.

Details of hull structures prepared in the hull processing shop are fed to the assembly and welding site, where separate sections are assembled from them. When assembling and welding sections, they are saturated with equipment and fasteners. Labor costs in building a ship in this way are sharply reduced. Finished hull sections are delivered to slipway construction sites, where they form the ship's hull, perform installation and welding work.

After manufacturing by this method a whole compartment or a closed room and testing them for impermeability at the slipway, the installation of the saturation of the body (machines, mechanisms, devices, systems) is continued.

At block method, which is a development of the sectional method, the ship is divided into large volumetric parts - blocks manufactured in the assembly and welding shop from separate sections, and fed to the slipway in finished form - as if part of the ship, bounded on all sides by structures that form closed compartments or rooms. In the finished block, the entire installation of saturation is also performed. The readiness of individual blocks fed to the slipway reaches 90%.

This method of building a vessel reduces the time required to form the hull at the slipway and increases the throughput of the slips. In addition, the manufacture of hull structures that form ship blocks in workshop conditions - indoors, with maximum mechanization of work, improves the quality of work, facilitates the work of workers and dramatically increases labor productivity.

The dimensions of the section blocks depend on the production conditions at the enterprise and on what kind of transport ensures the supply of the section blocks to the slipway. In large, well-equipped plants, the weight of the blocks fed to the slipway reaches 600-700 tons (when two cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 350 tons are operating, providing the block is fed in a paired way, or when assembling the ship on a horizontal construction site).

Rice. 81. Scheme of forming the hull at the slipway in various ways; a - pyramidal; b - island; c - block (Roman numerals show block numbers).

With the block method on the slipway, only work on the installation of bottomhole sections is performed, various designs, electrical installation and other fitting work.

The elements of the hull exposed on the slipway to reduce the overall welding deformations are in most cases formed in three ways: pyramidal, island and block (Fig. 81). These methods make it possible to assemble and weld the hull with a wide front, significantly reducing the construction time of the ship.

With pyramidal m In this method, the hull is assembled from sections and the formation of the hull begins either from the middle of the vessel or from the stern. The exposed initial sections form a semblance of a stepped pyramid, from where this method got its name.

Island the method of forming the hull consists in the simultaneous laying of several sections along the length of the vessel, which are later joined by bottomhole sections. This method reduces the construction period of the vessel due to the expansion of the scope of work.

Blocky the method is used when forming a hull on a slipway from pre-assembled and welded blocks of sections or blocks. The use of this method is rational in the serial construction of ships of medium and small displacement. With the block method, the formation of the body begins with the installation of the base block, after which adjacent blocks are joined to it, simultaneously along both walls.

There are two methods of organizing the construction of the vessel: flow-position and flow-brigade.

At flow-positional method construction, assembly and installation of ship blocks are carried out at separate positions on special carts that move to new positions. With this method, specialized teams of workers are assigned to certain positions of work, the teams have permanent jobs and perform homogeneous work.

The flow-position method is widely used in the serial construction of small and medium-sized ships.

Thread-brigade method lies in the fact that specialized teams of workers, after performing a certain amount of work, move from one ship to another. With this method, the team does not have permanent jobs, which leads to unproductive loss of time. This method is used in the serial construction of large sea vessels, when their movement from position to position is unprofitable.

Descent to the vessel and on the water is carried out after all the work related to ensuring the strength and sealing of its hull has been completed.

Descenders can be of the following five types:

1) inclined stocks from which the ship descends on an inclined plane under its own weight. The vessel must be placed on launch skids that slide along the sloped surface of the launch tracks. Launching inclined stocks can be designed for longitudinal descent, in which the vessel descends into the water stern first, or for transverse descent, in which the launched vessel enters the water sideways;

2) construction docks, representing a pit separated from the water area by a gate or a floating gate, called a batoport. The batoport is sunk on the threshold in the head of the dock and stops the flow of water into the dock when it is drained. At the construction dock, the ship is either built or brought there on carts, especially for launching. To launch the ship, the dock is filled with water and the ship floats to the surface. Upon reaching the same level in the dock and in the water area, the gates open. If the dock is closed by a batoport, then water is pumped out of it and, acquiring buoyancy, it emerges, opening the entrance to the dock, and then the SHIP is taken out of the dock;

3) dock camera, which is being built at the level of the territory of the plant next to the pit, located below the water level and used to launch the vessel. After the ship is fed into the docking chamber on trolleys, the gates from the side of the plant and the second gate located in the part of the pit bordering the water area are closed.

