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How to open fb2 on iphone. KyBook is a great FB2 reader for iPad and iPhone. How to upload texts via cloud storage

The latest iPhone models are distinguished by large enough screens on which it is quite possible to read a book. But, studying this issue, users are faced with the fact that they are constantly trying to sell something. Either applications for reading books, then the books themselves, then something else.

Perhaps the simplest and most convenient application for reading books on iPhone is the standard iBooks application. With iBooks, you can buy e-books, read your own books in EPub or PDF format, and create an e-library by cataloging your books. This app is free and pre-installed on iPhone, iPad and iPod.

If you want to read books through iBooks for free, you first need to download them to the iBooks app. To do this, you will need a computer with iTunes installed, as well as the books themselves in EPub or PDF formats that you can download from the Internet.

To get started, connect your iPhone to your computer with a cable and launch iTunes. After that, click on the device icon that will appear in the upper left corner of the iTunes window (screenshot below). This will take you to the iPhone settings.

After that, you need to go to the "Books" section. A link to it will be available in the left side menu of the program.

This will open a page with a list of books on your iPhone. In order to download a new book to your iPhone, simply drag and drop it into this list with the mouse. If the book format is supported, the book will automatically be downloaded to the iPhone's memory and made available in the iBooks app.

After that turn off iPhone and check iBooks. If everything was done correctly, then the downloaded books should appear in the application library.

How to read books for free using third-party apps

If the iBooks app doesn't suit you, or if you want to read books in other formats other than EPub or PDF, then you can use third-party book reader apps. There are a lot of such applications, and you can easily find them in App Store.

One of the most popular apps for reading books on iPhone is the app. This application is distributed free of charge and at the same time it supports almost all popular formats. e-books. In particular, Kybook supports EPUB, RTF, PDF, FB2, DJVU, CBR, CHM and others. In general, if you don’t know which book reader app to choose, we recommend that you try Kybook first.

After you have installed the book reader application, you need to download your books to it. To do this, you again need a computer with iTunes. Connect your iPhone to your computer, launch iTunes and click on the device icon in the upper left corner (screenshot below).

After that, go to the "Shared Files" section.

As a result, you will see a window with two lists. On the left there will be a list of applications into which files can be downloaded, and on the right a list of files that belong to the selected application. Here, in the left list, you need to select an application for reading books (in our case, it is Kybook).

And then upload the book to the selected application using the "Add file" button.

As a result, the books will be loaded into the device's memory and become available in the interface of the selected application. Now these books can be read absolutely free of charge using your iPhone.

There are many different apps for reading books in the App Store. However, most of them are either inconvenient to use, in particular when loading books into the application, or are paid. Not everyone knows that there is no need to look for a specialized tool for reading books on the iPhone. iOS has a great app for this. This instruction, as you already understood, will be about iBooks.

iBooks is Apple's official book reader app. Over the past few years, iBooks has evolved from not the best "reader" into an excellent tool that is both flexibly configured and allows you to download books in the fastest way possible. Surprised to hear this about iBooks? So you have not tried to use it for a long time, but now we will explain everything.

That's what iBooks scares at first sight. The absence of Russian books in the store. But this is not a problem at all.

What book formats does iBooks support?

iBooks works with two file formats - EPUB and PDF. The now popular FB2 book format is not supported by the application, but finding an alternative on the Internet is not difficult for almost all books. Also at your service are various converters that instantly one file format to another without much loss of quality.

How to download books to iBooks via iTunes

Step 1. Launch iTunes and go to " Books". If iTunes is not installed on your computer, then download latest version Utilities can be on the official Apple website.

Note: if the section " Books» is not displayed, click « Edit Menu” and activate the section by clicking on the switch of the same name.

Step 2. Go to the tab " media library” and drag EPUB or PDF books or documents into the iTunes window. If suddenly, for some reason, the transfer fails, add books manually using the menu " File» → « Add file to library" (or " Add folder to library", if you want to download several books at once, which are collected in one directory).

