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Application. The procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities. General algorithm for workplace certification The most common mistakes

What are the benefits of social worker certification? What are the features of certification of medical workers for the category? What regulates the provisions on certification for suitability for the position held?

When you come to work, you find out that there have been personnel changes in the team! Chief economist Maria Ivanovna urgently got ready to retire. Senior accountant Natalya is beaming with happiness - she is now deputy chief accountant. But the leading economist Lyudochka is all in tears - from today on she is just an economist.

The fault lies with the certification of employees, to which no one attached much importance two weeks ago. As we see, in vain!

In order not to get into trouble and to be fully armed, to know all the pros and cons of this procedure, I, Alla Prosyukova, have prepared for you a new article on the topic of personnel certification!

As always, at the end of the publication there are useful tips and reviews of reliable companies offering personnel certification services!

1. What is employee certification and why is it carried out?

Every year, business managers and business owners pay more and more attention to the company's personnel. Popular expression “Personnel decides everything!” finally began to acquire practical significance.

To remain competitive, companies must have highly professional personnel whose level of training corresponds to its scale.

How to determine this level correctly? It's very simple - get certified!

This is a periodic examination of personnel for professional suitability and suitability for the position held.

The goals of this event are different. We have presented some of them in our diagram.

Legislatively, the frequency of certification activities is provided for at least once every 3 years. Based on this, each company independently approves the deadlines that are acceptable to it. They are enshrined in a local act regulating this process, developed and approved within the company.

You should know which categories of workers are not certified:

  • working in the organization for less than a year;
  • employees over 60 years of age;
  • employees expecting a child;
  • female employees on maternity leave;
  • women who have taken leave to care for a child up to 3 years old.

Now certification has become popular in the field of social work. Certification of the professionalism of social workers makes it possible to form a staff of highly qualified specialists, which has a positive effect on the quality of the services they provide.

It is also important to remember the features of certification of certain types of employees. For example, certification of health workers by category. These employees have the right to independently initiate an examination for assignment of a category. The voluntary nature of the test is its distinctive feature.

Examinations of this kind are conducted by an expert group of a specially formed commission.

2. What forms of employee certification are there - 3 forms of implementation

Depending on the goals, the method of certification is also selected. The most famous are 3 forms of this procedure. In practice, there are many more of them, because mixing often occurs and the result is a combined format.

In this publication, I propose to consider only the main ones: two oral (individual and collegial interviews) and written testing.

Form 1. Oral in the form of an individual interview

An individual interview is usually conducted by the head of the department in which the employee works. The results serve as the basis for compiling a review-characteristic.

In the process, the attitude of the person being certified to the work is clarified. The problems that an employee encounters while performing his or her job duties are identified.

Form 2. Oral in the form of a collegial interview

The collegial interview is conducted by a commission approved for these purposes. First, they listen to the subject’s own report about his responsibilities within the position, the positive and negative aspects of the work. If necessary, clarifying questions are asked.

During the conversation, the level of professional training of the specialist and his suitability for the position are determined.

Form 3. Written in the form of tests

Testing is considered the most objective form. Certification testing requires serious preparation.

First, it is necessary to formulate and approve test questions. They must fully comply with the specialty and qualifications of the employees being certified.

Secondly, the % of correct answers should be determined in advance to determine successful completion of the test.

3. How employee certification is carried out - 5 main stages

Such a serious and important procedure as employee certification requires thorough preparation.

In order for the results of this event to have value and practical significance, it is necessary to know some of its organizational subtleties and features of its implementation.

Stage 1. Drawing up a local regulatory act

The main document regulating the certification procedure is the “Regulations on the certification of employees.”

Its approximate structure is presented in the table.

Approximate structure and composition of sections:

1 Concept, goals, objectivesspecific goals and objectives are indicated specifically for the company that approved the Regulations (for example, the formation of a personnel reserve)
2 List of personnel categories not subject to certificationcategories of employees that are not certified are legally established (pregnant women, working for less than a year, etc.)
3 Datesplanned, unscheduled, frequency and duration
4 Attestation Formsindividual or collegial interview, testing
5 Composition and powers of the commissionthe composition of the commission with the functions assigned to them is indicated
6 Procedure for certificationthe most complete description of all stages of the process, a list of submitted documentation, a list of those responsible for the preparation of documents
7 Criteria for evaluationthe number of points for successfully passing the test, compliance of the employee’s work with his job instructions, etc.
8 Types of final conclusionscorresponds/does not correspond to the position held, corresponds to the position held and is recommended for inclusion in the personnel reserve

The local act is approved by the head of the company. After which all personnel are familiarized with it under signature. Subsequently, the newly employed are familiarized with the situation in a similar way.

Stage 2. Formation of the certification commission

The commission is approved by order of the organization.


  • chairman;
  • vice-chairman;
  • secretary;
  • members of the commission.

The number of members is not limited by law. Minimum - 3 people. They are elected from among the most professional workers, heads of departments, and chief specialists.

If there is a trade union in the company, then its representative must be included in the commission. Otherwise, the certification results may be invalidated.

Stage 3. Preparation of necessary documents for the certification commission

The manager's order to conduct certification has been issued. A schedule for its implementation has been developed and approved. Now comes the time to prepare documentation for the commission.

List of standard documents:

  • work and business qualities assessment form;
  • reports of those being certified;
  • qualification sheets;
  • commission conclusion form;
  • form for taking into account employee suggestions.

Stage 4. Conducting certification

Certification is carried out by the commission strictly according to the approved schedule. During the meeting, the submitted documents for each certified person are reviewed, the employees themselves and their immediate supervisors are heard.

Stage 5. Obtaining certification results

Based on the results of the certification, the commission issues a verdict for each certified person. The wording of the decision is prescribed in a local act and usually takes the form: “corresponds to the position held” and “does not correspond to the position held.”

The certification conclusion is drawn up in the form. The results are compiled into a summary report, which is then presented to the manager for a final decision.

