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Where to get a positive mood. Features of thinking or how to create a positive attitude? How positive are you?

03.07.2015 7 811 4 Reading time: 21 min.

Today I want to continue talking about, and separately consider one of the most important, in my opinion, criteria for success - positive thinking and positive attitude. In this article, we will talk about why it is so important to think positively, how to positive mood contributes to the achievement of the goal, and also consider separately how to develop positive thinking in yourself. I am sure that this is a very important topic, I think that it will be useful and interesting for you too.

Why is it so important to have a positive mood?

Many different scientists have proved many times that a positive attitude and a positive attitude towards life make a person healthier, happier and more successful. I am sure that if you look around and observe people, you will notice for yourself that those who think positively go through life easily, achieve their goals faster and easier, are always in a good mood and look great. They have a vibrant life, full of various activities and events, they have many hobbies and manage to devote time to them. Positive people are smart and well-read, it is interesting and easy to communicate with them, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things from them. useful information, get good advice or even just nice words that make it easier in a difficult situation. “Life is beautiful and amazing!”, “Take everything from life!”, “Rejoice in every day you live!” These are the life principles of a positively minded person.

Now look at the opposite people who think pessimistically and are always unhappy with everything. Their life runs according to the scheme home-work-home, they spend weekends and evenings loaded with household chores, and relax, lying on the sofa in front of the TV and scolding the politicians shown there. They walk downcast and look terrible, they are angry and irritable, they hate their jobs and sometimes even their lives! “Why do I need all this?”, “Will it ever end?”, “I have no more strength” - these are typical expressions that can be heard from these gloomy people.

Both those and other people live in the same environment, in the same conditions, initially have completely equal opportunities. But their lives are completely different! Why? The reason for all this is the positive thinking of some and the negative of others.

To be successful and happy, you need to develop a positive attitude, a positive attitude towards life, learn to think positively. This is one of the most important foundations of a life position, which, along with activity and constants, can lead a person to great success, gives him the opportunity to achieve all life goals, become what he dreams of, and have what he wants. And I'm not exaggerating here!

How is the human mind formed? Based on his upbringing, his own experience, attitude to life developed over the years, as well as by adopting views from people who are authorities for him.

Have you heard the expression “like attracts like”? It says that how a person will perceive his life, what he will think about it - this is how he will have it. If a person constantly thinks that he is unhappy, that he cannot achieve anything, that everything is bad for him - this is how everything will develop, and from this he will only think this way even more. Vicious circle! And you can get out of it only by developing positive thinking in yourself.

In order for positive thinking to have any positive effect, it must prevail in a person. That is, if a person forces himself to be happy for 10 minutes, and then plunges into his gloomy thoughts again for the whole day, this will not work.

By the way, a positive mood is contagious. A positive-minded person, as it were, radiates positive and conveys some part of his positive mood to others. Thus, having positive thinking, a person benefits not only himself, but also other people who are close to him.

What is positive thinking?

So, let's say I managed to convince you that positive thinking and a positive attitude are simply vital things. Then let's figure out what it is in general, how to understand these concepts? I will not write something abstruse, but I will say in a simple and understandable language:

Positive thinking is the ability of a person to see in the world around him, in environment, in the people around him, in the events and processes taking place in his life, the positive aspects and focus his attention on them, while not focusing his thoughts on the negative aspects.

Positive thinking does not mean that a person should constantly wear "rose-colored glasses" and not notice all the bad things that are happening around. Also, this does not mean that he should call black white, should not react to negativity at all and pretend that it does not exist, especially if it concerns him.

Positive thinking means that a person should change your attitude to negative events. He must perceive them as an inevitable part of his life, an absolutely normal and familiar phenomenon, the same as eating, sleeping, breathing. Negative things should not throw him off balance and should not occupy a large part of his thought processes. A person should not think that everything is bad with him, but that everything will be fine with him, and concentrate his thinking precisely on such thoughts. This is the positive attitude.

How to learn to think positively?

Well, now let's move on to the most important thing: how to develop positive thinking in yourself, how to learn to think positively? I must say right away: faced daily with huge amount negative (as it happens with us), it is very difficult to do this. But probably! To learn how to think positively, you need to follow a number of rules and recommendations that will simplify this process and gradually come to the desired effect. Let's take a look at them.

1. Make your speech positive. Namely, try to exclude from it not only frankly negative words and expressions, but also everything that is connected with denials, doubts, uncertainty, regret, sadness, etc. At the same time, use optimistic, affirmative, positive phrases as often as possible, especially in relation to yourself, your actions, your future.

