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Reading is an important skill reading is the best teaching. "Reading is the best teaching!" The Best of Freud

Smolyakova Yana

Scientific and practical conference. “Reading is the best teaching,” said A. S. Pushkin. . A book is man's best and most reliable friend of all time. Books accompany a person all his life. They are our helpers. Books teach us what is good and what is bad...



Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Regional social organization"Omsk Council of Rectors"

Omsk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization

"Russian Geographical Society"

Children's regional public organization

"Scientific Society of Students "Search"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Moskalensky municipal district of the Omsk region
"Rosenthal basic comprehensive school"


Interregional scientific and practical conference

schoolchildren and young students

Topic: “Is reading the best teaching?”

Educational research work

Scientific direction: philology


9th grade student

MBOU "Rosentalskaya OOSh"

Smolyakova Yana Vasilievna


teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Rosentalskaya OOSh"

Veretelnikova Irina Viktorovna

Omsk - 2015

1. Introduction

1.1.History of the appearance of the first book

2.Main part

2.1. About reading problems in our school

2.2. Research (questionnaire)

2.3. Analysis of the results of the study

3. Conclusion

4. Internet sources

5. Application

Motivation: " Reading is the best teaching,” said A. S. Pushkin. And I fully agree with this statement.A book is man's best and most reliable friend of all time. Books accompany a person all his life. They are our helpers. Books teach us what is good and what is bad.When you read, memory, thinking develop, there is a need to speak beautifully. The ability to read well is both your future education and your communication in society. And I decided to find out what they read at our school, how they read, whether the guys go to the library. Indeed, with the advent of computers, interest in the book has noticeably decreased, people's attitude to reading has changed, that is, they began to read little. I believe that the love of reading should be instilled not only by the school, but also by the family. But... Here's what I found out.


Find out what and how the students of our school read, why interest in reading has decreased.

Object of study: reading

Tasks :

  • study the history of the appearance of the first book
  • show the importance of reading for personal development
  • conduct a survey
  • to conclude.

Hypothesis: awareness of the role and place of reading

Methods and techniques : collection, generalization and analysis of information, questioning.

Object of study:students of MBOU "Rosental school"

Subject of study: reading problem among students.

  1. 1. Introduction.
  2. 1.1.History of the appearance of the first book.

It is difficult to say when people came up with a book as a repository for a large amount of thoughts, united (or not) by some single topic.

But we know the history of the formation of the image of the book.

The first books, according to historians and archaeologists, appeared in the ancient Sumerian state (the territory of Mesopotamia) and were made on clay tablets. These rectangular tablets were painted with signs and symbols using a sharp stick (stylus), and then fired so that the tablet hardened and the inscriptions could not be erased or crumpled.

Later, books appeared in scrolls (these were kept in the famous Alexandrian library of ancient Egypt). These scrolls could be made of parchment or papyrus, and they were written on them with special ink. In Eastern countries, for example, in China, books in scrolls were already made of paper; the technology for making this material came to Europe much later.

Paper books were often a stack of sheets arranged in order in a folder for storage, and also represented tapes sewn together, that is, somehow fastened. And your modern appearance books acquired only with the invention of binding at the beginning of the Middle Ages. In ancient times, with the development of writing, it became necessary to accumulate the acquired knowledge and pass it on from generation to generation. They began to invent various methods of storing and transmitting information. In Europe, they wrote on wooden tablets, in Mesopotamia - on clay tablets, in India - on palm leaves.

In Egypt, papyrus was invented from the stems of dried reeds. It was very handy for storing written texts. Narrow strips of papyrus were glued together and rolled into scrolls for greater convenience. This is how the first ancient books appeared - scrolls and libraries - a collection of scrolls. In antiquity, around the 11th century. BC. Every self-respecting ancient city had its own library. At first, papyrus scrolls were used to write government documents, later literature for reading began to appear: poetry, philosophical and historical works, novels. Reading was very popular in ancient Rome. But it was not very convenient to unfold long scrolls, so pieces of papyrus were sewn together and fastened with leather binding. This is how the first ancient books appeared.

Later, books began to be written on parchment. It was made from the skin of cows, goats and sheep, which was soaked in lime mortar, polished and whitened with chalk. This material was stronger than papyrus, but much heavier and more expensive. The written text could be washed away and a new one written. Parchment was popular in the era of the spread of Christianity, so they wrote on it mainly spiritual literature and collections of prayers. Parchment books were replicated by hand, they were copied by the monks. In later times, such books began to be decorated with illustrations, and precious stones were inserted into the binding. Thus, the book has already begun to acquire not only historical, but also artistic value.

