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The most winning binary options strategy. Profitable binary options trading strategy. Characteristics of the Best Binary Options Strategy

Beginners who enter the binary options market for the first time often make the same mistake: hope to find universal binary options strategies with accurate signals, which would always work, regardless of external conditions.

In the world of finance, it is important to remember that a recipe for luck that suits another person will not necessarily suit you due to time and a different consciousness (making different decisions with the same knowledge).

There are many factors that affect the success of a particular strategy, and one of them is the temperament of the trader himself, the speed of his reaction, as well as standard models behavior in different situations. For example, not for everyone binary options strategy for 60 seconds- many people prefer more conservative and long-term methods. This does not mean that the model is bad - just that you need to find a different way of working.

In addition, if you first stumbled upon an algorithm that helped you get high profits, you should not think that this will always be the case. Some binary options strategies eventually become obsolete and stop working, so you should always have fallback options in mind.

The best binary options strategies are the ones that work for you.

A successful trader will name a good strategy not because it is now at the peak of popularity, but because at one time it personally brought him great profit.

Profitable strategies for binary options fall into the following categories:

Strategies by way of market analysis

  • strategies based on fundamental analysis;
  • strategies that use technical analysis.

One of the most common ways to make money based on fundamental analysis is. The bottom line is that you analyze economic, political and even weather news and guess which of them will resonate in the financial world.

For example, hurricanes in the United States affect the exchange rate, as well as commodities.

If we talk about strategies for binary options, then 99% of them are based on technical analysis, namely indicators ( , ...) - these are the parameters by which you can determine the future rise or fall in prices, and make an appropriate forecast.

Binary options strategies by complexity

There are 2 types of strategies here − simple And complex. The difference between them is only in the analysis tools themselves. Simple strategies use one or maximum 2 indicators with very descriptive signals, such as arrow indicators. Complex strategies include those where you need to open indicators on different timeframes, connect more than 2 indicators and use more complex tools like "" or "".

Strategies for binary options by duration

  1. long-term(transactions last for one day or more);
  2. short-term(binary options strategies for 60 seconds, 5 or 15 minutes, an hour).

According to statistics, more than 80% of traders prefer strategies for 10-15 minutes. They are more predictable than 60 seconds, and more profitable than an hour or a day.

Binary options strategies with 90% accuracy

If you have not yet decided what exactly suits you, it is best to familiarize yourself with examples of the best binary options strategies for beginners and not only, which have long established themselves in the market. After getting to know them better, you will understand the mechanism of binary options trading and develop your own algorithm.

Strategies for 60 seconds

Strategies for 5-15 minutes

Strategies for 30-60 minutes

Why is it important to choose your own strategy?

The best and most profitable strategies with accurate signals cannot be universal. Yes, they help to earn money for many, but not for everyone. Even if you decide to use paid strategies, this does not mean that from the very beginning it will be possible to rake in money with a shovel. Paid versions are just commercial projects of those who created them. You may like this option, and you will develop a good strategy that you can sell later.

Do not be naive - the binary options trading market is not built on random luck, but on constant daily work and improvement of your skills.

Of course, it happens that beginners hit the jackpot on the first day, but there are actually only a few of them. To notice the emerging signals (indicators) on the chart and interpret them correctly is not a matter of one day, but if you want to develop this area, this area will bring a lot of money.

How to create your own strategy?

First of all, observe yourself - even using the “poke method” you can determine which trading strategies for binary options are suitable for you and which are not. If you like speed, quick response and instant profit jumps - look at short-term options ( strategy for 5 minutes or even 60 seconds).

Evaluate your ability to switch to another task if plans suddenly change - if you can easily change positions, pay attention to aggressive trading. This is not to say that aggressive traders act at random - they are also required to soberly assess the situation, and to do this in a much shorter period of time than conservatives.

Compare several options for trading, learn the basics of fundamental and technical analysis- all this will come in handy if you intend to become a good trader.

Don't get hung up if something went wrong. There are failures in any business, but the percentage of successful transactions will inevitably increase, unless you give up after one or more failures.

Poll: What assets would you like to earn on binary options?

An online loan is money borrowed in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles in a microfinance (MFC) or microcredit company (MCC) issued via the Internet. Microcrediting in Russia is regulated by the Law “On Microfinance Activity”. Companies engaged in short-term lending have a license registered in the register of the Central Bank. More often, online microloans are taken until the next salary, so high interest rates are not scary. IFC and MCC offer a variety of loan terms for individuals and legal entities.


  • You can receive money without leaving your home
  • For an online application, you do not need to collect a package of documents, usually only a passport is enough
  • Transparent information about the amount to be returned
  • High chance of approval of the application - many companies issue money without refusal
  • Quick decision making and money transfer
  • Loyal attitude towards borrowers with bad credit history
  • Possibility of early repayment


  • Short term lending
  • High interest rate
  • Inability to receive more than 100,000 rubles

As you can see, microcredit has more advantages. The main condition is to pay off the debt on time. Therefore, with an unstable income, it is better to take a small amount so as not to spoil your credit history.

Answers to popular questions


Which IFC or ICC to choose?

The main reliability criteria are reviews. They can be viewed for each company on our website. No less important is the K5M rating (from 0 to 10), which shows how loyal credit terms the organization offers in this moment. This is the speed of consideration of the application, and the number of documents during registration, and much more.

How to prepare for the application?

Specify only reliable data and write without errors. Attach a color scanned copy of your passport to the application ( main page+ registration) and current contacts of guarantors. Get a personalized Visa or MasterCard with a CVV2 code to receive funds. It will not be superfluous to look neat with possible photo or video identification.

What is the maximum amount I can borrow for the first time?

On average, from 1,000 to 30,000 rubles based on a specific IFC or MCC. The size of the first microloan depends on the size of the permanent income of the borrower, as well as the period of use. The amount is also affected by the number of applications and conditions for certain programs, as well as the recipient's good credit history.

For how long can a loan be issued?