For example, instead of “I will try to do it” - “I will definitely do it”, instead of “I don’t know what will come of it” - “I will succeed”, instead of “I have lived in vain for so many years and lost so much” - “I gained invaluable experience that will help me in a new, successful life.

2. Visualize your success and positivity. To learn to think positively, as often as possible, paint in your mind a detailed picture of your successful future, your achieved goal. As you know, thoughts are material (but for this they must be supported by actions!). You will see - after visualization, you will always have a positive mood.

3. Read, watch, listen to positive works. Motivating books, motivational movies, motivational websites on the Internet - these are all that will help you develop positive thinking and a positive attitude.

4. Fight time wasters. That is, on the contrary, do not read, do not watch, do not listen to everything that does not bring any benefit, but simply kills time, which is why it is called -. Try especially to avoid receiving information that is predominantly negative, such as news. Do not read news sites, do not watch news on TV, or at least reduce the time allotted for news to a minimum. It is extremely rare to extract something useful from there, but there is more than enough negativity!

5. Choose a positive social circle for yourself. As I already wrote, a positive attitude is transmitted from one person to another. Therefore, you should surround yourself with as many positive-minded people as possible who will give you pieces of their positive mood, and, conversely, limit your communication with disgruntled and gloomy people, as they will take away your positive.

6. Make people happy, just like that. Get into the healthy habit of complimenting and doing "nice things" to other people. Do it when you want to do it, sincerely, from the heart, do not be shy and do not hold back your noble impulses (many people refrain because they are afraid of being misunderstood or something else). It is always very good to charge with positive, moreover, both sides: both the one who is doing something nice, and the one who is doing something nice.

7. Take positive examples. If you don’t know how to learn to think positively, take examples from those who have succeeded. Adopt those qualities that you like, what you would like to develop in yourself. Associate yourself with people you would like to be like in different areas of your life.

8. Watch your positive posture. To develop a positive mindset, it is necessary not only to speak correctly, but also to hold your body correctly. Look at positive people: they always have a straight back, squared shoulders, heads held high, looking forward. And on the gloomy ones - they are drooping, wrinkled, looking down. Watch your posture - it also affects a positive attitude.

9. Do something positive that you love. A very important point! In most cases, the reason for the lack of positive is unloved work. I strongly recommend that you change it to something that you like, and you will see how a positive attitude will appear in you. There is no need to be afraid of this - they are inevitable, and the one who does not wait for them to come to him themselves, but stimulates them, achieves the greatest success.

10. Make your appearance positive. First of all, this applies to girls and women, but also to men. For the fair sex, a positive mood largely depends on how they look, whether they are satisfied with their appearance. And, on the contrary, girls with a positive attitude to life always look more beautiful, brighter and more attractive than their gloomy "competitors". Therefore, watch your appearance, and a positive attitude will not keep you waiting, and with it you will become even more interesting and attractive. Isn't it worth it?

11. Don't show your feelings. We are all human, and everyone in life can experience unpleasant or even tragic events. Try to experience them in such a way that others do not know about it, with the exception of the closest people with whom you share all your joy and sorrow. In no case do not tell everyone in a row how bad and hard it is for you, do not complain about life - in fact, to be honest, most people absolutely do not care what problems you have, but in their eyes you will immediately become a miserable and gloomy person. And this should not be allowed, despite what is inside you, they should see your positive attitude.

12. Dress positively. A positive mood also depends a lot on how you are dressed, this again especially applies to the representatives of the fair half. Bright, juicy and even moderately crazy clothes will always give you a positive mood. Moreover, not only in public, but also at home. Even if your work and environment require a certain strictness in the style of clothing, you can always decorate it with a small bright and positive detail.

13. Thank everyone for everything. Say thanks more often to both acquaintances and strangers, and not only directly, but also mentally. Thank every day you live for what he gave you, your friends and loved ones for what you have, and even your enemies and envious people for making you stronger and giving you an incentive to. All this contributes to the formation of a positive attitude and positive thinking.

14. Lead healthy lifestyle life. This greatly affects the mood and thinking of a person. Eat healthy foods, exercise, get rid of bad habits, walk more, and you will see how positive thinking will form in you. By the way, it also greatly affects the state of personal finances.

