Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Print slides, handouts, or notes in PowerPoint. Inserting objects into a presentation Which object cannot be inserted into a slide

To insert objects into a MS PowerPoint 2007 presentation, use the tools located on the tab Insert.

Figure 15 - Inserting an object into a MS PowerPoint 2007 presentation

MS PowerPoint 2007 allows you to add elements such as:

Table (area Illustrations® Table);

Drawing (area Illustrations® Picture), clips, photographs, drawings to demonstrate some concept (area Illustrations® Clip), insert a photo album (area Illustrations® Photo album);

Establish links between objects using hyperlinks, quick access toolbar (area Connections);

Insert an inscription into a document or to a selected object (area Text® Inscription), edit headers and footers (area Text® Headers and footers), insert a WordArt object (area Text® word art), current date and time (area Text® date and time), slide number (area Text® slide number), inserting an arbitrary character (area Text® slide number), embedded object (area Text® An object).

MS PowerPoint 2007 presents a large number of slide design tools, shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16 - Slide layout and design

In MS PowerPoint 2007, it is possible to configure page settings, select the size of the slide, set its orientation (area Page settings).

The ability to customize the change in the basic design of the slide is included (area Topics® Design), color adjustment (area Topics® Color), additional font settings (region Topics® Font) and effects, which are sets of line and fill effects (area Topics® effects).

To edit the background, the background styles feature is enabled (area Background® Background Styles) and the ability to hide and show background images.

Animation allows you to make the presentation the most dynamic and visual. Bookmark tools are used to insert animation Animation shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17 - Working with animation

Animation options allow you to create text list items that fly into the page from the left one word at a time, or add an applause sound when you open a picture, or you can combine these two actions.

This tab contains the following tools:

slide animation and effects preview (area View ® View);

animation insertion, including adding animation to a slide, editing, assigning animation to the selected object (area Animation);

slide transition options (area Transition options), including the transition scheme - a special effect applied during the transition, the sound and speed of the transition, the choice of the slide change mode: on click or in automatic mode using a timer.

The slide show can start from the very first slide of the presentation, from any selected (current slide) or in random order presented on the tab slide show shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18 - Slideshow

MS PowerPoint 2007 provides a large number of tools for setting up a sweet show (area Settings). Tool Presentation settings contain the main settings shown in Figure 18. The undoubted advantage of PowerPoint is the ability to customize the presentation at the request of the user, using various launch modes and settings, such as sound recording and Time setting. These tools allow you to record the text of the presentation through a microphone and adjust the transition of the slides according to the audio recording.

Figure 19 - Presentation setup

Figure 20 - Reviewing the presentation

MS PowerPoint 2007 has a set of tools for reviewing presentations. These tools are presented on the tab Peer review, Figure 20. The Reviewing tab contains such tools as Spelling A used to check the contents of a slide for spelling and stylistic errors. Tool Directory allows you to add new words to the dictionary, and the tool Thesaurus allows you to choose words with similar concepts. Also in the area Spelling there are tools Translation and Language, used to translate words from one language to another and select the language input mode.

Region Note contains direction tools for creating notes to a slide or selected objects.

Region Protect allows you to restrict access to the contents of the slide.

Figure 21 - View tab tools

To customize the external display of a slide, use the bookmark tools View. These are the tools that allow you to select the presentation view mode: Basic, Slide Sorter, Note Pages, Slide Show. Tools that allow you to display formats such as grid lines, Rulers, Message bar, Scale the slide, assign grayscale and black and white. It is possible to set the window display mode (tab Window), for example, creating a new window, splitting and arranging windows.

Using the described tools of Office PowerPoint 2007 it is possible to create professional presentations.

Work order

Using Power Point 2007 tools, develop a presentation that meets the following requirements:

1. During the laboratory work, it is necessary to create a presentation on a given topic according to the option number (Appendix B).

2. The presentation must:

    1. consist of 7 slides (±1);
    2. have a single design;
    3. contain various animation effects;
    4. respond to user actions;
    5. beautifully designed and be sustained in the same style.

1. Title page.

2. Goals and objectives of laboratory work.

3. Assignment for laboratory work.

4. The results of the work performed.

test questions

1. What's new in Office PowerPoint 2007?

2. Name the main bookmarks of Office PowerPoint 2007.

3. What are the features in Office PowerPoint 2007?

4. How is it created new presentation?

5. What objects can be inserted into a presentation?

6. Name the main tools of the Animation tab.

7. What are the tools of the Review tab used for?

List of terms

reviewing, presentation, animation, photo album, sound recording.

