Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Hexagram 5 who are these three people. Outer and Inner worlds. Positions for awareness

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

in the manifested world.
There is no end to the blue ocean. Life is raging, filled with dangerous events.
A plateau consisting of pure gold begins to emerge from under the water to the surface. Through obstacles, hardships and dangers, a priceless treasure begins to appear from the inner plane.
Ocean waves will wash and polish gold so that it will illuminate the whole world! It is thanks to dangerous trials that a beautiful treasure will appear and shine.
Heaven's gift! This is a gift from heaven, a gift from God!

In the subtle world (on the subconscious), the picture is similar, which doubles the power of what is happening.
Flames shot up to the sky, illuminating everything around. Passions boil, emotions boil. All attention is captured by the ongoing events (the property of fire is cohesion). There is complete clarity.
Under the fire, a beautiful underground lake woke up with ingots of gold at the bottom. Passions will give rise to a concrete decision containing a valuable treasure.
The water will put out the fire and turn into steam itself. Ingots of gold will appear from the ground. Joyful achievement will extinguish the fire of passions. The clarity of what is happening will be completely lost. It’s not at all clear why it all happened, why did it happen to me? Stable bonds (cohesion of fire) will also be destroyed. A joyful accomplishment will reveal valuable gold bars hidden in the depths of the subconscious.
The marvelous radiance of gold bars will illuminate the world. As a result of serious and unexpected trials, a person will begin to radiate wonderful higher vibrations into the world!

General interpretation of hexagram No. 5

In the manifested reality, a plateau of gold will sparkle so brightly and cleanly only because it is well washed in high water, only because of serious obstacles, hardships and problems. So Her Majesty KARMA cleans out everything unnecessary, alluvial, leaving only pure gold, only pure radiance of love, as a gift from God. In the subtle world, unshakable connections will be shaken, the clarity of what is happening will be completely lost. This is what always happens when KARMA enters the scene, inexplicable, not obeying the logic of the current play of life. Her Majesty KARMA writes her completely incomprehensible scenarios. It is impossible to explain it, it is useless to fight it. You just have to accept everything and wait until the situation is resolved and the gold hidden in the depths with a vengeance (in the outer world and in the subconscious) sparkles with a joyful accomplishment through the thickness of waters, troubles, passions and obstacles.

It is favorable to accept everything passively and with love, without losing faith in the happy outcome of events, which will certainly happen here. Any action to combat external problems is likely to only exacerbate them.



FREE WILL - there are no obstacles to the implementation of any action. Everything will be put into practice, like clockwork.
FREE WILL will easily make it possible to realize the most unbridled desires and fantasies, to achieve well-being and success in any business. This is a very big danger of forgetting in great achievements and losing the most precious thing - your soul. Therefore, FREE WILL, as a rule, generates KARMA.


Positions for awareness:

1. A negative act is nothing more than a consequence of karmic problems. And where can negative action come from if there is no negativity in the soul. Negative emotion in the soul is primary, action is secondary.The connection between emotions and karmic problems is direct and close: a constant negative emotion that appears with appropriate irritating factors indicates the presence of a karmic problem (deformation of the soul pattern). A negative external action does not always indicate the presence of a negative emotion, and, therefore, a karmic problem. A person who has committed a negative act may not even have karmic problems. His act, perhaps, manifested itself only once under the influence of a rush of energy that is not characteristic of this person. This act may simply be random or caused by someone else's strong emotion. After all, emotion is energy that manifests itself where the appropriate conditions have been created. If a person experiencing a strong negative emotion never loses control over himself, then he will never commit acts that manifest this emotion. This does not mean at all that there is no deformation of the structure of the soul, that is, karmic problems. It also does not mean that the energy (emotion) will remain without realization. Maybe, after some time, circumstances will develop thousands of kilometers away, there will be people who only slightly resonate with this emotion and who are not able to control themselves. This will be enough for the energy of the emotion to manifest itself in specific negative actions. On the physical plane, all the blame will fall on these people, from the point of view of karmic problems, the responsibility lies with a person with a strong negative emotion. Although he, most likely, will never even know about the specific manifestations of the energy generated by him. Thus, the true perpetrator of a crime is not necessarily the person who committed the crime. It is also not necessary that a person who has not done anything bad in life has pure karma. Watch your emotions and thoughts, they are more significant than specific actions.