15. Don't worry about what others think of you. Dependence on the opinions of other people is one of the main enemies of positive thinking and positive mood. Try to finally and irrevocably rid yourself of this dependence. The more a person has achieved, the more interesting he is as a person, the more rumors and negative thoughts will spread about him. So take it as your advantage. It would be much worse if no one was interested in you at all.

16. Smile! And finally, remember that the main and invariable symbol of positive is a smile! Therefore, smile as often as possible, even to strangers. And then a positive attitude will always come from you, people will mirror it, and “infect” you with the same. A smile is generally an invincible weapon in many life situations, learn how to use it correctly, and you will definitely achieve great success.

I have given you as many as 16 tips on how to learn to think positively, you just have to start applying them in life, developing your positive thinking.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize once again that a positive attitude towards life is a quality that is very difficult to achieve, but also very important. For example, I still do not always manage to keep a positive attitude, my positive thinking is not developed to the extent that I would like it to be. But I have definitely achieved considerable success in this, and I continue to develop in this direction, following the recommendations that I give you. I think that according to my articles I cannot be attributed to people with negative thinking, or am I wrong?

As always, I will be glad to hear any of your opinions, comments and wishes in the comments. See you at! Learn to think positively - this will definitely help you in life!


There is a proverb about a bad mood: “I got up on the wrong foot!” And you can say and do it differently: “As you set yourself up in the morning, so the day will pass.” Checked!

1. Awakening

What do you think about when you wake up? What is your first thought? Do you think it is not important, and you will not remember the first thought upon awakening? But no! It is important to develop the habit of smiling when the brain wakes up and be sure to think about the good. Well, for example: “Today is a wonderful day for me!”. If, during the day, someone strongly spoils your mood, remember this thought. Keep doing this for a while. And soon you will notice how the connection: "a good, bright first thought - a great mood all day long" will work automatically.

It's great if the first words of your new day will be any prayer that is authoritative for you, or a morning mood. (That's what yogis do, by the way.) Come up with it yourself, experiment, see what works best. As a mood, it is not necessary to read some treatise by heart! It can be as little as 2-3 sentences. The main thing is that you feel energy, joy, self-confidence from them.

2. Think positive

Woke up? For a couple of minutes, think about the beautiful with your eyes closed! This has its own great meaning. If you do not open your eyes immediately upon awakening, and in this state you start thinking about the good, then your brain will perceive your thoughts as a fait accompli! The same situation occurs when you fall asleep. Therefore, it is not recommended to fall asleep under the TV, especially if a horror story is played there - you are guaranteed a nightmare!

3. All for charging!

Did you open your eyes in the morning? Good! Just do not jump up, please, immediately from bed, even if you are very late! Give yourself 5 minutes to lie down. And then start charging. Yes, right in bed! There are wonderful easy complexes that will help you develop joints and muscles in 10-15 minutes. The body will begin to energize. Learn from animals. Cats, how to wake up, do not jump up right away, even if you move a sausage in front of your nose! They are bound to stretch.

These stretching exercises are very necessary for our body. In addition, they will allow you to remain mobile as long as possible, especially those who have a sedentary job. For me, for example, for 3 years, such morning exercises as “Our Father”. My body doesn't even want to get up without it! But, most importantly, do not moan and do not concentrate on pain, if any. Smile, gentlemen, smile! Everything should be enjoyable. If it's forced, then don't bother.

4. Prepare yourself for breakfast

Hack yourself Golden Rule: as soon as you get out of bed - slowly drink a glass of water at room temperature. Someone will say: I like hot or ice! Well, those are your problems. Our gastrointestinal tract loves when the contents of this temperature enter it: slightly warm. First, give a signal to the stomach to eat - it will begin to produce the necessary enzymes. Secondly, wash away from the mucous membrane of all microbes that have stagnated overnight. Well, if you say words of love and gratitude to some water - it’s generally wonderful! In short, what you say to water is what you get.

By the way, a morning glass of water will help you wake up. Since the brain, which is mainly water, will immediately receive energy, which will invigorate the entire body.

5. Affirmations

These are nothing but positive statements. Affirmations went to the masses with the light hand of Louise Hay, who claims to have cured herself of cancer in this way. Let's leave this statement out of the question, but still, it won't hurt to tell yourself a couple of positive phrases in the morning. What? It depends on what you want to improve in your life, or what you lack. For example: “Every day I become more and more successful! (richer, healthier, more beautiful, more talented, etc.) The main rules of affirmations: any statement without a “not” particle; in present time; repetition of the same phrase several times (the more the better).