Water is pumped into the docking chamber, the vessel emerges from the carts and is taken aside over the pit. After that, the water from the dock chamber is lowered, and the ship is lowered into the pit, in which the water level is equal to the water level in the water area. The outer gates are opened, and the ship is brought out into the open water;

4) on the descender for vertical descent, the vessel is brought on carts and vertically lowered using screw or hydraulic devices into the water;

5) slip- a mechanized device designed for launching and lifting ships on trolleys along inclined rail tracks, side to the water. The speed of the vessel during descent or ascent is regulated by traction winches with rigging equipment. There are other various types of slipways.

Outfitting work afloat is carried out after the vessel is launched into the water. The minimum amount of work is left for completion: adjustment of mechanisms and devices, testing them in conditions close to operational, sewing up insulation, finishing the premises, painting, installing equipment and other final work. The launched vessel is diverted to the outfitting quay, on which energy networks are provided (supply of electric current, compressed air, gases, water, etc.), crane facilities and devices for mooring the vessel and delivering all types of supplies to it.

All ship machines, mechanisms and devices, after the completion of their installation, are adjusted and tested in operation, if possible, in conditions close to operational ones, at the outfitting wall of the plant. When testing the main power plants and the propulsion complex, the ship is attached with mooring cables to the mooring wall (therefore, all tests carried out at the outfitting wall are commonly called mooring tests).

After eliminating all the shortcomings found during the mooring trials of the ship, a program of sea trials is drawn up, and the ship enters the sea, acceptance tests conducted by the state commission. On sea trials, the actual qualities of the vessel are officially determined: speed, handling and other seaworthy and technical and economic characteristics. On the basis of state tests, an act of acceptance of the vessel is drawn up, and after the elimination of minor imperfections, it is considered to have entered service.

Shipping is an industry that depends not only on fairways, depth under the keel and brave captains. In many ways, the success of shipping campaigns depends on shipbuilding and ship repair, anddesign of workshops for shipbuilding enterprisesis a rather popular service provided by the design and engineering company V-GRAND. Ship repair is often closely related to shipbuilding. Works on the restoration and repair of ships can be carried out where they were built. Or in parallel, the construction of other ships, individual units and components intended for the shipping industry is being carried out. Modern enterprises belonging to this industry are increasingly combined:

  • shipbuilding and ship repair - when ship repair shops and sites are opened at shipyards;
  • ship repair and shipbuilding - when ship repair enterprises are slowly mastering small shipbuilding.

It is produced taking into account the fact that shipbuilding plants are a complex of enterprises equipped with equipment and machinery, consisting of:

  • from various workshops and sites;
  • lifting and handling equipment systems;
  • its own water area intended for launching ships into the water, settling, etc.

The specificity of shipbuilding plants lies in the fact that they provide full maintenance of ships. What is necessarily taken into account by the specialists of the company V-GRAND.

Calculation of production capacities in the design of docks, shipyards and workshops of shipbuilding enterprises

Performing p designing of workshops of shipbuilding enterprisesour engineers develop a package of documents for individual sections or the entire production complex based on the full maintenance of the vessel.

The production facilities of shipbuilding and ship repair plants are located on the banks of river or sea areas.

In cases where loading docks are used, slipways are designed, on which ships will subsequently be installed in order to raise them above the water level. Thanks to this approach, it becomes possible to simultaneously service several ships at once, which cannot be achieved in dry docks. The water level of loading docks is calculated using tools such as process factors.