From China to Europe came a new invention - paper. It was made from old rags, which were boiled in a huge vat and rolled out into thin paper sheets with a roller. The first paper was not as beautiful as parchment, but very cheap, which led to the spread of books and the popularization of reading.

  1. 1.2. The Importance of Reading for Personal Development
  1. Reading has a beneficial effect on the development of human intelligence. A study by Oxford scientists has proven that reading is just as beneficial to the body as sports, because in the process of reading literature, a person exercises the entire brain. Depending on the way of reading (reading for pleasure or analyzing the text), the human body uses different mechanisms to train the cognitive abilities of the brain.
  2. When reading, the effect of "immersion" in the book is activated, when a person mentally imagines himself in the place of the hero, that is, those areas that are not involved at other times begin to function in the brain. This effect does not occur when watching TV or playing a computer game.
  3. Reading the "correct literature" teaches to express one's thoughts, to correctly build one's speech. Therefore, reading fiction for at least two hours a day is better than watching a movie.
  4. The more a person reads, analyzing and evaluating the behavior and actions of the heroes of the work, the more and better his character and personality are formed.
  5. Scientists recommend reading science fiction, because it is this literature that stimulates brain activity, develops imagination and thinking. Fantastic literature shows us another world where we have never been and perhaps never would have known about it. It can be different from ours and in a bad and good way. Having visited the wonderful world from the book, we may feel resentment and dissatisfaction with what we have in reality, and perhaps we will have a desire to change and improve our real world.
  1. But in modern society Fewer people are aware of the need to read fiction and scientific literature preferring television, social networks and computer games. Although scientists from the University of Sussex have proven that 6 minutes of reading reduces stress by more than 2 times. And it is even much more effective than walking.
  2. 6. Reading books increases vocabulary.
  3. When we read works of different genres, we come across words that are not usually used in everyday speech. If a word is unfamiliar to us, it is not at all necessary to look up its definition in the dictionary. Sometimes the meaning of a term can be understood from its content. Reading helps not only in increasing vocabulary, but also improves our overall literacy.

2. Main body

  1. 2. 1. About the problems of reading in our school
  2. More recently, the value of books and reading in the country was very high. In the 70-80s. of the last century, they spoke of the USSR as "the most reading country in the world." Most people had home libraries. It was prestigious to have a large library at home. Even a simple bookcase "caused respect." And I decided to find out how things are now, how and what the children of our school read.
  3. Based on a small study (questionnaire), I found out that a fairly large number of students in our school do not read at all. Especially those who live in adverse conditions. Very few people have a home library. It's only 2%. Reading is not at all popular with students of our school. They are much more willing to play computer games, spend time on the Internet and watch television programs, because of this their level of textual thinking has decreased. The reason for the decrease in reading is also the spread of multimedia technologies, which occupy an increasing place in the information space every year. The information obtained with the help of a computer and a TV is devoid of the basic properties inherent in a book text. Information is presented in an easily accessible, concise form: in the form of diagrams, tables, catalogs, pictures with captions. Modern training programs are very effective and allow you to achieve quick results, but they do not accustom you to thoughtful independent work with text. It is easier to choose the correct answer from the three proposed and click on it than to re-read a paragraph or article several times in search of the necessary information.In the course of our work on the project, I conducted a survey among students of the MBOU "Rosentalskaya OOSh" and found out that only 40% of students are fond of reading in their free time, read additional literature in addition to program works. The children of our school are not well informed about new publications in the world of the book industry, while advertising of new computer games are widespread both on the Internet and on television. Many guys were surprised that reading a book is much more interesting than watching a movie, because when you read a book, you are immersed in the world of heroes, you empathize, you want to help them, give them advice. And when you watch a movie, you can't see inner world hero. And I also found out that the guys are too lazy to go to the library. And they go there only when it is required by the school according to the program. And there are not so few guys who lie that they visited the library, and there, allegedly, there was no necessary literature. Or even worse: the library is closed. And it is "closed" for those guys who do not pick up a book at all. They study poorly because they read poorly: by the time they read the condition of a problem or exercise, stammering over every word, they have already forgotten what they read about. And it's very scary. Before guys primary school at least they read something and read with great interest, and now even among younger schoolchildren there are few who are interested in books.
  1. 2.2. Research (questionnaire) - application.