4. Who provides services for employee certification - review of the TOP 3 companies

Is the personnel certification procedure causing you difficulties and you don’t know where to start? I suggest turning to professionals.

We have selected companies that will quickly and efficiently certify workers in any field, including education, medicine, government and social services.

“HR-praktika” is a St. Petersburg company that has been operating throughout the Russian Federation in the field of personnel management for more than 20 years. During this period, the company became an expert in the field of its professional interests.

The company provides services in the field of personnel management in the following areas:

  • audit;
  • outsourcing;
  • education;
  • consultations;
  • design work.

Managers and business owners, job seekers and company employees, HR specialists - everyone will find useful information on the corporate Internet resource of the HR-praktika company. You can get an initial consultation by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

"Hermes" is a licensing center based in Moscow, created in 2006. The company has all the necessary certificates and licenses to carry out the declared activities.

Services of LLC "Hermes":

  • quality management certification;
  • licensing;
  • SRO approvals;
  • training and retraining courses in various areas;
  • certification: personnel;
  • sale of ready-made companies with a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and KGIOP.

Having started its activities back in 2006 as a division of the holding, the company “There are personnel!” became a separate business unit with a wide network of specialized agencies.

Recruiting and consulting services are the main activities of the company. The most popular among clients were personnel certification and.

The results of the events carried out by highly qualified specialists of the agency “There are Personnel!” allow customers to:

  • identify the reasons for ineffective staff performance;
  • determine directions for optimizing personnel and organizational work;
  • develop activities that increase motivation and productivity;
  • review job responsibilities and salaries;
  • redistribute the workload among specialists.

5. How to get objective results from employee certification - 3 useful tips

Objectivity is an important component of personnel certification.

Our advice will help you avoid problems in this matter.

As I already wrote, the number of participants in the certification commission is not limited. Include as many specialists as necessary to carry out the procedure efficiently.

The main condition: all members of the commission must enjoy authority and be competent in the professional specializations of those being certified. Such a composition will create more trust and reduce the risk of conflicts.


During the certification process at Albatros LLC, a conflict situation arose when assessing the professional competencies of system administrator Fedor Kuzkin.

The commission decided to downgrade Kuzkina's category. Fedor wrote a complaint to the director of the company, in which he drew attention to the incompetence of the commission members in matters of system administration.

Indeed, the commission did not have a single specialist in this area, and, therefore, they could not properly assess the professional qualities of system administrator Fedor.

The director of Albatross LLC agreed with Kuzkin’s arguments and the recommendations of the certification commission were not accepted.

Tip 2. Conduct certification only in the presence of the employee

Despite the fact that the law provides for cases of certification in the absence of an employee (unreasonable absence, unwillingness to undergo an examination), it is better to conduct it in his presence.

This way you will reduce the risk of conflict and challenging the outcome on the part of the employee being evaluated.

Tip 3. Trust third-party companies to carry out certification

If you want to get really high-quality certification results and get rid of headaches about this, I recommend ordering this event from specialized companies.

Such companies can be entrusted not only with personnel certification, but also, for example, with a special assessment of working conditions ().

3. The main objectives of the certification are:

stimulation of targeted, continuous improvement of the level of qualifications of teaching staff, their methodological culture, professional and personal growth;

determining the need to improve the qualifications of teaching staff;

increasing the efficiency and quality of teaching activities;

identifying prospects for using the potential capabilities of teaching staff;

taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards for personnel conditions for the implementation of educational programs when forming the personnel of organizations;

ensuring differentiation of wages for teaching staff, taking into account the established qualification category and the volume of their teaching (pedagogical) work.

4. The main principles of certification are collegiality, transparency, openness, ensuring an objective attitude towards teaching staff, and non-discrimination during certification.

II. Certification of teaching staff to confirm compliance with the position held

5. Certification of teaching staff in order to confirm the compliance of teaching staff with the positions they occupy is carried out once every five years on the basis of an assessment of their professional activities by certification commissions independently formed by organizations (hereinafter referred to as the certification commission of the organization) * (2).

6. The certification commission of the organization is created by an administrative act of the employer, consisting of the chairman of the commission, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission.

7. The organization’s certification commission must include a representative of the elected body of the corresponding primary trade union organization (if such a body exists).

8. Certification of teaching staff is carried out in accordance with the administrative act of the employer.

9. The employer familiarizes teaching staff with the administrative act containing the list of employees of the organization subject to certification, the certification schedule, against signature at least 30 calendar days before the date of their certification according to the schedule.

10. To carry out certification for each teaching employee, the employer makes a submission to the certification commission of the organization.

11. The submission contains the following information about the teaching staff:

a) last name, first name, patronymic (if available);

b) name of the position as of the date of certification;

c) the date of conclusion of the employment contract for this position;

d) level of education and (or) qualifications in specialty or area of ​​training;

e) information on obtaining additional professional education in the profile of teaching activity;

f) results of previous certifications (if any);

g) a motivated, comprehensive and objective assessment of the professional, business qualities, and results of the professional activities of a teaching employee in fulfilling the labor duties assigned to him by the employment contract.

12. The employer familiarizes the teaching staff with the submission against signature no later than 30 calendar days before the date of certification. After reviewing the submission, the teacher may optionally submit to the organization’s certification commission additional information characterizing his professional activities for the period from the date of the previous certification (in the case of initial certification, from the date of entry to work).

If the teaching staff refuses to familiarize itself with the submission, an act is drawn up, which is signed by the employer and the persons (at least two) in whose presence the act was drawn up.

13. Certification is carried out at a meeting of the organization’s certification commission with the participation of a teaching worker.

A meeting of the organization’s certification commission is considered valid if at least two-thirds of the total number of members of the organization’s certification commission are present.

If a teaching worker is absent on the day of certification at a meeting of the organization’s certification commission for good reasons, his certification is postponed to another date, and appropriate changes are made to the certification schedule, about which the employer informs the employee against signature at least 30 calendar days before the new date carrying out its certification.