Step 3. Connect your iPhone to your computer and select it in iTunes.

Step 4. Select the tab " Books” and activate the switch “ Synchronize books».

Step 5. Click " All books» to transfer all books to iPhone, or « Selected books» to transfer specific.

Step 6. After finishing the selection, click " Ready". When you open iBooks after the end of synchronization, you will see books arranged on the shelves that you can already read.

As you can see, downloading books to iBooks is not the easiest operation, in particular, due to the fact that you have to connect your iPhone to your computer with a cable. Fortunately, wires can be omitted.

How to download books to iBooks via iTunes over Wi-Fi

Step 1. Connect your iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes.

Step 2. Select the device and on the tab " Review» activate the switch « Sync this iPad over Wi-Fi».

Step 3. Click " Ready».

After applying the settings, you can disconnect the iPhone from the computer - the connection with iTunes will not be broken. And this means that you can download books to iBooks without having to connect the device to a PC or Mac using a cable. You can also delete books from iPhone via Wi-Fi.

How to Download Books to iBooks via Mobile Safari

Step 1. Open safari and go to the site of any online library with the ability to download books in EPUB or PDF format (for example, this one).

Step 2. Find the book you need using the search.

Step 3. On the page dedicated to the book, find a direct link to download the book in the formats you already know.

Step 4. In the window that opens, scroll up and click on the " Open in iBooks". The book will be added to your library.

First article in the series How to read books on iPhone completed. Now you can upload your favorite books to iBooks with three different ways. However, alternative applications are no less good and we talked about them in these articles:

branded digital library iBooks developed by by Apple specifically for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, not adapted to the needs of readers in Russia and the CIS. Artistic, journalistic and scientific literature, presented on the virtual shelves of iBooks, as a rule, is not translated into other languages ​​​​(only English or "American", an even more unfamiliar option, and rarely perceived even in Europe, and there is no point in looking for Russian at all), it is inconveniently formatted, moreover, it suffers from a bunch of shortcomings - like a limited number of authors and a long response to already published works.

But the main disadvantage, perhaps, is the price - the developers from Apple offer to pay fabulous amounts (and even in dollars) for outdated and long-standing literature that has not attracted attention. And, if you want to save money, then you will have to be content with rare free books that are also out of fashion.

And finally - it's inconvenient to add other files to iBooks - the procedure is too confusing and not intuitive. Hence the conclusion - the tool from Apple should be put aside and, finally, focus on the main thing: the ability to read for free on the iPhone or iPad that was needed at the moment.

You will have to deal with your goal with the help of third-party readers that are easy to download from the App Store (it makes no sense to list each option - the list will stretch into thousands of positions, but if you recommend it, then it’s a good option for those who are just starting to deal with electronic literature).

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Preparation. First of all, you will have to look directly at the App Store digital store and, using the search, find a suitable reader - for example, iBouquiniste. Click "Download" and wait for the installation to complete;
  2. Using iTunes. If an impressive collection of works by different authors has long been collected on a personal computer, which you don’t want to lose in any case, then you should immediately turn to iTunes by connecting your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to your computer in advance using a USB cable;
  3. Next - the standard transition to setting up the device using the button located in the upper left corner;
  4. After the transition - select the menu item "Shared files" on the left side of the interface;
  5. And, among the variety of programs offered, choose iBouquiniste. The list on the right will immediately display the current set of files already added to the reader. If desired, here you can study the already generated library for protection against duplicates. But it is important to understand that you cannot part with unnecessary information through iTunes - you will have to use either the built-in iOS tools or download assistants from the App Store;
  6. The last step is to scroll through the menu and find the "Add File" button, and then proceed to the selection of those books that need to be downloaded. iBouquiniste handles FB2 extension with ease, knows ePub, digests DOC and PDF. There will definitely be no problems with reading. After adding files through the menu, you can safely unfasten your smartphone, tablet or player from your computer and start reading;
  7. Third Party Sources. If iTunes is far away, no library has been assembled in advance, or the USB cable is lost in the bowels of an unassembled backpack, then there are alternative methods for adding books to Apple equipment;
  8. With the task of interrupting literary starvation, the browser easily helps. The main thing is to find the right source with a convenient search or download that allows you to bypass some additional checks or advertising. And, if you have to choose, then Flibusta will definitely not leave anyone indifferent;
  9. The first step is to open online home page service. The second is the transition to the search, located in the upper right corner. Next - view the issued results and proceed to download through the links located at the top of the page. FB2, ePub, MOBI - there are definitely suitable options;
  10. After clicking on the link, the browser will automatically offer to transfer the information directly to iBouquiniste. The procedure will take exactly 5 minutes!

