Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

GOSTs for other grades of coal. Indicators of technical analysis of coal - moisture, ash content, sulfur and calorific value. Standards for quality indicators of coals for coking

LLC firm "KOMEN" - large-scale supplies of chemicals
in railway tanks and vehicles


Coal is a type of fossil fuel that is formed from parts of ancient plants underground without oxygen. Coal is the first fossil fuel used by humans. This was the beginning industrial revolution, which in turn contributed to the development coal industry, providing it with more modern technology.

There are four types of coal, depending on the degree of transformation and the specific amount of carbon.

  • graphites,
  • anthracite,
  • coals,
  • brown coals(lignites).

Coal mining

Coal mining methods depend on the depth of its location. If the depth of the coal seam does not exceed one hundred meters, development is carried out open method in coal mines. There are also frequent cases when, as a coal quarry deepens further, it is more profitable to begin developing a coal deposit using the underground method. Mines are used to extract coal from great depths. In the territory Russian Federation the deepest mines extract coal from a level of just over 1200 meters.

Coal marking

For the purpose of rational industrial use of coal, its marking has been established. Coals are divided into grades and technological groups; This division is based on parameters that characterize the behavior of coal during thermal exposure. The Russian classification differs from the Western classification. The following grades of coal are distinguished:

  • A- anthracite
  • B- brown
  • G- gas
  • D- long flame
  • AND- fatty
  • TO- coke
  • OS- lean-sintered
  • T- skinny

In addition to those indicated, in some pools there are intermediate brands:

  • gas fatty (GZH)
  • coke fatty (QF)
  • coke second (K2)
  • low caking (SS)

Based on the size of the pieces obtained during mining, coal is classified into:

  • P - (slab) more than 100 mm
  • K - (large) 50 - 100 mm
  • O - (walnut) 25 - 50 mm
  • M - (small) 13 - 25 mm
  • C - (seed) 6 - 13 mm
  • W - (piece) 0 - 6 mm
  • R - (ordinary) mine 0 - 200 mm, quarry 0 - 300mm

Application of coal

Coal can be used in a variety of ways. It is used as household and energy fuel, as a raw material for metallurgical and chemical industry, including for extracting rare and trace elements from it. The liquefaction (hydrogenation) of coal to form liquid fuel is quite profitable. To produce one ton of oil, two or three tons of coal are consumed. Artificial graphite is also produced from coal.

Long-flame coal grade "D" (GOST R 51586-2000).

Long-flame coals are coals with a vitrinite reflection index of 0.4 to 0.79% with a volatile matter yield of more than 28-30% with a powdery or slightly caking non-volatile residue. Long-flame coals do not sinter and are classified as thermal coals.
Coal grade Size class, mm Qualitative characteristics(limit) Heat of combustion
lowest Kcal/kg
Ash,% Moisture,% Sulfur,% Volatile yield,%
DR 0 - 300 24,0 18,0 0,6 42,2 5000 - 7100
DSS 0 - 13 30,0 19,0 0,5 39,9 5000 - 7000
DOMSSH 0 - 50 28,5 19,0 1,0 39,9 7220
DPK 50 - 300 24,9 17,5 0,5 39,0 5100 - 7150
HOUSE 13 - 50 28,0 19,0 0,5 39,0 5100 - 7100

Transportation and storage

Coal is transported in bulk in open railway cars, in accordance with GOST 22235 or others vehicles without violating the rules for the transportation of goods that apply to transport of this type.

When transporting coal of classes 0-13, 0-25, 0-50 mm, the manufacturer is obliged to take measures to prevent the formation of coal dust and coal losses during transportation.

The height of the fall of coal during loading and unloading should not exceed two meters.

The coal warehouse should be located in a dry, non-swampy and flood-free place, not far from railway loading tracks or highways.

Specialized areas for storing coal are pre-leveled and cleaned, covering them with a mixture of slag and clay 12-15 cm thick, carefully compacting them.

Set up sites for coal storage facilities above underground communications and structures, PROHIBITED!

Shelf life of coals:

  • brown - 6 months;
  • stone - from 6 to 18 months;
  • anthracite - 24 months.

Safety requirements

Coal is not a toxic product. In the air of the working area, coal is present in the form of an aerosol with fibrogenic action.

In terms of the degree of impact on the human body, coal belongs to the 4th hazard class.

Enacted by order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated November 22, 2013 N 2012-st

Interstate standard GOST 25543-2013


Brown coals, hard coals and anthracites. Classification according to genetic and technological parameters

Instead of GOST 25543-88


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 Developed by the Technical Committee for Standardization of the Russian Federation TK 179 "Solid Mineral Fuel"

2 Introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Russian Federation

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (protocol dated November 5, 2013 N 61-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 22, 2013 N 2012-st, the interstate standard GOST 25543-2013 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2015.

5 Instead of GOST 25543-88

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to unoxidized brown, bituminous coals and anthracites of countries that are part of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and establishes their classification by types, classes, categories, types, subtypes and code numbers, as well as technological grades, groups and subgroups based on the most characteristic common features, reflecting genetic characteristics and basic technological characteristics.