6. Golden time

This is the first hour of the new day. Do not turn on the "box" or the Internet, do not fill your head with negativity. At this time, our brain is most receptive to information. So, “recharge” from the morning news, and then you will be perplexed all day why unpleasant excitement arose, or even aggression.

Devote this golden hour to reflection, writing a diary, meditating, reading something pleasant. In short, to what the soul lies and what inspires you. At this time, so to speak, “the search for your own wave” takes place. Establish a connection with yourself, then you simply will not be able to "lose your temper."

7. We are planning a "five-year plan"!

Of course, you don’t need a five-year plan, but it doesn’t hurt to sketch out a business plan for the day. It organizes. And don't worry if you don't do something, don't beat yourself up. Most importantly, learn to prioritize. Then you will be sure that the main things for today are done.

Life is a series of black and white stripes. Often, meetings are followed by partings, successes are followed by failures, joys are followed by sadness and disappointments. However, it also happens that even in cloudless periods we are sad for some reason ... Let's find out how to tune in to the positive so as not to waste precious mental strength, getting upset over trifles.

The Importance of a Positive Attitude and Good Thoughts

A good mood is the key to success in everything. And constant complaints about failures do not lead to anything but negativity, envy and constant dissatisfaction with oneself (and here we are more likely to talk about women, because almost every second one “sins” with such behavior).

Living in constant stress is simply unbearable, so you need to learn to think optimistically. A positive attitude can change your life for the better, because:

  • Optimism literally attracts luck and happiness, because a person who exudes positive is a priori happy.
  • Positive people are treated very positively: you want to communicate with them, spend leisure time, build friendly trusting relationships.
  • A good mood in the morning charges you with cheerfulness and energy for the whole day.
  • A balanced person is more resistant to various diseases, it is not in vain that they say that all diseases originate in our head.
  • Positively minded people are attractive and outwardly, because a smile always paints a person.
  • A positive thinker will never give up, he will cope with any difficulties, and therefore quickly moves up the career ladder and achieves success in all endeavors.
  • The absence of negativity frees from meaningless thoughts and reckless actions, depressive states and loneliness.
  • A positive attitude is the key to a happy family relationship.

How to get rid of bad thoughts

It is useless to tune in to a positive wave without getting rid of negative thoughts. Therefore, for starters, it is worth throwing all the negativity out of your head. The following tips will help you do this:

  • Figure out what is causing your anxiety. Divide a blank sheet of paper into three columns. In the first write down all your fears, in the second note the basis of these worries, and in the third - your actions to eliminate them.
  • Do not hide from intrusive negative thoughts, do not leave them unattended. Even letting you go for a while, they accumulate in the subconscious and can "cover" at the most inopportune moment.
  • Don't let negativity get into your head. Anxious thoughts should be eliminated at the stage of occurrence. Get in the habit of switching to any interesting activity as soon as you realize that you are starting to worry.
  • Don't be afraid to make your own decisions. If doubts gnaw at you, you cannot come to a consensus with your own thoughts, unable to do right choice, cast aside all fears and finally make a decision. Even if it turns out to be wrong, but it will be your personal experience.
  • Don't exaggerate the importance of the problems. Just think: in less than a year, you will forget about those thoughts that do not let you sleep today.
  • Look for the positive in every situation. Human psychology is arranged in such a way that he easily notices the minuses, but in order to see the pluses, you have to make an effort.
  • Do not suffer for months and years with a sense of guilt before the people you offended. It is better to try to change the situation, act, and do not withdraw into yourself. Step over yourself, try for the first time in your life to ask for forgiveness, do not be shy and help with deeds, and not just words. Depression often arises just because of the feeling of guilt, which trails behind a person, haunting him.
  • Learn to forgive. Resentment against loved ones or anger at oneself has a devastating effect on the psyche. Forgiveness will give you a sense of inner freedom.
  • Fight the stormy fantasy that paints in bright colors in your head pictures of the sad denouement of problems. Remember that you can find a way out of any situation. Instead of fantasizing, it’s better to plan, using a simple psychological trick: just write down the points on how you can turn what happened in your direction; visualizing what is written with your own hand, you will bring important thoughts to your mind.

The power of thought: how to be on the wave of positive

Getting rid of the negativity is not enough, you need to not let it return. To do this, it is necessary to change the lifestyle, behavior and even worldview.