2. All actions of a person are imprinted in the pattern of his soul. This is how karma is formed, which determines the fate of a person. Any significant negative act of a person will cause in his future life a situation where this person himself will be affected by similar actions. Thus, karmic problems cannot be quickly overcome. They should be worked out. This explains why a person who has embarked on the path of purification experiences so much suffering throughout, perhaps, his entire life.

3. There is no karma at all. And there is a response to events that has developed over the course of a person’s life under the influence of various factors. This is what determines the different behavior of people in similar circumstances. Such reactions can be developed purposefully. This reaction, together with many life accidents, shapes our destiny.

4. The law of karma is inevitable until active awareness is turned on. Our thoughts are determined by past experiences and shape all the events around us. A conscious change of thoughts, by refusing to condemn and any assessments, burns karma. External negative events will not come, despite the negative experience of the past, because the very reason that causes them, the negative thought, disappears. Karma must be burned by awareness!

5. Thoughts and emotions form our subtle energy structure. Further, like attracts like. If we condemn someone, then these vibrations are in our energy shell (aura). This means that everything that we condemn will be attracted into our life, like a magnet. This is called the law of Karma, meaning only the external manifestations of the law of attraction of like to like.

6. The Law of Karma is the inevitable law of Divine justice. If you act inharmoniously, you cause damage to someone, you will have to get into a similar situation yourself. The law of karma is the law of heavenly justice, which cannot be deceived.

7. Love reigns in the world, not inevitable revenge. If a person has changed and repented, why should he continue to be a victim of his negative past deeds. The past is long gone, and the person here and now is completely different. Would you punish a repentant child? And even more so, God is love itself. Karma is burned by remorse.

8. There is no law of Karma. Just look around, no matter how badly a person does, if he himself believes that he did everything right, then he lives very well. And vice versa, if a very worthy, virtuous person considers himself a sinner and is waiting for punishment, then punishment in the form of various trials and misfortunes will surely come to him. Where is the law of Karma? The materialization of thoughts is what rules the world!

9. “Nothing is ever gone until it teaches us what we need to know.” – Pema Chodron

10 . "Karma is an unfinished energy" - Kryon (Carroll Lee).

11 . Let's say I killed a person and earned negative karma. It is generally accepted that karma will be worked out when I myself am killed under similar circumstances. This opinion reflects the general bias in the minds of people in the direction of everything material, manifested. But karma deforms the subtle structures of consciousness; it cannot be touched by hands. Therefore, even if they kill me a hundred times, but I will consider myself absolutely right in that initial situation, then absolutely nothing will change. If this situation happens again, I will kill in the same way. There is only one way out of the circles of karma, when I sincerely tell myself that I was wrong, and for this it is not at all necessary to be killed in the manifested reality.

12. “Whoever does not understand his past will be forced to relive it again,” Buddha.

13 . The misfortunes in your life testify to unconscious karmic problems.

14 . The unhappiness in your life indicates that you are on the verge of moving to a new higher level of consciousness.

15 . “The unfair thing that I do to another person becomes my own destiny.” - Bert Hellinger.

16 . “Karma is more than just unfinished business. Karma is not a punishment for actions in the past. The attribute of condemnation has nothing to do with God. Karma is the feeling of past lifetimes and the emotional response that pushes you to either do it again or stay away from it.” – Kryon “Recalibrating Humanity” channeled by Carroll Lee.

17. A person is greater than karma and can discard it. “The new energy brings new survival motivators for ancient souls and ideas where karma will no longer enter your brain. We advised you to get rid of karma, because it is no longer needed. Go forward with the energy of the Akashic that you create for your future, and do not be guided by ideas from the past,” Kryon “Recalibrating Humanity” channeled by Carroll Lee.

18. “The only law of karma, the law is eternal and unchanging, is harmony in the world of matter, as absolute as it is in the world of spirit. It follows from this that it is not karma that rewards or punishes us, but we ourselves reward or punish ourselves, depending on whether we work together with nature, being in harmony with its laws, or violate them, ”- Blavatsky E.

19. “How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours.” – Wayne Dyer

20. “Master, what is karma? - Karma is the gratitude of the Universe for your deeds. - Gratitude? - What affairs, such and gratitude!- Moriko Kitsune.