2 Normative references

GOST ISO 562-2012*(1) Coal and coke. Determination of volatile matter yield

GOST ISO 5071-1-2012*(1) Brown coals and lignites. Determination of the yield of volatile substances in an analytical sample. Part 1: Two Oven Method

GOST ISO 7404-3-2012*(2) Methods for petrographic analysis of coals. Part 3. Method for determining maceral composition

GOST ISO 7404-5-2012*(3) Methods for petrographic analysis of coals. Part 5. Method for determining the reflectance of vitrinite using a microscope

GOST 147-2013 (ISO 1928:2009) Solid mineral fuel. Determination of higher calorific value and calculation of lower calorific value

GOST 1186-87 Coals. Method for determining plastometric indicators

GOST 3168-93 (ISO 647:1974) Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determining the yield of semi-coking products

GOST 7303-90 Anthracite. Method for determining the volumetric yield of volatile substances

GOST 8858-93 (ISO 1018:1975) Brown coals, hard coals and anthracite. Methods for determining maximum moisture capacity

GOST 9815-75 Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite and oil shale. Reservoir sampling method

GOST 11223-88 Brown and hard coals. Sampling method by drilling wells

GOST 17070-87 Coals. Terms and Definitions

GOST 20330-91 (ISO 501:1981) Coal. Method for determining the swelling index in a crucible

GOST 27313-95*(4) (ISO 1170:1977) Solid mineral fuel. Designation of quality indicators and formulas for recalculating analysis results for various fuel conditions

GOST 30313-95 Hard and anthracite coals (coals of medium and high ranks). Codification

NOTE When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the referenced standards in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the releases of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms and definitions in accordance with GOST 17070, and designations of indicators and indices for them - in accordance with GOST 27313.

4 Genetic and technological parameters of fossil coal classification

This classification system is based on a set of genetic and technological parameters presented in Table 1. The arrangement of parameters in the table corresponds to the order in which they are mentioned in the text of the standard.

Table 1 - Parameters for classification of fossil coals

Parameter name



Determination method

The average value of an arbitrary vitrinite reflectance index (hereinafter referred to as the average vitrinite reflectance index)

GOST ISO 7404-5

Higher calorific value for wet, ashless state

GOST 147-2013

The release of volatile substances to a dry, ash-free state

GOST ISO 562, GOST ISO 5071-1

Sum of fusainized components per pure coal

Note 1

Maximum moisture capacity for ash-free state

Yield of semi-coking resin to dry, ash-free state

Plastic layer thickness

Free swelling index

Volumetric yield of volatile substances in a dry, ash-free state

Vitrinite reflectance anisotropy index

Note 2


1 There is no interstate standard for the method of determining this parameter. The method for determining the amount of fusainized components is regulated in GOST R 55662.

2 There is no interstate standard for the method of determining this parameter. The method for determining the anisotropy index of vitrinite reflection is regulated in GOST R 55659.

5 Division of fossil coals into types

Fossil coals, depending on the value of the average vitrinite reflectance R o , r , the higher calorific value of the wet ash-free state and the release of volatile substances in the dry ash-free state V daf are divided into types: brown, stone and anthracite in accordance with Table 2.

Table 2 - Division of fossil coals into types

Examples of establishing the type of coal.

Example 1. Coal with indicators R o, r = 0.50% and less than 24 MJ/kg refers to brown coal. If at the same value of R o , r the value is equal to or more than 24 MJ/kg, the coal is classified as hard coal.

Example 2. Coal with indicators Ro, r = 2.3% and V daf less than 8% is anthracite, and with the same value of Ro, r, but with V daf more than 8% - hard coal.

6 Division of fossil coals into classes, categories, types and subtypes

6.1 Brown, hard and anthracite coals, depending on their genetic characteristics, are divided into:

Classes - according to the average vitrinite reflectance R o , r in accordance with Table 3;

Table 3 - Division of brown, hard coals and anthracites into classes

Average vitrinite reflectance R o , r , %

From 0.20 to 0.29 incl.

" 2, 70 " 2, 79 "

" 0, 30 " 0, 39 "

" 2, 80 " 2, 89 "

" 0, 40 " 0, 49 "

" 2, 90 " 2, 99 "

" 0, 50 " 0, 59 "

" 3, 00 " 3, 09 "

" 0, 60 " 0, 69 "

" 3, 10 " 3, 19 "

" 0, 70 " 0, 79 "

" 3, 20 " 3, 29 "

" 0, 80 " 0, 89 "

" 3, 30 " 3, 39 "

" 0, 90 " 0, 99 "

" 3, 40 " 3, 49 "

" 1, 00 " 1, 09 "

" 3, 50 " 3, 59 "

" 1, 10 " 1, 19 "

" 3, 60 " 3, 69 "

" 1, 20 " 1, 29 "

" 3, 70 " 3, 79 "

" 1, 30 " 1, 39 "

" 3, 80 " 3, 89 "

" 1, 40 " 1, 49 "

" 3, 90 " 3, 99 "

" 1, 50 " 1, 59 "

" 4, 00 " 4, 09 "

" 1, 60 " 1, 69 "

" 4, 10 " 4, 19 "

" 1, 70 " 1, 79 "

" 4, 20 " 4, 29 "

" 1, 80 " 1, 89 "

" 4, 30 " 4, 39 "

" 1, 90 " 1, 99 "

" 4, 40 " 4, 49 "

" 2, 00 " 2, 09 "

" 4, 50 " 4, 59 "

" 2, 10 " 2, 19 "

" 4, 60 " 4, 69 "