First, let's define what to call external objects. After all, the pictures and sounds that we have already inserted into the presentation were also inserted from the outside. But after insertion, all these objects remain unchanged in the presentation. And how to insert a file and be able to change it so that the presentation also changes.

Embedded objects allow you to create complex documents, for example, in the .ppt (PowerPoint) format, with tables, figures, presentations embedded (embedded) in the main document created by means of other programs (Word, Excel, Adobe). The PowerPoint document in this case will be a kind of container in which the necessary files are located in the right place. This saves space, search time, systematizes information, makes it convenient to use the document for different cases.

The difference between linked and embedded objects

The main difference between linked and embedded objects is where the data is stored and how it is updated after it is placed in the target file.

For example, a job status report might contain data that is independently maintained on a PowerPoint slide. If you link a report to a slide, the report data will be updated whenever the source file data is updated. If you embed a slide in a report, the report will contain a static copy of the data.

Related objects

When an object is linked, the data can be updated when the source file changes. Linked data is stored in the source file. Destination file, stores only the path to the source file, and displays a representation of the associated data. If file size matters, use related objects.

Linking is also useful when you want to include data that is independently maintained in a document, such as data collected by another department, or when you want to keep your PowerPoint document up-to-date.

Embedded objects

When a PowerPoint object is embedded, the data in the Word file is not changed when the original PowerPoint file is modified. Embedded objects become part of the Word file, and once they are inserted, the objects are no longer part of the original file.

Because all information is contained entirely in the Word document, embedding is useful when you don't want to reflect changes to the original file, or when you don't want recipients of the document to update related data.

Updating Related Objects

By default, related objects are updated automatically. This means that PowerPoint updates the related information each time the PowerPoint file is opened, or at the same time as changes are made to the original file if the PowerPoint file is currently open. However, for individual linked objects, these settings can be changed so that the linked object is not updated, or so that it is updated only when the user of the document chooses how to update it on demand.

You can prevent PowerPoint from automatically updating links in all documents you open. This can be seen as a security measure to prevent documents from being updated with files that are of untrusted origin.

Important. When you open a document that contains linked objects, PowerPoint prompts you to update it with data from the linked files. If you suspect that the linked files come from an untrusted source, click Not in this message.

You can also completely break the link between the linked object and the source file. When this link is broken, the object in the PowerPoint document is no longer editable; it becomes a description of the contents of the PowerPoint file.

Editing Linked or Embedded Objects

  1. Right-click an object and select a command to work with the object from the context menu.

The command type depends on whether the object is a slide or an entire presentation, and whether the object is linked or embedded. For example, if the object is a presentation link, select Related Presentation Object, and if it is an embedded slide, select slide object.

  1. Depending on whether the object is embedded or linked, click Open or Open link, and then make the required changes.

If the object is embedded, changes are only made to the copy that is in the document. If the object is linked, the changes are made to the original file.

Link or embed a PowerPoint slide

When you want to create a dynamic link between document content and PowerPoint presentation content, insert the content as an object. Unlike regular pasting (by pressing CTRL+V), pasting content as a linked or embedded object allows you to work with it in the source program.

When a slide is inserted into a document as a PowerPoint object, from within Word, you can double-click the slide to launch PowerPoint and use the PowerPoint application commands to work with the slide.

When pasted as the object of an entire PowerPoint presentation, the document displays only one slide. To display other slides, double-click the PowerPoint object and then press Enter to start the slide show.

Intended action:

Insert a linked or embedded object from a PowerPoint presentation

You can link or embed one or more slides, or you can embed an entire presentation. When a PowerPoint presentation is embedded in a document, Word, in response to double-clicking the presentation object, starts the demo PowerPoint slides. You can't edit a presentation in a document. A presentation object can only be embedded, not linked.

  1. Open a Word document and PowerPoint presentation A that contains the slides from which you want to create a linked or embedded object.
  2. Switch to PowerPoint and select the entire presentation or slides you need.

Note. Slides are selected in the view slide sorter. To select a series of slides, hold down the SHIFT key while clicking the first and last slides in the series. To select specific slides, hold down the CTRL key while clicking them.

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+C.
  2. Switch to the Word document and click where this data should be displayed.
  3. On the tab start page in a group Clipboard click the arrow in the group Insert, and then select Special insert.

