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Maximum order amount from China. Shopping abroad, importation, foreign online purchases and parcels. What about duties if the limit is exceeded?

Customs duty is a payment that is levied upon import or export various groups goods. As you know, there are a number of products and goods that can be imported without making these payments. In the Russian Federation, the import and export of various groups of goods is regulated by the law “On Customs Tariffs”. This document specifies the basic rates of customs duties, as well as the procedure for paying customs duties.

According to the current legislation, in 2020 the following types of customs duties are distinguished:

  1. Import customs duty. This payment is also called import payment.
  2. Export customs duty. Often this payment is called an export payment, since it is paid for the export of products outside of Russia.

Most of the goods are subject to import customs duties. This is primarily due to the fact that Russia in 2020 is actively “receiving” export products into its territory.

Import duties are levied on all groups of goods imported into Russia. But it is worth remembering that according to, there are a number of goods allowed for import in a certain amount. If they are imported in excess established norm quantity, customs duty is always paid.

Customs duty

The collection of customs duties on imported goods ensures the protection of the domestic market of the Russian Federation from competition. Customs duties on imports are deducted to the state Russian budget. In recent years, it is this kind of duties and taxes that made up the bulk of the budget of the Russian Federation.

Customs duties and export fees are necessary to regulate foreign economic activity countries. They also replenish the Russian state budget.

What is allowed to be imported without paying duty?

If a person carries with him personal funds, excluding a car, the total amount of which does not exceed 500 euros, then he is not obliged to pay customs fee. In this case, the total weight of goods or products cannot exceed 25 kilograms. This applies only to those goods that are transported by land (by road or train). These rules are in effect from January 1, 2019. If a person travels by air, he can import duty-free goods worth up to 10,000 euros.

Additionally, a person can carry:

  • 50 cigars or two cartons of cigarettes. An alternative to cigarettes and cigars is tobacco in an amount of 250 grams.
  • Three liters of alcoholic beverages.

In other words, if a person wants to import four or more liters of alcohol, then he is obliged to pay 10 euros to the Russian budget for each “extra” liter brought in. But it is worth considering that you cannot transport more than five liters of such products for personal consumption. If a larger quantity of alcohol is transported, then the cargo is already considered commercial: additional documents must be submitted for it and an additional VAT of 18 percent and excise tax must be paid.

If the cargo is considered commercial, then the rate for alcohol is 0.6 euros for each liter of alcoholic beverages.

Types of bets

Unfortunately, it is impossible to single out a single payment, since there are different kinds customs duty rates, which, in turn, are divided by product type.

Lesson 7. Calculation of payments (columns 47, B) and completion of filling out the DT

According to the law, there are the following types of customs rates:

  1. ad valorem;
  2. specific;
  3. combined.

The ad valorem rate is often referred to as the cost rate. It does not have a fixed amount. The size of the customs rate is calculated as a percentage depending on the customs value of the products. For example, a TV set worth 2,000 euros is imported and the interest rate on this product is 20 percent. Thus, the customs payment is 400 euros.

The specific rate is set in a clear in monetary terms on specific unit products. It is worth remembering that this rate is expressed in euros. For example, a box of wine (12 pieces) is being transported. For one bottle you need to pay five euros. Thus, the import duty for a case of wine will be 60 euros.

The combined rate is presented as specific and ad valorem. In other words, it combined the last two rates, so the amount of the duty is calculated based on the cost and quantity of products transported.

For example, sports shoes are imported. Since a combined rate is applied, 15 percent of its customs value is paid for each pair of shoes transported, but the amount paid cannot be less than four euros.

Most often, combined bets are used.

It is worth remembering that customs rates exist for all categories of goods. Therefore, it is simply impossible to single out the main single rate, since it differs depending on the product. All rates of import customs duties are approved in accordance with the decisions of the EEC Council, and export customs duties regulated by the Russian government.

Import customs duty rates are calculated based on the CCT. CCT is a single customs tariff, which was adopted in accordance with the rules of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Types of customs duties

Customs duties in the Russian Federation are divided into two types: seasonal and special.

Seasonal customs tariffs apply to agricultural products and other goods that are seasonal. In other words, there is a period of time in a year when a seasonal customs rate is applied to agricultural products instead of the usual customs duty.

