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How to properly promote or assign a category to a design engineer? How to open a new category of driver's license? How to upgrade a specialist out of turn

Very often, our readers have various questions on the topic "How to open an additional category of a driver's license."

Based on practice, most often a person wants to get category "A" or category "C", having a driver's license with an already open category "B". Also, often with an open category “C”, the driver wants to additionally open category “B”.

In today's material, we will talk in detail about the opening of any category in an existing driver's license. In addition, we will talk about the established examination stages that you need to pass when you open each category or subcategory.

Let's be clear right away: any person will be required to pass qualifying exams in order to obtain new category/subcategory in an existing driver's license. The rules define the composition of the exam separately for each subcategory/category, which we will talk about a little further.

Recall: to open a new category, a person must reach a certain age. Each category / subcategory has an individual age threshold - we talked about this in our material "". Let's now analyze the situation with the opening of categories of a driver's license in detail.

The process of opening category "A", category "M" or subcategory "A1" or "B1"

  1. Theory exam. Series exam tickets according to the theory of traffic rules, it coincides with a series of tickets for category "B";
  2. Driving on the autodrome includes the following exercises (ex.):
  • Ex. No. 1 - “overall semicircle”, acceleration-deceleration”, “overall corridor”;
  • Ex. No. 2 - “snake”, “low speed control”, “rut board”;
  • Ex. No. 3 - "overall eight".

Category B opening process

  1. Theory exam. A series of tickets for a theoretical exam on traffic rules coincides with a series of tickets for category "A";
  2. Driving on a circuit consisting of THREE exercises selected by the examiner:

First series of exercises:

  • Ex. No. 6 - "snake".

Second series of exercises:

  • Ex. No. 4 - "stopping and starting off on the rise";
  • Ex. No. 5 - "parallel parking in reverse";
  • Ex. No. 7 - "reversal".

Third series of exercises:

  • Ex. No. 4 - "stopping and starting off on the rise";
  • Ex. No. 6 - "snake";
  • Ex. No. 8 - "entrance to the box."

The process of opening category "C", category "D", sub-categories "C1" or "D1"

  1. Theory exam. A series of tickets for the exam on the theory of traffic rules when passing to category "C" corresponds to a series of tickets to category "D" and category "B / C" (if an exam is taken simultaneously for 2 categories);
  2. Examination of practical driving in the city;
  3. Practical driving on the autodrome, including THREE exercises chosen by the examiner:

First episode:

  • Ex. No. 5 - "parallel parking in reverse";
  • Ex. No. 6 - "snake".

Second series:

  • Ex. No. 4 - "stop / start on the rise";
  • Ex. No. 5 - "parallel parking in reverse";
  • Ex. No. 7 - "reversal".

Third series:

  • Ex. No. 4 - "stop / start on the rise";
  • Ex. No. 6 - "snake";
  • Ex. No. 8 - "entrance to the box."

Opening process category "E" (BE, CE, C1E, DE, D1E)

  1. Exam on knowledge of the theory of traffic rules (tickets);
  2. Examination of practical driving in the city;
  3. Practical driving test on the circuit, consisting of TWO exercises:
  • Ex. No. 9 - “staging to the platform with the tailgate”;
  • Ex. No. 10 - "rectilinear reversing."

It is worth recalling that upon obtaining the “E” category, you will need to already have at least a year of driving experience with open categories B, “C” and “D” at the same time, or at least separately.

How to upgrade from automatic transmission to manual transmission

There are situations when a person decides to get a license in category "B", but with a mark on driving a car with an automatic transmission. Then, due to circumstances, the driver decided to also drive a car with mechanics.

In such a situation, in order to improve their skills, a person will have to take a practical driving test only at the autodrome.

When is the exam not required?

If a new category or subcategory of a driver's license is opened, an exam on knowledge of traffic rules and an exam on driving practice must be passed in all cases. With no exceptions.

Preparing for exams on your own

As of today throughout Russian Federation it is impossible to prepare yourself for passing exams in order to obtain a driver's license.

To obtain a driver's license of any category / subcategory, a person will be required to undergo training at a certified driving school.

Until November 05, 2013, it was really possible to prepare and pass exams in categories "A" and "B" on their own. Recall once again: for today, self-training is prohibited.

We hope that after reading the information collected here, it will be possible to open the required category of a driver's license to any of our readers without any questions.

In this article, you will find answers to the following questions: how to open a new category in permissions, what is needed for that? Is it necessary, having a license with a higher category, to pass exams to obtain a lower category? What is retraining? And at the very end I will post a list of new categories and subcategories of driver's licenses.