  • First, do only things you love. Each of them should bring only joy and pleasure.
  • Second, be open to new experiences. A positive shake is what is needed for a positive attitude. Skydiving, scuba diving, hang gliding - these or other extreme activities unusual for you will bring a lot of new emotions and, perhaps, make you think about a new hobby.
  • Thirdly, listen to yourself and learn to relax. Sometimes problems at work, in the family or in other areas are related to the fact that we are in the wrong mood, we work endlessly and forget about rest. If peace of mind comes when you lie in a bath filled with warm foamy water and read a book by your favorite author, then ask your loved ones to give you a couple of hours of peace and quiet. Most likely, they will accept your request with understanding. Going to the theater, museum, cinema, meetings with friends and outdoor recreation should take place more than once a year, but much more often, because they drive away the blues and drive away fatigue.
  • Do not take on your shoulders an unbearable burden. If you understand that you cannot cope with a large amount of work alone, then do not take it in pursuit of a bonus. It is better to be healthy and fresh than to hold rustling banknotes in your hands, but have no strength for anything.
  • Respect other people's rules and principles. If you do not like someone's judgment, do not take it with hostility. A condescending attitude towards people will give positive to them and to you.
  • Dream. All thoughts are material, so in your free moments imagine that your dream has come true.
  • Love yourself. Pamper yourself with gifts, with or without reason, praise for successes, do not dwell on external shortcomings, but do not forget to work on internal ones.

A positive attitude allows you to enjoy every day and thank fate for the wonderful world in which we live. Be optimistic, exude light and joy, infect other people with a good mood, then you will not only be happy yourself, but also give a piece of goodness to others.

What helps a person cope with difficult situations in life, experience failures with less emotional upheaval? What makes you think of any obstacles that arise on the way as feasible and easily overcome? What draws a smile on a person's face that remains even in difficult moments of his life? A positive attitude, a positive mood - that's the answer to these questions.

A positive mood is manifested in a deep belief in oneself, in the confidence that luck will not leave us, that no matter what the obstacle, we will still overcome it.

optimistic mood carries a lot of positive aspects! positive attitude improves performance and affects both the physical and mental well-being of a person. Positive mood creates self confidence(however, and vice versa, high self-esteem sets us in a positive way - a vicious circle)). Positive people are drawn to others.

To create and maintain a positive mood in any life situation, do the following exercises:

  1. The first exercise in creating a positive mindset is to keep the positive things in your life in mind. Memories, life episodes, thinking about which a smile appears on your face, should always be at hand. When a positive mood leaves you, when it seems to you that the whole world is against you, remember these pleasant moments and laugh heartily.
  2. Look for the good even where it would seem that it cannot be, change your attitude towards failure. Even from the most difficult and unpleasant situations, extract positive moments. For example, by solving a problem that has arisen, you learn, acquire knowledge, life experience. And appear similar situation in the future, you will deal with it more effectively. Without losing our composure in crisis situations, we build character. The proverb - “For one beaten they give two unbeaten”, just says this.
  3. In moments of weakness, when a positive attitude leaves you, communication with a cheerful, cheerful person will get you back on track. And vice versa, if a tense situation arose in your environment (in a work team, in a circle of friends, in a family), skillfully dilute it with positive, because your good mood depends not only on personal well-being, but also on the mood of all those around you.
  4. Praise yourself for a job well done. Praise should not be empty, it should be justified. Those who keep a diary can be advised to write down their victories and achievements in it, and in moments of doubt and emerging uncertainty, look inside. This is a great way to deal with low self-esteem and cheer yourself up.
  5. A huge surge of energy and positive mood occurs after morning exercises. If you barely got up and woke up at your desk only in the afternoon, then it is difficult to count on a positive attitude. Do morning exercises, take a contrast shower, make small runs.
  6. Smile more often. Even by forcing yourself to smile, you will experience a surge of positive mood. A sincere smile contributes to the production of endorphins (hormone of joy), which allows you to cope with stress and pessimistic moods.
  7. A positive mood often arises from contemplating the views of nature around us: enjoy the movement of clouds, the rustle of trees, the sunrise, the rainbow, the surf ...

Naturally, problems cannot be solved by a positive attitude alone, and with this article I do not want to say that we must constantly be in pink glasses. But even if the world around us does not live according to the laws of our positive mood (here one could argue, but what about the power of thought, visualization, etc.), all the same, this mood affects us and our success in life.

How to set yourself up for positive. Proven tips to change your life by increasing your positive attitude and positive thinking. Hi everybody. This article is all about the positive. 9 powerful tips that will help you set yourself up for positive, cheer up and charge you with positive energy. Tips that work and that I use to make everything even better for me.