The children of our school were asked questions in order to identify what reading is for them: a necessity, a rest, or a duty.

  1. 2.3. Analysis of the results of the study
  1. Do you love to read?

Conclusion: Most of the respondents do not like to read. This includes those who found it difficult to answer.

  1. List the books you read on your own.

Conclusion: Only 6 percent of those surveyed read fiction. And fairy tales are read (25%) by primary school students and students of grades 5-6.

  1. What do you prefer?

Conclusion: Most of the respondents prefer to sit at the computer or watch a cartoon.

4. Are your parents interested in your reading?

Conclusion: Many parents are not interested in what and how their children read.

5. Do you go to the library?

Conclusion: most kids don't go to the library

6. . Are you good at reading?

Conclusion : most of the respondents do not read well

7. Reading motives.

Conclusion: Many people think that you need to read only what is given in the lesson.

8. Do you know that books are necessary for human development?

Conclusion: 100% of respondents agree with this statement.

9. Do you have a home library?

Conclusion: 98% of the children surveyed do not have a home library. This is explained by the fact that books are now very expensive.

10. When do you read?

Conclusion: This question once again confirms that the students of our school do not like to read.

  1. Conclusion.

Conclusion from the survey.

  1. The students participating in the survey know that it is necessary to read, that reading is an exciting journey into the world of science, into the world of great discoveries, into the world of self-knowledge. But the computer has supplanted this world. The guys believe that, sitting at the computer, they get complete information. But they forget that they deprive themselves of pleasure - this is reading.Today, children are finding less and less time to read. After all, it is much easier to relax by picking up the TV remote control or opening a laptop, immersed in virtual reality computer games. Not everyone understands that people who read have a higher chance of building successful career. They even look younger and live longer.It is books that give ground for the flight of fantasy and the development of speech.Scientists have long figured out how to maintain mental clarity throughout life: you need to constantly develop your brain. One of better ways to do this is to read regularly and thoughtfully. And one more point is alarming - this is the fact that parents have no time to monitor how their child reads. And many parents are simply not interested in reading to their child. If it were the parents who pushed their children to the book, there would be more sense.

1. Will help family, school, library to join reading.

3. Be sure to share what you read with your parents, friends, classmates.

4.Create your own home library with a variety of topics.

5. Read good fiction

6 Read not only before going to bed, but as often as possible.

  1. The survey was also conducted among teachers. It would be a shame if the teachers did not like to read. Everyone loves to read a good book, as well as magazines and newspapers. Our teachers have a home library. And, of course, they understand and know that neither TV nor computer can replace reading. Teachers believe that when they read, they rest their souls. For many, this book calms them down after a stressful day. labor day. And they try to instill in us a love of reading by arranging competitions for readers, literary compositions, attracting us to participate in various competitions related to reading and literature. And when you participate in any competition, you still turn to different sources. Our teachers also organize visits to libraries (district, rural and school). I hope that the situation in our school will change in positive side. And yet I want to pronounce the phrase “Reading is the best teaching” not with a question mark, but joyfully shout: “Reading is the best teaching!”

We continue the cycle of articles in support of reading, whose main task is to educate the younger generation of a strong interest in reading and a reading culture. These materials contain specific recommendations, scenarios for literary events, games, exercises, and much more (links to all articles are provided at the bottom of the page).

Dear friends! We hope that you, too, are concerned about the problems associated with reading, which have arisen as a result of a decrease in interest in reading among our fellow citizens, a decline in the level of reading culture and literacy. Especially in children and teenagers.

Today, reading is not a vital necessity for many people, and the Book has ceased to be a friend, a moral authority, an educator. Traditions connected with reading are gradually disappearing, including family ones, on which previous generations relied. It is known that in the old days books were kept very carefully, passing from generation to generation as a priceless gift. After all, it is books that contain wise thoughts and important information accumulated by mankind, they are the best interlocutors and healers of the soul. In most families, not only an adult, but also a children's library was sure to gather, a habit of family reading was formed, especially before bedtime. Both children and adults read aloud. It was customary to give books, discuss what they read together.

What about today? And today the book is losing its meaning. As a result, the spiritual experience and traditions accumulated by generations are lost, which leads to a significant decrease in the level of literacy of the population, a sharp drop in the general culture of the individual, disunity of people, and stupidity. “People stop thinking when they stop reading,” teaches Denis Diderot, a French writer and educational philosopher. At all times in Russia, among enlightened people, the Book was considered a source of knowledge, the main teacher. And it was not for nothing that we titled our article with the famous statement of A.S. Pushkin “Reading is the best teaching!”.