Short-term usually up to 30 days. But there are also long-term loans for six months or a year. Rarely enough, but still there are microloans even up to two years. Additionally, some IFCs and MCCs allow you to prolong the contract, thereby extending the period for a certain number of days. Both with the preservation and with changes in the terms of service.

How to get approved with bad credit history and delinquencies?

No need to go to all companies at once. There are 3 ready-made solutions: correcting the financial history in the BCI (if it was damaged due to the fault of banks) with the submission of an appropriate application to the credit bureau, improving the chain of microloans and using two credit cards from partner banks.

Will the application be approved without formal employment?

Yes, some services provide microloans for non-working citizens without refusal. Among them there are those who issue money only by passport and telephone. Sometimes such a borrower may be required to provide collateral - then the available amount and term of the loan will increase, and the interest rate will decrease.


What is verification?

Verification is a verification of the personal data of a potential borrower. Executed by phone call, photo or bank account. Based on its results, the degree of reliability of the client is determined and a decision is made to issue money. When agreed, it is calculated maximum amount loan, interest rate and term, as well as the minimum payment.

What information is required to complete an application?

Full name, date and place of birth, contact and passport details. Sometimes it is necessary to indicate gender, region and type of activity, as well as some other information. Also, when registering, you need to create a password, as well as choose the methods of issuing and redeeming funds. When receiving large amounts, additional verification is sometimes required.

What documents are needed to verify income?

In most cases, a passport with a registration mark and a telephone number. If the registration is temporary or there is only a residence permit, then a supporting document is required. You can also use a military ID (if any), driver's license, SNILS and TIN. The more documents - the greater the amount of a possible loan. When receiving a microloan from 50,000 rubles, you may need a salary certificate, a marriage certificate and other documents.

Some IFCs and ICCs work online throughout the Russian Federation, but most work with certain regions. On our website, you can choose your city and see who, where and under what conditions issues loans. Then choose among them the most optimal financial product.

Why was my application rejected?

The most common reasons: incorrect contact or other details, inappropriate type of employment, the organization does not work in this region, or the borrower has exhausted the loan limit. The IFC and ICC also reject applications from citizens who are under 18 or even 21 years old. In any case, try to check the data and resubmit the application or contact another company.

Is it possible to get a loan without a residence permit - by temporary registration?

Yes, you can. There are MFCs and MCCs that provide microloans to citizens with temporary registration and on standard terms. To do this, you need to present the appropriate document. The microfinance organization may also request other information that will make it possible to verify the solvency of the borrower.

How long does it take to make a decision on an application?

From a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the service and its scoring, as well as the amount and program. Having a good credit history, correctly and fully completed application allows you to speed up this process as much as possible. For large amounts, the size of which is different for each company, manual consideration of applications takes place. Then the time for their consideration can be increased, as a rule, up to several working days.

Receipt and redemption

How fast does the money come in?

From several minutes to several days, depending on the service. The speed of receipt of funds depends on the time of consideration of the application, the method of receipt - to the card, account, cash or electronic wallet and some other data. The presence of errors in the documents and the need additional checks may increase the time it takes to receive funds.

Are money transferred at night and on weekends?

Yes, if the service works 24/7, then money can be transferred online at any time of the day, on weekdays, holidays and weekends. The only thing is that due to the influx before public holidays, the term for crediting funds may slightly increase. In this case, it is better to take care of obtaining the required amount in advance.

Which card is better for receiving money?

A personalized Visa or Mastercard with a CVV code is best suited. Other options (instant, WORLD, etc.) are only available in a few IFCs and ICCs. Still payments of microloans are possible in cash, on electronic wallets or through money transfer systems.

Yes, most IFCs and ICCs allow you to extend the term under the same conditions by 1-30 days. Among them there are organizations that provide a deferment without overpayments. But in the event that the recipient can give good reasons due to which he cannot repay the loan on time.

How many times can a loan be extended?

If the company has such an opportunity, the number of renewals depends on the conditions of the organization itself. In some companies, you can renew up to 10 times, and in some, the terms are not limited. Extension fees may apply. The loan is extended at the company's office, in personal account or via SMS. We recommend that you clarify all the conditions before receiving financial assistance.

Is it possible to get a second microloan if the first one has not yet been repaid?

Yes, some organizations allow you to get a second microloan if the limit on the amount has not yet been exhausted. But in order to avoid an increase in debts, we recommend that you find options for repaying the first loan, and then, if necessary, consider repeated applications.

Can I borrow again after repayment or does it take some time?

If you successfully repaid one loan, then feel free to take the next one. If the borrower has a positive credit history, then they provide preferential terms for the next microloan.

The main secret of successful trading is a well-chosen effective trading system.

However, here lies the problem: even if you choose the right one, you will have to constantly review and rebuild it. The reason for this is the volatility of the market under the influence of many political and economic factors.

But whatever strategy you choose, it will require a clearly regulated procedure developed in the process of real trading, strict adherence to the established algorithm, money management and a number of other conditions.

Read the article: the best and most profitable binary options strategies - trending, reversal, long-term and short-term, how to choose and use them.

Effective options trading: strategies as a means to an end

To your attention the most accurate strategies for night scalping on binary options. Description and principles of trading, expiration times and the most suitable assets for trading at night. Binary options trading strategies are a sure way to increase capital.

To consistently make a profit, it is important to know the procedure for performing actions that guarantee the conclusion of profitable transactions. The ability not to succumb to emotions, purposefully achieving success, is a guarantee that a career in the financial markets is secured for a trader. Discipline and constant self-control is the secret to the growth of many famous investors.

The most profitable strategies are based on both fundamental and technical analysis. Considering all the possible factors that affect the market, you significantly increase the likelihood that quotes will “go” in the right direction.

Profitable binary options trading strategies are a clearly regulated procedure worked out in real time. The compiled algorithm must not be violated, otherwise we will get losses instead of income.

Beginners often lose their entire deposit due to the fact that they do not fully understand the features of trading, do not want to bother with analyzing the situation on the market or follow the sequence of steps leading to effective forecasting. A successful binary options trading strategy is tight money management, the optimal size of investments and compliance with a number of conditions.

