Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Divination without cards. “If all desires were fulfilled as soon as they arose, what would fill human life then, how to kill time?” - Arthur Schopenhauer. Thoughts. “Two things a real man wants: danger and play. That's why he needs a woman

The Da Chu hexagram does not promise much, but what it brings with it will be reliable and real. And you must admit, sometimes a small one is better, but real success than an illusory large-scale ... soap bubble. This situation teaches a person not to be deceived by size and quantity, but to pay more attention to quality.

The Da Chu hexagram teaches a person to value quality, not quantity. But there is a small nuance that determines the future. The Da Chu hexagram implies that the future will be qualitative or quantitative exactly as much as you yourself want it to be. For example, if quantity is important, then it will be so, really. Its quality leaves much to be desired. If this is money, there will be a lot of them, but they will be small, if friends are unfaithful, and so on. And, on the contrary, if quality is important, then in the future you will meet only one person, but it will cost many, if it is finances, then you can realize something grandiose on them.

In addition, the Da Chu hexagram warns: do not demand too much from yourself and do not expect dimensionless bounties from fate. The more modest the claims are, the more happiness and joy you can get from what awaits you, otherwise you will even lose what you have.

The Da Chu hexagram predicts the fulfillment of the simplest desires and aspirations, so do not expect too much, but appreciate even the little that will come into your life. It is like a grain: something wonderful will grow out of it. And if you cannot accept it with respect, then you will be left with nothing.

Also, in no case do not force events, let everything go on as it should. The more natural the process, the more positive the result it will bring with it.

© Alexey Kupreichik

Big accumulation

When a greedy man is presented with gold, he is dissatisfied with the fact that he was not presented with jasper, and when he is promoted to guna, he is indignant at the fact that he was not granted the title of hou. Although he is powerful and rich, he likes to appear poor. To those who know how to live in contentment, quinoa stew will seem sweeter than selected rice, a linen dressing gown is warmer than a fox fur coat, the lot of a taxable person is more enviable than the fate of a courtier.
hun zicheng




Big Accumulation. Cluster. Great food. Raising big. Retention is great. Big increment.

Structure Explanation

The sky is in the environment of the Mountain, it accumulates potential. Previous experience contributes to this.

The structure of both guas



Do not succumb to disasters, they are temporary and pass as Thunder passes.


Temporary difficulties are possible, keep your chariot in order, do not let the spokes of the wheels fall off.


Chase after the worthy, work for the good of yourself and others, prepare the rear.



Protect yourself, protect what you have accumulated with your own labor.


Work hard, but know how to celebrate, be generous in this.


Carry the work on your shoulders, as Atlas holds the Earth, compare yourself with the worthy.

Divinatory Aspect

Wealth in all forms.
Hard work, concern for the benefits.
Observance of vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. Will of Heaven.

Correspondence with Tarot

Ace of Pentacles.

Objects are taken care of, and after that, food is possible, so this is accepted through the sign AND, JAWS.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Public position, politics.

Wealth, success of a huge scale. Luck is absolutely in everything connected with accumulation.

2. Business (everything connected with the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

You can use the funds to open new businesses, including abroad. Incomes are guaranteed, difficulties can be overcome.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Passionate love, romance of life. Don't miss the great chance.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

In interpersonal relationships, you need to be careful that others do not sit on your neck. Difficulties in relations with children are possible due to their excessive spoilage.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Take special care of your health. There may be problems with the central nervous system, circulatory organs.

6. Trend.

Work, protection of the accumulated, increase in wealth, the ability to relax, the generosity of feasts, but for the benefit of oneself and others. The vector is positive. Observance of the commandments, as, however, and always, is obligatory.


Wealth in the Tarot represents the suit of Pentacles and the quintessence of the suit - Ace. It symbolizes fertility, views of a good harvest, and not only grain crops...

Delight, euphoria, ecstasy, perfection. Beauty, happiness, gains in all aspects and manifestations of life. This is a high position, reaching the top of the social ladder, for creative people - recognition of their merits.

But to this card, the Ace of Pentacles, it is important at the same time to be especially careful. Pentacles, material goods are objects of temptation, and they should be used only for good.

Like a river that has been dammed up, or a digester with a lid, holding and containing energy has tremendous potential. In ordinary times, daily rituals and habits help keep life orderly and calm, but in times of exceptional opportunity, inner strength of personality is required. To achieve maximum success, you need to focus on this potential.

You have significant reserves of energy and support. This is a great time to develop creativity by collecting and organizing your best ideas and plans. Now even big and difficult undertakings can be successful.

A hidden source of power for those who do noble deeds is the study of the past. The lives of wise and successful men and women are like treasures buried on earth. Great fortune comes to those who unearth such valuable treasures by applying the lessons of the times to their present situation.

Line interpretation:

Line 1 (bottom line)

A changing line in the first position indicates that it is not yet time to act. Perhaps you really want to start a new business as soon as possible, but it seems that there is an obstacle in your way. Wait for the best time to release your energy.

There is no point in fighting now. The forces opposing you are too strong, patient waiting is needed now. If you wait a little, your energy will build up to take energetic action when the time is right.