And today, it is those who are directly connected with the upbringing of the younger generation that have already sounded the alarm. And we are among them. With our appeals we are trying to attract the attention of the public, and with our articles of practical value (recommendations, games, exercises, scenarios of events, literary competitions, etc.), - to instill an interest in reading and teach to read, but not to add letters, but to read thoughtfully, productively, enjoying the process itself.

It is known that education love of reading and culture of reading takes place in an emotionally supportive environment, often with the use of certain methods and techniques stimulating interest in reading and improving reading technique (they are described in sufficient detail in the articles below). Fascinating and well-organized events (both school and family) can solve the problems of most modern schoolchildren related to lack of habit of reading thoughtfully to encourage them to read on their own. Any teacher, educator, parent, librarian, if desired, can contribute to this extremely noble cause. It will not be difficult for a thinking person to even turn classes on overcoming reading difficulties into an unforgettable exciting game. And we are always ready to help.

We plan to continue our literary competition for schoolchildren "I am a writer" as soon as we find a founder or just a sponsor (). When this happens, the Competition Rules will appear immediately on the main page of the site. Follow. One of the topics of the author's creative work will definitely be, along with the topic "My contribution to the support of the Russian language" and the theme "My contribution to the support of reading."
And you, dear students, you can already send your essays to the address This adress Email protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.. And already now best work we will publish on the pages of our site in compliance with your authorship (do not forget to indicate the full name, surname, class, name and place of the educational institution). And then, when the competition starts its work, these essays will definitely be considered by our jury. Last season, we published in the article very interesting works of schoolchildren-competitors on this topic. Read on, they are amazing.

To make our intentions and actions more convincing, we present 17 reasons to read as described by the Swedish Academy of Children's Books.

  • The book is fun and adventure. She has the power to make us cry and laugh. The book can console and suggest a way out of a difficult situation.
  • The book develops our speech, expands our vocabulary.
  • The book awakens our imagination and teaches us to think in images.
  • The book raises new questions for us to think about.
  • The book develops our thinking. From it we learn concepts that help us think and new ideas. It expands the horizons of our world.
  • From books we learn about other countries, who, where and how they live, about nature, technology, history - about everything in the world that interests us.
  • The book teaches us to empathize. It allows us to feel in the position of another person and understand how he feels.
  • The book encourages us to think about what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.
  • The book explains to us how the world works and how everything in it is interconnected.
  • The book reveals to us that there can be several answers to one question and that any problem can be looked at from different angles.
  • The book helps us understand ourselves. You are more confident when you know that there are people who think and feel the same way as you.
  • The book reveals to us that all people are different. By reading books written in different eras and in different cultures, you become more tolerant, you learn to overcome prejudices.
  • Book - the best remedy from loneliness. It can be read anywhere. Books can be borrowed for free from the library.
  • The book is part of the cultural heritage. It gives us a community of impressions and knowledge.
  • A good children's book is meant to be read aloud. Such reading brings joy to both children and adults. A book is a bridge between generations.
  • A children's book is the result of the work of many people: a writer, an artist, an editor, a printer, a designer, a proofreader, a photographer, a librarian, a publisher, a bookstore clerk, etc. It enriches the cultural environment. The book is an important cultural export and represents our country abroad.
  • A children's book is the first encounter with literature - an endless world that stays with us for life.

We add that a person who is not friends with a book can hardly be an interesting interlocutor whose speech is rich in aphorisms, comparisons, phraseological units, etc. We note, for example, that the result of the student's work on proverbs and phraseological units very well reflects the quality and frequency of his communication with the book.

Here are examples of exercises that are suitable material for testing (O. Kholodova. To young smart people and smart girls. Grade 3. Workbook, part 2).

1. Make pairs by matching phraseological units from the first column close in meaning

2. Make pairs by matching phraseological units from the first column opposite in meaning phraseological units from the second column.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:


  • repeat the topic "Oral folk art. Proverbs and sayings";
  • to promote the assimilation and deepening of students' knowledge of ancient Russian literature;
  • to give the concept of annals and annals in Russia;


  • to increase the creative activity of students, to develop interest in the study of ancient Russian chronicles;
  • improve the grammatical structure of speech, enrich the vocabulary of the language of students.