If a teacher fails to appear at a meeting of the organization’s certification commission without a good reason, the organization’s certification commission conducts certification in his absence.

14. The certification commission of the organization considers the submission, additional information provided by the teaching worker himself, characterizing his professional activities (if submitted).

15. Based on the results of certification of a teaching worker, the certification commission of the organization makes one of the following decisions:

corresponds to the position held (the position of the teaching staff is indicated);

does not correspond to the position held (the position of a teaching worker is indicated).

16. The decision is made by the certification commission of the organization in the absence of the teacher being certified by open voting by a majority vote of the members of the certification commission of the organization present at the meeting.

When undergoing certification, a teacher who is a member of the organization’s certification commission does not participate in voting on his candidacy.

17. In cases where at least half of the members of the organization’s certification commission present at the meeting voted for the decision on the employee’s suitability for the position held, the teaching employee is recognized as appropriate for the position held.

18. The results of the certification of a teaching worker directly present at a meeting of the organization’s certification commission are communicated to him after the voting results are summed up.

19. The results of certification of teaching staff are entered into a protocol signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the organization’s certification commission present at the meeting, which is stored with submissions, additional information provided by the teaching staff themselves, characterizing their professional activities (if any) , from the employer.

20. For a teaching worker who has passed the certification, no later than two working days from the date of its conduct, the secretary of the certification commission of the organization draws up an extract from the protocol containing information about the surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person being certified, the name of his position, the date of the meeting of the certification commission of the organization , voting results, the decision made by the organization’s certification commission. The employer provides the teaching staff with an extract from the protocol against signature within three working days after its preparation. An extract from the protocol is kept in the personal file of the teacher.

21. The results of certification in order to confirm the compliance of teaching staff with the positions they occupy based on assessment and professional activities, the teaching staff has the right to appeal in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

22. The following teaching staff do not undergo certification to confirm compliance with the position held:

a) teaching staff with qualification categories;

b) those who have worked in their position for less than two years in the organization in which the certification is carried out;

c) pregnant women;

d) women on maternity leave;

e) persons on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three;

f) absent from work for more than four months in a row due to illness.

subparagraphs “d” and “e” of this paragraph is possible no earlier than two years after their release from the specified vacations.

Certification of teaching staff provided for in subparagraph "e" of this paragraph is possible no earlier than one year after their return to work.

23. Certification commissions of organizations give recommendations to the employer about the possibility of appointing to the appropriate positions of teaching staff persons who do not have special training or work experience established in the section “Qualification Requirements” of the section “Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers” of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and employees*(3) and (or) professional standards, but with sufficient practical experience and competence, performing their job responsibilities efficiently and in full.

III. Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category

24. Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category is carried out at their request.

Based on the results of certification, teaching staff are assigned the first or highest qualification category.

25. Certification of teaching workers of organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive bodies is carried out by certification commissions formed by the federal executive bodies under whose jurisdiction these organizations are located, and in relation to teaching workers of organizations under the jurisdiction of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, teaching workers of municipal and private organizations, this certification is carried out by certification commissions formed by authorized government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as certification commissions)*(4).

26. When forming certification commissions, their composition, work regulations, as well as conditions for attracting specialists to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the professional activities of teaching staff are determined.

A representative of the relevant trade union is included in the certification commissions.

27. Certification of teaching staff is carried out on the basis of their applications submitted directly to the certification commission, or sent by teaching staff to the certification commission by mail by letter with acknowledgment of delivery or with notification in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including including the Internet.

28. In the application for certification, teaching staff indicate the qualification categories and positions for which they wish to undergo certification.

29. Applications for certification are submitted by teaching staff, regardless of the duration of work in the organization, including while on parental leave.

30. Applications for certification in order to establish the highest qualification category for a position for which certification will be carried out for the first time are submitted by teaching staff no earlier than two years after the establishment of the first qualification category for this position.

31. The expiration of the highest qualification category does not limit the right of a teaching worker to subsequently apply to the certification commission for certification in order to establish the highest qualification category for the same position.

32. Applications from teaching staff for certification are considered by certification commissions within no more than 30 calendar days from the date of their receipt, during which:

a) a specific period for certification is determined for each teaching worker individually, taking into account the validity period of the previously established qualification category;

b) written notification is provided to teaching staff about the date and place of their certification.

33. The duration of certification for each teaching worker from the beginning of its implementation until the decision is made by the certification commission is no more than 60 calendar days.

34. A meeting of the certification commission is considered valid if at least two thirds of the total number of its members are present.

35. A teaching worker has the right to personally attend his certification at a meeting of the certification commission. If a teacher fails to appear at a meeting of the certification commission, certification is carried out in his absence.

stable positive results of students mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization;

stable positive results of students mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner established by resolution *(5);

identifying the development of students’ abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical education and sports activities;

personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and educational methods, transmitting experience of practical results of their professional activities to teaching teams, active participation in the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of the organization.

students achieving positive dynamics in the results of mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization;

students achieving positive results in mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662 * (5);

identifying and developing students’ abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical education and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions;

personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods, and the productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative ones, to teaching teams;

active participation in the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of organizations, in the development of program and methodological support for the educational process, and professional competitions.

38. The assessment of the professional activities of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category is carried out by the certification commission based on the results of their work provided for in paragraphs 36 and of this Procedure, provided that their activities are related to the relevant areas of work.

39. Based on the results of the certification, the certification commission makes one of the following decisions:

establish the first (highest) qualification category (indicate the position of the teaching worker for which the qualification category is established);

refuse to establish the first (highest) qualification category (indicate the position for which the teaching worker is refused to establish a qualification category).

40. The decision by the certification commission is made in the absence of the teacher being certified by an open vote by a majority vote of the members of the certification commission present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the certification commission decides to establish the first (highest) qualification category.