Many trading systems are based on the definition of trend movements. There is a downward (bearish) trend, an upward (bullish) trend, and a flat, in which the price shows slight multidirectional fluctuations. Many traders prefer to work in volatile markets, most trend systems are designed specifically for expressive bullish or bearish trends.

Experienced investors determine the lows and highs that signal a price reversal and place their bets on time. In order for the forecast to be correct, it is not enough only technical analysis, it is necessary to take into account fundamental factors.


You can evaluate the effectiveness of one or another approach using reliable ratings created by practicing traders. The portal for investors in the financial markets publishes a rating of binary options trading strategies that allows you to compare their positions according to a number of criteria.

Users vote by moving the highest ranking systems up. The least popular ones are removed automatically. In each of the systems, its type is indicated - short-term, medium-term or long-term, simple, graphic.

Any strategy is considered according to the following parameters:

  1. degree of risk;
  2. profitability;
  3. efficiency;
  4. the presence / absence of a fee for use.

Thus, the rating is formed in the mode of constant updating. The traders themselves, testing the proposed strategies, determine how successful and useful they are, sifting out the least thoughtful and failed ones. Appearing in the list, the new trading system has a rating of "0", gradually receiving user ratings and moving up or down relative to its original position.

Any registered reader of the resource has access to voting and can contribute to the rating. Thanks to the sorting and convenient design, the investor can easily select several suitable options for himself, get acquainted with the advice of his colleagues.

Any binary strategy is a system of rules for profitable trading. Despite the fact that binary options appeared not so long ago, hundreds of trading systems of varying degrees of efficiency have already been developed. High-quality ratings, compiled with the participation of traders themselves, who have tested them not only on demo, but also on real accounts, help to understand them.

Gaps in binary options

Gaps form during a disruption in the normal functioning of the market. Such trading is associated with certain risks, so it is not recommended for beginners to use it on the exchange. At the very beginning of his journey, a trader needs to be well prepared. And this applies to both the moral component and the technical one. This will allow not to deviate from the developed trading rules.

The concept of "gap" means the appearance in the market of an abnormal gap between quotes. In other words, the opening price of one of the periods is significantly different from the closing price of the previous one. There is no specific gap between quotes to be able to say for sure that this is a gap.

Therefore, this term is used to refer to any significant gap. Such market situations are of interest to traders. There are several reasons for the formation of gaps.

In most cases, the gap appears in between trading sessions. In the Forex market, this situation occurs at the opening of the session on Monday.

This is also due to the large number of orders that were opened by traders over the weekend. As you know, the market is not active on weekends. During this time, the demand for the currency is growing, which leads to the accumulation of orders. At the moment the market opens on Monday, all orders begin to be filled, and a gap appears on the chart.

In the stock market, gaps appear, for example, due to the announcement of one of the companies about its bankruptcy over the weekend. After the publication of such information, traders begin to take certain actions to rearrange orders, as a result of which the price of the company's shares on Monday may be an order of magnitude lower than the closing price of Friday's trading.

In other words, gaps are formed as a result of changes in the market sentiment of traders due to the presence of certain fundamental factors. A gap may arise due to an unexpected market event, a catastrophe, a political event, an act of terrorism, or a new plan to save the economy from one of the representatives. central bank any country.

Of course, the most common gaps are formed after the weekend or at night. But in practice there are other situations. The gap between quotes can also be found on lower timeframes. The consistency of the flow directly depends on the liquidity of the market. Lack of such can cause strong price jumps.

One of the features of gaps is their desire to close the gap. This behavior is classic along with the price movement in the channel or bounce from the round level.

After the appearance of a gap, the price movement is somewhat reminiscent of a sea wave washing away all the pending orders of players who have not yet had time to understand the complexity of their situation. On the chart of a trading instrument, this looks like a natural rollback:

Moreover, the rollback continues until the price becomes “fair”. We found that after a gap is formed, the price tends to close the gap. But this is not always the case. In some cases, the price movement continues in the direction of the gap. In most cases this situation observed in a strong trend along with a fundamental confirmation.

Gaps in the Forex market appear quite rarely. Most often this happens at the opening of the trading session on Monday (opening of a new week) due to the accumulation of a large number of pending orders. In addition, gaps can be caused by economic news or fundamental forecasts of leading analysts.

Therefore, it is best to trade gaps at the open on Monday or before the release of important economic news. In this matter, it is very important to choose the right trading instrument. The highest efficiency in gap trading was shown by such currency pairs as EURJPY, GBPJPY, EURUSD and GBPUSD.

The return of the price for these instruments is observed in 70% of all cases. But the gap in quotes on the stock market can be called a rather trivial phenomenon. A gap can be seen even during one trading session due to the low liquidity of the asset or at its very beginning.

Another advantage of gap trading in stocks is the wide range of tools that can be used for analysis.

However, most brokers provide traders with a set of the most popular instruments, of which there are about 20 pieces. The advent of binary options has greatly simplified gap trading. There is no need to predict how many pips the price of an asset will move towards the gap.

You can make a profit even if the gap is not completely closed. You can also feel the benefits of binary options trading in the opposite situation, when the price continues to move towards the gap. It doesn't matter how much the price goes. Losses will always be known in advance.

It is best to trade gaps on classic or touch options.

The market entry rules are as follows:

  • We find a gap.
  • We are waiting for about 30 minutes.
  • We buy the option towards the gap.
  • The gap between quotes must be at least 20 points.
  • When trading Forex market instruments, the expiration time should be within 5-8 hours.
  • In the case of stocks, the expiration time must coincide with the end of the trading session. The optimal expiration time is found experimentally.

It is not scary if, after buying the option, the price still continues to move towards the gap. After some time, it will turn towards the gap, testing support or resistance levels on its way (depending on the direction of trading).

The ideal option is a situation in which the instrument immediately starts moving towards the gap, thereby restoring its unjustifiably lost positions:

Trading stocks gives you more opportunities, but the percentage of closed gaps is somewhat lower. The number of losing trades is greater than in the case of currencies. But the total number of transactions can compensate for the increased losses. Stock market provides huge opportunities, so you can easily find a tool that will meet all requirements.