" 2, 20 " 2, 29 "

" 4, 70 " 4, 79 "

" 2, 30 " 2, 39 "

" 4, 80 " 4, 89 "

" 2, 40 " 2, 49 "

" 4, 90 " 4, 99 "

" 2, 50 " 2, 59 "

"5.00 or more

" 2, 60 " 2, 69 "

Table 4 - Division of brown, hard coals and anthracites into categories

6.2 Fossil coals, depending on technological features, are divided into:

1) brown coals - according to maximum moisture capacity in the ash-free state in accordance with Table 5;

2) hard coals - according to the yield of volatile substances to a dry, ash-free state V daf in accordance with Table 6;

3) anthracites - according to the volumetric yield of volatile substances in a dry, ash-free state in accordance with Table 7;


1) brown coals - according to the yield of semi-coking tar to a dry, ash-free state in accordance with Table 8;

2) coals - according to the thickness of the plastic layer y and the free swelling index SI in accordance with Table 9;

3) anthracites - according to the anisotropy of vitrinite reflection A R in accordance with Table 10.

Table 5 - Division of brown coals into types

Table 6 - Division of hard coals into types

Yield of volatile substances Vdaf,%

48 or more

Table 7 - Division of anthracite into types

Table 8 - Division of brown coals into subtypes

Table 9 - Division of hard coals into subtypes

Plastic layer thickness y, mm

Free swelling index SI

* For values ​​above 26 mm, the subtype number corresponds to the absolute value of the plastic layer thickness in millimeters.

Table 10 - Division of anthracite into subtypes

7 Fossil coal code numbers

The classification adopted a code system. Based on the values ​​of the classification parameters, individual brown, hard coals and anthracites are designated by a seven-digit code number, in which:

The first two digits that make up a two-digit number indicate the class and characterize the minimum value of the vitrinite reflectance index for a given class, multiplied by 10, in accordance with Table 3;

The third digit, which constitutes a single-digit number, indicates the category and characterizes the minimum value of the sum of fusainized components for this category, divided by 10, in accordance with Table 4;

The fourth and fifth digits that make up a two-digit number indicate the type and characterize:

1) for brown coals - the minimum value of the maximum moisture capacity in the ash-free state for a given type in accordance with Table 5;

2) for hard coals- the minimum value of the yield of volatile substances to a dry, ash-free state for a given type in accordance with Table 6;

3) for anthracites - the minimum value of the volumetric yield of volatile substances on a dry, ash-free state for a given type, divided by 10, in accordance with Table 7;

The sixth and seventh digits that make up a two-digit number indicate the subtype and characterize:

1) for brown coals - the minimum value of the yield of semi-coking tar to a dry, ash-free state for a given subtype in accordance with Table 8;

2) for hard coals - the absolute value of the thickness of the plastic layer in accordance with Table 9;

3) for anthracites - the minimum value of vitrinite reflection anisotropy for a given subtype in accordance with Table 10.

When using the free swelling index as an additional classification parameter, coals are designated by an eight-digit code number, in which the eighth digit, which is a single-digit number and separated from the main seven-digit number by a hyphen, characterizes the minimum value of the free swelling index for a given range of its values, given at intervals of 1 /2, according to GOST 30313 (Appendix A, example 4).

8 Grades, technological groups and subgroups of fossil coals

8.1 Brown, bituminous coals and anthracites, depending on their technological properties and genetic characteristics, are combined into grades, technological groups and subgroups in accordance with Table 11.

Table 11 shows full list classes, categories, types and subtypes included in each brand, group or subgroup. This allows you to unambiguously determine the grade, group or subgroup for almost any coal.

8.2 For each brand, group and subgroup, a list of class numbers, categories, types and subtypes is established. This construction provides information about the boundary values ​​of all parameters for brands, groups and subgroups and, at the same time, allows you to adjust the boundaries of brands, groups and subgroups according to one of the parameters without affecting the rest.

Classification Table 11 covers the code numbers of all coals found to date and provides the identification of codes for newly discovered coals.

8.3 Grade, group, subgroup are established for each coal seam. Formation samples are taken according to GOST 9815 or GOST 11223 in each bottom of the non-oxidized zone of the formation. In each sample, the indicators indicated in tables 3 - 10 are determined, and based on the results of the analysis, a code number is established. Brand, group, subgroup are established according to Table 11.