When undergoing certification, a teacher who is a member of the certification commission does not participate in voting on his candidacy.

The results of the certification of a teacher directly present at the meeting of the certification commission are communicated to him after the voting results are summed up.

41. The decision of the certification commission is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the certification commission who took part in the voting.

The decision of the certification commission comes into force from the date of its adoption.

42. When a teacher who has the first qualification category makes a decision from the certification commission to refuse to establish the highest qualification category, he retains the first qualification category until its expiration.

43. Teaching staff who were denied a qualification category during certification shall apply at their request to the certification commission with an application for certification for the same qualification category no earlier than one year from the date the certification commission made the corresponding decision.

44. Based on the decisions of certification commissions on the results of certification of teaching staff, the relevant federal executive bodies or authorized government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation issue administrative acts on the establishment of teaching staff of the first or highest qualification category from the date of the decision of the certification commission, which are posted on the official websites of the said authorities on the Internet.

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, Art. 2878; N 27, Art. 3462; N 30, Art. 4036; N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 6, Art. 562, Art. 566).

*(3) Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 N 761n “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2010 g., registration N 18638) as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2011 N 448n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2011, registration N 21240).

*(4) Part 3 of Article 49 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326 ; 23, Art. 2878; N 27, Art. 3462; N 30, Art. 4036; N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 6, Art. 562, Art. 566).

*(5) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662 “On monitoring the education system” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 33, Art. 4378).

“Certification cannot be assessed” - a HR manager often puzzles over the dilemma of where to put the punctuation mark... Even if he well understands the difference between certification and assessment, he is faced with a series of other difficult questions: “Where to start?”, “How to implement ?”, “How to take into account all the legal subtleties?”, “How not to cause a “mutiny on the ship”?”, “What to do with the information received?”. And the most important question in this series, with which you should always start, is “Why are we doing this?”

Concept traps

For many HR managers grade And certification- things are completely equivalent, yet this is not so. First you need to clearly distinguish between these two concepts.

Personnel performance assessment- this is an analysis of the employee’s effectiveness at a given workplace for a certain period of time, checking compliance with the standards of work performance according to specified criteria. The assessment results are important for determining the “zones of proximal development”, as well as obtaining guidelines for further achievement management personnel. This process can be like formalized(procedures are enshrined in documents), and informal(for example, at a meeting of a division of an organization, the manager orally evaluates the work of a certain division or each employee individually). Assessment can be carried out regularly or periodically, depending on the specific objectives of the company. The assessment process is regulated by the regulations of the enterprise (for example, the Regulations on Personnel Assessment).

Personnel certification- This systematic formalized procedure assessing the compliance of the level of work, qualities and personal potential of employees with the requirements of the work performed. Certification allows you to obtain information for making further management decisions. The certification procedure is regulated by state regulations, including the Labor Code of Ukraine. That is, we emphasize that it is formalized by the state, and in sufficient detail so that, for example, if an employee does not agree with the conclusions of the certification commission, he can challenge the results (and consequences!) of the certification in court.

The algorithm of actions when carrying out both the assessment and certification procedures is presented on drawing.

Algorithm of actions when conducting personnel assessment

Depending on the goals and objectives of the company, different methods are used when assessing personnel, so certification can be a private element of the overall personnel assessment procedure - just as assessment can be an element of certification.

At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize once again that as soon as the manager called assessment procedure term "certification", he automatically extended the effect of state regulations to it - with all legal consequences.

As practice shows, owners and top managers quite often forget that certification at an enterprise (regardless of the form of ownership) must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation established specifically for this procedure. For example, it should be taken into account that, according to current regulations, the following are exempt from certification:

    employees who have worked in this position for less than a year;

    young specialists during the period of compulsory work in the direction after graduation and provided that their training was carried out under government orders;

    young specialists who, on the basis of an agreement between them and the enterprise, were sent by the latter for training;

    pregnant women and women with children under one year of age;

    women who were on leave due to pregnancy and childbirth and to care for a child under three years of age (they undergo certification no earlier than a year after going to work).

In order for the certification results to be legitimate, a Regulation on personnel certification must be developed and put into effect by order of the enterprise. According to the law, the frequency of certification is once every three to five years. Compliance with the norms on the frequency and categories of lists of those being certified is a prerequisite for the legality of certification.

Purpose of certification should be considered, among other things, as an opportunity to fulfill the needs of staff for career growth. Certification can help:

    provide equal conditions for career growth for all employees of the organization;

    determine the employee’s suitability for the position held and (if necessary) send him for additional vocational training;

    use each employee in accordance with his specialty and qualifications;

    identify those “development zones” of a person (qualities and skills) that should be improved;

    based on the results of certification, assign ranks (grades) to employees, which can affect the amount of salary within positions of the same level;

    provide opportunities for personnel rotation, dismissal of an employee from his position, as well as transfer to a more (less) qualified job.

Subjects for employee assessment during certification may include:

    quality of performance of job duties;

    behavioral characteristics;

    employee/unit performance efficiency;

    level of achievement of set business goals;

    level of competence;

The certification procedure is stressful for the entire team. Just the announcement of it already causes nervous conversations in the corridors and in the smoking room. In anticipation of harsh criticism, demotion or even dismissal, a person may become inattentive, slow down the pace of work, and “program” himself to make mistakes. Therefore, when informing employees about planned certification, it is necessary to explain the objectives of its implementation, to focus people’s attention on the purpose of certification - the ability to objectively assess the compliance of the employee’s professionalism with the requirements of the workplace.

If a specialist performs a wider range of work than provided for in the job description, wages may be revised (increased by 10–30%), taking into account higher qualifications or larger production volumes. If missing competencies are identified, it is advisable for the person to be offered a training program. There can be no talk of any “repressions”! The results of the certification help to see opportunities for job growth, increased pay, and this is an excellent chance to give an impetus to an employee’s career advancement.