It is even more convenient to interact with the Flibusta bot for Telegram. The idea is the same - a message is sent to the bot, it gives a download link in the required format - but the search speed is much higher, and the browser does not have to be driven again.

The App Store has such a large selection of applications that it's dizzying. That's why I collected 10 for you the best readers books, articles, documents and even comics, among which you will definitely find something interesting.

Apple Books, free

Books works with ePub and PDF formats.

KyBooks Free+

Not all interesting books are available in ePub format, and there is not always time to convert them on purpose. An excellent solution to this situation would be KyBooks.

This program allows you to read FB2, TXT, HTML, RTF, PDF, iWork and Microsoft Office formats on iPad and iPhone. And the Pro version also opens DJVU, CHM and works with the TOR network (!). There is integration with Google Books, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and Yandex Disk.

True, the application has not been updated since mid-2016, because support new iPhones there is no.

Total Reader Pro, $4.99

If you want even more, then check out TotalReader Pro. This is really an omnivorous thing that will allow you to read FB2, ePub, MOBI, CHM, FBZ, RTF, TXT, DJVU documents, PDF, XPS, MS Office, iWork, KEY and even comics in CBR, CBZ, CB7 formats on iPad and iPhone and CBT. And also just the darkness of all sorts of geeky chips and abbreviations, which neither I nor you most likely will understand.

Alas, the application has not been updated since mid-2017.

The Book Converter Free+

Leaning towards iBooks, but the meager amount of supported formats gets in the way? Install The Book Converter. This thing converts any document to ePub, FB2, MOBI, AZW, PDF, LRF, LIT, PDB and TCR format. The coolest thing is that you don’t have to download the book yourself, just insert the download link into the application and everything will happen automatically.

Reeder 2, free

Despite the closure of the Google Reader service, RSS does not lose popularity. It's still The best way Keep up to date with your favorite blogs and websites. Well, Reeder 2 is perhaps the best representative of RSS readers for iOS. It works with Feedbin, Feedly, Fever, Feed Wrangler, Minimal Reader, Readability, FeedHQ, The Old Reader and more. Its highlight is a nice design and gesture control.

Pocket, Free+

The program solves a typical problem of a busy person: you found an interesting article, but there is absolutely no time to read it right now. Pocket allows you to save publications "for later", while during this very "later" the Internet will no longer be needed - all articles are stored offline and automatically downloaded in the background via WiFi. This way you can read articles from the web on your iPad and iPhone even in an elevator shaft.

Of course, the service has a couple of serious competitors, and the main one is Instapaper. Not better, not worse, just different. Perhaps you will like its interface more, be sure to try it.

Comic Zeal, $2.99

Take a look at iComics as an alternative. This client can expertly split and merge pages so that they take up a large area of ​​the screen. Many people will like Dropbox support.

GoodReader, $2.99

Great thing to read PDF on iPad and iPhone. It will be useful to everyone who every day faces this format for work or study. You can easily download files from attachments Email, work with clouds, use WebDAV and FTP.