  1. Listed Object type highlight an objectMicrosoft Office PowerPoint.
  2. Choose an option Insert to insert an embedded object, or To tie to insert a link to the object.

Paste the crossword into finished presentation project as an OLE object. Check the connections.

Lesson topic: "Inserting objects into a presentation"

I . General education:

1. Create conditions for acquiring practical skills when working with Power Point.

2. To consolidate practical skills when working with this program.

3. Teach students how to insert objects into a presentation.

II. Developing:

    Promote the development of memory, attention.

    To promote the development of a creative approach for the development of a software product, independence when working with a software product.

    Development of cognitive interests, computer skills, self-control, ability to take notes.

III. Educational:

1. Education of the information culture of students, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline.

Lesson type: study of new material, application of knowledge and skills, generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge.

Equipment: computers with Windows XP, Office 2003, projector, screen.

During the classes

1. Organizing time. ( 3 minutes)

Hello guys, sit down. Today we continue to work with the application MS Power Point and the topic of our lesson: "Inserting objects into a presentation."

A computer presentation is a sequence of slides containing multimedia objects. And today in the lesson we must learn how to add various objects to the slides, consolidate practical skills when working with this application MS PowerPoint.

2. Updating knowledge. A face-to-face survey is being conducted. (5 minutes)

    How to run MS Power Point application?

Student: To launch the PowerPoint application, you can select from the Windows main menu StartPrograms Microsoft PowerPoint item

    How to create a slide?

Student: Insert- Create Slide

    How to change the background of a slide?

First student: Format - Background.

Second student: Call the context menu in an empty area of ​​the slide (right click)

    How to insert text into a presentation slide?

Student: Select a slide layout with text and enter text using the keyboard.

If the presentation will consist of words, and you will give speech, while demonstrating textual materials, slide by slide, then the audience will quickly lose interest. Even more boring is viewing slides with text that is not accompanied by speech. To make your presentation more attractive, you need to supplement it with pictures and various effects. Images on slides can have a variety of origins and purposes - ready-made PowerPoint drawings; Photo; graphs, charts and tables created with other programs; drawings made by you using the drawing tools of different programs, animations, video clips, etc.

With video effects, thoughtful and professional use of illustrations will greatly enhance the quality of your presentation by emphasizing the relationship between spoken words and images.

(Showing presentations with audio)

    Presentation of new material. (ten minutes)


Guys, imagine that you are a marketer of a company selling computers and you need to congratulate customers on the New Year.

In order to make your congratulation more attractive, we will see what objects can be added to the presentation.

To create a special effect, click the Add WordArt button on the Drawing toolbar. The WordArt Collection window of Microsoft WordArt will appear on the screen for you to select a text style.

autofigure rate.

To call the AutoShapes library, click the AutoShapes button on the Drawing toolbar. From the opened two-level menu, select the desired autoshape and click on it with the mouse. Then click the mouse (left button) in the desired place on the slide. You can immediately resize the resulting autoshape with a selection frame by grabbing any light rectangle with the mouse and moving it in the desired direction without releasing the mouse. For any other part of the selected area, you can move the autoshape.

Inserting an image

Now we will look at inserting two types of illustrations onto a slide: pictures from the gallery and images from files.

Insert pictures. By selecting the InsertPicturePictures… item in the main menu, you get to the gallery of pictures, categorized or placed together. When you click on the selected picture, and then on the Insert Clip button of the drop-down menu, this picture is inserted in the center of the slide. This operation can be repeated many times, inserting the required number of pictures.

Insert from file. You can insert images stored on your computer in various file formats into a slide. Selecting the Insert Picture From File… item in the main menu will take you to the Add Picture window. At the bottom of it is a window for choosing the format of the picture. Above is a window for selecting a disk, and below is a window for selecting a folder and the desired image file.

Adding music and sound effects to a slide

    On the menu Insert select item Films and sound

    • Choose a team Sound from file

      Choose a team Sound from the collection

Practical work.

    Insert artistic text

    Insert AutoShapes(rectangle)

    Insert picture

    Insert picture from file

    Insert sound clip

The students do it, the teacher walks around the class and helps.

After completion, the task should be discussed and the stages of its implementation should be considered.

Physical education minute

    Consolidation of the material covered: Guys, remember that you are the marketers of the company and you need to create a Happy New Year greeting for customers. Let each of you fantasize and complete the next task.