For example, the established interest rate for tomatoes in 2020 is 15%, but not less than 0.08 euros per kilogram of production. Moreover, if tomatoes are imported into the country from May 15 to May 31, as well as from June 1 to October 31, then a seasonal rate of 15% is applied, but not less than 0.12 euros per kilogram.

Special customs tariffs and duties are classified as follows:

  • special.
  • anti-dumping.
  • compensatory.

The use of customs duties of a special type is necessary for non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity. They are used for the purpose of protection Russian manufacturers various types of goods.

VAT and excise taxes

The system of Russian customs rules in 2020 provides for the payment of not only import duties, but also VAT when importing products. VAT is paid on the import of products, taking into account that they will be sold on the territory of the Russian Federation. VAT is an indirect tax. The procedure and deadlines for paying VAT are regulated by the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

Thus, according to the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the following are required to pay VAT:

  1. organizations;
  2. enterprises;
  3. individual entrepreneurs.

Also, do not forget about excise taxes. Excise taxes are paid when the following groups of goods are sold:

  • Ethyl alcohol. But it is worth remembering that excise duty is not paid on cognac alcohol. This is the only exception.
  • Products that contain alcohol in an amount of more than nine percent.
  • Alcohol products (vodka, wine, liqueurs, cognac and others). But if the product contains less than 1.5 percent ethyl alcohol, then no excise tax is paid.
  • Beer.
  • Tobacco products.
  • Cars.
  • Some types of motorcycles.
  • Gasoline intended for refueling cars.
  • Diesel fuel.
  • Oils for different types of engines.

But it’s worth noting right away that the amount of customs duties on a car depends on the following characteristics of the car:

  1. What is its customs value?
  2. Legal status person who imports: natural or entity.
  3. Engine volume.
  4. Power in kilowatts.
  5. Vehicle weight (vehicle weight is calculated in tons).
  6. Engine type.
  7. Year of manufacture (in other words, age).

How to clear a car through customs - customs auto calculator

There are only four ages:

  • less than three years;
  • from three to five years;
  • from five to seven years;
  • more than seven years.

In the latest amendments to the bill, it was decided to make a single rate for cars based on age and engine size.

So, if the car is less than three years old, then a combined rate of 54% applies. This does not apply to cars that were manufactured in the Russian Federation. But it is worth considering that the minimum bet is 2.5 euros.

Table. Calculation of customs duties based on engine volume for cars less than three years old.

For machines that were manufactured in the Russian Federation, it applies flat rate. It is equal to one euro per cm3.

Table. Calculation of customs rates based on engine volume for cars over five years old.

For yachts, other categories of cars, boats, a single tariff rate in the amount of 30% of the cost of the equipment. For example, if the estimated value of the yacht is 20,000 euros, then the payment amount is 6,000 euros.

Duty-free import

Without paying customs duties, individuals have the right to transport goods across the border of the Russian Federation in the amount of:

Up to 1500 euros for ground transport (train, car);
(!! - up to 500 euros from January 1, 2019)

Up to 10,000 euros for air transport (airplane).

In both cases, the total weight of imported items should not exceed 50 kg.

If the cost or weight is exceeded

If the price or weight of purchases made abroad is higher than the specified standards, but falls within the limits of 650,000 rubles. by price and 200 kg by weight, you will have to pay for exceeding the limit:

30% of the cost, but not less than 4 euros for each extra kilogram of weight.

More about duty-free import

It is important to understand that such a benefit as duty-free import applies to goods intended for personal use, satisfaction of personal, family, household and other “not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity needs." To determine their purpose, the customs official takes into account factors such as the nature of the goods, their quantity, as well as the frequency of their movement across the border.

Items of the same type, for example, several pairs of jeans or shoes purchased for personal use, may be recognized during customs control commercial lot goods, which will also cause them to be taxed at higher rates, if not more unpleasant consequences for the citizens transporting them.

If the limits of RUB 650,000 are exceeded. or 200 kg, then fees will be collected by customs officers at foreign trade rates.

It is not possible to indicate the exact amount of bets for this case within the framework of this review, since for different types Customs duties on products are also different, and they exist for all categories of goods. In addition, there are several types of bets: ad valorem, specific and combined. This is not a simple question for the foreign trade participants themselves. The rates of import customs duties are calculated on the basis of the unified customs tariff ETT in accordance with the rules of the Eurasian Economic Union. Moneyinformer recommended that ordinary citizens crossing the border simply avoid situations where these rules might be required. It will not be possible to study all the nuances quickly, but you can start familiarizing yourself, for example, with this document.