Certification for a business owner is also an opportunity achievement management. With proper organization, employees can purposefully prepare for this event throughout the year: evaluate their work over a certain period, compile a list of successfully completed work, a list of failures and measures to possibly eliminate them.

In accordance with the plan for conducting certification at the enterprise, first of all, an order is issued for the enterprise to conduct certification (no later than one and a half to two months before its start), which should reflect the following questions:

    composition of the certification commission (five to seven people, including the chairman);

    timing of certification;

    certification schedule indicating the names of participants;

    deadlines for preparing reviews (characteristics) for certified personnel;

    deadlines for preparing conclusions based on certification results;

    list of persons responsible for general control over the execution of the order.

After this, the following are developed and approved: Regulations on personnel certification, list of those being certified, certification schedule, certification sheets, employee evaluation sheets, as well as job evaluation criteria.

The choice of indicators (criteria) for certification depends on its goals and the requirements put forward to it. The main criteria are:


    quality of work;

    behavior in the workplace and relationships with other employees;


    possessing the abilities and skills necessary for this position;

    initiative, desire to take on greater responsibility;

    Possession of knowledge skills that go beyond the requirements for the position.

An approximate list of requirements for the head of a company department is given in table 1.

Table 1. Approximate list of requirements for the head of a company department



Motivation to work

Interest in the subject of work, professional problems
Success Orientation
Desire for career and professional growth

Use of authority

Managerial competence (organizational abilities; understanding of one’s powers as part of the company’s management hierarchy; competent placement of department personnel; personal responsibility for decisions made, etc.)
Leader Skills


Having the necessary education
Availability of the necessary professional experience, work experience (in the industry, in a managerial position, etc.)
Professional achievements
Vision of the company's development prospects
Level of professional training (ZUN)
Independence in decision making and the ability to implement them
Ability to negotiate, argue and defend one’s position
Working style; performance

Personal qualities and potential

Developed intelligence
Communication competence
High adaptability
Willingness to constructive conflicts in the interests of employees of their department and the final results of work as a whole
Willingness to take reasonable risks
Neuropsychic and emotional stability
Openness, attentiveness, honesty, tact, optimism, determination, a sense of humor, the ability to listen to others

Practice of certification in a trading company

Let's consider the main procedural stages of certification, carried out by specialists of the consulting center under the direct supervision of the author of the article.

1. Preliminary stage. Presentation by HR of the entire certification procedure for the company's management: description of the technology and justification of the necessary costs.

2. Development of “Regulations on personnel certification”. Formalization of standards, methods, rules of activity within the framework of the certification procedure. Development of certification cards for each employee subject to certification.

To test the proposed procedure, the company launched a pilot certification project in the HR department, and all stages of the implemented methodology were tested and refined. Also, at the first stage, a procedure was introduced for generating an employee certification report - a document that the personnel service began to use as an assessment tool, rather than a formal reporting document. When compiling the report, it was possible to describe the maximum number of factors relating to the employee’s work behavior.

The main sections of the certification report include:

    general information about the employee (full name, position, length of service in the company, information about incentives/penalties, etc.);

    assessment of business qualities (self-assessment procedure according to the proposed criteria);

    significant achievements since the last certification;

    goals (one of the main sections that allows you to assess whether the goals have been achieved and whether they correspond to business goals);

    training and development (programs under which the employee was trained);

    additional questions;

    conclusion (general conclusions from all evaluators);

    additional information (list of persons who took part in the employee assessment).

As the experience of using an attestation report shows, with relatively little time spent on preparation, this document made it possible to form an objective opinion about employees already at the first stages of conducting an internal personnel assessment. This is a convenient internal certification tool: the information obtained with its help is used at all stages of personnel assessment and certification.

3. Formation of a schedule for certification. The Regulations fixed the time frame for certification of managers, specialists, sellers and workers responsible for warehouse management.

The criteria for evaluating positions (differentiated for each of them) are given in table 2.

Table 2. Job evaluation criteria



Features of behavior

Compliance with standards of behavior that affect performance (used to evaluate personnel who have direct contact with customers). Preliminary activity analysis required

Operational efficiency

Assessing the effectiveness of decisions made by the employee and actions taken. Measurement methods: expert assessment of the manager, assessment of economic efficiency, assessment of customer satisfaction

Goal achievement level

The presence of specific goals and clear parameters for assessing the degree of achievement of goals (involves an analysis of the causes of failures). Measurement methods: assessment of economic results, expert assessment

Execution of official duties

Fulfillment of clearly defined and regulated requirements for the position. Job suitability assessment

Competency level

Assessment of compliance with the developed competency profiles. Based on the results, employees are included in the personnel reserve; their “zones of proximal development” are determined

Personality characteristics

Assessment of personal qualities, including for planning individual development of employees. Carried out during selection

The evaluation criteria were divided into two large groups:

    General organizational, corporate- they are the same for all employees (for example, quality, timeliness, completeness of duties, initiative, responsibility, etc.).

    Criteria for evaluating a specific workplace/activity. This group of criteria related to was enshrined in separate documents - certification methods, developed for each individual position. During their development, consultations were held with directors, heads of departments, and leading specialists. In some cases, the “photograph of an employee’s working day” technique was used.

The main criteria when determining suitability for the position held served:

    Performance results achieved by an employee in the performance of his job duties. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of all components of activity (functions). These indicators were described in certification methods specially developed for each specific position.

    State of the art corporate And professional competence employee. Competence meant the presence of the necessary knowledge (as a result of training), skills and abilities acquired in the course of practical activities.

Corporate Competence includes:

    knowledge and implementation of quality policy requirements;

    knowledge of the organizational structure of the company (interrelations of divisions, company management, main functions of divisions);

    knowledge of documents regulating the activities of the enterprise and all company employees;

    technical competence: PC proficiency at user level ( Word, Excel, Outlook Express, Internet), knowledge of English (and other working foreign languages).