21. “We reiterate that there is no greater love in the universe than when best friends come into the world of duality to hurt each other if it is appropriate for their training, one puts on a mask of anger and hatred, and the other is in the position of a victim, and they go through life, exchanging the energy of hatred. There is no greater love. For this is karma at its most powerful, filled to the brim with destiny that needs to be worked through and released.” – Kryon

22. “The biggest and most important problems in life are unsolvable. They can only be outgrown.” – Carl Gustav Jung

23. “What people usually call fate is, in essence, only a collection of stupid things they have done,” - Arthur Schopenhauer.

24. “I saw a bug and got so angry at the unfortunate insect that I didn’t even press it. Why give the bloodsucker martyrdom? To improve the bedbug's karma so that in the next life he will be reborn at a higher level of samsara? Shish to him, not samsara, ”- Boris Akunin. From the life of chips.

25. “If you have a good memory, a developed imagination and honesty with yourself, you are aware of the absolute inevitability of the past,” - Mikhail Veller. Ringlet.

26. “I don’t really believe in karma because too often bad things happen to good people.” Hawaii 5.0 / Hawaii Police (Hawaii Five-0).

27. “Karma has a specific effect: non-virtuous actions always cause suffering, and virtuous actions always bring happiness. If you sow goodness, you will reap happiness; if you sow evil, you will reap suffering,” His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. My way.

28. “If you no longer like the world, and you can’t change it, leave the world to your own karma and go away,” Boris Akunin. Not saying goodbye.

29. “Probably, there is still karma. The only pity is that universal justice often gets to the grooms than to the dukes, ”- Nadezhda Kuzmina. A couple is not a couple - a guy is not a guy.

30. “You may meet a very good person who is having a very hard time, and you, an outside observer, may think that it is unfair that such a good person is suffering so much, or that this person is paying for extremely heavy karma. But you may be wrong. How do you know that this person endures pain and suffering not in order to understand how this pain and suffering can be removed from those who will come after him? Do not think that this is always retribution for bad karma. It can be the accumulation of good karma.” – Lobsang Rampa Thirteenth Candle.

31. “The laws of Karma impress me most of all in them. "He who offended a donkey in this life will become a donkey himself in the next." Not to mention cows. A very fair system. But the deeper you delve, the more interesting: who did you offend in a past life? - Mariam Petrosyan. The house where...


Wait, expect; pay attention to what is needed; wait for the right moment; participate in the sacrifice.

figurative row
The owner of the truth - the original accomplishment.
Resilience is a blessing.
Favorable ford across the great river.

This is the time to wait and study the situation. Find out what is required in this situation. Wait for the right moment to act. The connection with the spirits (original fulfillment) will ensure success. The way is open (happiness). Soon the time will be right to step into the river of life with your goal, start a project or start a business.

Take the time to evaluate events, carefully carry out all current affairs. Sharing food and drink with other people is in harmony with the spirit of this time. This is not the time to step forward, uphold principles, or conquer mountain peaks.

The situation is full of beneficial rest, peace of mind, contentment and harmony. Have patience. Waiting can lead to glory and great things.


  1. The full moon signifies the prospect of a very successful career.
  2. The gate means that heaven always leaves the door open.
  3. A person holding on to a dragon's tail means "trying to achieve success by holding on to the tails of a great master."
  4. Monk registrar means that you will be led by a well-deserved person.
  5. The grave means that twelve is a lucky number.
Expectation. If you are sincere, great success will come. Resilience is a blessing. Auspicious time to cross the great river.
  1. This is the hexagram of August. It is good for spring and winter.
  2. Water (upper trigram) evaporates and becomes clouds in the sky. The peasant is waiting for the clouds to become rain. But this takes time.

sky covered with clouds.
Symbol: The clouds are gathering, but it is not raining.

Explanation of individual yaos according to Zhou Gong

First Yao.

Initial nine. Waiting in the meadow. It's good to continue with what you have at the moment. This is the correct approach.
  1. Wait a little, because the right time has not yet come.
  2. Postpone your newly conceived plan.
  3. Your partner is in trouble, he or she cannot give you what you are asking for.
Second Yao.
Nine second. Waiting on the sand by the river. Bad gossip spread. Eventually there will be luck.
  1. Your friend may be in trouble; don't get involved in it.
  2. When pure-hearted selflessness is seen, the whole world will step aside to let you pass.
  3. Take it easy. Don't get into a fight.
Third Yao.
Nine third. Waiting in the mud, the enemy is coming.
  1. You meet general opposition because of your carelessness.
  2. If you don't take care of yourself, you will face poverty and your girlfriend will find a new love.
Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. Expectation is in the blood. Try to get out of the hole.
  1. Don't try to resort to violence.
  2. The situation is very dangerous. You have to stand still and let fate take its course.
  3. The patient needs an operation.
Fifth Yao.
Nine fifth. Waiting for food and drink. The perseverant will get good luck.
  1. Stay tuned for good news.
  2. Good food is not a luxury for you now.
  3. You will recover from illness.
Sixth Yao.
Top six. Fall into a hole. Three unexpected guests appear. Entertain them, and in the end there will be luck.
  1. The wait is over. Precautions must be taken to move forward in this situation.
  2. If there are three of us, at least one of the other two is qualified to be my teacher in some area.
  3. Three years of hard work will be crowned with success.