Do I need to open subcategories

To begin with, having in your rights, for example, category B, you will automatically open subcategory B1.

No need to go anywhere and open subcategories. According to Law "On admission to driving vehicles" dated November 5, 2013 years in part 5 says:
a Russian national driver's license confirming the right to drive vehicles of category "A" also confirms the right to drive vehicles of subcategory "A1" and subcategory "B1" with a motorcycle seat or motorcycle-type steering wheel, category "B" - subcategory "B1" (except Vehicle with a motorcycle seat or motorcycle-style handlebars), category "C" - sub-category "C1", category "D" - sub-category "D1", category "CE" - sub-category "C1E", category "DE" - sub-category "D1E".

Also, having a driver's license with any open category, you can drive a vehicle of category M.

How to open a new category in permissions

Now let's move on to the discovery of new categories in their rights. For example, you have category B rights, and you decide to buy a truck, the control of which falls under category C, in order to independently transport building materials to build a summer house.

You have decided to open a new category in your rights. According to new edition legislation, in order to obtain the rights of any category (open a category), you need go to driving school, and for each pass the entire exam in the traffic police. Prepare and submit on your own external Now it is forbidden(Appendix to the Government Decree of November 5, 2013).

There were also changes according to age.

Article 25 federal law"About security traffic» it says that: IV. Admission to take exams
18. The following persons are allowed to take exams (to obtain rights or to open a new category):
1) having not expired medical certificate (even if there is one day left).

2) aged:

  • sixteen years - for category "M" and subcategory "A1";
  • eighteen years - for categories "A", "B", "C" and subcategories "B1", "C1";
  • twenty-one years - for categories "D", "Tm", "Tb" and subcategory "D1";

3) having the right to drive vehicles of category "B", "C" or "D" for at least 12 months - for categories "BE", "CE", "DE", respectively; having the right to drive vehicles of categories "C", "D" or subcategories "C1", "D1" for at least 12 months - for subcategories "C1E", "D1E";

4) who have passed intermediate certification in an educational organization for courses of theoretical training and initial driving training under the program of professional training for drivers of vehicles - for admission to passing a theoretical exam and an exam in initial driving skills;

5) who have passed the final certification in an educational organization under the program of professional training for drivers of vehicles - for admission to passing an exam in driving in traffic conditions.

Therefore, if you want to open a new category in your rights, then look for driving schools that have a license to teach the category you need, and contact them. You will have to study in any case, even if a higher category is open. This does not give you any advantages, you will have to go and take it on a general basis.

What is retraining?

Now let's move on to the notion of retraining. You can use it if you already have a driver's license. For example: you studied at a driving school in category C.
But then we decided that it would be nice to have a license not only with an open category C, but also with category B. You can do this within 3 months after receiving a driver's license.

The results of the theory exam are valid for 3 months. During this time, you must have time to undergo retraining and pass driving to a new category.

So that you do not start studying at a driving school again from the very beginning for this new category, there is a retraining. You can take advantage of retraining to open a new category by contacting a driving school. Say there that you want to retrain for a new category B (in our case).

Keep in mind that you will be able to get a license with a new category B only one month after receiving the license (in our case, with category C). Remember this, because if you come to take a new category, for example, a week after obtaining the rights (in our case, with category C), then the traffic police will refuse to take the exam, convicting you of deceit, and they will be right.
Since retraining from one category to another takes about a month, and it can only be completed if you have rights.

Categories and subcategories of rights

And in the end, as promised, I will give the categories of rights that have come into force from November 5, 2013.

Driving licenses with permit marks in the appropriate columns confirm the right to drive vehicles of the following categories and subcategories:
1) category "A" - motorcycles;

3) category "B" motor vehicles (with the exception of vehicles of category "A"), the maximum authorized mass of which does not exceed 3500 kilograms and the number of seats of which, in addition to the driver's seat, does not exceed eight; vehicles of category B coupled to a trailer with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding 750 kilograms; motor vehicles of category "B" coupled to a trailer whose maximum authorized mass exceeds 750 kilograms, but does not exceed the unladen mass of the vehicle, provided that the total authorized maximum mass of such a combination of vehicles does not exceed 3500 kilograms.