Educational: education of a conscious need for knowledge contained in books, sensitivity and attentiveness to the word, love of reading.

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new material.

Place of this lesson in the topic: The first lesson in this topic.

Method: Combined, integrated using computer technology.


  • a computer;
  • multimedia equipment;
  • lesson presentation<Attachment 1>
  • drawings, illustrations;
  • exhibition of books "A book in your life":
  1. Andreev O.A., Khromov L.N. Learn to read quickly. A book for high school students. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.
  2. Granik G.G., Bondarenko S.M. When the book teaches. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991.
  3. Datskevich V. How a book is made. - M .: Children's literature, 1987.
  4. Linkova I.Ya. You and your book. Book for reading. – M.: Enlightenment, 1981.
  5. Nikolaeva L.A. Learn to be a reader. A high school student about the culture of working with a scientific and popular science book. – M.: Enlightenment, 1982.
  6. Nemirovsky E.P. Journey to the origins of Russian book printing. Book for students. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.
  7. Smirnov-Sokolsky Nick. Stories about books. - M .: Book, 1977.
  8. Pavlov I. About your book. - L .: Children's literature, 1991.
  9. Timaev R. Live, book! Practical Tips about how to extend the life of a book. - M .: Young Guard, 1978.
  10. Chirva A. The book is in your hands. Book for students. – M.: Enlightenment, 1985.
  11. Tsyurupa E. Can you read? A book about books and the people who wrote them. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1967.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.Slide 1

1. Reporting the topic of the lesson and setting the task. slide 2

Teacher."Reading is the best teaching." This is the name of our literature lesson, and the proverb will become the epigraph to it: “A book is a small window, the whole world can be seen through it.”

What proverb? (short wise saying containing a complete thought).

What proverbs about books do you know?

2. Checking homework (students read proverbs).

To live with a book is not to grieve for a century.
One book teaches thousands of people.
A house without a book is a day without sun.
From a brook - a river, from books - knowledge.
The book is your best friend.<slide3>

II. Creating a problem situation.

Teacher. Let's remember the theme of our lesson: "Reading is the best teaching." Can this statement be called a proverb? These are the words of Pushkin, who devoted his whole life to books. Many Russian poets and writers, including Paustovsky, spoke about the significance of the book and its role in human life. slide 4.

People have been thinking about the benefits of “book teaching” at all times, ever since they learned to read. When do you think the next phrase could have been spoken?<Slide 5> « ... After all, the benefits of the teachings of the book are great ... After all, these are rivers that make the Universe watered, these are sources of wisdom ... we console ourselves in sorrow with them ... ”( From "The Tale of Bygone Years")

Front poll:

Name the capital Ancient Russia? (Kyiv)

Under which prince did Kyiv become the cultural center of Ancient Russia? (Yaroslav the Wise)

In what century did chronicle writing in Russia begin? (in the 11th century)

What is a chronicle? (description of events by years)

Who was the first Russian chronicler? (The Kiev-Pechersk monk Nikon, in 1073 compiled a chronicle, his work was continued by others; in 1113, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Nestor compiled the “Tale of Bygone Years”; revised, rewritten by the monk of the Vydubetsky monastery Sylvester has come down to us).

III. Explanation of the new topic.

The story of the Russian chronicle. slide 6.

Work with illustrations “Sylvester, a monk of the Vydubetsky monastery, writes a chronicle” (p. 56 of the textbook “Literature”, grade 6) and a reproduction of the painting “Nestor the chronicler” by the artist of the 19th century V. Vasnetsov (bookend paper).

Teacher. Works of ancient Russian art - icons, book miniatures - differed from the paintings and drawings of artists of our time. Let's compare the old Russian miniature "Sylvester, a monk of the Vydubetsky monastery, writing a chronicle" (p. 56) and a reproduction of the painting by the artist of the 19th century V. Vasnetsov "Nestor the chronicler" (leaflet). The theme is the same, but the depiction of the chronicler monk is different.

Vasnetsov depicts what we would see if we entered the cell of a chronicler monk. The heavy vaults of the monastery building, stone slabs of the floor, thick books on them. An old man sits in front of an inclined table and writes in a book with a quill pen. He is all about work. Details of clothing, a table and everything that is on it are written out in detail. Behind the chronicler is a window through which distant fields, a city with temples, the sky, clouds are visible.