"Pin Bar"

Let's present to you one elementary, but quite effective candlestick pattern - a pin bar. Due to its unpretentiousness, this model quickly gained popularity among traders. The thing is that it gives powerful entry signals, which are not difficult to determine on the chart.

To apply the model itself, you do not need a deep analysis of the market, and the requirements for the level of training of a trader are extremely low. Almost any trading platform is suitable for working with it. All that is required of them is the ability to display price charts using Japanese candlesticks (even bars will do).

Parameters of the Pin Bar strategy:

  1. Working platform: no restrictions.
  2. Traded currency pairs: no restrictions.
  3. Optimal timeframe: M15 or more.
  4. Suitable option expiration time: 3 candles.
  5. Time to trade: no restrictions.
  6. Recommended broker: Utrader, FiNMAX.

A pin bar is a candle that has a very short body (or none at all) in relation to its own size. At the same time, one shadow of such a candle should be long, while the other should be either short or completely absent.

Most often, a pin bar becomes a reversal pattern, but sometimes it can also indicate a continuation of the trend. The difference between the interpretation options is determined by the location of the body of the candle. For example, in a bullish pin bar pattern, the closing price is close to the opening level. This suggests that at first the price fell for some time, and then returned back, leveling the fall.

Thus, after the initial sales, there was a strong demand that the sellers could not cope with, and we assume that in the future these purchases will continue with a high probability.

The bearish type of pin bar is considered similarly. In his case, the price first rises and then returns to the opening level. In such a situation, the sellers are the winners and we can expect the continuation of the downward movement.

One of the simplest strategies based on this model is to buy an option in the direction of the smaller pin bar shadow (or, as they say, in the direction of the “hammer”). In this case, the color of the candle does not matter, only the position of its body is important. Those. a signal to open a position can appear on both black and white pin bars.

We buy a Call option when the following conditions are met:

  • a BULLISH pin bar has formed on the chart;
  • the price updates the HIGH of the pin bar.

At the same time, we buy the option with an expiration period equal to 3 candles of the timeframe used.

We buy a Put option under the following conditions:

  1. a BEARish pin bar has formed on the chart;
  2. his body does not go beyond the boundaries of the previous candle;
  3. the price updates the MINIMUM of the pin bar.

We also buy Put with an expiration date equal to 3 candles of the used TF.

It is always better to open a position in unison with the main trend because it avoids many bad trades. If a clear trend is not visible on the chart, then it is better to temporarily refrain from entering. Sideways signals will be the worst.

The most suitable expiration time is 3 candles. On large timeframes, this indicator can be reduced. On scales above H1, it is enough to buy options with an expiration of just one candle. But on small TFs, it is no longer worth lowering this period.

You should also pay attention to the length of the pin bar. It should be close to the average candle size on the chart. If the distance from the high to the low of the pin bar is less than the same range of the previous candle, then it is better to skip the entry.

If several significant factors contribute to the appearance of a signal at once, then such a signal will be considered very strong. Price, as you know, is always easier to move in the direction of less resistance. In this regard, a pin bar that has a support in the form of a support or resistance level will give a much more powerful signal. It will be easier for market participants to play a rebound from such an obstacle than to overcome it.

The appearance of a pin bar at some Fibonacci retracement levels can also give a strong signal. Only natural levels 38.2, 50 and 61.8 should be taken into account. In the case when such a pin bar will also rely on a support or resistance level, the reliability of the signal will further increase.

As you can see, the strategy is really easy to use. Due to its unpretentiousness, it allows you to plan your own work time, as you wish. An asset price chart, represented by candles or bars, is all you need to get started.

Remember that you should not enter the market immediately after the appearance of a pin bar. First make sure that it meets all the described criteria and wait for the moment when the pin bar starts to update its limits from the side of the smaller shadow.

Of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid false entries. The chart below shows an example of a failed trade. The signal received in that situation indicated an entry against the main trend, and such trading, as already mentioned, is extremely unreliable.

The strategy works best on large timeframes. Meanwhile, quite a few traders use it on small timeframes to increase the number of trades. The most active traders can indeed choose small timeframes, but in this case they should work only with the most reliable signals.

The incredible simplicity of the model is an important advantage. For full-fledged trading, you just need to learn how to correctly identify pin bars on the chart and follow the direction of the main trend.

Try to filter signals received on the sideways or pointing against the trend. And in order to increase the effectiveness of the strategy and reduce the number of unsuccessful trades, enter only on the most reliable signals and avoid situations that cause you doubts.

How to use Heiken Ashi in binary options

Trading systems using Heiken Ashi are among the most effective not only for Forex, but also for binary options trading. They are quite simple, but at the same time profitable and effective. The tool performs smoothing of the chart, excluding random movements. For users, the indicator is convenient in that it clearly demonstrates whether there is a strong trend in the market.

The chart of any trading asset consists of ticks. A tick is the minimum rate fluctuation, it appears after a transaction is made through the platform or as a result of the execution of a pending order. The number of transactions made in milliseconds is the number of ticks.

Constant flow executed orders were divided into equal time intervals - timeframes and "split" into "Japanese candles", which are formed taking into account the opening price of each time interval. During a fixed period of time, the body of the candle is built. Longer "tails" are the extremes observed during this interval:

A smooth version of candles was invented in Japan. He became popular after the publication of analytical material in the publication Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES. Each current indicator candlestick is inextricably linked to the previous one. The middle of her body is the opening price.

To calculate the closing price, a formula is used: the sum of closing and opening extremes is divided by 4. High and Low are the largest and smallest parameters. Modified candlesticks are superimposed on the chart of a trading asset for greater convenience and better visual perception.

The indicator is suitable for options trading because its signals are more accurate when compared to conventional candlestick analysis. Forecasts based on emerging models are promising, but do not provide an accurate time frame for the fulfillment of "predictions". In binary options, the time factor is decisive.

After the set expiration time, the trader will either make a profit or lose the bet amount, in whole or in large part. Heiken Ashi candles are often used in option trading due to a number of benefits. For example, they are suitable for turbo contracts with an expiration time of up to 5 minutes.