5) category "C" - cars, with the exception of cars of category "D", the permissible maximum mass of which exceeds 3,500 kilograms; category C vehicles coupled to a trailer whose maximum authorized mass does not exceed 750 kilograms;

6) subcategory "C1" - cars, with the exception of cars of category "D", the permissible maximum mass of which exceeds 3,500 kilograms, but does not exceed 7,500 kilograms; vehicles of subcategory C1 coupled to a trailer with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding 750 kilograms;

7) category "D" - cars designed for the carriage of passengers and having more than eight seats, in addition to the driver's seat; vehicles of category "D", coupled with a trailer, the maximum authorized mass of which does not exceed 750 kilograms;

8) subcategory "D1" - cars designed for the carriage of passengers and having more than eight, but not more than sixteen seats, in addition to the driver's seat; vehicles of subcategory D1 coupled to a trailer with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding 750 kilograms;

9) category “BE” – by vehicles of category “B”, coupled with a trailer, the maximum authorized mass of which exceeds 750 kilograms and exceeds the mass of the vehicle without load; motor vehicles of category "B" coupled to a trailer whose maximum authorized mass exceeds 750 kilograms, provided that the total authorized maximum mass of such a combination of vehicles exceeds 3,500 kilograms;

11) subcategory "C1E" - by cars of subcategory "C1" coupled to a trailer whose maximum authorized mass exceeds 750 kilograms, but does not exceed the unladen mass of the vehicle, provided that the total authorized maximum mass of such a combination of vehicles does not exceed 12,000 kilograms;

13) subcategory "D1E" - by motor vehicles of subcategory "D1" coupled to a trailer, which is not intended for the carriage of passengers, the maximum authorized mass of which exceeds 750 kilograms, but does not exceed the unladen mass of the vehicle, provided that the total authorized maximum mass of such a combination of vehicles does not exceed 12,000 kilograms;

That's all for today. Good luck with opening new categories in rights!

Engineers are such workers who deal with various technical devices. The basis of their activities is focused on modernizing or optimizing those solutions that exist on this moment. Beginners in this business are only directly involved in the observation or adjustment of technical devices.

Depending on the category of engineers, workers have different access to technologies, units or equipment. They also have different rights and obligations. Accordingly, with the growth of the category, the range of work performed will increase, as well as

Superficial division of engineers into categories

In domestic practice, there are the following categories of engineers:

  1. No category. Workers with this specialization will be able to perform only the simplest actions. Moreover, they cannot make any decisions unless more qualified professionals are watching them.
  2. 3 category. Such workers can handle the duties of engineers described above. In addition, they can develop simple drawings. Naturally, they will perform all the work only under the strict supervision of specialists of higher categories.
  3. 2 category. Employees cope with the duties listed above, and without the supervision of professionals. In addition, they have access to the development of drawings for individual parts or small simple assemblies. In some cases, designers independently assemble such parts according to the created drawings.
  4. 1 category. The employee performs all of the above actions. In addition, if the manager or give certain instructions for the creation of new units, then engineers can and are obliged to carry them out.

You can also note the lead engineer. He is engaged in the development of all the main structures that are used in the enterprise. Plus, they can optimize existing systems and units, develop equipment that will become more competitive.

Category 3 engineers

An engineer of the 3rd category is an executor who carries out orders and instructions from senior management. Usually the role of the latter is played by more qualified specialists. that the engineer performs the basis of his work under strict supervision, he can do some actions on his own:

  • Choose support materials that will be more convenient for him to use.
  • Independently improves his skills and studies the necessary materials.
  • Develops documentation, signs it before transferring to the head.

Thus, despite the limited obligations, all engineers of the 3rd category are an independent work unit, which needs to coordinate its actions with specialists.

Engineers of the 2nd category

An engineer of the 2nd category, when performing his activities, must be guided by the regulatory documents of the organization in which he works. Also in his competence lies other documentation.

As a rule, the main job of category 2 engineers is to receive tasks from higher management, then divide it among subordinates. But besides this, he needs to coordinate documentation and activities with other departments. Naturally, the engineer should not deviate from the instructions given by more qualified specialists.

Engineers of the 1st category

Category 1 engineer has much more rights and responsibilities. As his responsibility grows, so does wage. He may have appropriate workers in his subordination, the specific specialization of which will be determined by the direction of the engineer and the enterprise.

  • Failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties. In addition, if the engineer's subordinates did not fulfill their obligations, then the manager will be held responsible.
  • Offenses committed under labor activity. For example, if safety precautions were not observed during work, the engineer will be held responsible. This applies even to those cases where no one was injured in the violation of TB.
  • causing material damage enterprise.

Naturally, such a number of obligations pays off with a high salary, because otherwise no one will want to take on such responsibility.