The GoodReader engine allows you to process massive PDF documents of hundreds of megabytes in a matter of seconds. It has support for annotations: adding comments and geometric shapes, drawing, etc.

Alpina.Business, free+

Another application focused on business literature. A huge library from major publishers, where in addition to text, you can listen to audio versions. Moreover, the reader itself understands where you left off and synchronizes them. As in the case of the MYTH, everything purchased remains inside the program.

bookmate. Books & Audiobooks, Free+

A universal library on a variety of topics: from classics to the school curriculum. In it you will find most of the books from the same publishing houses MIF and Alpitna. There is support for offline reading and synchronization with other devices, including Windows Phone, Android and PC / Mac (via browser). The ability to upload your books to FB2 and ePub deserves special praise.

Bookmate also has a great social component: you can always see books recommended by friends, critics, editors and celebrities. And a very cool subscription system - for 169+ rubles a month you will get unlimited access to the entire library.

Documents by Readdle, Free+

Universal processor for working with PDF files, Word, Excel office documents and reading books in ePub and FB2. Documents can work with archives and annotations, suitable for viewing images, videos, listening to music, and even downloading files from the network.

They can download entire web pages for further reading, such an analogue of Pocket, GoodReader and KyBooks rolled into one.

In conclusion

If you are used to looking for versions of books on the net, then iBooks in conjunction with The Book Converter, or the free KyBooks would be ideal for you. With the TotalReader Pro reader, you can kill all the birds with one stone, because it even works with comics. Well, if you are a real "bookworm", then your choice is Bookmate by subscription. There is no need to think about formats, just download what you want and go! In general, you can now read on your iPad or iPhone 24/7.

If you like the minimalism of the standard iBooks reader, but don't like the fixed text indentation and limited format support, you can try eBoox. This program is just as airy and easy to use, but it also reads FB2, MOBI, and other popular file types not available in iBooks. In addition, eBoox gives you more control over the visual side of the text: adjust the indentation as you like.

The only thing eBoox may lack is the synchronization of reading positions, bookmarks and other metadata between devices. The program is free.


  • Supported formats: FB2, EPUB.

The Bookmate app is a handy e-reader with basic settings text display. You can adjust the margins, font size and type, line spacing, and background color. Moreover, Bookmate is also a social service with book recommendations and a library with . A very interesting combination.

Despite having an internal book store, Bookmate allows you to upload your own texts for free. The service automatically synchronizes data between different devices and platforms. As far as file compatibility is concerned, the reader is limited to only the most popular formats.

3.PocketBook Reader

  • Supported formats: EPUB, FB2, PDF, DJVU, TXT, FB2.ZIP, CHM, HTML (basic), CBZ, CBR, CBT, RTF.

The PocketBook reader cannot be called minimalistic, but it is unlikely to confuse you with a large number of settings and functions. In addition to the typical options, you get control over auto-scroll and paging zones. There is a quick export of words to Google, Wikipedia and a built-in . You can include reading aloud. It is very convenient to change the scale of the text with a pinch.

PocketBook supports synchronization between devices via Dropbox. In addition, the application has a built-in recommendation service ReadRate, where you can see reviews, ratings and other information about books. Support for DJVU, a popular illustrated book format, deserves special attention. The application is available without ads and for free.

4. Kybook 2

  • Supported formats: EPUB, FB2, RTF, PDF, DJVU, MOBI, AZW3, CBR, CBZ, CBT, MP3, M4A, M4B.

It seems that this monstrous reader boasts all the settings and functions that can only come in handy when reading from a mobile device. Changing interface themes, managing headers and footers, sorting downloaded books by different criteria, connection of various dictionaries, speed reading mode - this is only a small part of everything that KyBook 2 has.

Not every reader needs such an arsenal, but if you like customization, you can try this program. KyBook 2 is available for free for a month, after which some features are disabled. You can unlock them and at the same time remove ads for 299 rubles.