To identify objective criteria for evaluating performance, employees holding relevant positions were involved in their development. After this, the methodology was adjusted and agreed upon with the head of the personnel management department and the head of the unit (if the person being certified was below him in position). The methodology was approved by the director of the relevant department.

When conducting certification, depending on the positions and the criterion being assessed, the methods specified in table 3:

Table 3. Certification methods


Group peer review

Experts evaluate the person being certified according to selected criteria on a certain scale (for example, five-point). Then, the total and average scores are calculated for each criterion. Used to evaluate work results and professionally important qualities


The person being certified answers a series of questions in writing. Used to assess professional competence

Simulation of a working situation

The person being certified is asked to make a decision in a simulated situation typical of his workplace. Used for integrated assessment of professional competencies

Qualifying work

The certified person independently develops ways to solve a specific production problem. Used to assess professional competence


The expert(s) conduct a conversation with the person being certified. Used to identify professional knowledge workers


The candidate is asked to take a professional test. Used to diagnose personality traits, level of intellectual development, etc. (as an additional method of confirming the results of an expert assessment)

Based on the assessment results, conclusions. Based on the certification results, all employees were assigned to four groups:

    corresponding to the position held and included in the nomination reserve (3–7%);

    relevant to the position held (70%);

    not fully relevant to the position held (20%);

    not appropriate for the position held (2%).

For specialists who have potential for professional growth, but have not fully realized it (third group), our company organized additional training. Employees who found themselves in the fourth group were demoted (some were asked to resign).

The results of the certification of each employee are entered into certification sheet, which is kept in the employee’s personal file throughout the entire period of his work in the company. Based on the results of the certification, the HR department also prepares a report for top managers. In general, the company’s management saw certification as a personnel management tool, thanks to which it was possible to:

    introduce monitoring of the level of development of professional and business qualities of employees;

    build an effective training system;

    to form a personnel reserve (which was very important, since the company was opening many new projects);

    increase employee motivation and loyalty to the company.

The use of stage-by-stage assessment makes it possible to obtain the most complete picture of the professional and personal qualities of employees. Moreover, some stages and procedures require “cross-sectional” assessment, which allows for maximum objectivity.

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As, unfortunately, often happens, the President of Russia V.V. Putin’s tasks are not accompanied by regulatory and methodological support, which raises a lot of questions among healthcare institutions. This also applies to certification. In this regard, our journal, as far as possible, tries to fill these gaps.

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Back in December 2013, Putin set the task of certifying specialists and then transferring them to an effective contract. However, existing regulatory or methodological documents still do not define the procedure for conducting certification for compliance with the position held. This publication is devoted to the development of proposals and recommendations for certification of specialists from state (municipal) healthcare institutions based on an analysis of the current regulatory framework, documents relating to certain aspects of certification and/or certain categories of workers, etc. taking into account the goals and objectives of certification.

In subparagraph 2) of paragraph 5 of the List of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the Address to the Federal Assembly of December 27, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the List of instructions), the Government of the Russian Federation, together with senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is prescribed: ". connection with the increase in wages for public sector workers stipulated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2013 N 597, ensure the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures and the quality of services in the social sphere, optimizing the budget network, and also adjusting action plans ("road maps") concerning changes in sectors of the social sphere, providing for certification of specialists with their subsequent transfer to an effective contract...".

In this case, we are talking about certification of employees of state (municipal) institutions in order to assess the compliance of their qualifications with their positions, and not about certification, more usual in healthcare, for the purpose of assigning qualification categories.

Such certification is defined as a periodic examination of the professional level of an employee to determine whether his qualifications correspond to the position held or the work performed by him.

Certification is carried out to test the professional skills, business qualities or special theoretical knowledge of the employee, as well as his ability to apply them when performing the labor function defined by the employment contract.

Article 195.1. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code) determines that an employee’s qualifications are the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of the employee.

Currently, there is no normative legal act that would comprehensively determine the procedure for certifying employees to determine whether their qualifications correspond to the position held. However, there are a number of documents that reflect certain certification issues.

The most significant document creating the legislative basis for employee certification is the Labor Code. In accordance with the Labor Code, the certification procedure is established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, local regulations adopted taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.

The need for certification is stated in the Action Plan ("road map"), approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2012 N 2599r (clause 21, section II) - as amended, issued after the List of Presidential Instructions. Certification of employees is mentioned in subparagraph "k" of paragraph 7 of the "Unified recommendations for the establishment at the federal, regional and local levels of remuneration systems for employees of state and municipal institutions for 2014" (approved by the decision of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations from 12/25/2013, protocol No. 11).

However, none of the above documents provide general requirements for certification, deadlines, categories of employees (subject or not subject to certification), etc.

In accordance with current legislation, the decision to introduce a certification system, which allows determining the degree of compliance of an employee’s qualifications with the position he or she occupies or the work performed, is made by the employer. That is, healthcare institutions must make the appropriate decision themselves.

First of all, it is necessary to formulate the goals of the certification, determine the tasks that can be solved in a particular institution with the help of certification;

Carry out explanatory work among the team, taking into account that the employee’s incompatibility with the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications confirmed by certification results may lead to termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer;

Assessing the level of qualifications (professional competence) of employees in accordance with the established requirements for the qualifications of relevant specialists;

Appointment to certain positions of persons who do not have the appropriate additional professional education or work experience established by the qualification requirements, but who have sufficient practical experience;

Based on the results of certification, applicants can be selected to work on new equipment received by the institution, to provide high-tech types of medical care, etc. In this case, certification acts as a kind of preparatory stage for accreditation of specialists.

Getting rid of employees who do not meet the requirements is usually not considered a special task of certification, but is one of the possible solutions in relation to employees who have not passed the certification. However, if an employee is found in the team whose competence is in doubt (or, on the contrary, whose low qualifications are beyond doubt), certification is also possible in order to get rid of such employees. However, such a task (getting rid of employees) cannot be officially declared - it can be solved as a result of recognition, based on the results of certification, of an employee’s qualifications that do not correspond to the position held. As a rule, certification only in relation to a specific employee of a department is also unacceptable (existent exceptions will be discussed below). In this case, there must be a justification for why certification is carried out only in relation to employees of a particular department.