Such a feature has been noticed: if there are several candles of the same color in succession, and after them one opposite candle appears, the one following it usually continues the new trend that has begun. The forecast accuracy will be about 65%, which is pretty good.

Another element of Heiken Ashi candles that deserves close attention is the “tail”. It has nothing to do with real quotes; a special approach is used when drawing it. The "tail" of the indicator candles shows the strength of the trend.

If the body is small and the “tail” is long, has a direction in the direction of the momentum (“bearish” - to the bottom, “bullish” - to the top), without an opposite “tail”, such a trend is really strong.

In classical binary options, income depends on the expiration time of the contract, the longer it is, the higher the percentage of income. Larger timeframes show trends that are more stable and long lasting. To "catch" them, focusing on the "tails", traders set the H1 interval. Trading assets - volatile currency pairs like EURUSD, USDJPY, etc.

It is also necessary to select the trading session, which is characterized by active trading, accordingly. If, for example, the basis of the pair is the dollar, it is best to trade between 11.00-21.00 Moscow time. Having found a clear trend by a long “tail” and a small body of a candle, we enter the market in the direction of the main trend.

Optimal timeframe: М15-H1. The expiration time is recommended to be set depending on the interval. If you are working on H1, it will be 4 candles. Those who prefer M15-M30 should set it to 5-6 candles.

Heiken Ashi is a simple and reliable indicator included in the list of standard indicators for MT4. Many strategies are based on it, including those for binary options. Applied to turbo options (1-5 minutes) best time expiration will be 1 timeframe.

To increase the effectiveness of signals, it is better to trade on large timeframes, they help to "catch" a stronger and more stable trend. When choosing an interval of M15 and above, the quality of the signals increases, however, the trader must have certain skills to recognize the presence of a trend by the shape of Heiken Ashi candles and the size of the “tails”.

In addition to candlestick analysis, an important factor is the choice of a trading session - the most active trading time for the selected instrument. And do not forget about money management - this is a prerequisite, regardless of the chosen strategy.


This section presents the most profitable binary options trading strategies.


Before we begin to consider the principles of the "Tumbler" strategy, let's get acquainted with the exclusive technical services of the Binomo platform that help us make a profit on the system:

  1. Execution of orders to conclude transactions in a few milliseconds
  2. Large quote chart window
  3. The levels of open contracts are automatically visualized on the quotes chart
  4. Minimum Available trading lot 1 dollar
  5. Unlimited number of contracts that can be issued at the same time.

It is this list of technical services that helps to trade using the Tumbler system without any losses, receiving only profit and deposit growth.

Here's how it goes:

  • We open 2 trading positions at the same time with the shortest expiration time (by default, 1 minute is set on the Binomo trading terminal) - an UP position and a DOWN position. At the same time, we take a lot worth 1 dollar for registration, which, as we have already said, is the minimum available lot from the Binomo broker.
  • Now we monitor the price quotes and, with a minimum shift in one direction or another, we add one more position to the market. If the offset is up, then the contract is UP; if it is down, then the contract is DOWN. For example, let's say that quotes started to grow, and we added an UP position. In this case, after the expiration of transactions, we will receive profit on two contracts and 1 loss each. If we take the profitability of contracts of 85% with a lot size of $1, we get:
    1. Under contract DOWN loss 1 dollar
    2. Two trades UP profit 1.70 USD

    That is, the total result of trading is positive.

  • If the quotes turned around and went down, thereby bringing our preponderance of positions into the unprofitable zone, we open 2 DOWN contracts, and we get
    1. UP contracts with $2 losses
    2. 3 contracts DOWN with a profit of 2.55USD

As you understand, in order to effectively apply the strategy in practice, it is necessary to have a quick reaction in order to complete transactions on time. In principle, you only have to very quickly and in the right place on the quotes chart click on the contract execution button, the Binomo trading terminal will execute the order exactly in the place you have chosen in a split second.

Let's repeat again! Contracts should be drawn up with the smallest lots so as not to cause the deposit to be overloaded. Although, if we take into account the expiration period of 1 minute, then in order to create an advantage in a profitable direction, you will have time to conclude a maximum of 5-7 contracts, since quotes simply do not have time to change direction many times over such a period of time.

If you manage to master trading using the "Tumbler" system and quickly complete transactions, then your trading will never bring you losses!

  • EXPIRATION TIME: 1 minute.
  • MONEY MANAGEMENT: 1 USD or no more than 2% of the deposit.

Medium-term strategy for successful trading

The strategy, called medium-term, involves trading binary options with a minimum frequency of one day or more. This feature involves technical analysis on daily as well as weekly charts.

The main condition for the implementation of this strategy is the presence of a trend and the implementation of buying or selling in the direction of its movement. This strategy is based on support and resistance levels, as well as the use of simple moving averages, also called SMA. In addition, when using this strategy, you must watch the trend lines.

The best tool for a medium-term strategy would be the USD/EUR currency pair. The medium-term strategy is successfully used by traders who prefer the maximum possible absence of risks, slow, measured movement and, as a result, the absence of a quick income.

Medium-term trading lasts long enough that it satisfies the needs of such traders quite well. It has a long time frame and involves very little risk per trade – only about 4% of the deposit.

In order to apply a medium-term strategy for trading binary options, some tools are required:

  1. Simple moving averages or SMAs.
  2. Support and resistance levels. These levels are marked visually.
  3. Trendlines are also a tool and are built on the lows and highs of the price.

The principle of medium-term trading is as follows. When the trend starts to rise, the price must be above the simple moving averages. The same principle works in reverse: when the trend is down, the price must be below the SMA.

When the direction of the moving averages with a frequency of 4 and 8 on the weekly chart coincides with their direction on the daily chart, they indicate the direction of the trend. In this case, it is necessary to determine which binary option should be bought - put or call, since such a position of the moving averages on the chart is a signal to open a position.