Let's take a look at old Russian miniature. Is this a cell? Why is she outside the monastery? Why is the table somewhere behind the chronicler? Why does the chronicler not write, but rather listen to something?

Before old Russian artist there are special tasks: not to capture what he saw, but to indicate what visible world there is an invisible world. The chronicler does not just write down the facts of life, but fulfills God's will, conveys to people the Higher Truth.

That is why he listens to the Word of truth coming from heaven. In the upper left corner of the miniature we see this Sky, from which the rays stretched to the ear of the chronicler, and his posture and facial expression are filled with deep reverent attention. On the scroll, which seems to be floating in the air, it is written: “In the beginning was the Word” - this is how the Gospel of John begins.

Items are shown only to indicate the main thing (there is no plausible and accurate writing out of details). In the center is the figure of the chronicler, and everything else is located around him to indicate: we have a chronicler in front of us. A table with two inkwells (black and red ink), a penknife (to mend feathers), a chair and a footstool ( workplace chronicler) - everything is indicated exactly, although it is located unusually. The monastery building is behind, as if outside the walls - to indicate that the chronicle is being written in the monastery: this monk.

How were the first books written? How were books treated in ancient Russia? Let's listen to your classmates.

IV. Student messages.

Red line(student reads). Slide 7.

Writing in Russia appeared at the end of the 10th century. At that time books were written by hand.

The words in the book were not separated from each other. When a scribe wanted to separate one part from another, he indented from the left edge of the page. At the place of indentation, he drew the first letter with a red line or several colors. He did it much more than the rest.

The indented line on which the scribe drew the initial letter was called the red line.

In the 16th century, book printing appeared in Russia. The books continued to indent to highlight a new thought, but the initial letter was no longer painted. However, the indented line was still called the red line. Later, the word “paragraph” appeared, which began to denote both indentation and part of the text.

Typography(student reads). <Слайд 8>

The invention of printing is one of the amazing creations of the human mind. Centuries did not spare many inventions that seemed unsurpassed to contemporaries, but the basic principles of book printing remain unchanged for centuries.

Of course, today's rotary presses are incomparable to Johannes Gutenberg's first printing press, which resembled a grape press. But the fundamentals of typography punch and matrix, mobile letters, printed form and the book block have been preserved.

The book is and will be the basis of the spiritual life of the people. Black prints of letters on white paper, sheets collected in a book are the best universal repository of thought, an inspiring source of new ideas.

Pioneer Ivan Fedorov(student reads). <Слайд 9>

In the center of Moscow there is a monument: a middle-aged man, dressed in a long caftan, holds in his hands a freshly printed sheet of a future book. This is a monument to Ivan Fedorov. Why did he erect a monument in the capital of our country?

Fast forward to the sixteenth century. At that time in Russia they still did not know how to print books. For many months they were copied by hand by special scribes - scribes. Handwritten books were few and expensive.

And so, in 1553, the first book printing house was built in Moscow, and Ivan Fedorov became the first printer.

The font of Ivan Fedorov's printed books was similar to the letters of handwritten books. He highlighted the first letter of the chapter with red paint. How many red letters, so many chapters in the book. Ivan Fedorov decorated the beginning of the chapter with magnificent ornamental headpieces.

Ivan Fedorov published many books during his life.

v. Librarian<Слайд10>

In the 16th century, after the advent of printing and the appearance of the first printed book Ivan Fedorov in Russia, up to the end of the century, no more than 50 titles of books were published, in the 17th century - about 1000, in the 18th - up to 500 thousand titles.

Every 4th copy of books now published all over the world is a book published in our country. The world of knowledge and spiritual wealth has opened wide for everyone.

The poet A. Blok remarked: “A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it.” To use a book means to know what it consists of. Every school year, in the first lesson, you get acquainted with the textbook and remember the main elements of the book. Look closely at the screen. Are all the words familiar to you? <Слайд 11>

VI. Teacher. Vocabulary work.

Frontispiece<Слайд 12>. It comes from two Latin words frontis - "forehead" and aspiecio - "look" - a pattern that reflects main idea or the most characteristic moments of the content of the book and placed on one turn (next to) with the title page.

VII. Librarian.

The book, according to M. Gorky, "is the most complex and great miracle of all the miracles created by mankind." And confirmation of these words will be an entertaining page of our lesson.