Hello! In this article we will talk about personnel certification in an organization.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is certification called and for what purposes is it carried out;
  2. Who needs to be certified and who doesn’t;
  3. How to conduct certification correctly

Personnel are the main asset of any organization. Whether the company achieves its goals depends on how well employees do their work.

To ensure that job performance does not decline over time, employees’ knowledge and skills are regularly assessed.

What the code says

The law regulates many provisions for personnel management. Conducting employee certification is no exception. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that an employer can part with an employee who is not suitable for his position or has insufficient qualifications.

The rest of the certification mechanism is regulated by other laws and regulations.

Why carry out

Conducting employee certification does not mean at all that those who do not pass it will be fired.

The main purpose of certification — analyze the work, identify which areas are weak, how to eliminate these problems and increase the efficiency of the company.

In addition to these goals, there are additional ones:

  • Check how motivated employees are (including for career growth);
  • Determine the vector along which the company will develop in the future;
  • Increase the level of discipline in the team;
  • Check the company's compliance with the corporate culture.

Often such a check reveals that additional specialists are needed on staff, or that it is necessary to organize training courses for existing employees.

As a result, certification can help:

  • In identifying personnel problems;
  • In revising the level of wages;
  • Form a personnel reserve;
  • In assessing the performance of the company.

Who is not subject to certification

  • Women who are pregnant;
  • Persons who have been working in the organization for less than 12 months;
  • Persons who have young children;
  • Part-time workers and persons who work under fixed-term contracts (in some cases);
  • Those workers who have reached the age of sixty.

Who is subject to mandatory verification

  • State civil servants;
  • Municipal employees;
  • Railway workers;
  • Electricity industry workers;
  • Persons ensuring the safety of navigation;
  • Aviation personnel;
  • Education workers;
  • Those who work at high-risk production facilities;
  • Librarians;
  • Management team of a unitary enterprise;
  • Persons working with ionizing radiation;
  • Persons working at enterprises associated with the storage and destruction of chemical weapons.

Terms of employee certification

The standard time frame for certification is once every 3 to 5 years. The regulations on employee certification must specify the frequency of its implementation.

In addition, an extraordinary certification of the employee, as well as early certification, can be carried out.

Certification can last from three months to six months, and employees are notified about it 1 month before the start.

Main types of personnel certification

There are several types of certification.

We will list and give a brief description of the main ones:

  1. Next– is mandatory for all employees. Frequency: 1 time every 2 years for senior positions, 1 time every 3 years for others.
  2. When moving up the career ladder - reveals how ready an employee is to take a higher position and perform new responsibilities.
  3. At the end of the trial period– carried out to find out how the employee adapted to the new place.
  4. When moving to another department– carried out in cases where responsibilities change significantly.

Personnel certification is carried out regularly, and the list of positions that need to be certified is compiled by the head of the organization.

Methods of employee certification

There are many certification methods, but in practice only a few are used, since for the most part they are derived from each other.

Classification method.

The selection of employees is carried out according to criteria that are approved in advance. The merits and achievements of everyone when performing work are taken into account.

Ranking method.

It consists of ranking employees according to their merits or abilities to perform a certain job. Although ranking can be carried out according to other criteria.

Rating scale.

This technique is most often used when conducting certification. The basis is a list that lists personality characteristics, and a five-point scale is placed opposite each one. Then the manager, using this scale, notes how each characteristic is inherent in the employees.

Open certification.

The technique is relatively new. It was introduced because the rating scale system was not effective enough. Instead of assigning points, it is enough to use a written or oral description of the employee.

Stages of certification

Before conducting certification, you need to clearly understand what exactly you want to install and check. In addition, if the team is large, it is worth developing a plan that delineates who will be busy with the passage at what time.

We will briefly describe the main stages of this procedure in order to have the most complete understanding of it.

Stage No. 1.

First, you decide which metrics you want to evaluate. Then you decide what methods you will use when checking. Once the technique is chosen, you can test one of the company’s departments or an entire structural unit as an experiment.

The criteria by which the assessment will be carried out are specified in advance.

Stage No. 2.

At this stage, regulatory documentation is published and materials for the procedure are prepared. If the company has not carried out certification before, it is worth issuing an order to conduct it, collecting the necessary materials, questionnaires, employee testing results, etc.

All documentation is provided to the secretary of the certification commission, who draws up evaluation tables.

Stage No. 3.

At this stage, employees fill out reports on the work they have done, and the manager fills out a table indicating various criteria. A rating is given next to each criterion.

Stage No. 4.

The committee discusses each grade given. The ratings are then summed up and compared with the requirements for a particular position. The higher the final score, the higher the position the certified employee can occupy.

Stage No. 5.

This stage is key.

If the employee who is currently being checked is absent from the workplace, it is impossible to determine in absentia how suitable he is for the job.

If the employee knew about the certification and his signature is on the notification, but he ignored its implementation, an act is drawn up indicating that the employee did not pass the certification.

Summing up the results of its work, the commission draws up a report in which it evaluates the professional level of the team. All documentation that the commission has prepared is certified by all members of the commission.

Stage No. 6.

The commission is systematizing the results obtained. Tables are drawn up and recommendations are given to management regarding the implementation of personnel changes.

Stage No. 7.

The entire team must be made aware of the certification results. The manager personally conducts a conversation with those employees whose position in the organization will change.

All results are stored in the personnel service; they can be used to resolve various personnel issues.

In our conversation we often mentioned the term “certification commission”. Therefore, let us clarify who is included in it.

Who is on the commission

Its composition can be called standard:

  • Chairman and his deputy;
  • Secretary;
  • Several committee members.