In order not to miss the opening of a position, it is necessary to carry out a daily evening check:

  • The direction of the SMA with a frequency of 5 on chart D will be opposite to the direction of the trend, or the moving average will be horizontal. After that, there will be a reversal in the direction of the trend.
  • SMA with a frequency of 20, on a chart with a daily interval, will move in the opposite direction from the direction in which the trend is moving, or will be horizontal. To sell, the price must cross the SMA and consolidate below, and to make a purchase, the price must consolidate higher in the direction of the trend.

Given the sudden movement

A strategy based on the analysis of market demand or trading on a sharp movement is one of the most profitable strategies, and at the same time one of the most difficult. This strategy is to buy Call and Put options at a time when the financial market is undergoing drastic changes.

For example, having learned in time last news on the US dollar, subject to its rapid decline, an experienced digital options trader will purchase a put option on the US dollar/Japanese yen currency pair.

Here it is necessary to mention some secrets that you will not find on the Internet. Some companies offering digital options issue quotes with a noticeable delay compared to forex quotes. A Forex broker company was monitored, as well as a binary options broker.

The result of this observation was the fact that the movement of Forex quotes is very different from the movement of prices on binary options and is delayed by one or two seconds. Even such a short time is enough when trading on a sharp movement.

To make a profit using this method, you need to know exactly when the news comes out or the American session opens, seriously rocking the market at the beginning. Through this, traders can get quite high profits.

In addition, this binary options broker has the opportunity to close a deal with a profit, even if the price has gone in your direction by only a few points.

Source: ""

"Double Confirmation"

The strategy to which this review is devoted is implemented using the indicators of the public library of the TradingView service.

These indicators are quite peculiar, and when working with them, you need to be as careful as possible. But, with due skill, trading should not cause any particular difficulties, and its results will pay back the time spent a hundredfold.

In the TradingView public library, having previously opened a chart of any currency pair with a working timeframe M1-M5, we are looking for the following instruments:

  1. MACD_VXI indicator - the name speaks for itself. The well-known MACD, but with minor changes made by an experienced trader
  2. The DeMarker indicator is a trend indicator that will help determine the strength and extent of a trend, showing whether it is worth opening a position

The indicator settings can be left as default. After plotting on the chart, it should take next view:

Next, you can proceed to the search for entry points. In fact, to enter a trade, you need to wait for a double signal from the lower indicator (modernized MACD) and its confirmation by a trend instrument. In practice, it looks like this:

  1. We buy Higher options when:
    • Both MACD_VXI lines crossed the conditional zero upwards
    • MACD_VXI histogram is in the positive area
    • The DeMarker chart shows a positive trend, and it should be within the boundaries of the shaded area. Be sure to pay attention to this point, because it is fundamental.

    An example of a situation suitable for opening a trade is shown in the figure below:

    A few more important points:

    • The red MACD_VXI line always crosses the median before the blue line and gives the trader a signal to get ready. After that, you need to wait for the control crossing of the level by the second line
    • Signal candle - the one on which you need to open a position is formed at the moment of crossing the conditional zero by the blue MACD_VXI line. Do not enter a position prematurely, even if there is a long time between crossings
  2. For down options, the situation is reversed. We buy options of the “Lower” type when:
    • Both MACD_VXI lines crossed the zero mark from top to bottom
    • The histogram is also located below the zero level
    • DeMarker values ​​decrease but are within the shaded area

An example is in the figure:

Please note that the blue line highlights the situations when MACD_VXI indicated the possibility of opening a deal, but at the moment the signal candle appeared, the DeMarker chart was far outside the colored zone, which indicates an imminent market reversal. This means that it is impossible to enter a position in such cases.

For greater reliability, the strategy under consideration can be supplemented with one more indicator, which will be plotted directly on the chart. As such, any type of moving is suitable, or a more complex indicator at your discretion.

It is often added by those traders who find it inconvenient to focus on instruments that do not directly interact with the chart. The main thing is that the additional indicator does not conflict with the others. The expiration period of binary options should be 3-4 candles. You can trade on any major currency pair, and change the timeframe in the range from one to five minutes.

Trading digital contracts is associated with high risk. This axiom is familiar to traders, but beginners continue to look for tactics that would help close 100% of transactions in a plus. But are there win-win strategies in binary options? How to increase the percentage of profitable contracts? These questions will be answered below.

Tactics without losing: what is it?

Beginners think that win-win trading in binary options means making a profit in 100% of cases. However, in fact, such a term is applied to tactics with a ratio of profitable and unsuccessful orders of 3:1. The trader receives income in 75% of cases, that is, he remains in the black, does not lose money.

There are no tactics in binary options without losing. When searching for entry points, archived data is used. Indicators do not have time to react to price changes, so they give incorrect signals. There are ways to reduce the number of trades buried in the red, but it is not possible to reduce them to zero.

The network has videos for beginners with win-win strategies for binary options. The Olymp Trade website offers several similar tactics. However, there is no talk of 100% effectiveness. The broker provides statistics on the ratio of orders closed in plus and minus. According to the information, there will be unsuccessful transactions, but with competent trading, the profit under the contract will cover the losses, so the trader will earn some money.

Effective Tactics

The strategies described below will help you improve your trading performance. Systems allow you to earn income in 75% of cases. This means that it will be possible to cover costs and earn if the trader fulfills the entry conditions.

Tactics "Flight"

Requires the use of indicators and ADX, which are available in the Metatrader terminal. The settings of the first one remain unchanged, the second period is set to 12. The timeframe of the chart is H1, transactions are opened for 4-5 hours (4-5 candles).

The "Call" option is activated when:

  • The MACD histogram has gone beyond the 0 level upwards;
  • The main ADX line is above 25, which indicates high market volatility;
  • the green +DI curve is located above the red –DI.

A Put order is opened when:

  • MACD histogram breaks through 0 from top to bottom;
  • The main ADX line is above 25;
  • The +DI line is located above the –DI curve.

The tactic is suitable for High/Low option types. 1-2% of the deposit is invested in the transaction. Before trading, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Economic Calendar. Trading is not carried out during the release of important news, as the indicators do not have time to react to price fluctuations.