Let's create a three-slide presentation and add various objects to our presentation:

To the first slide is a WordArt object.

On the second- drawing from a collection of pictures (animation from a file)

On third- sound.

Guys, what did we learn at the lesson today?

      Teacher: How to insert text on a slideword art ?

First student: Insert - Picture - WordArt

Second student: Clicking the WordArt button on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Teacher: How to draw a three-dimensional triangle?

Student: On the drawing panel - AutoShapes - Basic Shapes - Triangle, draw and give volume using the "Volume" menu on the drawing panel.

3. Teacher: How to create a slide with a sound object?

Student: Insert - Film and Sound - Sound from File

4. Teacher: How to insert a video fragment?

First student: Insert - Film and sound - Film from file

Second student: Insert - Film and sound - Film from the collection of pictures

5. Teacher: How to insert a picture from a file?

Student: Insert -Picture - From file

6.Teacher: How to change the color and type of textword art ?

Student: Select the WordArt object and select the text color and direction in the WordArt panel.

6. Summing up.

View presentation content

  • To create a special effect, you must click on the Insert button, picture, WordArt object. The WordArt Collection window of Microsoft WordArt will appear on the screen for you to select a text style.
  • After choosing a style, click OK and open a window for entering the text itself. Enter the text, and after clicking on the OK button, it will appear in the slide area.

  • Text and pictures (including photos) are the main objects of presentations. But the use of simple and visual images from the autoshapes library increases the visibility and entertainment of the presentation. For example, an arrow that appears at a certain moment and stops near the object about which in question, emphasizes its importance, attracts increased attention to it.

Selecting items from the main menu

Insert Drawing Pictures…,

you find yourself in a gallery of pictures, categorized or placed together. When you click on the selected picture, and then on the Insert Clip button of the drop-down menu, this picture is inserted in the center of the slide. This operation can be repeated many times, inserting the required number of pictures.

  • Open the slide to which you want to add music or sound effects.
  • On the menu Insert select item Films and sound, and then do one of the following:
  • Choose a team Sound from file, locate the folder that contains the file, and double-click the desired file. Choose a team Sound from the collection, use the scroll bar to find the desired clip and click it to add it to the slide
  • Choose a team Sound from file, locate the folder that contains the file, and double-click the desired file.
  • Choose a team Sound from the collection, use the scroll bar to find the desired clip and click it to add it to the slide

  • one . Insert curly text.
  • 2. Insert auto shapes (Rectangle, square).
  • 3. Insert a picture.
  • 4. Insert an animation from a file.

  • The first slide is a WordArt object.
  • On the second slide - a picture from the collection of pictures (animation from a file)
  • Third, sound.

Lesson topic: "Inserting objects into a presentation"
I . General education:

1. Create conditions for acquiring practical skills when working with Power Point.

2. To consolidate practical skills when working with this program.

3. Teach students how to insert objects into a presentation.

II. Developing:

  1. Promote the development of memory, attention.

  2. To promote the development of a creative approach for the development of a software product, independence when working with a software product.

  3. Development of cognitive interests, computer skills, self-control.
III. Educational:

1. Education of the information culture of students, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline.

Lesson type: study of new material, application of knowledge and skills, generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge.

Equipment: computers with Windows XP, Office 2003, projector, screen.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. ( 3 minutes)

A computer presentation is a sequence of slides containing multimedia objects. And today in the lesson we must learn how to add various objects to the slides.

2. Updating knowledge. A face-to-face survey is being conducted. (5 minutes)

  1. How to run MS Power Point application?
Student: To launch the PowerPoint application, you can select from the Windows main menu Start>Programs Microsoft PowerPoint item

  1. How to connect the required toolbar?
Student: In the main menu item View>Toolbars you need to check the boxes (left click) against the required panels.

  1. How to create a slide?
Student: Insert- Create Slide

  1. How to change the background of a slide?
First student: Format - Background.

Second student: Call the context menu in an empty area of ​​the slide (right click)

  1. How to insert text into a presentation slide?
Student: Select a slide layout with text and enter text using the keyboard.


Guys, imagine that you are the marketers of the company and you need to congratulate customers on the New Year, advertise your new products. It is necessary to interest buyers with photographs, show the product on video.

Guys, what do you think, what should we learn to solve this problem?


Student: Be able to insert pictures.

Student: Insert music

Student: Execute curly text

Teacher: Today we will learn it.