How much can you take out?

It is clear that in order to buy and import something, you must first export something. Of course it's money. Funds for bank cards no need to declare, cash up to 3000 dollars (currency or rubles, the equivalent amount) too. From 3,000 to 10,000 dollars must be declared, and in order to take out large amounts in cash, permission from the Central Bank will be required.

Personal valuables are also allowed for export without declaration - Jewelry, expensive watches ... Some citizens use this rule in order not to pay duty on goods purchased abroad, passing them off as used goods. (See important news).

Online shopping

Now, in 2018, Russian citizens can buy duty-free goods in foreign online stores for up to 1,000 euros per month, while the total weight of purchases should not exceed 31 kg.

If the price or weight of the purchased goods in any month of the year exceeds these standards, then the purchases will be subject to a duty of 30% of the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

Changes expected:

From the announced plans of the government, it was assumed that from 2019 the threshold for duty-free purchases would change downward.

From January 1, 2019, it was supposed to be equal to 500 euros. Exceeding this limit would entail the collection of duties of the previous value: 30% of the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.
- From January 1, 2020, this threshold was to be reduced to 200 euros. The customs duty rate in case of exceeding the limit was to be 15% of the cost of purchases, but not less than 2 euros per 1 kg.

However, quite a long time ago the Ministry of Finance and tax service announced plans to accelerate this transition:

Following this, the Federal Customs Service came up with an even more radical assumption:
- completely abolish the duty-free threshold for purchases in foreign online stores (albeit, while reducing the amount of duties charged).

What decisions will be made in the end is still absolutely unclear; Moneyinformer will follow the news.

Changes are postponed:

From July 1, 2018 they are not entered. For now, the upper limit remains the same - 1000 euros per month.

Why the development of the situation is difficult to predict:

- Russian Post, according to its head Nikolai Podguzov, is not yet ready to reduce the duty-free threshold even to €200, while at the same time work is underway to introduce technology for automatically collecting duties when placing orders in online stores.

The National Association of Distance Selling (NADT) has its own complaints about the draft law; they say that it is necessary to remove the time limit (“within a month”) and consider each purchase separately, since otherwise the administration procedure becomes much more complicated.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade issued a reminder that the cost of administering the collection of duties is €10, and it may turn out that instead of additional income, the procedure for the state will work at a disadvantage.

According to the authoritative opinion of leading foreign industry players eBay and Amazon, the new rules will not only not increase budget revenues, but will also slow down the development of the domestic Russian online trading market, leading to a sharp decline in consumer purchasing activity. On the contrary, representatives of Russian online retailers, in particular Wildberries, are clearly in favor of taxing foreign parcels, as this should lead to an increase in sales of domestic online retailers.

Important news


Fees will increase

From 01/01/2019, the threshold for duty-free import of personal goods by land transport is reduced from €1,500 to €500. The permitted weight of such goods is also reduced - from 50 to 25 kg. Changes are being introduced earlier than originally expected.

These rules will be simultaneously introduced in other EAEU countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.


Everything is the same with Internet parcels

According to official information from the Ministry of Finance, from July 1, 2018, the threshold for duty-free import of parcels from foreign online stores into Russia will not be reduced and will remain at the same level. Exact data on the timing of lowering the threshold is awaited.


Customs knows everything about you

Unpleasant news appeared for those Russian travelers who planned to bring expensive items from abroad (total value above 10,000 euros), passing them off as their own used ones and without paying the 30% customs tax on them. These items are most often watches and jewelry.

The media report that the Federal Customs Service now has the opportunity to quickly receive information about expensive purchases by Russians abroad. Customs officers greet some of the arriving tourists with a list of their overseas purchases in hand. The source of such information is probably the Tax Free systems and their foreign colleagues collaborating with Russian law enforcement officers. Dozens of our citizens have already been caught transporting undeclared goods, among whom were government employees and respectable businessmen, including those who flew into the country on private aviation aircraft - business jets. As you know, smuggling (namely, the import of undeclared items) can result in penalties including criminal penalties.