Category assignment

Assigning a category to an engineer is carried out based on the results of certification. Usually the timing will be set government bodies, but sometimes large companies or businesses hire independent commissions when they believe one or more employees can improve their skills. Otherwise, the following engineers can count on improving professionalism:

  • Category 3 is submitted by a specialist who has higher education and at least 3 years of experience.
  • Category 2 is submitted by a specialist with a higher education and work experience of a category 3 employee for at least 3 years.
  • Category 1 is submitted by a specialist with a higher education and experience as an employee of category 2 for at least 3 years.

Thus, the assignment of a category to an engineer is carried out every three years. Sometimes this time is reduced to 2 years if the specialist worked in difficult conditions or temporarily performed the duties of an employee with a higher qualification. Of course, provided that he did an excellent job with his activities.

Job Responsibilities of Process Engineers

Any process engineer (categories and work experience do not matter) is engaged in introducing new technologies into the standard well-established production process at the enterprise. All his actions will be focused on two basic rules:

  1. Reducing the cost of manufactured products.
  2. Increasing productivity in a competitive environment.

Since the work of a technologist is directly related to the activities of the company, the management must constantly keep him informed of any changes, especially those relating to his field.

Each process engineer of category 1, 2, 3 and without it must have certain knowledge. They include legislative acts, GOSTs of equipment and products, information software, computer equipment enterprises and so on.

Job Responsibilities of Design Engineers

Designers work with machinery, drawings and tools. Such an engineer must be well versed in circuits and devices. If necessary, he will have to adjust them, modernize or draw up such drawings that will allow other workers to assemble a more modern and technological device. It is impossible to specifically designate the duties of designers, since they will depend on the specifics of the work of the enterprise, as well as on the narrow profile of its specialization.

There are 3 categories of design engineers. Each of them, respectively, allows you to work at different levels. During the implementation of its activity, the constructor uses the following:

  • Drawing tools.
  • Specially created or developed software.
  • Personal computers directly.
  • Means of automation.

Sometimes these engineers are allowed to use other tools. But the main weapon of an employee is his experience and professionalism.

Job Responsibilities of Design Engineers

All categories of design engineers are engaged in the development of entire projects or their individual parts, it all depends on qualifications. During operation, the following elements can be used:

  • Technologies.
  • Personal experience.
  • Means of automation.
  • Various domestic or foreign modern devices.

Regardless of the category of design engineers, the relevant workers must have a large amount of knowledge. They include any design technologies, as well as technical calculations and methods for their implementation. It is impossible not to note the standards and GOSTs, which are on a par with safety. Any extraneous knowledge is welcome, but it will not necessarily be paid for by management.

Engineering rights

  • Suggest management various ways that will help improve working conditions, make them more organized.
  • Use scientific literature and materials that will help to cope with duties. That is, it is not at all necessary for any engineer to memorize all the information, from time to time he can use books or magazines.
  • Pass certification in accordance with the procedure established by the enterprise or the state. In the process, they can get a new category, as well as remain at the same skill level.
  • To improve qualifications with all the ensuing consequences. That is, after receiving a new category, the employee has the right to a higher salary, Better conditions labor, new entries in labor books, and so on.

In addition to those listed above, engineers have the opportunity to exercise all the rights that are specified in Labor Code countries where the work is carried out.

Responsibility of engineers

  1. Timely completion of duties.
  2. Organization of personal labor activity, execution of orders and assignments at the appointed time.
  3. Compliance with the rules fire safety, as well as the routine established by the enterprise.
  4. Maintaining documentation, which will detail the activities of the engineer.
  5. If there are employees in subordination, then the leader will be directly responsible for their failure to fulfill their duties.
  6. If safety precautions were violated during the work activity, the engineer is obliged to take measures, as well as to inform the management in a timely manner.

If violated, the engineer will bear the responsibility established by law. It will depend on the severity of the offense. For example, an employee may be forced to pay a fine, labor work, arrest or deprivation of property.


It is known what categories of engineers exist today. However, in order to become real, to be in good standing with the authorities, as well as to earn large sums, you need to work hard and study. Otherwise, neither experience nor attempts to get a new category will help improve your specialization. In addition, it is recommended to monitor the release of new provisions, technologies and scientific literature. Engineers are one of the few workers who are required to keep up with modern discoveries, otherwise they will lose their competitiveness.

In order to upgrade the existing amateur radio category, you must:

1. Contact the Stavropol Radio Club at Stavropol, st. Lermontova, 189
2nd floor. Having previously agreed on the time and date by calling 8-962-446-1672.
Bring your passport, call sign certificate, TIN number,
and know your mailing address with postal code. If you have HF or VHF equipment for
amateur radio, you need to know its model and serial number.