Table 11 - Grades, groups and subgroups of brown, hard coals and anthracites









First brown

Second brown

Second brown vitrinite

Second brown fusinite

Third brown

Third brown vitrinite

Third brown fusinite


Long flame vitrinite

Long flame fusinite

Long flame gas

Long flame gas vitrinite

Long flame gas fusinite

First gas

The first gas vitrinite

The first gas fusinite

Second gas

Gas fat skinny

First gas fat skinny

The first gas fat lean vitrinite

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

First gas fat lean fusinite

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Second gas fat skinny

Second gas fat lean vitrinite

Second gas fat lean fusinite

Gas fat

First gas fat

Second gas fat

17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

First fat

Second bold

Coke fat

Type 24 at V daf 25% or more


First coke

The first coke vitrinite

13, 14, 15, 16, 17

*Type 24 with V daf less than 25%

The first coke fusinite

13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Second coke

Second coke vitrinite

*At Sl 7 and above

Second coke fusinite

Coke lean

First coke lean

The first coke-leaned vitrinite

The first coke-leaned fusinite

Second coke lean

Second coke lean vitrinite

Second coke lean fusinite

Low-caking, low-metamorphosed coke

Coke low-caking low-metamorphosed vitrinite

Coke low-caking low-metamorphosed fusinite

Coke low-caking

The first low-caking coke

The first coke low-caking vitrinite

The first coke low-caking fusinite

Second coke low-caking

Second coke low-caking vitrinite

Second coke low-caking fusinite

Lean caking

First lean sintering

The first lean sintered vitrinite

Classes 14 and above with Sl less than 7

The first lean sintered fusinite

13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Second lean sintering

Second lean sintered vitrinite

Second lean sintering fusinite

Skinny Caking

Skinny sintering vitrinite

14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Skinny sintering fusinite


First low-caking

20, 22, 24, 26, 28

Second low-caking

08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13

Third low-caking

16, 18, 20, 22, 24

The first one is skinny

The first skinny vitrinite

15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

The first skinny fusinite

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Second skinny

Second skinny vitrinite

Second skinny fusinite

15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25


First anthracite

The first anthracite vitrinite

Classes 22 - 25 with V daf less than 8%

First anthracite fusinite

22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

Second anthracite

Second anthracite vitrinite

Subtype for contact metamorphism coals 20 and higher

Second anthracite fusinite

36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44

Third anthracite

Third anthracite vitrinite

Third anthracite fusinite

In cases where coals of the same seam on separate horizons, wings of a deposit, sections of a mine or open-pit mine belong to different grades, groups and subgroups, a code number, grade, group and subgroup are established for each horizon, wing, mine field (section).

8.4 When identifying coals that have a combination of class number, category, type and subtype not presented in Table 11, assignment to the brand, group and subgroup is made in accordance only with their class and subtype.

Examples of marking and coding are given in Appendix A.

8.5 When receiving a mixture of coals of various grades in the process of mining and delivery, the grade, group, subgroup and code of the mixture are established by calculating the average values ​​of classification parameters based on the planned participation of mine workers. To establish the grade of coal from the mines, the indicators provided for in tables 3 - 10 are determined for each seam, section, horizon. Based on the data obtained, taking into account the planned participation of each seam, section, horizon in production, the weighted average values ​​of the indicators are calculated and the grade is determined from table 11, group, subgroup of mine coal.

Mixing coal of different grades during enrichment and sorting is allowed for coking only by agreement with the consumer. In this case, the share of grades in the mixture is indicated by the planned participation of grades in the original coal. In addition, the agreement specifies the permissible deviations of brands in the mixture in individual batches and in general for a month or quarter.

8.6 The grade, group, subgroup and code number of enrichment products are established based on raw coal supplied for processing.

During the joint enrichment and sorting of coals of different grades for processed products, the planned participation of coals of each grade in the initial charge is indicated.

For enrichment and sorting products intended for energy purposes, the grade is also established based on the weighted average indicators of raw coal planned for processing.

9 Areas of use of fossil coals by grade, technological groups and subgroups

Possible areas for the use of fossil coals of various grades, groups and subgroups in accordance with their technological properties are presented in Table 12.

Table 12 - Directions for the use of fossil coals

Direction of use


1 Technological

1.1 Layer coking










1SS, 2SS, 3SS

1.2 Special preparation and coking processes

All grades, groups, subgroups of coal used for layer coking, as well as

1.3 Production of generator gas in stationary generators:

mixed gas




1SS, 2SS, 3SS

water gas

1.4 Production of synthetic liquid fuels

1.5 Semi-coking

1.6 Production of carbon filler (thermoanthracite) for electrode products and foundry coke

1.7 Calcium carbide production

1.8 Production of electrocorundum

2 Energy

2.1 Pulverized combustion in stationary boiler systems

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites, as well as all grades, groups, subgroups of hard coals not used for coking

2.2 Bed combustion in stationary boiler plants and fluidized beds

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites, as well as all grades, groups, subgroups of hard coals not used for coking.

For torch-layer furnaces, grade A coals of all groups and subgroups are not used

2.3 Combustion in reverberatory furnaces

2.4 Incineration in ship furnaces

1SS, 2SS, 3SS


2.5 Combustion in the furnaces of power trains

2.6 Combustion in locomotive furnaces

2.7 Utility fuel

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites, as well as hard coals of all grades, groups, subgroups not used for coking

2.8 Fuel for domestic use

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites, as well as hard coals of all grades, groups, subgroups not used for coking

3 Production building materials

3.1 Lime production

1CC, 2CC, 3CC

and not used for coking:

3.2 Cement production

All grades, groups, subgroups of brown coals and anthracites

1SS, 2SS, 3SS

and not used for coking:





3.3 Brick production

Coals of all grades, groups, subgroups not used for coking

4.1 Production of carbon adsorbents

4.2 Active carbon production

4.3 Ore agglomeration


*(1) GOST R 55660-2013 Solid mineral fuel is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Determination of volatile matter yield

*(2) GOST R 55662-2013 (ISO 7404-3:2009) Methods for petrographic analysis of coals is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Part 3. Method for determining maceral composition

*(3) GOST R 55659-2013 (ISO 7404-5:2009) Methods for petrographic analysis of coals is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Part 5. Method for determining the reflectance of vitrinite using a microscope

*(4) GOST R 54245-2010 (ISO 1170:2008) Solid mineral fuel is also in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Recalculation of analysis results for different fuel conditions.