General interpretation of the hexagram according to Y. Shutsky.

In the process of development of the underdeveloped, it is with special force that the need for planning and endurance comes into play, i.e. "the need to wait." And regarding self-education - one of the types of education in general - Myn-chzy cites the following parable:

"It is necessary [all the time] to work [on oneself], but not [to count on] immediate success. Let the consciousness not forget about this matter, and do not" help growth. was depressed that his seedlings did not grow, and began to pull them out.

Having worked so hard, he returned home and said to his family: "How tired I am today! I helped the shoots grow." His son ran to look at the seedlings, but they were already withered. Few people in the world don't "help" grow like that."

However, this does not mean passive expectation of favorable circumstances, but, on the contrary, the most active preparatory activity: the lower trigram is “creativity”, which is still concentrated inside and does not yet manifest itself outside, because it is surrounded by fog and clouds (the upper trigram is the outside world - water).

If each event has its own cause, then by correctly creating the causes of future events, we prepare them correct implementation. By creating truth now, its realization can be left to the future, when it will manifest itself. Therefore, at this stage, "possession" is essential, and then its "brilliance", its evidence will develop by itself.

With such a distribution of activities, the very "need to wait" acquires a slightly different meaning, and it is here that it is appropriate to indicate its final result, the opportunity to undertake a large and serious business - to cross the great river - through the entire stream human life in order to fruitfully achieve the highest ideal of human perfection.

This image finds its support in the hexagram itself: with all the fullness of the internal forces of creativity, courage and clarity in front of the dangerous watery abyss of the environment - and resolutely move into it.

These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows: The need to wait. Have the truth. Then its brilliance will develop, and steadfastness will be fortunate. Favorable ford across the great river.

The fisherman can put down his line, but he can still wait for the fish to bite. Your catch will be in due time; you cannot influence events to achieve success earlier than it is destined - neither by work, nor by planning, nor by desire. Perhaps you should put in more effort, but only through patience will you come to success.

Act cautiously but decisively in everything you do. The situation requires consistency and perseverance. Waiting is important skill; patience is a powerful force. Time is an ally for those who have inner strength - the strength that allows you to be uncompromisingly honest with yourself, sticking to the path that you have charted. If you persevere and keep positive attitude, time will weaken even the most difficult obstacles.

Line interpretation:

Line 1 (bottom line)

Disturbing events will occur and cause fear. But don't react to everything prematurely. Just keep order in your life. Don't try to change the path that was meant for you. You are heading in the right direction; don't get impatient or greedy. Let go of worrying thoughts.

There may be gossip about you, but in the end everything will dissipate if you remain calm and generous. All unpleasant situations will be resolved by themselves. Be like the sand that accumulates over time and turns into embankments or dams. Sand is finer than stone but harder than soil. Like sand, you must be strong and calm, even if others blame you. Don't fight, take a neutral stance.

You feel stuck - like in the mud - and your enemies can take advantage of this. You are in an open area. Be careful and considerate in relationships and be on your guard. This will prevent trouble.

You may be isolated and in a vulnerable position. Although escape is necessary, the only way out at this time is to remain calm and patient. Now there is no chance of success; survival is the main issue. Accept the situation as it is.

There is often a pause in the midst of difficult situations; use this moment to strengthen your position, and don't dwell on the whirlwind of events around you, relax for a while. Have fun, but recharge your batteries at the same time, don't drain them to the point of exhaustion. If you are on leadership position, give people on your team time to relax and enjoy life, which will increase the enjoyment of their work.

Line 6 (top line)

You may fall into an abyss. This is a difficult time. When all your plans are going upside down, it's best to walk away from the situation gracefully. Stay careful and attentive; help will appear at the most unexpected moment. If it lingers, remember that every test you go through makes you stronger. Good luck is waiting for you.