The head of the Federal Customs Service Vladimir Bulavin did not deny this information and confirmed that the customs service is cooperating with foreign colleagues in this area.

Additional Information

Import to Russia of alcohol, tobacco, medicines, animals, alcohol and tobacco, cars...

How to submit a declaration and make payment

How to declare. Green and red corridors

All goods transported across the customs border of Russia are subject to customs control.

In order to inform the customs authorities about goods, the import of which is subject to the payment of customs duties or compliance with restrictions established by law (transportation of weapons, medicines, animals, antiques...), you must fill out a special declaration form, which can be obtained from a customs officer.

If such items and in such quantities are transported for which customs duties are not provided, then no forms are required to be filled out.

At most international airports, seaports and border crossings by car system implemented customs control"two corridors" - red and green. It greatly simplifies and makes the inspection process faster:

If a citizen is carrying things that he wants to report to customs officers, he is sent to the red corridor.

If he is sure that he does not need to fill out a declaration, he goes through the green corridor.

It is important to keep in mind that passing through the green corridor is also a declaration that you do not have with you items that the law requires you to declare. There is even a special name for this procedure: “conclusive declaration”. Customs officers also “inspect” citizens passing along the green corridor, only with less attention, often only with the help of video surveillance cameras. But this does not mean that they may not need to conduct a full search.

How to pay, payment terms

Customs duties are paid individuals when declaring goods in writing on the basis of a customs receipt order, one copy of which is handed over to the person who paid the customs duties.

The payment period for importation should not exceed 15 days from the date of presentation of the goods at customs Department at the place of their arrival in the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

Rules for the carriage of certain categories of goods

For the purpose of this review, Moneyinformer provides general information. Detailed, most accurate and up-to-date information information on this issue can be obtained on the official website of the Federal Customs Service.
Goods for personal use transported across the customs border:
- with payment of customs duties and taxes
- with exemption from payment


An individual has the right to import 3 liters of alcoholic beverages into Russia duty-free.

Another 2 liters can be imported by entering the declaration and paying a fee for them:

10 euros per liter of beer and wine

22 euros per liter of strong alcohol (vodka, whiskey, cognac...)

It is prohibited to bring more than 5 liters. On alcoholic products purchased from a Duty Free store, the same rules apply.


An individual has the right to import up to 200 cigarettes or up to 50 cigars or up to 250 grams of tobacco into Russia duty-free.


Food products are allowed to be imported in factory-labeled packaging and in quantities of no more than 5 kg per person, with the exception of certain types of products from certain countries that are subject to temporary restrictions of Rosselkhoznadzor. Seeds of food crops, as well as flowers, cannot be transported.


This category of items moved across the border by individuals stands apart. To import a car into the Russian Federation, you need to pay VAT, excise tax and customs duty. For a thorough consideration of this issue, there are numerous reference tables and calculators. Moneyinformer will only indicate what characteristics of the car will affect the final cost of its import and customs clearance: this is its cost, volume, power and type of engine, weight, year of manufacture. The more expensive the car, more powerful, more modern, the more you will have to pay, and in a significant progression.

Motorized watercraft

For other types of vehicles, as well as yachts, boats and other watercraft, a single tariff rate of 30% of the cost of the goods (equipment) being transported is applied.

Prohibited for import

Goods the import of which into Russia is prohibited by current rules:
- Printing, photo and video products with pornographic content; similar products that may be related to state secrets; and which may be classified as promoting racism, terrorism, national or religious hatred;
- Endangered species of animals and plants;
- Narcotic substances;
- Vegetable and fruit crops that do not have phytosanitary permits;
- Weapons, their components and ammunition in the absence of special permission (including pneumatic, cold and gas weapons of certain types);
- Human biomaterials.

Responsibility for violating the rules

Customs offenses include non-declaration or false declaration of goods, failure to re-import goods, smuggling and others. Some of them may become items administrative offenses, and others are criminal, and, accordingly, entail measures of administrative or criminal liability. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, the perpetrator may be given a warning, a fine imposed with or without confiscation of the imported goods, or may even be threatened with imprisonment.

Export rules

The customs rules for the export of goods and money across the Russian border are almost completely identical to the rules and procedures for import.