Absorption model

Graphical analysis will help you make a profit. You will need to select Japanese candlesticks as the chart display, analyze the price curve and find patterns that indicate the market situation.

Often there is an engulfing pattern on the chart when one candlestick overlaps another. Finding it is easy, even for beginners. However, entering the market after the formation of each model is not recommended. The percentage of profit will be insignificant.

To earn income, you need to trade with the trend. With a downward trend, "Put" orders are opened, while an upward trend - "Call".

The strategy is suitable for trading turbo options and High/Low orders. The timeframe is selected from M1 and above. 1-3% of the balance is invested in the deal. Trading is not conducted during the release of important news. As an asset, it is recommended to choose highly volatile currency pairs.

Keltner channels

  • Dotted (main curve, signal element);
  • Upper red, located above the dotted line;
  • The lower red one is below the blue dotted one.

The instrument takes the price into the corridor, the curve leaves it, but for a short time. Trades are opened at this point as there is activity in the market. You will need to wait until the candles leave the channel boundaries and buy the option. If the upper line is broken, the “Call” trade is activated, the lower one is “Put”.

For the Keltner Channels tactic, the classic type of options is suitable. During the period of a strong trend, trading of the "Border" and "Touch" types of orders is allowed. The minimum chart timeframe is 15 minutes, the expiration time is half an hour.

During the release of important publications, trading is not conducted. Up to 3% of the account amount is invested in the transaction. Profitability is up to 80%.

Dodge Trading

The candlestick chart is considered the most informative, so experienced traders find entry points without using technical analysis indicators. The bars have a variety of shapes that indicate the state of the market.

The doji pattern is a small body and a long shadow. He talks about the equality of bulls and bears in the market, but soon one of the parties will take the lead. When a Doji pattern is found, you will need to wait for the next candle, and then, based on its color, open an order.

When a green doji appears on the chart, you need to wait for the moment when a bar of the same color appears next, and then activate the “Call” option. When a red doji appears on the chart, you should wait for the formation of a column of a similar shade and enter into a “Put” contract.

The timeframe is selected from M1 and above. Orders are concluded for at least 1 minute. The bet amount is 1-2% of the deposit, the option type is “Higher/Lower”. Trading is not conducted when important publications are scheduled, so you need to check the calendar.

"Light in the Clouds"

The strategy helps to close up to 80% of orders in profit, based on candlestick patterns. A “gap in the clouds” is a model consisting of two diverse columns with long bodies, but the latter closes below the middle of the body of the previous one. The pattern indicates a sharp change in trend, is considered a strong reversal signal.

When a red candle is seen on the chart and then a green candle is formed, this indicates that an aggressive seller has entered the market. However, there is also a serious buyer. One of them will give way.

To activate the Call option, you will need to wait:

  • a prolonged downward trend;
  • the ascending candle will close above the previous one;
  • 2 more columns will form on the chart, after the third one closes, the market is entered.

To open a Put order, you should wait:

  • a long upward trend;
  • the outgoing candle will close below the previous one;
  • 2 more bars will form on the chart, after the third one closes, you can enter the market.

Strategy RSI_MA60

It is based on 2 indicators that are available in Metatrader 4. The settings for the instruments are as follows:

  • MA with period 60, display type - Simple.
  • RSI with a period of 14.

The timeframe of the chart is M15, but the tactics are also used in the intervals on H1, M1, M5. The expiration time is 5 candles. For trading, currency or commodity pairs are selected.

A Call deal is opened when:

  • The price curve is above the MA;
  • The RSI line was in the 0-30 range at first, and then moved into the 30-70 area.

The "Put" contract is concluded when:

  • Price curve below MA;
  • The RSI line was originally located around the 0-30 area, and then moved to 30-70.

The effectiveness of the strategy is 67-86%. Up to 5% of the balance is invested in the order. The classic type of options is suitable for trading. Trading is not conducted during the release of important publications.

SMA200 system

One SMA trend indicator is used to determine the direction of the trend. You will need to set the following settings:

  • Period - 200;
  • Shift - 0;
  • MA method - Simple;
  • Closing application.

The Call contract is activated when the price curve is above the SMA line and 3 candles in a row close with growth. The signal is strong, it indicates the continuation of the trend.

The “Put” option is activated when the price is below the indicator's moving average and 3 bars close down. This is a signal of a downtrend that will last for some time.

The recommended chart timeframe is M5, but it can be increased. The expiration time is 6 candles. When trading on small timeframes, the number of signals will be greater, but their quality will be lower. Any asset is suitable for tactics, the efficiency is up to 80%.


The strategies described above are win-win, despite the fact that they do not give 100% accurate signals. However, trading on them, you can close up to 86% of transactions in profit. But before using tactics in trading for money, it is recommended to test them on and understand the conditions for entering the market. If the systems do not show results, and with their help it is not possible to close more than 65% of options in plus, you should re-read the rules of trading or choose other tactics.

Patterns of price movement and much more. But every trading system has losing trades. Is there a strategy that always makes a profit? The one that can rightfully be called a win-win?

The advent of binary options opens up new opportunities for profit. They include both binary options trading itself and position hedging. Binary options hedging is definitely worth considering to hedge your positions against losses. The uniqueness of this is that with a competent approach, it is possible to almost completely eliminate losses, having received a kind of grail.

Over the past two decades, retail trading has evolved a lot, turning from a stupid hulking animal into a simple and friendly creature. Binary options have done to the market what Forex did in its time - they completely changed the established market paradigm. For ordinary speculative transactions, nothing compares to the ease of use of binary options. Considering that all the parameters of the deal are known to you even before it is opened, financial results easy to predict, regardless of winning or losing. And this, in turn, allows you to control trading risks with accuracy previously unavailable.

In this simplicity, at the same time, lies the main danger of the newfangled instrument - it is very easy to lose a deposit on BO. This is especially true for novice traders. Given that no special trading knowledge is required here, beginners often do not take market risks seriously. The market does not spare weak players, taking full advantage of their inexperience. Only because of this feature, many have a negative attitude towards options, not seeing further development in this instrument.