Based on existing judicial practice, it is worth including the chairman of the trade union organization, if one operates at the enterprise, on the commission.

Example. There are known cases where an employee was fired who did not pass the certification by decision of the commission. But at the same time, the chairman of the trade union was not among the commission members. As a result, the court sided with the dismissed employee and reinstated him in his position, and the dismissal was declared illegal.

Forms of certification

To get an effective result, experts recommend using the following forms:

Collegial interview.

The commission reviews all materials and talks with each employee. At the same time, the atmosphere should be calm and friendly, so that the person does not get nervous and can conduct a dialogue with the members of the commission.

It happens that it is difficult for an employee to answer a question; in this case, you should not put pressure and demand a mandatory answer. The commission’s task is to identify the problem, and not to make the employee shake in horror.

Individual interview.

It is most often carried out by the immediate supervisor. He explains to the employee how the certification is carried out, warns about the consequences of failure to appear, and then prepares a review of his work.

Written testing.

In fact, it is considered the most objective form. Questions for employee certification are developed here in accordance with the qualifications and position he occupies.

Initially, the number of correct answers is set, which will indicate that the certification has been passed.

Test questions should be updated over time.

Commission decision

Based on the results of employee certification, the commission can make a decision on the employee’s suitability for the position he occupies, on non-compliance, on transfer to a higher position, on inclusion in the personnel reserve.

The most common mistakes

The main mistake is the incorrect setting of goals and objectives for employee certification. If this procedure is carried out only in order to fire unwanted employees, all the positive aspects of certification are simply crossed out.

Another mistake is the low level of awareness among workers. If certification is carried out for the first time, it is better to warn about it more than one month in advance. It is also recommended to explain to people why this is done and how the procedure occurs. Otherwise, you risk getting a nervous atmosphere in the team, which certainly does not add to the effectiveness of the work.

What other mistakes are made?

Employees are compared to each other.

This will definitely not end well. You need to compare the employee’s activities with the company’s standards, not people.

Different approach to people who do the same job.

Often the requirements for employees with the same responsibilities are different. This is explained both by the personal sympathies of management and by good intentions: different people can do the same job in different ways. The main thing is to never lose objectivity. Therefore, it is better to include in the commission people with an unbiased point of view, those who are not interested in this or that certification result.

Use of a limited range of estimates.

If you operate only with “bad-good” criteria, it is impossible to make an objective assessment of an employee’s performance. It will not be possible to divide employees into equally professional and equally unprofessional. This is a dead-end approach.

It is necessary to evaluate using a wider range of criteria. In some European countries, the employee performance rating scale consists of 100 points. This allows you to make the most informed decision.


Agree that often in a team there are certain stereotypes in relation to any person. But it is much worse when one of the commission members demonstrates his bias.

The approach must be appropriate, and decisions must be made based on their professional standards, not personal assessments.

During the procedure, requirements suddenly change.

Although people are warned about the check in advance, rumors still cannot be avoided. Every time certification is mentioned, people become nervous, lose their ability to work, and, in addition, begin to conflict with each other.

Don't escalate the situation. Explain everything to your employees in detail and objectively. Don't yank them, don't change requirements suddenly. Otherwise, people will think that everything is being done purposefully so that they will perform worse.

It is unlikely that after such stress the authorities will be treated with respect.

How to carry out certification not only correctly, but also effectively, we will discuss further.

When the commission's actions are unlawful

Some managers conduct performance appraisals to get rid of a specific employee who has suddenly become objectionable. At the same time, no one will take into account his real results of labor, the goal is .

Every employer must remember that solving a problem with a subjective attitude towards a person in this way is illegal.

Another variant of unlawful behavior is this: shortly before the procedure, the employee is given a task that he will not be able to complete, because it is impossible to do initially, since it does not correspond to the employee’s qualifications.

To prevent such violations, commission members must make sure that employees can actually complete the assigned task.

There are other types of violations, if identified, the certification results can be challenged:

  • Violation of deadlines;
  • The deadlines for notifying employees about certification are violated;
  • The employee was not familiar with the results;
  • An employee belonging to the category of persons not subject to certification was checked;
  • The order of the procedure itself was violated;
  • The commission did not include specialists from the industry in which the company operates.

Based on the practice of the courts, we can say that a “fictitious” certification will not allow an unscrupulous manager to get rid of an annoying employee. The requirements of the law must be observed.

Include specialists in different fields in the commission so that the procedure goes better.

Example. Personnel certification was carried out at company R. Based on its results, it was decided to transfer legal adviser A. to a position that is paid lower. Disagreeing with this decision, A. wrote a statement addressed to the head of the company, in which he indicated that there was not a single lawyer on the certification commission. Consequently, the decision to transfer was made by incompetent people.

The head of the company, having read all the materials, considered A.’s arguments justified and the employee continued to work in his previous position.

Despite the fact that the law stipulates cases when the procedure can be carried out without the presence of an employee, it is better not to do this. Thus, the risk of a conflict situation will be reduced, and it will also be possible to avoid challenging the results and litigation.

If you are interested in truly high-quality results, entrust the procedure to professionals. We'll tell you briefly where to go.

No. Company Characteristic
1 Hermes The company has been operating for more than 5 years. The company provides legal support for the certification process and more. The company cooperates with any region of the Russian Federation
2 There are stills! A company with 11 years of experience. Its offices are in several cities. When certifying, the company’s specialists use not only the most well-known methods, but also proprietary ones.
3 HR Practice This company is an old-timer, it is more than 20 years old. The main office is in St. Petersburg, but cooperation is possible with any region, as well as with other countries. Services are also provided remotely


So, now we have talked about the most important points regarding personnel certification. If the procedure was carried out in full compliance with the requirements of the law, it will allow making the necessary personnel decisions, enlisting the support of the law, dismissing or demoting an employee.

I would also like to wish that only talented, highly qualified employees work in any company and there is no need to fire anyone or transfer them to low-paid jobs.