Good times for shopping in foreign online stores are gradually ending. The state is pursuing a policy to tighten this area and is gradually reducing duty-free purchase limits. In mid-2018, a not entirely clear situation arose regarding whether the duty-free threshold was lowered once again, as proposed by the Ministry of Finance, or not. Tax on parcels from abroad to Russia in 2018 - what is the monthly limit for duty-free import of goods per person, what duty will need to be paid for exceeding it.

The limit on the cost of parcels from abroad has not increased since July 1, 2018

This is the most important news to know. The fact is that until the second half of June there was general confidence that duty free limit has decreased since July 1. Because of this, there are quite a lot of materials on the Internet that explain the new rules for purchasing goods in foreign online stores. However, literally in last days June all this became irrelevant.

The Ministry of Finance of Russia together with the Federal customs service proposed, with regard to parcels from abroad to Russia, from July 1, 2018, to reduce the monthly threshold for duty-free import from 1,000 euros per person per month to 500 euros.

Duty-free limits are regulated at the level of the Customs Union, the creator and inspirer of which is Russia. And according to the rules of this organization, for the entire 2018 there is a limit of 1,000 euros for duty-free import of purchases from abroad per person. However, this is the upper limit of the limit, and each individual state that is part of the organization can lower this limit. This is what the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Customs Service wanted to do.

However, at the very last moment Something in these plans changed, and they did not reduce the duty-free import limits.

On June 29, just a couple of days before the new rules came into force, it was announced that nothing would change until January 1, 2019. The rules for taxing parcels from abroad to Russia until the end of 2018 are as follows:

  • there is no duty if the total amount of purchases per person during the month is up to 1,000 euros, and the total weight of parcels is up to 31 kilograms,
  • if these limits are exceeded, the duty is set at 30% of the purchase price, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg of parcel weight.

The 30 percent duty is not charged on the entire volume of purchases made per month, but only on the part that exceeds the limits.

It is these rules that you need to focus on in 2018; they remain relevant until January 1 of the next year.


How will the tax on foreign parcels change in the coming years?

For the future of 2019 and 2020, we can focus on the norms prescribed in the documents of the Customs Union. Bye Russian state intends to adhere to them, but, as we noted above, the “all-Union” norms represent the upper limit, and the state can lower it at its discretion at any time.

So, how will the limit for duty-free import of parcels from abroad be reduced:

  • from January 1, 2019, one person will be able to order goods for a maximum of 500 euros per month if they do not want to pay the duty,
  • from January 1, 2020, the limit is reduced to 200 euros per month.

On the one hand, even the threshold of 200 euros, which will be introduced in a year and a half, suits the majority of buyers in foreign online stores. According to customs officials, 95% of shipments arriving in Russia generally cost less than 30 euros. However, reducing the limit to this limit will, of course, hit some segments of the online trading market. We are talking primarily about electronics and other expensive things.

If for today's limit of a thousand euros you can buy any decent smartphone, including top models from all leading manufacturers, then for 200 euros you can only buy an average budget-class or slightly above-average phone.

However, these plans are not the limit. Customs officials and the Ministry of Finance are seriously discussing the possibility of imposing duties on any foreign parcel from online stores starting in 2020. The scheme is still being worked out. This could be, for example, a duty of 1 euro per 1 kilogram of parcel weight.

If such a duty is introduced, it will indeed turn into a “tax on the poor.” This is exactly what the head calls the duty on parcels from abroad to Russia Russian Society protection of consumer rights Mikhail Anshakov. Anshakov’s idea is clear - wealthy people can go and buy any product in a store or boutique, without really paying attention to prices. Online purchases on Aliexpress are made by those who want to save their money and are willing to put up with certain inconveniences, primarily long waits for delivery.


Who benefits from tax on purchases from abroad?

The same Mikhail Anshakov, in an interview with Radio Liberty, shares his opinion about what is happening. According to the head of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, this duty does nothing for the budget. All collected funds will go to the salaries of those who will collect this tax. And the main beneficiary is Russian online stores, which cannot compete with foreign online retailers.

Indeed, if we turn to the statistics of online trade, which is given by the Vedomosti publication, we can notice a constant increase in the share of cross-border trade and a corresponding decrease in the share of domestic trade on the Internet. If back in 2013, domestic trade occupied 76 percent of the market against 24 percent for foreign stores, then in 2017 foreign stores had a share of 36 percent of the market against 64 percent for Russian players.