When something we've been waiting for a very long time finally arrives, it seems like a surprise.
Mark Twain


Water corresponds to the North, Sky - to the north-west. (We talked about Water and Sky in detail in previous guas.)


Anticipation. Expectation. The need to wait.

Composition Explanation

The path of drinking and temptation, then - excitement. The Lord works like KAN, fights like QIAN. Earth and Sky set the position. Inverted Sky. Waiting.

Structure Explanation

Waiting is out of need, but being cautiously tense, you will not fall into an ambush, therefore, in waiting - the presence of trust. The joy of eating at a feast. Temptations of the flesh with drink and food.

The structure of both guas



Prolonged absence of trouble. Boredom in the suburbs. Constancy of patience.


Minor news that accidentally reached your ears will help solve the problem happily. Don't resist the news, let it pass through you.


The birth of negatives in oneself. Inadequacy of actions from forced inaction (Onegin, who started a quarrel with Lensky at the ball at the Larins).



Persistence, perseverance as a character trait. Obedience, exit from the vicious circle of being to solve problems.


Pleasure in a fun pastime, enjoyment of wine and food, some relaxation, gaiety, stress relief.


The arrival of guests who will help in many ways, to accept them is a duty and a blessing. Although the place of Yin is at the bottom, and not at the top, the arrival of unexpected guests is possible, which then turns out to be good.

The main thing in gua

At an early stage in the development of any event, it is necessary to reinforce action, waiting - anticipation. Anticipation is the way of eating and drinking, the way of contacts with people and news. This path leads to litigation, but is necessary to continue.

Main thesis

Need to take it easy external events without predicting misfortune and negative events.

Divinatory Aspect

Trust in the situation is essential.
Patience and endurance will be very useful, they will save you from trouble.
Do not shun the news, even a word accidentally dropped by someone can help solve problems. There are no trifles in life.
Expect happy changes in the near future.
Do not perform "feats" for the sake of boredom, remain yourself and think about the consequences.
Be respectful, scrupulous, hospitable with unexpected guests - they are sent to your house not just like that, but with benefit.
Know how to sometimes relax by eating delicious food and drink. Be kind and generous. Observe the golden mean in everything. Treat three guests especially respectfully. Your number is three.
Trust yourself and fate. The image of your trust is the yang fifth line of the XU sign, which means gaining what is expected.
Do not open completely, for the steam has just risen into the sky, wait for the harmonious merging of Yang and Yin, soon it will rain, and you will stand under its life-giving streams.

Correspondence with Tarot

Here there is, first of all, a correspondence to the two Arcana of the Tarot: Slowing down, Waiting - Nine of Wands and Arcana XIV, Moderation, which is considered one of the four (according to Aristotle) ​​virtues. Also, all four Tarot aces can be taken into account here, which mean: TM - Intentions, TZ - Accomplishments, TK - Feeling, TP - Retribution.

The considered gua prophesies purely everyday aspects, including the aspect of "rest from the labors of the righteous", therefore 4 M also has an influence on the field of the situation, the meaning of which is the Lord of rest from the Struggle, or the Sleeping Knight. In addition, the harmonization of the situation takes place under a low "module" - under the influence of the Two of Swords. The shedding of blood and tears can go through the Five of Cups, which in an inverted position means family ties.

The curbing goes according to Arcanum XV, the Devil, but I think that here we can get by with Arcanum XIV in the negative, which means a violation of rationality in the use of drink and food. And here, both in life and in the theoretical understanding of the situation, the vibrations of the Eight of Wands come into force, the meaning of which is the Lord of Speed.

For now, endurance will serve you well. Don't neglect trifles. Keep talking about the insignificant, you will find out what you need.

Favorable time for relationships with people, neighbors. Receive a guest, or three guests, with bread and salt. Be respectful and decent. Observe the golden mean in food and drink. Forbearance is a gift. Don't do stupid things out of boredom.

Anticipation is the path of temptation, on which there is bound to be litigation, so let's move on to the sixth sign, SUN, litigation.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Public position, politics.

Trust, patience, endurance are the necessary criteria for success. Communication with people, negotiations will be good. In the near future, success in work and politics is possible.