1. Do you know? The book is a giant.<Слайд 13>. The book is two stories high. You say there are no such books. And you will be wrong! There are such books! Some of them are in Mongolia. One of these books contains 236 volumes. These books were created in antiquity. In those days, craftsmen had to cut out the text of each page completely on a wooden board. The same amount of work was invested in the illustrations, which still amaze us with the subtlety of the drawing and the richness of color.

2. It's interesting! "From board to board".<Слайд 14>, Old handwritten books were worth their weight in gold. In order to better preserve them and to make them more convenient to use, the bindings were made from wooden planks. They were covered with thin leather or expensive fabric. The expression "from board to board" has been preserved. It is reminiscent of these tablets and means "read the book from beginning to end."

3. There is something to think about. A symbol of the well-being of our people. <Слайд 15>. In ancient Russia, books were written with goose, swan, peacock feathers. The covers were made from boards, covered in leather. And decorated with precious stones, gold and silver clasps. This book cost a lot of money. One book could be exchanged for a herd of horses, for a whole herd of cows. So, a book was a symbol of well-being in Ancient Russia. And in the twentieth century? 60s - television; 70s - tape recorder; 80s - video; early 90s - a computer; beginning of the twenty-first century - Internet . What will the Future be for??? Will there be a place for a book in it?

VII. Teacher.

You already know that in preparation for the All-Russian action " Public lesson reading" among students in grades 5-11 and parents in the gymnasium, a survey was conducted on the topic "Can a computer replace a book?" The general results for the school have not yet been summed up. I will acquaint you with the results of the survey of our class and read out the most interesting statements of your parents.

Can a computer replace a book?

From the words of the parents: "Reading a book is more interesting, but when you need to learn something or get some information, with a computer it can be done faster and easier" (Alina S.'s mother); “A book is something alive, and a computer is a screen that radiates. It cannot be read for a long time. This is an artificial leaf” (mother of Lilia M.); “You can find any information and different texts of books on a computer, but it is more pleasant and interesting to read holding a book in your hands” (Elvira F.'s mother); “Thanks to the book, we become more educated, wiser, better understand the world"(Elmira G.'s mother).

VIII. Librarian. Book Exhibition Review: "A Book in Your Life"

IX. Teacher.

Let's pay attention to one more epigraph to our lesson.

The book is a teacher, the book is a mentor,
The book is a close companion and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book. (V.Bokov)

“Great is the benefit of book teaching…” How right the ancient chronicler was! The events and people of Ancient Russia come to life under his pen in The Tale of Bygone Years. We will also read excerpts from this book.

1) The book reduces stress.

The richness and rhythm of the language tends to calm the psyche and relieve the body of stress.

2) Reading protects against Alzheimer's disease.

When you read, brain activity increases, and this has a beneficial effect on his condition.

3) Reading gives confidence.

Reading books makes us more literate. When in a conversation we demonstrate a deep knowledge of a particular subject, we involuntarily behave in a more collected manner. Recognition by others of your erudition has a positive effect on personal self-esteem.

4) Improves brain activity.

When reading, we imagine a lot of details: the characters, the objects around them. Therefore, it is necessary to memorize a lot of things that are needed to understand the book. That is why reading trains memory and logic.

To experience the real pleasure of reading a book, you need to find your genre or your author.

Family Reading Helps Instill in Your Child a Love for Reading Without Force

Reading and discussing a book together strengthens family ties

Family reading allows an adult to participate in the life of a child, to know the world of his interests.

Reading a book aloud to the whole family by a child improves his reading technique and speed.

A child can ask an adult about misunderstood places in the book, ask questions about what they have read. It increases the authority of the parents in the child.

“Family reading is the kinship of the souls of adults and children,” wrote D. S. Likhachev

III. It is necessary to use different forms of encouraging children and parents to read, such as

well-known to all of us, as well as new ones, one of which is BOOKTRAILER - an excellent tool for promoting books and reading.


Once the children's writer Astrid Lindgren was asked: "Does the book have a future?" Lindgren replied: You might as well ask: does bread have a future? A rose, a children's song, a May rain?.. It is better to ask: does a person have a future?.. If a person has it, a book has it too. Because if one day we learned to draw joy and comfort in books, we cannot do without it ...

If a child has tears and whims,
Do not take, mom to help TV.
The son will not understand what is on the screen,
And it won't get better and better.
And do not miss a moment in this life:
Show the children what a book is.
Explain to the children: evil is always punished.
The good one wins. Everyone has to be.
Truth triumphs everywhere, not force.
In the book, the world is huge: what is - and was.
Breathe on the pages of time and space,
And the wind of distant wanderings calls with it.
Children grow up and read by themselves.
If you have any questions, ask your mom.
Moms or dads, explain to the children:
The book is a priceless gift that shines like the sun.
Let the children love the bright pages -
And faces will light up with a smile.
The book will help them understand life.
And grow to the joy of mom and the Fatherland.