2. Prepare and pass the exam of the qualification commission of the Stavropol regional branch of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia (RO RRR) for the corresponding amateur category. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the qualification commission of the RO SRR accepts exams only from members of the SRR. If a radio amateur who wants to upgrade his category is not a member of the CRR, then in order to pass the exam of the commission of the RO CRR, it will be necessary to join the CRR by paying an annual membership fee of 610 rubles and an entrance fee of 200 rubles at the radio club.

To prepare for exams, download the list of exam questions from the website of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia: and executable files of exam tests: /ham_exam_russia_2012, as well as "Methodological materials for advanced training of radio operators in the amateur service. CERT rules and procedures". Having prepared to agree on the date and time of arrival
to the radio club to take the exam, download the form and write an application for the exam:

You can also pre-train in passing the exam on the website of radio amateurs of the Rostov region:

3. Upon successful completion of the qualifying exam, all Required documents will be prepared and sent by the RO SRR and the radio club independently to the FSUE GRCHTS in Moscow, and those who successfully passed the exam will come from the FSUE GRCHTS to their home address in 3-4 weeks ordered letter with the "Certificate of the formation of the call sign of the identification of an amateur radio station" with a validity period of 10 years.

The qualification of engineers depends not only on specialization, but also on the category - the category of engineers. What are these categories, what are the categories? Let's find out!

So, the specialty engineer has a category as well as many other specialties.

Let's name them in ascending order: engineer, engineer of category III, category II, category I and lead engineer. In the rank grid, these categories correspond to the ranks of engineers from rank 6 and above. Since the concept of category is applied more often to working specialties, we will talk about the categories of engineers.

Engineer Qualification

The qualification of an engineer is assigned to a specialist with a higher professional education or at least average, no work experience. But usually these are still graduates of higher educational institutions.

A specialist with secondary vocational education can apply for the position of an engineer, having at least 3 years of experience as a technician of category I or at least 5 years of experience in another position requiring secondary vocational education. It can also be a worker who has a long work experience, has his own technical developments who has climbed the rank grid to the highest working rank and is undergoing vocational training in educational institution(in absentia or remotely).

Engineer Upgrade

Raising the category of an engineer depends on the length of service, the scope of duties, existing and acquired knowledge and the degree of responsibility. Usually, an engineer can be upgraded every three years, subject to availability necessary conditions. You can upgrade the category earlier, while passing a special certification.

Category III engineer can apply for specialists who have a special higher education, have worked as an engineer for 3 years, have solid skills in working with regulatory technical documentation, and are able to use the necessary computer programs.

A specialist who has a diploma of higher education, which confirms his qualification as an engineer, who has at least three years of experience as an engineer of the III category, who is responsible for the technical side of the project, manages the development process, can upgrade his category to an engineer of the II category. This category requires solid knowledge of the technical side of the project, the use of technical documentation and standards, project work planning, as well as two years or more experience in senior engineering and technical positions is desirable.

Next on the qualification table is an engineer of the 1st category. Here, deeper knowledge of the entire technical and economic side of the project is already required. Engineer of category I level, must develop all the technical documentation of the project, control the work on the project, draw up tasks, solve technical issues at the facilities assigned to him. He must have a higher specialized education and have at least three years of experience as an engineer of category II.

A specialist with a level I engineer category and at least three years of work experience in this category can already apply for the highest engineering category - leading engineer. Here the volume of his duties and responsibilities increases significantly. The lead engineer, before obtaining this qualification, must have independent experience in project management, must have a good knowledge of the equipment that is available in production and used in the project, have experience in project management, experience in supervising subordinates, experience in communicating with other production units and regulatory bodies.

Categories and categories are what is characterized practical experience specialist. Work experience is increasing, are being developed in the process professional activity applied knowledge, thereby increasing the category of engineer. This can be called the labor qualification of an engineer or the qualification of an employee, which allows you to designate his professional suitability, determine the amount of his knowledge and responsibility, the experience and practice necessary for his position, and thereby determine the level of remuneration for his work.

Each engineer can upgrade his category or rank by completing advanced training and qualification courses. But, if a specialist cannot confirm his category with relevant knowledge and skills, the employer has the right to lower it, up to termination employment contract. The procedure for determining the professional suitability of a specialist is prescribed in labor law and in assigning categories, must rely on that legislation.

Engineer Professional Qualification

There is also a professional qualification of an engineer - this is professional training worker, his level of education. Different jobs require different professional qualifications, different levels of education, depending on the complexity.

There are three levels: primary vocational education - worker, secondary vocational education - technician, higher education - specialist. This means that the qualification of an engineer, a person who has received a higher professional education, is a specialist.