Appendix A

Examples of coding and marking of fossil coals

Example 1. 1113218 - class 11 coal (vitrinite reflectance R o , r = 1.10 - 1.19% in accordance with table 3), category 1 (content of fusainized components ∑OK = 10 - 19% in accordance with table 4 ), type 32 (volatile matter yield V daf from 32% to 34% in accordance with Table 6), subtype 18 (plastic layer thickness y = 18 mm in accordance with Table 9). Brand Zh (bold), group 2Zh (second bold) in accordance with table 11.

Example 2. Coal mine named after. Lenin formation XVII of the Kuznetsk basin is characterized by the following indicators:

Vitrinite reflectance R o , r = 1.48%;

The yield of volatile substances V daf = 18.3%;

The thickness of the plastic layer is y = 10 mm.

This coal, in accordance with tables 3, 4, 6 and 9 of this standard, belongs to class 14, category 4, type 18, subtype 10. Code number 1441810. In accordance with table 11, this coal belongs to the OS grade (lean sintering), group 1OS (first lean sintering), subgroup 1OSF (first lean sintering fusinite).

Example 3. Coal from the Far Mountains mine of the Podsporny seam of the Kuznetsk basin is characterized by the following indicators:

Vitrinite reflectance index R o, r = 0.90%;

Volatile matter yield V daf = 28%;

The thickness of the plastic layer is y = 13 mm.

This coal, in accordance with tables 3, 4, 6 and 9 of this standard, belongs to class 09, category 4, type 28, subtype 13. Code number 0942813.

Table 11 does not include this combination of class, category, type and subtype. In accordance with subsection 8.4 of this standard, this coal belongs to the GZhO grade (gas fatty lean), group 2GZhO (second gas fatty lean), subgroup 2GZhOF (second gas fatty lean fusinite).

Example 4. Coal from the Neryungri deposit of the South Yakut basin is characterized by the following indicators:

Vitrinite reflectance R o, r = 1.58%;

Yield of volatile substances V daf = 20.1%;

Plastic layer thickness y = 12 mm;

Free swelling index SI = 8 1/2.

This coal, in accordance with tables 3, 4, 6 and 9 of this standard, belongs to class 15, category 1, type 20, subtype 12. The SI code in accordance with GOST 30313 is 8. Code number 1512012-8. In accordance with Table 11, taking into account the note to the 2KV subgroup, this coal belongs to grade K (coke), group 2K (second coke), subgroup 2KV (second coke vitrinite).

GOST R 51591-2000



General technical requirements




1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 179 “Solid Mineral Fuel” (Integrated Research and Design Institute for the Enrichment of Fossil Fuels - IOTT)

2 ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated April 21, 2000 No. 116-st


GOST R 51591-2000



Are commontechnicalrequirements

Brown coals, hard coals and anthracites. General technical requirements

dateintroduction 2001-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to a group of homogeneous products - brown, hard coals and anthracite, as well as products of their enrichment and sorting (hereinafter referred to as coal products) and establishes quality indicators that characterize the safety of products and are subject to mandatory inclusion in the documentation on which the products are manufactured.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 8606-93 (ISO 334-92) Solid mineral fuel. Determination of total sulfur. Eschk method

GOST 9326-90 (ISO 587 -91) Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determining chlorine

GOST 10478-93 (ISO 601-81, ISO 2590-73) Solid fuel. Arsenic determination methods

GOST 11022-95 (ISO 1171 -81) Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determining ash content

GOST 25543-88 Brown, hard and anthracite coals. Classification by genetic and technological parameters

3 Technical requirements

3.1 Classification of coals by genetic and technological parameters - by GOST 25543.

3.2 Coal products are divided into enriched sorted and unsorted coal (hereinafter referred to as enriched coal), unenriched sorted coal, raw coal, intermediate product (industrial product), screenings and sludge.

3.3 Quality indicators characterizing the safety of coal products are given in the table . Standards for these indicators are established in documents for specific products of individual enterprises, but they should not exceed the values ​​​​provided by this standard.

Table 1

Indicator name

Standard for products

Test method

Cleaned coal

Unenriched sorted coal

Raw coal, middlings, screenings, sludge

1 Ash content A d ,%, no more:

GOST 11022





Brown coal




2 Mass fraction of total sulfur S d t, %, no more



GOST R 51591-2000



General technical requirements




1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 179 “Solid Mineral Fuel” (Integrated Research and Design Institute for the Enrichment of Fossil Fuels - IOTT) 2 ACCEPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated April 21, 2000 No. 116-st 3 INTRODUCED FIRST

GOST R 51591-2000



Are commontechnicalrequirements

Brown coals, hard coals and anthracites. General technical requirements

dateintroduction 2001-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to a group of homogeneous products - brown, hard coals and anthracite, as well as products of their enrichment and sorting (hereinafter referred to as coal products) and establishes quality indicators that characterize the safety of products and are subject to mandatory inclusion in the documentation on which the products are manufactured.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST 8606-93 (ISO 334-92) Solid mineral fuel. Determination of total sulfur. Eschk method GOST 9326-90 (ISO 587-91) Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determining chlorine GOST 10478-93 (ISO 601-81, ISO 2590-73) Solid fuel. Methods for determining arsenic GOST 11022-95 (ISO 1171-81) Solid mineral fuel. Methods for determining ash content GOST 25543-88 Brown, hard and anthracite coals. Classification by genetic and technological parameters