A life modern man filled different concerns and experiences. He daily reinforces negative thoughts with his fears, experiences increasing stress and negative emotions. All this can lead to the development of depression and mental disorders. Well, if you constantly experience negative emotions, disappointments, depressive states, and nothing works out for you. So it's time to seriously think about changing your life and set yourself up for positive.

Find out if you are a positive enough person by taking the 16-question quiz

How positive are you?

The test will help analyze your attitude towards life during a difficult period. A positive outlook on life disposes people, a negative one creates difficulties. The test was developed by British psychologists. By honestly answering these questions for yourself, you will get a reliable result.

Everything seems to be clear, be positive and that's it. But not everyone succeeds. I will give you 9 powerful tips on how to set yourself up for positive.

1. Remember only the good.

The ability to think correctly is the first step to good mood and fulfilling life. Try to remember all the good deeds and positive moments of the day, write down your joyful thoughts in a notebook or post them on social networks.

It is the memories of your positive moments in life that can greatly lift your mood. And as a result, negative memories and emotions will replace. Keep a diary of your positive moments in life, I'm sure you have something to remember. Remember that optimism is life position and not a temporary state.

2. Be grateful for everything you have in life.

Before getting upset over minor setbacks, think about those who are now several times worse. Catastrophes, hostilities and epidemics of dangerous diseases often occur in the world. Mentally thank fate for the opportunity to live and work in a calm environment. Surprisingly, many people do not notice how happy they are! I communicate with many people, and I know that many have problems in life. More precisely, they have constant problems. Not everyone has what they wanted or would like to have. There is always something to thank God, the universe, the whole world for. especially if you're doing great.

3. Hope it works out

Optimists always hope for success in any life situations. If plans fail for any reason, don't blame yourself. Just think about your desires. Do not indulge in despondency, because thoughts are material. It is necessary to work on yourself, and then all dreams will certainly come true. You will succeed, you have to believe in it. And faith and confidence in yourself and your own strength will give you more energy and as a result you will experience positive emotions from the anticipation of a quick and positive result.

4. Use affirmations

It is known that a person who is tuned in to positive is able to achieve a lot. Our thoughts manifest in real life, so constant complaining only exacerbates the problems. How to set yourself up for positive? A simple and understandable exercise is an affirmation that allows you to fix the desired setting in the mind of a person. A short phrase, when repeated many times, stimulates positive changes in life and evokes the corresponding emotions. For example, inspire yourself with the idea that life is filled with exceptionally pleasant events. Start repeating the affirmation right now and the result will not be long in coming. I have a whole series of installations that make my life easier. If possible, I constantly pronounce them to myself or aloud and everything works out.

5. Focus on the future

Don't live with past experiences and hurts. This is meaningless, because the past cannot be changed, you can only extract useful knowledge from it. The mistake most people make is that they can't plan for a happy future because of past hurts. Envy also brings nothing but harm to health. It is necessary to learn to feel joy for another person and wish him well. Achieve your goals, focus on the future and your future achievements.

6. Think about your dream

How else to set yourself up for positive? Every person has a dream. It can be a new place of residence, a car, a trip to an exotic country. How to implement it? In your free time, imagine yourself as the owner of the desired car or a satisfied tourist in interesting places in another country. So, thanks to the abundance of positive emotions, you can achieve your goal. Dreams Come True. Positive and positive reality will accelerate the realization of your dreams. This is how our universe works.

7. Listen to positive music

On the way to work and in transport, try to listen to pleasant music with headphones. Good music will help get rid of negative thoughts and tune in to the positive. Get positive energy from rhythmic music. When I clean the house, I often listen to my favorite music which gives me a lot of energy.

8. Hang out with optimists.

It is very important for a person and a good environment. Communication with cheerful and friendly people will certainly bring joy and help you tune in to success. It is better to exclude pessimists from the social circle. In no case should you pick up someone else's Bad mood! Also, do not take criticism seriously, which is not always helpful. Learn to take criticism the right way. I am also criticized, but I go step by step towards my goal and every day my life becomes even better.

9. Praise yourself for success.

Don't forget to praise yourself for your success. For women, a new hairstyle, manicure or chocolate bar will be an excellent gift to yourself. Any achievement, any victory is an opportunity to praise yourself for the work done, for the new skill, for the improvement in your life. So, the principles of positive thinking include the ability to benefit from any situation in life, creating a clear image of the desired result, and reinforcing positive thoughts with good deeds.