Mikhail Anshakov calls Russian online retail the main lobbyist for reducing or even completely abolishing the duty-free import limit for foreign online purchases.

Represented by overseas stores, in turn, warn that a gain for one industry will hit another hard. Postal and courier services, who today actively make money by delivering purchases from abroad.

The state will not gain anything. Formally, it is said that lowering the limit will give an extra 25 billion rubles annually. But Mikhail Anshakov draws attention - this money will only allow customs officers to report on how they increased fees in favor of the treasury. However, almost all of this amount will eventually go to the administration of duties, since in order to process such a volume of parcels, it will be necessary to increase the staff of the FCS, pay salaries to people and bear other costs for processing documents for duties.

Ordering goods in foreign online stores has long become an ordinary opportunity, which is used by almost every second active Internet user. If this is an exaggeration, it is not a strong one. For particularly active buyers who like the opportunity to purchase goods abroad at low prices, the urgent issue is the limit of duty-free import of goods into Russia and what duties will have to be paid if the limit is exceeded. Customs duties on the import of goods into Russia in 2018 - at what point the need to pay for them may arise, how the amount of duty will be calculated in this case, how the duty-free limit will be reduced in the coming years.

The duty-free import limit for individuals in 2018 remained the same

In 2018, the same threshold for duty-free import of online purchases remains in effect. One citizen can receive duty-free goods worth 1,000 euros per month. Moreover, the total weight of such goods should not exceed 31 kg. If at least one of these limits is exceeded, you will have to pay customs duty.

The amount of customs duty in this case will be 30%, but not of the total cost of all purchases (or one large purchase), but of the amount that exceeds the threshold. For example, if within one calendar month goods with a total amount of 1,100 euros are received in your name, then the duty will be 30 euros - 30% of the excess of the limit of 100 euros.

Another restriction has been established - the duty can be at least 4 euros per 1 kg of “overweight”. So if the 30% duty falls below this limit, the second rule will be used.

It will be possible to pay customs duties using Russian Post in 2018

Administering the collection of customs duties is also not a cheap pleasure for the state, so it has come up with an elegant trick in its own way that will be convenient and beneficial both for the state itself and for ordinary citizens who need to pay duties for importing goods into Russia. Russian Post, which usually delivers purchases from abroad, will soon accept customs duties.

Indeed, it will be convenient for everyone. Russian Post will have to become an authorized duty collection operator. If a person must pay such a fee, he can do it directly at the post office, after which he will receive his parcel.

It is reported that this opportunity will be available in June 2018.

This opportunity will be all the more relevant since in the coming years the limits on duty-free import of goods into Russia will be noticeably reduced, although not in such a dramatic way as was said a year ago.

What threshold for duty-free import of goods into Russia will be set in the coming years?

Many people remember the messages that filled the news reports in 2017. The government was then seriously considering the possibility of reducing the duty-free import limit from a thousand euros per month to just 20 euros.

Yes, most buyers fit into this limit. Estimated Chinese online store AliExpress, the average check for a Russian in a store is about 700 rubles, that is, 10 euros. But not only large but also medium-sized purchases would have to be forgotten if such a limit was introduced. They would most likely become completely unprofitable.

Fortunately, the state had the common sense not to reduce duties so sharply.

Many economic experts said when such an idea was discussed that it made no sense. The experience of other states shows that this would not provide any significant increase in budget revenues, but it would definitely give citizens a reason to speak ill of the government.

The new duty-free import limits, which will be introduced next year, are much more flexible:

  • from January 1, 2019 - 500 euros and 31 kg per month.
  • from January 1, 2020 - 200 euros and 31 kg per purchase.

The duty for exceeding the limits will be 15%, but not on the amount of exceeding the threshold, but on the entire purchase price.

An important nuance that you need to pay attention to is that in 2020 the threshold will no longer be set for the total cost of all parcels that will arrive within a month in the name of a particular resident of Russia, but for the cost and weight of each parcel.

Thus, in two years it will theoretically be possible to order goods for several thousand euros per month and not pay any customs duties. The main thing is that each purchase costs no more than 200 euros and does not weigh more than 31 kg. Buying something large abroad, thus, without paying duties will not work, but in everything else, in fact, you can not limit yourself.