3 Technical requirements

3.1 Classification of coals according to genetic and technological parameters - according to GOST 25543. 3.2 Coal products are divided into sorted and unsorted enriched coal (hereinafter referred to as enriched coal), unenriched sorted coal, raw coal, intermediate product (middling product), screenings and sludge. 3.3 Quality indicators characterizing the safety of coal products are given in Table 1. Standards for these indicators are established in documents for specific products of individual enterprises, but they should not exceed the values ​​​​provided by this standard. Table 1

Indicator name

Standard for products

Test method

Cleaned coal

Unenriched sorted coal

Raw coal, middlings, screenings, sludge

1 Ash content A d ,%, no more: GOST 11022
- coal
- brown coal
2 Mass fraction of total sulfur S d t , %, no more GOST 8606
3 Mass fraction of chlorine Cl d%, no more GOST 9326
4 Mass fraction of arsenic Asd, no more GOST 10478
3.4 The test methods indicated in Table 1 are arbitration and are subject to inclusion in the documentation regulating the quality of coal products. It is allowed to use other test methods that are not inferior in accuracy to those specified in Table 1. Keywords: brown coal, hard coal, anthracite, ash content, total sulfur, arsenic, chlorine

Using technical analysis, the ash content, moisture content, sulfur and phosphorus, the yield of volatile substances per combustible mass, the heat of combustion and the characteristics of the non-volatile solid residue are determined in coals and oil shale. All analyzes are carried out using analytical samples of coal and oil shale, and the moisture content in the working fuel is based on laboratory samples.

Recalculation of the elemental composition, yield of volatile substances and calorific value for coals (except for shale) when switching to another mass is carried out according to the ratios, according to the formulas. When recalculating the elemental composition and calorific value of oil shale, ash content A must be replaced by A+C02 for the corresponding mass of oil shale.


When analyzing coals, they distinguish the following types moisture:

  • laboratory – Wl, determined from laboratory samples for technical analyses;
  • analytical – Wa, determined from analytical samples for elementary analysis;
  • air-dry - Wabs, determined from analytical samples in the air-dry state of the sample under the actual air condition in the laboratory in terms of relative humidity and temperature;
  • hygroscopic (internal) – Wg, close to Wa, but determined from analytical samples brought to an air-dry equilibrium state at* constant relative humidity (60±2%) and air temperature (20±5 °C);
  • working moisture – Wp determined from a laboratory sample, taking into account the loss of moisture when sending the sample to the laboratory.

The working fuel moisture is divided into internal moisture, equal to hygroscopic (Wg), and external moisture (Wext), defined as the difference Wext = Wp-Wg,%. Internal hygroscopic moisture (Whi) depends on the relative humidity and temperature of the surrounding air and the adsorption capacity of coal. Humidity and ash content, which make up the fuel ballast Br = Wp + Ar, especially external moisture, deteriorate the quality of coal, reduce flowability, complicate classification and transportation and cause freezing of coal in winter.

Coals with high moisture content are unsuitable for long-term storage, since moisture promotes self-heating and spontaneous combustion. In connection with these technical conditions and standards for coal by type of consumption, maximum (rejection) norms for moisture content have been established for individual brands and varieties of coal.

Lean coals, semi-anthracite and anthracite are less wet, brown coals are more wet. The moisture content in coals and oil shale is determined according to GOST 11014-2001. The essence of the method for determining moisture content is to dry a sample of fuel in a drying oven at a temperature of 105-110 ° C to constant weight and to calculate the weight loss of the sample taken as a percentage. Determination of moisture content by the accelerated method is carried out according to GOST 11014-2001. The essence of the accelerated method for determining moisture content is to dry a sample of fuel in a drying oven at a temperature that rises within 5 minutes from 130 to 150 °C for an analytical sample and within 20 minutes for a laboratory sample, and to calculate the mass loss of the sample of fuel as a percentage . Discrepancies between the results of two parallel determinations of moisture content according to the specified GOST should not exceed acceptable values.


Coals always contain non-combustible mineral impurities, which include calcium carbonates CaCO3, magnesium MgC03, gypsum CaS04-2H20, pyrite FeS2, and rare elements. When burning coal, the unburnt part of the mineral impurities forms ash, which, depending on its composition, can be refractory or fusible, free-flowing or fused. Mineral impurities worsen the quality of coal, reduce the heat of combustion, burden transport with excess ballast, increase coal consumption per unit of output, complicate the conditions of use and deteriorate the quality of coke.

Mineral impurities are not always ballast; sometimes they contain rare elements in quantities that allow them industrial use. In addition, the slag can be used to produce cement and other building materials.

The ash content of coals is determined according to GOST 11022-95. The essence of the method is ashing a sample of fuel in a muffle and calcining the ash residue to a constant weight at a temperature of 800-825 ° C for coal and 850-875 ° C for oil shale and determining the mass of the ash residue as a percentage of the mass of the fuel sample. The ash content obtained as a result of analysis of the analytical sample is recalculated to the ash content in absolutely dry Ac fuel.