Thank you for your attention!

Topic: Reading is the best teaching.

Target: educational:broadening the horizons of students;

educational: instilling a love of reading books;

developing: development of cognitive interest.

The course of the classroom.

  1. Class organization.

II. Target message.

(The music of V. Shainsky “It’s fun to walk together” sounds. Books enter the class.)

1st book:

Dear first-graders study here? Finally we found you. We know that you have already learned to read, and we were also told that you have smart heads, kind and fair hearts, keen eyes, and skillful hands.

We want to get to know you, such wonderful guys. We, wise men, live in a bookish kingdom – a wise state.

2nd book: How many stars are in the sky

So many flowers in the forests

How many drops in the Dnieper -

How many books on earth!

There are only one with the palm of your hand,

There are large volumes

They live

Together with you at home.

Teacher: New books live lines

Open the way wide.

We couldn't live without books

Good, interesting books -

We send greetings to the whole class!

What are books for?

Reading is the best teaching!

III. Conversation.

Teacher: “I owe everything good in me to books,” wrote A.M. Gorky. From childhood, a person's life is inextricably linked with a book. The greatest happiness for a child is a meeting in childhood with books. At first it is a magical world of fairy tales. Fairy tales teach people to be human. They make you grieve because of someone else's misfortune, rejoice in the joys of another, worry about the heroes of a fairy tale.

But not only fairy tales teach a person goodness and justice. There is no such area in the life and activity of a person that would not be associated with a book. Some books teach goodness, others - love for nature, others store and transmit human knowledge. Books are good teachers of a person. Any book can help a person in difficult times. Help advice, answer any question.

Russian folk proverb says: "He who reads a lot knows a lot." Books tell us a lot: about our Motherland, its open spaces, about its best people and their work, about scientific discoveries.

What new did you learn about recent times?

How did you know this?

Recently published great amount children's books, magazines.

Each child can choose any literature that interests him. What do you like to read the most?

What attracts you to this topic?

Currently published various series encyclopedias. These are “What is it, who is it?”, “I will know the world”, “Why” and others.

Another proverb says that "The book is our helper in work." A worker reads books about machine tools in order to better manage them, a collective farmer about what needs to be done to grow a rich harvest, a doctor about how best to treat people so that they get sick less, a teacher about how best to teach and educate children. Each person is constantly in search of new knowledge, and where can they be obtained?

Books help us understand the life around us. Therefore, you need to read them carefully, slowly, without skipping pages. We must take good care of the book.

1st book:

Please don't touch me with dirty hands. I will be ashamed if other readers take me. Don't write on me with pen or pencil, it's so ugly. If you have not finished reading, then put a bookmark in me so that I can rest comfortably and calmly. Help me stay clean, and I will help you become smart, literate and erudite.


- To find out if a student is a good one or not, just look at his books. A student who loves to read treats books with care, they are always in order with him, and a negligent student has all the leaves wrapped, dirty. This is what our books are about.

(Two students come out. Their costumes are book covers. One is beautifully decorated, and the other is torn, disheveled. A student, sitting at a desk, reads a poem out loudM. Ilyin "Two books").

One day two books met

We talked among ourselves.

Well, how are you doing? -

One asked the other.

Oh honey, I'm embarrassed in front of the class

The owner of my cover pulled out with meat!

Yes, what about the covers ... I cut off the sheets!

Of them he makes boats, rafts

And doves...

I'm afraid the sheets will go to the snakes,

Then fly me into the clouds!

Are your sides intact?

Your suffering is unknown to me,

I don't remember such a day

To not wash your hands cleanly,

Look at my leaves

On them you will not see ink dots,

I am silent about blots - about them

And to say something indecent ...

But I'm learning it too.

Not somehow, but on "excellent".

Well, my troika barely rides

And even got a deuce that week.

IV. Outcome.

  • How have books helped you?
  • Often, when reading books, you think about your actions. The book is the most important teacher. It teaches life, teaches you to love and respect a person, so you can’t treat a book as a thing that you can easily do without. It is so good that in life there are wise and kind friends and advisers - books! Read books and you will become wiser and smarter.