Now the road is clear, and you can safely hit the road. But be careful, stay alert to notice the approaching threats in time and prevent them.

Precautions taken in time can prevent misfortune. In ancient times, a board was attached to the forehead of young bulls so that their horns could not hurt anyone. Likewise, it's wise to hold back reckless forces before they do a lot of damage. Only in this way will you succeed, because prevention is better than cure. When destructive forces threaten, extreme precautions are needed. Do not rule out the fact that the destructive force, in this case, may be within you.

When you are confronted with a powerful force, it is often better to deal with the problem through indirect action. The bullfighter restrains the bull, not blocking his path, but deftly retreating. Thus, he acquires power over him. Similarly, by understanding the source of your problem, you will be able to eradicate it. Good luck awaits.

Line 6 (top line)

Supreme luck! Great and powerful forces that Lately hampered by temporary restrictions, now they have gained their power. Use your Creative skills to move forward. Feel free to take on new levels of responsibility. You have the opportunity to show your strong positive influence.

In China, this hexagram is called Da-chu, which means accumulation, storage, concentration, fullness and abundance. We may notice that the lower trigram, Heaven, which symbolizes strength and creative energy, is trying to expand and move forward; the upper trigram, Mountain, blocks the manifestation of creative energy. Therefore, the energy will accumulate, increase and increase until it reaches a critical level. Only then will it show itself in action.

Concentrated energy means exactly that you must gather all forms of your energy, harness it and then, by controlling it, direct it towards the achievement of the goal. This is the basic principle of transforming the kinetic energy of water into electrical energy: First, a dam is built to block the river, thus creating an artificial lake. Then the potential energy grows up to a certain level, and then it goes to the turbines.

This image refers to events in your personal life. Collecting and conserving energy means accumulating wealth, information, awareness of the goals you want to achieve, mobilizing the necessary personal qualities to achieve them, and waiting for the right moment to act.

The same principle must be applied to the leader (when he receives this hexagram), if he adheres to the path of cosmic harmony. A group is a collection of individuals with different types of energy who must take joint action to achieve a common goal. If the group does not gather enough energy, or the leader does not bring it into a harmonious state, the energy will dissipate in various directions, without bringing any positive result.

Let's summarize: this hexagram advises to accumulate energy and wait for the right moment. Your knowledge, wealth, power and intention are in the process of maturation and fulfillment. Over time, they will show themselves in action. After a temporary stagnation, the situation can be expected to improve.

A wish

You will have many problems, downturns and delays at first. If you do not act impulsively and hastily, you will eventually fulfill your desire. Either way, this will take time. Haste can ruin everything.


A third party, or perhaps your long-term relatives, or your partner's relatives, will bring problems. Stay strong and the relationship will be successful.


Although you are drawn by an irresistible desire to marry this person, restrain yourself. relax and wait for the right moment. Perhaps this means that the other side must take the first step.

Pregnancy, childbirth

Pregnancy will last longer than usual. Complications are possible. a boy will be born.

Health status

Long-term diseases of the chest and abdomen. The disease may appear on the skin. During the course of treatment, problems will arise.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Their long-term will bring anxiety, but if we discard the previous haste, the result will be favorable.


You will encounter unexpected obstacles. It is possible that in your absence there will be an accident at home.

Exam, test

Good mark.

Work, business, specialization

It will take a lot of time, but the result will be favorable.


Very damp at first, then clearing up.

lucky color

Bright yellow, bright green.

lucky numbers

5, 7, 10

Changing Traits


The original text reads: "Achieving greatness through heavenly blessings." The barriers are gone. Now is the right time to direct your concentrated energy to the accomplishment of great deeds. When there is harmony within us, our creative energy leads to true completion.

Fifth (dominant)

Your inner desires impel you to certain actions, but, even now, self-control is the only way inner spiritual freedom. A good leader knows that you must first manage yourself in order to indirectly manage the whole group. He resorts to intellect, not force. Success.


The pressure from the accumulated energy forces you to move on. Such a step will be in vain, because the rest do not perceive your ideas. Watch your energy, don't waste it until it's time for it. The moment is coming.


"When the horse is tamed, you can move towards your goal." The original text is clear enough. Your path begins to open, thus the possibility of achieving the goal arises. However, stay alert all the time, because your inferior elements may awaken.


You are drawn to move forward, but the time has not yet come, "the fruit is not yet ripe." Stay where you are and you will avoid failure.


Now you must remain calm. Although you are full of energy, if you take a step, then nothing good will come of it. Be smart and wait.

Golden book of divination Sudina Natalia

Hexagram No. 26 Great upbringing (Great accumulation)

B. H. Do not waste your energy, there has been a "pause" in your destiny. Wait for its end in full readiness, do not exchange energy for trifles, soon it will find something more pleasant and useful application. Desires will come true, but only if you set the bar not too high. Help will come from those who are facing problems similar to yours. Do not try to speed things up by force, the result may be the opposite.

G.S. An unfavorable turn of events awaits you, be careful. Prepare for trouble in advance: the best principle is to think over the defense when attacking. Then there will be good luck in business, your efforts will begin to bear fruit and everything will favor you.

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