The ash content of working fuel Ap in percent is calculated using the formula:

Ar =Ac(100-Wр)/100

Determination of ash content by the accelerated method is carried out according to GOST 11022-95. Its essence lies in ashing a sample of coal in a muffle heated to a temperature of 850-875±25°C, and determining the mass of the ash residue as a percentage of the weight of the sample.

Discrepancies between the results of determining the ash content of drugs based on duplicates of one laboratory sample in different laboratories according to the specified GOSTs should not exceed:

for fuel with ash content:

  • up to 12%... 0.3%
  • from 12 to 25%... 0.5%
  • over 25%... 0.7%
  • over 40%... 1.0%

Technical conditions and GOSTs establish average and maximum (rejection) ash content standards for various grades and classes of coal for individual mines, open pits and processing plants.


The total sulfur contained in coals consists of pyrite Sc, sulfate Sc, and organic sulfur So. Pyrite sulfur occurs in coals in the form of individual grains and large pieces of the minerals pyrite and marcasite. When coal weathers in mines, open pits and on the surface, pyrite oxidizes and forms sulfates. Sulfate sulfur is contained in coals, mainly in the form of iron sulfates FeS04 and calcium sulfates CaS04. The sulfate sulfur content in coals usually does not exceed 0.1-0.2%. When burned, sulfate sulfur turns into ash, and when coking coals, it turns into coke. Organic sulfur is part of the organic mass of coal. The content of total sulfur and its varieties in fuel is determined according to GOST 8606-93.

Sulfur is contained in all types of solid fuels, and the total sulfur content in coals ranges mainly from 0.2 to 10%.

Sulfur is an undesirable and even harmful part of fuel. When coal is burned, it is released in the form of SO2, polluting and poisoning environment and corroding metal surfaces, reduces the heat of combustion of fuels, and during coking it passes, deteriorating its properties and the quality of the metal. The choice of ways to use coals often depends on their total sulfur content. That is why total sulfur is the most important indicator of coal quality.

The content of total sulfur is determined by burning a sample of fuel with a mixture of magnesium oxide and sodium carbonate (Eschka mixture), dissolving the resulting sulfates, precipitating the sulfate ion in the form of barium sulfate, determining the mass of the latter and converting it to the mass of sulfur. The content of sulfate sulfur is determined by dissolving the sulfates contained in the fuel in distilled water, precipitating the sulfate ion in the form of barium sulfate, determining the mass of the latter and converting it to the mass of sulfur. The content of pyrite sulfur is determined by treating a fuel sample with dilute nitric acid and dissolving in it sulfates formed during the oxidation of pyrite with nitric acid, followed by precipitation of the sulfate ion in the form of barium sulfate, determining the mass of the latter and converting it to the mass of sulfur. The content of pyrite sulfur is determined by the difference between the sulfur content extracted from fuel by nitric acid and water.

The discrepancies between the results of two parallel determinations of sulfur content in one laboratory should not exceed: for coal with a sulfur content of up to 2% - 0.05%, over 2% - 0.1%. Discrepancies between the results of determining sulfur content from duplicates of one laboratory sample in different laboratories should not exceed: for coal with a sulfur content of up to 2% - 0.1%, over 2% - 0.2%. The sulfur content is determined by the accelerated method according to GOST 2059-54.

The essence of this method is to burn a small amount of coal in a stream of oxygen or air at a temperature of 1150±50 °C, trap the resulting sulfur compounds with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and determine the volume of sulfuric acid obtained in the solution by titrating it with a solution of potassium hydroxide. The discrepancies between the results of two parallel determinations of the sulfur content of one sample for one laboratory should not exceed 0.1%, for different laboratories - 0.2%.


It is contained in coal in small quantities - 0.003-0.05% and is a harmful impurity, since during coking it turns into coke, and from coke into metal, giving it brittleness. In Donetsk coals, the phosphorus content ranges from 0.003-0.04%, in Kuznetsk and Karaganda coals – 0.01-0.05%. Phosphorus is determined by volumetric or photocolorimetric method according to GOST 1932-93.

The volumetric method consists of the oxidation of phosphorus contained in a coal sample into orthophosphoric acid, followed by the precipitation of phosphorus in the form of ammonium phosphomolybdate, dissolving the latter in an excess of a titrated solution of caustic alkali, back-titrating the resulting solution with sulfuric acid and calculating the percentage of phosphorus based on the amount of alkali solution , used to dissolve the sediment. The photocolorimetric method consists of burning a sample of coal with a mixture of magnesium oxide and sodium carbonate (Eschk mixture), dissolving the sintered mass in acid, removing silicic acid from the solution and photocolorimetric determination of phosphorus in the filtrate.

The discrepancies between the results of two parallel determinations of phosphorus content should not exceed:

  • up to 0.01%... 0.001%
  • up to 0.05%... 0.003%
  • up to 0.1%... 0.005%
  • more than 0.1%... 0.01%

Calculation of phosphorus content is carried out on an absolutely dry mass of coal.


When coals are heated without air access, solid and gaseous products are formed. The yield of volatile substances is one of the main indicators for classifying coal by grade and depends on the degree of metamorphism of coal. With the transition to more metamorphosed coals, the yield of volatile substances decreases. Thus, the yield of volatile substances per combustible mass Vg for brown coal ranges from 28 to 67%, for hard coal – from 8 to 55% and for anthracite – from 2 to 9%. The yield of volatile substances for hard and brown coals is determined according to GOST 6382-65 by weight method, and for anthracite and semi-anthracite of the Donetsk basin - according to GOST 7303-2001 by weight method, and for anthracite and semi-anthracite of the Donetsk basin - according to GOST 7303-90 by volumetric method method.