2. Business (everything connected with the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

In business - a temporary drop in profits, but in the future - growth. The main thing is communication with partners, love for Taurus as such and love for the business you are doing. Be demanding, but in moderation.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Bohemian relationships, craving for intellectual communication more than for sex. Theaters, presentations, guests, restaurants, night vigils alone with Bacchus are not uncommon. But don't cross the line.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Excellent interpersonal relationships. The person who got this gua is the soul of any company. It makes sense to try yourself in diplomacy. The role of the world "peacemaker".

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Occupational diseases and metabolic disorders with the wrong lifestyle.

6. Trend.

True, wise position, everything will be decided by moderation, time.


The number "fourteen" means change and transformation, because from the new moon to the full moon and vice versa - fourteen days. The card expresses the highest continuation of the world. The essence of the Arcana is this: if attention is directed to the subconscious, then the subconscious reveals its contents, enriching the consciousness, like a stream of living water. But if the two halves of your mental life are separated, the conscious and the subconscious are sterile.

The Minor Arcana, Aces of all stripes, and other Arcana can also be put in line. The main thing is the golden mean, the observance of all traditions, including the commandments. Everything will come in due time, but you need to try very hard.

Vera Sklyarova. Card canon "I-Ching"

In this hexagram, the lower primary trigram, Heaven, still bears alternative name- “creativity”, because its main characteristic is to create, to create. It implies activity, movement and positive force. Above it is Water, which symbolizes danger and thus prevents activity. Therefore, the fifth hexagram speaks of the need to wait in order to avoid danger.

Waiting for the right moment is one of the key features of the I Ching, in this situation it is given special importance.

Refuse vigorous activity on principle, curb your impatience and calmly wait for a more opportune moment before thoroughly embarking on any business.

Be determined to achieve this attitude and resist the urge to act hastily, because being assertive will lead you straight into the abyss and result in failure and suffering.

However, if you carefully continue to move forward, step by step, you will have the opportunity to achieve the goal later. The same advice is given by nuclear trigrams - Fire and Water - symbolizing warmth and joy. Therefore, persistently adhere to the advice of the hexagram. When a sage stands on the bank of a flooding river, he will wait until the water level drops to calmly cross it.

A wish

Now it cannot be done. If you wait wisely, you will soon turn things to your advantage.


Maintain and patiently nurture relationships. Be honest and you can count on luck. Impatience will lead to a break, followed by humiliation.


Barriers, delays and waiting. The only chance for success is "running a long distance". If you heed the advice and behave properly, then the marriage will come true.

Pregnancy, childbirth

There is a chance that the pregnancy period will last longer than usual. There won't be any problems. Regarding the sex of the child, the chances are fifty-fifty.

Health status

Diseases of the abdomen, intestines, blood and brain. Long term illness.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Circumstances are not in your favor. Make compromises if possible. If not, give up completely or step back.


There will be many delays before you begin your journey.

Exam, test

Worse than expected. You must be better prepared.

Work, business, specialization

Wait for the best opportunity.


Cloudy, later showers.

lucky color

Bright yellow, black.

lucky numbers

1, 5, 6

Changing Traits


Peace has come to an end, problems arise from everywhere. Perhaps you feel like you're in a hopeless situation. Do not give up; remember: it is usually dark before dawn. Help will come suddenly, and the situation will change for the better if you can recognize support. So be completely open.

Fifth (dominant)

Difficulties are expected at the moment. But remember that this is a temporary state of affairs. Use this period to review the situation more calmly and more objectively. During this calm period, you should be aware that the problem is not yet solved, that difficulties will again make themselves felt, and that you still need to put in a lot of effort to get help.


You are waiting in the middle of chaos. Any attempt to resist the problem will only make matters worse. Immediately, trying not to attract attention, get out of this situation.


You begin to doubt that you can achieve anything worth while being on the Right Path. Anxiety causes you to take premature actions that leave you vulnerable to new attacks. The situation is not easy, because you are too scrupulous. Your only defense is extreme caution and the elimination of base elements such as doubt and fear.


Attempts to achieve the intended goal will only lead to new difficulties. There is a chance that unpleasant rumors will spread about you. If this happens, don't try to make excuses. Move away from the situation and achieve inner peace. The truth will eventually come out.


You may get the impression that a serious problem is coming, and this feeling makes you uneasy. Prepare for this, but never mind the supposed dangerous consequences. Better stay calm inside. Giving way to such a low element as fear, you only undermine your strength. Therefore, drop it and live as usual.