  1. Presentation of new material.(20 minutes)
If the presentation will consist of words, and you will give speech, while demonstrating textual materials, slide by slide, then the audience will quickly lose interest. Even more boring is viewing slides with text that is not accompanied by speech. To make your presentation more attractive, you need to supplement it with pictures and various effects. Images on slides can have a variety of origins and purposes - ready-made PowerPoint drawings; Photo; graphs, charts and tables created with other programs; drawings made by you using the drawing tools of different programs, animations, video clips, etc.

With video effects, thoughtful and professional use of illustrations will greatly enhance the quality of your presentation by emphasizing the relationship between spoken words and images.

(Showing presentations with audio)

Add artistic text using WordArt objects.

To create a special effect, click the Add WordArt button on the Drawing toolbar. The WordArt Collection window of Microsoft WordArt will appear on the screen for you to select a text style.

After choosing a style, click OK and open a window for entering the text itself. Enter the text, and after clicking on the OK button, it will appear in the slide area.

autofigure rate.
Text and pictures (including photos) are the main objects of presentations. But the use of simple and visual images from the autoshapes library increases the visibility and entertainment of the presentation. For example, an arrow that appears at a certain moment and stops near the object in question emphasizes its significance and draws increased attention to it.

To call the AutoShapes library, click the AutoShapes button on the Drawing toolbar. From the opened two-level menu, select the desired autoshape and click on it with the mouse. Then click the mouse (left button) in the desired place on the slide. You can immediately resize the resulting autoshape with a selection frame by grabbing any light rectangle with the mouse and moving it in the desired direction without releasing the mouse. For any other part of the selected area, you can move the autoshape.

Inserting an image

Now we will look at inserting two types of illustrations onto a slide: pictures from the gallery and images from files.

Insert pictures. Selecting Insert>Picture>Pictures… from the main menu, you get to the gallery of pictures, categorized or placed together. When you click on the selected picture, and then on the Insert Clip button of the drop-down menu, this picture is inserted in the center of the slide. This operation can be repeated many times, inserting the required number of pictures.

Insert from file. You can insert images stored on your computer in various file formats into a slide. Selecting Insert>Picture>From File… from the main menu, you get to the Add Image window. At the bottom of it is a window for choosing the format of the picture. Above is a window for selecting a disk, and below is a window for selecting a folder and the desired image file.

Adding music and sound effects to a slide

  1. Open the slide to which you want to add music or sound effects.

  2. On the menu Insert select item Films and sound, and then do one of the following:

    • Choose a team Sound from file, locate the folder that contains the file, and double-click the desired file.

    • Choose a team Sound from the collection, use the scroll bar to find the desired clip and click it to add it to the slide

Practical work.

  1. Insert artistic text

  2. Insert AutoShapes(rectangle)

  3. Insert picture

  4. Insert picture from file

  5. Insert sound clip
The students do it, the teacher walks around the class and helps.

After completion, the task should be discussed and the stages of its implementation should be considered.

Physical education minute

  1. Consolidation of the material covered:(10 minutes)
Guys, remember what problem we posed at the beginning of the lesson? Do you think we can solve it now? Let each of you fantasize. Imagine yourself as marketers and do the work on the assignment.

Guys, remember that you are the marketers of the company and you need to advertise your new products. It is necessary to interest buyers with photographs, show the product on video. Now can you do it? (Yes.)

Let's create a three-slide presentation and add various objects to our presentation:


To the first slide- sound.

On the second-WordArt object.

On third- drawing from a collection of pictures (animation from a file)
Guys, what did we learn at the lesson today?

    1. Teacher: How to insert WordArt text on a slide?
First student: Insert - Picture - WordArt

Second student: Clicking the WordArt button on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Teacher: How to draw a three-dimensional triangle?

Student: On the drawing panel - AutoShapes - Basic Shapes - Triangle, draw and give volume using the "Volume" menu on the drawing panel.

3. Teacher: How to create a slide with a sound object?

Student: Insert - Film and Sound - Sound from File

4. Teacher: How to insert a video fragment?

First student: Insert - Film and sound - Film from file

Second student: Insert - Film and sound - Film from the collection of pictures

5. Teacher: How to insert a picture from a file?

Student: Insert -Picture - From file

6. Teacher: How to change the color and appearance of the WordArt text?

Student: Select the WordArt object and select the text color and direction in the WordArt panel.
6. Summing up.(2 minutes)