The essence of the weight method is to heat a sample of coal in a lidded porcelain crucible at a temperature of 850±25°C for 7 minutes and determine the loss in mass of the sample. The yield of volatile substances is calculated by the difference between the total loss in mass and the loss that occurred due to the evaporation of moisture and the removal of carbon dioxide when the latter content in the sample is more than 2%. The discrepancies between the results of determining the yield of volatile substances Vg should not exceed 0.5% for coals with Vg less than 45% and 1.0% for coals with Vg>45%.

The essence of the volumetric method is to heat a sample of anthracite and semi-anthracite at a temperature of 900±10°C for 15 minutes and determine the volume of gas released in cm 3 /g. The discrepancies between the results of two parallel determinations of the volumetric yield of volatile substances in cm 3 /g for one sample should not exceed 7% of the smaller of them.

Based on the values ​​of the yield of volatile substances and the characteristics of the non-volatile residue, it is possible to roughly estimate the caking ability of coals, as well as predict the behavior of the fuel in technological processes processing and offer rational methods of combustion.


Heat of combustion (Q, kcal/kg) is one of the main indicators of coal quality. Standards and technical specifications the average value of the heat of combustion of fuel per combustible mass per bomb is provided for Q g b for coal, and for shale for absolutely dry fuel - Q c b. The heat of combustion is determined according to GOST 147-95.

The essence of the method is to burn a sample of fuel in a calorimetric bomb in compressed oxygen and determine the amount of heat released during its combustion. The heat of combustion per combustible mass Q g b, determined from the bomb, contains, in addition to the heat obtained from the combustion of the combustible part of coal, the heat released during the formation and dissolution of nitric acid in water, and the latent heat of vaporization during the combustion of hydrogen, which is transferred to the water of the calorimeter. The lower calorific value Q g n is obtained as the difference between Q g b and the heat obtained in the bomb due to acid formation and condensation of water vapor, which cannot be used in practical conditions of coal combustion.

The lower calorific value Q g n is obtained as the difference between Q g b and the heat obtained in the bomb due to acid formation and condensation of water vapor, which cannot be used in practical conditions of coal combustion:

Q g n = Q g b – 22.5 (S r o + S r k) – aQ g b – 54Н g,
where 22.5 is the heat released during the formation of sulfuric acid in water from 1% sulfur, which turned into sulfurous acid when burning coal in a bomb, kcal; S r o + S r k – the amount of combustible sulfur that converted into sulfurous acid when burning coal in a bomb (in percent), divided by the combustible mass of the coal sample.

The lowest calorific value of coal per working mass Qрн, released during the combustion of fuel in industrial furnaces, is lower than Qгн, since the working fuel contains ballast Bр = Wр + Aр and, in addition, heat is required to evaporate moisture 6W p;

Q рн for coals can be calculated using the formula:

Q r n = Q g n 100 – W p – A p 100 – 6 W p , kcal/kg,

where Q рн – lower heat of combustion per working mass, kcal/kg; Q g n – lower calorific value of the combustible mass, kcal/kg.

For oil shale Q рн – is calculated by the formula

Q r n = Q g n 100 – W p – W p correct – CO p 2K 100 – 6W p – 9.7CO p 2K,

where 9.7CO p 2K is heat absorption during the decomposition of carbonates contained in shale, kcal/kg.


Due to the fact that the calorific value of coal from individual deposits, grades and grades and other types of fuel is different, for the convenience of planning fuel requirements, determining specific standards and actual fuel consumption, as well as for the possibility of comparing them, the concept of “conventional fuel” has been introduced. The conventional fuel is the one whose lower calorific value per working mass Q рн is 7000 kcal/kg. To convert natural fuel into conditional fuel and conditional fuel into natural fuel, a caloric equivalent is used, the value of which depends on Q pH.


Caloric equivalent E k is the ratio of the lower calorific value of working fuel to the calorific value of standard fuel, i.e.

E k = Q r n 7000.

The conversion of natural fuel Vn into conditional Vy is made by multiplying the amount of natural fuel by the caloric equivalent: V y = Vn * E k.

The conversion of standard fuel into natural fuel is carried out by dividing the amount of standard fuel by the caloric equivalent: V y = V n / E k.


Technical equivalent is used to compare different coals and other types of fuel in terms of their thermal value and determine equivalent quantities when replacing one type of fuel with another. Technical equivalent Et is the ratio of the useful amount of heat of a given fuel to the calorific value of the equivalent fuel. The usefully used heat per unit mass of fuel is expressed by the product of the lower calorific value of the working fuel Q рн and the efficiency of the installation. Thus, the technical equivalent, in contrast to the caloric equivalent, takes into account not only the calorific value of a given fuel, but also the degree of possible thermal technical use, determined by the formula:

E t = Q r n Y k 7000,

where Y k is the efficiency of a given boiler installation in fractions of unity; 7000 – heat of combustion of standard fuel, kcal/kg.

The technical equivalent for the same fuel is always less than the caloric equivalent. The technical equivalent is practically used in determining specific standards and actual fuel consumption.

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