In fact, not everyone knows that a variety of trading strategies can be used on options, including hedging. The point of hedging is that you get a much better ratio of profit to loss. Hedging cannot be fully called an arbitrage strategy, as some risk still remains. Most often, positions are hedged to reduce overall losses. That is, you are, as it were, buying insurance for your position, which can subsequently save the position from large losses, or can only reduce profits.

You can hedge positions both within the same broker and with different ones. All you need to do is find an arbitrage situation where the outcome of the overall position will have a reduced risk on any outcome. Unlike forex, where two opposite transactions will simply compensate each other, on BO the difference in payments of two directions can be significant.

In fact, there are a lot of risk hedging strategies even on binary options. The fact that binary options have only 2 possible outcomes greatly simplifies the calculation of a hedging position. The key point is the time of entry. When and under what conditions you enter the market, the outcome of your transaction will depend.

In Search of the Binary Grail

Some brokers offer options with a partial return on unprofitable positions. That is, after the expiration of the contract, you get a part of its full value back, even if the contract was lost. Naturally, in this case, you get a reduced payout for profitable positions. The first thing that comes to mind is to use the described difference in payments in your favor.

There are brokers on the market offering earnings up to 100% of the invested amount. Also, for some types of options, in case of loss, a part of the contract value is expected to be returned, usually from 5% to 50%. In theory, if we buy two oppositely directed contracts at the same time, we get an arbitrage situation in which we remain in profit anyway.

Let's consider a situation on one hypothetical example. Let's say the option payout is 100% of the deposit. The first broker offers regular options with a fixed payout, the second broker offers options with a return on losing trades. That is, on the first option, we either make a 100% profit in the event of a successful transaction, or lose 100%. According to the second, we either get 85% of the profit, or lose 85% of the deposit in case of loss (i.e. we get 15% back). So what do we have:

As you can see, with such parameters, the strategy does not provide an obvious advantage, since the sum of potential loss and profit is zero. That is, in order to receive arbitrage, we need to receive at least 5% return on loss with 100% profit.

Grail research is useful for a reason - "If you look for one thing, you find another." They searched for the "philosopher's stone", discovered porcelain. A trader who sets himself the goal of finding a 100% option payout will discover interesting things: such payouts are possible on volatile options with a relatively long expiration period. Judging by how different interest payments under contracts vary, there are many intermediaries in the brokerage market, so the search task is complicated by the requirement of relative reliability of the companies found hypothetically suitable for hedging.

Below, the example will approximately show one of the algorithms for creating a hedged position in binary options of different brokerage companies. For simplicity of the topic, let's consider a simple hedge, collected on the classic binary options "Higher / Lower". As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, multidirectional positions will be opened for one asset at different dealing centers.

On the market in Lately, fortunately for the traders, options of the “0-100” type appeared. So they are called due to the payouts of 100% (all or nothing). What is the feature of such options - a free choice of expiration time. The complexity of finding the sides of the hedge is precisely that the payouts, compensations and expiration times coincide.

Having picked up such an option of the form “0-100” on one side of the hedge, on the one hand, we provide ourselves with a zero result of the transaction in case of an unsuccessful scenario, but on the other hand, with the correct prediction of the direction, interest on reimbursement will remain in our pocket.

We choose liquid currency pairs as contracts, the expiration period depends on the “reimbursable option”, and it is quite high - 4 hours. The option 0-100 is set according to this period. At the same time, we open multidirectional positions. After waiting for the expiration date, we get either a zero result or a 5% profit.

In the future, having worked out the tactics, you will be able to apply more complex designs and types of options, increasing profits up to several tens of percent per trade.

How to lose in a win-win combination?

  • The profit of the hedging structure is not so great, it is worth thinking about market direction forecasts in order to get away from zero results if possible.
  • On one account, funds will melt, on the other they will increase. For replenishment and withdrawal of the deposit, the broker can take their interest. Think over the starting amounts and issues of “transferring” the deposit from the account of one broker to the account of another.
  • It is also possible that quotes from different DCs do not match. Consider these points when entering a position at the same time.
  • Study thoroughly the calendar of economic events and the opening times of world stock exchanges. Do not open a position during the news release, you may not have time to “open at the same time”, and the price will fly away.

Also, not all binary options brokers are ready to offer such a high payout percentage. However, there are companies in the market that provide high payouts (up to 100%) on some types of options. These include Alpari. Binomo and ExpertOption brokers pay out up to 50% on losing positions.

Strategy modification

However, this is not the only virtually win-win strategy for hedging binary positions. We can also use the time factor to our advantage. Let's say you bought a Call option with a 90% payout, which at some point went into a profitable zone. Two options appear here: leave everything as it is, in which case you will either get a profit of 90% or a loss of 100%; the second option is to open an additional Put option with the same expiration time. In this case, if the outcome is unsuccessful, you will receive a maximum loss of 10%. In the same case, if the trade closes in the space between two positions, you will receive double profit - 180%. That is, the ratio of loss to profit will be 1:18.

Obviously, this way of hedging gives a great advantage over the market, greatly reducing the risk on the position and increasing profits. When repeating such a scheme, at each opening, one of the next positions will definitely come out in profit, covering the accumulated loss. It can be said to be a break-even system.

This strategy works best in a channel. You need to wait for the price to bounce off the channel border and buy the option in the direction of the rebound. Then, buy another option on reverse side, specifying the same expiration time. Trading in the channel greatly increases the probability of closing a trade between two strike lines and increases the number of profitable trades.


When hedging binary positions, it is important to pay attention to the trading conditions of the broker and calculate the risks in advance. Also, it is not always possible to hedge a position within one broker. In this case, you need to open contracts in two different companies. The execution time of contracts must always be synchronized, otherwise the entire effect of using the strategy is lost. Position sizes, on the contrary, can be changed at your discretion. For example, if the forecast indicates a predominant move up, you can hedge the position with a smaller Put contract, leaving the possibility of making more profit with a successful forecast.

And do not forget to follow the stocks of brokers - sometimes, albeit temporarily, you can build very profitable schemes by opening positions in different companies.

Sincerely, Alexey Vergunov
